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now if you'll just Ripple through the map book and pick any page at random just so we know it's ran now the marking puncher just punch it down any place and random now I'll take the marking pen and the ice Shield Mr Blake and if you'll just slip on the rubber band to mark your page and the point that you marked is the corner of arroya and Holly Drive in Pasadena and if you went there and you look North I think you could draw a picture of a bridge with a big archway is that the way you did it sir you're looking for a confession lieutenant for being a magician instead of a real psychic I don't think that's a crime sir not even when you use a special map book where all the pages are exactly the same and the pet is a special pen which won't make a mark on the page because the Mark is already there same mark in the same place on every page a royal and Holly Drive a royal and Holly Drive or Royal and Harley Drive I don't care William look it's always going to be the same and an Eye shield so you can't see that the Mark is already there and a rubber band so you can't turn back and see that all the pages are alike I think you missed your calling lieutenant as they psychic or a magician now Max Dyson he was a magician and he knew I had a time where the drivers were going and the four directions that they could look and you knew that too Mr Blake so you and Mr Dyson must have known each other so you can work the trick together well done again lieutenant when Max Dyson and I met a few days ago we got together and rigged the test why would he do that sir I painted Max wasn't the most honest person in the world into my astonishment I discovered some time ago that I wasn't either that you've perceived these secrets of the human heart wish you a good night I think you killed him sir was just a thought you're a very thoughtful person who turned I've asked you a lot of questions Mr Blake and I'm sorry to say your Ranchers have not been strictly truthful been reading my mind again no sir I've been reading an Old State Department report about how life was going for an American and an Englishman in a mugandan prison would that be you and Mr Dyson sir and if I told you that Mr Dyson sold you out to get himself out of prison would you call that a strong motive for murder would you agree with that as a motive sir you'd make a bizarre executioner lieutenant you'd ask The Condemned man if you agreed with the Rope well sir we don't have you condemned yet even if we consider this a cartridge a cartridge like the one I found you the other day and I thought maybe the murderer left it maybe when he decided to kill Mr Dyson would to give a team to make it look like an accident instead of shooting them all that from a cartridge wow this is where I found it and then after you came here to help me the cartridge was gone that was very good the way your palm to Mr Blake I wish I could learn to do that and finally there's the guillotine do you mind sir [Music] how handy is and beautiful fantastic effect and I couldn't figure out how it worked and nobody would tell me so I had to try and figure it out myself I keep telling myself it's a trick so I could think about it as a trick and I finally figured out the trick is right there in the car where it's marked safe and danger maybe another blade in there the safe blade am I warm sir what a Pity Max isn't with us you could have asked him I don't think he would have told me uh Mr Blake would you mind fitting that collar over me at the Safeway are you sure you trust me Lieutenant why not sir you're a magician and the case I have against you well I have to admit it's not much of a case [Music] then it's my pleasure [Music] he was saying lieutenant about your case all I have is motive some lies missing cartridge no sir I need at least one more piece of evidence and if I know you sir you're not going to give it to me but I'm going to keep trying to convict you Mr Blake because you did murder Mr Dyson it was you who killed on sir that's something we both have to face not a doubt in the world no doubt at all just a matter of time though there is no time Lieutenant time is just a magic trick foreign [Music] is the last piece of evidence [Music] it's the label sir safe and danger I have to admit I was very cynical Mr Blake [Music] I reverse the labels you seem very startled this is something I've done it's like hiccups sir sometimes it takes a shot to bring you out of it you're under arrest for the crime of murder [Music] and I'll have to apply the penalty sir [Music] just one more thing foreign
Channel: Columbo
Views: 72,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Columbo, columbo goes to the guillotine wiki, columbo goes to the guillotine, columbo guillotine episode, columbo goes to the guillotine plot, columbo goes to the guillotine characters, columbo goes to the guillotine full episode, columbo goes to the guillotine ending, Lieutenant Columbo, Peter Falk, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Mystery, Classic TV, Columbo Full Episodes, columbo guillotine, Columbo guillotine trick
Id: L9pZMZcXc8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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