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can I copy your homework sure just make it look different so it doesn't look like you copied it so if I were to say that Twitter is mad about po world that would be an understatement I've cataloged a number of tweets of people who are unhappy about the outcome of this game being successful so anyway pow world has become one of the biggest and fastest selling games of all time and it reached a peak of over 1 million people and just to put this into perspective and context of uh how big that is how many people that is let's look at a 24-hour Peak right now of uh let's see here alltime Peak so this is alltime Peaks for all games of all time so pubg is the goat with 3 million online players at a time and then Counter Strike two uh you know big surprise there lost Arc is number three here Dota 2 and then pow world is beating out cyberpunk Elden ring New World Hogwarts Legacy and balers Gate 3 all at the same time while it is being also on Game Pass think about how [ __ ] ridiculous that is this is incredible and so if you look at this right here you can see obviously people are loving this game you look at the charts the numbers are good you look at everything else the numbers look very good but if you look over at their Twitter oh you look at their Twitter has sold over 3 million copies um how much is the game the game is uh What uh 30 bucks right so it's like that's like $90 million let's say it's only $50 million that's insane in in 40 hours oh my God it's now on it's now 4 million is that right let me take a look at it right now 4 Milli 4 million pal Tamers in about three in only about three days God [ __ ] damn oh my God 4 million this could have been Nintendo but they lost it that's right uh they served a need in the market and the market responded much to dismay and and dissatisfaction of a lot of people on Twitter there have been a number of people who have been furious at the fact that pow world is successful and the funny thing about that is that very clearly and so obviously none of them matter this has been something I've been talking about for about two or three years now is that nobody really cares about the minutia of how a game is created nobody cares about the process nobody cares about the tools used nobody cares about who worked on it nobody cares about any of these things they only care about the final enduser product and at the end of the day the people that made pow world made a good enduser product about morals and ethics yes nobody actually cares about morals or ethics all of these people would complain about Elon Musk did any of them stop using Twitter no they didn't maybe they did and they used threads for a while and then they didn't get the amount of Impressions and uh social media likes and uh you know like what's the word for it like you know virtual pats on the head they used Mastadon or blue sky for a week and they realized that they were actually losers that nobody cared about anything that they had to say and this guy isn't Special by the way you're not special you're not you're not a loser and you're not the only one at least uh but the reality is that nobody really gives a [ __ ] about these things and people have no problem providing a platform for a transphobe to make money if they can simultaneously Farm dopamine from likes at the same time and so I want to keep in mind I want everybody to keep in mind nobody really cares about any of these issues they're all fake it's all for show it's complete virtue signaling and none of it really matters and you want to hear another example look at the UFC the fighters in the UFC say whatever the [ __ ] they want people try to put Dana White on a [ __ ] uh you know on the hot seat about it he says shut the [ __ ] up and people still watch UFC do the advertisers leave some of them do but they get replaced by the ones that don't and that's all that really matters too long have we lived in the shadow of waiting and hoping for Twitter approval for a game to be made too long have we sat around and hope that oh I really hope the gaming journalists like this one I hope the outspoken taste makers on Twitter approve of this no more that time is over and every single day it dies even more and that's why people are mad about po world is because it proves it it proves that you can be completely right you can have the moral Authority and none of it really [ __ ] matters because the user doesn't really care and neither do the people making the tweets either I think that everybody's starting to realize that hardw work's Legacy was the ultimate proof you're right this is just the uh uh this is just another example they just want attention being mad for Quicks that's right there are over 800 Pokémon how the [ __ ] do you make something completely original anymore who cares why does anybody care about if something's original I don't care about that I just want it to be fun so if it's a fun game I'll play it like I don't give a [ __ ] like I mean you really think the Pokemons are original like look at Gyarados it's just a sea serpent like what the [ __ ] is this like look at Dragonite that's just a Chinese dragon like come on what is this like look at Diglett it's just a turd like it's it's a turd like look at Doug Trio it's three turds uh like the exeggutor is just a [ __ ] tree that's got a face on the the Coconuts like Bulbasaur is a turtle it's a blue Turtle wait you really think this is some kind of [ __ ] you really think they're Reinventing reality here it's Squirtle it's Squirtle I was think a squirtle my bad yeah uh Bulbasaur is just a Bulbasaur is actually kind of unique cool to be fair he is uh but you know that's just the way it is that that's one out of one out of 150 Bulbasaur is a frog yeah and he is kind of a frog right and uh plant frog exactly and so nobody really gives a [ __ ] about this kind of stuff everybody like cuz like Dragon Quest apparently I think came out before Pokemon maybe it did maybe it didn't I don't know and uh they got all the same same things like wow somebody can you believe can you believe oh my God that somebody made a caterpillar holy [ __ ] somebody made one of those little shellfish things wow and somebody made a duck oh my god there there's a duck in there a platypus oh my God and somebody thought to make a ghost too wait there's a f there's a dog that's on fire wait a minute hold up you telling me that only one person can own the idea of having a crab with eyes on it a crab what bro I thought Nintendo had to copyright on crabs there's probably other people that do but it's not Nintendo here's the reality guys of course this shit's stolen no [ __ ] [ __ ] it's stolen duh that's why it's good because people know that one works man mik issues been getting worse yeah you're right about that let me take it down a little bit the points backwards Dragon Quest is old golden Pokémon that's what that's what I'm saying right and so uh anyway there's been a lot of uh accusations against pow world uh steam's newest hit pow world has been accused of plagiarizing designs from Pokemon as social media users negatively highlight its Creator's history with generative AI tools Cry me a [ __ ] River you think anybody actually gives a [ __ ] about this you think I give a [ __ ] if they use generative AI absolutely not who cares about if they're using Ai No no real people care about this these are Twitter problems there's the proof right there nobody really gives a [ __ ] all this [ __ ] uh moral High grounding God oh bro like I need to go on the next SC podcast like bro like oh my God like I I next time train does it like I'm going to go off like about this I cannot wait hopefully we get some other people on there and uh I I I feel like they're going to say the same [ __ ] that I am because like how dare you have fun yeah exactly like it's just it's moral [ __ ] high roading and I I feel like companies have been so afraid to do it and you want to know what the funny thing is is that power world actually wasn't the uh uh Power world wasn't the first one to do this uh it was actually the finals give me a second my dad's calling me everything's fine uh so yeah anyway uh so yeah hope all is good yep we're all good everything's totally fine so the finals let me go back sorry I apologize uh my my I called my dad earlier he told me he was going to call me back he just called me back and so yeah I want to make sure I pick the phone talk to him and um anyway so uh the finals used AI uh uh AI voice commentators from the finals the finals is already getting cancelled and made the AI announcers into TTS so you can see obviously a lot of people like I and I made a video about this too look at this two months ago and I said the same goddamn thing I'm going to say today the finals is so fun though po world is accused of AI with no proof well the kind of proof that these people need is the kind of proof that they use to get People cancelled on Twitter for having the wrong opinions implications assumptions and no evidence proof like a witch round yeah I mean if they sink they are [ __ ] witch or if they weren't a witch and if they flip they're a witch so you don't get them problem solved so uh anyway the finals used Ai and a lot of people were really unhappy about this whenever it happened uh you can see obviously about a couple months ago and do you know who wasn't unhappy about it the people that played the game because real people don't care about these problems these are fake problems that people on the internet invent in order to act like they are doing something more important with their life than uh taking phone calls at Anice office all day this is something that they can you know latch on to and pretend to care about on the internet while they work for a company that profits directly from third world slave labor but don't worry guys they're going to hold people accountable for using AI voices in a video game I think that people's patience on these kinds of things has just started to run thin and pow world is a really great example of that completely boiling over whenever the finals came out nobody cared about the fact that the AI voices were the voices were AI generated because nobody really cares about the problem in the first place the only thing that people really care about is a good game they don't care how many people care about slave labor I've used this example before how many people think that slavery is kind of an L yeah like would you guys agree that like you know could we get an L in chat for slavery yeah it's kind of an l right but nobody's going to be getting rid of their phone are we so we don't really hate we don't like completely hate slavery we're just we don't want to be associated with it directly right I mean you know like that's like nobody's really going to get rid of their Jordans I mean but the electric car I mean electric cars I mean those are nice you know it's a nice car what are you going to do you're going to yeah get a all new car you're just mildly slavery adverse and I I think it's important to have a little bit of reality check for these kinds of people because at the end of the day these are people who want you to live up to a standard that they don't even try to live up to themselves these people can't even maintain their own standard in terms of their own personal consumption of entertainment but they want other people to work their whole career based off of their [ __ ] morals are we kidding what is this want people that change the entire direction of their life so we're going to read a few of these tweets here and we're going to see what they have to say everyone needs a phone no it's not a good argument really you need a smartphone you we really let's let's say there was a phone that was ethically made but it cost twice as much money would you buy it would you buy it or not in daily life it's generally needed I know we need slavery that's why everybody has phones but you didn't answer the question would you pay double the price you tell me you need a cell phone no there's definitely a sling scale that convenience ethics factorable issues you're so true bro like I completely agree with you yeah yep because that's really and I appreciate the honesty because I think that a lot of people feel the same way like if I could push a button and it would remove all the bad things in the world I would do it but if I had to like climb up a hill to push the button then like I mean Lally like how like how steep is this hill how long is the hill how long is it going to take like am I going to be able to get like a ride back down like is it is there going to be ice cream at the top of the hill too like or is it just going to be the button like what's really like you know what I'm saying right I mean things get more complicated and so yeah I think obviously you're totally right it's a sliding scale it's something we got to uh live with but the AI is seen as something that we have some manner of control over so I think that's why people are adverse to it well that's where the delusion comes from this guy brought in another comment I'll talk about this and lead off with the other rest of it uh but AI art is seen as something we have some manner of control over were you [ __ ] up as you thought you ever had any control over another person's sense of self-expression that's where you [ __ ] up you thought you could tell somebody else how they can act and what they can do with their own body and mind and time and the reality is that you don't have the right to do that and there are exceptions oh there are exceptions but I guarantee you that AI art isn't going to be one of them let's be real and this is yeah 100% opinion no real functioning human can hold yep there it is and so that's the way it goes no fundamental difference art generation and artists taking inspiration from other art on the Internet is that stealing I would actually agree with this and I know this is going to get a lot of artists mad at me but I'm going to say it I also agree with what this guy's saying that there is no fundamental difference between AI art generation and an artist taking inspiration from other art on the internet I really actually think it's the same thing now if somebody thinks it's not I'm willing to read an argument of why I'm wrong but from so far I haven't seen an argument that I feel like convinces me I I don't I don't think that I don't think it's that different ask an artist well I don't care who they are right obviously artists have a bias in One Direction but an argument is either true or it's not true artist site references AI doesn't no they don't one benefits the an artist the other benefits an AI well who uses the AI That's like saying um how come me think of a way to put this like uh like the AI is a tool the AI doesn't get benefited because it doesn't there's nothing for it to benefit for it can't benefit it's just a a a machine it isn't different yeah I don't think that it is personally I don't think so it isn't different yeah I really don't think so who cares about the source both Ai and Human Art do the same thing us as consumers exactly and so yeah people are uh playing chess even if a computer already surpassed them and just like the AI art will never replace the dedicational of a real artist I mean I'm going to be honest guys I don't know how the [ __ ] people buy only fans like you can Google big boobs and you can get a bunch of results on Google but you still have people paying $30 for a picture who the [ __ ] thought that was possible like I mean for real guys how the [ __ ] did that happen but here we are they never made sense yeah but it's true and so anyway let's read some of these let's get into it AI cannot create anything new uh artist stealing ideas is still creating new in the world where we live of AI art will'll be getting the same [ __ ] over and over it's a symbiotic relationship AI art cannot create anything new how do you define new because so if you make a picture and that picture has never existed before like and and this was the problem right and like this was like so my mom uh my mom was really into art she was really really into art she like and bro like she was so into it she would not just teach me she would be teaching like Cody and Jeff like other little Cody like KY Zach she'd be trying to teach us art and I remember like I remember bro like we were in our 20s by the time that like she finally got through to us about Jackson Pollock for example right because like the first time I saw a picture of Jackson Pollock right let me just real quick I said bro like you telling me some [ __ ] dumbass actually pay money for this [ __ ] is you telling me some [ __ ] [ __ ] got Hoodwinked out of $1,000 for this piece of [ __ ] garbage you tell me some I did turn gray it's worth a million bucks and I never understood it until I got a lot older I never did his drunk whenever he painted those he was but what I've learned is that at the end of the day beauty is in the in the eye of the beholder and if people perceive value then it exists and it's not up to me and it's not up to you to decide what somebody else sees value in I mean [ __ ] nfts make more sense than this [ __ ] why are you buy this but there it is and so anyway I uh my mom would teach us about this whenever we were uh we were young and whenever we were older too and um I think this is the uh first time I really kind of you know came to grasp the concept of uh subjective value in a functional way it's tax evasion for the rich um I I think it's it's more uh asset diversification like you're right about the um you're right about that and i' I know how the uh the the like the loss thing works like how do you bro Trump was Trump was right about this [ __ ] right is that there are so many of these loopholes and obvious [ __ ] scams that you can use in taxes and it's like why haven't we figured this out why do they exist like what is this and uh cover the TFT drama uh give me a few minutes and I'll look at that I don't know a whole lot about it yet so I'll be looking at it first case so yeah tax the poor because the politicians use them I know man I know and uh he was right I I believe him on that one absolutely and uh he was the only person that [ __ ] said it too well Well Ron Paul said it back in the day Hey Hey Hey Ron Paul and uh it's kind of wild people take away from this stuff something like right standing with creatives how much people look away from this stuff it's something life right especially after write all the talk about standing with creatives so this person is coming to the realization that nobody really cares about these problems and I'm going to go ahead and read what this guy is saying like genuinely a lot of people out respect are looking the other way because it's popular or fun everyone is so quick to point out when people can't keep a small up a small inconvenience for a greater truth how is this any different as an artist this is all a real disappointment I specifically wish this wasn't Pokemon related so people would actually notice this was a much bigger deal for gaming or anything creative as rather than it's just fandom Wars that being said it's a good thing fans were involved in pointing out this very obviously an issue because it's both sad and frustrating that seemingly almost no gaming professionals media decided to themselves this person has a very distorted view on what reality is and I want to explain why so uh I'm thinking like should I make a chart for this no uh I I think I'll just explain it you see gaming media and like gaming uh like journalists and stuff like that they're they exist on the backs of the customer they exist to the extent that what they say resonates with the customer if you're publishing a bunch of [ __ ] that nobody agrees with well then people are going to stop reading what you have to say like that's just how these things go and so why are are people writing positive articles about pow World well it's because people like pow world that's the reason you guys remember whenever I called out the people that were making dark and darker uh iron mace and I was like guys I'm not sure if they're completely innocent and a lot of people got mad at me people are very unhappy about me saying that now I did it anyway but that's why people don't do it people play video games for fun they don't play video games to promote uh world view they don't play video games to uh fight against a uh technological advancement this is just simply not what real people do it doesn't exist and so this person is is unhappy that other people aren't realizing this this person has spent a long time in a fantasy world and their eyes are being opened against their will is that nobody really cares about these problems it's the same thing as streamers streamers always love to cry and complain about how hard being a streamer is nobody gives a [ __ ] people just want to watch the stream like let me give you guys some context an example yesterday I was extremely uncomfortable super stressed out uh I I I was sick to my stomach I had an awful [ __ ] headache going to that convention I felt terrible the entire time the moment that I got home I just ate Chipotle and passed out on the [ __ ] bed there I wake up I feel even worse and then I couldn't go back to sleep I was wake until 6:00 in the morning I'm drifting in and out of sleep waking up feeling like [ __ ] anxiety stress a bunch of other [ __ ] going on uh like my head still hurts my neck hurts like I I'm feeling uncomfortable constantly what do you want to [ __ ] hear about this all day who gives a [ __ ] who [ __ ] cares Jesus Christ I know you guys care and you know why you care it's because I don't [ __ ] bother you with it I get it I understand I know you guys are there for me but also I want to be there for you guys because I know some of you guys woke up this morning and you felt the same [ __ ] way you felt even worse and you come into the stream and the last thing you want to hear is the same [ __ ] [ __ ] I have no problem talking about problems that I have Etc but I understand my position I understand my place and I don't think that it it makes the relationship that I have with my audience or other people any lesser I think it makes it Greater because it's built on something that's real rather than a fantasy and a [ __ ] facade so that's why streamers love to [ __ ] and cry same as artists on Twitter game developers it's very popular being a [ __ ] [ __ ] I've done it myself but nobody really cares people just want the content that's it it's like real art versus AI art yeah it's not real yeah I'm not a game developer oh hey bro like I realize like 99% of game developers are not like that okay it's just the 1% of loud people the same as most things but yeah do you believe the pathetic Twitter preaching and virtue signaling invalidates the actual issue um I don't know if there really is that much of an actual issue to be honest with you I don't think that there really is I don't think that there is an actual issue to be solved with AI in general other than a person like like you know for example like using somebody's likeness against their consent oh like I think that should be legal right I mean just because like basically everything that AI like does that's bad is already against the law does that make sense like for example like uh impersonation is against the law um you know copyright infringement if you're doing it like you know one to one it's already against the law so like what do we really need more more rules for so copyright's out the window well mixing something up and then making it your own thing I don't necessarily agree is copyright infringement I I don't agree with that and and again maybe this is a maybe this is my like this is a to a certain degree keep in mind this is a philosophical position that I have now I can reason this backwards and I can say hey this is why I think this this is why I believe this but at the end of the day like these are assumptions that I'm making and values that I have other people have different values I understand that too but I'm just explaining where I am does that make sense this so true join group project I deleted by mistake by listening to your stream that's how long it's going to be a long night have fun man and uh you know you can always check Save State on your PC there's a few other things you can maybe do too it's huge problem with a person can generate art based off of somebody else's work and then sell it for their own profit well whenever you use the word base off of I think that that is a large spectrum and inside of that Spectrum I think that there is an acceptable level you say based off of what do you mean by based off of Jojo's Bizarre Adventures art is based off of Fist of the Northstar I'll be honest I think Jojo's Bizarre Venture is way better kiniro is great but I I Jonathan joar Joseph joar completely clear him in my opinion in terms of characters now if it was a fight kiniro would beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of them right like let's be honest but in terms of them being an interesting character I I I like the the the JoJo's better right that's it I'll take yeah I mean listen that's just that's just what I think and I think also Shin way weaker villain than Dio infinitely weaker it's not even remotely fing close yeah death battle JoJo versus Kiro I I think that honestly okay so if you really want me to get into it I think that if if so like joeo onward would probably beat kiniro because of the stands because they literally have like psychic powers right so it's like a different level of like existence but I mean let's be honest hamone energy and the uh [ __ ] uh Divine Fist of the North or whatever it was uh the technique that kiniro knows these are basically the same [ __ ] things and I never saw Jonathan joar punch a tank enough to where it blows up okay I I never saw that happen okay it's not even remotely [ __ ] the same thing all right it's all based on key and energy yeah well I look look I I feel like we're we're going really really really uh h on was just good against vampires yes yes basically and um we're going off on a huge tangent that will last one hour but my point is still uh my point is still that like this is the uh uh uh there are a lot of things that are based off of something else right let me go back and look at the rest of this you can't use my creation to make money period And if you can I'm going to sell Coca-Cola in the same bottle design all right all right here we go there we go we're going to go ahead it's a very great argument so what do you think about that Dr Bob yep there it is that's [ __ ] [Laughter] up it's [ __ ] up it is bro I'm going to be real I wish this [ __ ] was illegal this [ __ ] tastes like garbage they should make this illegal before they make AI art illegal right I mean I agree with you it's [ __ ] disgusting it's funny how we spent the last two months talking about YouTube plagiarism and AI stealing from creators being bad only to reward a game doing both with 2 million plus sales this obviously this tweets obviously these are pretty blatant uh yeah the fake me out I wonder if anyone find one toone Assets in the game's files and so uh the reason why it's funny to me is because nobody really cared about this problem in the first place do you think people really cared about YouTube plagiarism of course not they just use this as a foundation for people to [ __ ] on streamers they don't like people really cared about oh yeah I really care about the ethics of react streams no people just wanted to [ __ ] on Hanan like and yeah yes there are people that do have real opinions on this but they're few and far between they're mainly trying to [ __ ] on Hanan or xqc that's the real goal and this is just simply the vehicle in which that goal moves the game of so many players they go off into details yeah there it is oh yeah one thing twice years WR about games vast majority don't care about games or developed unethically if feels like some people are attached to the customers's always right mentality that they despise that people make the things they love it's very strange that they despise the people that make the things they love no they don't despise the people that make the things they love they just want to play a game that's good this person has this is not an emotional relationship like they just want to play the game like it's not that's it that's literally that's the end of it they don't care what happens to you like it's just what are you talking about that's that's that's it it's not that deep Bro yeah it's not that deep it's transactional yeah what is this Suddenly It's not a problem because haha funny fun funny Pokemon game something like this is finding success normalizes the use in the industry so if you're against AI it's time to back that up well you're not really going to do that though right does Amazon profit from AI do they have their own AI models that they use what's grock what is it it's it's an AI isn't it it's Twitter AI so why isn't he backing up not liking AI he's streaming on Twitch and he's using Twitter he wants everybody else to do what he wants them to do but he's not going to do what he says everybody else should do Jesus they still can't explain how pow world is taking from Pokémon artists oh they absolutely are absolutely people are supporting this game and not buying Pokemon because of it and to the extent that this game exists Pokemon will sell less games that's what happens in a free market do you think Pokemon has a [ __ ] they they have the right to own the idea of having cartoon like characters in a video game that you can capture this is insane how is this good for anybody else except for Nintendo certainly not good for me so are you not playing it nope let's see do you play it or not where's this [ __ ] Jesus no it looks like he's actually not playing it good good for him good for him he's not doing it he's a good boy at least he's not doing it on his stream he's a furry by the way uh there's a part of me that uh I really think that the furry stuff in spaces with underage people uh shouldn't exist uh being a furry is a sex ual fetish and in the same way that I don't want to have uh people in like uh like BDSM outfits like a [ __ ] suit walking around with children I find that being a furry is just a less overt mode of that and I uh I really find that to be very uncomfortable and I think that the people that present this publicly and this person says their profile is 18 plus so I'm going to give them a pass right but in a general sense this is incredibly uh unsettling to me and I think that not enough people are talking about it because not enough people really know about it but I find this to be very weird children should not be exposed to any adult sexual fetish in a public space and preferably even in a private space but it should never happen unless the parents consent to it furries can't be trusted that's not true most furries are not bad people they are normal people that are just into weird stuff I have no internal dislike towards furries I hope that they're happy and I hope they do things that make them happy in their own closed spaces away from miners the normal people yeah yeah there's plenty of people that are in the weird stuff and then after they're done jerking off to the weird stuff they go back to being normal yeah I mean sure like what are we talking about yeah of course like yeah I mean like I I'm not look I'm not going to I'm not going to be dishonest about this I think that's just the reality like most people are normal but they get into weird stuff like I'm [ __ ] so anyway uh heads up anyone think is supporting pling power world uh cares about the AI gen issues the CEO of the studio is Full Speed Ahead on generative AI frequently promotes it and tries to push its use in its Studio even made a game that focused entirely around using SD um so here we go this is him talking about it and so he made a video game and it's called AI art impostor a weirwolf like game that lets an AI artist draw a picture is now on sale so we are actually going to play this game this week coming up after many delays behind the scenes it's fin been rele running a GPU on our server yeah we're going to be playing this game uh it's like among us but you're stealing yeah playing it yeah we're going to do that this week uh I'll probably play po World a bit more and then I'll do it's probably fun well it'll probably make like four or five good Clips right there's nothing sexual about being a furry don't try to make it dirty really okay I'm not convinced I don't I don't think that that's true yeah I don't believe you I don't sorry anyway so yeah uh this is the game that one of the people who made uh pow world made before it's literally among us but you're stealing art with AI uh paret pair a result of the introducing AI to improve work efficiency employees began to completely delegate their work to AI but the quality was too high and they were disappointed I'm having so much fun creating crazy AI that I'm not making any progress at all so basically this guy is being criticized and hated on because he's making his employees jobs easier oh my God this is incredible he still pays them yeah he does and he probably won't forever eventually he'll be able to get the AI to do their whole job 100% it's easier I'm good for that yep there it is and this is him showing the results uh of the text video in eyes paper are amazing so a Storm Trooper vacuuming a Beach tide goes in tide goes out you can't explain that took your JBS yep there it is don't care head fun fun with po World exactly people will always be afraid of change nothing will change and uh uh has always been like this in human history yeah something like that pocket pair of power world developers are practically built on copying plag Rising currently popular games and tropes and power world is not the first from a quality standpoint pocket pair has a history of leaving games in buggy unfinished States all while charging a fairly high price point and oh by the way yeah if pow world like I I I paid $30 for the game I've got my money's worth I mean how many hours I put into this [ __ ] [ __ ] 49 hours half of its AFK to be fair yeah I got my money's worth out of it I don't care like I'm I'm not even done with the game no cuz I left the game on and so like it racked up hours I I didn't really play it that long but yeah let's talk about plagiarism power world steals Pokemon design some of some say it's okay since Pokemon is owned by a massive company bro what is this dumb [ __ ] logic that it's okay to steal it's if it's from a big company why why is it okay to steal if it's from a big company who who made that who said that who invented this it's woke logic yeah it's crazy what is this by the way um it's it's not okay no it's not it's not more okay people W people love stealing oh people love doing bad things and thinking it's not bad that's what they like doing that's a lot justify everything these days yeah exactly the Robin Hood defense oh oh yeah look at this wow it's the same thing I can't believe it yeah wow Cry me a [ __ ] River okay um I feel very sorry right now for all the devs in the industry who must Must Be Wondering what it's what they're working so hard for whenever you see AI copy pasta trash like this selling more than games like Metroid dread or Hollow Knight ah I'm thinking of the example to use to prove this is stupid I'm deciding whether I should use the example of the Nike Swoosh should I use the Jackson poock example again um because there are so many examples that I can use to make this statement sound stupid and to explain why this is stupid the swoosh yeah let's use the swoosh as as a metaphor so Nike was having a lot of trouble figuring out what their uh uh what their logo was going to be nobody had any idea what it was going to be and within the you know in the 11th hour hours before they had to come to decision some guy randomly just did whoop they did the swoosh just do it and now everybody has probably owned or is or does currently own a shirt with that on it I know I did I probably still do it was a girl oh guys well then the point isn't true because everybody knows that uh you know women can't do anything like that right what's the point if it's a person a girl a guy I don't give a [ __ ] it doesn't matter what are you bringing that up for who cares of course there are women that can come up with a a a brand logo that's good okay was a furry yeah what is this you don't need to assert that actually to be fair though I I if there are people that are just expressing that uh I do appreciate the information because I actually didn't know that so thank you uh either way though um if you're trying to turn it into a situation then no [ __ ] off anyway whenever I see this uh I it makes me think of that and also like here's another question right is whenever you uh whenever you pay a uh a plumber like let's say you pay a plumber to come over to your house and the plumber fixes your problem in 10 minutes do you pay the plumber for the 10 minutes or do you pay him for the 20 years that contributed to him being able to solve your problem in TW in 10 minutes and the answer clearly is both right yes and so Picasso logic yeah Picasso said once uh it took me 3 years to learn how to paint like uh was it D venci or Michelangelo and it took me 20 years to to learn how to paint like a child and uh it's crazy to think that Picasso wasn't like you know the 1600s it was like you know 50 years ago Picasso was around so yeah about fake repairs at auto shops oh like the Johnson rods um no I'm not uh I'm not a not I don't think that's really it I watched a tech repair shop CH charge an old man $30 to change his email passwords yeah I mean like well here's the thing right is that if you make a game and people don't buy it and then somebody else is working harder than you or sorry the and and this is actually let me let me go back remember what I've always said is how the harder nobody cares how hard you work at something people only care about the end result it doesn't matter about how long this takes you how hard this is you know how much effort it was nobody really cares about any of that people just care about the end result yeah this is the proof right here same as dark and darker dark and darker was copy pasted tons of things from dark and darker was copy pasted but the part that wasn't was good enough to make the game good that's it it was fun though yeah it's because people don't care about anything else except for it being fun last week foamers used mid journey and a few unimportant images and gamers are mad this week an unap plagiarist likely fed Pokemon into an AI to generate the core designs of power world and gamers are surprisingly cool with it because they want to play this one yes because Gamers don't care I was commenting on the gamers um I have to say Michael you are a gamer you're not you're not you're not othering Gamers here okay you're you're the gamer you think you're different than them no you go to the same stores you use steam the same as they do just because you have a different viewpoint on it doesn't make you special okay everybody knows gamers are a monolith yeah exactly it's crazy Yahoo should change my passwords yeah you're a gamer he's a gamer we're Gamers we are oh did I call him Matthew Michael Matthew who gives a [ __ ] right the point's still the same so yeah uh a lot of people have been really upset about po world and um as I've said before is that the problems that people have with AI are all fake uh they don't really care about these issues they are fake problems that people that have no problems in real life create on the internet in order to feel like their life has some sort of meaning or purpose these things don't matter to any real person they are all just a virtue signal and the average customer is right as a collective and if the market says yes no internet taste maker is in their right mind able to say no not me not Matthew over there not the writers at Kotaku YouTubers nobody the customer is always right collectively people don't care about how something was made people don't care about if it was good or bad if it was ethical or not people don't care about if AI was used people don't care if people died somebody died while they were making Ben her it's one of the greatest movies of all time if you haven't seen it you should somebody [ __ ] died who cares this is a great movie what are we going to we going to stop watching the movie now like I mean what what is this the people who care about something elaz will look into How It's Made yeah exactly there are real issues with AI but those issues need to be handled in court with legislation crying an X isn't going to solve anything well yeah but I I think that like there was like an age and it's been going on for like maybe 10 years right like better part of 10 years at least where um a lot of Western companies are afraid to do anything that will cause viral Twitter outrage posts and every single game that is massively successful like pow world and previously like Hogwarts Legacy proves and and also lost Arc right because like lost Arc was like criticized for a number of things like being paid to win like uh objectification of women Etc right and every single game balers Gate 3 yeah uh well balers Gate 3 actually didn't really get any hate to be honest but uh these problems aren't real and the people that care about them aren't an audience and all the people that pretend like they care half of the people that like this tweet probably play the game because nobody really cares about these issues anyway what a surprise a market full of people who are playing video games because they can't cope with reality and manage their own real time have little self-control in video games as well yeah that's why they're playing video games in the first place it's called Data above emotion yeah exactly and this is what's going to happen is that remember what I told you guys how AI will create a market difference where Western companies won't be using Ai and then they will fall behind to companies that do use AI because consumers will choose AI generated products because they will be better remember what I said it's happening right here and you're seeing these games do this now it's inevitable it is because the market doesn't care how can completely streamer created hype game I've never even heard of it until everyone started playing it yeah but why did everybody start playing it like for example um I'll give you an argument against that so my first video that I did for power world has over a million views and it's a VOD and it has it just was uploaded to it's a literal [ __ ] 2hour VOD with over a million views on YouTube where are those million people coming from they're coming from people that want to see the game because for example and I I'll give you a good parallel for this uh I recently played the new um Prince of Persia game this one only had 289,000 views so why did more people watch the pow World video than the Prince of Persia video it's because more people liked pow world to avoid spoilers no I don't really think that's it I think you bring up a good point but people like watching Monster Hunter as well like if I go back and I look at the first video I did of Monster Hunter where's that um it has 1.4 million views it's just 5 Hour VOD why did people watch this because they want they like the game technically monster hun are 6 years old oh so you're saying that like I'd need to find a story game that just came out recently and then compare it okay I'll do that uh the coffin of Andy and ly whenever I played that uh this game had just recently come out at the time that I played it and the video for it has 1 million views do you want to come up with another another argument she's so hot she really is J agree with your take on AI but the difference between AI images and art are the intention in art every detail usually has a meaning you can think about what the Creator thought in an AI generated image Just Junk from an AI model maybe fixed up with Photoshop calling it art is overkill okay so um I I I I'll let's this this is a I think you're wrong but I think this is a well structured argument and he's not being rude let's listen to what he's saying does AI art and and art are the intention I think that it's impossible to derive what the int ention is from what somebody's writing because I think that there are a lot of artists and I think this is especially true with AAA development is that a lot of the artists might have been passionate but that was seven years ago right and now they're 31 and jaded and you know they just can't wait to get off work so they could get drunk and you know do their art for their own personal game that they're making on the side and so I don't think that that's necessarily true uh in a way that you can automatically discern from just looking at the art itself I think this is especially true on bigger Studios um you know which by the way Nintendo is quite a big studio uh in art every detail usually has a meaning um I I think that is that's true in a case but I don't think that those details always does meaning create value because I'm going to give you an argument of like why I think that it doesn't always because like for example example I think some of the greatest weapons that blizzard ever made in WoW were like the burning Crusade and the vanilla wow weapons because they were these like hyper stylized really cool badass weapons that really weren't that intricate but they just looked [ __ ] amazing they looked so cool and then as blizzard started making these ornate and more Regal designs that are like intricate and they have like all this stuff in them I actually think that they lost a lot of quality by doing that and I would like for them to go back to the soul of the flashy vibrant strong like [ __ ] in-your-face weapons like the soul Cleaver or the war glaves of aeno or the golden bow of qual loss or uh the hungering cold that was one of my favorite ones uh or ashbringer I mean [ __ ] dude ashbringer was so cool and so yeah I disagree with that too I think that you can this is a this is a relatively good point and I think that this is kind of true you can think about what the Creator thought yeah I hope I don't get fired this month um in AI generated images It's Just Junk from an AI model fixed up with Photoshop calling an art is overkill I think that really um we've already kind of gone through a Reformation of this before and I think that we've gone through it twice because I remember whenever I was very young there were a lot of people who considered digital art not real art like things that were created through Photoshop or through digital reproduction and then before this this is like before any of our time but photography was viewed the same way because um with photography many people that like before photography happened there was a large very large industry of people who would make money by creating photo realistic Recreations of different images but whenever photography came in then that no longer had value now there are still some set of people that do this and I've seen pictures of it and it's incredible however it's uh it's just simply doesn't have the same value that it used to and I think that also would you call photography nowadays art I think the answer to that is yes many people I would say even most people would consider photography art I also disagree with gatekeeping the word art because I think that art is subjective and that's kind of my point that I was getting at whenever I was talking about Jackson poock and about how the quality of the art is subjective in value like for example I'm not really a big Jackson Pollock fan Cody loves Jackson Pollock like one of the paintings that my mom had of Jackson Pollock I gave to Cody and it's his now and so to each their own so that th those are the reasons why like I see what you're saying but I don't think that's true but yeah this is this is not a bad comment oh yeah had Jackson Pollock oh no it was just a print it was just a print no uh we did we didn't I I have like some like kind of like low value art but like not really no I don't have anything the closest thing I have is like I have a a picture made that like she got for me uho a picture of a Don keyote and um it's like over there I I don't really have it showing but that's pretty much the only thing like that that I have and like I I don't even think that's like extremely high value either it's just you know something above a um you know uh poster at Walmart value anyway I saw this I swear I'm playing it for the gameplay seeking a night of love it is always chasing someone around at first it only showed interest in other Pals but in recent years even humans have become a target of its debauchery man man apparently yeah it's number 69 as well
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,038,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 9eF5rn47Sds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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