"Most People Can't Finish One!!" | Hawaii's Biggest Japanese Ramen Challenge DOUBLED in Honolulu!!

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Hey everybody! This is Randy Santel "Atlas" and I am very very excited tonight! Last night, I realized that I love noods as in short for noodles because I attempted and dominated their Big Ramen Challenge here at Noods Ramen Bar in the Kaimuki neighborhood of Honolulu, Hawaii. Now, I did not feel that great last night after doing the Koko Head Trail. It was a rough way down, but I feel great tonight. The base challenge is to finish just one of the Big Ramen Bowls here at Noods Ramen Bar. 40 or 50 people are on the Wall of Fame. It's definitely a doable challenge. Raina still has the record which is 8 minutes and 25 seconds. I did it last night, just one bowl in 10 minutes and 22 seconds. There's basically four portions of ramen noodles. Both of them have a whole bunch of pork. Each one's got four soft boiled eggs. We've got healthy bamboo and then a whole bunch of seaweed, and then we've got green onions in the middle. This one is the Pork Tonkatsu, and then this is the Shio Ramen. This one's going to be heartier, thicker. This one's going to be lighter - a little bit more saltier, so we are going to do this challenge first, and then after that, I'm going to restart my timer and do this, trying to be the first person to win the challenge twice back-to-back, but let's get this challenge started!! Alright, Atlas is back today. Of course, if I do finish in the twenty-minute time limit, I'm going to get the forty-five-dollar bowl of ramen for free. I'm not going to get an extra sweet T-shirt today, because I already won the one last night, but I'll get another photo up on the Wall of Fame as the first person for doing two. So, whoo. Let's shut up and eat!! One, two, three, BOOM!! Alright, let's do it. So many noodles. We've just gotta get eating. I'm going to try to beat the 10:22. We'll see what happens. I wanted to come back today to promote the restaurant because it's awesome here, great staff, and the owner has been a subscriber for a long time. I'm going to do like eight minutes of chopsticks, and then when I decide I'm fed up, I'm going to switch to a spoon. I still don't know how to grab soft boiled eggs with chopsticks. It's still very hot. What I'm happy about is all this is still cooling off, so it's going to be easier to eat when I get done with this one. I felt like I could've done two yesterday, but I wasn't feeling very well, so I'm glad I only did one, and I'm glad it worked out that I could come back and try two today. Each one of these is about five pounds, so ten pounds is going to be a lot. The bottom is still very hot. Look at that steam. I'm like getting a facial? 4 minutes and 7 seconds in. These soft boiled eggs are so good. Actually, I think I am going to beat my time from yesterday. You know, I think I can actually beat Raina's time. So, I'm going to switch over to this spoon. Still got time. We got it! AAAHHHH!!!! 7 minutes and 19 seconds. That was so good. I really don't think I would have beaten it if I just went with chopsticks. I think Raina did use chopsticks for most of hers but I beat her time today. To watch her 8 minutes, 25 second video, the link is down in the description, but I love Pork Tonkatsu. I loved the flavor of it. It's definitely got some fat in it which makes it yummy and then of course the cooks, the staff here at Noods Ramen Bar. This is their Shio Ramen which has pork on it but Shio is salt- based. I hear it's awesome, and it is a little bit thinner, so I'm excited for that. Let's get the timer restarted. I don't think I'm going to try to beat the 7:19 I just did it in, but we still got 20 minutes to beat it in under the time limit. Let's become the first person to win this twice back-to-back. 1, 2, 3, BOOM!! Alright, chopsticks again. (crowd cheering) Thankfully, this has been cooling off. We'll see what happens. It is still steaming hot! I keep on trying to swallow too many noodles at one time, and I need to stop that. I still feel good. Are you inspired? haha I'm showing that two can be done, so one is easy. The Pork is so tender. Alright, I'm going to knock out some of these soft-boiled eggs. I will say my stomach is starting to feel it but we've still got plenty of room. The service here is better than the ramen. The ramen is fantastic! The Black Garlic Ramen is their most popular, biggest seller. We're almost done with the hard part. Alright, I think this is the last soft boiled egg. We are done with all of the meat after this. We just hit seven and a half minutes, so there's twelve and a half minutes to go. Let's do it! Starting to fill up, but we've got time. We've got space too! Just hit nine minutes in. Eleven to go. I'm going to finish off the rest with a fork. I think that will give me more confidence. I feel like I'm running out of time, but I still haven't hit last night's time of 10:22. This is not a low salt challenge. High in deliciousness though!! Thankfully it's 20 minutes, and not 15. This is preparing me for all the Australian challenges, even though a lot of them are on the smaller side. 8 minutes to go, a little less. I've still got room. I will say, doing this tonight while I'm feeling good, after about 30,000 steps, walking all over Waikiki today - I'm going to get it tonight, but I don't think I would have last night. The good thing is that I don't don't think they have a dessert menu here. The Honolulu area has more restaurants than people. There's a restaurant every like 35 feet, it seems like, so maybe we'll have some dessert on the way home. I just gotta get the last few little scraps. AAAHHHHH!!!! It is not the record, because I already got that, so I don't need to do it twice, but I did beat it within the 20-minute time limit. 15 minutes and 57 seconds! I gotta tell you, I don't really think that I noticed a whole ton of difference between the Pork Tonkatsu and then the Shio with the pork on top. All in all, it was similar ingredients, just a little bit of a different ramen broth. Loved both of them, but if I had to come back for a normal meal - I've been seeing lots of people get the Black Garlic Ramen. It looks so good, but it's not available as part of the challenge but still loved both. So, compliments to the chefs - everybody here, such an awesome friendly staff - here at Noods Ramen Bar. This location in the Kaimuki neighborhood of Honolulu. Again, there's another one. It's in a food court in Windward Mall. Such good food. This time, I'm going to get both of my $45 ramen bowls for free. I'm not going to get another sweet T-shirt because I already got the one from last night, but I will get another spot up on the Wall of Fame. I'll be the first person to finish two. Thank you so much for watching this extra video! I know I did film it the day after winning the base Big Ramen, but I know you're watching it quite a bit later. So, thanks for watching this one from Honolulu, Hawaii. Now, if you did like this ramen challenge, I'm sure you're going to like this one too. So, check this video out and thank you guys for watching. Win before we begin!!
Channel: Randy Santel
Views: 212,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramen challenge, ramen noodle challenge, ramen eating challenge, japanese ramen challenge, japanese pork ramen, japanese ramen noodles, japanese food challenge, japanese food challenge show, eating oahu hawaii, noods ramen, pork tonkotsu ramen, noods ramen bar challenge, ramen soup challenge, hawaiian ramen noodles, food challenge doubled, food challenge hawaii, kaimuki hawaii, noodle soup challenge, biggest ramen challenge, biggest ramen bowl challenge, soup eating contest
Id: GfApE1lJAbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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