Israel: The Womb Of The Kingdom Of God (2012) | Full Movie | Lance Lambert | Malcolm Hedding

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[Music] the serpent said to the woman you will not die God knows that the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil your eyes will be opened and you shall be as God knowing good the Middle East today is often referred to as the cradle of civilization the second chapter of the Bible tells us that four rivers had their origin in the Garden of Eden two of these rivers were the Tigris and Euphrates it was here in a perfect environment that mankind who had been created by the Lord God and enjoyed perfect communion with him was tempted by Satan to choose to live independently of God the consequences were catastrophic not only for the whole of humanity but for the entire creation it was also from this region of the Cowley's that thousands of years later the Hebrew patriarch Abram later to be renamed Abraham was commanded by God to make his way to a land that would be shown to him what was God's purpose we have to look at the book of Genesis where in chapter 3 we have the record of the fall of humankind and thereafter the pages of Genesis document the plunge of humanity away from God so that by the time you get to Genesis 11 you have this awful picture of man alienated from God excluded from the presence of God and without hope as Paul said in Ephesians 2 you know dead in something's dominated by the Prince of the power of the air and of course doomed then in Genesis 12 we have what we call the watershed of history when God comes looking for the human race and God did this in a very peculiar way and that is by virtue of the Abrahamic covenant the Lord said to Abraham go out of your country and from your kindred and from your father's house into a land that I will show you and I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him that curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed the Abrahamic covenant I think is one of the ultimate declarations of God with regard to all humanity to begin with because of its implications for the Jews in particular for Israel it's the Covenant of God to maintain the land that he's given them he specified the promise of the land he has made very clear his commitment to protect them because they are of his Abraham's seed and so there is the boundaries there is the land and then there's the calling calling to be an instrument of blessing to the world and to respond to that color so why is the Abrahamic covenant so important because it is God's decision to save the world it's the Covenant of decision Abraham left heard of the Cal DS with his family and Sergeant in Haran later in obedience to the Lord Abraham came into what was then known as the land of Canaan in the book of Genesis we're told that Abraham passed by chef hem better known today as now loose and stopped at the evergreen oak that you can see behind me in Hebrew along my way or oakum RA it was here that God appeared to Abraham and he first received the promise of the land that would later become Israel we have it recorded in Genesis in chapter 12 in verses 6 & 7 and Abram passed through the land unto the place of Shechem under the yoke of mauvais and the Canaanite was then in the land and the Lord appeared unto Abraham and said unto thy seed will I give this land and there builded he an altar unto the Lord who appeared to him on a clear day from here on the mountains of Israel it is possible to see as far west as the Mediterranean Sea as far east you can see the mountains of Gilead in modern-day Jordan to the north you can see Mount Hermon and to the south along the ridge that constitutes the mountains of Israel looking towards Bay there where Abraham was the journey from here and where later jacob was to have this covenant with his grandfather confirmed word for word although Abraham lived a basically nomadic existence he dwelt mainly in the south of the land especially around bear shaver and also Hebron in recent years archaeologists have uncovered the steps that led up to the gate of the ancient city of Hebron these steps predate the time of Abraham by several centuries and undoubtedly he would have walked up and down the promise of the land to the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob was both reiterated and further expounded upon throughout the book of Genesis and other parts of the Old Testament or Tana including the Book of Psalms and many of the prophets key elements of the promise which is repeated literally dozens of times is that it is both unconditional and everlasting moreover what God promised Abraham was really much more than simply a promise it was an everlasting covenant that would be confirmed to his son and to his grandson namely to Isaac and to Jacob and to their seed after them the description of how this covenant was made the term is literally to Qatar government is found in Genesis chapter 50 the Lord said to Abram look now toward her and count the Stars if you are able to number them and he said to him so shall your descendants be and Abram believed the Lord and he accounted it to him for righteousness then he said to him I am the Lord who brought you out before of the Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit it and he said Lord God how shall I know that I will inherit it so the Lord said to him bring me a three-year-old heifer a three-year-old female goat a three-year-old Ram a Turtledove and a young pigeon [Music] [Music] then a brand brought all these things to him and cut them into down the middle and placed each piece opposite the other [Music] but he did not cut the birds in truth and the vultures came down on the carcasses and the bran drove them away [Applause] now when the Sun was going down a deep sleeve came upon Abram and behold horror and great darkness fell upon him and it came to pass when the Sun went down and it was dark that behold there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces on that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram saying to your descendants I have given this land from the river of Egypt to the great river the river Euphrates it is essential to note that where both parties usually pass through the animal harms on this occasion there was only one party and that was God himself in other words there were no conditions which Abraham had to fulfill for the Covenant to be operative moreover the Covenant was everlasting the Hebrew word in the original text is Ola which appears some 438 times in the Old Testament but the whole idea behind it is of something that is forever perpetuity is perhaps the best English word something that goes on and on and on out lasting ages out lasting time [Music] the promise of the land was only a part of the Abrahamic covenant central to it was the promise that God would bring a great nation from Abraham's seed or descendant and that through them all the families of the earth would be blessed God promised that he would develop something in a man and that in that man when he said I'll make your name great he wasn't just talking about Fame though that's become the case as well he was talking about God doing something of a shaping of faith that would establish something in the earth Abraham carried in his whole life the complete DNA of world Redemption this is the remarkable thing about him the remarkable statement that God would multiply his seed unto blessing of the entire world and the concept of redemption inherent in that that Abraham becomes the Avenue by which ultimately all salvation flows to humanity God is holy and everything he is calling into being is to be holy and as we all know at the beginning of time when God created the first man and the first woman and they were called to subdue the earth but instead of them sin doing subduing the earth Satan the enemy has returned subdued them and introduced sin into the world and now the whole process of redemption had to begin the Lord elaborated or expounded on the declaration he had given to Satan in the Garden of Eden after Satan had caused Eve to fall the Lord said to Satan I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her see and he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel this was the first promise in the Bible in the Word of God of an anointed one or in Hebrew Messiah Messiah Christians understand the prophecy of Satan bruising the Messiah or Christ's heel as a reference to the crucifixion in Galatians chapter 3 and verse 8 we read that the Abrahamic covenant actually was the first proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and scripture foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand saying in you all the nations shall be blessed that is a direct quote from Genesis chapter 12 where the Abrahamic covenant is first mentioned in Genesis chapter 12 God told Abraham that the nation to come forth from him would be the vehicle for that promise to be fulfilled in other words the nation of Israel would be the womb that would give birth as it were to the kingdom of God the seed of the woman promised in Genesis that is the Messiah the Christ would also come forth from Abraham's offspring or seed so the Abrahamic covenant does a few things first of all it is God's decision to save the world therefore it is an everlasting covenant therefore it is unconditional because it's couched in God's mercy and God's wonderful grace of course it also sets aside the Jewish people is the mediators of this wonderful covenant and therefore bequeath to them land is an everlasting possession they will be the crucible out of which God will bring his redemptive purpose to the world it is the unquenchable hostility of Satan towards the fulfillment of God's promise that isn't the root of what is often referred to today as anti-semitism or more simply hatred of the Jews it is because of this satanic opposition towards the purposes of God through his people that God himself would have to curse anyone who stood in the way of that fulfillment hence clods pronouncement to Abraham and to his seed I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you what we need to find out is what does it mean when God says if you curse my children I'm going to curse you the word to bless is the same on both sides of the promise God says I will bless those who bless the same word but the word for curse is different and I think this is highly significant because God says I will allow those who kal-el you another word kal-el first is a word that means to mock to revile to to think likely off to scorn it's not a physical thing is it's an emotional and a mental thing whereas the word aura is a violent word the first time this word cursed God using it saying I will curse is use is when God cursed Satan for deceiving the first humans God said to the serpent cursed it on you above all livestock and the word there is a rod you know curse that are you and you're going to walk on your belly you're going to crawl on your belly next he says to Adam party your punishment is I'm going to curse the ground you're gonna have to work hard there's gonna be thorns and thistles that come up a very interesting point on this that the thorns are a sign of sin or a symbolic of Adam's sinning that gives us an idea of what God feels when he says the word Iran there's a revulsion there's a there's a real sense of I'm going to destroy and that's what God says I will are are those who mock Israel so if you want to put that in colloquial language you could say well God is saying if anybody just so much as laughs you as a nation I will crush them I will curse those who despise my people oh now we're looking at big problems with most of the world why does God protect the Jewish people in this way why does God protect the seed of Abraham the seed of Isaac the seed of Jacob this way he says I will bless those who bless you and those who curse you I will curse why listen to what he says and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed so what we have here is God protecting the Jewish people so that through them the Gentiles could be saved obviously this includes Jewish salvation as well the God's protection has to do with global salvation [Music] the promise of blessing that the Lord pronounced to Abraham was repeated to his son Isaac Isaac in turn passed it on to Jacob let people serve you and nations bow down to you be master over your brethren and let your mothers sons bow down to you cursed be everyone who curses you and blessed be those who bless you behind me is the tomb of the patriarchs and have wrong where Abraham his wife Sarah as well as Isaac and Jacob out all belly since that pronouncement when the patriarchs were living nearly 4000 years ago a remarkable phenomenon has taken place to history nations empires and even individual people that have blessed their descendants have themselves been blessed conversely those who have come against or cursed God's chosen people or opposed God's purposes for them have either gone into serious decline or finished up in the graveyard of history and yet the nation of Israel has lived to it all is this the outworking of God's world or is it mere coincidence [Music] [Music] one of the most spectacular events in the long history of the Hebrew people is recorded in the book of Exodus because of the supernatural nature of many of the events recorded in the book the historical authenticity of Exodus has been challenged by many in what way can archaeology verify the events recorded in the Bible we asked dr. James hoffmeier an archaeologist who has worked extensively in Egypt and the northern Sinai Peninsula what any archaeologist knows is that we lack any direct parkia logical evidence to prove that there was a sojourn of the Hebrews in Egypt and that there was an exodus but what the archaeology can do is improve our understanding of the setting the context because we have so much background information about Egypt which meshes so beautifully with the Bible so it actually helps it flesh out makes it become real and in the end it it shows that what the Bible is talking about is very authentic certainly from a perspective of a historical skeptic one have to say it's it's certainly plausible for the person of faith it simply confirms what they believed all along the colors of drafts in the promised land the patriarchs of Israel a total population of 70 people had moved to Egypt which at that time was the superpower of the civilized world in the generations that followed the Hebrew populations swelled to more than two million the Hebrews were enslaved and persecuted by the Egyptians the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage in mortar in brick and in all manner of service in the field exodus 114 explicitly says that there were two areas where the Israelites were pressed into hard labor for the Egyptian crown one was in the area of agriculture and the other was in the area of brick making and building so we have two areas identified now what's interesting is in the New Kingdom period the New Kingdom is roughly from 1540 bc down to a little after 1200 BC this is the period of the exodus this is the period of the oppression scholars differ we're in that two to three hundred year period it fits but but most would say it's somewhere in there during this period during the New Kingdom Egypt was engaged in its building its Empire bringing in prisoners of war from Canaan and Syria in the north and to the south in Nubia and what is today Sudan and we have actual depictions of these foreigners who are prisoners of war actually making bricks for building projects and there they are together you see Sudanese looking black Africans along with bearded Semites from the West Asian world and there they are making bricks for building projects for Pharaoh so what that shows me is that that what the Bible is describing nicely fits what we know was the case of prisoners of war my theory is that the Hebrews were basically being treated as prisoners of war in the country where they had been previously given permission to live as legal immigrants they hadn't invaded they came as legal immigrants with permission of pharaoh back in the book of Genesis and Joseph stay but now things had changed and they were oppressed and treated like prisoners of war the plight of the Hebrews came to a head when the Lord sent Moses to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptian pharaoh who came into direct conflict with the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob his country was cursed with ten plagues as he refused time and time again to allow the Israelites to go freely back to their promised land and worship the Lord one of the problems we have today as moderns we live in a so-called scientific age where we we create a division between natural and supernatural and so many people who read the Bible would be troubled to say well these things are all naturally occurring you get hale you get locusts you get swarms of flies swarms of frogs these are naturally occurring phenomenon and and so some people will either want to minimize these events or others say they are such miraculous that there are unbelievable events in the biblical world there was no such thing as a scientific worldview over against a a supernatural worldview everything was a supernatural in its orientation everybody believed in deity or deities nobody was an atheist in those days so everything was the hand of deity so this is why for instance after three of the plagues the magician's of Pharaoh could say look this is the finger of God they they didn't they didn't think it was natural even though these things do naturally occur so I think what we have going on here is God the Creator demonstrating to Pharaoh who by the way according to Egyptian dogma an ideology it was a pharaoh who's responsible to make the vial flow it was a pharaoh who was responsible for the fertility of the land it was a pharaoh who made the Sun Shine and yet every one of these things we find the God of Israel God who is trying to prove who he is both to the Egyptians and to the Hebrews that he is the God the creator of the earth and so he is completely making impotent the ideology that Pharaoh is the one who makes all these things happen so Pharaoh comes out looking very weak and Jehovah the God of Israel comes out looking very strong and that's the purpose of the Exodus story by the way some historians think that this isn't really history because if if this really were history the historian would tell us who the Pharaohs name was you know something very interesting Exodus chapter 1 we know who the names of the midwives were Pula and Chiffre so if we know the name of the midwives surely the author knows the name of the Pharaoh so I think there's an intentional omission of the Pharaoh because in chapter 5 verse 1 it was Pharaoh who said who is the Lord that I should listen to him and the whole point of the story is the story of the axis is about who is the god of the exes not who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus so that's the focus it's to demonstrate who the Lord is Pharaoh only changed his mind after losing every firstborn male in the land of Egypt however Pharaoh made one final attempt to destroy the Hebrews on the shores of the reed sea the crossing of the sea is mentioned two different ways in the Bible in some places simply called Higham the sea in other places such as in in the song of the sea the song of Moses Exodus 15 it's called yong-su which means read see sea of reeds and by the way there really is no controversy about the meaning because when Moses mother places of the basket of with Moses in it she places it among the tzuf among the reeds so there's no disputing the meaning of the word here so our diversion is with Greek translation the Septuagint that took us in a different direction with Red Sea the Hebrews were trapped between Pharaoh's army and the sea at the Lord's instruction Moses held forth his staff and the waters party the Hebrews crossed the sea on dry ground the Egyptians pursue them their chariot wheels got bombed when the Hebrews reached the opposite shore the waters closed in and the cream of the Egyptian army knew who was spectacularly destroyed [Music] [Music] [Applause] following the spectacular historical deliverance by the Lord Egypt went into decline as the major world power of the day and although she is one of the leading nations of the Arab world today she has never regained her former glory in Israel to this day the exodus has been remembered and has been for some 3,300 years in the celebration of Pesach or Passover the Egyptians not only lost their army but they had lost every firstborn male in the land no doubt in divine retribution for the Pharaohs attempted genocide of the Hebrew male children 80 years earth was all this the result of the curse who claimed by God or was it coincident the exodus from Egypt marked the defining moment when the 12 tribes descended from Abraham Isaac and Jacob became a national entity in the purposes of God the Bible often calls them Israelites in our English translation actually in the Hebrew you have either Israeli Israeli or yes sir el Israelite or Pinay yes sir el the children of Israel meaning both men men and women sons and daughters are Bashar the fact of the matter is Israeli means simply in Hebrew obviously it is the posterity of Jacob who was renamed Israel by God now out of Egypt the Lord assembled the entire nation of Israel at Mount Horeb or Mount Horeb in the Sinai desert it was here through Moses that the Lord gave the newborn nation of Israel its national charter or constitution the Torah central to that Charter is the Mosaic Covenant in which the Lord said to them you shall be a special treasure to me about all people for all the earth is mine and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation in other words the nation of Israel was appointed as God's representative nation on this planet Earth [Music] it was here at Mount Sinai that the Torah better known as the law of Moses was given central to it was the Ten Commandments the moral law for mankind it was here that the tabernacle was first constructed as a meeting place between God and his people Israel the tabernacle was also a place where sin and transgression against the law of God could be forgiven through the burnt offerings and sacrifices for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is the blood that makes atonement for the Soul God chose the Jewish people and why he chose the Jews is a great mystery but he chose the Jewish people to be the the instruments through which that redemption will be visited on the entire creation it's not just humanity but if the entire creation is groaning as Paul says in travail waiting for the sons of men to come into their own he chose the children of Israel for global blessings now remember throughout the Tanakh the Old Testament we have this example that no one can come to God by themselves there had to be a mediator the high priest Israel was a kingdom of priests a priestly nation that was to stand before God for the world the divine mission of the Israelis was to be the instrument by which through the Messiah Jesus the kingdom of God should come to this day what's promised to Israel in the Abrahamic covenant is a land people protection and through them the gospel okay now God also then after he pulls the children of Israel out of Egypt and gives them the Torah and especially the ten commandments or the ten words God then wants Israel not only to just be a priestly nation but also an example to the rest of the nations and so Israel is an example of God's grace as well as God's judgments Israel is an example nation [Music] because of their disobedience and unbelief the Israelis were consigned to spend 40 years wandering in the wilderness instead of taking the shortest route to the Promised Land which would have been anything between a few weeks or two years there they became vulnerable to attack by surrounding tribes and nations while the Israelis were wandering in the wilderness the Moabite King Balak was intent on pronouncing a curse upon them he hired the Prophet Balaam to pronounce the curse the Lord warned Balaam of the dangers of cursing his chosen people by opening the mouth of his ass instead Balaam was inspired by the Spirit of the Lord to speak over the Israelis in a series of articles blessed is he who blesses you and cursed is he who curses you in their wanderings in the desert the Israelis also fell paid to the Amalekites he [ __ ] the ammonites and the Midianites all of whom in one way or another resisted the purpose of God for Israel other than their record in the biblical account today all of these ethnic groups of people are extinct with little trace of their existence is this mere coincidence or could he be the outworking of the article given to Abraham and later to Balaam curse it is he who curses you [Music] 40 years after the exodus from Egypt the Israelis entered the promised land however there was a warlike ethnic group who had arrived in the land before the Israelis the Philistines they had come from the Aegean coastlands via Cyprus and Crete and settled along the coastal strip between Jaffa and Gaza and eastwards towards the Judean foothills of all the ethnic groups inhabited the promised land the Philistines were the most hostile during one battle in which 30,000 Israelis were killed they captured the Ark of the Covenant to use as a talisman against Israel however the ark proved to be a curse for the Philistines and they later returned it to the Israelis like all the other enemies of Israel the Philistines were worshippers of false gods they were also one of its most fiercest enemies over a long period of time about in all 400 years and Israel lost many battles against them however there were occasions when Israel fought back the Philistines in the name and under the banner of the God of Israel and inflicted humiliating defeat on them the best-known occasion was when a young shepherd boy for them anointed by God to be Israel's future king confronted the giant Philistine Goliath in the foothills of the land belonging to the tribe of Judah I am walking in the creek bed in the Valley of Elah where David selected the stones the five stones one of which he used to kill Goliath over here behind me you can see where the mountain torrent that this is in the winter has carved away quite a bit of the hillside over here on this side is the hill of Sokol and over here you can see some trees fuse trees right on the top is as a car these this was where the Philistines were encamped and behind me and this Hill which part of it has been taken away by this mountain torrent in the winter who was where the Israelis were encamped the story is recorded in full in the first book of Samuel chapter 70 and the Philistines said to David am i a dog that you come to me with sticks and the Philistine cursed David by his gods and the Philistine said to David come to me and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field and David said to the Philistine you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defied this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you and take your head from youth the curse pronounced by Goliath on David the rebound and this heavily-armed over 9-foot giant of a Philistine was delivered into David's hand and their army was routed by a spell the Philistines had a particular hatred of the Israelis and apart from a period during the reign of King Solomon they were continuously employing hit-and-run guerrilla attacks upon them not unlike the terrorists of today in this region the Word of God is very simple it says there is nothing new Under the Sun nevertheless by the time Jesus of Nazareth was living in the Land of Israel the Philistines as a race were extinct today the only evidence that the Philistines ever existed are the biblical records as well as archaeological remains such as the City of God here in the Lowcountry is it mere coincidence that this once powerful people that hated the people of God and mocked his name now lie in the graveyard of history or is it the outworking of the Word of God [Music] there is a strange twist of the story of the Philistines although any ethnic trace of them has long ceased to exist their spirit has been revived to live on us a curse to modern Israel a thousand years before Christ the kingdom of Israel had been established in the land promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob David who had slain the Philistine Goliath was on the throne as Israel's King for seven years David reign from Hebron before moving the seat of his throne to Jerusalem on the southern slope of Mount Moriah later in his life King David purchased some land on the summit of what would become known as the mountain of the Lord when David moved his capital from Chevron to Jerusalem and he bought the threshing floor on the top of the Mount Moriah for fifty pieces of silver it's very interesting what was going on there was that God somehow had prompted David to find this this piece of land which had already some history in Jewish salvation history in the sense of that's where Abraham had taken Isaac and put was prepared to sacrifice him and where God had provided a substitute the RAM but it by now it's become a threshing floor the concept of the threshing floor the winnowing in the and the selection of the wheat from the chaff the grain from them from the weeds is all to do with the kingdom of God and somehow in his spirit I believe David knew that a threshing floor was to be the foundational place when I look at the example of David I see a man first and foremost who was a worshipper it was a great man he was a great military leader he was a great musician he was a great thinker he was he was great in many many ways but what made him great above all of that was that effect was the fact that he had a heart after God the Scriptures tell us that the desired of David's heart was to build the house of the Lord the temple in that location on Mount Moriah but because he had blood on his hands the Lord told King David that this task would fall to his son and heir Solomon however David was allowed to draw up the plans and make provisions for the costliest and most magnificent building the world had ever seen up to that time when the temple was commissioned by King Solomon the Shekinah glory of God came and filled it the glory of the Lord filled the temple and the priests could not enter the house of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled the Lord's house the reign of King David followed by King Solomon was the historical zenith or Golden Age of the Kingdom of Israel although David was refused permission to carry out his desire to build the house of the Lord he was given an extraordinary promise by God God promised King David a man after his own heart that his throne the throne of David would be an everlasting dynasty this pronouncement by the Lord the King David has become known as the Davidic covenant many years later at a time of affliction the psalmist would recall the Lord's covenant with King David my covenant shall stand firm with him his seed also I will make to endure forever and his throne as the days of heaven once I have sworn by my holiness I will not lie to David his seed shall endure forever and his throne as the Sun before me it is interesting to note that down through the following centuries the priests and rabbis believed that the Messiah would come from the line of David indeed there are many who believe it to this day what is more interesting is that the New Testament explicitly records the lineage of Jesus of Nazareth as going back to King David and also to our father Abraham without doubt the promised Messiah is central to the fulfillment of the promise that God made to Abraham the promise that through him and his seed all the families of the earth would be blessed as we shall see later more fully today the historical existence of the Kingdom of Israel and particularly the existence of King David and King Solomon and especially the existence of the temple is being challenged in the last hundred and fifty years scores of archaeologists armed with a Bible in one hand and a trowel and the other have unearthed countless treasures dr. Cheryl Sapir is a historical geographer from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem look at this in all the ancient town the tales that we have a tell its amount of many cities Adam can you explain and we have about there evidence of palaces and walls obviously I would say that the debate between scholars are more relating to the period of time okay with the law chronology or the higher chronology but again it doesn't make that much difference if you are talking the evidence is there I mean the people of Judah is where they are the people of Israel already are since the Old City of Jerusalem came back under Jewish sovereignty in the six-day war of 1967 leading archaeologists including dr. Eilat Mazar have unearthed much of the city that David and Solomon built dr. Sapir continues archaeological excavations they I would say what was found by dr. Mazar this early shows what is in the text the biblical text because it's mentioned about their how they will build his palace and how King Solomon built his wall so if you really follow the biblical text you can see that we are talking about an enormous structure or enormous structure which dr. Mazar pointed out in a reports that she did on the excavations in the City of David and also in the slopes what we call today though often in these two places which only matches the the size enormous wall that was built by King Solomon you see the evidence talking about the existence of the people of Israel at that time and of Judah so no one I mean you can decide and you can say all right there was no easy light and they're not Judah you can say but the what we proved in the in the land and what we proved in the books and what people prove in in different text doesn't matter if it's external or internal okay it shows that they existed the reigns of King David and King Solomon saw the historical zenith of the Kingdom of Israel following the reign of Solomon the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms which for the most part lived in rebellion against the Lord over the next three or four centuries both kingdoms first Israel and then Judah descended into idolatry immorality and social disorder the Lord permitted their powerful neighbors Assyria and Babylon to defeat them and lead them away captive as he had wormed through the prophets if you turn away and forsake my statutes and my Commandments which I have set before you and go and serve other gods and worship them then I will uproot them from my land which I have given them and as for this house which is sanctified everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say why is the Lord done thus to this land and this house then they will answer because they forsook the Lord God of their fathers who brought them out of the land of Egypt and embraced other gods and worship them and served them therefore he has brought all this calamity on them in 586 BC the temple that King Solomon had built was utterly destroyed its treasures were taken to Babylon along with the remaining inhabitants of the land why did God allow his Raiders to be exiled from the land he had covenant to Abraham as an everlasting possession first of all the unconditional covenant is never done away with because the unconditional covenant depends on who God is that's never done away with and we see this through that covenant when God says to Abraham cut the animals in half now this is the way they used to make covenants back in the Old Testament days in this part of the world the blood was mingled then he himself put Abraham into a deep sleep and God himself in a theophany and appearance of God in the Old Testament went through as a burning fire in a smoking torch fire and smoke in the Old Testament being a sign of the very presence of God on Mount Sinai fire and smoke the children of Israel in the wilderness for forty years a column of smoke and a pillar of fire God himself that's the unconditional covenant and in that covenant he promises to give us the land from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates so that's unconditional that's permanent nothing we can do will take that away from us our right to live in the land depends on our obedience to God God entered into a covenant with Israel God actually considers that and in the scripture it is so stated as a marriage when the New Covenant is spoken in Jeremiah 31 - 31 - 34 he said my covenant which they break although I was a husband unto them so Israel had a covenant with God which entailed also an obligation to faithfulness to walk with the Lord to be his alone the great danger was for Israel to corrupt and to become like other nations and for God's plan to become impossible to unfold to whom much is given much more is required what God is doing is he saying my judgments are increasing in intensity but my judgments are for the purposes of redemption when we are disobedient to God when we worship idols were sent out to Babylon both the Assyrians and then the Babylonians some 120 years later cruelly treated their captives from Israel and Judah respectively the nations were used to correct Israel and to sometimes punish Israel but in many instances they far exceeded their mandate and went beyond the Lord's desire and became instruments of great suffering for the people themselves which actually from the Scriptures angered the Lord thus says the Lord of Hosts I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great zeal I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease for I was a little angry and they helped but with evil intent neither of these two great empires was to last Assyria was defeated by the Babylonians and then Babylon was in turn defeated by the Medes and Persians all that remains of these ancient empires are the ruins of their cities [Music] yet two and a half thousand years later Israel still lives as a nation according to the promise of God for thus says the Lord who gives the Sun for a light by day and the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night if those ordinances depart from before me says the Lord then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before me forever in their captivity many Jews mourn the loss of their homeland and especially their capital city by the rivers of Babylon there we sat down yayyyy we wept when we remembered Zion for there they that carried us away captive required of us a song and they that wasted us required of us mirth saying sing us one of the songs of Zion oh how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land if I forget thee O Jerusalem let my right hand forget her cunning if I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy the cry of the Jews in exile reflected the heart of God for Zion Zion said the Lord has forsaken me and my Lord has forgotten me can a woman forget her suckling child and not have compassion on the son of her womb surely they may forget but I will not forget you see I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands your walls are continually before me your sons shall make haste your destroyers and those who laid you waste shall go away from you there is a relationship between the land and God which is absolutely holy God is in the business of protecting not just the sovereignty of the land but the integrity of the land - that is to say the borders that he has delineated before the captivity began the prophet Jeremiah had predicted the enforced exile would last seventy years just at the right time there arose a man who would bless the Lord's covenant people Cyrus king of the Medes and Persians issued a decree that the Jews should return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple which had been destroyed by the Babylonians although there was no evidence that Sarris himself actually worshipped the God of Israel essentially before he lived he was named by the Lord through the prophet Isaiah as Cyrus my shepherd the Cyrus cylinder which dates back to 538 BC and rests in the British Museum contains the words of his decree that were also prophesied by Isaiah a hundred years before Cyrus lived thus says the Lord who says of Cyrus he is my shepherd and he shall perform all my pleasure saying to Jerusalem you shall be built and to the temple your foundation shall be laid at the end of 70 years of captivity in Babylon in 538 before Christ Cyrus allow Jewish captives to return to their beloved capital to rebuild the temple and the city is it coincidence that history looks favorably upon Sodom or is it the blessing of the law the kool savas bless the Jewish you following the decree of Cyrus about 40,000 Jews chose to return to Judah under the leadership of Ezra the temple was rebuilt and dedicated however most Jews stayed behind in Persia it was there half a century later that an attempt was made to annihilate the Jewish population to this day Jewish people throughout the world celebrate their deliverance through Esther and Mordecai each year in the feast of Purim the remains of both Esther and her uncle Mordecai are entombed in the city of Susa in modern Iran orphaned as a child Esther had been brought up by Mordecai a god-fearing and well-respected man in the Jewish community has a very beautiful young lady Esther was chosen to live in the royal palace she was later crowned queen by the Persian king a hash varus Mordecai was privileged to sit in the Kings gate he had instructed Esther not to reveal her Jewish identity the perpetrator of the attempted genocide was a man known as haman the agagite he was a proud man that had been elevated to the position of governor by the king all the king's servants paid homage to Haman for so the King had commanded them but Mordecai would not bow down or pay homage Haman sought to destroy all the Jews who were throughout the whole kingdom of a hash of arrows the people of mortify Haman thought the best way to achieve this was to slander Mordecai's people the Jews and create a situation whereby the King would irrevocably authorize their mass execution so Haman told King a hash varus that there was a people whose laws were incompatible with the laws of the Medes and Persians as a result a decree was issued by the king that this people should be liquidated when Mordecai learned all that had happened he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes and there was great mourning among the Jews with fasting weeping and wailing so Esther's maids and eunuchs came and told her and the Queen was deeply distressed [Music] Mordechai and listed the help of his niece Queen Esther to get the decree reversed however approaching the king without a specific invitation could result in Esther's death so Esther and Mordecai called the Jews in Shoshanna to a three-day fast before she went into King a fish Faris on the third day the King saw the Queen in the palace court-yard he beckoned her into his presence and extended his golden scepter towards her she had gained Kings favour [Music] meanwhile in his delight Hammond had a 70 foot high gallows especially built for Mordecai's execution that night the king could not sleep so one was commanded to bring the book of the chronicles and they were read before the king the record in The Chronicles showed that Mordecai had previously exposed a plot to assassinate the king the King declared that Mordecai should be honored on learning that Hammonds plot would have resulted in the death of both the Queen and the hero Mordecai the King issued a counter decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves and so this plot to annihilate the Jewish race was for the king ordered that a man himself be hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai Haman certainly weak what he had sown however was the manner of Haman's execution mere coincidence or was it the curse will claim by the God of Israel could it be that it was a fulfillment of the declaration of Scripture which says for he who is hanged on a tree is a curse [Music] you at the time of Hammonds attempted atrocity against the people of God the Empire of the Medes and Persians was the world's superpower almost a century earlier the Babylonian Empire was at its zenith during the period of the Babylonian exile the Lord raised up a man who would be his spokesman not only for the day in which he lived but he would be gifted to see far into the future that man was the prophet Daniel today his remains rest in the city of Susa in modern Iran not far from the tomb of Esther and Mordecai the Lord enabled Daniel to see and interpret a troubling dream that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had one night Nebuchadnezzar had seen a vision of a statue with a head of gold arms and chest of silver its belly insides of bronze its legs of iron and finally its feet a strange mixture of iron and clay the head of gold and then the chest of silver represented first the Babylonian Empire and then the Empire of the Medes and Persians which followed both of these historic empires have long been extinct to further great empires would arise to subjugate Israel in the biblical era the belly and sides represent the next world superpower Greece the Hellenic Empire its rise to preeminence began with the conquests of Alexander the Great when with lightning speed he swept across the Middle East however his exploits were cut short when he died in Babylon at the age of only 32 Alexander the Great came to the throne of the Macedonian Empire at a very young age 20 years of age when his father Philip died he had an ambition he was driven by this ambition to conquer the whole known world he expanded the Macedonian Empire to the north the south and to the east almost to the borders with India it was a huge Empire what marked the Greek Empire is different from anything that had gone before is it it wasn't simply military conquest it wasn't simply subjugating all the nations that they defeated it was also a cultural thing imposing Greek culture the conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great was also the fulfillment of another graphic vision given to Daniel by the Lord it is recorded in Daniel chapter 8 Daniel speaks about something that comes from the east towards the west which is the RAM and something that comes from the west towards the east and that is the male goat he clearly exploit explains that the RAM is the kings of Persia or media and the male goat is the Prince of Greece the male goat was fulfilled in the person of Alexander the Great it's even interesting how Daniel prophesied that out of the Prince of Greece out of the one horn four horns would come out and indeed when Alexander the Great died four of his generals took over and the kingdom of Alexander was split in four so that was a clear fulfillment of Daniels prophecy historically lamaze a item in hamada la Binet Oh Simpson Alexander had I adore him tell my shallot women I'm Shannon Savitri I'm celeb cous genitive Bevelle very same shell of a MOBA name lasted Russian means remote a German ceviche itself is not samosa Schneider's motive nasira whereas a necessarily Shilton battle my mogul mitzrayim very bad leftist am it's a funnel sustained way shallot and a you Dean Berber valve and I using basilia availabilities right although Alexander's reign was short lived the cultural and spiritual impact of his conquest would endure through the centuries that followed right up to the present day the Hellenic Empire bought hellenism into the then known world of the empires that preceded it the Babylonian and Persian Hellenism was the most seductive of all [Music] it was Satan's greatest attempt to take the world the beauty of its architecture the beauty of its mind of its reasoning of its thought everything to do with the Lima camp I was to do with man humanism was the root of it six-six-six fallen man in all his power the spirit of Hellenism as it came about and became known through Alexander the Great and then his generals and then the Roman Empire that was taken over by that spirit even though there was a certain worship of gods of sorts if you look at those gods they have the appearance of man and if you look at the outworking of that spirit what we see is that the spirit of Hellenism really produces humanism where man is the measurable things therefore the Hellenistic spirit makes this the God the Land of Israel was ruled in turn by the ptolemy Greeks from Egypt and the Seleucids from Syria it was from the latter that one of the most vicious rulers to come against the Lord's covenant people arose Antiochus the false epiphanies he believed he was God manifest in the flesh a difference Antiochus has been described by many Bible scholars as the archetype of the future anticline he was a brilliant man but like many geniuses he also bordered on madness Antiochus Epiphanes hevene say a data you did he can reclaim logic nag doot shell of Tom you deem shimmied negative low well as far as the Jews were concerned they were different to all the other nations in in the one respect and that was that they refused to submit to Hellenism they had no choice but to submit to Greek rule but they did have the choice about submitting to hellenism Antiochus Epiphanes tried more fervently than was done before to impose the gods of the Greeks to that land and to the Jews so therefore he had to eliminate the worship of the elohim of israel and impose the worship of zeus and the other Olympian gods in that land as a Helenus or humanist he had a particular hatred for the Jews in particular he despised circumcision as a mutilation of the human body the temple worship the sacrificial system the biblical feasts and especially the keeping of the Sabbath he sought to eradicate all of these things and theaters wanted the Jews to become like any other people and he wanted to homogenized the whole of the Empire Israel was split between those who were prepared to follow Antiochus to be contemporary as it were and up to date even if it was under duress and those who loved the Lord God and were prepared to be faithful and to keep the law the Torah a bloodbath followed the temple was defiled as a pig was sacrificed on the altar and the holy place sprinkled with his blood for three and a half years the biblical temple worship ceased and any Jew who was found observing the Sabbath was slaughtered however in 165 BC judas maccabees expelled the forces of Antiochus from Jerusalem and Judea the temple was cleansed and tore our practice restored this victory has been celebrated by the Jewish people ever since as the feast of Hanukkah Antiochus Epiphanes met by Mislav been at Massage Envy our belief nasrullah solution in Nehru gazetted zero tada tota w'allahu khayru Lamech - Mohammed 'she my commercial who odd - a Canuck atomic - petty ha ha - added a new Daha Maccoby two decades after the Maccabean victory over the hedonist Israel gained her independence once again under the Hasmoneans over the next century the Greek Empire would fade into relative obscurity the modern nation of Greece has only ever been a mere shadow of the ancient Kree Empire is this the curse or mere coincidence God's judgment through the centuries is shown first of all in the scripture and secondly in reality at least for those of us who can see the hand of God being raised in judgment against different peoples was there a judgment of God upon the Hellenistic Empire yes there was first of all there was in the sense that the people coming out of this land that became a mighty empire and conquered all those lands they were defeated and they were taken over by the Romans so in that sense the judgment of God did come upon the people of this land however it must be mentioned that the gods of Greece were not defeated because when the Romans took over the Hellenic Empire they were taken over by the gods of Greece the language of Greece the culture the architecture and many other things and so basically the spirit behind the Hellenic Empire was not judged by God at that time in fact it went into Rome and it became even more exalted than it had been exalted through Alexander the Great in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream interpreted by the prophet Daniel the Roman Empire represented the two legs of iron of the statue it was the most powerful empire the world had hitherto seen although the Roman occupation of the Land of Israel was initially welcomed by the Jewish people by the time Jesus of Nazareth was born it had become more oppressive while the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus allowed the Jews a certain amount of autonomy and especially in regard to administering religious law he placed a heavy tax burden upon the Jews zealots sought to rid Israel of the bondage of Rome and many believed including the religious leaders of the day that the promised Messiah from the line of King David would subdue Israel's enemies moreover they believed that the Messiah would restore the kingdom to Israel as prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures you [Music] the Lord said to my lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool the Lord shall send the rod of your strength out of Zion rule in the midst of your enemies today the Lord Jesus has great David's greater son his ruling from the right hand of the Majesty on high from the throne of God the restoration of the dynasty of King David on earth is indeed promised in the Hebrew Scriptures and is even referred to in the New Testament particularly in Luke chapter one and the book of Acts we shall surely see this restoration come to pass as the Lord brings about the ultimate fulfillment of the Davidic covenant however at the time the Roman Empire was ruling over the land of Israel God had a different mission for his Anointed One the Messiah centuries earlier before the Babylonian exile both the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah had predicted and for shown a new covenant that God would make with the house of Israel and the house of Judah behold the days are coming says the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt my covenant which they broke though I was a husband to them says the Lord but this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people no more shall every man teach his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them says the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more the person who would be the mediator of the New Covenant the promised Messiah Jesus was born in the most extraordinary circumstances because of a census halted by the Roman Emperor Augustus for tax purposes his mother Mary and his foster father to be Joseph's will compel to travel to Bethlehem for registration because they were both descended from the line of King David at that time Mary was in the final stages of pregnancy and Joseph was considering how to break off the betrothal through his wife-to-be an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Miriam to be your wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit and she shall bring forth a son and you shall call his name yeshua for he shall save his people from their sins now all this was done that it might be fulfilled that which was spoken by the Lord to the prophet Isaiah behold a virgin shall be with child and bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which means God with us although Jesus was born in Bethlehem he grew up in Nazareth before beginning his three years of public ministry at the age of thirty this was marked by him being baptized by John the Baptist a type of the prophet Elijah in the River Jordan the same River the Israelis had crossed to enter the promised land some 13 or 14 centuries earlier as he saw Jesus approaching John proclaimed behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world the words of John the Baptist's were a proclamation of the Messiah's earthly mission at that time and immediately coming up from the water he saw the heavens parting and the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove then a voice came from heaven you are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased the earthly Ministry of Jesus was to culminate with the ratification of the new covenant if you look at Luke chapter 1 you find in the eulogy of Mary and the eulogy of Zacharias John's father first of all Mary in her eulogy gives thanks to God that she is the bearer of the Christ child and in that incredible song of praise she says that God did this to her so that his promise in Abraham could be fulfilled and then Zechariah is he gives his eulogy of praise about the forerunner or John the Baptist says actually that God has done this because he remembered his holy covenant with Abraham so the Abrahamic covenant is the all-encompassing covenant of the Bible to it God adds the Mosaic Covenant of instruction and the new covenant of ability just as the abrahamic government and the law of moses had required the shedding of blood for the Covenant to be ratified so did the New Covenant every year since the exodus more than three thousand years ago the Jewish people have kept the Passover it was the blood that the Passover lamb sprinkled on the doorpost and lintel of their dwellings that calls the Angel of Death to pass over them the New Testament describes the Messiah as being the Passover lamb sent by God coincidentally in so many ways the traditional Passover Seder that the Jewish people keep year after year is a picture of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ or Yeshua HaMashiach in Hebrew the night before he was crucified Yeshua himself led the Passover Seder with his twelve disciples after the meal had been eaten he took me out for Coleman which is the bokken 1/2 piece of the matzah or unleavened bread that had been hidden away before the meal blessed it and broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you [Music] then he took the third cup which traditionally is the cup of blessing called the cup of redemption by some and he said to them drink from it all of you for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins what you sure did here in the Passover Seder is the very foundation of what has become known as the Last Supper of course for the last 20 centuries the church has observed this as Holy Communion or Marche depending on the church tradition the shedding of Yeshua's blood and his death on the cross was the ratification of the new covenant it was the ultimate fulfillment of what God had declared in the law of Moses of the Torah for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls for it is the blood that makes atonement for the Soul the Abrahamic covenant is the Covenant of decision the Mosaic Covenant is the Covenant of instruction and the new covenant is the Covenant on ability it's God's ability in Christ to save you the same chapter of Galatians chapter 3 talking about these great things actually says this and listen to it Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree why did he do this verse 14 the very next verse that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus in other words Jesus died in order to make good the decision that God took in the Abrahamic covenant to save us but he could not die before the Mosaic Covenant why because we have to understand that we under the curse of the law and if we somehow say that the Ten Commandments are abolished and are gone well it makes non sense of that scripture Jesus chiefly readings us you and me from the curse of the law and so for us to be convicted of the fact that we live under the wrath of God we have to have that law put over our lives [Music] [Music] the morning after celebrating the Passover Seder with his disciples Jesus of Nazareth was crucified outside the city walls of Jerusalem and they brought him to the place Golgotha which is translated place of a skull now it was the third hour and they crucified Him and the inscription of the accusation against him was written above Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews thorns are a sign of sin or a symbolic of Adam's sinning okay and what was the crown that was placed on his shoe his head crown of thorns he took our sins upon him just like the just like the lamb at Yom Kippur where the high priest placed his hand upon his head proclaimed the sins of the nation of Israel so that crown of thorns on your shoes had represents taking those sins that Adam incurred on the human race he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all and those who pass by blaspheme him likewise the chief priests also together with the scribes mocked and said among themselves he saved others himself he cannot save let the Messiah the king of Israel descend now from the cross that we may see and believe now when the sixth hour had come there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour and at the ninth hour Yeshua cried out with a loud voice saying my God my God why have you forsaken me and Yeshua cried out again and breathed his last then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom now in the Centurion who stood opposite him saw that he cried out like this and breathed his last he said truly this man was the son of God the phenomena that accompanied the death of you sure of the cross was supernatural the only natural explanation for the darkness the Bible describes in the middle of the day would be a total eclipse of the Sun however the darkness caused by a total eclipse of the Sun usually only lasts for a few minutes at any given spot on the earth not three hours another reason it could not have been an eclipse of the Sun is that the Passover always falls on a full moon while in the clips of the moon may have been possible and eclipses of the Sun certainly was therefore it had to be the supernatural hand of God could such darkness be an expression of the utter grief of the father heart of God as the burden of the sin of the world the sin of you and me fell on his only-begotten and beloved son another supernatural phenomenon was the tearing of the curtain that leads to the Holy of Holies in the temple not only was this curtain massively thick but he was very high had men been able to tear it it would have been torn from the bottom to the top but it was torn from the top to the bottom it was as if the hand of God was opening the way through the sacrificial death of Yeshua for all men to come into his majestic presence by faith indeed the New Testament teaches us just that that the Son of God has become our great High Priest enabling us to come into the very presence of God [Music] [Music] however there was one miracle that eclipses tall the other Jesus was buried in a tomb close by the place where he was crucified and a huge stone rolled across the entrance to seal it and the guard put on the tomb to secure it yet despite all of this all the four Gospels testified to the stone being rolled away and of Jesus being raised from the dead on the third day after his crucifix he later appeared to all his disciples a much later after his ascension into heaven the soul of parcels on the road to Damascus we are told that in all around 500 peoples all the wisdom Jewish Messiah the evidence of his resurrection from the dead and his ascension into heaven has been seriously contested by many but it has never been disproved in his birth his life his death his resurrection and his ascension to the right hand of God to the Majesty on high Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled over 300 other purposes that were penned in the Old Testament between 500 and 1500 years before he lived on this earth that is infinitely beyond the mathematical possibilities of mere chance or coincidence towards the end of his life the Apostle Peter affirmed the validity of the prophetic scriptures that had yet to be fulfilled he was able to do this because he himself had been an eyewitness to most of the events recorded in the Gospels in his second epistle he wrote and so we have the prophetic word confirmed which you do well to heed as unto a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts knowing this first that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit since the earthly life of Jesus here in Israel 2000 years ago the church across the world has embraced the New Covenant and millions of Gentiles have been born of the Spirit of God and added to the Commonwealth of Israel in which there is no middle wall of partition between the Jew and the gender moreover many have been looking for the return of the Lord Jesus to the earth it was something he spoke about so often in the Gospels the Apostles also encouraged us to prepare for the launch to return it is everywhere however the nation of Israel as a whole has not yet ended yet the promise of the New Covenant given to Jeremiah and repeated in the book of Hebrews is a promise that was actually given to the house of Israel and the house of Judah the prophecy given to Jeremiah goes on to say of Israel that they would all know the Lord from the least of them to the greatest of them the Lord speaking through the prophet Zechariah further says they shall look unto me whom they appears and they shall mourn for him as foreigner Alisa [Music] yes [Music] yes issue [Music] apart from a small remnant of Israel we have not yet seen these promises fulfilled the Apostle Paul in the eleventh chapter is letter to the Romans said of Israel if their fall is the riches of the world and their failure the riches for the Gentiles how much more therefore he went on to say if they're casting away is the reconciling of the world what will their acceptance be but life from the dead according to the scriptures Israel's acceptance of the new covenant ratified by the shed blood of their Messiah is the prerequisite for his return as king of kings and Lord of lords as well as king of Israel the rain from the throne of David here in trouble [Music] you [Applause] [Music] Jesus of Nazareth was one of many thousands of Jews who were crucified by the Romans Rome would not only proved to be a cruel oppressor of Jews but later Christians as well shortly before his crucifixion and resurrection Jesus made a prediction which would be fulfilled a generation later the Danes will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side they will dash you to the ground you and your children within your walls and they will not leave one stone on another because you did not know the time of your visitation you will be taken captive to all nations and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled in the year 70 AD the Roman 10th Legion entered and ransacked Jerusalem following a three and a half year rebellion the Romans utterly destroyed the temple the historian josephus recorded that more than two and a half million Jews had been trapped in Jerusalem by the sea most were cruelly butchered or taken into captivity to his slaves a remanent however escaped from the Romans and were able to stay in the Land of Israel in the first part of the second century there was another uprising led by the Jewish zealot Bar Kochba who was seen as a messianic figure among the places the rebels captured from the Romans was Herod's fortified palace south of Jerusalem the Herodium they turned herons former dining room into a synagogue in 135 ad that rebellion against Rome was quashed the city of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were plowed over [Music] a temple to the god Jupiter similar to this one at Baalbek was erected where the house of the Lord had previously stood Hadrian was the Roman Emperor of the day his intention was that the name about Jerusalem and Israel would be erased he wanted to rename Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina saying that the name of Jerusalem would disappear from history all together and to rename the Land of Israel as Syria Palestina actually based on the philistines Philistia it was an insult to the jewish people however it was not the jewish nation that joined the graveyard of the nations as the Romans had purposed but eventually it was the mighty Roman Empire itself can this also be construed as coincidental or is it the fulfillment of the Word of God for Israel the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans are shed in the longest nightmare in the thousands of years of her turbulent history for the next 19 centuries the Jewish people would be exiled a second time from the land that God had cover mented to them as an everlasting position therefore do not fear on my servant Jacob says the Lord neither be dismayed o Israel for I am with you says the Lord to save you though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you yet will I not make a complete end of you but I will correct you in justice and will not let you go altogether unpunished Israel is an example of God's grace as well as God's judgments Israel is an example nation for the past 2,000 years as well as an example of God's judgments they've been scattered in exile why because they crucified Messiah not really because Messiah was ordained to be crucified he came to die and so like I believe it's Peter says the children of Israel and the Gentiles and the Romans and Pilate they all did God which you've ordained for them to happen but the children of Israel was scattered I believe because they rejected the Apostles testimony to the resurrection you see throughout the book of Acts the resurrection is what is proclaimed 20 times that this is the proof that Yeshua is the promised Messiah and so here they were an example of a nation under judgment still with the foundation of grace because God's going to keep his promises to father Abraham and to Jeremiah and through the rest of the Bible now we come to today and Israel is being seen as a nation under God's mercy His grace it's the time to favor Zion the set time has come God's having mercy on her he's bringing her back in unbelief and he's going to save her it has to be clearly stated the Jews and Gentiles are all saved by one Messiah the Lord Jesus but it is true that Israel remains the mediator of God's eternal purpose she is the vehicle of world Redemption Jesus said salvation is of the Jews God has meant Israel to be the community through whom he would work Redemption on the earth and would bring about actually his son and fulfill in the last days his purposes the book of Galatians speaks about the fulfillment of the blessing of Abraham as it is called to the Gentiles through Yeshua the Messiah but it doesn't end there because Israel has a purpose in the last days for the fullness or the completion of God's plan of salvation the Apostle Paul in the 11th chapter of his letter to the Romans spoke of Israel's calling in the purpose of God in verse 29 he wrote for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable Israel is back in the land as a consequence of the Abrahamic covenant in order to mediate the last great covenant of all history to the world that last great covenant to come to its fullness is the Davidic covenant it will be realized when Jesus the Messiah the King of the Jews returns in all his glory to take up the phone of David behold the days are coming says the Lord that I will raise to David a branch of righteousness a king shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth in his days Judah will be saved and Israel will dwell safely now this is his name by which he shall be called the Lord our righteousness therefore behold the days are coming says the Lord that they shall no longer say as the Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt but as the Lord lives who brought up and led the descendents of the house of Israel from the north country and from all the countries where I had driven them and they shall dwell in their own land [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 1,351,434
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Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Israel, Jews, Jewish, Zionism, Chosen People, Documentary, Lance Lambert, Malcolm Hedding, Dr. Jack Hayford, Michael Cohen, Israel:The Womb Of The Kingdom Of God - Full Movie, The Womb Of The Kingdom Of God, Israel: The Womb Of The Kingdom Of God (2012) | Full Movie, Kingdom Of God
Id: VuoS7oJW724
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 22sec (6982 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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