Best Moments from Season 8 | Columbo

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is this the bartending school you're late oh it's been a very busy day sir get behind the bar right uh I'm not really a bartender keep coming late you'll never be a bartender I said a green vest Where's your green vest what is your name uh uh Columbo homicide police oh you're the one who called yes all right over here all right the rest of you start in your workbooks lesson one Shirley temples get it right sorry about that Lieutenant how can I help you uh it's this Photograph sir uh one of my uh homicide victims he had some of your matches from that buckets bar uh they were in his pocket would you recognize this man at all sir sure he was in last night first timer but the matches don't match excuse me I didn't give him the matches the lady asked for matches she smoked the one he picked up ah this lady would I be far wrong if I said she was a very attractive lady well dressed in black wearing a man's black hat about like that I wasn't paying much attention so I can't tell you much me I'm just a bartender I don't have what you might call a trained policeman's eye well you just tell me why good you know well the lady's another first timer professional working girl called herself Lisa with no last name if you believe Lisa is a real name you believe anything anyway Lisa with no last name knew the Playbook comes on Bold and advertises herself your guy walks in she gives him the buzz guy hits no wasted time in two seconds they are very cozy no strains two bugs in a rug you know what I'm saying you lay some cash on her and out they go about 9 maybe 9:15 as happy as clams bad is for you pal that's some observation for a man who wasn't paying attention taste that tell me what you think well that's very generous sir that's very refreshing that's my Shirley Temple an interesting Shirley Temple Touch of dryness but a light sweet bouquet very nice you're a very good bartender sir but I think you would make a terrific detective I love the work I got Lieutenant so do I [Music] sir excuse me stopping by your house like this Mr Brady but uh I got some more news Miss janigan she was just leaving she seemed very upset she's upset I'm upset do we have to do this now lieutenant well ordinarily I wouldn't even trouble you Mr Brady but I've got some very encouraging news the ory police sir they traced Mr fish's place of employment men's way to seems he told him he needed a day off for some dental work that's the day he died here in La uh uh sir I'm expecting two acquaintances uh they're coming in a second car just let me see if they got the right house oh brought you candy boy I know you got a sweet too how did he get here you mean Mr Fisher by plane sir he arrived that morning we traced the return ticket sir the return right in here fellas this is the house down the stairs in the living room where was I sir uh Len had arrived that morning and you traced his return ticket a return ticket for 11:00 the same night Sir you mean he only planned on being here for the one day just a day sir I'm sure of it I checked that ticket twice in that morning out that night that's one day uh Mr Su Mr Kardashian Mr Alec Brady good evening how do you do how do you do strange isn't it strange he's coming here for just one day yes strange he he didn't call me you never heard from him at all no I told you lieutenant not for 3 years right you told me right Arie ah Mr Su he's a new detective he working way up tell Mr Brady where you first encountered Mr Kardasian that was on Century Boulevard not at the airport no I thought it was at the airport Century Boulevard that's where you first showed him Mr fish's picture yes sir and he recognized it oh Mr Kardashian is a cab driver from Iran yes sir I hope things are going well for you here sir thank you now you recognize this man and you you remember picking him up at the airport yes and Mr Brady you're not going to believe this do you know we Mr cardan took Mr Fisher Lieutenant I couldn't possibly know look I think you better just come out and tell me what you want to tell me he took him to the studio sir to your very own Studio the studio I didn't leave him off in the studio I took him to the tour Center the tour Center you mentioned that that's my mistake the tour Center you know the tour Center where the visitors come to take the tour yes I know the tour Center Lieutenant what was Len doing at the tour Center it is it's strange isn't it hard to believe a man would fly all away from Orin and New York just to see the studio then fly right back home again can you think of any reason no no no it's baffling it is it's all very pleasant okay uh Mr Su Mr Kardashian we've taken enough of Mr Brady's time don't bother to see us out sir I know it looks like the trail ends at the tour Center sir but we' come a long way don't give up on me yet good night sir good night Sir nice meeting you sweet dreams what a house very nice house did I tell you he was a director a director he's a great director that's how he got this house what do he [Music] do I just one second sir hold the phone let me get this straight the lady in black she went in there she went in that door right there she went in she never came out and you waited until I asked the attendant to go see if she was in there and she wasn't there nobody was there who came out how do I know Lieutenant ladies went in ladies came out just ordinary ladies ordinary ladies ordinary ladies did any of these ladies have a suitcase of package were they carrying a bag something like that I I wasn't looking for bags or packages I was waiting for this very exotic brunette Miss Henrik please ma'am thank you very much Mr lych just check with Sergeant BG keep him informed as to your whereabouts ma'am I'm going to have to go in there would you guard the door ma'am the lady's room but it's almost intermission liutenant just one minute ma'am one minute well oh dear for Lieutenant what was he doing in I'm sorry man I'm sorry I'm very sorry EXC excuse me no I'm sorry I'm very sorry excuse me I'm sorry forgive me sir hey excuse me m trash where where do you put D the trash no no no police man police police see hey police see police is boy trash trash where you dump the trash not the trash where do you put the trash no TR where's the trash not cleaning noan see the trash the big [Music] trash [Music] grand grand TR Grand Y is that's it I found it Mr Brady Mr Brady sir Lieutenant Columbo yes Lieutenant what is it just wanted to say goodbye for now sir bring me down fellas are you leaving us Lieutenant well it's the case sir it's taking a whole new turn going to have to spend some time with the narcotics boys so we won't be seeing each other for a while well you've got me convinced there such a thing is too much reality Lieutenant excuse me sir you've got me convinced that a real detective doesn't belong in the movies well maybe we can talk about that again goodbye sir goodbye lieutenant goodbye Lieutenant thank you well Rose Where Do We Begin I didn't know we were beginning anything except these maybe it's an ending then for me and you it's time to start thinking about another job Rose Oh you mean in a secretary whatever old Rose young Alex Rose too old for Alex Alex too young for Rose excuse me here we are I think there's something you ought to know about me Alex I'm still going to enjoy my lunch Alex did you remember to tell that nice Lieutenant Columbo about your phone call from Len fer what difference does that make I thought I heard you telling him that you hadn't heard from your friend Lynn fiser not for 3 years but Mr fiser called the other day and you picked up the call and no one was there remember Alex no thank than you that's not a very interesting subject Rose why you bring that up I remembered his name Lynn Fisher my mother's maiden name was Fisher try your salmon Alex it's very good I was checking the old phone sheets yesterday one page was missing for the day Mr Fisher called did you know it was missing El no but if it was missing I'm sure that you just threw it out by mistake Rose you're talking about leaving finding another job I don't want you to do that Rosie oh I never leave you Alex I was thinking about a long paid vacation maybe a cruise maybe around the world I've always dreamed about something like that but then I come back to you what do you think is something wrong with your salmon no just take it away I think you deserve a rest Rose my treat for being a loyal secretary I'll have my travel agent get in touch with you you really should have tried the salmon Alex are you sensing something please Lieutenant sorry Sor there is an emotional Mist in this place a residue of Despair and hopelessness pain beyond belief and here an ache of Anguish as tangible as brick oppressive a passion to escape from life itself torment death and freedom to end it all I'm sorry l i i i i don't think I can get anymore suicide what a terrible terrible way to die that's the most incredible thing I've ever seen to draw all that right out of the air the atmosphere the residue death suicide so it seems but it couldn't have been suicide the emotional track was as strong as perfume why would a man commit suicide sir I observed him to be a broken man after his test with the Institute well his entire universe was shattered after his lifelong claim that all psychics were frauds well he had nowhere left to stand well that could explain suicide sir but what about this cabbage cabbage and wa you see this a 3 lb corn beef corn beef corn beef and cabbage sir why would a man go to the market and buy yourself a 3 lb corn beef and pick out two head of cabbage and then go home and cut off his own head well he could have bought these things at any time Lieutenant you're right again sir but what about this the receipt from the market you see the time and the date do you see what I mean sir yes Lieutenant then I agree we must eliminate suicide as you understand suicide still my impressions of this place are pain Despair and hopelessness suicide has many modes sometimes the victim can um disguise it to himself provoke an accident and perish an accident Lieutenant that's terrific sensing sir an accident that the victim wants to happen exactly but it couldn't have been an accident I don't think I follow it's the screwdriver sir to the guillotine please it's the same screwdriver that we found in the victim's hand when we found him lying like this only without a head sir no head and a screw driver can you see how the screwdriver is in his hands sir yes Lieutenant I can see very clearly now in this position before the blade came down the only screw he could reach were here right here right here inside this track sir like this sir but this screwdriver this is just a regular screwdriver what they call a slotted screwdriver for regular screws but if you look at this screw sir you see here you see that kind of screw that's a Phillips head screw that's a comp completely different kind of screw and a Phillips head screw that takes a completely different kind of screwdriver like this one here sir and we found it on the floor along with other other tools near the guillotine do you see the difference sir do you see what that means sir what do you think it means Lieutenant well to me it means that Mr Dyson couldn't have had the slauter screwdriver in his see not when he died what would he be doing with it and it means that Mr Dyson must have been working with the Phillips head screwdriver and when he died Phillip's head screwdriver it fell on the floor like this and here's the really interesting part somebody somebody who was here must have picked up the other screwdriver by mistake and put it into Mr Dyson's hand maybe to make it look like an accident but it wasn't an accident sir that's what these two screwdrivers tell us well if it couldn't have been an accident lieutenant and it couldn't have been suicide are you intimating that Max Dyson was um murdered oh no sir I'm saying straight out that the man was murdered because we have to consider this too when the police came they found this part what they called a carer it was lying here like this way over here and the land boys they found strong traces of blood Mr Dyson's blood on this col which means that when he was killed the CER was like this and the murderer would that be the same one that put the screwdriver back into Mr Dyson's hand and the murderer he took the car off and he laid it over here so all of this would look like an accident but it certainly was a murder sir but the newspaper said that the workshop was locked from the inside two doors both locked ah yes sir the elevator door and the door to the stairs well if that's true and Max Dyson was murdered how did the murderer get out that is very puzzling Mr Blake very puzzling indeed and I was hoping you could help us with that me how could I vibration sir maybe what the murderer was feeling or thinking well so far Lieutenant I seem to be picking up all the wrong vibrations I'm sorry I don't seem to have been very much help well don't you worry about it Mr Blake now that we come this far we're certainly going to find the murderer and when we do maybe you can help us by reading his mind just one more thing
Channel: Columbo
Views: 85,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colombo best of, columbo s8, columbo goes to the guillotine ending, columbo sex and the married detective full episode, columbo goes to the guillotine, columbo sex and the married detective, Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo, columbo murder smoke and shadows, Peter Falk, best of columbo endings, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Giallo, Mystery, Classic TV, Los Angeles Police Department, Patrick Williams, columbo Full Episodes
Id: N1ZTWIh10U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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