Mother Angelica Live Classic - 2013-01-8 - Heaven and Angels

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[music] Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. [music] <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> [music] <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: Thank you. Well, it's good to be back. It's been almost three weeks we haven't seen each other. I've missed you and I hope you've missed me. I went to Spain last week and it was a very fruitful trip. On the plane coming back they have these movies. And I think I ought to write to some of these airlines and ask them. They put the most scariest movies that you could possibly have on air. I don't know whether they're hoping you'll forget your flight (group chuckles) or they're grateful you made it to the ground when it's over. I don't know what the motive is behind it but I mean this was… So finally, I shut my little eyes and I thought, "Lord, there has to be something better than this." And I know it's the same on television. So we just worked and just prayed and I realized how some of you feel about EWTN. And last week we had our first program for teenagers. And we got a wonderful, wonderful response. I've wanted something for teenagers for years and something that they will listen to, enjoy and change their life around. So since we've been gone and haven't seen each other for three whole weeks, I thought I would be real nice tonight. (group chuckles) I am not going to find fault with anybody. (group chuckles) I'm not even going to mention my liberal friends (group chuckles) or enemies, whatever they are. I want to talk about Heaven. And there's nothing like an airplane ride over the ocean that makes you think of Heaven. I mean, it's the perfect, perfect place. First of all, it's the best place to make an examination of conscience. But as we were going and when we passed Portugal and went over Portugal and sister said, "Look out the window." And there to my surprise was a round rainbow. I never in my life saw a round rainbow--a circle, a perfect circle, and it was very small. And all of a sudden there was one around it, a second one. And then there was a big one around that. And something in the middle but I couldn't figure out what color it was. And it was with us at least 200 or 300 miles, just went where we went. I was amazed. I am sure some of you that are very knowledgeable about stars and quasars and will give me an explanation. But I didn't need one. It was so awesome, awesome about the presence of God everywhere and His Angels. So, tonight I thought what a wonderful introduction to talk about Heaven and what it must look like. Have you ever thought of that? What is Heaven like? Well, it's nothing absolutely nothing like it is here. And we think we're very smart and we can get in a plane and after 9 long hours we arrive in New York or Atlanta, wherever you're going, and that's wonderful. But now, if you're talking about an angel, he travels with the speed of thought. How do you like that? If I were an angel--and I bet they're all thanking God I'm not-- (all chuckle) if I were an angel I would say, "I would like to be in Rome," (snap fingers) I'd be in Rome that fast. So if you want to be humbled of all the inventions and great things that man has come up with, it's still a shadow of the power of the littlest angel. And that littlest angel may be your Guardian angel. And I was amazed in Spain as we went from--every morning we had to work hard the whole trip--but we'd manage even in the morning or evening, mostly evening, to get to a Mass. And some of the churches there have 6 or 7 Masses a day. And you saw all of these people. The churches were full at 7, 8:00, every hour on the hour. You saw the most gorgeous angels in wood, in plaster, in murals, in marble and you just have to be filled with God because Heaven is such an awesome place and we're all going there but nobody's in a hurry. Do you know, we're always surprised when people die? It's just that it's unusual. I mean, I got news for you-- you're going! And death is an awesome thing. You will see God face-to-face very quickly. And if you ever were to attached to anything, I can tell you what's going to happen 1/2 hour after they cart your body out. All your friends, relatives, brothers, sisters and children will begin in your bedroom and take out all the drawers. (All chuckle) They've always wondered what you had in them. From the time they were kids, "What in the world is in that closet?" So if you've ever attached to anything it's a good meditation to get detached. Drawers will open, wills will be read, everybody will be angry. Even over commodes they get angry. That's why I tell you, all you old people, "If you got it, spend it now." I know a very good place that you could spend it. (group chuckles) But, you see, there is in death an awesome detachment but we have to think of where we are going. We're on our way to Heaven. Oh, some of you may not be. That's because you live sinful, sinful, sinful lives and you need to repent. You need to come back to Jesus. You can do it tonight. Don't miss your opportunity of going to Heaven. I'm going to read a little bit for you from the Book of Revelation, otherwise known as Apocalypse. And it says here it says that, "The spirit possessed me and I heard a voice behind me." Now, Heaven is a place and a state. It's a place and a state-- meaning you will have a definite degree of holiness and it's sealed when you die. The most wonderful thing about death is, I think, not only will you see God but you'll be totally incapable of ever offending Him again. I think that's awesome! Your will is set and gone. You will never be able to make a decision against God. Wherever you are when you die, interiorly, in your level of love or degree of love, that's what you get forever. God is not Social Security. I got news for you. Social Security, I understand, takes your 10 best years, you see? They clump your 10 best years together--I don't know how they got so generous--but they clump your 10 best years together and that determines what you're going to get. Not so Heaven. What it is is what you are at death that's it. So some of you better pep up, change your lives because it may come before you know it. But anyway, let me tell you what you may have or what you may miss, if you don't get to Confession. I had a sad experience the other day. A woman wrote to me, 84. It took her months to get somebody to go and hear her Confession. When the poor priest got there he was very impatient. And everything she said he'd say, "That's not a sin. Get on with it." (heavy sigh) He's lucky I wasn't there. (group chuckles) He's even luckier he wasn't hearing my Confession. I would've had five other things to say because this woman was so disheartened, so disheartened that she didn't know whether she went to Confession or not. Confession is one of the most awesome gifts God has ever given us. I can go in an alien of the Kingdom and of God and come out holy, totally forgiven. And we all have a right to that. All of us have that right. Well, anyway, this voice said to St. John, "Write down all that you see in this book." And he said, "I turned around and seen who spoke to me and when I turned I saw seven golden lamp stands surrounding a figure like the Son of man dressed in a long robe tied at the waist with a golden girdle." Can you imagine at your death, suddenly from a distance here comes the Lord and He's dressed just like this in awesome glory? "And when I turned," he said, "His head and His hair were white as white as snow and his eyes like a burning flame and His feet like burnished bronze." Burnished bronze, ah can you imagine that? Some of you have good imaginations and don't tell me you don't because that's what gets you in so much trouble. Right now you could tell me in a very detailed way exactly who hurt you 20 years ago--what they said, what they did, what they wore and where they were. I know you could. You can. So don't tell me you don't have an imagination. "In His right hand He was holding seven stars and His face was like the sun." You see, in this life beauty is temporary and elusive. It's here and then it's not here. And that's why our churches --now they are building new ones--look like barns. There's no beauty. If you notice, what would the enemy of God who we call satan, what would he really want to do with this world? Number 1, he would want to destroy the Incarnate Word. He would want to destroy everything that resembled Jesus, everyone who loves and adores Jesus. He would want to destroy His Church and do away with two awesome things--the Eucharist and Our Lady. He would also want to say that all the miracles in the Gospels are false. Then he would plant doubt into your mind. Then he would want one other thing that we're not catching on. He would want to destroy all beauty. Have you ever noticed how ugly things are getting? I mean, what people consider art is pure ugly! Music has become noise and people who play this music look like they went bongo. They look nuts! (all chuckle) And the nuttier they are and the nuttier they look, everybody's out there yelling and screaming. Bedlam--bedlam! The enemy wants to take away from our churches, from shrines, from any resemblance of beauty. Why? Because he's so ugly and beauty is a part of God. So, when things beautiful become ugly, then we're getting a sample of the two kingdoms--Heaven and Hell. They showed the news on the airplane. Of course, you never know when you're in a plane whether it's new news or old news or whatever. But even the ads are ugly. The movies are grotesque. I don't know why they want to look like monsters. I mean, it must take a tremendous amount of makeup to make any actor or actress look that bad. Why are so many things getting ugly? Because the battle is on-- the battle of the Church, the battle for the world, the battle for your soul and that's what you got to know. And that's why tonight we want to look at Heaven. And when St. John saw Him, he said, "I fell in a dead faint and He touched me with His right hand and said, 'Don't be afraid. "'It is I, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Living One. "'I was dead and now I am alive. "'I hold the keys of death and of the underworld. "'Now, write this down, the things that are to come.'" And then He goes on and talks to these poor seven Churches who weren't doing too hot and we know, we know what they did. What did they do? They lost their first love. Lent is early this year-- the early part of February, I think. And we need now to start to examine our conscience so that this Lent will be our very, very best, very best. I read prophesy of, oh, I think it was the 3rd or 4th century way back. And it said that in the end times, there would be great persecution and a lot, everything that seems to be happening today and has happened in the past also. But at that time, it says that the saints of those days would be more glorious than any of the saints in the past and that they would compare like the Cedars in Lebanon to a shrub. I thought, "Wow!" In fact, Blessed De Montfort, St. De Montfort said the same thing. He said the saints of the latter days, the end of the century, would become greater in comparison like the Cedars of Lebanon to a shrub. Can you imagine the amount of sanctity that God is handing out the amount of graces to everybody? We are all called. And in this day of great evil--I think one of the Cardinals recently called it the "Luciferian sin"-- meaning, "I will not serve." But in these days if you hold onto your faith and you receive the Sacraments and you believe in Jesus and His Eucharistic Presence and you can plead with Our Lady for help, you are capable and the grace is here for you to become a great, great saint, as the Cedars of Lebanon compared to a shrub. What an awesome day! What an awesome time we live in. And this is what awaits us. "In my vision I saw a door open in Heaven and I heard the same voice. "The voice was like a trumpet." Don't forget, now, Heaven is a place, it's not an idea. It's a place Jesus promised me. He promised you. "The voice said, 'Come up here I will show you what is to come.' 'And the Spirit possessed me and I saw a throne." This is what you are going to see when you die. You may have a little detour. We call it Purgatory. All you who don't believe in it, call me when you're there. (all chuckle) I'll pray for you. He said though, "When the Spirit possessed me, I saw the throne and One was sitting on the throne and the person sitting there looked like a diamond and a ruby." A diamond and a ruby. This is not a little bitty one carat or two carat. This is not, when I went years and years ago I went to Washington, I think it was the Smithsonian who had that huge diamond. Was it the Hope Diamond or some kind of diamond? It's all locked up and behind 5 sheets of glass. It's about that big and it glitters just like that. Now, this is a whole person that looks like a diamond and a ruby. "And there was a rainbow encircling." Ah, what do you know about that? It was encircling the throne all around just like we saw. "And it looked like an emerald." Can you imagine that? Why are we afraid to die? Why are we so afraid to live when the sufferings and the pain that you have are going to make all of this righter and give your heart more and more joy? "Around the throne were 24 other thrones." Seated were 24 elders… "With white robes and golden crowns. "'And flashes of lightning were coming on the throne and peals of thunder." That's an exciting place. It reminds me of the Irish woman who was dying. I haven't thought of that woman for ages. And the priest was there to give her the Last Rites and send her on to the Kingdom. And she said to him, "Oh Father, I can't go." And he said, "Why?" "Because they don't have any tay up there." Tea to you. (All chuckle) She couldn't go to Heaven if there was no tea in Heaven. "Oh," he said, "Molly, there's a lot of it there." She said, "There is?" "Oh, there's all kinds of tea up there. "There's benedicimus te, adoremus te, benedicamus te." She said, "Really?" "Really." "I'm off, Father. I'm off." (group chuckles) Isn't that funny I would think of that tonight? (chuckles) I heard somebody that loved horses--now, I like horses but you can really go too far with anything. She said she couldn't go to Heaven if there wasn't a horse. I said, "Well, maybe God will give you one all by yourself, who knows?" But now, "Between the throne and myself was a sea, a sea made of glass like crystal." Now, can you imagine the difference? What have we got here? Asphalt. Asphalt! None of us want to die; we want to cling to the asphalt, the asphalt jungle. It's not very good because in the wintertime it cracks and you got these big holes everywhere and your car goes barrump and you almost hit the top of it. And then if it's concrete, you have miles and miles and miles of concrete. And if the sun is shining you'd swear the whole front of that road was water. When you get to it, it's dry as anything else. We cling to these things. And that's fine. That's where we are. That's where we live. That's where we're happy. And that's where we're sad and miserable and ecstatic in this world. And this is where we work out our salvation. But think--think of a road that was like crystal. And according to Don Bosco's vision of Dominic Savio, he saw Dominic Savio in Heaven. And he came towards him and he said, "Oh, how beautiful you are." He said, "What is this place? Is it Heaven?" And Dominic Savio laughed and smiled and he said, "Oh, no." And Don Bosco--and it's in one of his books on his life--saw ahead a most beautiful light. And he said to Dominic Savio, "Is that the light of glory?" And he said, "Oh, no, no. To see the light of glory, you need a special grace from God." And Don Bosco described what he saw in this antechamber of Heaven. At this point, all the liberals are going to faint right in their seats. But Don Bosco saw trees-- trees with golden trunks and silver leaves. I wouldn't even think of something like that. And if we did, we'd say, "I wonder what I could sell that tree for?" (All chuckle) I probably would think of that. Good! If I had that down there I'd build five networks. One tree would build me five networks. But see, we're kind of gross sometimes. That's all we think about. But I want you to see this place like Don Bosco saw and many others. They were so beautiful that you could not even imagine. People have stolen, killed, went to jail for a diamond, whoosh!--that big--and that's a big one. But here, now, is such a difference. And then he says, "I saw in the right hand of the One sitting on the throne a scroll." And he called. "He said, 'Is there anyone worthy to open the scroll and break the seals?' No one was worthy." And this is where Jesus comes up, the Lamb, and He takes the scroll and He eats it. And that's what you and I should do. I got for Christmas a thing I hold very dear. Well, I got it. And I carry it in my pocket every day. You'll never guess what it is. It's a Bible. Isn't that cute? It's the entire Old and New Testaments. And I wish I had a thousand of them. I'd give them to you. But I don't. Here is the Bible. I know. Here is the entire Old and New Testament. Look at that. Isn't that great? Don't write for one because I don't know where they got it. But I hold this as a real treasure because I can call… If you remember, the Israelites wore it on their forehead, you remember. And on their door, before they walked into the door, they kissed it like that. And this is the entire Old and New Testament. In fact, one of my Sisters could read it. That's what you call, good eyesight. Well, I can't read it. In fact, here is the Epistle to Timothy. And I think I'm blessed because I carry His Word in my pocket. And that's what you need to remember. When a friend of mine went to Russia and he snuck a Bible in and somebody saw it, walked up to him and said, "Could I have a page?" He said, "Sure," and he tore a page out. Well, it wasn't a half hour past when person after person came and said, "Can I have a page?" All they wanted was a page. They didn't care where it was from. And by the time he left Russia, all he had was a cover. All they wanted was one page. And here, I am carrying in my pocket the all, the Old and New Testament. That's balm. I feel comforted just to know that if I put my hand in my pocket, I'm touching The Word. In my hand is the whole Word of God and it's a comfort. If I ever find out where he got this, we'll do something about it. But I just want you to carry The Word and the glory that is to come in your heart, in your mind, in your soul. And don't let all these new-fangled theologians fool you. You need the Catechism. You want a non… (chuckles) This new inclusive language is sending everybody up the wall. We all need to pray that the Holy See will say, "No." You say, "Well, why are you all excited?" Well, let me read you something or at least tell you something. In the New Testament, it reads, "And Gabriel said "Hail Mary, full of grace." In inclusive language Bibles it says "Hail Mary, favored one." Oooh, there's a big difference! You're favored, especially if you are Catholic and you receive the Eucharist. Brother's favored; he has got a vocation. You're favored; God has given you grace upon grace. I'm favored. We're not sinless. And at that point, Mary full of grace is one of the Scripture passages to prove the Immaculate Conception. It's important! Very important because you not only change doctrine, you deny it. I just want to put that little thought in your head because it's a very serious situation. I want you to pray for it. That we take The Word as it is and we love it. I'd get the catechism, your Bible, and go to Mass and Communion frequently and Confession. And I can guarantee, if you that those three things, nobody will ever fool you or make you uneasy about your faith. We have a call. Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello, Mother. Mother: Hi. Where are you from? Female Caller #1: Stewartsville. My name is Barbara. I'm from Stewartsville, New Jersey. Mother: All right. You're a little muffled, so can you speak a little louder? Female Caller #1: My name is Barbara. Mother: Okay. Female Caller #1: And I'm Mother: All right. Female Caller #1: And I did miss you very much. Mother: Thank you. Female Caller #1: And I'm glad you're back. Mother: Thank you. Female Caller #1: And Mother, your show has been so tremendous. I mean, I get up every day. I can't wait because there's something new every day. Mother: (chuckles) Thank you. Female Caller #1: I go on pilgrimage and I see Bob and Penny Lord. And I am here and I'm there. I cannot even do my work anymore. Mother: Thank You, Jesus. Female Caller #1: But I wanted to ask you. My husband has been diligently waiting for this answer. He's wanted me to call you many times. He was baptized in the Catholic Church. And due to whatever circumstances, his mother changed the religion and they became Baptist. He then stopped going to the Catholic Church, where he never received his Communion or his Confirmation. Now, my son-in-law is taking instructions and coming into the Church. He was never baptized or had any of the other Sacraments. But now I see that my husband, who has been going to church with me quite regularly, but he refrains from coming really into the Church for the rest of sacraments, only because when his mother died, I was there. I was present. She begged him, right, minutes before she died, not to become a Catholic. And I stood there in astonishment. I couldn't believe my ears. And I always felt that she never really accepted me and I knew then why. So he wants to know if he did come into the Church fully, would he be hurting his mother in any way with the promise that he made her. I think it bothers him very much. But I think also he would like to come in. I'll hang up and let you answer. Thank you so much, Mother Angelica. Thank you. Mother: Well, he cannot honor that request, in the first place, because obedience is legitimate only when it gives a legitimate order or demand. No one can say to you, "Please promise you will not enter the Church." That's a terrible thing. We hope when she saw Jesus, she was repentant. And if she's in Purgatory, she may be there until he comes into the Church. We don't know that. And I know some of you are not going to like what I just said but that's okay. It's my humble opinion. But you see, first of all, he's not obliged to obey that because to have the light to come into the Church and not do it because your mother said no, you see, she has no right to say that. And he has a perfect right not to obey that. My poor mother had a royal Italian fit when I left for the convent, left for the monastery. My entire family, I understand, could be heard down the street. And I knew…I knew when I left that none of them liked it. They would be very angry and very upset. But we must obey God above all things. And to be called into the Church is a great, great grace and I feel that he should come home. If his mother was repentant, she would have great glory in Heaven, greater glory-- what we call accidental glory. Do you know what accidental glory is? Well, say you were the healthiest, the happiest person in the whole wide world. Can you imagine that? You can't. Well, that's okay. But say you were, and all of a sudden you looked out the window and you saw the most gorgeous sunrise you ever saw. What happens to you? Ah-h-h-h, wow! Well, it didn't last all day. You've got your work to do. You got all these things to do. But in Heaven, that's what's called accidental glory. It doesn't increase your glory. It doesn't increase your state, but it gives you that spurt of joy. And he is not at all obliged. He cannot, even he said "Yeah, yeah, I promise," but you can't keep a promise like that. His obedience is to God first. And that request, it was not a legitimate request because it was against receiving the Eucharist. And I'm sure your mother-in-law was maybe told terrible things. And she may have been totally ignorant of the beauty of the Church, the Sacraments in the Church, the holiness of the Church. And if she never knew that, her request was just unfounded. So if your husband is there or wherever, I would say, "Come home. "Come back and you will find such joy, such unbelievable joy." We have another call. Hello. Boy Caller #1: Hello. Mother: And where are you from? Boy Caller #1: I'm from Illinois. My name is Ryan. Mother: And what is your question? Boy Caller #1: Why does the Mass ring three bells? Mother: Why do we ring the bells? Boy Caller #1: Yes, three times? Mother: Yes, we ring them three times. Boy Caller #1: Why? Mother: Because of the wonderful, wonderful event that's taking place, you see. It's a sign of joy. It's also a sign of a moment in the Mass when Jesus comes down to us in the Eucharist. When that priest says, "This is My Body," after that it's a sign, the bells are a sign that, oh what an awesome thing. In Italian festivals in my day, we used to have fireworks and bells would ring, joyful News that Jesus has come into our midst. And they've taken that away, unfortunately. We ring and we ring them to make you alerted to the great event that has just occurred. Jesus is in our midst once more. What an awesome thing! And that's why we ring the bells. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #2: Hello, Mother, I love you. Mother: Thank you. Female Caller #2: And I love watching your show. I was raised a Catholic and I've always wondered how can a person be happy in Heaven if someone they love very much, like their sister or their brother, never, didn't make it there? If a loved one didn't make it there, I've often wondered? Thank you. Mother: Well, I know on earth it's hard to understand, but when we get to Heaven we will see things as God sees them and we will also understand the infinite justice of God. We will also understand that the person in Hell was not judged to go to Hell, he chose that Hell himself, you see? Also, in Heaven our holiness and our union with God is so absolutely perfect and so intense, that it is not possible for our Heaven or our happiness to be marred by the reality that a person we loved on earth didn't make it. We will know fully that that person on earth was not the person I thought he was. And that the judgment of God was not something He imposed, that God imposed, but the soul himself turns away. That's hard for many people to understand but I understand it in these days, the last four or five years, better than I have in my whole life because I have seen people so adamant against God that I think if Jesus stood right in front of them they would say, "I don't love You." I hate to say that but a man we know died just saying that. "I don't want to go to Heaven," and it sent the shivers up my spine! And we can't imagine that but it's unfortunately true, unfortunately true. And so we have to understand that in Heaven it is not possible for us to be unhappy because our heart and mind and soul have all been changed totally to the image of God. And we are so beautifully filled with that love that nothing can decrease it. Even if someone we love was not there, we will know for sure they chose not to be there. And we have another call. Hello. Female Caller #4: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Female Caller #4: I'm calling you from Prince Edward Island, Canada. Mother: Wonderful! And what is your question? Female Caller #4: My question, Mother, is I was speaking to a friend of mine who is not a Catholic but who is a person of faith. And they asked me one day, "Is Jesus Christ coming back?" And so, of course, I said, "Yes, He's definitely coming back." And I pointed them to the Book of Revelation and what the Lord has told us about His Coming in the creation of the new Heavens and the new earth. And that we would be without pain, suffering, death, etc.. And so he said, "Well, if we don't have death or suffering or pain, does that mean that there will be no new life?" Because he said, one of the most beautiful things in this world is new babies being born. And he said, "I can't imagine a Heaven without babies." And I thought, that's a very good question because we know that God creates. And we know that Christ is the Eternal Word, Who creates. So is it possible that in Heaven, although we are told there will be no marrying or giving in marriage, is it possible we could have a Heaven where God would not continue to create new human life? So I would like to know what your thoughts on the subject are, whether you think that God will continue to create new human life and if so, how He might do so? Mother: Well, the Church has taught and has taught for centuries when the end, the final days, the end of the world, there will be no more. No more marriage and there will not be any more children being born. There is not possible for children to be born in Heaven. It's a whole new, wonderfully new state and place in Heaven. When the end, the final end comes--and I think we're far away from it but it will come, no question of that-- when it comes, though, that will be the end of everything we know here on earth. The way it's lived, everything will be changed. But there will be an end to God creating people. Procreation will be at an end. If it was not, you'd have procreation in Heaven and then that would not be. That's impossible. We'll have a whole new state. Even here, our bodies will not be the same--they'll be a lot better. You're not going to have that wart on your chin and you're not going to have that bald head and you're not going to have flat feet. And you're (chuckles) not going to have all of the things that are imperfect, all the things that are trying to us, all the things that our desires are. We suffer from the consequences of Original Sin. And nobody can deny that. When the liberals say there is no need for Baptism, that is terrible because we need to be baptized. We need to be brought back to the Lord. That Original Sin needs to be wiped away. And even then we still have little bitty kids will be jealous if a brother or sister is born. All you parents have that experience. And some of you will have twins. One will be really generous to a fault and the other one, uh-uh. I told you the twins that came to see me one time and they had these great big all-day suckers this big, licking away. And one came in and as soon as she saw me she hid her sucker right behind her back. And the other one ran up and said, "Do you want a lick?" They were about that big. Already, at that young age, the selfishness, jealousy, all those things in us come out all during our lifetime. And every so often you'll give something you're so surprised at. "Well, I didn't know I did that. I didn't know I could feel that way." So we have to understand that in Heaven there is such a different total state. The desires we have here, legitimate or not--that's what the Pharisees asked Jesus about that poor woman who married seven brothers. Poor woman! I mean, Lord save us, all in the same family. I mean, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! I feel sorry for the seventh man. He must have thought, "I'm a dead duck! (group chuckles) "Here she comes. I am a dead duck!" And he did! I mean, wipo! (chuckles) I mean, what is she going to do in Heaven? I mean that was a real question in their minds, you see, because, well, whose wife is she, since she had all seven? She ought to have a high place in Heaven. Seven times! Now, the Lord said, "No, no." He said, "There is no marrying in Heaven." And it's sad to say--and I understand your quandary and your question. There will come a time when marrying and babies being born will end. That is God's prerogative to decide. That's why abortion is so evil, because man decides or a doctor or whatever, whether there will be life. And of course, partial-birth abortion is hideous. Not even Hitler thought of that. And so in this day and age, sad to say, that there are atrocities that multiply. But in Heaven it will not be so. And you're right! I mean, birth is such a beautiful thing. And babies are beautiful. That was God's way of pro-creating the world. I think it's an awesome thing. But in Heaven it will not be so. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #5: Hello. Mother: And where are you from? Female Caller #5: I'm from Palos Heights, Illinois, Mother. Mother: And what is your question? Female Caller #5: My question it regards what you were speaking of earlier tonight about being ready in Lent and getting ready for our penance. And try to grow closer to the Lord, which makes me think that the Lord has different places for us and higher places for some of us, than others. Once you get there and you're in the place you're supposed to be in Heaven. how will it make any difference to you as to whether you're higher or lower because you'll be happy as you are, right where He placed you? Mother: That's right. There's no jealousy in Heaven. The Little Flower had a hard time with that. So she asked her sister Pauline about it one time. And Pauline took two glasses. And she took one glass about this big and one about that big and she filled them to the top. And she said, "Now, what do they look like?" She said, "They're full." She said, "Well, that's how it is in Heaven. "Everybody is so filled with the love of God their capacity is filled to the brim." So there's no jealousy. And one may have a higher degree than another--and that depends upon us here. It doesn't depend upon ourself. No, because grace is the root of everything. It does depend on our cooperation. That's why Confession is so important. Even if you've committed grave sin, Confession wipes it out. And you not only start over, you can start way ahead because you're humbled by it. So, in Heaven there will be an awesome gratitude to God, beautiful gratitude to God for everything, everything He has done. And we will know how good God was to us. Everyday I thank the Lord for all the miracles He does for us that I don't see. I think we'll be surprised in Heaven how good God was to each one of us and we never saw it! We called them accidents. We called them good luck. Oh, it was the Lord. So, for that reason, there can be no jug filled. And even if I don't reach that degree of union God desired of me, I'm there and I will happy even with less because the happiness in Heaven is so intense and so awesome. And one of the most beautiful thing about Heaven is it will never, never end. One of my Sisters, her class had a reunion. I don't know why anybody wants a class reunion but anyway, this picture was filled with all the people in her class umpteen years ago. They were all old, they all looked old and they all looked the same age. (all chuckle) And they said they had a good time. I'm glad! (chuckles) Oh, I can't tell you what I thought. (all laugh) Oh dear, but in Heaven this is not going to be that way. We'll know everybody. If Mother Teresa died tonight--I hope she doesn't --she's not going to be full of wrinkles in Heaven. She's going to be a total beautiful woman, probably looking like she would have been 33. And she would be absolutely phenomenal for her degree of holiness would be, I'm sure, so great. So, in Heaven we will enjoy each others holiness. There are a few people we may go to and say, (sigh) "I never thought you'd make it." (all laugh) And he'll probably say to you, "Well, kiddo, I never thought you would either." (all chuckle) But you'd be happy together forever. Just imagine, your dearest or greatest enemy you will love with all your heart. Well, that's all I can say about Heaven. Bye now. (applause) [music]
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Keywords: MA902753
Id: KTl5WGm4YyM
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Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2013
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