“Were You a Witness To What He Just Did? | Columbo

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all right lieutenant what's the meaning of this just one minute sir i'm looking for a k ah here it is columbo i warned you yes you did sir and i want you to know that i didn't take your warning lightly but i have no choice sir you see i don't think mr destroyer killed your wife i don't think he even met her i think you arranged everything i think you arranged the false kidnapping the ransom note the telephone call i think you lured mr deshman to the junkyard and i think you shot him of course you can prove all this you see this newspaper this is the same edition of the newspaper that the letters and words for the ransom note were cut out of i'm trying to reconstruct that note need any help with your spelling lieutenant i'll tell you what the problem is we found this newspaper in the motel room it was sprawled over a chair it was left there even though the maid said that she cleaned up the room yes i told you she probably lied that's the problem sir you see this terrible mess i'm making there's just no way to cut up this paper and paste together this note without making a mess i know i tried it last night my wife and i columbo what's your point my point is this if the maid forgot to clean up the room then why didn't we find little bits and pieces of paper somewhere you see the problem if she did clean up the room then everything gets thrown out all the bits and pieces of paper gets thrown out and the newspaper gets thrown out if she doesn't clean up the room then these scraps of paper they have to be somewhere you can see the contradiction you're incredible you're really incredible this man this criminal abducts my wife kills her tries to kill me in cold blood but instead of recognizing the obvious you accuse me of some kind of a monstrous scheme destler killed francis no one else no sir that's not possible you see mr desperate had an alibi what yes sir he couldn't possibly have killed your wife and what's more your sworn statement is perjured you're crazy correct me if i'm mistaken but you said you were with your wife until noon on thursday the 20th the day she was abducted yes well you see sir mr destroyer was down at the department of motor vehicles taking his driver's test that morning and i've got a sworn statement from an examiner to that effect so you see mr destler couldn't possibly have kidnapped your wife but you could have lieutenant what in the hell are you saying destler had no alibi my wife was abducted in the afternoon no sir that's what we assumed actually she was kidnapped in the morning and at precisely the same time that you said you were at home along with her i have absolute proof sir that mrs galesco was tied to that chair in that ranch house at 10 o'clock in the morning i took the snapshot of mrs galesco and i took it down to our photo lab and i had a giant blow up made from that print and i want you to know my friend that i took personal charge of that process just so that there'll be no mistake you see that clock in the background that clock reads 10 o'clock that's very plain 10 o'clock sir that's the time that you claim you were at home alone with your wife oh lieutenant you're priceless you're a gem you're a little flawed and you're not too bright but you're one of a kind i think that's a very incriminating piece of evidence sir evidence don't you see what you've done you've taken that picture and you have reversed it sir you have made a mistake lieutenant in the process of enlarging that photo you've turned everything around the clock doesn't say ten it says two o'clock well can you do that is that possible it certainly is i don't understand get the original photo and compare it i'll demonstrate it to you then you'll see where you made a big mistake the original the original snapshot yes well i'm afraid that's going to be a problem sir you see when i was down in the dark room working with the guy from the photo lab i was helping out i accidentally dropped the original in a batch of hydrochloric acid what yes sir uh there is no other print it's gone what is this a clumsy attempt to frame me with false evidence oh no sir no i wouldn't do that no i'm afraid this is the picture and there's been no mistake i'll testify to that sergeant hoffman would you read mr galesco his rights hold it hold it lieutenant before you do something you'll regret i hate to disappoint you but you have proof of my innocence despite your clumsiness sir we don't need the original snapshot the negative will serve the same purpose look at that negative in the back of the camera lieutenant it proves i'm right were you a witness to what he just did yes lieutenant were you a witness to what he just did yes sir were you a witness to what he just did yes i am sir witness to what you just incriminated yourself sir you've identified the camera that's right sir that's what you did you see you didn't pick out this one this one this one you didn't touch any of these 12 cameras you picked that one yes this is the camera that was used to take your wife's picture but you would have no way of knowing that or of knowing that this negative was in the back of this particular camera unless you've taken the picture yourself sorry if i hadn't taken that camera you were counting on that [Music] you didn't accidentally reverse that film you did that deliberately sergeant huffman [Music] you have the right to remain silent europe the right to remain silent anything you say kano it will be used against you in a court of law i have a right to speak with an attorney [Music] just one more thing [Music]
Channel: Columbo
Views: 2,007,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo, Peter Falk, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Giallo, Mystery, Classic TV, Los Angeles Police Department, Patrick Williams, Columbo Full Episodes, Negative Reaction, columbo season 4, a deadly state of mind columbo, george hamilton columbo, columbo, columbo full episodes, columbo full episodes season 1, columbo just one more thing, columbo season 4 episode 1, columbo solves the case
Id: gnQIOm2KimA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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