Mother Angelica Live Classics - Dreams of St. John Bosco

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on whether christ was god one man stood against the darkness willing to suffer exile even martyrdom for the truth of the divine incarnation of god's only son athanasius saw christ as incarnate wisdom wisdom clothed in flesh jesus is truly god and truly man and that was the one truth that resounded through athanasius's life who was this extraordinary man who helped save the church in a moment of crisis and doubt saint athanasius of alexandria doctor of the incarnation episode 1 of an exclusive new series on the doctors of the church on ewtn mother angelica live brought to you from the eternal word television studios in [Music] birmingham [Music] um see in you the love the compassion of jesus glorious work of all to praise god in his kingdom moved by the spirit one who lives in love lives in god and god lives in heaven what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built on trust the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus [Applause] we're all called to be great saints don't miss the opportunity [Applause] yeah hi everybody well i got two cough straps here all perfectly in half i'll just take what i want you know why we're laughing how could i you don't know why we're laughing huh well i came up here i don't have water so i said to the guy the guard i don't have any water these were flying i don't know where he landed anyway we do have this little gadget you know i read a book it was sent to me i thought it was a gift turned out to be a mistake they sent it to the wrong place but anyway i started to read it oh thank you i already told about you you might as well come up with it thank you i have a plate i have a thing with ice and that's going to stick me right in the nose you know you can't even have a glass of water without without turmoil or something my hands all wet anyway it's fun anyway i read this book it's called 40 dreams of dane john vasco well he called them dreams but they were visions thank you oh boy how'd you do that um they were visions really and i want to read it to you i just want to you know i'm always kind of hard on you you know i'm always threatening you with hellfire and i make you want to go to confession and i tell you how terrible you are and how many sins there are you're not doing a good job and this tonight i thought i'd be nice to a point i've got to be nice tonight and i am going to read you a vision of don bosco that bioscope is a saint all of this is approved so you don't have to wonder worry or get frustrated now this is don bosco right here and he founded the sedation order it says on the night of december 6 the following happened it seemed to me i was standing on a hill looking down on an immense plane that stretched away into the invisible distance can you imagine that you got that in your mind no that's a pretty big place it was as blue as the sea and perfect calm so you can see this blue expanse and it went as far as he could see but i wasn't looking at water it was crystal unblemished and sparkling i didn't like that all you people gone to hell you better change your bite i told you it wouldn't be totally good long and brown broad avenues divided the plane into large gardens of indescribable beauty can you imagine that big gardens in which were lawns groves of ornamental trees flowering shrubs flower beds everything you see in an awesome garden i saw a garden of a past king i forget who he was everything was manicured i mean the the shrubs looked like animals and oh that was awesome well there were trees now listen to this there were trees whose leaves seemed to be of gold and branches and trunks of these trees precious stones can you imagine that see what you're gonna miss if you don't stop monkeys around scattered here and there in the gardens were buildings whose appearance and magnificence was something to behold hmm i could not estimate what immense sums of money even one of those would have cost the bill see he thought he was on earth that was the whole problem and i stood there wrapped in wonder the sound of sweet entrancing music filled the air all possible instruments seem to be combining in harmony then i saw a great throng of people in the gardens some were walking some were sitting all are radiantly happy some were playing instruments but it was obvious they all derived equal pleasure hearing the others now you don't get that on earth i have one sister practicing on a trumpet i know i always thought if you had a trumpet and you blew something would come out and it does but it's not recognizable she blows hard and so when i pass that particular room i go oh she'll learn she'll learn but see i don't see this in the horizon yet now they were singing in latin they like that they were singing honor and glory to god the almighty father creator of the ages who was who is and who will come to judge the living and the dead then suddenly i saw an army of boys many of them i knew many i didn't know this endless line began moving towards me and the head of it was dominic savio now dominic savio was one of the boys that that don bosco took care of and he died a very sandy life well i did not know whether i was awake or dreaming i clapped my hands together and felt my arms and chest to see if it was real to see if i was real then an intense brilliant light showing around all the boys were radiant with happiness what did you what did you like to walk down a sidewalk or drive your car and wait for a red light and have the guy next to you say hi instead of going why don't you move the light turned you wouldn't have any of that can you imagine this place where everybody there enjoys one another listen this light's shown in all the boys eyes and their faces had inevitable peace and contentment wow they smiled at me they looked as if they were going to say something but they didn't now dominic walked forward on his own until he stood close to me and he he looks at me and oh he had on a white tunic which reached to his feet interwoven with golden threads and sparkling jewels around his waist had a broad red sash that had precious stones of every color around his neck there was a necklace of wildflowers and they were filled with precious stones the others were dressed in various degrees of splendor splendor i thought to myself what does this mean and where am i then dominic spoke and dominic said to don bosco why are you standing there as if you were dumb i thought that was great that's the kind of way i would have talked to him see that's why i like that are you not the one i knew who was always so fearless able to sustain persecutions colonies and dangers of every kind have you lost your courage you even get it there i replied are you really dominics have you don't you recognize me dominic said well how is it you're here i have come to talk to you he said we spoke together when i was alive you're always so kind and generous to me ask me anything you wish boy i'm glad i wasn't there that would be very dangerous so dominic said where am i or don bosco he said you're in a place of happiness we're all that is beautiful can be enjoyed is this heaven he said no you know what i thought there's nothing here that says it i'm wondering if that was limbo i just got to wonder because here here's what he says he says no whatever is here is of the earth although improved beyond conception by the power of god wow didn't that sound like limbo no living person can eve ever see or imagine the wonders of eternity they can't even imagine this vision is what this is and he said would it be possible to have natural light more brilliant than this and dominic savior said oh yes yes yes he said now look in the distance oh don poor don bosco's looking and way in the distance she sees the most beautiful lights way up i looked and a ray of life suddenly appeared so penetrating and of such brilliance then i had to close my eyes and i cried out in the alarm so loudly i woke the priest up next door i opened my eyes after a moment and said but surely that's divine light and dominic said no even that does not give you any idea of divine life in heaven we enjoy god and that's everything he said i want to impress upon you because this was so visual what we could forfeit by living a bad life and this isn't even heaven this is i don't know what it is it's an anti-chamber maybe it is who knows we never did know where where it was i had by now be covered my amazement and i said why are you wearing this dazzling white tunic and dominic didn't answer but the choir answered in latin they had their loins girt and have washed their tunics in the blood of the lamb then i realized the red sash was a symbol of their great efforts and sacrifices to be holy and pure my eyes were drawn to these ranks of boys behind dominic and i said jim who are these boys and why are they so radiant and dominic said these are like they didn't say they were but like the ages of heaven and he said why are you take precedence since you're not the oldest and dominic savior said i am god's ambassador now you get the impression it reminds me of something that's kind of funny this old irish woman didn't want to die and the priest came over anointed her and he said you got to die now that god wants you this is your time no she said i can't die i have no day up there i got to have my day in the morning in the noon and at night she's talking about tea in case my irish accent isn't too good and father looked at her and he said oh but they do have tay up there she said are you sure oh yeah there's glorification and benedict cramer say glory for kama's day oh she said that i'll go and she died anyway i really don't think it's true but it sounds good now don batco was a practical man and he's going to take advantage of the opportunity and he says tell me about my work and dominic salvia said in regard to the past your congregation does much good look over there there is a great gathering of boys so don bosco looks in that direction oh how many there were hundreds and thousands he said now look what's written on the entrance of the garden it said silesian garden now all those were there are solutions and those who have been educated by you are your sons then he said something i never forgot when i read this years and years ago he said dominic savio said to dambasco count them if you can but they would be many many more still if only you had greater faith and confidence in god that scared me i don't know about you but it scared me and all my life my my life since i began to know jesus you know i've always feared that i always feared if i think god has inspired me to do something i'm going to do it right then there why i'm afraid i'm afraid to disappoint him i don't know what's tagged on and all this that's gone on the last 20 years here sometimes the greatest miracle was hitched onto the tiniest inspiration or a phone call which you could just as well never made kind of scary to me i don't want to miss that opportunity so don bosco was he felt very bad he determined that from then on he was going to have more faith and more trust in god and you need to do that tonight we all do we need to have more trust and faith in god we need to you know we have taken upon ourselves many gods many god we have the god of computers say well what's wrong with computers nothing unless it's become your god everything is run by computer all kinds this whole network is run by all kinds of machines big machines if we didn't have them we couldn't reach you we couldn't talk to you about jesus or a place that's not heaven pretty close though and it's real it's there well you see that's happening is i think in the world we can do anything we can accomplish almost anything we put a man on the moon and then we got tired of that and we do other things we cloned sheep and now they're cloning and trying to clone a human being and see we're both preoccupied with these modern wonders that they've kind of substituted for god that we don't need anything we have a lot of gadgets millions of gadgets you push a button and this happens and you push another button and that happens some are good some not so good and we're trained first grade second grade third grade we're trained to use computers well like i said there's nothing wrong with it unless you're so dependent upon things that god is not necessary in your life that's the problem is it it's true of everything really money position greeds ambition honors see it's all become so much a part of our life if you're filled you're not hungry all right if your tummy is full you're not hungry do you ever get hungry with a full stomach no you can't even looking at food it can be disgusting so we're all full today the whole world is full of things yeah and we don't need god see because that's why on elections we're so uptight because it's the economy see got to worry about the economy and when you look at the world today i read a wonderful book i can't tell you what it is because then you're all going to ask for it and i don't have it then you'll be mad and i'll be sad because i can't get it to you maybe i'll find out how i can but it's a it's a rendition of all the chastisements have happened since abraham and they all happen for one reason they didn't need god anymore they were sufficient unto themselves and little by little the lord took this away and then he took that away and then he took that away why because he loves you he loves us all he loves every one of us he does he wants you to go to this place beyond this place because this wasn't even heaven well let's go on and see what happens he said these flowers there are virtues and qualities that all of these boys had see their virtues qualities of soul that all of these but now they're the ones said the rose was is a symbol of their love the violet a symbol of their humility the sunflowers of obedience gentium of penance the ears of corn frequent communion see what happens here you and i can practice virtue we can say yes to god when it's hard to say yes to god we can give him everything we have we can love our neighbor and do good to our neighbor we want to imitate jesus but when we get there everybody will know in what you excelled they'll look at you in all the glory and splendor of your garments of your face of your whole being and they will know this man was so humble see the sacrifices we make here turn into awesome jewels there now you say you're pulling my leg look i'm gonna pull your leg it's about time you all catch on to why you're here it's ridiculous not to know these things see and we we go around suffering and we offer this up and we offer that up and we say what's a use look and so and so he's a liar he's a treated a deceiver and the adulteress and he rides around in a a rolls royce i can tell you where that rolls-royce is going to end up he's not taking it with him this poor beggar on a street may go up die and have the most awesome garments because he was humble and loving and patience and accepted god's will in his life that's the way it is that's the way it is now isn't that good are they good and then i'm about to ask don xavier what was the greatest consolation you had when you died you know what he said the greatest with the loving care and help of the mother of god who all of you that kind of dumped our lady you better get straight you better shape up she'll be there but you got to bring her back in your life she's our great intercessor then dambasco asked about the future and he got it dominic's have you said in this coming year you will have great sorrows to bear altogether eight of your sons will die but be of good hell they will all go to heaven god is with you and with your sons well this kind of goes on dumbbells go ask about pius the ninth and dominic savior said he won't be here long but the funny part of it is dominic savio was trying to start to leave he said my time is up i thought that's kind of cute god gave him so much time and it stayed losing it see his time is up so what does dominate what did don bosco go he tries to grab hold of him that was a mistake and dominique samuel said what are you trying to do he said i want to let you go are you bodily here are you really my son dominic well dominic said this is how things are in god's providence someone who is dead has to appear to someone still alive he is seen as a normal body but you cannot touch him you know my lady of fatima or la salette i forget our lady promised that after the warning and whatever comes purification whatever you want to call it our lord and our lady will leave a sign that you can televise we'll be there that you can see but you can't touch and i don't make a bet i'm making all kinds of beds tonight i'll make a bet that this is what's happened what's going to happen you're going to reach for it and say well it's like air but when you come back there it is again oh i think wonderful things are going to happen i'm getting excited because i think finally the lord will deliver us from the power of satan you will be of good cheer this that i read you wasn't even heaven i think it was limbo but i can't prove it all you theologians out there don't jump up and down you can't prove it either that's the way it is heaven is of such beauty and it's right and just that you and i work for it from nothing comes more or nothing it's right that we work for it it's right it's right that we're purified it's right that you and i have to suffer many many things because he did it's all right and it's just because of what you're going to see because of what you're going to look at what you're going to hear what you're going to know and the love there is so awesome you can't even imagine being loved by everybody don't you all have somebody don't love you thinks you're a pill i got a lot of people think i'm a pill i don't care bother me any but see all of these things you know our lord said if you suffered persecution for a love of him you'd get brothers sisters mothers fathers homes and and land everything double double double we don't know what that mean we look at it yeah yeah yeah give it to me here bella you've had cancer suffered so much well you can't believe the beauty in heaven you can't believe the feeling of being totally loved and seeing that you're loved by god and everybody around you those of you are lonely when you get there everybody if i'm running up to you and say oh welcome and one or two may say i've been waiting for you and you'll say really who are you i was praying for poor sinners and there you are that's what's going to happen i'm not making it up and then for the first time you'll see your guardian angel if we could see our guy in angel we wouldn't move we just sit there and look at him that's what we do why because he's there that's why he's there oh could you imagine the first hour you're dead everybody's rummaging through your drawers and your your um all of your hidden places and your closets and they're gone through everything over this trash you left but up there you're going to look down and say because you may have a garment on has the same tools on earth you may have sold your body for a diamond think about it but if you lost that soul for that diamond you'd never see anything beautiful again but if you were virtuous and pure your whole garment would be made out of the most precious jewels and jewels you never saw in your life down here heaven heaven and i think when the lord gets done with all the vets the earth will be like heaven can you imagine when our lady ties up that demon in hell and you won't have any more temptations you won't have any more bad thoughts you won't have any more angry thoughts you won't have any more jealousy or greed you won't have any of that you may not have many things but who needs them really happiness comes from here well we have some phone calls coming we have a call hello hello mother yeah where are you from from michigan wonderful first i have to say it is great to talk to you i think you're wonderful thank you and i would like to know um what limbo is and what purpose it serves well i guess it's a place we put everybody that wasn't baptized and the reason they do that is because the lord said unless you are baptized with the spirit and water you cannot enter the kingdom in other words you cannot get to heaven unless the divine indwelling is within you that's father son holy spirit that's baptism so in view of what our lord said the church never did quite know what to do children i think all aborted children are baptized in their own blood they're baptized of all the people in the world they're baptized they die unjustly but they're baptized i make a bet but they are the element of people may be good people i'm sure people who lived good lives or died young died before they even knew the name of god and so we kind of put them in limbo but i got killed because i never know i never knew nobody ever explained limbo to me what do you explain okay here's heaven you've got to be baptized into heaven or have the baptism of desire see for example if a person on his way being baptized he's killed in an automobile accident the church considers that baptism because he's baptized on his way to be baptized it's called the baptism of desire martyrs a lot of the martyrs i mean the first 100 200 300 years perhaps they were on their way to be baptized see and they they're martyred for jesus but limbo was it's always there and i don't know about you and you know it it's not a doctrine of the church but i found great comfort in reading that because dominic savior said to don bosco this is a place of earth i'd sure like to find that one for a few minutes knowing me as i do i'd probably snitch a few leaves that's why the lord don't show it to me yeah we can't trust her in this garden you know she'll take all the jews and put them on the blood of the sacrament anyway i think that that it to me it gives me a place to look at it may not be there at all i don't know i'm not making a church statement but that little place that dominic dominic don bosco was it just seemed to me it had human and now a human element to it there were trees and leaves nothing like ours here nothing i don't i don't know what i do if i found a solid crystal garden or something and all the flowers have jewels now imagine what heaven must be like and you know what would make me wonder about him and just you can't even imagine saint paul said i has not seen nor ear heard what it's like up there please don't throw it away don't throw it away there's nothing but mystery if you do nothing but misery forever think about it but that's what i think that's what limbo has a very a beautiful place of total total happiness the difference is they will never see god they will know god they will praise god they will sing songs to him and they will enjoy the fruits of where they are but only in heaven can you see him face to face see forever we have another call hello yes thank you mother for taking my call i wanted to ask does god still communicate to people through dreams well he can i don't know if he does he appeared to joseph a couple times in a dream who else ah francis xavier cabrini right yeah she used to dream but you know i think these people are just humble i you know they saw something they felt something i know one of don bosco's brother that boyce died and he said to him before he died show me whether or not you know tell me whether you went to heaven so it was the night of the funeral and all the men the boys were in this great big room and all of a sudden it was like a hurricane or not a hurricane a tornado inside the room and the chandelier was called they said he went to heaven i thought boy if you're coming to me don't show me that way god can communicate with people in a million ways he can use his dear angel he can i could be our lady uh mother cabrini don bosco took all dreams but see i have i do have a little hard time with the dream part because there was a piece of land and i'm not too sure somewhere in new york new york on an island or something nobody wanted because there were no water well in one of these dreams saint francis savage cabrini saw exactly where the water was and so she went and bought it and the jesuit said to her don't buy it's no good there's no one that's all right i'll use it as soon as she bought it she went right to that spot and dug and the water just went and they were mad it's not fair they said god told you where it was and he did too so i would say yes i would say if you have a dream and our lord speaks to you watch the fruit be careful watch your fruit if what he says come true then it was good like the man you know during the charismatic movement this man went to this other man who just bought a big boat he raps out of the door this really happened he wrapped on the door and he said the lord told me this morning that you're supposed to give me your boat oh yeah yeah well when the lord tells me i should give you your boat [Laughter] we have another car hello hello hi hi i want to tell you how wonderful you are thank you brother i've had dreams about jesus and talking with him and i've been wondering if he's been giving some kind of stigma all my life i've had trouble finding a way into a different direction of going as far as a career but i have no idea which direction i'm supposed to go and i think he's trying to tell me a direction to go can you tell me if that's true could that be possible well whenever our lord gives us anything it's always for our growing in holiness it doesn't always mean to add the mission our mission we all have a mission our mission in life everyone born everyone created their mission in life is to become holy and sometimes our dear lord will give people dreams or appear to them and we call or talk to them we call that locutions just to give you courage to go on see if he has a special plan for you he'll let you know don't worry about that but these kind of things how do you tell you about my mother one time my mother was always sick she's 13 years in a wheelchair and she was worried and frustrated and she used to cry a lot and sometimes from pain sometimes from what reason really nobody ever found out but one night she was in bed and she told me the next morning she was all excited she said the entire wall disappeared and all of a sudden she saw three people standing there one of them had a green veil over his face the other one was jesus and the third one she said looked like jesus exactly but he didn't have a beard well i thought it was the trinity the father because no one could look at the father and live in a human life you have to you have to be in heaven to see god face to face she recognized jesus and you say well the spirit doesn't have a beard because he's a spirit oh i know that for goodness sakes we're not stupid everybody knows that but we have eyes and ears and we have to use these eyes and ears we're human god treats us like human beings he respects the dignity he gave us and so i knew i knew who she saw well what was that all about did she have a mission i think she did her mission was suffering her mission was to suffer we can't say why maybe just to be like jesus but we all have a mission all of it well i don't know anybody said well the fact you're alive that's a mission the fact that you can pray for people i just wish i could share some things with you but i can't or i won't but please pray pray for preach pray for religious pray for poor sinners poor sinners that they they get their wits together i think we have time for another call hello we don't say scholar ready no oh well whatever i i love you all of you and i want you to i want you to i want you all to go to heaven i want us all all of us in the whole wide world to enjoy that awesomeness of heaven and the father and jesus can you imagine yourself when you're there looking at our lady face to face and talking to her as much as you want to for the first time oh there's so much up there so much that god wants to give us generously generously so much and since we don't want it so many don't want it he's got to purify it i think he is it may not be a big star fall in your backyard i think california is a good example it must be hard not to have electricity you we can't get out of bed without putting a light on you can't do a thing without electricity oh is that a god we don't know it certainly is a dependence we do it automatic you go to a room you go in a room where there's daylight you can't iron you can't wash you can't make toads you can't get out of bed you got in bed let you turn the light off i have i used oxygen all night and i had the machine running i got in bed and i thought gee it's comfortable and i thought yeah you don't have your oxygen on well before i could get out of bed i had to put the light on so i put the light on i put oxygen on my side i went to bed the light was on i had to get up and turn the light off that's how dependent we are you know we can't even make a fire we don't know how to make a fire you know how to make fire but you get a match but then you only have a fire you don't have much light see how dependent we are well maybe i don't know i only know one thing god loves us he's going to do everything in his power to see that you and i get to heaven ah that's what you want huh you want to know the book boy am i going to get in trouble tomorrow with the catalog department it's called 40 dreams of saint john busco boy you dreamed they're all dreams well i think they're visions but nobody has my opinion oh they're wonderful um how two boys were attacked by a monster and a partridge and a quail i don't know what that the precious handkerchief for purity oh there's just all kinds there's 40 of them here and you know what has the lord sent an angel who was in the form of a dog a big dog and one night don bosco wanted to leave and go somewhere and that dog stood in front of the door he wouldn't let him go he would appear every time his life was in danger go ahead buy some books on the saints reads about heaven read about these holy men and women i can tell you the news is i guess it's okay but that won't get you to heaven i would look and see where you're going but i do you can't get in the car and start to move you gotta say where are you going i don't know well you're going to go around the circle okay try that we are all destined to go to heaven if you don't keep the commandments you're doing everything that's terrible and pure lying cheating deceiving you live your whole life that way you got a chance but for goodness sake go to confession because when he comes it may be very sudden and then once well time is really short isn't it word bot finish we got about 10 seconds five seconds those fingers are going to start going up one two three i love you and god loves you infinitely do all you can to live with him eternally bye now [Music] [Music] [Music] so to order this episode of mother angelica live classics from the ewtn religious catalog web store log on to 24 hours a day seven days a week or call 1-800-854-6316 hello family at the annunciation the blessed virgin mary gave her fiat her yes to becoming the mother of god as the spiritual children of mary we need to follow her example of saying yes to life as christians we believe in the dignity of the lives of unborn children the sick and disabled the elderly and people of all races this is why i'm asking you to affirm or reaffirm your support for life today by signing our pro-life declaration we hope that you'll also make a donation today so that we can proclaim the pro-life message on programs such as ewtn pro-life weekly life is a gift from god and no person has the right to take this gift away if you believe this too please go online to sign the pro-life declaration as our society 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Channel: EWTN
Views: 7,065
Rating: 4.9075146 out of 5
Keywords: ma9, ma902685, ytsync-en
Id: qAa6J6DCnl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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