Most Viral Airsoft Moments Ever Caught On Camera (1 BILLION VIEWS)

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with over 1 billion views combined you're about to witness a Relentless barrage of head shot painful ball Breakers cheaters and winging beater males as well as some of the most insane invisible ghilly sniper moments ever captured on camera during my Adventures across the world welcome to my most viral Airsoft moments ever right know i' just seen seen a move yeah got a gly suit hey wait I don't I don't understand what's going on medic orange medic medic dead orange Med I I don't really want to be he's dead to how many times wait right [Music] [Applause] was me BOS I can hear [Laughter] it [Music] there's the informant there's the informant two bodyguards two bodyguards so we can see the inform is that a positive idea on the hvt okay let's take the shot take sh take sh got strong win left to right running running inance down down down down here [Music] see one down [Music] [Music] serious on coming [Music] in head shots we don't particularly like head shots oh oh right the got your rifle on you Mustang my rifle yeah yeah Dam someone's complaining wow saying is a bit h I think you are anyway I don't know I think it's me who's complaining guy from leer he runser he runs Lester oh is he oh he's one of the trolls oh nice Point him out to me I was shoot my head I'm pretty sure he's one of the trolls still there you go spot on show me spot on 2.25 on well time to have some fun down here now Fu he just did he shot you right between the eye no he didn't you shot him on the right [Music] shoulder why he so angry look at him do you think it do you think it's acceptable for them to be shouting threats at us that's what I'm trying to I I don't think it is I don't think anyone should be threatening anybody at a game of Airsoft he he and and he and he said to you he just shot me right between the eyes he didn't he shot him on the left shoulder so he's lying he's trying to insinuate we're trying to headshot him and he's threatening us I don't think that's acceptable question L if you are shot with a single BB in the left shoulder is it acceptable to hurl physical threats at the person who's tapped you once in the left shoulder and then lie to a marshall that the player you're threatening is shooting you between the eyes me there you sh me exactly there oh oh it's you okay I'm just I'm just asking is is it okay right next to [Music] us guys shut up this may be your hobby this is my job don't make me unjoy what I do everyone happy yeah let's get the next game going my love mate all I'm saying you could have taken me eye out I'm standing there you got ey on my guy yeah you could have done there was using can we rewind I just off you in my hand can we rewind a second I didn't shoot you by the way I I didn't say it was you you did I said one okay but can we just rewind it back you did shout physical threats and you did say to the Marshall that you shot in between the eye that's I'm just an observer I don't give a but we got the Marshall standing next to I'm going like this I've got me gun in front of me you on your there were players behind you they they all dead all dead but we don't know that and they're coming out and they're shooting out of it as well they are if you want to shoot people in dead zone we could easily do that the thing is if you been hanging around up there trying to get a sneaky little position gone back and respawn and listen to the Marshal if you're respawning in a point and the people that are attacking the area are pushing your building do not complain it's up to we're allowed to go where we want yes but don't you think we would have shot at you we're thinking there were people shooting at us they were coming out and they were shooting we w we weren't told it was a respawn okay we wer kicking Mustang he is a YouTuber who actively goes out to hurt people for Content he's absolutely unhinged must be a good a my big Target mate the corner there oh really day wait hey blue line is B not taking it go back to respawn on back to respawn you can keep shooting you there fa yeah can take it and shut up back to respawn well you are actually on the line there yeah Jo on Karen J on mate totally silent My toky marray Bodyguard left the aoft Karen so confused that they thought the shots must have been coming from out of bounds better luck next time boys the L Landing once we've landed we extract we exp that the H exp that way understood you join me over Johannesburg South Africa on the ground fellow ghilly sniper co sign one punch is preparing the landing Zone our objectives Rondevu with a special ops unit one click Northeast of the LZ smash my glasses really you need to come back the safe Zone nowo I you in mate you're sorry you're threatening me yes I am why are you threatening me you need better glasses dude these are on the issue you prick what they saw flies yes they're probably broken mate this is a one jeel gun you're threatening me you've come over here to threaten me where have they shattered where have they shattered fuing look at my face where is it shattered could have aim for the chest though couldn't I mate I was aiming for the chest mate it's a fast shoot there's three of you lay off the threat you know it's ridiculous you know what I'm done that I'm a why why ballistic what it's a oneel mark 23 pistol yeah you can wear face protection come on dude seriously come on dude it's a burst come on here I'm expecting fced opposition so I've equipped myself with an m79 saof grenade launcher giving me an AA effect weapon capable of hitting targets over 100 100 m away and if any enemies get close enough I'm carrying high-powered frag grenades which will be sure to clear out any dug in opponents I come across today idiot oh my God you and today I've brought along an m134 Minun just like the real thing it has an externally powered Gatling style rotary Barrel assembly traditionally used by helicopter door Gunners in Vietnam it's capable of an insane rate of fire I got you I always the kid got me do you want to use it huh do you want to use it you sure yeah right so you have to squeeze it quite hard oh like that yeah like that in the building I'll stay with you careful I have this insane Mac 11 machine pistol which can empty its 48 round magazine in 1.5 seconds which you can be sure is going to upset a few people along the way today that goes my teeth [Music] you that hurt oh bro mother you ni it's actually pretty simple kiing Mustang is banned from 40 plus Fields because he intentionally harms players and promotes it on his channel I mean it's it's pretty much that simple he will shoot players in the head whenever it's exposed even when the body's exposed he goes for the head obviously but he'll even go for more sensitive areas as you can probably see on the screen his goal is to hurt people and to get a reaction out of them for Content how like it I don't understand how you can defend that but he's going out of his way to hurt people like that alone is enough to get banned he's hurting people and getting it recorded for YouTube like that's I don't know I just feel like that's easily enough grounds B so that is my opinion that this is why I think he's been banned from 40 plus Fields today I brought along an insane gas powered FN 40 GL Mark I [Music] he nice bleeder is it yeah o sexy piece of you know that might be why dude look well no it's not that cuz I it was shoot with it even further away we fixed it somehow yes oh it's out it's good oh I think they're on the roof yeah you join me at the old Kempton Hospital in Johannesburg South Africa I'm hidden in my ghillie suit they have no clue that I'm in the area I must make no sudden movements reloading slowly and smoothly to avoid being detected that Tango's heading straight towards me I can either lay low and rely on the power of my KCs ghillie suit to remain undetected or take them down quietly and risk being located by their teammates down get down sniper I made the right decision they think he was taken out by a long range sniper giving me the opportunity I need to make my move to breach the fob and plant the charge go go go go go build yellow's up to [Music] p With the Enemy players bunched up closely and with my silenced mk23 pistol ready I need to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike they all need to be looking away from me so they don't see me move there needs to be noise to cover the sound of my shots and they all need to be perfectly spaced out so that one carefully placed shot on each of them will wipe them out before they realize what has happened I least going surrender didn't hit me yes I did you were dead before you all dead I'm still dead oh what the was that in the a man cover again [Music] man yay yeah come on reloading a health and safety issue on the field means a ceasefire is about to be called all players must lower their weapons the trolls have other ideas why' you just do that why'd you just do that mate he just shot me there who was it just shot me there why'd you do that wasn't I want some more it was you why'd you do that [Laughter] hey with trolls on the field targeting me let's get back into the game and go on the hunt head shots only for these toxic cheaters trolls up ahead but the forest is too thick for shots let's send a pineapple over see if we can flush them out H they don't seem to want to take that one let's try another that one worked and there's the rest of them I'm going to Target their Chief troll who isn't wearing head protection doed and off to respawn with you like a good little boy and like all bullies when the ring leader is down the rest of them scatter but they've left a straggler and he's done too hey good shot what theu he's down bro what the is that gun walking my sniper shoot that hard that was semiot fuing he was all the way back the trailers and he just from the Trail there yeah like oh in all my years of playing Airsoft I have seen some crazy loadouts but this one is for sure one of the coolest this Airsoft Crusader may not have been the most effective player on the field this day but he led the line and took a lot of enemy [Applause] fire today I've brought along something a little bit special a Japanese sniper rifle from World War II the arasaka typ 97 made of full wood and metal and features a real steel bayonet this is the most realistic World War II replica I've ever used if I hit anything I'll be impressed yes got him oh mate he flinched as well come on dude if hit anything I'll be impressed yes got him H anything I'll be [Music] impress what you keep an ey there's two Liv over there yellow four times hit four [Applause] times five times oh oh oh who should I kill first and today I've equipped myself with the most realistic sof grenades on the market the taging afg Sixers with their pin and Spoon system I'm able to Prime the grenades and wedge them into doorways when the doors are open the prime grenade will explode and take out any unsuspecting enemies in the area [Music] what G suit is this KCs kicky Mustang concealment system that good Su really lightweight breathable there [Music] [Music] I really want to drag your ghilly suit through a thick muddy puddle we're viewing it that's what your suit should look like can I do it for you can I do it come on come on let me come on please very pick it up next week is kicking Mustang Bann from your s i this one going to be here right the GU I don't know he's there's something going wrong there's something dangerous it's not right I think it's coming down to the SES to decide whether they're going to allow James on I don't want any of my players just to get shot and hurt in the face and bleed in the face for somebody to make a video and there is a new list coming up of sites who are Banning James from sites and you're just not welcome you know what I mean you're not welcome and I think going to find a lot of sites in the UK are going to backlash like this and the pressure is going to come on and it's not going to be nice but people are making a stand and what I say to you is stop just stop wankers hit medic St watch the main door I've got the window hang on watch the door I've got the window you cover the door good he's talking to someone else another one down oh mate are I make my way towards their position using my n your Tabby boots to remain silent as I move along the forest [Music] floor get out that hit so hard when did you start how many subscribers I have almost got 2 million to be I want I want this it's been a pleasure to meet you as well I want this to be a YouTube video we'll see what happens guys see what happens didn't you kill a whole Squad with a grenade yeah a do you want a picture do you want a picture together yeah let's get a picture together guys come on guys going to touch you I touched him Che thank you so much for watching the video guys okay boys have a great evening happy birthday everybody [Music] this game play I'm using the super realistic G3 Marksman rifle [Music] get King I lost my head [Music] picking Mustang is an airsoft YouTuber sitting at a whopping 2.4 million subscribers on YouTube he has been a tyrant of the Aerosoft Community for years and is a disgusting shell of what people once thought was a hero in the community well it's 4:00 a.m. right now when I'm recording this I'm going to need a mental health break I realize sometimes I get a little too cynical I was up late making calls to the mental crisis hotline and it's um it's not good on my end I have a bit of a severe depression I feel a little bit like I'm making the community a little more toxic than I want to and that brings us to the end of this marathon of Airsoft action for my Adventures across the world to all of you who have supported me whether you've been here since the start or are a recent subscriber thanks very much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: kickingmustang
Views: 1,300,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airsoft, gameplay, try not to laugh, funny moments, ghillie suit, cheater
Id: gKPkIrSIsJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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