Car Vs 1000 Nails!

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- This is a car driving on nails. - What? - And this is the world record for the most humans in a single car. - That's so weird. - You get the gist, we're reacting to the craziest experiments ever. Up next, we see if four iPhones can stop a car. - No. - News flash, they can't. - But the crunch though. - And in case you're wondering, here's it again in slow mo. So if a car's coming at you at 70 miles an hour, you don't whip out your iPhone, hoping it will stop it. - No, don't. - It won't. - It will not. What! Whoa. - Wait, wait! Is this a Lambo-bile? - We need that right now. - That's honestly one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Got a bunch of glass and he's going to push it down on nails with a hydraulic press. - This is the most satisfying thing I've ever seen. - I don't know what I'm watching, but. - I like it. But there you go, if you've ever wondered what that looks like, that's what it looks like. - Oh! This is going to be cool. - I wouldn't do this. Don't do this- - Wait, why wouldn't you do this? - Because that's noxious gas going into a balloon. - Is it going to pop? Is it going to pop? - Is it going to pop? - Is it going to pop? - Will it pop? Will it- - Yo, what if in a different universe, the balloon doesn't pop, but the car pops. This is a guy driving a jeep on water. - Is that Jeep Jesus? - Jeep Jesus. - Jeep Jesus. - We should trademark Jeep Jesus. - It's already trademarked, I own it. I'm going to put it on a t-shirt. Those are like hotdog balloons. - They were hotdog balloons. Okay! If a tire drives over 200 nails, does the tire pop? - I would think so, they're pointy. - Let's find out. All right. - Is it fine? - Perfectly fine. - Oh, I know why. Weight displacency. - I don't know what that word means. - It means the weight goes across it and so it won't pop it. - That one popped it. 20 nails popped your tire. 200, doesn't. - Hey, now you got a flat tire. But I think this video got like 30 plus million views, so it was probably worth it. Trucker- Trucker. Tucker loves monster trucks. - That truck is the alpha of cars. - That could be us, Jimmy. - It could, except for, it genuinely could be us. There is no except for. I just don't have the truck. - , send us the truck. - And this right here, is a car full of water that apparently still works. - How are they driving it? - He's got a mobile fish tank. - They have scuba gear and they're driving on the highway. Car over glass. Whoa! That comically broke. It was like- Oh no. Carl would be sad. - Don't tell Carl! - Yo, Carl's not here, we can make fun of him. - What do you hate about Carl? - Nothing. What do you hate about Carl? - His laugh! Just kidding. Ooh. - Whoa. - So this is a car made out of Lego. - But wait, we made a Lego car, Jimmy. - Much worse version. - We just- - Duct taped some Legos on a car. - No, no. I drilled some of them, okay? - Oh, that's insane. - What? - Honestly. You should have his chain, after that. That's just- - Shut up and clap. I'm clapping. There is a comment in the last video and they said, "Chris, breathe. Jimmy. Oh my God, shut up". - Well why don't you shut up? - Hey, it's the King of Random. Oh, it's the quadruple balloon pop. - Oh? - Oh. Oh. - Oh, dude, that's so cool. He's got a watermelon, Looks very pretty, very ovalour. - Oh, you got a bunch of screws and a bunch of nails. What's going to happen? - Wait a minute. Have you ever seen watermelon juice at a grocery store? - Mm-hm. - Oh really? - Yeah. - I've never seen a drink that says watermelon. - Simply Watermelon juice, my favorite watermelon juice. Oh, look at that. They got it in the bucket. - Hey, he was getting watermelon juice. Why the goggles? Oh wait, he's actually going under the water. - They're going under the water, I thought they were driving through the water. What? - It actually goes underwater? Editor, find this car and DM me where I can buy it. - Yay! - It's probably going to be way too expensive. - I don't care. I will sell this channel to buy that car. Me and Maddy are on a date, we're just driving down the highway, I see a duck in the pond, with this car, I can go, "Babe, you want to pet that duck?", And then I just sink the car at the pot of the pond. - And then you just sit there and have a nice romantic evening. - Mr. Muscle. What does Mr. Muscle do? - Water plus aluminum equals hydrogen. That's a hydrogen balloon. It's balloons, but super flammable. - Nice - 'Cause normal balloons aren't flammable. - Okay. Egg. - Egg. - Toilet paper roll. - Uh huh. - Egg. - Nice. Nice. - Nice. Come on. - Nice. - Why? Who put that in the video? - It was just cool. Wow. Somebody watches Mr. Beast. People made fun of our tank. - Surprisingly, in our state, you can legally drive a tank down the road. In this video, like three years ago, we literally rented a tank and took it for a drive. - Good time. Whoa, nice. - The only thing- - Oh! It popped. - I was going to say, the only thing that can destroy that is nothing, but I learned a car tire can. Is that Coca-Cola? - Yes. - Oh wow, it is. - And they put Mentos in the bottom of it and they're going to turn the tire and it's going to make the Coke and Mentos explode and it inflates his tire! He has a tire now, look at that. It's going to work. Look. - Yeah, but why? Oh! - So imagine if your tire pops on the side of the road. You have Coke and Mentos, you can inflate it to drive five feet. Oh, look at those little wheels, tiny tires. That doesn't sound good. Oh, it popped. - This is peak com. - That is good. That is a good joke. - Is this how you get the hen out without cracking the egg? - Yeah. Wait, the hen? - Yeah. - Did you say the hen? - The duck. - It's not a chicken, when you're eating eggs, it's just a yolk. It's just- - It's a chicken. We get it Chris, you're a farmer. Not that that wasn't cool but I'd rather watch another tank. - Hey, McDonald's! - What if they just started laying siege at McDonald's? - Give us your burger! - Everyone's like, "It's one of those videos where they just harmlessly go through the drive through and get food in a tank", he's like, "No, I'm declaring war on McDonald's". - "And we're just filming it, so we have proof." She's like, "Okay, bye". - They got a better reaction than we did. - Yeah. People were like, "Hey". - Chris, shut up! He threw a firework in a washer. - Blow up bigger ones. That was- Oh! - Oh! - He closed it. Look. He's putting it in the laundry detergent. - Oh God. - Oh. - It doesn't- Oh! I know what we're doing this weekend. - I got time to blow up a washer. - Oh, you do? - Maybe a dryer. - So you'll hang out if we blow up washer? - Or dryer, whichever one. Like this. - Yep. Now that there's no safety on it. - No safety. That's the best way to do things. Oh, I've seen this trick before. You know what he is doing? Invisible fire. - Oh really? - Yeah - But does it still burn your hand if you go under it? - Yeah But it looks cool, 'cause you're like, "Whoa". - Oh, shut up, it's me! - Another video I wasn't here for. - So I put a bunch of fireworks in a car and we just saw what happened. This is probably one of the funniest things I've ever done. - Didn't the safety expert get really upset about this? - We had a safety expert, except for when he told us we couldn't do things and then we just were like, "We got this". - Nobody's been hurt yet. Hey, fun fact, you don't even need the tape, you can put the needles in that little belly button part. - Yeah, at the bottom. All right, what's this? - Origami. Carl does origami but not this cool, 'cause he is not here and we don't like him. - And he suck! Hey Carl, come film with us and we won't trash talk you. - Hey look, a pinwheel. It's like a little fun craft Me and Tucker could do, or me and you. Some people said, "Why don't we all?". - Chris, there's a car on its side, I don't care. - It's a bus, it's not a car. - It's on its side, I don't care about hanging out with you, unless you want to hang out this weekend, then I'm down. - Make sure you get the washer or dryer - Okay. - Go zero to 60 in about eight seconds flat. - Zero to 60 in eight seconds, that's pretty impressive. Oh, there's a truck inside of it. - I thought it was actually on its side. I mean that's still cool. It made me laugh, the gimmick works. Squishy, gummy warm versus- I forgot what the thing's called. - Not a grinder. What's it called? - It's not a dating app. So this is the world record for most people in a single car, right? - You couldn't have got a bigger car? - Let's get all the boys together and see if they can fit in my Lamborghini. - You have a Lamborghini? - I was trying to look cool and impress them. - Oh, okay. Yeah, we'll try and fit in your Lamborghini. Hey, they're up to 12. - 16 people are in that car. - Do they have to shut the doors though, is the question? Oh! 20 people and they shut the doors. - That would mess with me. I get so claustrophobic and if you had like 19 people on me, no. - You know what they should have done? They should have got a bunch of clowns. - Chris's mom, I know you watch these, I'm sorry. And Chris' mom's mom, I'm sorry as well, but it's okay, 'cause I gave you $8,500 in the other video. I showed Chris 80 clips, how many of those do you think he laughed at? - Um, half. - Well that means you would have $0 and if I open this up, it looks like a lot more than $0. - Let's go! I only laughed four times, I did it, grandma! All right, hey look, slime that cleans your keyboard and it's- - Oh, it's gone. Guess we'll never know the inner working mechanism of that. - Whoa. - Whoa! Wait, is that- Oh! - That's pretty cool. I feel like that's something me and Tucker could make. - Like you can make it and Tucker could just sit there and go, "Ah". I just put my finger out and he goes- - And he just puts it right in his mouth. - Tired of Tucker gnawing on my finger. Let's start a campaign, everyone comment, Tucker, stop gnawing on fingers. - Everything I own, like my cat bites you. Both my cats bite you. - To be fair, your wife doesn't bite me. - My wife, I don't own her. - True. Apparently that's the end of the video. Well that was a great one, dude. Not. Hit the subscribe button, 'cause we're closing on 10 million subscribers. And dab.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 35,089,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: HjhYo55QKfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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