Singers with WEIRD Hidden Talents

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today we're taking a look at some famous singers to see if they have any special talents apart from singing spoiler alert they do here we got ariana grande with her skill imitations dang that is really good wow that looks so fake i know it isn't fake but dang that is so good that sounds nothing like your singing voice as well i'm just like a snackaholic i mean i love pringles if no one's looking i'll eat like a whole can like every day is my cheat day you know what i mean i don't know i saw a black um cadillac suv in my driveway so i just assumed i should get oh that is actually really good too wow these are impressive like that little hoarseness she's doing that's exactly jennifer lawrence the way she kind of loses tone in her voice sometimes when she talks like every day is my cheat day you know what i mean when's this day there it's about to break in the same way like this here cadillac suv in my driveway and wait oh wow that's so cool we got katy perry and she has frognic i can look like a frog it's disgusting oh how oh god i mean i guess it's just like pulling her tongue down but her skin there is really really flexible watch it here touch it oh this is bad this is right wow what are you doing stop it wow that was actually hilarious and freaky by the way welcome back to another daily video my name is joe from roomieficial and i'm going to measure you right now let's see yes 12 inches that is either really small for a human or very big for never mind here we got fergie and she is good at cartwheel singing she gets the cookie monster voice when she does it kind of impressive in its own weird way when you're the last one alive in dodgeball friends stop being so extra me interviewer so do you have any special talents fergie that is just hilarious i think the priority needs to be sound good then do funny thing what a meme here we got david bowie and he's a painter as well apparently the sense of these textures were grating against each other in a way that wasn't admirable and i try and recre i try and visualize those textures and paint them and then find out what was wrong and then when i'd solved that problem i'd take it back into the studio this is so in character for him it's so artsy i've never really compartmentalized things everything for me is is just this flax of of doing stuff some of it's music and some of it's visual just do stuff man that's deep and the two have always been very entwined that's cool those are some pretty cool drawings well done david bowie here we got justin bieber and he is a rubik's cube solver hope so you want me to try let's try okay oh interviewers for radio stations imagine having to conjure up enthusiasm for like anything your celebrity says you'll be like yo this is so awesome yo i'm sure she's never seen a rubik's cube before the only reason you would have any interest in justin bieber solving a rubik's cube is that he is justin bieber i feel like every third person can solve a rubik's cube it's not like an iq test you know do it justin yeah looks okay a smile is that trick when you do it a little bit some mathematic thematical algorithms some mac and black and black algorithms [Music] what is going on it's so quiet and awkward just in so low energy too it's just like oh whatever [Laughter] you're just hearing the freaking rubies cute that's the only sound oh my god this is the best a little bit harder when i switched the signs did you i feel like you took off the stickers and we put them back on i can get some red and blue color and we can paint it she needs to meme it or something you can't just sit there and watch no oh this is so poorly done what is she doing yeah he did it wow oh that that is hilarious i got to see the comments on that oh wow so map matt methic thematical algorithm that was my favorite part too some mathematics thematical algorithms we need to cut that out and use as a meme in videos editor please here we go justin bieber again playing drums [Music] nice he's very good that first thing he did like the fast thing is a combination of just hand hand foot and you just do it really fast that guy will stick out and dick out and cut and decatur and then if you just play really fast it'll sound like a motorboat which was what that very cool oh yeah he's a lefty i forget that he's good i've seen him do it before i concerts and stuff and it was always really great i i think he's the talented drummer here we got harry styles this juggling okay [Music] that's pretty good man that music is not doing him any favors it's like makes it less funny there's a blip for a circus music i know so many people who can juggles i'm not exactly blown away but people are plotting messed it up too i mean he's a great singer but that's like barely a talent come on you can learn that in like 15 minutes my secret talent is also juggling check it out i got uh coffee capsules wow here we go vanilla ice and he is the sixth best jet ski razor in the world in 1993. of course jet skiing like the most posh thing he is so unlikable and this is not hell i'm sure not even that many people had jet skis in 1993 at least not personally so they could practice ice has become the sixth best jet skier in the world passengers caught up with the racing rapper in san diego i've always been a racer i race my car i race i race my motorbikes i race my jet skis whatever you know if you remember this is the guy who said that he didn't sample queens under pressure in this song because he added an extra ding ours goes ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding that little bitty change it's not the same this is him i hate being a celebrity first of all i hate that stuff i don't even consider myself into that so i like to blend in with real cool people and everybody here at the races is just real cool such a poser and the clothing as well he's incredibly unlikable incredibly wow he shouldn't sing anymore though he should just jet ski i agree i plan to go to church i plan to get deeper in with god you know my girl now she's into god that's the best thing you got to keep a good relationship with god what is happening what that should be number one priority for every human being on earth my girlfriend now is really into god so yeah i try to have a good relationship with god garbage here we got ed sheeran mouth of malt teasers okay is he just going to fill his mouth with candy if that's a skill then i'm the most skilled person alive if i don't fit in 41 don't be disappointed all right okay yeah we're gonna count them yeah bear with us all right go for it one okay [Applause] so if you just tuned in ed sheeran as just said he can pick 41. these chocolate martinis are in his mouth he's up to 20 so far i have nothing to compare this to i feel like 41 is not necessarily that much i want to see someone else i want to see a kid try to put as much as possible into there as well does he have a big mouth then is he good at like putting it you know down his throat does he not have a gag reflex is that what it is an award-winning musician literally stuff his mouth with chocolate that's crazy i had no idea award-winning musicians could eat chocolate put chocolate in their mouth what is this this is the world that i thought it was musicians can't eat chocolate now don't let yourself down it don't record let me do the 42 let me do it let me do it let me do the 42. oh [Applause] [Music] this feels like youtube five years ago when there was like challenges was like oh yeah let's do this stuff your mouth will maltesers challenge and now looking at it just like okay come on date 46. you're gonna make your girlfriend proud god oh girl i mean that's funny i'm glad that that's crazy stuff it's fun by the way guys we got merch like this one and this one check it out grab me link in the description i'm saving up to buy a redneck so i can start a rednecks only fans they're gonna have an uncensored music video called karnai hole buy him here we got kesha and she is apparently a teeth crafter i have no idea what that is should i take them off are they two jingle jingling oh oh god oh no what's with the teeth okay the teeth are i asked my fans to send me teeth don't ask your fans to send you teeth what which no those look like adult teeth too they don't look like freaking no so i could wear them and i've made a headdress and multiple pieces of jewelry out of their teeth and i wear it when i just like need good luck these are your fans teeth on your butt yeah yep obsessed with you i wonder if anyone pulled out their teeth to be in like her jewelry like oh yeah i haven't really you know any teeth saved up in any jars or anything i'll just take a tong and that's it's wrong with me it really does let me know in the comments is this creepy i feel like it's creepy no matter what it is even if it was their own teeth it's like gross but they they were pulled out from dentists uh yeah like wisdom teeth mostly i got a couple of like questionable teeth that had like a little bit of remnants of what seemed to be i didn't test it but it was like red dried liquid seemed like maybe pliers people were pulling their teeth out for you there like is a possibility that's why you don't ask for teeth oh jesus a lot of celebrities are very oblivious about what people will do when they do certain things and they don't realize that they have a little bit of responsibility if you can confidently say that you think something will happen if you say something to your audience then maybe don't do it if it's a bad thing at the end of the day it is people's own choice but she knew that would probably happen let's be real never send me your teeth never send me any parts of your body no one who likes any music should send anyone parts of their body that you know oh okay uh here we got bob dylan and he's an iron welder ooh maybe he could make me a sword for my cosplay come on bobby show me the swords okay it's more like art welding oh yeah that's what that means it doesn't mean that he's like a blacksmith [Music] that actually seems like a really fun hobby wow that's really here we got selena gomez and she is good at gum spitting she can spit gums for selena gomez ladies and gentlemen she is good for you it is a talent she could still do check out no no no we don't know wait for it oh nice i could do higher i think why do i find that gross i feel like the gum was out of her mouth for long enough for it to become a gum that has been out five second rule more like five millisecond rule am i right fellow hygienic people i mean it's funny it's not a skill but it's funny i'm pretty sure she didn't go into that like yeah i have the best skill my name is selena gomez and now i can spit gum up into the air and then it falls back into my mouth in a very nice way here we go camila cabello and she can do a tongue trick you have to make my mouth look pretty i'm single not a very uncommon trick but still i can't do it kind of looks like a little flower maybe three flower petals the inside of a clam things i can't say in a youtube video pretty sure we get demonetized here we got ringo starr who's a songwriter and drummer in the beatles obviously i don't know where we uh have that explanation and he can do pop art let's be real though this looks great but as an artist as a famous artist whatever you do on the side it's always going to be overvalued right maybe if i saw this somewhere i wouldn't be like oh yeah i want to buy this but because it's ringo starr i kind of want it [Music] hold me love me no thank you yeah looks like a high schoolers art project i'm sure it's great i don't know anything about pop art okay guys click here for more music commentary videos click here for music vs videos and i will see you tomorrow in another daily video and now i'm gonna show you my special skill no one knows about i'm going to grow i'm going taller i'm growing taller guys wow this is amazing
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,481,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1zyszVdYwo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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