Moses, Exodus Route from Egypt, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai Location in Arabia, Ten Commandments

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[Music] now the miracles surrounding the exodus the red sea crossing god's supernatural leading protection provision and the events at mount sinai are absolutely massive in size in fact these miracles and events are some of the biggest and most spectacular found in the bible these miracles speak of god's greatness salvation provision and moral laws for how we should live in this video we are going to let the bible be our guide and follow its lead unfortunately many today try to explain these miracles away or claim that they were fulfilled in a natural way however you are going to be amazed when we look at the bible closely and see the extent and magnitude of these miracles we will look at the astounding amount of evidence that can be seen at each site and at mount sinai itself you will be deeply touched and your faith will grow immensely as you witness all the miracles and evidence that can be seen for the truthfulness of the bible and these miraculous events that took place at the end of this video we will look at some faith lessons i believe god wants us to understand so sit back and behold these miracles and stay tuned until the end for how all this applies to our lives today [Music] woah [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the red sea we're filming this just a little bit down from a lot just a few miles from the egyptian border and we are at the aqaba finger of the red sea the believed place where the israelites crossed the red sea absolutely phenomenal the miracle that took place and the miracles that surrounded the nation of israel their deliverance out of egypt and going into the promised land we're going to be looking at the route that the israelites took after they left egypt and as they arrived to mount sinai so for many years it was believed that the israelites crossed the gulf of the suez finger of the red sea just east of what is now cairo egypt however there are no deep bodies of water in these areas just shallow marshes and lakes for this reason the biblical account of this astounding miracle has been questioned by some scholars and has been somewhat discredited to make the bible out to be not really true but that's not the case whatsoever and we're going to show you amazing evidence in this video that shows that this is the area where the israelites crossed the red sea and they were almost about a half of a mile underneath the water in the only spot on the aqua finger of the red sea where it's possible for them to go down and come up so many recent archaeologists and scholars now believe that israelites crossed the red sea at the gulf of the aqua finger of the red sea and that mount sinai where the israelites were headed is located in midian which is modern day arabia modern day saudi arabia so midian was in saudi arabia not in the sinai peninsula in this video we're going to be talking about this fascinating miracle and looking at strong evidence which confirms the modern day belief that the israelites crossed the red sea on the gulf of aqaba finger of the red sea and that mount sinai is located in modern day saudi arabia now the traditional place right now where mount sinai is believed to be located is in the sinai peninsula however we don't believe that is the true location and like i say there is monumental astounding evidence that shows now that the site of mount sinai is actually in saudi arabia and the bible supports that we'll be talking about that so let's look at the backdrop of this story to really fully understand the profoundness of this miracle now god called abraham and said he would make a great nation out of his offspring and abraham left everything to follow god abraham birthed isaac who birthed jacob who birthed 12 sons and god changed jacob's name to israel so that's where we get the nation of israel jacob and his 12 sons moved to egypt according to god's sovereign plan there were about 75 in all who left and went into egypt the israelites spent 400 years in egypt during this time they grew into a people of around 2.5 to 3 million people absolutely amazing and in their latter years of their time in egypt they became slaves and were mistreated then god supernaturally raised up moses to deliver the israelites out of slavery and bondage and miraculously lead them to the promised land moses initially attempted to do this in his own strength and wound up killing an egyptian who was fighting with an israelite pharaoh heard of this and became angry with moses so moses fled to the land of midian exodus 2 15 says when pharaoh heard about this matter he tried to kill moses but moses fled from the presence of pharaoh and settled in the land of midian and he sat down by a well he most likely took the main travel route that went from egypt to midian at that time now midian is in modern day saudi arabia moses then married a midianite woman who was the daughter of a priest and midian one day when moses was tending his father-in-law's sheep god appeared to him in a burning bush at mount sinai exodus 3 1 states now moses was pastoring the flock of his father-in-law jethro the priest of midian and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to horeb the mountain of god so mount horeb and mount sinai are the same place notice that mount horeb was on the west side of the wilderness the believed location of the current day mount sinai fits this biblical description then god promised moses that he would bring the israelites back to the same mountain to worship him in exodus 3 12 it says and he said god speaking assuredly i will be with you and this shall be the sign to you that it is i who have sent you when you have brought the people out of egypt you shall worship god at this mountain from these verses we see clearly that mount sinai was in midian and where god appeared to moses was the same place that the israelites came to at mount sinai after the exodus and in galatians 4 25 the apostle paul inspired by the holy spirit tells us exactly where mount sinai is it says now this hagar is mount sinai now he's going to tell us where this mount sinai is this mount cyanide in arabia and corresponds to the present jerusalem for she is enslaved with her children so paul says mount sinai is in arabia not in the sinai peninsula now god performed a miraculous deliverance of the israelite nation from egypt by performing ten amazing miracles each of these miracles was targeted at one of the false gods of egypt the last miracle known as the passover is when god killed the firstborn of all the egyptians who did not put the blood of the lamb over the doorpost of their homes the deliverance of the israelites from egypt was done to show several deep theological truths to show god's power and glory that he is above all gods and is the one true god to be a foreshadow of salvation that god would save us in a same manner that he saved the israelites out of the nation of egypt so it's a kind of a prototype foreshadow of salvation and to teach his chosen people how to follow and obey him which would give them life if they were to do so and to show his power and glory to the other nations now let's look at this amazing miracle and learn some fascinating things about it that i bet you probably don't know now how many israelites left egypt and crossed the red sea what was the size of the israelite nation well in exodus 12 it says now the sons of israel journeyed from ramses to about 600 000 men on foot aside from children so by doing the math we can arrive at about 2.5 to 3 million people now how many egyptian soldiers were pursuing the israelites when they left egypt it says in exodus 14 so he made his chariot ready and took his people with him and he took 600 select chariots and all of the other chariots of egypt with officers over them according to josephus a historian writer a jewish historian writer there were about 50 000 horsemen and about 200 000 foot soldiers that pursued the israelites about a quarter of a million almost it would have been impossible for such a large army to have drowned in shallow lakes and marshes just beside goshen because the bodies of water the finger of the red sea by goshen by cairo is very shallow in fact it's just marshes so that's why as i said many scholars have tried to liberal scholars have tried to discredit god's word but that's not the case they did not cross there they crossed here now the reason some believe that the israelites crossed the sea close by to egypt is because of how the hebrew words yom soof and specifically suf is translated the translation of the word yam means c or large body of water and suf mainly means end edge shoreline red and a few times as reeds therefore some believe the israelites crossed just east of egypt because there are many shallow waters with reeds there however the words yom soup together are mentioned 24 times in the old testament with seven of them referring to specific locations which are around the aqua finger of the red sea and not by egypt for example in exodus 23 31 the word is used to describe the boundary of israel going from the aqaba northern tip of the red sea by a lot to the sea of the philistines which would be the mediterranean sea in 1st kings 9 26 yom souff refers again to the northern tip of the aqua finger of the red sea and is where solomon had a fleet of ships stationed at a loath which is modern day a lot therefore the term yom sue does not only mean reeds and refer to the area east of egypt the term is mainly used of the aqaba finger of the red sea taking this into account the aqaba finger of the red sea is referred to as yom soof many times in the bible and also there has never been any real convincing evidence nothing found nor archaeological evidence found by cairo egypt that would support the fact that the israelites crossed there there has been however much evidence found archaeological evidence to show that the crossing was here and that mount sinai is in saudi arabia so there has been a lot of discoveries made that i am excited to share with you to begin with god said that he brought them out of egypt on the very same day that he left so it says that they left egypt that he brought them out of egypt the border of egypt was the gulf of suez finger of the red sea any place the israelites would have crossed the gulf of suez finger of the red sea they would still have been in egypt so he said on the very same day he led them out and they went out of egypt so they had to be outside of and pass the suez canal finger of the red sea or they would have still been in egypt now it is true that the egyptians had a presence in the sinai peninsula but their main border ran from the mediterranean sea to the suez finger of the red sea and southward now scripture strongly indicates that they traveled a long time through a wilderness before crossing the red sea now this is very key so pay really close attention in exodus 13 it says and this would be proof that they had to cross the sinai peninsula and they did not stay and they did not cross at the finger of the red sea by cairo egypt or by goshen in exodus 13 it says now when pharaoh had let the people go god did not lead them by the way of the philistines and that was kind of the northern part up there even though it was near for god said that people might change their minds when they see war and return to egypt so he didn't lead them north he led them around the tip of the suez canal or the finger of the red sea there by suez by the ocean and then he brought them south east towards the red sea here so a scripture says hence god led the people around by the way of the wilderness wilderness now that's key to the red sea and the sons of israel went up in martial array from the land of egypt moses took the bones of joseph with him for he had made the sons of israel solemnly swear saying god will surely take care of you and you shall carry my bones from here with you then they set out from sucka and camped in etham on the edge of the wilderness between goshen and the red sea is no wilderness so they were beyond the suez canal tip of the red sea out into the wilderness the lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light that they might travel pay really close attention so that they might travel by day and by night so this would mean that they traveled by day and by night they did not stop they had a pillar by night they had a cloud by day so they were traveling day and night through this wilderness through this the sinai peninsula it says he did not take away the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people this would mean the israelites walked a long way by traveling both day and night so they traveled a long ways the gulf of suez finger of the red sea is right next to goshen only about 20 miles so it says here that they traveled by day and night for a long ways it's only 20 miles it just wouldn't fit the biblical narrative the sinai peninsula is a great wilderness and would fit the evidence found at the believe crossing at the gulf of aqaba finger of the red sea so the biblical narrative fits this place here and research has shown that a person could cross the wilderness in three days traveling day and night by walking just three or so miles an hour which is just a normal walking pace for a person scripture also says there were no feeble ones among them and that he carried them on eagle's wings during their exodus so on eagles wings he carried them and there was no feeble one among them so a pillar of fire by night a cloud by day and they traveled day and night for some period of time till they reached the aquaba finger of the red sea the crossing of the red sea happened several days afterward so they couldn't have crossed the gulf of suez finger of the red sea because it is just 20 miles from goshen there has also been found in the gulf of aqaba finger of the red sea in the area of nueva port amazing evidence of coral growth on objects that look like old chariot wheels axles and so forth it has been found on the shore across from nueva port on the saudi arabian side the same figure so you can see in this video here this amazing coral figures that look like axles that look like chariot wheels and they're just all strewn out as you go from nueva out into the red sea and then on the shore coming up out of the red sea on the saudi arabian side as well now you should know that coral doesn't grow in sandy areas it must have rock or something solid to grow on and this area where they cross is just pure sand so these figures are tremendous evidence of chariot wheels that would have come off from the egyptians as they pursued the israelites the area where the israelites would have camped is large and can accommodate three million people so this nueva port here that you can see is huge and it would easily have accommodated three million uh people now interestingly the sea in this area the ocean floor of this part gradually goes down and then gradually goes up just north and south of this area are deep crevices deep ravines in the ocean floor where the israelites could not have cross so of the aqaba finger of the red sea there's this perfect spot where it's sandy goes down gradually goes up gradually but it goes down almost a half of a mile down in the ocean now scripture continually refers to the crossing where the israelites cross as the israelites going down into mighty water so this term mighty waters is used frequently in scripture to talk about the crossing where they went into the water let's look at a couple of these passages which are staggering in exodus 14 it says but the sons of israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea and the waters were like a wall to them on their right and on their left now isaiah 51 says was it not you who dried up the sea the waters of the great deep the great deep the water is very shallow close to goshen on the suez canal side of the red sea very shallow marshes here it is deep so it fits the text you led them through the waters of the great deep great focus on that word great deep who made the depths of the sea a pathway the depths were talking deep down in the ocean the depths of the sea as a as a pathway for the redeemed to cross over now the lake beds and marshes by egypt were certainly not waters of the great deep they were very shallow marshes also solomon referred to the gulf here as the red sea in first king so he talks about his ships coming here and he calls this the red sea so this is not a new term it's a biblical term this aqua finger of the red sea now when the israelites came to the red sea at the location of nueva they were certainly hemmed in as scripture says scripture says that they were hemmed in it says in exodus 14 but moses said to the people do not fear stand by and see the salvation of the lord which he will accomplish for you today for the egyptians whom you have seen today you will never see them again forever the lord will fight for you while you keep silent and then the hand of god performed one of the most staggering greatest miracles ever recorded in scripture think about this 2.5 to 3 million people crossing an ocean it's about 8 miles from one side to the other here of the finger of the red sea here so it says in exodus 14 then the lord said to moses why are you crying out to me the israelites were thinking that they were going to be destroyed by the egyptians they're hemmed in they're panicking and god says why are you crying out to me moses tell the sons of israel to go forward as for you lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it and the sons of israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land as for me behold i will harden the hearts of the egyptians so that they will go in after them and i will be honored through pharaoh and all his army through his chariots and his horsemen then the egyptians will know that i am the lord when i am honored through pharaoh through his chariots and his horsemen the angel of god who had been going before the camp of israel moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them so it came between the camp of egypt and the camp of israel and there was the cloud along with the darkness yet it gave light at night thus the one did not come near the other all night so god provided a supernatural barrier between them that night then moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the lord swept back the sea by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land so the east wind would have come from the saudi arabia side coming into a kind of a headwind to them because the east is where the dry arid wind is so the waters were divided the sons of israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land and the waters were like a wall to them on their right and on their left then the egyptians took up the pursuit and all pharaoh's horses his chariots and his horsemen went in after them and after the israelites into the midst once again middle midst of the sea at the morning watch the lord looked down on the army of the egyptians so it appears that the israelites crossed over and were over god removed the barrier the pillar and the egyptians then god drove them in supernaturally caused them to come in in his sovereignty to display his glory and so then the egyptians went into the midst and it says at the morning watch the lord looked down on the army of the egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud and brought the army of the egyptians into confusion he caused their chariot wheels to swerve and he made them drive with difficulty so the egyptians said let us flee from israel for the lord is fighting for them against us they were saying then the lord said to moses stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the egyptians over their chariots and their horsemen so moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak while the egyptians were fleeing right into it then the lord overthrew the egyptians in the midst of the sea the waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen even pharaoh's entire army that has gone into the sea after them not one of them remained and once again you can see in this video these chariot wheels and the remains of what god did and how he caused confusion to the egyptians as they were in the midst of the sea but the sons of israel it says once again walked on dry land through the midst of the sea and the waters were like a wall to them it repeats this over on their right hand and on their left thus the lord saved israel that day from the hand of the egyptians and israel saw the egyptians dead on the seashore when israel saw the great power which the lord had used against the egyptians the people feared the lord and they believed in the lord and in his servants moses so they had witnessed this astounding miracle and they are just in a state of fear a state of awe a state of reverent fear before god now once again this coral growth close to the shore across from nueva port show the same figures of chariot wheels axles and so forth as found in the sea close to nueva port so once again as they went in you see these cherry wheels they went out you see them then they're just strewn through the bottom of the ocean floor now interestingly there have been found columns or pillars on the beach of nueva and on the saudi arabian side that are believed markers that king solomon built to mark the crossing of the red sea by the israelites the pillar on the nueva side has been found and erected but the pillar on the saudi arabian side has been removed by the government and a marker has been placed there however ron wyatt who did much investigation about this area found and documented the pillar on the saudi arabian side in the 80s now after crossing the red sea the bible says that they traveled to mount sinai so they crossed the red sea here they come now they're in saudi arabia they're in what is called midian so now let's look at all these places and miraculous events after witnessing all god had done in delivering them out of egypt supernaturally leading them through the desert the miraculous parting of the red sea and the killing of the egyptians in the sea they were in a state of reverence awe and fear as a result they sing a song of praise to god for all he did from the saudi arabia beach in the land of midian here the israelites are now led supernaturally by god through the wilderness to mount sinai along the way they are led by the pillar of cloud by day and protected and warmed by the pillar of fire by night we will trace the believed route of the israelites using the evidence of the places they would have camped and by taking into account the possible travel routes leading through this wilderness so now their journey begins to mount sinai from the beach here in exodus 15 22 it says then moses led israel from the red sea and they went out into the wilderness of shur and they went three days in the wilderness and found no water when they came to mara they could not drink the waters of mara because they were bitter for that reason it was named mara so the people grumbled at moses saying what are we to drink then he cried out to the lord and the lord showed him a tree and he threw it in the waters and the waters became sweet there he made for them a statute and regulation and there he tested them and he said if you will listen carefully to the voice of the lord your god and do what is right in his sight and listen to his commandments and keep all his statutes i will put none of these diseases on you which i put on the egyptians for i the lord am your healer by analyzing the geography of the land and by taking into account ancient maps from over 100 years ago and modern-day geology maps from saudi arabia we believe mar was located in this flat area between the red sea crossing site and elum here you can see this area and how it would fit the geography of the place where the israelites could have camped now it says in exodus 15 it says then they came to elum where there were 12 springs of water and 70 date palms and they camped there beside the waters and you can see in this video this place has been found this very place that it talks about has been found and it supports the biblical text to this day there are many palm trees and exactly 12 wells here this would have provided water and met all the needs of the israelites here you can see this area with the palm trees and some of the wells the saudi locals in the area point out that this is elum and has been known by this name as long as they can remember we then find in numbers 33 10 that the israelites then journeyed from elum and camped by the red sea now we have strong and convincing evidence of where elum is so taking into consideration the geography of the land the most obvious place would have been south of ellem a bit at the modern day location of magna oasis by the red sea and you can see that this is a large area with plenty of water that would fit the biblical requirements for this place there is also a well here called by the saudis as the well of moses from the israelites encampment by the red sea that we believe is modern day magna oasis numbers 33 11-14 tells us that they travel to the wilderness of sin from this place now the name wilderness of sin does not refer to something sinful but is just a name and it says and they journeyed from the red sea and camped in the wilderness of sin now it appears that they backtrack to elum and then from there went to the wilderness of sin exodus 16 1 provides the details it says then they set out from ellem so they went to ellem from magna oasis and then they head to the wilderness of sin and it says and all the congregation of the sons of israel came to the wilderness of sin which is between elum and sinai on the 15th day of the second month after their departure from the land of egypt but the whole congregation of the sons of israel grumbled against moses and aaron in the wilderness the sons of israel said to them if only we had died by the lord's hand in the land of egypt when we sat by the pots of meat when we ate bread until we were full for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this entire assembly with hunger now at the encampment at the wilderness of sin several major events would take place because the israelites grumbled against god he supernaturally gave the israelites manna of which they would eat until the day they entered the promised land some 40 plus years later he also provided quail of which they became sick on and then he instituted the sabbath day after this it says in exodus 17 then all the congregation of the sons of israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of sin according to the command of the lord and camped at rephidim and there was no water for the people to drink therefore the people quarreled with moses and said give us water that we may drink and here is where moses struck the rock and water gushed out and came out from this rock now this rock that moses struck and god split in two is believed to have been found and is a perfect match with the biblical account it is massive in size and sits upon a small hill it's also located in a large valley where the israelites could have camped and can be seen from a long distance away it shows water grooves in it where massive amounts of water ran down from it and you can see this rock and the water channels and grooves that were made when the water gushed out from it now god confirms this in isaiah 28 21 it says they did not thirst when he led them through the deserts he made the water flow out of the rock for them he split the rock and the water gushed out and this is exactly what we see here at this large massive rock at refidem and then it says in psalm 78 it says he split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them abundant drink like the ocean depths he brought forth streams also from the rock and caused waters to run down like rivers now this rock from which the water flowed here at refidem is also referred to as the rock of horeb because it is close by to mount sinai also known as mount horeb also while at refidem the amalekites came and fought against the israelites exodus 17 8 says that then amalek came and fought against israel at rephadim the amalekites were descendants of esau and were a people who lived south of the dead sea region god supernaturally gave the israelites victory as moses held up his arms when his arms got tired from being outstretched then aaron and her helped him hold up his arms and by doing so the israelites were victorious over the amalekites also right by this massive rock at refidem you can see what appears to be an altar that moses erected after defeating the amalekites and named it jehovah nici or more properly said as yahweh nisi which means in hebrew the lord is our banner this altar is located right beside the rock moses struck where the water gushed out for the israelites to drink now there are also some other amazing discoveries in this area that are fascinating to see and give more evidence that this area was traversed by the israelites ryan marrow who recently visited this area and produced an excellent documentary called finding the mountain of moses the real mount sinai in saudi arabia says some of the following information he says the name of rephadim means place of rest hebrew inscriptions that have been found in this area have been interpreted to say place of rest the definition of rephidim closer to the mountain inscriptions have been found that dr miles jones a scholar of ancient hebrew believes are talking about the battle with the amalekites he says one of the inscriptions refers to the death of an amalekite nearby there are two inscriptions that dr jones believes are marking where a hebrew mother and daughter died the bible says that god told the israelites that they would possess the land wherever the soles of their feet would touch near the split rock and near the mountain there are many inscriptions with an image of a foot and a sandal next to the image there is a proto-hebrew writing that means the soul of the foot there have also been found inscriptions that were translated and found to refer to yahweh the hebrew name for god now we did a video about gilgal that talks about the appearance of campsites in israel that are shaped like a foot there are a total of seven of these campsites that have been found in israel one of the clearest is that gilgal of which you can see in this video now all this evidence at refidem is quite convincing after their time in rephidim it says in exodus 19 in the third month after the sons of israel had gone out of the land of egypt on that very day they came into the wilderness of sinai when they set out from rephidim they came to the wilderness of sinai and camped in the wilderness and their israel camped in front of the mountain so to this point the israelites had been gone from egypt for about eight or so weeks they probably arrived at the red sea about a week or less from the time they left egypt then they went three days into the wilderness and camped at mara from mara they went to ellem where they camped for several weeks we then find in numbers 33 10 that the israelites then journeyed from ellem and camped by the red sea now it appears that they backtracked to elum and then from there went to the wilderness of sin from elam they traveled to the wilderness of sin exodus 16 1 says israel came to the wilderness of sin which is between ellen and siani on the 15th day of the second month after their departure from the land of egypt so when they arrived at the wilderness of sin they have been gone from egypt for about six weeks from the wilderness of sin they traveled to rephidim where they camped for a week or so then they arrived at mount sinai in the third month after leaving egypt the beginning of the third month would have given them two months time to reach mount sinai they would then stay at mount sinai for about a year here they would receive the law build a tabernacle and be taught to obey god's laws and principles now it appears that after crossing the red sea that shortly thereafter moses's wife and children went to be with jethro moses's father-in-law then later after moses arrived at mount sinai his wife and family rejoined him now where would moses's father-in-law have lived in this area well just east of mount sinai is the town of al-bad located in this town are two incredible pieces of evidence that links moses to this area and that it was indeed the land of midian first the name of a historical and archaeological site in this area is called madian this is the same word as midian it's the arabic word for midian at this site are what are known as the caves of jethro inside these caves are ancient tombs rooms and interesting findings this site has been preserved by the saudi government and has a long tradition of being known as midian and the location of the tribe of jethro the second piece of evidence is a close by well that is called the well of moses the saudis have long believed that this is the well where moses met the daughters of jethro and muslims from around the world come to see it the saudi locals are excited to point out that this is the well of moses and it is also an archaeological site that has been preserved by the saudi government all this evidence points out that jethro once lived here that it was the place where moses lived while in midian and that the well here is where he met the daughters of jethro and protected them and jethro's sheep from other tribesmen this area is close by to mount sinai and would fit the biblical account of how moses took jethro's sheep to graze and hire pastures there as it's only about 25 miles or 40 kilometers due east it was quite common for shepherds to take their flocks to higher ground in the summer months to find rich pasture lands at higher elevations it also would have only been a two-day journey from where jethro and moses lived to mount sinai all this is convincing evidence that mount sinai is close by to al-baad and this area and that it was indeed the land of midian where moses lived and got married after fleeing from egypt now the amount of evidence around mount sinai here which today is called jabal makla reveals this place is indeed the true mount sinai it is all quite convincing so let's now look at all of the evidence here at this mount sinai which is known again as jabal makla first of all the bible states that the israelites camped at the base of mount sinai for around a year interestingly at the base of this mountain here is a large flat area where the israelites could have camped it is huge in size and had streams of water and pasture land for their livestock to graze also the climate was perfect as it is higher in elevation so it's not hot in the summer and it's comfortable in the winter next exodus 19 18 states that mount sinai was all in smoke because the lord descended upon it in fire and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked violently the top of these mountains are dark showing signs of burnt marks the outer parts of the rocks are black but on the inside they are brownish in color and you can see here there's been some rocks that have been chipped away and you can see that on the outside they're black and on the inside they are brown this seems to be more evidence that this mountain and the surrounding mountains close by were covered with fire and smoke now from mount sinai god gave the ten commandments to the nation of israel and supernaturally wrote them on tablets of stone with his own finger this was an earth-shattering event scripture says the mountain was on fire for six days and appeared as if it was going to be consumed and the israelites who saw this were terrified as they beheld everything that took place the bible also speaks about how moses and 70 elders of israel went up the mountain to worship god the elders were to stay at a distance from moses and could only go part way up interestingly there is a natural plateau part way up the mountain where this event could have happened another piece of strong evidence is that at the base of this mountain an altar has been discovered this would match what scripture states in exodus 24 4 and 5 and moses wrote down all the words of the lord then he got up early in the morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain with 12 memorial stones for the 12 tribes of israel and he sent young men of the tribes of israel and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed bulls as peace offerings to the lord now at the very base of this mountain are extensive remains of an altar in a complete system for animal sacrifice there are corrals where the animals would have been kept and an altar at the front of it there have also been discovered animal bones here underground scripture also refers to 12 memorial stones or pillars for the 12 tribes of israel interestingly there are stones by this altar that perfectly match the biblical record the saudi locals say that in the past these stones were much more evident and could be seen much more clearer and that the platform was more intact as well also ron wyatt documents having found one of the pillars that had hebrew writings on it it's quite fascinating that everything here matches perfectly the biblical account of this event near the altar of moses and the twelve pillars moses read to the israelites the book of the covenant and they agreed to it this means that moses probably had a spot right above the altar that served as a stage to address the israelites now just above the altar of moses is a large platform from where moses could have easily spoken to the israelites when the covenant was made it provides a natural place from which to speak and the saudi locals talk about how sound travels here like a natural amphitheater another fascinating discovery at the base of this mountain is the altar upon which aaron set the golden calf and all israel worshiped before it on the top of these rocks is the main rock that shows a flat spot where the golden calf might have been placed for all israel to see below the rocks is where aaron would have made an altar to this golden calf now exodus 32 provides all the details it says now when the people saw that moses delayed in coming down from the mountain the people assembled about aaron and said to him come make us a god who will go before us as for this moses the man who brought us up from the land of egypt we do not know what has become of him aaron said to them tear off the gold rings which are on the ears of your wives your sons and your daughters and bring them to me then all the people tore off the gold rings which were on their ears and brought them to aaron and he took this from their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool and made it into a golden calf or a molten cap and they said this is your god o israel who brought you up from the land of egypt now when aaron saw this he built an altar before it so moses was on top of mount sinai for 40 days and this event happened while moses was away now interestingly this golden calf was a representation of the egyptian false god hathor it was one of egypt's main gods you can see images of this false god that looked very similar to the paintings on these rocks here there are also many other inscriptions on these rocks as well now worship of this false god hather consisted of dancing drums and sexual promiscuity and this is exactly what the israelites were doing while moses was away this altar interestingly is fenced and gated like other archaeological sites at the base of this mountain by the saudi government however over the past several years the saudi government has opened up these sites to tourists and you can now go there easily and see these places for yourself additionally many artifacts and discoveries have been found in this area that give great evidence that this mountain is indeed the true mount sinai now after the golden calf incident when moses returns back to the base of the mountain it says in exodus 32 20 what moses did with this golden calf it says then he took the calf which they had made and completely burned it with fire and ground it to powder and scattered it over the surface of the water and made the sons of israel drink it at the base of this mountain there is a stream which forms a small lake so this place provides the water that would have been necessary for this event to have happened here there are also around this small lake a number of wells that have been discovered as well so this area was a main water source a stream came down from the mountain here and it was a main water source there was another stream as well just to the north so there was plenty of water in this area for these events to take place and for the nation of israel to have used during their time at the base of mount sinai also after the golden calf ordeal god ordered the levites to kill those who had been involved in the worship of the golden calf in exodus 32 28 we see that 3 000 died as a result now with this being the case there should be a mass graveyard site close by to this area interestingly we find a site about four to five miles north that fits exactly this biblical event there are thousands of standing stones that appear to have been used as grave markers in this flat plain this area is also fenced off by the saudi government and declared as an archaeological site also close by to this mountain there has been found a menorah painting which gives evidence that the israelites were in this area a menorah is one of the oldest symbols of the jewish faith unfortunately this painting has been chiseled away in recent years but older photos and documentation clearly prove its existence and even what has been chiseled away shows the outline of a menorah we also know that god gave to moses while they were at the base of mount sinai for about a year here the design of the tabernacle and that it was erected at the base of the mountain now we don't have any evidence of this tabernacle as being here as it was mobile in nature however by taking into consideration the location of the mountain and the lay of the land there is a place here that would be the natural location for it to be it is flat close by to the altar of moses and at the base of the mountain now the bible mentions how the prophet elijah traveled to mount sinai and stayed in a cave there after his powerful confrontation with the 850 false prophets of baal and ashrae on mount carmel as found in first kings 19. at this confrontation supernatural fire came down from the lord and consumed the altar and everything on it then elijah traveled to mount sinai and stayed in a cave at this cave on mount sinai god spoke to elijah and strengthened him interestingly on the side of this believed mount sinai is a large cave that perfectly matches scripture and where elijah could have stayed this cave is known as the cave of elijah it is also the only large cave in this area of mountains now as we consider the evidence for these places it all becomes quite convincing the evidence of the exodus route that the israelites took as they left egypt and traveled to the red sea crossing at nueva beach the red sea crossing location here between nueva beach and the saudi arabia beach that is the only place that the israelites could have crossed at the october finger of the red sea the travel locations from the red sea crossing to mount sinai like mara elim magna oasis the wilderness of sin rephadim and the places at mount sinai itself is all very persuasive one of the lessons i have learned in discovering the true biblical sites of events in the bible is that you don't have to force things if they are the true sight if it is the true place all the evidence will fall into place naturally and this is exactly what we see in these locations the evidence alone for the location of mount sinai is overwhelming and there is no other place that comes close to having this much evidence additionally all the local saudis affirm these locations as well and have named them as such i should also mention that the traditional location of mount sinai in the sinai peninsula has many challenges as to its authenticity one there has never been found any real convincing evidence of that site that is the true place secondly we know that mount sinai was in midian and the traditional site is not in midian lastly moses would have had to make a 500 mile or 800 kilometer round trip from midian to the traditional site and back if the traditional site was the true location this would have been an impossibility because in those days the land was very tribal with each tribe having its own territories wells and so forth we see this evidence when moses first arrived in midian and defended the daughters of jethro against the herdsmen who attempted to stop jethro's flock of sheep from drinking water from a well so moses would not have traversed through the territory of other tribes for this enormous distance new research based on jewish christian and islamic sources indicate that there is another tradition that is 600 years older and according to that tradition mount sinai is in northwest saudi arabia right here at this spot that we're talking about several historic sources including josephus record that mount sinai is the highest mountain near a city that is called al bad and we've talked about al bad which is midian where jethro was from locals also refer to jabal makla as jabal musa musa is moses in arabic interestingly the saudi government has fenced off the mountain and many sites around them and designated them as archaeological sites now what are some faith lessons we can learn from this video and the places we've seen the miracles of the exodus red sea crossing god's supernatural leading of the israelites and all that happened at mount sinai are massive miracles that reveal god's glory and greatness they teach us deep theological truths that god wants us to believe and embrace truth like god's greatness ability to help and rescue us out of our sin and problems how god is able to provide for us protect us and lead us our foundational concepts these miracles communicate god wants us to believe them instead of doubting and trying to explain them away or believe they happen by natural means as many liberal scholars attempt to do god actually calls unbelief a sin in his word in hebrews 3 12 it says take care brothers and sisters that there will not be in any one of you an evil unbelieving heart that falls away from the living god so actually god calls unbelief a sin and even evil while the miracles of the exodus red sea crossing and the events that happened at mount sinai are massive in size they are tiny in comparison to god's greater miracles of creating everything that exists giving life to everyone that exists and sustaining everything that exists acts 17 27 says he talking about god is not far from any one of us for in him or because of him we live and move and exist it is god who actually gives life to our bodies and spirits and it's him who allows us to live move and exist when i listen to liberal theologians explaining away the miracles of the exodus red sea crossing and events at mount sinai and so forth i can't help but think that if god was to remove his sustaining power from their lives they would cease to exist in that very moment god was deeply grieved with the israelites who doubted his power and ability on many occasions he can also be deeply grieved with us today when we do the same unlike moses who tried to fulfill god's promise in his own strength and wound up killing an egyptian we should wait on god's timing and not force things when they don't happen as we think they should we should never do evil or manipulate things in fulfilling god's will for us all the evidence of these events reveals that god's word is true and trustworthy in fact archaeology is proving with overwhelming evidence that the events recorded in scripture are true and actually happened well thank you for watching this video and may god richly bless you [Music]
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 1,238,102
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Keywords: Moses, Mount Sinai, Egypt, Goshen, Suez Finger of the Red Sea, Traditional Red Sea Crossing Place, Sinai Peninsula, Aqaba Finger of Red Sea, Nuweiba Beach, Saudi Arabia Beach, Red Sea Crossing, Elim, Caves of Jethro, Rephidim, Mount Horeb, Burning Bush, Ten Commandments, Golden Calf, Altar of Moses, Israel, Well of Moses, Al Bad, Saudi Arabia, Exodus 1, Exodus 10, Exodus 11, Exodus 12, Exodus 13, Exodus 14, Exodus 15, Exodus 16, Exodus 17, Exodus 18, Exodus 19, Exodus 20
Id: rsn_HqSxkDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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