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of your mouth like this hey hello nothing but if you did you might think it sounds cleaner but it's clearly coming out my nose hey buddies welcome back to amazing channel I am Zayn Rima and today I'm gonna teach you how to sing with the clear voice sound much more crisp and clear and less grody less nasal so I got three tips I'm not professional I'm not a vocal coach so step number one to get rid of that phlegm avoid area void soda avoid sugary you've been laughing too much you know there it's coming that adds more mucus and phlegm to your throat and probably not a good idea before you sing this could happen if you're recovering from a cold - and then you have a lot of mucus buildup please be safe everybody out there wash your hands if you've been drinking milk eating cookies have a cookie right here actually and and when you sing it sounds like this first let me eat this cookie mmm so I can make this video just you just cookie now that I got a phlegmy voice in a scratchy you can hear it when I sing there goes my heart you can hear the phlegm in my throat if you accidentally did that you can drink warm tea to relieve that mucus and help promote a more clear voice and the clear tone the tea I'm working on this is singing tea where it helps dry out the phlegm and mucus from your throat so I'm gonna make some tea [Music] since you can't really make your own tea this is the time I would suggest trying green tea because it helped dry your voice and that's what you want the thing is with green tea though it dries it out too much but what I'm making right now is just enough to where it gets smooth this out and not to wear it like feels like a desert in your throat [Music] scanning all yellow and urine like oh yeah I feel it okay my voice is getting Wow okay yeah part is step number one is to do some vocal fries where it's like very mild vibrations in your throat so that it kind of blends up the mucus a little bit not do the vocal fry vocal fry it's very nice vocal fry is very nice the other thing is you can also gargle Listerine so I'm gonna take you to the bathroom good John remember him I taught him how I spilled tea Listerine take some yeah see Oh gross actually don't look at that there's some chocolate there mmm get all that disgusting this out of your mouth and your throat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and ladies and gentlemen that is how you get a clearer voice feels nice even just talking it feels fresh so I'm working on this song and it goes and that is step number one ladies and gentlemen please subscribe number two ah in my notes it says you want a clear tone as well one that isn't too forced and confusing so if you haven't seen this video yet on how to find your natural voice that'll be very helpful with the tips that I'm about to show you so once you like our singing with your natural voice if you find yourself kind of like forcing each no overthinking it maybe you get nervous and then you kind of like emphasize each word sounds too forced think more relaxed don't overthink so for example I may not know when I'm growing now just take a deep breath relax go into it smoothly I'm a nun oh no it's broken road it's trying to tear me down this broken room it's trying to tell me but deep inside deep inside step number three and how to sing with a more clear voice I'd avoid singing through your nose you've heard somebody say oh she's singing nasal or he's singing nasally it sounds kind of like this what I'm singing so instead of trying to push air through your nose and mouth at the same time you might think it sounds cleaner but it's clearly coming out my nose practice talking like this let the air tickle your nose and then it cut experiment with the air just coming out of your mouth you are forcing yourself to do less hey guys I'm Zayd Reba hey guys I've said Reba I did move anything I'm still pitching no airs coming out of my nose try saying and my potatoes and [Music] no yeah hello hello hello hello nothing but if you did need a little lovin now sing more clearly and have like a more pleasant tone of voice so please subscribe and give us a thumbs up if this helps you in any way it really helps a channel it helps me help you it's free free content thank you guys so much check out Zayn Rima comm slash studio if you want to know where I got this mic thank you again so much for watching be amazing I hope this made sense I'm not a vocal coach I love you guys so so much you've been laughing too much you know ok it's just dry and Scratchy and I hope everybody stay safe out there [Music] [Music] cross-burning never far from home if a perma heart muscle [Music]
Channel: AmaZane Channel
Views: 1,643,895
Rating: 4.9576087 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, how to sing with clear voice, how to sing better with a clear voice, how to sing with a clear voice, clear voice, how to sing clearly, how to sing while sick, how sing good, sing better, zane rima, how to sing with a clear voice zane, zane rima how to sing, how to stop singing with your nose, how to improve your singing, how to sing better for free, learn how to sing, how to sing better instantly, sing better instantly, how to, sing, singing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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