Most Deceptive Costco Keto Items - What to Look For

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oh my gosh that was so embarrassing those macadamia nuts i didn't even realize because i got so excited when i look when you walk into any grocery store even at costco like i'm right in front of you're going to come across things that are misleading and deceiving now it's not to say anything bad about the grocery stores it's just the food products that are in there so i want to go and i want to find some of the keto foods some of the keto delicious treats and things like that that are actually a little bit deceptive so i'm going to break down what things in costco right now are not truly keto but might be marketed as low carb or keto so let's head on to costco let's take a look at what they've got i gotta throw my mask on because it's just that time and we're gonna go have some fun and see what's going on okay first thing i want to look at is this for gain keto now i'm just going through stuff right i'm just walking through and trying to see things that say keto and see if i can see if they really are truly keto let's take a look all right so the idea behind this is just a good ketogenic friendly let's see collagen collagen peptides organic sorry coconut medium chain triglycerides organic alkalized cocoa acacia sea salt organic stevia really that's totally solid keto let's just keep on rolling along this is not deceptive now i don't know if i'm going to be able to hit everything right i'm just gonna roll through the aisles make it kind of quick and see if anything jumps out at me so it doesn't mean everything's gonna be good doesn't mean everything's gonna be bad doesn't mean everything's gonna be keto i'm just gonna see what pops out but either way let's rock quick pit stop to tell you something that is ketogenic that isn't marketed as such these organic roasted seaweed snacks let me show you something on the back of this really cool stuff we need organic sunflower oil not the best but sesame oil is kind of a hidden gem sesame oil is really a powerful antioxidant rich oil and when it's toasted it actually becomes more active when it comes down to antioxidant activity you see it activates sesamolan and sesamolinin these are two different antioxidants that are very very effective at neutralizing the potential lipid peroxidation that occurs when you consume these kinds of fats in other words what that means is although it's touted as an omega-6 fatty acid that's not that good it's a pretty good quality fat so anyhow fun fact all right here we go i found one okay moon cheese not even marketed as keto but most people are gonna see you know cheese crisps and stuff like that so i've got moon cheese right here and then i've got these cheese wisps and i'm going to look at them both side by side moon cheese let's take a look at what's in it okay we've got cheddar cheese pasteurized milk salt cheese culture anatomy vegetable color yeah that's definitely ketogenic friendly cheddar is not the best keto cheese but it's all good then we've got these wisps we've got parmesan cheese yeah equally keto friendly but let me tell you something about these wisps when you're looking for keto cheeses or anything like that go for the aged cheeses the thing with parmesan is parmesan is aged enough that it actually breaks down some of the negative aspects when it comes down to the casein proteins so if i had to choose one between these two i would go for the parmesan wisps just because the cheese quality is going to be better right off the gate however they're both totally keto friendly don't get hung up on it too much i'm just giving you my nerdy biochem fats they're not marketed as such be careful with cashews super high in phytates super high in phytic acid which chelates minerals within the gut makes it hard for them to absorb so be very careful with almonds very careful with excess amounts of cashews try to go for macadamia nuts whenever you can just a little tip speaking of macadamia nuts i just came across something new let's check this bad boy out organic macadamia nuts with olive oil let's see if they're legit let's take a look organic dry roasted macadamia nuts off to a good start organic garlic herb and olive oil seasoning which contains sea salt organic garlic powder organic spices organic olive oil and organic avocado oil i am getting some of these that is such a killer combination macadamia nuts are already super low omega-6 very high omega-7 palmitalic acid combine that with the hydroxy tyrosol that comes in from olive oil that is like an antioxidant powerhouse that is the best combination that i think i've ever seen outside of like peeling nuts and macadamia nuts all right i found something this one's going to be interesting because this one has keto written all over it and spoiler alert i've seen this one before so this is really exciting check this out all right coconut keto clusters sounds awesome right this let's see we got pecans we've got almonds we've got pumpkin seeds sounds like a great little thing at first but then when we actually start breaking down the ingredients let's see we've got coconut pumpkin seeds pecans almonds cane sugar that doesn't make much sense brown rice syrup that doesn't make much sense either coconut butter that's terrific erythritol okay here's what confuses the heck out of me agave fiber is going to be pure fructose natural flavors why do you have to add natural flavors to this but why the cane sugar if you already have erythritol in there erythritol is your sweetener you don't need to have cane sugar you don't need to have brown rice syrup so then look at the carb content eight grams of carbs okay four grams of sugar what the heck i appreciate what they're after here but they're doing it all wrong this is not how you do keto i appreciate what they're after from a marketing perspective i guess the business person in me loves that they're capitalizing on it but not in the spirit of sabotaging your diet you have two servings of that and you're probably gonna get kicked out of keto so yeah that's a serious seriously deceptive deceptive piece of advertising i don't even know if that should be allowed that's just not fair in my opinion i know there's gonna be more of these let's keep digging around gotta love going to costco in the evening time especially when the presidential debate is going on nobody's here right now this is kind of awesome quick shout out because these aren't necessarily marketed as keto but they actually could be okay these are decent these protein bars they're one of the cleaner ones i actually have to hand it to kirkland let me show you the ingredients real quick okay milk protein isolate whey protein isolate the milk protein and we don't really want so much the whey protein isolates okay dietary fiber from tapioca it might bloat you a little bit but i mean overall compared to most of the overall bars that are out there it's not bad at least they're using erythritol and stevia they're not using cane sugar they're not using other weird stuff so it's not perfect but look at this 23 grams of carbs 15 of which are fiber four of which are erythritol so really not a whole lot of net carbs at all coming in this thing but that amount of fiber is going to send you to bloat city baby so i don't know if you want to do that but anyway just a quick shot because they're not bad there put that sucker back so far all i have is macadamia nuts by the way i do want to give a quick shout out to fat snacks go ahead and check them out down below so fat snacks is a keto low carb friendly cookie so when i'm in the spirit of looking at like keto items and items that are deceptive or not deceptive i highly recommend that you check out fat snacks they've got some really delicious awesome flavors they're a double chocolate chip they also have their regular chocolate chip it's a super super awesome company if you want to try them out so i highly recommend you check them out there's a special link down below don't forget to check them out get your special pricing special products so there's going to be something in the bread section i did a specific video on this keto bread at one point let me see if i can find it really quick let's see oh don't tell me you don't have it it's really fun to rip apart hang on aha i found it now this is a different one so a new one i get to rip apart um it's not the franz keto bread that they had before this is a glasses different flavor let me see what's in it okay we have the bread base which is resistant tapioca starch that's not bad then we have straight up wheat gluten okay wheat gluten is different from traditional gluten that you'll find in it's hard to describe basically they could say that wheat gluten doesn't contain the specific kinds of proteins like the gliadin that would have an effect on your gut but i beg to differ it does have an effect on lipopolysaccharides then it's inulin oat fiber wheat protein isolate come on that's really what you're using to bind it but soy oil if you're doing keto you should not be adding soy oil it is the most just adulterated polyunsaturated fat that you can find okay guar gum cane sugar ammonium chloride zorbic acid okay i have to say this is better than the old one the old one had partially hydrogenated oil and i wonder if they saw my video and got rid of it because of that so is it totally not keto i mean technically it's keto it's just a very very dirty keto item okay soy is the last thing you really want to be having on keto i've talked about this time and time and time again so this yes it's keto but look at the macros too let me show you something 13 grams of carbs 12 of which is fiber in one slice okay so you make a sandwich with this stuff two slices 24 grams of fiber you are going to be in such gut distress and also remember that that soybean oil is also going to denature more because this has been heated soybean oil is bad enough even when it's not heated but when it's heated what's going to happen it's going to denature more it's a polyunsaturated fat which means that it's a very very fragile oil so the moment that it's heated you have multiple unsaturated bonds multiple unsaturated hydrogen bonds that are going to allow denaturing and lipid peroxidation what does that mean it means toxic compounds in your body just be very very careful with that here's something that i discovered last time i was here actually a really good product the sonoma gourmet and i'm not just saying it because i'm originally from sonoma but check out the ingredients of this pretty cool not terrible but not amazing either organic vegetable stock vegetable broth granite celery onion sea salt organic onion powder cream cultured buttermilk kale white cheddar natural flavors which isn't good if they could do without the rice starch it would be great xantham gum okay so it's not perfect but the macros four grams of carbs one gram of sugar it's probably coming from veggies and a little bit from the cream it's a pretty decent cream sauce if you ask me at least they really make an effort to make it mostly organic and clean but while i'm in the spirit of looking at pasta sauces van i'm kind of going off my whole mo here right i was originally going to be doing specifically uh keto traps but anyway i just want to show you some fun stuff uh marinara's check this out okay we got six grams of carbs which is still a decent amount but if you're gonna have marinara this is gonna be it tomatoes onions olive oil salt garlic basil spices calcium chloride that is about as clean as you're gonna get with marinara still have carbs coming in from tomatoes so it's not something you want to have all the time but just fun fact so so far only two really dirty keto items that shouldn't be here let's keep going all right there's some olive oil costco has good selections of olive oil by the way definitely could do a whole separate video just on the oils here at costco if i wanted to grapeseed oil don't ever touch that stuff it's one of the most terrible oils outside of soybean oil they've got avocado oil that's the same kind of avocado oil i get at thrive market looking down the baking section just rolling along ooh this is a cool little find ghee right next to the coconut oil it's like they read my mind now i used to be more of a coconut oil i've kind of migrated to being more of a ghee guy ghee is rich in butyric acid short chain fatty acids which i think have a stronger gut benefit than what you get out of the lauric acid from the coconut oil the reason i say that is because short chain fatty acids directly feed the small intestinal cells okay the enterocytes now similar macronutrient profile this is going to have more mcts in it but ghee actually has a little bit of mct in it as well still has a little bit of c10 carbon chain mct so it still helps create ketones but something that people don't always know is that butyric acid actually like butyrate that's in ghee actually turns into ketones pretty easy there's some studies that took a look at butyrate when it came from veggies and we saw that it made a big difference in terms of how ketones were produced now that was a mouse study but still mice create ketones the same way that humans do so it's a valid study and i typically when i test my own ketones my own anecdotal experience i feel that i get more ketone rise out of ghee than i do out of coconut oil but coconut oil is freaking awesome so by all means uh truvia lakanto is awesome totally good to go there some of these nut butters a big fan of nutso still a fair bit of carbs you got to go easy on it okay so it's a little bit of a keto trap eight grams of carbs no added sugar it just adds up with all the seeds okay so not even that much fiber in it just be careful the organic almond butter is good i would go for the nutso over the almond butter though this is something intriguing i just found okay check this out i have not seen this before whoa what's happening here allulose okay we've probably seen this in all kinds of sweet treats right magic spoon cereals got it some of these cookies have it allows is very interesting so i just learned some stuff about allulose this last week and i did a video specifically on algolia so let me tell you really quick about it it says right on the box here keto friendly doesn't make the cut you bet it makes the cut seventy percent of allulose is excreted through the urine okay now they did lots of different studies they even did a petri dish study where they took uh they emulated gastric enzymes and they put it into a solution in a petri dish and they put allelos in it well they found that 95 or 97 excuse me of the allulose remained after an hour showing that it does not break down in the gut it doesn't break down in our bodies which is really wild it sounds like it's bad but at first glance yes you'd think that but when you actually start seeing how it's metabolized sorry this mask is driving me crazy i need to get a different one uh when you realize that it gets excreted through the urine you realize what's happening we lack the enzymes to break it down so it's so molecularly similar to sugar that it occupies the transporter for sugar so therefore it treats itself like sugar in the body but without the glycemic load without the sugar and without the metabolic or calorie effect so i know from my recent research that there's 0.4 calories per gram in allelos compared to 4 calories per gram of sugar definitely keto friendly definitely will not keep you out of keto and also has a mirror out of different benefits that go with it so that's a big fine and it is keto valid fun here in the frozen section most or refrigerators i should say most of the cheeses in this section are not good and we'll cover cheeses in a different video um let's see here in the defense no none of that's going to be keto very beverage it's not marketed as keto but go for this one if you go this for what they have here unsweetened don't make the mistake i've made before okay now let's see i know they've got some keto ice creams and stuff at least they did before let's see if we can find them all right i found one that i think is a trap all right i might be wrong but let's take a look all right cauliflower crust let's see it's not marketed as keto exactly but it implies it cauliflower crust let's see what's in it whoa that is a weird science experiment of ingredients there first thing i see 27 crams of carbohydrates that's already not making the cut but cauliflower crusts cauliflower whole milk mozzarella cheese well well okay starts out good but then all of a sudden we have rice flour then we have tapioca starch which is okay modified rice starch sugar organic yeast all right and we move on down the line we realize that it's a large part rice not gonna work okay almost anything you find that's cauliflower in the frozen section is totally not gonna be keto it usually has rice in it usually has other things that make it not keto so just pay attention to that for this stuff it's pretty straightforward that's just literally rice cauliflower really high in dienomethane which is very good if you have an estrogen issue you're trying to metabolize a little bit of that 1 7-hydroxy estradiol which is not the good estrogen anyhow don't need to bore you with details there let's see all right i found the ice cream bar let's see sea salt caramel keto let's see show you here what i got okay two grams of net carbs 12 grams total carbs 2 grams of fiber okay so basically you see that kind of uh discrepancy there how it looks weird 12 grams carbohydrates two grams fiber one gram so that it's the eight grams of sugar alcohol so here we have uh cream whole milk salted caramel base natural flavors which i'm not a fan of xanthan gum not a big fan but it's okay chocolate coating coconut oil that's cool erythritol sunflower lecithin mct oil stevia egg yolks more erythritol non-gmo this has actually been monk fruit actually this is actually really clean you know the funny thing is i don't know if you have to list erythritol as a sugar alcohol because some companies don't list erythritol to sugar alcohol i don't know the fda's rules on that point is this is actually a decent keto product i wouldn't call it deceptive i think it calls it like it is i wish they used like allulose or something instead of erythritol in this particular case because i think allos with ice cream would taste really really good but they add the coconut oil they add the mct i think they did it right there's no weird fibers in there so that one makes the cut as a keto approved costco food you know dog food anywhere no oh they do have my cold brews don't wipe these out these are mine frozen meats frozen fish that is the way to go ladies and gentlemen save a lot of money that way okay anything here in this just exotic expensive section uh protein bars i know for a fact those are not keto okay then they've got these coconut wraps here let me show you these guys okay you got coconut flour cassava starch water apple cider vinegar coconut oil salt okay this is a really good product it's just not quite keto friendly 28 grams of carbs 8 grams of fiber so still too high in net carbs because they put the cassava in there now technically cassava is a resistant starch which has kind of a different effect within the gut which means that it it doesn't fully digest the same it's somewhat of a resistant starch but it still doesn't take the cake as a keto item not that it's marketed as such but people have asked me about it so i wanted to make sure i addressed it unfortunately it would be great if you were like coming off kudo or something like that you needed something low glycemic ah cool i was hoping i come across this one these are these organic broccoli cheddar stuffed chicken breasts again they're not marketed as keto so not super deceptive but one would think this has got to be keto it's broccoli cheddar stuffed well let's take a look i've seen it before organic chicken that's great at least it's organic organic broccoli organic cheddar we're off to a good start sea salt enzymes yeah then all of a sudden there's rice in it oh never mind it's not it's rice stuffed chicken i have seen people make that mistake i ran into a guy that recognized me at costco once and he was buying this and he came up to me and introduced himself and all that and then says to me hey you know check out what i've got can you give me some pointers and i saw that in his grocery cart and took a look and that was the first time i learned about it it's pretty wild so obviously people make mistakes and he was a smart guy just a little teaser i have a video coming out on cured meats and deli meats coming out soon there's lots to know about these fine goodies here that are in the refrigerated section okay let's see what else we got here i'm sure i could find some stuff here let's see hawaiian style chicken that's gonna have pineapple teriyaki it's gonna be super sweet let's see what else we got so quiet here i can actually think for a minute let's see okay now we're getting into the cheeses you know not a whole lot of deceptive stuff in the cheese section not gonna lie i'm such a sucker for havarti but i like to get the light havarti oh and then i've got buffalo mozzarella buffalo is going to be more a2 protein plus it's which means it's just a better quality casein protein but it's also just a really good tasty product it like falls apart when you grab it so mozzarella if you're going to get mozzarella go for buffalo spin the extra couple bucks it is so worth it havarti is not the best cheese in terms of quality but man is it good i usually try to suck it up and go for goat cheese because i know that it's a higher quality protein and it's just a good cheese in general plus very very very very high in mcts c10 capric acid in goat cheese so direct mct in a food there so far i'm pretty pleased with what i've been finding here to be honest i thought i was gonna find more deceptive things i have to give credit to costco because i think they actually do their due diligence on products that they bring in so we don't have nearly as much crud as we might see in other stores so i might do this same thing but do it at walmart or something where i can find more but now i got to go hit some of the middle aisles see if i can see some of the stuff that might be marketed that's a little bit more trendy things like that because we're bound to find something there i thought that i was missing something so i was like i'm gonna just run down that snack aisle it seems a little too light in terms of the keto deceptive ones are you ready for this you ready for this this one almost got me because it looks so dang tasty okay chalk xo organic chocolate should have been a red flag when you see 85 percent dark chocolate 85 cacao let's talk about this percent dark chocolate that means it has sugar in it okay if that means it isn't gonna be keto friendly let's see what we got six grams of carbs three grams of fiber four grams of sugar um there's a big problem here at first okay six grams of total carbs three grams of fiber plus four grams of sugar equals seven somehow they say it's six where's quality here where's the qa anyway let's look at the ingredients organic dark chocolate organic cocoa mass gonna cocoa butter organic low fat cocoa powder organic cane sugar organic vanilla organic coconut oh my gosh okay if they just hadn't made this with dark chocolate and put a hint of stevia or monk fruit or alulos this would have been a perfectly fine product it would have been totally good in fact i probably would have eaten it but instead they're deceptive and they're playing into people that are just looking for the word keto which is so frustrating taking advantage of good people that are just trying to get healthy please avoid that deceptive glad i found that because that could be really really tricky oh here's another one kind bars are not keto friendly i saw another person getting these okay these kind that kind bark are these nut clusters not keto okay just look at the ingredients on that one that one's not marketed as keto but it tricks a lot of people okay let's find some more found one talked about this in another video okay you think that mushrooms are going to just be typical easy keto friendly well let's take a look shiitake mushrooms sea salt maltose which is higher glycemic than glucose sustainable palm oil yeast extract which is basically another word for msg than natural flavors these things you would think are keto friendly but that maltose does a number look at this 19 grams of carbohydrates in mushrooms it's because they're dried and they add a bunch of stuff to them not that someone would walk by that and immediately think it's keto but something to know all right i'm just gonna take one more little spin through like the center section where they have like the featured items and things like that see if we can find anything else and then i'm gonna buy these couple items and hit the road all right kind of in the protein section here we've got pb2 pb fit it is keto friendly but you really want to go easy on it let's see basically what this is is powdered peanut butter so they just defat peanuts but you're left with five grams of carbs three grams of fiber ingredients yeah see organic peanut flour organic coconut palm sugar two tablespoons of the stuff that adds up really quick it's easy to eat more than two tablespoons of this so since cane sugar is in it i would recommend avoiding it okay and then just a quick touch on real quick avoid that combat protein it's just garbage this one's halfway decent for keto if you go easy on a little bit of coconut sugar but still decent the one you want to go for as far as protein powders i did a full video on this so do a quick search for thomas de lauer costco keto protein or costco protein whey protein isolates what you want to lean towards i don't see a whole lot of other foods let me see what's over here i think most of this stuff is like holiday cookie stuff already all right probably not gonna find anything marketed this keto there but oh well all right let's go and buy these couple items and let's recap really quick when we get back out to the truck oh my gosh that was so embarrassing those macadamia nuts i didn't even realize because i got so excited when i i was looking at them because they had olive oil in them and they was just a great macronutrient profile and all this all these fats i got so excited talking about it and then i was there 23 bucks when i get to the checkout and it's only oh my gosh what is this how many up 20 ounces i mean that's okay considering they're organic i wouldn't have spent that but i had to go through with it because i'm not going to go put anyway all right well all i walked out of here with is cold brew and macadamia nuts but hopefully you learned a little bit of something please don't forget to subscribe don't forget to hit that like button don't forget to turn on notifications as always i will see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 118,979
Rating: 4.9059658 out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, keto diet, keto grocery haul, costco grocery haul, keto costco, low carb costco, costco shopping, shopping at costco, keto costco haul, keto shopping list, keto grocery list, keto at costco, shopping for keto, costco keto haul, costco shopping trip, keto grocery, costco keto grocery haul, low carb costco haul, costco shopping tips, keto shop with me, shop with me at costco, costco haul keto, thomas delauer
Id: 9cOsHlVMvms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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