Finish Sneakies' Supersized 3.5kg Pizza Burger Challenge and Win $150 in Sydney, Australia!!

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Good day, mate! This is Randy Santel "Atlas" and I am very very excited! I'm feeling so Australian already. I've been here in the Sydney area for like a week now. I'm going for my fourth win of this trip here in the Sydney area. I'm going for overall victory number one thousand one hundred and forty-six. I'm actually doing the challenge that I was supposed to do to start off the tour, but I wasn't able to get into Australia right away, but this man's back. He's been here a couple times, but he's back on the channel too. Big thank you to my friend James or JWebby Can Eat. He's been a massive help while we're here in the Sydney area, but we are all at Sneakies Kitchen. Just like all the challenges so far, we've got lots of people here which is much appreciated. He has actually already done this challenge. He did it right after Katina did the base challenge about a week ago, which is their Pizza Burger Challenge. Now, what we've got here, this is their mega-sized, super-sized, their Meter Pizza Burger Challenge. Now, I did a pizza burger in Adelaide back in two thousand seventeen. I think pizza burgers are quite an Australian thing. The base challenge is 15 minutes. We've got 45 minutes to finish everything here. There is a meter-long pizza used as the buns. So, we've got the top and bottom buns which are just cheese pizzas and I must say, I'm not usually just a cheese pizza fan, but the cheese pizza here at Sneakies Kitchen looks absolutely amazing. So, on this thing, there are four of their homemade, hand-breaded chicken breasts, and then we've got eight total of their beef hamburger patties. Each beef patty has a slice of American cheese, and then on the base of this thing, there's a whole bunch of their Sneaky Sauce. So, in addition to all this cheese pizza and fried chicken and the beef hamburger patties, we of course have loads of healthy vegetables. We've got lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and onions. So, it's like three and one half kilograms total. We've got JWebby Can Eat. He's got the base challenge, but he already did the challenge. What was your time last time? [James] 11 minutes. [Randy] Yeah, 11 minutes. So, Mister Sneaky Baz tried to stitch him up today. He's got over 1 pound of fries on his. So, thankfully they didn't do that to me, but 45 minutes. If we fail, it's going to be $150 Australian dollars, which is right around $103 American dollars, but if we do win, we'll get our entire meals for free. We will get sweet - they call them "jumpers" here. We call them hoodies, so I'm excited to get that into the collection if I do win. I'll get my name and photo up on the Wall of Fame, joining this guy, and best of all, I'll get 150 Australian dollars cash, so are you ready? [James] Ready when you are! [Randy] Alright. Let's get this challenge started!! [Crowd] Whoo!! Alright, great to be here in Homebush, coming off that BIG win against that Cali Burgers Sydney Challenge yesterday. Time to shut up and eat. Big thank you again to the owners, Baz and Hanum for having us in. Are you ready? [James] Ready when you are! [Randy] Alright, let's do it! One, two, three, BOOM!! Alright. I'm going to try this beef side first as a actual pizza burger. [Randy] MMmmmm!! [James] Good, huh? [Randy] The pizza is excellent and so are the beef burgers too. Alright, on to the next one! (crowd cheering) As much as I want to eat these as pizza burgers, it's very inefficient for me. So, I'm going to break some of these down. I'm going to run out of time if I'm not careful. I've got some of their bolognese, or marinara sauce, to help dip some of the pizza and all this stuff just to help get it down. That is very good!! Very good beef patties but there's like a kilogram of beef on here. This is a freaking big challenge, and I don't even have fries on mine. Alright, pretty much 11 minutes in. I'm done with the beef. [James] It's all downhill from here. (crowd cheering) [Randy] 18 and a half minutes. (crowd cheering) We've got 45 minutes to finish!! Alright, I'm done with the top bun on this half. We've got, we're basically 24 minutes in, with 21 minutes to go. Alright, I'm going to do all the chicken next, covered with honey mustard and barbecue sauce, and then the veggies, and then try to get this pizza down, all in the time limit. [James] And I'm going to watch him. [Crowd] You've got this!! You got this!! [James] Next time I'm bringing scales. This is a Sneaky Baz three kilos (kg). [Randy] Just go ahead and finish. You got it. [James] Speak for yourself, brother. I'm pushing shit up the hill. [Randy] No, I'm just making sure you're not slowing down for me. I should've done the base. Don't do this if you come here. Do the base Pizza Burger Challenge. Alright, we've got a fresh diet soda. I'm a little bit more digested. Let's get some more chicken down. Whoo!! (crowd cheering) I thought I was signing up for double of what Katina did. I didn't know about triple. Last bits of chicken. (crowd cheering) Yeah, 12 minutes to go. I need to get going! [Katina] Yeah, you got it. [Katina] Come on. Focus. Focus You got this!! [Randy] Alright, all pizza left. Let's do it. [Katina] You got it. Let's go!! Ugh, an hour, and I'd have it, but I don't know about 45 minutes. We've got ten to go. Alright, have a trash can ready. [Katina] Alright. [Katina] Let's go!! (crowd clapping and cheering) Come on, Lord! (crowd cheering) [James] Almost there, come on!! (crowd cheering) [Randy] 20 seconds!! [James] 20 seconds, easy!! (crowd cheering) [James and crowd] 5, 4, 3, 2... [Randy] AAAHHHHHH!!!! (crowd cheering) That was all legit swallowed too. [James] One second. [Randy] 44 minutes and 59 seconds!! Whoo!! That was really frustrating and I take responsibility. I apologize for that, because the owners Baz and Hanum would have let us have one hour, and I got cocky and thought because he smashed it in like 11 minutes the other day, Uh the base challenge, that I'd be able to finish in the 45 minutes. That was legit though. I'm really proud of that win because I didn't really think it was going to happen. So, thank you guys all for cheering!! Whoo!! I really didn't even talk that much because I was so worried from the start. It took me quite a few minutes to get the first eighth down, and I did the math. I knew this was going to be a tight one, and it was, but congratulations to the champ over here. Ooh. What did you think of it? [James] I'm so full, but it was tasty as hell. [Randy] I must say that watching me, I probably did not make the food look good, but I enjoyed it the whole way through. The beef burgers were great, but Katina told me that the chicken was going to be awesome, and all four of those chicken breasts were. They would have been especially delicious if I tried them earlier on while they were warm, but all of the sauces on there. Sneakies' Cheese Pizza. That entire mega-sized meter-long Pizza Burger Challenge was delicious here at Sneakies Kitchen in Homebush of Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. After Katina finished, she had one of Sneakies' sundaes, and said it was delicious. I might need a little bit of some time to digest what I got in me, before I worry about dessert. Get here! I don't recommend trying that challenge. That was freaking crazy. Just try the base Pizza Burger Challenge that Katina tried. To watch her video and learn all about that, the link is down in the description, but for me, it was very proud, overall victory number 1046. Well done, James! Thank you guys all so much for your support. Whoo!! I've had so much talking in this video, but it is over now. If you did like this video, be sure to watch this one as well - the one that I did with James a couple days ago. There's lots more videos upcoming, filmed all over Australia. Win before you begin, and thanks so much for watching!! Whoo!!
Channel: Randy Santel
Views: 558,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza burger challenge, pizza challenge, burger eating challenge, burger challenge, pizza eating challenge, aussie pizza challenge, pizza cheeseburger, pizza chicken burger, sneakies kitchen homebush, sneakies kitchen pizza burger challenge, supersized pizza burger challenge, james webb eating, jwebby can eat, jwebby can eat randy santel, homebush west sydney, chicken burger challenge, meter long pizza, burger with pizza buns, competitive eating australia, eating competition
Id: GqnJVuD98Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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