Every Time The Murderer Was a Woman | Columbo

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foreign who is it who's there who's there [Music] Hello Operator get me the police [Music] uh operator oh operator I'm sorry forget it Lieutenant Colombo is that you come on lieutenant come in and have a drink Lieutenant Colombo [Music] foreign came in that night isn't it how did you get in same way your brother did with a spare key one of my men located your locksmith he was very cooperative what do you expect to prove by this bit of nonsense well I don't want to prove anything man I came to arrest you a recipe yes ma'am [Laughter] for the murder of your brother and I did have a reason for coming in this way I wanted to see the look in your face pretty well I've consider myself under arrest and now I want to see the look on your face when I call my lawyer you know what's ironic I knew it wasn't an accident the first night I knew it as soon as I saw that newspaper but I didn't have any proof I had to wait for the proof I had to wait for your fiance to give it to me from Peter yes ma'am although I don't think he meant to you see according to your story you were asleep at night the alarm woke you up you reach for a gun and you shot what you thought was a burglar which is exactly what happened couldn't be because Mr Hamilton who was driving up outside at the time he heard both the shots and the alarm of course he did what difference does that make oh big difference he heard the shots first then the alarm that's the cart before the horse I mean how could the alarm wake you if the shots came first you see what really happened was your brother came walking in here just the way I did tonight you shot him and then you set the alarm a few seconds later Peter is mistaken no he's a very good lawyer and he Prides himself on his memory and he won't like it but he'll testify against you in court if he has to and along with the other holes in your story I think they'll convict you oh really you don't want to do bad policeman outside what would be the point besides you're too classy a woman [Music] would you get dressed now pick all the time you need [Music] you know they have stuff in the chamber of Horrors here that actually makes my skin crawl it's disgusting put him on display oh listen I know how you must feel and I sympathize with you but you know somebody's been murdered and you know what they tell me they tell me folks around here they kind of enjoy that sort of thing you want to bet they hang up a figure of Mr Tana too most people Colombo have frightful taste yourself included I don't have to excuse this come along Lily not just yet sir well if you think we're going to play some sort of Sharad with this ridiculous it's the frame I'm always getting you angry I'm sorry about that it must be my accent or something but I wanted you here because I wanted you to help me prove something um I think I'll get rid of this I don't think Mr Tana killed anybody like the newspapers are saying I think it was you [Laughter] thank you this is going to sound silly but sir Roger he was killed someplace else and his body was moved later on and if I can only prove where it was that he drove that night prove who it was that he went to see then everything will start falling into place or they did not come see us now how many times no sir not to your dressing room in the theater it was to yours that's where the umbrellas come in I guess I'm brothers are the kind of thing that I can understand you know I've been watching people to see what they do with umbrellas when they come in out of the rain they close the umbrella they give it a shake like this and they find someplace to lean it against but they never fasten this strap because then it won't dry properly fascinating there's only one problem with that sometimes things Dropped In almost anything can drop in so I got to thinking if maybe that's what sir Roger did with his umbrella and something dropped into it that night well then maybe um got these things here somewhere just give me a moment would you oh forgive me amazing likeness isn't it where was I oh yes uh man the other night I stepped on a pearl in your dressing room I have some more just like it I got it from your customer she says he makes them well maybe if the necklace was broken in a fight like you said but that was Nikki and I uh Jones bring us that umbrella would you oh yes yes well there's a chance a pretty good chance that if the fight was with sir Roger no no it wasn't well there's no point speculating Mr Jones could we move back just a little give the gentleman room Mr Jones would you open the umbrella sir [Music] why it's the same exactly the same well man [Music] what's up [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] tomorrow [Music] and tomorrow okay stop it he put it Jones has anybody would you touch that umbrella no sir I'll testify to that then you must have done it when we weren't looking fools he was mad don't deceased yes [Music] you must try to understand it is yes well uh I think we can settle all this at the yard Smythe will uh you take over eh very good sir I all right tomorrow [Music] what is it lieutenant I guess it's a lot of things would you care to explain that and what you're doing here in our part of me really didn't want a theater you know because I really don't feel very well I wonder if you mind leaving and perhaps we can chat some other time I know you killed Gene Davis I find you amusing up to a point Lieutenant but you passed that it's just so many pieces that didn't add up tired I wouldn't go for mine why you refuse to sell the cottage that bothered me would you kind of get out I'm just not in the mood for any more of your rambling speculations I'm here to arrest you for the murder of Gene Davis oh you're not serious you let the air out of retire you stayed to see her get into parks's car and then you killed her I'm afraid I am serious what why would I do that I loved G the Y was very difficult to figure out meeting parks to study Tuesday June 6th you'll remember after you admitted juggling the books on the Italian movie and then Mr Fox intimidated he still had something on you no Parks probably beloved nevertheless Chandler on nerve quickly takes drink of course that means nothing well it could mean you had something else to hide the prop man tell me only drink under pressure not a theory here Nora Chandler has secret Gene Davis no secret there's a motive I have it written right here possible motive prevent Gene Davis from revealing secret to Jerry Parks oh you must be desperate Lieutenant you have no proof of anything what is the c the c key what is Secret that bother me fountain why Fountain doesn't run that bothered me yeah that's what started the bottoming right that's what Falcons are for why didn't the water run most people like the sound of running water I do well I don't well that's what I assumed at first and then I spoke to the head of the property Department you know they keep incredible records you know there's a number at the base of that fountain I saw it that day that I picked the flower anyway the prop man told me that he ordered the phone for sentimental reasons yes but I told you it was from a picture I just finished September 16 1960. that was the day you ordered the fountain remember the exact day September 15th the day before that was the day your husband disappeared now it starts to make some sense I have a possible explanation for why the fountain doesn't run in order to lay water pipe somebody would have to dig up the lawn wouldn't they [Music] thank you parental tenant thank you [Music] Jerry Parks wasn't hurt with him oh man where'd you get that ring bard I was just playing lunches I had nothing to go on I was just guessing I had nothing concrete I just wanted to see what you'd do and when you came in here you didn't even turn on the lights just ran right straight through the fountain you know coincidence if I hadn't called George if he hadn't been looking at TV if it was some other movie if you hadn't been dressed like a man because that's when it occurred to me 12 years ago somebody standing on a beach at night so your husband getting a boat and go out to the ocean I remember the photographs you and your husband the same height could have been you it was see ya I I'm married now because I thought I could oh we proved myself into my career and then I I began to care about the marriage so anyway playing around you know all this dollars all that but it hurt one night he brought one of them right in here and we had a hell of a fight and he argued fought I struck him with a bottle okay I I panicked buried him out there genu well I'm gonna coat and we'll go [Music] this is outrageous who's responsible for this what are you looking for let me put it this way if you found a little red jar with an eight-sided bottom would you get promoted just take it easy lady taking it easy as a matter of fact I could offer you a drink and help you search if I weren't so Furious all I get Lieutenant no luck at all Lieutenant would you please do what you have to do and get out of here how long is this going to take damn best case I've ever seen take find a poison ivy that's good where blessings please I know adolescence but where is in the bottom draw of a file cabinet the drill is locked you were nowhere near that drawer I know I never opened the drawer still trying to figure out where I got my poison ivy of course saying still worried about your itch you worried about yours no couldn't help noticing man the past few days you've been scratching your hand and wearing gloves so but not a state recently no neither am I pretend and you'll amaze me number one you don't even know if I have poison ivy doctor will tell us that number two even if I do have it it has nothing to do with Carl Lessing because I never touched that vial you're under arrest for murder good Sergeant would you step out of the room for a moment hey a little tenant another second or so I'll worry about all right fellas let's go if you ever had the feeling when you're about to go on a trip that you forgot something you know just as you're getting a cab and you're going to the airport you have an anxious feeling that you forgot something that something is missing that's the feeling I got the first time I saw that microscope I remember I turned and I saw it and I said is that a microscope and I started walking toward it and I remember the fingerprint man he was talking I didn't hear I'm good because I was distracted by the feeling that something was missing you know what I mean that can be very annoying it was until an hour ago run into George to my brother-in-law just back from Mexico today he said take a look at these knows I love family pictures took these out handed them to me and he said these are the best slides I've ever taken slides slides that's when it hit me well there's a microscope there's always this one you see we got our poison ivy in the same place we both touched the slide you touched it when you picked up the microscope and hit them [Music] that's when the slide broke I got it when I put my hand on the floor and it touched a piece of glass I remember because I said fellas feels like this broken glass here the fingerprint man he thought the glass came from a drinking glass wow [Music] very good lieutenant have you come here to torture us again Lieutenant haven't you done enough releasing her that's right I don't think she killed anybody and I don't think she stole this either she'd been using it all afternoon as an ashtray she doesn't even know what it is what is it Genie for everything your husband teaching your Byzantine after three months don't you know no she doesn't and she doesn't even know how we happen to be looking for it she doesn't know how we knew that it was that it was before the murder he thinks that you killed my father Aunt Ruth what he thinks that you hated him he thinks that you hated all of us so much that you killed him he doesn't know how much you love us [Music] he doesn't know how you've kept the family together you never would have tried to do this if you knew how much Maya Ruth has done for us how much he's done for me all I got is a tape recording I don't think it's enough to convey it's your brother's voice it's from the inventory that he was taking his tape is dated April 30th it's your incise gold piece Bronze Age morning Square inch and a half and a half gold mounted button gold beaker Albert Square large gold belt buckle Bronze Age three and a half I want to hear that last item again large gold belt buckle igem that's it Miss wooden Sergeant Builder and I we thought it was a dish we were wrong one edition it was a gold belt buckle and it was there the night that it would died was never missing at all lieutenant I don't know what you're talking about and you never will Mrs Brandon unless this case goes to trial and then it will all come out what your brother said to you about something being the same and what you said to me Cheney it wasn't true what he told you about my killing your father was it lieutenant you lied about that didn't you tell her it wasn't true tell her it was all such a long time ago it couldn't matter to anyone anymore only to Janie yes ma'am it wasn't true I lied about that it won't be necessary to use the tapes as evidence lieutenant yes ma'am [Music] lieutenant [Music] may I take you wrong [Music] it's my pleasure just one more thing [Music]
Channel: Columbo
Views: 183,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: columbo female killers, columbo the killer is a woman, Requiem for a Fallen Star, Dagger of the Mind, female killers, Old Fashioned Murder, Lady in Waiting, Columbo Full Episodes, Columbo, Lovely but Lethal, Lieutenant Columbo, Peter Falk, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Giallo, Mystery, Classic TV, Los Angeles Police Department, patrick Williams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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