Grammy Songs of The Year 2010-2021 (Did they deserve it?)

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Watching JoeL analysing the "Grammies" is like waking every morning "Breathing Fre$h Air."

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Ornery-Bike-1267 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve been waiting for a Grammy episode!! Now to get ideas for a movie songs vid...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/loonylovesgood86 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video has been sponsored by opinion outpost today we're having a look at song of the year grammy winners and their competition did the right song win let's find out the outstanding nominees for song of the year that is a strong song for sure [Music] this has been forgotten if this one is weird okay this doesn't win i will be very confused this is also an iconic song how good of a year was 2010 okay i have no idea what he's gonna win this i gotta guess um my gut for me says that kings of leon should win but i'm pretty sure that beyonce will win because beyonce is just so revered i think people are scared of voting for anything else that is harrell beyonce knowles terrius nash steward for single ladies i want to congratulate these guys wait what beyonce didn't even come up it was like these guys so that i think was wrong i really think that should have gone to you somebody i do think that is the better song i love single ladies okay it's iconic but you somebody is still influencing music to this day i think the blues notes in the verse and the overall vibe it's a timeless freaking song and now it's time to sing about today's sponsor opinion outpost i have found an epic source of extra revenue great for when you're feeling bored and got nothing to do if you just start to think this is too good to be true then opinion outpost is the perfect place for you straight to pay on amazon [Music] sipping coffee making paper [Music] to do like me and start earning money the link in the description is where you need to go thanks to opinion outposts for sponsoring this video peace okay 2011 let's do this song of the year [Music] this one will never win this is not a chance oh this was a good one that one's probably too happy and babble gummy to win though it's just a love song that's super catchy [Music] this also seems too commercial i don't see that winning [Music] this was great [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i don't remember that so this is way more of a weak year at least the nominees maybe there were other songs that were amazing but they're not nominated i think need you now is a great song i don't see it winning i'm gonna say i love the way you lie dave heywood joshua oh need you now that is actually the best song of the bunch there i think i'm gonna put that on right not because i was right but because the right song won if that makes sense i wanna thank god i wanna thank our families back in nashville i don't wanna thank my hairdresser okay time for 2012. this is exciting this is super fun song of the year [Music] this can't win surely such a just a love song [Music] okay this doesn't win come on that was her breakthrough song if adele doesn't win with rolling in the deep something's wrong adele atkins and paul he's the best producer in the world oh she's so adorable he's the best producer in the world definitely write song one there by the way welcome back to another daily video my name is joel from roomie official and i feel like i have to tell you guys i was arrested the other day here's my mug shot get it a mugshot anyway let's continue the video for song of the year okay i don't remember this this is not gonna win it's way too poppy i don't think the grammys for best song will ever go to the super poppy stuff it should though that was just the biggest song of the year and people loved it but it's too cheesy probably to win what doesn't kill you makes you strong this one has a chance because of the lyrical content oh yeah this one too [Music] wow a lot of good ones this year i think the front runners are what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and 18. i think a team is a little bit more politically in the way that they want for the grammys i think the message is what they want in a grammy winning song i'm gonna go ahead and say that and share in one with a team we are oh really no i can't agree with that what is that song about we are young it just sounds like a normal love song to me the lead singer nate russ says the lyrics were inspired by one specific night after my worst drinking night of all time res told rolling stone they was kicked out of a taxicab and it messed it all up yeah those lyrics are not grammy worthy to me i guess there is a retro aspect to that song that some people might like it feels classic pop rock in a way that maybe some people will enjoy i do like the song i'm not sounding like i'm hating on it that's not what i mean but we're talking like music critics and juries here which is very different from what people actually like out in the cabins of the world i don't know what i was thinking writing the chorus for this song that's a very funny quote i don't know what i was thinking about in the chorus of the song it's so bad you guys don't know what you're doing how could you vote for me yeah that's the wrong song i think a team is a way better song and it's always stronger for song of the year okay 2014. [Music] i think this might be for mars this year to be honest no katie's not going to win too poppy oh no this could win this is hipster enough [Music] okay let's see we got locked out of heaven just give me a reason roar royals or same love if royals wasn't nominated i think bruno could have won but it feels like royals is going to take it royal yeah yeah i guess that's right kind of wanted bruno to win but i do think it's a good choice outstanding nominees 2015 song of the year because you know i'm all about that no please no please don't win come on man oh this is a good one yeah that could definitely happen what's the dark child version of stay with me i guess it's a music producer that made a different version this is a great one too okay let's see hosier sia meghan trainor taylor swift sam smith i think cia should get it but have a feeling it's gonna be sam smith stay with me version i'm gonna go ahead and say that that's wrong actually i really think cs channel year is the stronger song of those two it seems like they're leaning towards this like adele sam smith good singer and acoustic piano vibes because it's more credible i can see why jerry's would lean towards that the outstanding nominees 2016 song of the year then we gonna be all right we gonna be all right [Applause] taylor will never win the freaking grammy it feels like not for the song of the year [Music] that's interesting and thinking out loud wow that is quite the lineup so we got all right blank space girl crush thinking out loud see you again i don't think cu again will win it was such a commercial success but there's something about it i guess it's just too poppy in this production okay this might sound crazy but i think i'm leaning blank space because that is like taylor's most successful song to date right thinking out loud oh no it's ed's here that's fun even though it wasn't what i guessed i'm gonna go ahead and say that that was right i would have been happy with any of those two winning i do think that jurors have a tendency to want to lean away from the pop stuff and lean more towards the stuff that takes itself really seriously so it was a nice change of pace to see edwin for that song i think for song of the year [Music] i think if beyonce is nominated it feels like she's going to win you know what i mean oh yeah that's not gonna win but it's a good time the justin bieber song that is really written by ed sheeran i think it's likely that beyonce might win i'm not a crazy fan of that song though i'm gonna say it goes to hello adele hello hey i would have been a little bit happier if seven years would have won because i think that's slightly stronger to me at least i think that's probably a controversial opinion so i'm gonna hit myself in advance so you guys don't have to come and do it to me when i walk the streets ow ow how could you hit me it's just an opinion so yeah i'm gonna put that one on the right 2018 song of the year i feel like i'm out of my mind [Music] difficult is it bruno's year has bruno even won the song of the year grammy i mean despacito was just absolutely massive maybe the jury would give it to despacito to show that they're kind of embracing the wave of spanish music coming into the us that would be like a political way to do it let's say it goes to despacito that's what i like oh yes ah bruno my boy finally okay that goes on right he went from bruno grammy to brew house grammy 2019 ending nominees for song of the year i don't remember this song oh yeah no i do [Music] oh this was god's plan god's plan drake doesn't want a grammy yet probably not and then for song at least this is great too i don't think the movie songs have a high chance of winning oh this was sick too this is a miracle oh no this one will win this one has all the political qualities this is america of course could not be here tonight yeah shiloh's gambino is like the most busy person in the world what does he do he does stand-up comedy he does acting and he does music does he do more stuff i don't even know he's like the most multi-talented person on earth charles gambino yeah actor singer rapper stand-up comedian writer producer and director we will never be as talented as this man that is crazy that's so cool 2020 let's do it ending nominees for song of the year [Music] i don't remember this song yeah surely bad guy won that was just the fresh air into the pop music industry [Music] i feel like they always nominate one that has no chance of winning like there's tanya tucker on like that's not gonna win and it was always like one pretty unknown song every year [Music] [Applause] lana is pretty artsy i could see her do pretty well with this this will not win great [Music] i like this it's gotta be bad guy that was so impactful none of the other ones were impactful in that way lewis capaldi is basically just another spin on sam smith and adele talented singer from great britain with the piano belly but he's not as credible for some reason i don't know why but people don't like him as much maybe his lyrics aren't that strong come on bad guy yes that's what i'm talking about oh i didn't even know that 2021 had been i don't follow the grammys i pretty much think it's pointless what the jury thinks but it's fun to do it like this it sounds like a little quiz we're doing for song of the year the thing is beyonce makes really cool groundbreaking music but it doesn't really get that mainstream appeal it feels weird that she would win with a song that didn't really hit the mainstream if that makes sense [Music] i can see them liking this that she changed her style this might be too poppy but i really like this don't show yes that was messy i really like this no i don't think so how do we go her [Music] i love that song but i don't think it'll win the rap songs have not had a good run with the song of the year stuff i think taylor has a chance i think duolippa has a chance that's about it oh he's not out yet wait i'm gonna look this up i can't breathe it was her song okay i have not heard that song at all i'm gonna put that on wrong i mean it's a little bit mean because i haven't really heard that song that much did it hit the charts i assume it did did i just miss it oh it's based off of the whole george floyd thing right yes it's a political thing again it wasn't on the billboard hot 100 it was number 20 on the hot r b songs makes sense okay guys keep here for more music coming to our videos click here for music vs videos and i will see you tomorrow in another daily video my score is that eight of the winners were right and four of them were wrong let me know what you thought in the comments down below and here's another meme from the subreddit the sims 4 is one of my favorite games so i tried making joel hey look at us that looks totally right it's so true to life
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 994,829
Rating: 4.9575543 out of 5
Id: wVrzxyaqHVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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