Morrowind Horror Returns! (Silent Island)

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so how's it going passion and warfare by steve i fans and welcome tomorrow and howard how are you doing it's all about eternity gentle with his pecking picks he's not very gentle i'll tell you that much i am delighted to be back doing some maruman tara we have a great mod today one called silent island by billy fighter billy fighter who you might remember being the very man who made me shay gorath in his last mod i need to get up the names last mod stop whistle at me when i'm researching things you handsome fella i'm blushing now i'm flustered frozen in time that was the name of the mod very good mod project and we're back with another billy fighter mod we're playing silent island it's a horror inspired mod for morrowind i haven't seen too much of the mod so i'm going in a bit blind i know like the basics i know how to get there we're standing outside degen fell we need to get transported to the very island so judging by the name silent island i'm assuming this man is based on silent hill anyway we have to get started hello vaiuya greetings traveller i had dreamt you would come my name is vaioya bayouya vayuya and this is my companion swabs the deck i like him he likes ear swabs because his ears are pretty long you're not supposed to put them in your ear actually it hurts well they only say you can't put it in your ear because you know they just don't want to be liable if you hurt your ear anyway him and i are soon to embark on an island northeast of here it's home to a dangerous sixth house smuggling base but they've taken my betrothed betrothed did i say that right patrol it's a nice word i like it i dreamt you will help me you were sent to help right i'll help you tell me more stay away from me crazy lady i could just reject her and then we don't start them out and i'll just end the video right now cheer for watching i'm just annoying all the potential new viewers i'll help you tell me more it's an uncharted island we'll find nate and drake in the sea of ghosts belonging to the sixth house i've seen them capture people and bring them there i saw them capture my dear i had to ah but i do have a plan to disguise ourselves and going unnoticed here put this on and let me know when you're ready to sail all right so sixth house island with the sixth house there's a lot of potential for spookiness mod creators get very creative with that kind of topic so we're going to get started i've equipped the robes with the slaver robes on oh would you look at that that looks great can i get it without damascus clavicus foil oh that looks good oh i like that my guy looks very suave i like it i like his hairstyle anyway let's get started i've got robes on well you're wearing the proper disguise mickey t will be set sail if you're ready to join us i'm ready to party let us get ready at once there isn't much time okay we have to save her patrol from the sixth house i'm staring at her shoes nice sandals i know are there blue shoes i thought they were sentenced also yes just to say i am wearing my trademark sandals um in case i get spooked they always help how are you doing somewhere on this island is a deep underground passage though i can't say what to expect keep your disguise on and try to avoid any contact with residents here if anyone asks you're just a slaver bringing me in i will follow you mickey d and do be careful oh i'm a slaver oh that's cool oh yeah here's my patrol i hope we find him soon shouldn't we be bringing you in i'm gonna find a slaver i should be using used allure poor guy i mean he's staying here to watch the boat and i do like him and i like his shirt so much to remember you're telling me i like the big close-up shot of him he's very handsome oh he's breaking his neck that's a scary part we're already staring the spooks okay let's get going also i did all my preparation beforehand my personality is damaged uh great it's just my stats in real life i have plenty of potions stuff like that so i did all the preparation off-camera so that's not an issue we can just get straight into starting the lightning is scaring me perishment with scrawlings all cries are awakened white is a white of all whites black as blacks of all blacks shame and sun sun and shadow oh it's sixth house dealings i see you with my eye it's sauron and all is silence i wake i remember lard i mean lord makes good songs i don't know i don't listen to her oh we have ruined books it reminds me of like in fallout all the books are ruined you can't actually use them oh what's going on here okay you're attacking them are we supposed to attack him why do i get the feeling i'm not supposed to attack it up i'm gonna load just to be sure i don't know if they're supposed to be attacking him can i get you to wage maybe she says she'll follow me do you have orders check with the office by the docks i can't authorize oh it's because i was stealing oh i was that counts of stealing okay that's my bad that's my bad i was stealing from him straight away do you have orders check with the office by the docks okay that was my own fault i stole something from the crates i thought that was just public property i'm sorry about that okay how are we doing down by that the lightning is so loud hey you scum what are you doing on this part of the docks i mean i look like scum so i deserve to be here i'm a let's player check in at the office on the way i can just tell them to die great quit standing around okay i better go they seem pretty agitated so we better go to the office i'm assuming this is the office i'm more of a fan of the uk one i'll be honest okay so these are the slave requires uh i believe she may follow me sorry i shouldn't speak oh he's a slave poor fella you have a nice hearing though it's nice that they let you keep it yes i haven't seen you around before that's right i'm no slave master and no one is around to see me kill you oh should i go that route i don't know if i should go with her out of like uh just going against your car i mean your sixth house slavers do i want to be underside listen i'll just go with them i won't go against him for the moment our ruse is probably going to be up anyway but you should treat your slaves better what if i say that to him he's like you know what you're right we should treat him better he sits him down give him like a hot glass milk uh just passing through for the first time good to see you know how to treat your slaves i don't need your praise okay oh bye now i don't think this is the office i want you to go to and i don't think this is the way oh here's the they got exports what are you exporting for dave arthur there's the upper dwellings i don't think that's where we go for the moment they got exports okay hello i have a slave you brought the slave bring her down to the tunnels around the cliffside just head up the ramp on the left side of the docks from here and come back for your shipment of ash statues when you're done the tunnels around the cliffside uh head up the ramp on the left side of the docks from here okay masera matsera i loved it like the ambiance the atmosphere what you want to call it it really sets the mood i feel unnerved being here because you know sixth house and slavers and all that it is setting up that spooky vibe very well i also love this dock area it's well designed going up the rocks i want to see what's around this cliffside area just to see what's here oh there's bells hello ashku you're not going to attack me area i like how he has just a big trunk coming out of his head there's probably people in the comments now writing paragraphs of lore about the trunk coming from his head and i can't wait to read it all [Music] i was trying to do mirror he has a little lamb anyway sixth house bell hammered are always worth a lot wait if i'm not using hammer am i just hitting it like with my head or something anyway i'll leave you off tusk man tusk man sounds cool that's your new nickname tons of the voiceless i don't think this is where we need to be yet this is cool i love a small pop around sure look while i'm here look at all this yeah i think i'm moving too far ahead for the mod look we'll try and stick with our orders for now before we go off exploring too much where is that slave i i finally got to say the line that all the derek elves say there you are i will follow we need to find the underground tunnel now i believe he said this one up the stairs from the docks on the left so this tongue right here now i believe the mod creator billy fighter has left a hidden item for me when i go inside i think it's around here i think he said it was in the first encounter so we'll have a special item for me when i find it uh wait outland what do you want the buns are taken okay maybe it was going the right way there's an underground area on the island we should look for it seems i should remain in disguise or just fight my way i'm gonna stay in skies for now i imagine my disguise is gonna be ruined at some point okay so we do need to go to this cave okay i thought it was a different game okay let's get started let's get started let's keep going come on you it's morrowind it's new directions i'm horrible at him let's go there we go into the cave tunnels of the voiceless well they have trunks don't they they can just they can just use their trunks to squeal into the void i wish i had a trunk to squeal into the void hello she's following me all right okay so these have to be the tunnels right setting up the atmosphere i'm just gonna leave the whimsical morrowind music on at least for the moment i kind of want to or should i have pure silence i'll leave it on for now and if it gets very spooky i'll turn off the music just so we have like just the noises to go by hello school you can let me boy actually wait uh there's something i'm looking for i'm looking for some pots to see if there's something hidden i think there was something hidden here just for me it might be true here let's just keep going ahead tunnels here we are the enter room okay very spooky very spook vibes hello are you gonna attack me out zombie probably not oh look at all the atmosphere here oh look at this we have the gate and everything this is proper spooking me out how are you doing ashley hey allergies is she still following me come on dean come on come on girl she got lost completely there you were what are you waiting for chinese new year come on follow me oh there she just appears right in front of me great you're not supposed to be scary yet this is just a slight engine but i've had rock dj by robin williams stuck in my head all day and i don't know if that's a good sign or not look it's a great song they got biller i thought it was just big up blur it's a great band i noticed these ash owners coming in and leaving the area on their own free will it wasn't that long ago when they got zele was not able to control these monsters they've also been hoarding a large amount of treasure in those quarters near the forge here do you know what they are doing nobody seems to know what is going on with them and they godzilla isn't someone i wish to confront about this they're hoarding treasure i want the treasure i am worried about them turning on us i can see why they are never brought to varonville gaviranel no i like that name that's a cool name gaviron it's great oh there's loads of ash statues even the ash statues in morrowind they can have that i don't want to say spooky i say spooky too much but they have that scary vibe even in the base game something's weird and something's wrong and it's just unnerving and i think this mod kind of captures that style very well i like morrowind i like horror mods it's just a perfect mix more horror mods forever please and thank you come on there you go she's good path and i'm just too fast for actually i have the boots blinding speed on i better make sure they're repaired just to be sure i don't want them breaking the almost broke i don't want to break my boots okay let's keep going on the grand hall hello are you doing you want to escape here oh that's bad oh it's pyramid head can i kill him no no i can't kill him i think i'm supposed to run yeah ash ruiner i'm on to your tricks pyramid head i have got to play silent till on the channel at some point i love those games i think i have to run okay who are you okay oh you're doing mad damage to me is she trapped behind the gates i think she's trapped behind the gates uh [Music] okay let's go oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i think that's the item don't tell me you're following me right i think this is the item for me give me that what is that give me that that's important oh it's a sixth house mock shovel oh it's a marshall i'm dead i want my mock shovel we're a mock positive channel and i want this billy fighter put that in just for me it's a mock shovel and it's a sixth house one mock shovels are a very rare item in morrowind i've only found one the harvest muk you know the mock plant it's not it's not like a plant it's something give me that give me that give it up quick here we go uh equip it it's blunt i don't have any skill and blonde but look i'm gonna try anyway oh look at that we have a six house mock shovel oh that looks brilliant does it look smash the mock into the ground that's great i love that thanks for putting that in oh keep going okay is the girl following me that might have been her actually following me oh yeah was you okay you're still there i don't know if i'm sequence breaking it i just want to see are you still following me can i give him a hit with the mock shovel will i kill him straight away i probably won't he's gone okay i think he disappeared because we went through the sequence that was spooky pyramid head following you or the ash ruiner ash rooner is a great name i look at her character we're looking all spooky and vibing anyway do you like my mock shovel you're better you better be grateful close the oh wait i think i did sequence wait we're supposed to close the gate and stop him hold on hold on i showed that off wrong give me a second i have to go back to it here i didn't let him follow me what we're supposed to do is trap him there here you can get you can get through i know you can you can do it cooker come on come on over not you you're not paired to my person you're not allowed i want to bring you dog can i bring you two can i have an ash cool follower come on i want to show this off right because this pair is really cool now i have seen bits and pieces of this mod but not like the whole thing but this this is one pair i want to get right i know it's a tough old [ __ ] friday afternoon but i know i don't want to rock dj because you're making me feel so nice that's pyramid head's team song now robin williams people used to say i have good music taste not anymore not anymore okay he's jumping over okay ron just run don't get killed by him okay what we have to do is run down the sequence here we have to get our mock shovel and we're going to trap him we're going to do it right there you go give me my mock shovel now we're shoveling now we're thinking about portals okay there he is all right we have to go up ahead i just forgot to do this and i think he despawned come on get behind i think that's the gate barrier come on ash ruiner can i just close the gate now oh that was kind of tense oh and he's gonna walk away okay so he despawned last time he was supposed to follow me the whole way that was my own bad okay we got him trapped is he gonna leave us alone what's gonna happen she's much taller than me now oh you feel pathetic let's keep going that's not a new feeling die i'm going to try and use the mock shovel even though i have no skill and blonde at the moment blunt is 12 great 420 [ __ ] weeds dude give me one hit [Music] oh she's beasting that she's holding her own she's carrying me to be fair i'm just so pathetic with my mock shovel she's just helping me through can i go in here the hands look like the face with like the the healing casting all right i can hit you you might do good damage can i get one hit with my mock shovel come on morrowind come on marlin it might be a losing battle i just want to do the mock shovel right oh will you kill them great i'll just go back to my spear from shagorth there we go bitter mercy we'll keep the mock shovel with us at all times but i sadly couldn't use it okay i'm ready for dungeon delving did we get a journal update actually yeah when you shot them i found the underground tunnels but they're very aware of intruders it's too late to turn back now yeah we're trapped so we just have to keep advancing forward let's see there's the deep chambers this place is really well designed there's just the cheery morrowind music i might as well just keep it on for now there is the grand hall uh let's go this way first there might be multiple directions to go in listen i just want that good treasure i want to save this woman's betrothed okay i can get you i can hit you right she's not gonna carry me the whole way okay did i get that hit or did you i don't know oh now we can search the crates oh flute i can't use it can i no i can't i'm over encumbered by the floosh i still have kaia's kassades beckon skooma pipe oh i have mock on me too i have mock and the mock shovel so we're doing well we're doing well think about the boots of blinding speed they're a great item i used to not really like them because they were like too fast and annoying like the sound but now i like them but the thing about him is it has very little durability and i'm not sure in morrowind is there a way to like increase in items durable like i don't think so well like magic or anything like that so i think we just have to deal with it but you had the boots of blinding speed they'll break often and when they break they get unequipped and it's very annoying it is very annoying indeed uh tears the waterways i feel like we're kind of going in the right direction i don't want to miss too much or run past the loss there's loads of ash statues great it reminds me like the felon fallout new vegas who just sells like the dinosaur statues in morrowind he'd just be selling ash statues and no one would want him except the six days apparently here's the waterways no one ever buys t-rexes she's beasting this whole thing to be fair please be careful did they hit you i'm sorry i believe on this character yes spear is one of my highest weapon skills even though long blade long blade 74 actually i'll take that back i like spears spears an underrated weapon type environment all right let's keep i thought she was coughing huh come on let me get one hit i'm doing my perish i'm doing my pairs i think there we go i poked in the ass nice one there's lots of dangerous areas here i know you're really holding your own you would have been fine on your own honestly you would have been all right oh i love the pirate team i believe this mod is also a bit pirate inspired and i love the pirate team it's great more parchment with scrawlings it's the same message from before very creepy though what about the rolled paper it's just paper great i can add whatever i want wasn't that very funny ancient dig up randy oh i imagine that's very good i imagine that's very very good i forget what the stats do because oh muck there's loads of walk that's a reference to me it probably isn't but i'm going to say it is oh i love this pirate ship area there's the cross there's jesus himself sturgeon meat oh is this like new items uh for the mod i think it is there's a bunch of new items and stuff i believe there's also like a resource pack to use for this and i'm not sure what kind of items correlate between the two but if you are going to download this mod which i implore you do oh that looks like the pizza from lego island it does looks like the loading screen pizza um the references i'd say if you're gonna download this mod just be sure to like read the tutorial and stuff on the mod page because there is an extra other thing you'll need to download and they were having a parody up here any tsujama they have empty sujama they've good taste kark oh would you look at that as kirk oh boys up the rebels i would you look at that [ __ ] up the rebels that's another reference to me i got my mock shovel i've been looked after enough uh the ship cabin anything important on the ship except you spawning into me every time i'm gonna take the brandy while you kill him if you don't mind did you take care of me yes i'm getting good loot i'll take the weepins i'm way down by the weapons the weepins are too much to serve and skull why does that seem important the servant's skull i'm going to keep it with me just in case because it sounds useful all right large urns we have gold i like to loot i like it a lot there's dwemer tubes great you can blow into it like a flute i don't know is that what you do we got our take off brandy i'm happy enough with this maybe we can use that for the final encounter because i'm guessing we're gonna have to kill you the ash ruiner our pyramid head i want this big hat that's what i want can rest enemies are nearby robin williams is waiting nearby i'm gonna get him to get that song stuck out of my head it's a good song all right rock dj i don't care all the viewers who don't like that song have left all my rock dj enthusiasts are sticking around here cheers there we go there's 13 moon sugar oh we're minted now oh we have loads of moon sugar i'm gonna put it into my pipe for kaios there you go oh i wish it worked that way i mean i could just do this and then just like there you go there i still i don't want to put the mock in or do i does muck and moon sugar make a potion probably not but i'm going to try it doesn't count as like the mortar part it's only like an add-on okay all right can i rest here there's enemies dribbling okay oh oh oh oh i spawned into the ground i clipped into the ground when i quick said borrowing does that what are down here oh i didn't go that far i thought they like clipped into a new cell careful i keep accidentally almost in there you could kill me i plenty of potions use them all right taking out the ash slaves gate switch key oh i'm gonna need that okay it's a good thing we came down here then i'm gonna take the emerald if i take the offense does it a dream respawn can i sleep can i get a bit of rest i'm going to sleep in the sixth house base give me my magic there's ugema i don't need much sujana i've kind of tried not to exploit tsujama as much as i used to before uh how much do i have do i even have two gem on me i don't i'm being good i'm trying to do this legit with like a level 9 character with very good items but look so we got the key gate switch key on right alright oh is that a book oh it's just a place you can kneel and do it with your brain to the statues all right so we have to find the gate use the key on that is there anything in the water i'm gonna check just to be sure i don't know if i have any levitate oh she's gonna follow oh no how are we gonna get out of here now okay nothing down here i like this cool little pirate cove thing though it's it's very good i like this okay so i have to switch key uh that might be for the other room he passed by or is it for here it's for here i wonder what the switch key is for he says as he finds this immediately oh she's lost in the water give me a second i got her up using the power of time travel all right come back over okay gates which key all right we can go through come on now there you are good start crumbling was it called the crumbling path i thought it was called crumbling peas you keep appearing in front of me you're the real horror this is doing a good job of keeping me on nerve truck the whole thing i love that it's just not you know jump scary har you know oh that is scary just when i was talking about horror and we get to silent hill holes in the floor it is silent hill inspired very much so okay well you go first go on i just put up my hands like i'm gonna push you down oh it's too bad you can't push him in oblivion you can like move npcs you're gonna push him off ledges and stuff is very funny all right i'll go first oh a transition oh i like that that's pretty cool oh i'm sipping tea one second thanks for waiting very patient i jumped through a deep hole within the tunnels if there was any chance of going back i've certainly passed that point i don't think there is any chance of going back once we encountered the ash ruiner we're going to try to keep going forward i'm helping not really i do the danger crescent i'll use that just to get some hits in i'm going to help out properly there we go bowling through mowing through the enemies good lad all right danger crescent very good i forgot that paralyzes yes for 10 seconds very good weapon repair swatch i like that word swage we have to find some way out of here still the deeper we go in the more i worry about your throws it's not looking good for him halls of dreams sweet dreams are made of me more ass statues there's so many i'd love to count them all for this mod oh hello dead dreamer i like how his name is just dead dreamer even if he was alive his name would be dead dreamer or ass statues oh this is very unnerving very spooky indeed oh i like this better storytelling gate switch piece a bone saw bone saw is ready i'm taking that oh that's a cool weapon a bone saw it does jack damage but it's cool all right let's keep going in i need to search these rooms properly because there are keys and stuff hidden around making good progress though i really like morrowind mods that aren't like overtly convoluted i like the ones where you can easily find how to advance and things like that so i'm not looking around forever i've had videos in the past of mods like that where i'm just looking around for the key items for so long and because the mods are old there's no guides or anything like that to reference it from so i'm just looking around forever to find key items and this mod does it very well like it's very easy to see the places of interest to find keys and stuff like that so it's very much appreciated i have a broken switch aren't they [Music] i have a piece i need more pieces are you okay oh what happened to your hair it's in we were too late i'm sorry oh i'm so sorry i got you into this i don't even know if we can escape oh no that was her husband i oya found her dead lover since we're stuck here i should give her a moment to mourn her loss you whichever hurry on it's been too long i have places to be will you hurry up are you over his death yes are you over us come on i alright give me some time great uh do you mind if i just you can keep the corporate meat you know that's your inheritance you know enjoy that she has long luscious hair though i like that did they have maybelline in morrowind times oh she dead no she's locked in did you press anything help me out of here i didn't do anything that strange chair do you have it looks like a piece of a switch maybe there are others i'll look around okay so i think she can find the last switch okay she can find the last piece okay i think i have enough now and she should have the last one just up your ass i found two look those pieces you have will fit with this i just found one like it okay so she needs it to be around perhaps you can use it to get us out of here now if i do this will i open that door look if you can't find the way just try to continue on and hopefully find another way to get me out of here i don't have the energy to continue on anyhow oh that's depressing i will wait for you to hear mickey d i'm sorry you can stay here with your rotten husband's corpse it's not very nice i'll talk to you sir poor girl the magma chamber i like magma isn't magma just underground lava that's the term that's my basic knowledge of geography really coming out there oh there's bubbles on the lava too is that new i think that's new oh that's really cool i've never seen that before oh that looks really well done i like the small details like that we're a small details channel everyone who knows me knows to enjoy the little things when it comes to me oh we have a bit of parkour in do i have any levitate just in case i might not oh well i have to restart not get back up oh well rip completely submerged okay round two like fight night remember the fight night games i want the new fight night so badly you don't even know you don't even know yeah get on us don't fall down again oh this whole kind of cave area place is just so well done i do like it i wanna ask this whole valley thing and fast move and navit it's a cool set piece we have the jaunty morrowind music playing well it's more chill than jaunty but you know what i mean we have that to accompany us oh we have a way to go up there i can get you here i like it though in terms of platforming i've seen platform and done in other mods that is pretty terrible that one's fine you can get through that with basic jump skill i think easy enough to navigate even though i fell in once there we are the famous stalag tight it's static tight if it's going down the famous stalactite to the mickey d channel it's just geography central here my basic leaving certain knowledge oh look at this whole valley not really a valley is it a valley if it's underground i don't know the geography expert there a second ago the presentation's really well done i don't have the girl helping me through so i'm gonna have to get through this on my own i can level up to a hearty level 10. [Music] here talking down the ash ghouls more success spells if i play them all just do something [Music] i'll just go around i'll take soul gems why not plenty of gems i'll take them all oh or something's attacking me are you here strength endurance agility there we go i don't need speed i have too much i'm too fast i'm running too fast to cope with the unexpected [Music] andre hello do i have to fight you do i actually have to vote you know okay i think i might can you get close can you get close i need to get you for the thumbnail oh you're gonna kill me in one hit i think i do need to run i probably do need to run can i hit you i don't think this is going to work try to go around here's a quick bastard okay i got to switch i got to nintendo he's in a corner oh no that's going to take a while oh this is a really well done set piece oh that's scary i don't like that i'm going to loot your stuff on that's just a rock great you can sit down on that that's where he uses his life choices up to this point uh okay get me drew can't meet you i'm gonna die give me two i should have picked the wood elf get me true if i look like fairy god i would have been through that whole by now come on go to go through this is really intense i do have to crouch i don't know what's it open back up i know what's opening okay i got you i got you on a clothes right behind me okay okay we got i think it was stuck we're all stuck gate okay sunken city about to fight the ash owner at the end of this i probably do tomorrow when music comes back on oh wait give me more brandy give me more loads of brandy i'll be selling tons of them already use if we need it because i'm assuming it has like a strength boost to us maybe it has like the flynn bottle icon which does boost strength so maybe it could be useful all right i can defeat you at least down eagle we are just going deeper and deeper into this cave this mod is a good length good old healthy length from our own mod we are going to try and do it in the one video are you doing so much damage to me i have a spear from the mad god i was the mad god in the last mod that rhymes i need my deja crescent again tiger resistant magic they always had like such a gruesome design haunted tower oh oh this could be bad i can paralyze though see the danger crescent is just op i could also use my healing i could do that a bit of fatigue too because why not there we go took him down oh good chest oh 80. i don't think i have anything that opens an 80 lock uh oh well hopefully there's nothing key inside there parker up the crates i like that at least the pair coring is doable you know it's not just big open ledges you need like an acrobatics of 500 to get you which i've seen other mods do and it's very annoying i can hit his legs right i think i do have levitate actually one second just to fly up to him i just want to see if i do there we go i've been ambulance to levitating here we are [Music] i could have walked up but i just wanted to jump on him i know we can fly around and everything this is what morrowind is about the only goes everyone should have a amulet to levitate in their life except in mournhold i think it's illegal there the ruined plaza i'm just flying around with the danger crescent this is great all right emerald corpus weep rock dj is still stuck in my head just want to let you know took you down last in trump i should have had the danger crescent the whole time notes on the ash owners okay this could be useful these things are extremely strong and resilient yeah we've seen that i'm not very good against them they feel no pain or remorse for their wicked deeds however i've been able to get them to react in certain ways i've had they got blurred i love his name dave gobbler weld me together a hook on an iron rod which really got this thing jumping every time i hit him with it this took a long time to do of course simply chaining it up and leaving it there for days as no effect further study is required and day godzilla is wanting her minion back early i need to find a way to release it without it turning on me a hook on an iron rod okay so we need to like spook them with this hook that's like level 90 how am i supposed to get into these places can i levitate in i have nothing that opens a lock that high my antics on hinging only goes so far only goes up to like 40 to 60. there has to be a key around there's so many ash statues there's like so many of them can i levitate up to this place and then oh i can just get inside doing that okay that's what i'm going to do there's probably a key around but i'm just going to left it over i get to vg i can't open the door from the outside but look i got in okay is there anything here anything oh we can go through here the grand chamber here we go are we getting to the pun ultimate end feels like it oh no iron rod iron rod with the thing at the end okay this okay there's a hook oh they're wrong run on run don't do levitate i need healing there you go but i could just fly around him i could fly away poor fella this is probably really cheesy i'll keep on the floor there's the hook am i supposed to hit him under that or what does that do there's a puzzle here to be figured out oh wait wait chain there's a hook rod the chains have been freed of the hulk rod oh is it this thing do you not like this oh it does not look at him jumping around the place oh well he killed me i love how he jumps around what is it with the hook that he doesn't like react in certain ways a hook with an iron rod he'll be changing it up leaning it for days for somebody's required okay so he jumps around with this which is interesting he jumps around like the sun jump up jump up and get down okay so if the chain's gone oh i need to open up this oh and this keeps him away just make some jump get me through get make sure it can be true i have to hook oh get away get away get back get back full beast get back should we have to spook him i love that mechanic oh he's gonna kill me oh from background back second and close okay just get back here don't kill me all right i tracked him in his own room he can sit there with his own thoughts because that's the scariest thing you can do hidden island bit oh here we are did they do it hello there you are where's viola she's not with you did she find her lover she was stuck in the cage where her dead throat why are you here us we were once slaves in these tunnels we escaped in this very spot uh we came here when the whole island began scrambling on full alert oh i guess she was assuming we'd come out this way but we must help failure if she's on the island still we must return to rescue here the pirates are in pursuit and may be coming shortly we believe they are checking all the exits to the underground tunnels be ready okay i need to defeat some pirates okay so i have to take care of the pirates and then we can go back and rescue her maybe there's unfinished business here okay let's get you this pair do i have to keep you with me okay you're gonna chill over there i assume you're gonna stay here right pirates are in pursuit i'm gonna wait until daytime because it was way too dark in that cave we need some brightness there we are all right let's take them out where the pirates i can take them it's just ashley's again they're ashley pirates oh look at this [ __ ] coming in oh that's well done it's hard to do that in mario and modern getting a static object like that to move around oh they're adorable little pirates would you look at them i want to see them doc oh that's adorable come here to me there they go here i took it out i just paralyzed you at this danger crescent is awoke and they're stunning me i like how i said i'm so op and then they're just destroying me come on you can take them down there you go or are you the pirates i think yeah oh and they're coming in too oh you look unique oh you've a player yet i want your players out i want your player's hat i want your pirate hat i'm getting a pirate hat if it's the first thing i do what's this is that skooma oh brandy i'll take brandy we have loads of the liquor to have after i'm gonna celebrate with that once i get your pirate hat that right i'm like a true pirate they've no grog they've like proper brandy and liquor and stuff okay i'm not gonna attack you talk to zella scum great thanks are you zella i want your hat so we finally meet though i did not think you would be alive i expected my servants to take care of you but no matter we will settle this right prepare yourself anymore this could be tough i'm just going to kill you i want your head all of them at once okay i'm going to get off the ship actually and take you out one by one this could be tough i want your house give me that pirate oh what's your armor okay well you're gonna destroy me well i have a way to get around this i'm just gonna amulet of levitate there we are hello you're dying bone markers and everything flying around and we can do it this is why levitate is so cool in this game this is why i love levitate you have a good weapon you do so much damage i think i got him down i think i knocked him down hey you're dead oh i want your sword oh that's a cool design i'm blinded i'm blinded by the light okay i need healing i need healing now oh she did i think she died when i killed the bone walker okay i'm gonna let her die there she is down she goes go away ashley we got the reaper sword blind 25 to 75 that's good oh that's unique let me equip this first oh that's a big sword all its curves and everything six house pauldrons i want your head hat or dress can i not take your hat and watch your head you have common shoes pauldrons is it part of the ropes no oh i can't even have the hat oh well alright we killed the pirates i killed zella i should be free to sail all right well we can't leave yet because like we haven't saved her yes right oh oh we found the hash oh never mind i'm happy now never mind there's that sailor ash there we go good mod maps of vernfield oh this is dope if the whole island of vernon fell we have travel routes all around the vec our kitty niles oh i like that kind of detail ebony inkwell i like these items give me all the ancient brandy yev they're drinking like kings you think they'd be drinking like grog and stuff i have ass i got that okay we should be okay to sail but we haven't like saved the girl is this like an alternate ending did i get the bad ending we might have gotten the bad ending do i talk to you i killed the pirates you killed them we must go okay we should go to sail so we're sailing around together oh here we go oh did they just capture her and bring her somewhere else they might have where are you bud are you dead already go there you are you go ways is she back through here oh i have to kill all vegan i think i know where she might be i think she should be down here that gate is closed anyway i probably don't even go this way but i'm going to check first i'm assuming they captured her and brought her somewhere else right i'm hearing spooky noises okay well here's a crafting area anything here journeyman's hammers obsidian they made knight to the old republic too and new vegas they're very good is she in here oh she should be here right these are like prisoner cells oh dare she she's not dead is she she can't seem to get up nor can she respond the strength of her pulse is slowly dwindling there may not be much time to save her how do i save her she doesn't have much time left i need to find a way to save her uh okay anything in this room ash statue sixth house spell okay what does she need like a potion a concoction i need to save her i don't know if i'm actually on a time limit but i'm going to assume i am let's see save save save say bone saw bone sauce ready oh okay corporals i think i got it all right okay so the ash statues are what's infecting her and i need to get them all out and i think i destroyed him am i in a timer god damn it okay i need to actually save her okay i think i need to get rid of all the ash statues before she dies i think there's another npc i was supposed to find but i didn't find him anyway okay okay okay get the statues out i need carry weight so just drop the klavskis of oil mask statues get them out here okay get those out and now i think i destroyed him and she should be okay i hope i just place him on the anvil like this [Music] that should be right is it gonna hit [Music] [Applause] no it's not working like you destroyed the ash statues here on this mechanism no we're not gonna get the good ending i don't know what i did wrong she's dead right she's dead yeah well that's it we're just gonna leave that's the ending we got sorry i couldn't properly show it off but that's one we sadly have to go for uh look it happens they can't talk all right do i just have to go back to the argonia now and tell her she's dead well yeah i try to help her um yeah she died sorry well we tried we suffered heavy losses let us go as i was failing away from silent island the storm got out of control and have washed up on the nearby coast likely still on the island but i'm alone since this skiff is damaged i might as well take shelter inside the islands this is just the beginning of daggerfall there's still more left all right do i have to fight pyramid head i can do it sunken ruins hello there's tons of you here [Music] heel up there you go i need some health and fatigue [Music] all right it's just like the gauntlet we have to kill pyramid head right or the ash ruiner we have to kill him right surely that's like the final countdown area thing all right let's go through is that a dreamer i think it is did your crescent is really boss oh well excuse me it's nice to meet you are you here to help us hello how did you get here ayad how do you know yes i am i had my beloved and i have recently been reunited within these tunnels though it seems like we cannot find a way out if you are as lost as we are do you wish to come along if you would like to work together we would be glad to accompany you yes the entrance is not fair from here are they creatures i think the air creatures how do you know our names you're you're like an ancestor reincarnate sent to guide us i've been searching these songs for fair too long they're dangerous to venture along we must travel together over to survive to lumen cells this is scary are you fake are you real or were the other ones fake and you're real we have the same hair it's hidden under a hat but look it's here okay i was not expecting this i've met ayad and bayouya within these songs alive and well i agreed to help him find the exit this is a trick this is a dirty trick is it just the exit pack out here is there another exit maybe we do just go back out are you going to attack me what place is closing come on caves are collapsing around this come on please tell me you can follow please come on there you go come on journals updates the way i was blocked oh no come on true here i have to find another route oh did something open up back here okay come on new stuffs appeared did like a new room appear [Music] new enemies appeared did something open true here maybe oh okay through here come on chamber of the intros come on yin pastors are real people i don't know okay here's like a final concert room there's two of ye oh i still on my hook i have my hook that makes him fly maybe i actually have to kill him oh what's going on there something's flashing through do i actually have to fight you now i don't know if i can fight you [Music] i can't even hit them i don't have enough charge i don't think i can kill him okay well i need to find some way to escape them again i guess all right so i had a bit of an intermission i've spoken with the mod creator we're gonna do this fight legitimately there is a way to do it i was just a bit i was just a bit lost on what to do okay the cave is falling in on us again i need to wait for this pair to open so yeah come on follow me follow me can i know i'm all refreshed now we're gonna do this fight what we need to do is like lure them and their health should go down like slowly but surely the more we just lure them around we can attack the ash owners i believe but yeah we just need to save all our health and hello corporate stalkers how are you doing all right come on follow me okay so we just have to survive pretty much this gauntlet as long as we can i just need to be patient is what i need to do so lesson learned okay come on okay they're flying all around the place um i just but we're off to a great stairs i think what i just need to do is run around and try to avoid them as best i can yeah i got hit by those arrows okay you can whittle their health down if you want it's too risky they're one shotting me completely all right come on their help should be going down after a while we just have to outrun them because i believe this mod the whole time teaches you the fact that like you're not gonna be able to defeat them on your own like i could barely even stand a chance against him so all i need to do is just okay yeah that should be hitting him i think i just have to wait for these obstacles and stuff to hit them oh he's on his head oh that's brilliant oh he fell off they should be hitting these obstacles which is really well done the obstacles in this arena here sadly we couldn't we couldn't save the girl there's multiple endings to this mod apparently there's five ash statues i missed one of them i thought there was four so that's completely on me once again but look it's cleared with the mod creator there's no worries about that i just missed it so because of that we got one of the because of that we missed an ending and uh this is gonna be tough this is gonna be rough all right let's try and do this come on there's the door opening her health is kind of going down sort of any scrolls actually any scroll that can help me out here i've ambulated shadows i don't know if this is gonna work against them i'm gonna try it can they see me i can't oh god they take so much damage okay now he sees me i think oh he fell down oh i see okay come here they completely don't see me okay i choose to fight a bit with the ammo in the shadows okay come here come here buddy come here oh i see the [ __ ] floor opens come here come here pal come here come here old buddy opel okay you can defeat him if you're powerful enough but otherwise yeah i'm just an impatient bastard okay come on buddy you should be able to see me by now i think he's just uh come on good luck he's bouncing all around the place jump up jump up and get down face he's just jumping around having a good day for himself fair play at your body all right come on oh come on jump in jump in jump in i fell in grace maybe i'm the ash ruiner come on come on there we go that's all we had to do just drop him into the fire that's the plot to return at the jedi is it return it assist return it is return of the jedi movie it sounds like a title return to this i haven't seen those films in a long time i have to change that okay we did it i got the legit ending where's your girl is she true here we need to get her we saved the day there she is come on okay so we've gotten the ending where both of their spirits are dead but they're both at peace which is a kind of a bittersweet can end and i like it i like it it's not the best ending it's not exactly a happy ending i mean she's reunited with her lover in the spears eternal realm you know so that's something come on follow me you too okay i think did you just follow me out here anyway there we go you help me every step of the way mickey d it's all coming back now thank you for everything it's all so clear now those guardians have been holding our souls here and if not for you our torment may have never ended thank you for saving us we did not know we were no longer alive but our souls are free thanks to you all i have is this ring but i want you to take it we won't need it where we're going where we're going we don't need roads okay that's string journal updates i've freed ayad and bayou says soul i'm terrible at names they're now free to explore the afterlife together in peace enjoy it enjoy derek elf sovengard i should probably know as the mormon man where the dark elves go and their afterlife i'm gonna research it after and see that's some new lore i get to read up on honorish how you doing my friend they're both dead so baillya and ayad are reunited in debt we are happy for them you've done them an incredible service mikidi we've enough of us here to sail to their ship are you ready i am ready come let us begin to sail there was a guy in the background there he was the npc we're supposed to encounter he might be here yeah we were supposed to encounter him at some point i completely missed him i think he's the fellow who tells us to put the ash statues on the anvil and to destroy him by the way i cannot thank you enough for my freedom i didn't save you it's my own bad maybe if the viewers are playing this mod themselves and they're going through it they can tell me how to recruit this man this won't be an equal reward to the one you gave me that's the least i can do i didn't save you i feel bad but he gave me a good martyr and pestle i can grind all my peppercorns on that thank you we have a good ship but we don't want others thinking we are of the sixth house lucky dig and phil is a small fishing village we won't find any trouble here also we were able to get the door working to the below deck we did nothing special oh is there like treasure this is the cabin i don't think there's much in the cabin it's very obviously a sixth house ship there's like so much stuff here i'll take the brandy i need the brandy drummer tea i want some tea i want some tea give me that tea i want this nice tea oh that's the mortar pestle uh i want the tea i want the tea there we go good man what does it do restore fatigue that's nice can't complain yeah there's a bunch of stuff here there's the ancient they got brandy so what's below deck is your treasure because we couldn't access the treasure room with the ending we got i believe so um sadly we couldn't access that so we got lower deck but surely there's enough of a reward here soul gem infuser oh this place is dope black soul gems was there always black soldier tomorrow i'm not sure frosted ebony flask oh this is great tea infuser oh we have a team user recharging enchanted item make an enchanted item that's a great reward that's a brilliant reward i suppose you can kind of use this as like a dwelling if you want let's go down here hello ash ruiner oh he's silent is he just here there's an ash runner below deck at the sixth house pirate ship i brought to dig and fell it doesn't seem hostile maybe i can try commanding it is he mine do we have a companion we have a companion i'll come here bald you're a legend i can have his helmet too if i want that's a reward instead of a pirate hat weaving ash ruiner hat what a way to end off that's a great way to end now if we still have the mock shovel on us i might need to drop how much that weighs 120 well i can't take it with me sadly i'll just keep you with me come on but we're going to take and it's so weird having the pyramid head ash ruiner fella following us today and phil come on pal we can do it come on we're going to dig and phil good lad andre so that's about the end of the mod that's it for silent island if you enjoyed i implore you all to check out the mod yourself ghouls and gulets and otherwise i'll see in the next video cheers for watching
Channel: Micky D
Views: 226,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind mods, morrowind mod, morrowidn modding, mods morrowind, mod morrowind, moddign morrowind, morrowind horror, morrowind horror mod, morrowind silent island, elder scrolls, elder scrolls horror mods, elder scrolls horror mod, morrowind playthrough, morrowind lets play, lets play morrowind, morrowind 2021, morrowind in 2021, elder scrolls modding, micky d, micky d morrowind, micky d elder scrolls, elder scrolls III morrowind, elder scrolls morrowind
Id: AaHfojkJGrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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