Mother Angelica Live Classics - Light and Darkness - Mother Angelica - 07-26-2011

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: Well, thank you. We just have a great amount of our family, our extended family here tonight and they're from everywhere, and I had a great joy today. I have 2 friends I haven't seen in 51, 52 years. It's Ben De Cola and his wife and their friend who drove them down. And we have a new sister this evening we're very happy with; Sr. Bernadette, who comes to us from Canton, Ohio Monastery and now we're 29, and we thank God for that, (applause) and that's not a lot of people, but it is when you're fitting them in a place that was built for 14. (audience laughs) So, (laughs) we've been pulling this way and pushing out that way and that way. Anyway, this is kind of far back here, don't you think? Yeah. Let's see if we can't push it. Oh, well. Wait a minute. I've got to lean over here, twist my arm so I can get this water. Anyway, tonight, (audience laughs) only somebody that knows television would have thought of that, see. (audience laughs) There's our good friend Luisa from Mexico and who is in television. Now, we're going to talk tonight about Light and Darkness. Today we live in darkness and we don't know it. A lot of people live in darkness and they don't know it. Well, let's see what St. Paul says about this before I read you the most hilarious litany I ever read in my whole life. (audience laughs) I have 1 in Denver. You remember a year or 2 ago they had this litany that said, "God, taker of risks." I thought, boy, if He takes a risk, we're in trouble; (audience laughs) or "God of our dreams," you know. But this makes that litany look kind of holy, which it wasn't. Anyway, you'll have fun with it. In 1 Romans it said, "Ever since God created the world, His everlasting power and deity, however invisible." See, God is Invisible, and yet He's Very Visible. You cannot see a sunrise or a sunset without seeing God, can you, huh? We're looking for a farm. So the other day a real-estate agent found a farm, and it was 3 miles in before you even got to look at it, and when we looked at it, I was amazed. It was kind of, well, it kind of went out like an island almost, went like this, and around it was a river. I said, a river? Well, I walked as far as I could and the other sisters walked much further. So we went around and we got, we stopped off, and they went down an incline, and when they got there, there was the most beautiful river. It was foaming up and cold, ice cold, and they came up, and they were all out of shape because they went-- (sighs). I said, "Lord, you've got to walk up and down there a little more," (audience laughs) but the whole point was that in that river was rainbow trout. I said, rainbow trout in Alabama? (audience laughs) And I thought, rainbow trout can't be in Alabama, but they say it's because the water is absolutely freezing, and there in that tiny spot, nobody's been maybe for years and years perhaps, and I thought, here is God in this magnificent place, very small, with all this beauty, and nobody sees it. Isn't that amazing? You see a waterfall and He could have made just trout, but it's a rainbow trout. They live in ice water. I said, "Are there snakes in that thing? " They said, "No, it's too cold." I said, "Thank You, Jesus." (audience laughs) And it was amazing to me that hidden behind many trees and shrubs and bushes that that thing's been running all the time we've been here; 32 years, (sighs) and nobody sees it. It almost let's you think that some creation is useless, but it's not, it's not useless, because God sees it, and He takes delight in His creation. It was the most beautiful thing. The sisters came up from that long walk and went, "I don't believe it." The power of God in His creation, unbelievable, unbelievable. It's just a small, small place, but on that place is the power of God. Now, there's a lot of things in our life that we don't see, right in front of us. We're either custom to looking at a sunrise or a sunset or a waterfall. I went to Niagara Falls ne time. I was giving a talk and they said, "Do you want to see Niagara Falls?" I said, "Yeah." Well, you could hear it, and I went over there and I watched that water cascading, oh, and it does it day and night. It's been there for only God knows how long; hundreds of years, comes down with such power, and I'll make a bet that the people up there in New York and Canada, they just pass by now, cause they've gotten used to it. Well, we can do that with God. He's Everywhere but we don't see Him, we don't see Him. We don't see Him in the poor because they're poor, we don't see Him in the sick because they're sick; we only see Him in the beautiful or, but, He's Everywhere, and this is what St. Paul is saying, that God is everywhere and you have to be in the light to see God. Those in darkness see something else and I want to explain that to you. He said, "He has always been there for the mind to see in the things He has made." My sisters are telling me something again. (sighs) I don't know how I do this. There it goes, "For the mind to see," but he said, "Instead, those in darkness make nonsense out of it," and He said, "Their empty minds are darkened." Now, this is St. Paul. So don't tell me-- I didn't say it. See, I'm reading it. "And the more they called themselves philosophers, the more stupid they grew." (audience laughs) So much for St. Paul. I like St. Paul. When he thinks something is stupid, he says stupid, (audience laughs) and I'm going to read you something that I think is stupid. (audience laughs) (laughs) You're going to laugh at this. I've had a hard day. So I need a laugh myself. (audience laughs) Okay, this is a litany. You know what a litany is, don't you? Well, it says, "In the beginning was God, in the beginning the source of all that is, in the beginning God was yearning." Huh? For what? If He's God, He wouldn't yearn for anything, would He? I mean, if He's God and He yearns, He's lacking something. Oh, it's going to get better. (audience laughs) "God moaning," moaning? "Laboring, God giving birth," ooh, (audience laughs) "God loved what she made." Ah! "It said it was good." This is a new concept of the Book of Genesis. "Then God, knowing that all that is good is shared, held the earth tenderly in her arms. (sighs) God yearned for relationship." Do these people know there is a Trinity, huh? Do they know there is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing lacking in God? (sighs) We were born to share the earth. Well, boy, if I was born to share the earth, ya'll can have my share. (audience laughs) "In the years was a seed," and nothing about creation, that God created the sea, God created the earth. "And the seedwas the grain, and the grain was the harvest, and the harvest was the bread, in the bread there was power." Ah, now we know the hidden agenda of all my liberal brothers and sisters listening to me tonight. Now, "And God said, "You are My people, My friends, My lovers." Lovers? Ooh! "My sisters and brothers, in the power, you shall all eat of the power." What are we talking about? Doesn't that sound stupid to you? "Then god gathered up her courage." Oh gosh! (laughs) (audience laughs) God gathered up her courage. If it's a her, she needed courage. (audience laughs) And He said, "Let there be bread," and God's sisters and her friends and her lovers knelt on the earth." Now, isn't that absolutely blasphemous? "They planted the seeds," oh, listen to this one. You got it. Are you braced, huh, are you all braced for this one? (audience laughs) "And they prayed for rain." To who? (audience laughs) (sighs) God prayed for rain. Can you beat that? (audience laughs) Thank you. "Sang for the grain, cracked the wheat, pounded the corn, kneaded the dough, and kindled a fire, and filled all creation with the smell of fresh bread." (audience laughs) "And then, we, the sisters of God say today, "All shall eat bread and all shall have power." The hidden agenda of our feminists is not to be priests. It's to have power, and we shall say today, we shall all have power and bread. Let there be bread and let there be power, "And by the power of God, women are blessed, and by the women of God, the bread is blessed and by the power of bread, the power of women, and the power of God people are blessed, and they all said," got to listen to this one, everybody, "And bread is rising." (audience laughs) A woman sent me this from Washington, the state of, Goldendale, and I had to share it with you because, my friends, please, if you go to a retreat or to a talk and they start with this nonsense and stupidity, please walk out, will you? Walk out, because this is total darkness. Do we see it, see? Do we see the darkness? Light is Something, is Someone, Light is Someone, and in the Book of Genesis, God said, "Let there be," what? "Light," and there was light and He separated the light from the darkness, and we can interpret that in many ways. There were the angels; pure, holy, spirits, all light, and then they rebelled against God. Satan said, "I shall ascend to the Throne of God." Pride. Aren't we saying that today, "I shall ascend." Where? Where are you going? And God separated the light from the darkness and satan and all his cords left the angels of light and all disappeared into Hell, which they created. In today's world there is much darkness and it's advertised, it's in confused theology and confused concepts of love and misdirected compassion, all the things, because God is not a she, and if I believe this litany, I am in darkness, meaning my mind is blind to truth to the Real God, to the God who is All Powerful, cause when our minds are clouded, this is what St. Paul says, "We make nonsense out of logic, and they exchange the glory of an Immortal God for a worthless imitation," see. This is a worthless imitation, and we exchange all the beauty of God. They are not true to themselves anymore, you see. When you veer from truth, you veer from God. God is Truth, and if I veer from truth, I veer from God, and that's what St. Paul says here in Romans, 1st Chapter. He said, "We take away the glorify of God and we create a worthless imitation for the image of mortal man;" birds, reptiles, the cosmic God, trees. There's something so beautiful about a tree, but it's not God, and we already have a God, the One True Holy God. If you are looking for another god, you're going towards darkness. What is your god, who is your god? I think we've got to ask ourselves once in a while, who is my God? Is It the Lord God, the One True God, is It His Only Son Jesus, is It the Power of the Spirit, or do I want a god that measures to my height, who thinks the way I thing? Isn't that true today, hah, we want a god who thinks like me? (laughs) You can't have a God who thinks like you cause you don't think straight. (audience laughs) (laughs) We're off in left field half the time, see. Remember that old thing of, who was it, years and years and years ago, Abbott and Costello, (audience laughs) and he wanted to know about baseball, (audience laughs) and he says, "Who's on 1st? " He says, "No, Who's on 3rd?" (audience laughs) He said, "What's on 3rd?" He said, "I told you, Who's on 3rd." "No, no, I want to know who's on 1st." He said, I just told you Who's on 3rd." (audience laughs) And we went around and around. It was hysterical, but, we do that in our daily lives. We're looking for God and He's right here. A lot of people look for Jesus, they look for God, and some people are afraid of God. Never, never, never be afraid of God. All of you in grave sin listening to me, especially you who have had abortions and other kind of sins, don't be afraid of God. Be afraid of these 2 legged creatures that you're walking around with. That's the one's you've got to be afraid of. They're the ones that tell all your secrets. God never does that. They're the ones that have a hard time forgiving. God never has a hard time forgiving, and you need to want God. You're only true to yourself when you're with God, cause then you know yourself. You've got to know yourself, and many times somebody will come up to you and say, (sighs) why do you do this? It's so aggravating. And you say I don't do that. That happened to me 1 time. We were going around the table 1 morning telling each other our faults, and so, it came to me and they're all kinds of hesitant, you know, (audience laughs) So I said, "Oh, come on, I don't mind," (audience laughs) and I had my Bible opened like this, see, and Regina says, "Well, it aggravates me when you keep doing this," (audience laughs) and I said, "I don't do that," (audience laughs) and I was doing it. (audience laughs) It was funny. See, the greatest light you have is when you know how far in darkness you are. Isn't that amazing, huh, when you know, hey, I need a conversion experience? I can't control myself. I need a conversion. That's the greatest light. See, there's all kinds of light, isn't it. There's the light that comes from the sun, and it can heal you or burn you, it can destroy, as it does in a desert, and it can build, as it does in a jungle. Well, we're kind of like the sun. We can build or we can destroy. This litany destroys all creation and all reality of God as He is; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and replaces it with something, (sighs) unbelievably bad, unbelievable, and so if I am going to know myself, then I'm in the light and if you say you're perfect, you're in the darkness. How do you like that, see? Let's see what St. Paul says here. Well, I lost my place. (audience laughs) There it is. He said, "That is why God has left them to their filthy enjoyments and practices. "They have given up divine truth for a lie. They worship and serve creatures instead of the Creator who is blessed forever." They refused to see that it is rational to acknowledge God. That's something we're very afraid of and that's why we have a hard time evangelizing. Do you feel comfortable talking about God? In some places--in a workplace--this young boy told me a couple of weeks ago, he said, "I can't put a picture of Jesus or a saint or anything on my desk. We're not allowed because that's separation of Church and state," but he said, "I put my sister's picture on my desk, and she's a religious, (audience laughs) (laughs) and they can't say a thing, (audience laughs) 'cause she's my sister." Isn't that ignorance, huh? How can you separate God for His creation? Can you see how that's darkness, huh? That's total darkness. When God's Presence and love threatens you, you're in darkness. Say, how can it threaten me? Holiness, His demands. We want to do our own thing. Well, St. Paul says something about that. "When we do this, let me tell you all the things we get into." See if it looks familiar. "We get steeped in all sorts of depravity; greed," ooh, "malice, envy," if you're jealous, you're jealous of people, but if you're envious, you're envious of things. "Mary just got a Cadillac. Look what I'm driving." You get there the same way she does, probably the same time she does. (audience laughs) So, what's the difference if you drive a Cadillac or some jalopy? You're both getting the same place and got the same gasoline. She doesn't go to a special gasoline for Cadillacs. Scooters, and all these, what do you call these things you drive--2 wheelers? Motorcycles. (audience laughs) They all go on the same gasoline. I thought that was funny. I thought if you got an expensive car, you ought to have special gasoline, sprinkled with gold or something. (audience laughs) We get jealous about things; things people wear, their talents. It's stupid to be jealous of people's talents, 'cause they didn't give it to themselves. God gave it to them. So why should I be jealous if you're an artist and I can't draw a straight line? My mother had a beautiful handwriting, absolutely phenomenal, and me, oh. Oh, she would get so angry when I would write something. She'd say, "What's the matter? You're 18 years old, you can't write your name," (audience laughs) but I didn't have that talent here. She used the old Palmer Method. Ya'll in your 60s knows what that is. You went around, around, around, around, and, well, every time I went around and around, the circle went everywhere, (audience laughs) and I never did catch on. Well, that's a talent she had. I did have it, you see. So, jealousy of people, of their talents, and what they can do, it doesn't make any sense. Talents or riches; they can't help it if they're born in it or they earned it. We spend a lot of time in darkness. All that is darkness, isn't it? All of that is darkness, because we are not able in our lives to separate what's real and what's false, and he continues, "Wrangling, treachery, spite." He must have had a hard day. (audience laughs) "Libellers, slanderers, rude;" boy, I wonder if he had somebody in mind? "Arrogant and boastful, enterprising in sin." Ooh, there's a lot of that today--all you that sell pornography. "Rebellious to parents. Without brains..." oh, he had a bad day. (audience laughs) "Without honor, without love, without pity." (whistles) But doesn't it kind of sound like today? I'll never forget the woman who called me in tears. She had 9 children, she was in a convalescent home, in 2 years not 1 of them went to see her. That's darkness, isn't it? They're in darkness, grave darkness. So what I want to tell you tonight is that you need to look at yourself and be honest. Are you in the light, do you know Jesus, do you want to be like Jesus, or is the world and has the world grabbed you so tightly that darkness, you're comfortable in darkness? See, that's why repentance is so important, hah? Well, try to remember that. We have a call. Hello. Male caller #1: Oh, hello. Mother: Oh. (laughs) Caller: Good evening, Mother. Thank you for taking my call. Mother: Well, it's fine. Where are you from? Caller: I'm from Miami. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Well, I have a teacher who sort of guides me spiritually and she tells me that the world is in need of a lot of forgiveness today, and I was wondering if this evening you could speak a little bit about Gods love and forgiveness for man, and how in 1 Corinthians 13, St. Paul tells us that's the greatest gift? Mother: Well--you said 1 Corinthians? Caller: Yes, Chapter 13. Mother: 13th chapter? Here we are. Yes, that's to be ambitious for the higher gifts. Mercy is an awesome gift of God to us. See, God gives me mercy. The fact I wake up in the morning, it's an act of God's mercy. He knows, (sighs) before 9:00 Angelica will either blow it, (audience laughs) or be impatient, whatever. The other day I made the sisters laugh. We read where God said that Moses was the gentlest of men, and I thought, well, I don't know about that. He murdered a man. He got so hot tempered with the Jews, he broke the 10 Commandments all over him, and pow! (audience laughs) So I thought, well, I would like God's definition of gentleness and I said to the sisters, "Maybe I got it and don't know it." (audience laughs) (laughs) The sisters looked at me and said, "Ah ah." (audience laughs) (laughs) "No, Mother, you don't have it," (audience laughs) but in spite of my faults and weaknesses and temper and all the rest that I am, God lets me wake up every morning. That's an act of God's mercy. I think old age is the most wonderful gift God can give us. I pray that I live a long time and can make as many people miserable as I can, (audience laughs) and I can see people looking at the TV and saying, "Is that old woman making us miserable again?" (audience laughs) But it is a gift, it's an act of God; 'cause every day--I'm 72--every day I learn something new about God, I learn something new about myself--none of it good, (audience laughs) but I get to know it, I can love more today, I can give something to God that I didn't give Him yesterday, and I can grow in the image of Jesus. That's why--please don't pull that plug too early. Please wait. You don't know how many graces and gifts. You talk a lot about the quality of life. Well, raise it up and talk about our quality in Heaven. Maybe that person needs a few days more to repent, tell Jesus, "I'm so sorry." You say, "well, they're brain dead." How do you know that? Your little machines tell you that? (sighs) God in the soul lives alone, and in those times, God speaks to the soul. Even doctors will say that you lose your hearing last. I don't know how they know that either, but I think it's significant if that's true, that you lose your hearing last, because once you hear, you can make decisions, you can say, "Jesus, I love You, Jesus, I'm sorry." I went to a man that they said was brain-dead and that rigir mortis had set in and he was on all kind of machines, and I whispered an act of contrition in his ear, and I said, "Jesus loves you. He's coming for you," and out of this so-called dead man came the biggest tears I ever saw. His tears, his eyes just welled up and the tears started coming down one eye and 10 minutes later he died. He heard me. Had they pulled the plug ahead of time.... I just want you to know, there may be times, but be careful. When they start throwing at you "quality of life;" if I love this person, it doesn't matter how sick they are; see, we're beginning to get in the mind a mentality of death, not life. Be careful. We have another call. Hello. Child caller #1: Hello. Mother: Oh, well, where are you from? Caller: I'm from Massachusetts. Mother: How are you? How old are you? Caller: I'm 7 years old. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Well, I don't really have a question, but I just want to tell you this; when I grow up, I want to be a nun like you. Mother: Thank you. (laughs) (applause) Caller: And I love you, and thank you. Mother: Is that it? Caller: Yeah. (audience laughs) Mother: (laughs) Well, sweetheart, I thank you for that; the nicest compliment I've ever had. Just keep close to Jesus. You see, at this point this child has light, she has light. She wants to give herself to God. That's light, uh-huh, and that light comes from God, it comes right from God, and we can't smother it, with the world, with the flesh, with sin, we can't smother it. Keep that in your mind, sweetheart. Just say, "Jesus, show me the way." And I forgot to ask your name, but I will pray for you every day. We have another call. Hello. Male caller 2: Hello, Mother Angelica. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: My name is Bob and I'm calling from Minneapolis. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: My wife and I are former Protestants who are considering converting to the Catholic Church. Mother: "Thank You Jesus!" Caller: And we wanted to ask you about what the Catholic view of, like a picture image of Purgatory would be, because as protestants, we've always kind of had this image of sort of like a junior grade Hell with a lot of suffering going on. Could you tell us, is there suffering in Purgatory and how that compares to like the suffering in Hell? Mother: There is no junior grade Hell. (audience laughs) If you're in Hell, you're in Hell, the worst kind. Purgatory is different. It is suffering--but I read a beautiful book on purgatory written by a bishop. I forget his name now, but I think it was the best I ever read. When you die, you shall see God face-to-face, you see Jesus, face-to-face, suddenly there He is and all His Awesome Wonder, Majesty, Holiness, oh, ah, and love for you. For the 1st time in your life, you will know, you feel, and understand how much He loved you, how much mercy He bestowed upon you, how many graces you have, how many times you said no, how many times you said yes. It will come in a flash and Jesus will stand there like this to you. Here's the suffering--when you see yourself so clear, you want to go, but you can't. There's such a difference between you and Jesus, such a vast difference, you can't, and there's the suffering, unbelievable suffering from the fact that I wanted to go and I couldn't. (sighs) It's like missing God so much with all your heart, mind, and soul, missing Him. It's an awesome suffering. There's not I don't think real fire-fire, cause we don't have a body, but we have a soul, and that soul suffers from the fire of desire for God, the fire of repentance. For the 1st time maybe in our entire life we know what it was to sin and the consequences and we're so sorry--but not regret. There's no regret in Purgatory. There's an awesome joy along with awesome suffering because I am on my way. I've always said to the sisters, when I die and find myself in purgatory, the 1st thing I'm going to say is, well, I made it. (audience laughs) I mean, at least I'm there, and I don't have to worry about not being saved. What a joy that would be, huh? You're going to see a lot of your friends there. (audience laughs) You'd be surprised at how many you thought were in a lower region or in the middle region. But it's a place, yes, it's a place of suffering, a place of joy, not the kind of joy in Heaven, but the joy that comes, "I have seen Him. My soul has seen the Lord God." At that point no amount of suffering is too much because I know what I didn't do and I know I have to be purified. All I want is to be purified so I can run to Jesus and that's purgatory. We have another call. Hello. Female caller 1: Yes, Hello Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: From Charlock, Illinois. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Yes, well, 1st of all, I just want to say that I think St. Paul must have been Italian, don't you--the way he expressed himself? Mother: (laughs) I thought that most of the apostles were Italian Jews because all they thought about was eating. (audience laughs) Caller: Anyway, Mother, what is your favorite Bible story, and God bless you? I'll hang up and listen. Mother: New Testament or Old? She's gone. Well, I'll give you the Old Testament 1st. My favorite story is Elias, that's scrawny old prophets. I love that man. (audience laughs) I can just see him before Jezebel and all her prophets and all the Jews had gone over to Ba'al. He says, "Look, all of you, get yourself a sacrifice; a bull or whatever it is, I'll get 1, and we'll put it on this fire, we'll put it on this altar, and call down fire from Heaven. Whatever god calls it down, that's the God." Isn't that great, huh? I just, man, and so, these prophets get down and there start dancing all around and they call on Ba'al and they cut themselves with knives and in the middle of it he says, "Hey, why don't you cry louder? Maybe he fell asleep." (audience laughs) Oh, I love that guy. And so they cried louder and nothing happens. And he says, "Hey, maybe we ought to trip." Finally it's time for the evening sacrifice and here comes Elias and he puts the calf on there, cuts it in half. Now this is a time of great drought when there's very little water. He says, "Get me a gallon of water." So they pour a gallon of water over there, "Give me another one." They gave Him another gallon of water. "Give me another one." So He wets the wood, the sacrifice, everything. (sighs) Is he done? No. That little guy says, "God, show these people You're the Real God." (makes noise) The calf was gone, the water was licked up in a fire. That's my favorite. (audience laughs) See, it matches my disposition. (audience laughs) That's how I would solve a lot of problems, see. (audience laughs) My favorite, and I read it very often, is the 21st Chapter of John in the New Testament. (sighs) I try to live my life by that 21st chapter. The apostles were, after Pentecost--I mean, after Resurrection--and they went fishing; kind of a normal thing to do. They didn't catch anything, which was also normal for them. (audience laughs) They're coming in and they see Someone on the shore. They didn't know who It is. He said, "Friends, have you caught anything?" (laughs) I would have said... Peter said, "No," which was the honest thing to say. I would have said "I didn't go fishing. (audience laughs) I went out to meditate." (audience laughs) Peter, no, he said, "No," no excuses, nothing. So the Lord said, "Throw your net on the starboard side," wrong side of the boat. It's dawn and they're almost to shore. "If you throw the net out, it's going to hit sand." You know why it's my favorite part, huh? Because they did it, and they get so much fish, they didn't know what to do with it, and John said, "It's the Lord." Peter put his cloak on him, 'cause He was naked, runs to Jesus--and then Jesus said something phenomenal. He said, "Bring in the fish you have caught." Oh, (laughs) He told them when, where, and how, and then He put the fish in the net, but he said, "<i>You</i> have caught." I can testify to that; everything here, everything on the mountain, every signal going around the world He did. He got the signal, He got the people together, and it went around world. I forgot the strange country or strange place in the country I heard today, a priest was going from his office and he passed by this bar and it was so many people in there, they were out of the door and he thought, what's going on in there? He stuck his head in the door and they were all watching the Papal visit on EWTN. I thought, only God can do that, but I thought if he'd missed all those boys and all the people who went to New York and New Jersey and Baltimore and worked 12, 14, 16 hours a day, he would have said, come and look at the signal you put on there. No, you put it on, everybody put it on. And so that's my 2 favorite Scriptures--Elias and 21st Chapter of John. There's 1 in the epistles that says, "And we with our unveiled faces grow brighter and brighter as we are turned into the image we reflect," and that's the work of the Spirit who is Lord. That's my epistle favorite passage. I said to the sisters, "When I die, put that on my tombstone," because that is to me what we're after. Even if we don't get it, we keep striving, striving. We have another call. Hello. Child caller 2: Um, yes. Mother: (laughs) Where are you from? Caller: Louisiana. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: I have a religious teacher who tells us women should be priests. Mother: What? (audience laughs) Caller: That women should be priests. Mother: How long are you in that school? Caller: Ma'am? Mother: How long do you have to be in that school? Caller: Oh, I'm in 8th grade. Mother: Well, sweetheart, you tell her that the Holy Father said there will never be a woman priest. So why can't she be obedient? You see, a teacher who teaches religion should not teach disobedience to the Holy Father. They don't belong there. See, this is the darkness today, teachers who don't pay attention to the Holy Father. He could say anything he wants, they don't pay any attention. How can anyone teach light when he's in darkness by teaching disobedience? Women cannot be priests, sweetheart. God has not ordained that, you see. That's that power thing again. We want to do something God doesn't want us to do. Now we want 5 genders. (audience laughs) We're having enough trouble with 2. (audience laughs) You see, and people believe this. God does not will... See, the whole object of a priest, the whole reason for a priest, that he is another Christ. A woman is another Christ in her heart, by her holiness, as Mary was. She was Christ like, but She cannot take the place of Christ. A woman cannot offer sacrifice in the name of Jesus. We can't, and I'm sure somebody somewhere will ordain a woman, but she won't be anymore priest after than she was before. It will be a blasphemous thing. (sighs) What you need to do is go to home-school. You know what the Holy Father said, huh? When he was here, he said, "The primary role of parents is to teach their children, especially religion and Catechism." Flunk the course rather than buy the lie. You hear that? Flunk the course rather than buy the lie. There was a young student who came to me, said she failed in her test because the question was, "What is the difference between a witch, magic, and the Eucharist?" She said, "There is no resemblance. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus." She failed. Thank God she failed. Remember my dear friends and family, be children of light, do not tolerate darkness. If you do, then you will be a child of darkness. Stand tall even to your teacher, not in disobedience, but truth is truth. We must teach the truth. In the truth is light, in the truth is joy, in the truth is happiness. I've always found that the people who do not teach the truth are kind of sad sack. You ever notice that? If you want to be filled with the joy Jesus promised, we must speak the truth from our hearts and live the truth. So please, be generous. Put us between you gas and electric bill. And I'll see you tomorrow night. 'Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 85,116
Rating: 4.8487711 out of 5
Keywords: EWTN, Mother Angelica Live Classics, Mother Angelica, Family Night, Light and Darkness, Catholic, MA902658
Id: zOmfMYBujsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2011
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