THE EXODUS EXPLORED—Chariots and Coral

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for more than 20 years divers and explorers from three continents each intrigued by clues linking the Gulf of Aqaba and a biblical yam tzuf have come to know weber beach seeking possible evidence of an israelite crossing their search focused on the 600 chariots the Bible says were destroyed in the Red Sea inscriptions thousands of years old and the few chariots recovered from ancient tombs reveal much about the construction of these legendary vehicles of war could any of them actually be found on the sea floor of the new Waiver Peninsula the first time I came to Nevada the purpose was to verify to document and to establish hypothesis that this could be a link in the exodus pathway based on his analysis of documentary evidence Leonard Muller had long suspected the Aqaba Coast as the probable location of the Red Sea crossing in 1997 he heard reports from other divers who claimed to have found unusual coral structures some resembling the shapes of chariot wheels Moeller decided to investigate these claims for himself the first time I was diving there of course we were then looking for possible artifacts and I had seen on some pictures what we could look for I was skeptical and excited because if this is the place for the crossing then of course that's that's a big thing so I was excited about that but I was also skeptical because 3500 years that's a long time but if Nevada is the crossing site then of course you would expect to find remains of the efficient army like others who had explored in a waiver before him Moeller immediately recognized the difficulty of this search if we assume that a number of artifacts were spread out on the seabed sooner or later corals would start to grow on them and of course if you have a number of layers or coral growing on something it's very hard to distinguish the structure that was there from the very beginning though the coral complicates any search here it may have been instrumental in preserving the shapes of ancient artifacts for coral is a living organism that will not begin to grow on a foundation of sand or silt instead it must first attach itself to a solid object where it will sometimes conform to the shape of its host so for instance if it would grow on a wooden artifact the wood would normally disappear in the sea waters after a time but if you have corals growing on the wooden artifact the the coral could have the shape of the wooden artifact and then the corals would consume the wooden material over periods of time but still keep the shape or the wooden artifacts during the course of his explorations moaner observed at the pattern of coral growth at Nueva differed from other parts of the Gulf [Music] unlike the coral at the northern and southern ends of Aqaba which often forms large dense reefs some covering many acres the formations at nueva beach are generally smaller and scattered randomly across the seafloor [Music] divers familiar with the area have compared the distribution of coral here to a junkyard and the aftermath of a disaster this description is fitting and among the strange formations in these waters many display features indicative of human engineering when we drive and when we film after the novela location we look for certain structures and you try to look for 90-degree angles or circular objects we like structures so that is what you scan forces speak when you die there are situations where you see something that looks like an axle the hub something that looks like a wheel and you say to yourself this is not a coral reef this is a coral growth on an artifact and that is what's different to me when I compare corals at other locations around the world since the earliest explorations of Nueva one distinctive type of formation has often been identified on the sea floor a slender table like structure sometimes standing on end with a coral encrusted base a straight shaft and a circular top it's a 90-degree angle a right angle between something that looks like an axle and the wheel you can see this in different varieties and it looks very different from normal Corgi and it is like a man-made structure with a coral growth on it after reviewing photographic evidence and making several dives of his own molar concluded that a more systematic investigation of the new wave of seafloor was warranted he realized that the limited diving time afforded by scuba equipment would never allow an extensive search of the area a higher level of technology was necessary and in the spring of 2000 the team lowered a robotic camera into these waters for the first time [Music] this has never been done no one have been in the area though with a remote-controlled camera controlled from the ship the camera was maneuvered across the seafloor transmitting video images for study and evaluation we have been down to some 80 90 meters so we can go deep down that we can't do with ordinary diving and we can be down as long as we died as in his previous searchers of nueva Moeller scrutinized the coral for specific shapes I guess it is because it's a 90 degree angle is good at sea but here there are some structures that are just a little bit above the surface of the sea bed they have a cross light compared to a 90 degree angle and it's holding the middle to the hub would be here possibly up there and the wheel would be in circle around this is getting rid of the oil here okay so this could be a spoke here of Iran possibly a spoke yeah and what would the diameter they're windy it's a good question but we would expect it to be about one meter about three feet wide okay in diameter the robotic cameras survey revealed many shapes and objects familiar to motor including coral formations with right angles arches disks and straight shafts fused into larger masses that had the appearance of twisted wreckage [Music] now when we have been able to go back and forth with the remote control camera we can repeatedly see that these strange structures we are looking for or they're not at one place but you see them again and again and again and this could be the outer rim of the wheel going around like the abundance of these unusual coral structures was even more apparent when tapes of the expedition were carefully scrutinized during the months following the search at Nueva when you see the look at these films that has been taken by the remote camera you see all these strange artifacts or pearl groove on some artifacts or structures that appear repeatedly time after time at different locations at this spot and then you can sit there and think well what is this this doesn't look like normal coral growth and it is amazing to see that too many things in such large areas down there that are like a man-made structure [Music] you
Channel: The John 10:10 Project
Views: 567,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Book of Genesis, The Exodus, The Biblical Exodus, Historical Account, Land of Goshen, Pharaoh, Joseph, Israelites in Egypt, 7 years of famine, 7 years of plenty, Frank Moor Cross, Red Sea, Christian Documentary, Biblical Narrative, Sinai Peninsula, Pyramids, ruins, Biblical Archeology, Bryant G. Wood, Israel, Exploration, Archeology, Area F, Moses, Mt. Sinai, Camels, The Nile Delta, Desert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2017
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