Benelli M4 Civilian Model 12 Gauge

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Haycock 45 and it's m4 time as in Benelli m4 man did that smoke Oh another pot Oh what else oh man let's take out a bucket yeah with some number four buckshot the Benelli m4 it's a shotgun you're probably familiar with that might be some military folks from Fort Campbell flying over right now on cue pretty cool you know it is it's a I think it's a yeah it's a military helicopter you folks in the military might recognize the sound 99% sure it was unless the light was not good but yeah it looked like one so they knew we had an m4 yes pretty interesting I hope they weren't doing surveillance on us but yes this is an m4 it is yes is used by the military it was adopted in I think around 1999 1998 you know they started cranking them out and issuing them I think in 1999 to the Marines first and then then it became a joint services combat shotgun and I guess it's all over the military services now and so that's been been a while 15 16 17 years that this thing has been in service and from what I've read it's well liked and it's been reliable I'm sure there's some situations where it's not been as with any firearm but it has has served well as I understand and is serving as we speak today empty but the old Benelli m4 now got it from Bud's gun shop calm so be sure you check them out they've helped us a lot yeah pretty cool be able just email hey would like an m4 to do a video on then send it back goes to e gunner 10% whatever they get for it goes to the Second Harvest Foodbank and Middle Tennessee and you know it's there their deal but we get 10% back to Tennessee it's it's a win-win so just reminder on that if you didn't know how that works and also check our website and well the description where you can get to our website and the people that help us and at our website a [ __ ] 45 com we don't remind you enough though that maybe you can find everything you can find all the people that support us and some other things over there or link to our t-shirts and things so jump on some of that if you'd like to but be sure while you're down there you look at the NRA link and get your discount and join the NRA if you're not a member and join the fight against well for gun rights yes it's against a lot of different forces but for gun rights okay and you get a nice discount so be an NRA member I've been one since so well early 20s and almost continuously you know they've been a couple of lapses where I forgot to renew and had to renew that kind of thing but I've been a member essentially all that time and will always be a member so uh what else I guess that's the end of the video now we're gonna have fun with this and shoot it some you know I have had a Benelli since 1989 the m1 and so I have a little experience with these things so I'll talk about some of the differences between the military well this is sort of the military this is the civilian version you know it's a five shot five plus one but you can change this out the magazine so it will hold I think seven I believe it makes it seven plus one and you can change out this stock if you don't want the pistol grip there's you change out all these things it's just that I think it's difficult correct me some of you Benelli m4 experts but I think that Benelli still as we stand here today it's it's not offering this maybe to civilians with the seven round mag in place already and that kind of thing they don't offer as many options I think to civilians it's only to law enforcement and in military even though they're not illegal you know at all in this country and so it looks like as I search around there's an aftermarket healthy aftermarket of extensions and different kinds of replacements everything from 50 bucks to 200 and titanium magazine tubes and all sorts of things you know for this gun because it's been around a while now and it's it's fairly popular but it's expensive so it's not one you see often you know all your friends don't have them because it runs that not to speak disparagingly of your friends and mean that but it's just not common it runs almost 2,000 bucks so it's right up in 1900 2018 I thought you know in that vicinity so it's an expensive piece of hardware all right everybody knows Bonelli's reputation they're not cheap they've never been cheap I bought the one I bought and 89 was a stretch for me I remember if I was competing and everything and you know when you're involved competition we know some shotgun competition so I was you know you just go ahead and somehow and you find the money and you get the best guns and all the kind of thing and it was gosh I think I paid 700 back then in 89 that was a lot for a shotgun okay it always been expensive but they're good shotguns it's hard to find anybody that is going to be really overly negative about a Benelli shotgun you may not like it for a few reasons and they do operate a little bit differently than then a lot of shotguns but uh but you know they tend to be reliable now that was with and that's one thing we'll talk about this thing is supposed to be with this gas system it has it's an auto regulating gas system and here comes our our trash man so we'll take a quick break and we'll get right back with you okay okay we're back my trash man is a really nice guy he's a good fella so we won't get mad named for that he came a little late today usually here early in the morning as I was saying this has a gas system I think that's what I was saying but it's a it's an auto what I called Auto regulating gas operation of some sort and there's none of some sort I'll show it to you it's very specific but it's it's kind of a simple short-stroke gas system and it's supposed to feed a wide range of ammo they changed it I was reading port and I can understand the reason being I'll load some a regular field loads in well yeah I got you but this is my old super 90 m1 right here you've seen it in action several times and I've had again since 1989 and it's been a good one but it got the inertia system you know there's no gas system at all and and the inertia and the Volt the way it's rigged up it's a classic it works it works well I've had a few malfunctions lately I think maybe the springs are getting weak after all these years I had need to have that probably redone some of it but maybe even the bolt springs and things I don't know but it's been a good one and I was reading that someone who seem to know what they're writing about how how with the inertia system if you hang things on them you know like scopes or whatever you're more likely getting malfunctions and I can believe that because I remember back in 1990 I put a sidesaddle on this it holds the shells on the side you've seen those five or six shells now I was getting malfunctions and and I know other people who were having the same experience and I don't think it's because we were squeezing the receiver we were careful about that it just wasn't it lost some of the reliability some of that was part of that or not but the you know the military wants to put you know night scopes and all kinds of things on on their firearms and so I believe that was a lot of the reason the rationale for Benelli though their entry into this competition back in 1988 98 I guess it was their submission they changed the system this is their first gas operated shotgun and it's even a little different than others we'll take a few shots now you will you will hear from people who have trouble with light field loads and in these and I think it's a matter of it's just not broken in yet this one would not feed field loads okay I'm back we're back the trashman brought back the three high points we had over there on the table he realized that they might not be trashed so he brought it back we appreciated that anyway that was a joke John had a coughing tip to tell you the truth and we got another break right should have gone and had a drink or sank of water of course before resuming but I think I was talking about the functioning of the my old wealth mind this was not mine but of my Benelli with light ammo I think that's where I was it would not function with field loads just birdshot and that kind of thing it must have been couple three years or something before it would report loosen up and would function with anything it needed high brass for a while and so that was nice when it finally started functioning with that now this one by first I don't know Sean I've shot it for a couple three days and it uh I mean not a thousand rounds or anything but I have fired the military tested it for me I don't need to test it to see if it works if it's a good shotgun right and a lot of other people have I'm sure but I fired from a I don't like the of the first let's say twenty five shots or so it it did hang up some with the field loads okay he was sharp shoot three maybe and they would hang on shoot for five more maybe hang up and but it which is okay so defensive military shotguns so not gonna be shooting field loads or wanting to shoot field loads in the thing so it's not a big deal but it seems to be loosening up and over the last ten or fifteen field was we have fire link we had one that didn't go into the battery so so we'll shoot some of that kind of so it looks like it's going to feed about anything and the gas system is designed for that the auto regulating gas operation or whatever it's called Argo it is designed to feed about anything I think I'm a repeat myself here now am I used to all these these edits edits and takes but it does have an interesting gas system it's a kind of blowback plus the gas it has a couple of Pistons I'll show you let's shoot these and see if it'll if I'm lying - you're not see if it'll feed them but it's uh it's designed to feed a wide range of ammo okay and it looks like it might do that of course it will feed it will cycle the hot stuff well we've got some of that my shoulder will attest to that and so we'll try done put five in and shoot five these loci over D load six and that's good enough we'll try these so it is always nice when any shotgun will handle you know a variety of loads and like I said I think I said you know this is the civilian version of the shotgun and it's hard to get from Benelli you know one and maybe a possible still with a full-length mag back to or a different stock even and I think they've got a folding stock or a collapsible stock but generally speaking I think as we talk here today that stuff has to be added on aftermarket it's perfectly legal in this country but you got to do that yourself so this is kind of the way I think all of them come if you just buy one that has not been modified yeah that's a new new shotgun all right answer with the Benelli you know it's not loaded yes it is this little button here puts a round on the follower there now the load and it will shoot let's put a couple on the target no let's save that for buckshot be more interesting wouldn't it someone put some soft drinks that's pretty nice it fired those three see what goes with a two-liter yeah okay see I didn't lie that's just plain old feel bloats federal you know seven and a half shot that I shoot a lot of well you see what it is and again we appreciate federal helping us out just target loads that's kind of nice you know I brought some of that out and I brought plenty of there's other hot stuff just in case let's put some more this is for buck yeah buckshot number four and and and shoot some of that because that's what it was designed for obviously it's it this is what you'd call defensive shotgun you got the pistol grip and all that pretty much safe let's put one in the chamber there's just a little button here choo-choo-choo and then load it up it's a tight it looks okay but there's no sloppiness there till you you got to get that thing lined up perfectly does alright are quite smooth maybe is my up him one there we go all right we got number four bucks let's put some number four on that par dude and a wad right yeah oh boy I'm gonna save that watermelon for something really hot let's put some of these on this other pot this oughta smoke up hot all right wake up little dove there we're gonna we're gonna shower you in smoke what did I tell you oh man number four buckshot is nice I've said it before it's one of my favorites yeah this thing kicks a little bit before it gets too hot I might show you how it's made what else can I tell you about it as I'm doing this though you know so I don't have the pistol grip on mine mine came with this basically the same grip I've got it you know I've got it at the house I just I just don't like it as much and if I were to buy an m4 I mean I ain't thought about it over the years just they're so expensive and I like this just fine this is I guess you consider an upgrade it's heavier though so that might not be an upgrade if I had to go to battle depends on how much I had to shoot it but this thing is so light it's just really nice like I said I might need to look at some of the springs I've had a couple of malfunctions that didn't make sense to me in recent years but it's not my home defense shotgun I have other pumps for that but it's always been a great great gun it's just so light and just has been a very reliable but I switched out the pistol grip I don't really care for a pistol grip on a shotgun I can't help it I just don't like it and it took me a while to come to that decision that it was just in the way now when you pick it up and shoot it okay feels good but every other moment that you're carrying it or do anything with it it's just that thing is really in the way as far as I'm concerned but I would never be the first thing I would do if I bought one I put like that stock I guess on it or an aftermarket stock of some sort and then I would get an extension for it like like like why not you know you got this room it's kind of silly not to hold the full length of shells you know the capacity there should hold six or seven lane trouble there and course you can get an extra round in you put one in the chamber and then you hold your mouth right you can put one on the follower after you've got the chamber load the magazine load and all that and you get an extra one in there if you want to like this is 5 plus 1 6 hey hey hey yeah I might be from Kentucky but I got that right didn't I 5 plus 1 6 but you could actually have 7 rounds in it you know if you knew you're going into battle in the next few minutes you could do that right now we're definitely clear this is well we might have to have in it I told John but we're messing around with it I was having a hard time unscrewing and I'm the one who tightened it I didn't there we go ok again any time you're messing around out there you know tubular magazine or something you want to double check make sure you're clear alright and if I'm not to fumble fumble e here so you pull that now these the foreign just comes apart that's two pieces and you know it's even labeled you know for people like me it's got right left okay and you see them that's just slips off the force how that is this is the gas system that's all of it right there get your Pistons there and they are self-cleaning and it's it's a really simple design basically four pieces there I don't think there's even any Springs or anything in there and you've got a port in the barrel that's a hole from my relatives in Kentucky in the barrel that you know blows the gas and into these chambers and forces this back and those hit on the bolt the bottom part of the bolt and so that's that's it and I read one reason this is supposed to be better in terms of a gas and highly reliable is that the port in the barrel is is just beyond the chamber where the gases are especially hot and cleaner at that point and so yeah you you get as good a system as you can get you get less dirt and less grit and that sort of thing and then Plus this it's self-cleaning so all that's good all right so you know what can be more important to a military law enforcement shotgun or of course a defensive shotgun for you or me what can be more important than reliability not much but it's that's way more important than accuracy and you look like I just did I thought it was awfully easy to get back on and all that sort of thing these uh these sides won't go on elicits pull down a little bit okay you can see I told you I couldn't relieve left about to put that on the wrong side or try to let's see what sides that will go on the right okay I guess is this the right side yeah there we go looks like that might be where it goes now we slide it further down there we go we tighten it up and that's another thing you want you know the military fire that's one of the attractions I think a lot of us have two military firearms we're not looking to go to war they're just interesting they're well-made they're reliable and generally speaking they're designed so that they can be taken apart easily and cleaned and durable reliable you know it's just these threats receive firearms you know if you're into firearms at all and you haven't noticed John and I are right okay I've talked about the price it's expensive the reason it's it comes away it does it's kind of a Benelli thing I believe it some of you that have these and you study these a lot more than I have I mean I've had a long time but I've not really studied the m4 a lot just look at it occasional thing hey so I want one of those ever awfully expensive that ain't better than my super 90 and one but you may have have owned several of them but in terms of you might even if you won't have a recommendation and we don't like people which are trying to sell the products you know in the descriptions all that are in the comments but uh but you know if you share your experience with with the firearm you know that sort of thing what you put on yours maybe people are interested in that so it is it is pretty good gun let's shoot some more let's go ahead and bruised my shoulder this is John I've determined this is about the hottest stuff we get from federal and I think they sent me some of this by mistake one times I have a fair amount of it it's I don't say buy their mistake might have been my mistake I ordered incorrectly but it is three inch Magnum and it is it is Magnum believe it it is and it's a what is it 15 pellets yeah when you fire this stuff you know you fired something put safety on and anything that we need to really blow up here this is good for that just I've got a magnum slugger to I think we're good guys all right she coupled it you'd probably be able to tell you something at recoil it's hard to hide recoil you know see that input one yeah all right let's just go ahead and do our watermelon this might go through it man what'd I tell you I you know this stuff is so powerful I'm gonna put one on the cinder block wall John built down there yeah hey that's a nice spread isn't it at that distance it looks like almost all of its on the blocks I'll save the rest of that for us let's go ahead and hit that tombstone look at how it moved it the guy moves me I hate the cowboy I think well I'll put a slug on that skillet boom that has got some recoil but you know you wouldn't care and it's definitely empty I'm gonna go up here and reach up here yeah like just tight let's try some slugs okay it is slug time here yeah shoot slugs tell you that but yeah it'll knock you around a little bit but I'm just wearing a t-shirt to do you know that that makes some difference most of the time it seems like I'm punch well in the summer obviously in the winter and I'm not just wearing a t-shirt but I tend not to have on big heavy thick coats and so I get the I get the max recall whenever we're shooting something that kicks even we're doing videos in winter I don't like to wear a big heavy jacket you probably noticed then I'll tend to it is kind of cold out I have two or three layers of shirts or something I'll not have a big heavy jacket so I don't really ever get much of a padding effect there I just I just like to not have you know just heavy heavy clothing has always bothered me kind of awkward all right slugs well let's wake up the gong that's a nice sound in it yeah we don't want the new gong to feel neglected try the red plate boy let's try a ram rider's chin boy it's right on it's got a go strange sight you can see they're kind of it really is ghost ring you can't see the top of it I really I'd like to top it to be a little more visible than that one is this were mine and maybe I put a little white on it I don't know terms of elevation uh not ideal got your Picatinny rail there you can put anything on there you want night scopes and there's no telling what all the military puts on those at times and I believe that's a tritium site I even in the rear I believe you got tritium there so you can find your sights and the dark and weighs about seven I think seven and a half pounds or is it eight I mean it's it's a fairly hefty shot guys one of the heavier of Bonelli's but you know it was another reason they didn't use a in more involved gas system with lots of linkages and side rails and different things was to keep the weight down because you saw that gas system this is fairly simple don't use more slugs all right yeah all night you know I like them okay so the Benelli m4 this is a farm that a lot of you're very familiar with because you you just follow you know what the military adopts and what they use and of course it's been in movies I guess it's probably in videogames yes a you know as I say probably because I don't play video games even though you know video not that long ago I mentioned something some joke about playing a video game like eight or ten hours a day and it's amazing how many people thought I was serious really but that's okay I love it I love gullible people I don't know what I'd do without them alright let's try the cinder blocks with slugs those two leaders get in there Oh bet John had something to do with that let's try bowling tune oh man look at that spin that thing yeah you need a little more capacity that's it's only going through system well then maybe not the only criticism for me the negatives and positives I would say it's a little heavy I've gotten spoiled by my my my super ninety a little heavier and of course the capacity that's you know and these these days in this country they just seem kind of silly to have a shotgun where you're not using you know the magazine space that's available there that seems kind of ridiculous to me but you know there's reasons for that that can be fixed it's just that you pay so much for this thing you hate to put two or three four hundred dollars into it to get you know the way you want it but it's good done right out of the box I'm pleased yeah let's try that again it's Pete's stuff like this light ammo put some more rows in em for this thing has been used you know all around the globe you know Afghanistan Iraq wherever our military is I guess in the last 15 years and then and other militaries and law enforcement around the globe so it's not a big secret it's just we're just now getting one I just know we've never brought one to the compound so we need to do that so I ordered one up I wanted to shoot one myself all right we got buckshot so well everything let this shoot though let's just shoot some steel yeah nice fun fun to shoot with that and that's good to know that you can shoot field loads like that at least the federal they're not probably the weakest field loads but that's not them but you know they're nothing all that stout sometimes they're astound enough I wonder about shooting them in like an antique shotgun but there's just seven and a half field loads and it's one 1/8 ounce shot you know and yeah two and three quarters DRAM so yeah just a target load that is great you can enjoy your shotguns so much more and more inexpensively if you you know have one that will fire that kind of stuff most pumps will cycle this stuff pretty well took you know set like I said gullible gullible okay fifteen away you what we got here no well got shoot a couple more slugs is that okay I'll shoot some Magnum slugs yeah here we go magnums you don't see me in pain I know so let's do that safety only slugs I I don't really consider that them necessary you know at all a Magnum slug I like these lower recoil slugs as I've said before it's like you really get hit by a pickup truck or a Volkswagen there's not much difference okay what I was doing on that last Ram other than missing it okay I'm gonna get him though yeah I can tell a little bit of difference in recoil let's wake up the gong with these all right let's get that other Ram balls them over does it man and with these rounds they would kill a buffalo I'm sure so I'm gonna try that one on the right well that's your benefit mr. Buffalo Wow we might have do a slugfest with this thing one day if we keep it long enough you know you know I love a slugfest and I think some of you do cuz slugs are fun let me shoot just let's finish up with something that's kind of light and front I know these are famous for being able she's fast at least a super 91 in one that's one reason that I bought it and I had seen some videos yeah I believe we're not even back in the in the day people shooting those and in speed drills and things and if you really wanted to be fast you had ever been alley there was a time in the late 80s that was kind of thinking okay let's just see if we can really pepper something here oh I don't know like that drone how's this well they don't kick much it again they function that's great that's great what else you want to know about it well what maybe bring it out again and do like I say maybe a slugfest I don't know so you know in wide use in the military I think the joint services combat shotgun you know it is that that bat shotgun or at least one of them one of the choices and it you know an innovator I think this is the first one with a gas system in it I said said that I might repeating myself I'm sorry might have even forgotten to say something with a couple of interruptions here I'm used to stream-of-consciousness uninterrupted you know usually but it's was their first you know again gas operated system okay and it self-cleaning and and it seems to work reliability is supposedly the strong characteristic of this shotgun and the Benelli is you're famous for that anyway and so I think they were trying to build as much into this as they could and as I understand I read it it fired 25,000 rounds without any kind of major breakage or anything you know in a testing that's almost as much as I fire you know in a month and so it went through rigorous testing it did one that apparently I'm guess it was a political thing and it has been in use by our military you know quite a few different law enforcement departments I think that la I read that the LA Police Department use it so and they're they're it's a huge department so you know whatever they use you know carry some weight okay so the Benelli m4 is is quite a shotgun many of you have them or have fired them more than I have so feel free to add what's your two cents worth maybe it's a very expensive it's a big investment if anybody's thinking about it so yeah I'll share your reliability stories you know with us if you've had one for the last ten years and what you've shot in and what works what doesn't or if you've had problem and of course everybody somebody's had problems with everything but just in terms of your experience with it might be useful to people because I've not had one of these until this week and so far for us and John I've shot a fair amount we've enjoyed it and it's gotten better with age it was a couple of days in terms of being able to handle and cycle reliably the field loads so that that's a good thing and that's been our experience with it so far and we'll shoot some more yeah what can you say Benelli they do good work they'll probably be a successful company life is good [Music] [Music] hey I hope you guys enjoyed that video I'm sure if you didn't we'll be hearing from you but while you're here I want to make sure you guys are aware of SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can get certified in gunsmithing with hands-on experience and also an associate's degree in firearms technology and they are very accepting of GI bill to it work a lot with veterans so go over to SDI dot edu and check them out see if that's something that you're interested in and also while you're going out on the interwebs and looking at things like that don't forget the ACOG 45 Facebook if you're a Facebook kind of guy check that out Hickok believe on Facebook also the real Hickok 45 on Instagram and Hickok 45 on Twitter don't forget to check that out and also we have a website now Hickok 45 comm try to keep it simple for you guys and especially those of you in Kentucky WWE [ __ ] 45 comm you can go over there and find out about all kinds of different things that we're doing we've got links to the people that support our channel we've got links to our store we have merchandise t-shirts and hats and different things over there if you want to check that out so go to Hickok 45 calm most of everything is over there also if you want to see some other content that you can't find on this specific channel you can go to the Hickok 45 & söhne YouTube channel where that's you know mostly me doing stuff over there and dad makes an occasional appearance over there and also I have a facebook Jon Hickok on Facebook you can also find the link to that in the description of the Hickok 45 and son videos and speaking of that don't forget to check out the description of the Hickok 45 videos for any information about meet and greets and all that kind of stuff also don't forget to check us out on full30 and if you've done all of that all of those things pleated all of that then the only thing left to do is to watch a bunch more it got 45 videos so I'll leave you to it and I'm gonna finish painting these targets
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,635,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 gauge, shotgun, semi-auto, gas system, short stroke gas system, military shotgun, rotating bolt, pistol grip, rail, ghost ring sight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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