Most Entitled Karens Of All Time

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hello friends it's me and we are officially in karen's season karen's have been sighted worldwide here's one that refused to wear a mask at the dentist's office they're gonna work on my teeth not my nose i don't wear a mask getting my teeth cleaned but it's about the safety from art of all that i'll cover my mouth can i go be seated now no because you're not you're not filling out the forms of letting us take your temperature it's about protecting you can't take my temperature that's against the law whoa i had no idea karen i'll remember that next time i go to the doctor are you trying to take my temperature that's illegal i have a right to sue you for harassing me the manager and this entire company smile whatever you call it dental i do have that right and i talked to my attorney before i came here too so does he want that to happen i've waited long enough for my teeth to be cleaned okay let's get this done okay they're telling me i can't see you who's there the owner of the practice i want to hear him get him on the phone he has to send me in written writing so if i want to see him you shouldn't be in the building without a mask either i can do what i want i'm free it's not a lawyer it's not a law this is a medical law no it's a dental office oh man where do i even begin with this one i love how they all gotta bring up their non-existent lawyer i talked to my lawyer before i went to the dentist i feel like the lawyer is gonna be like you fool literally just where i'm at like companies have the right to refuse service you're gonna go home with crusty musty quarantined teeth and stanky cheeto breath all because you couldn't wear a mask she pulled me over i thought it was a police banana police is malfunctioning mercy grace and mercy so karen what seems to be the reason for our stop would you like to mumble about our lord and savior today she blocked my truck in the road jesus christ is coming back put your truck to the side of the road no you listen to the holy spirit he's brighter than jesus so she pulled this dude over for driving a truck and by pull over i mean who's going like this and she my skirt excuse me sir mind if i waste your time you could order online it is a valid excuse not to wear a knife allow you to shop online well i don't shop online i prefer here because it's her birthday and i want her to get what she wants and she can't find everything online well you need to put this online well then can i see what balloons you have and i'll order it online it's online yes well can i see what's here from a distance from everyone else to just cover it put your shirt up like anything do people not understand like how bacteria spreads you can call the cross on me and that's fine but i'm going to have her to the balloon and then we're going to leave [Music] i'm not waiting outside ma'am she's underage that's not okay i wonder if her daughter watches these carrying compilations and is just like so mother she's one of those i will wait right here brooklyn i want you to go pick out a balloon i'm not trying to make your life difficult i hope you realize that but i have a medical condition that i can't wear so that's why you shop online and i'm not going to do that if i help if i have a healthy immune system if i'm plenty capable of going outside i can go outside excuse me what ma'am you just contradicted yourself i have a healthy immune system but i have a health condition and anyway math dumbest karen what a fool you can call the cops i don't mind they're gonna side with me it's not the law you can't make me wear a mask you can't find it you can't take me to jail you have to shop in my store so you could get out and be outside and shop somewhere else i can't do that but i'm already here so brooklyn which balloon do you want ma'am i've done my research on what the law is and i have in a condition that i can't wear a mask that's why you shop online i guess i'm just not going to online online kind of person you're not a smart kind of person either here we have a level 10 karen very dangerous does not like kids or skateboards or anything that rolls on the sidewalk i'm making videos with you right here right now they better all hear it any profanity no you laugh you laugh any profanity comes out of any of y'all's mouths there is a rule that says no profanity there's a city policeman sitting right over there and i will take any one of y'all to him and y'all will go to juvenile court she heard some boys swear in a park i gave him this whole entire speech how if she hears any profanity the popo he right there y'all going to juvie man that's why i don't cuss in my videos no more tape record put it on youtube put it wherever you like oh man i love how that almost always without fail make sure to give permission yeah make sure you put on youtube we tape recording huh what okay he was cussing like a sailor and i asked him not to and he refused so i called the city police and they said i can take him or any of you that can't respect it if you want a mouth off in front of a child because this is a city park and there's no reason to be talking like that all right i understand a lot of us don't act like that though so exactly that actually being so nice she keep going on what come on man you talking to some kids you want like 40 something still rocking our college t-shirts and don't have a sense enough to put a cork in it when asked to be respectful thank you but you should do it a whole lot harder there are enough f words coming out of his mouth to feed a family of five that's a lot of freaks he should be ashamed of what he said and he said his mother didn't care you murdered his dad don't listen to him he's crazy for everybody who's loving having a good time nobody can take her seriously and she's still dead serious so she left the boys alone for a while and then she come back for round two please on video we can check his camera be glancing because if my picture shows up i can shoot you same thing how can you how can you feel it's not illegal to video wait karen did didn't you just say tape record put it on youtube put it wherever you'd like oh so now she like nope you literally just gave them permission this next one is wild because it happened at my target so some woman in arizona couldn't stand the fact oh my favorite department store they're selling masks you know we hate to see it and so she did this i've been looking forward to this so uh target [Music] oh so she's been waiting her whole entire life to knock over at target display you know big hopes and dreams here employees that just stock those i feel bad no dude why boy you let everybody else do it forty thousand rolex i don't have the right well you mean they let everybody do it no they don't let everybody do it only on black friday because i'm wearing a forty thousand dollar rolex you won't let me make a mess inside my target did she just go on a rampage or something ma'am is everything okay at home everything good in here so the popo showed up to her house and then she was live streaming it as they showed up thank you for making yourself look foolish on camera for us by the way we love to see it so i was hired to be the q a on spokesperson here today i cannot it's a secret what do you mean like i i can't give you any classified information you're not you're not caught you're not you're my parents i love how her husband is standing in the doorway like yeah man just take her i don't want her anymore i deal with this on the daily spokesperson for them for the white house yeah oh so she's a spokesperson for the white house apparently you're not living in arizona okay i think we have enough here can you put down your phone no i'm not gonna put down my phone like i said i'm wired all this is being broadcast live it is yeah okay where is it everywhere all over the world all over the world all over the world on instagram yeah millions of viewers you know the top 81 viewers millions of viewers are watching this around the world look at all the power i have powerful 81 viewers she really thought she did something you're on candy camera okay thank you tbi or kendra okay listen i might have you spin around just put your phone down what okay oh my god i'm sorry the cops in arizona they do not mess around i mean you do anything jail no hesitation i would know we have a karen waiting outside a taco bell drive-through and karen has now officially gone between my car and the car in front i just wanted to we just want our chalupas i've seen this so many times when they mess up your order you got a lot of free time bro my dad has even done this all these videos made me realize like my dad was actually a karen yeah you know what i'ma hop in this line y'all mess up my order fix it not just fix it i want a refund and i want free food you have no permission to take a picture here guys no permission to take her picture absolutely not was yours at this dude because she thinks they dumped garbage in front of her trailer no right to film this because oh this is for right this is for our protection okay you know just the tip somebody's recording you you probably don't want to just rush at them and make a bigger fool of yourself than you have already life lessons so this girl works at subway and got a call from one of her karen customers come back as a customer i've been coming there for probably 50 years so i won't be coming back that's all you you don't want another sub no i'm not going to come back there tonight you're about a 25 minute drive from my house and it's cold out and i just got home from work and i was looking forward to having a nice saucy meatball sub and when i opened it up and looked and all through it there was no sauce oh no they ruined oh so sad just check your dang order what was that where she ew thank you for coughing bye y'all are getting out of hand can you believe he told me to put a mask on the audacity you know loki this is actually my worst nightmare somebody coughing on me you're you're fine keep going i'm still 60 and more than six feet well i did because i have to go here you're okay go hurry i'm going right here she takes this six feet way too seriously i mean to be fair i wish people follow this rule more seriously only because i don't like to be around people i want people to be six feet away from me at all times i understand where she's coming from and you see like she's old some old people are like really scared to go out this one's understandable this video was posted without my consent i'm putting you on citizen's arrest right here's for what because look how close you parked okay and i just want to tell you my side of the story he parked too close wow parked too close to me i can't tell you the amount of times the boomer has done that to me today i beat somebody into the taco bell parking lot like he was too slow and then he started it looking at me in the drive-through i'm like bro look what you want me to do i got in there first i'm faster than you i got faster reflexes than you and then as i'm like picking up my foot from the window he's like honking at me hide my window open it hurt my ear so i parked on the side i waited for him to pull on out and then i followed him hold it down my horn yeah we had a very petty day today but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did and want more caring content make sure you hit that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe show the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,859,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far, entitled, most entitled karens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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