Most ANNOYING Songs of All Time #1
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Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,392,399
Rating: 4.9150376 out of 5
Id: qwSAte1b79s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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I love this video
That was awesome!!! And full of meme material...
What is wrong with yt? When i saw my notif with this vid it says 30mins 3 wth?
Lol made me laugh my fav reaction was axel f u My dad hates it lol
Loved the video <3 The analysis of what makes a song annoying based on a series of criteria was on point, nice commentary value right there and also super funny as always :) *getting back to simping now*
My fav song is lil pitchy
The fact that Bad Romance was there hurted my heart so hard. C'mon, it's amazing!
Roomie. Gaga named herself after Queen's song "Radio Gaga" and most of her early songs like Bad Romance are based on models from Queen's songs. 😬