Can I Defeat an Army of Myself in Morrowind?

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[Music] think it'll [Music] rain so how's it going basement losers and welcome to the elder scrolls tree morrowind so how's it going basement losers how's it going basement losers sometimes i cry at night so today we're doing a challenge where i try not to stay awake at night taking horrible taps so recently we've passed an absolutely insane milestone 200 billion chumbawamba fans can you believe it thanks to all of you for letting me hit this arbitrary milestone here's to many more years of being demonetized by youtube and not getting any support cheers for that so i figured what better way to celebrate than to battle an army of mickey d's in morrowind well i think it's an okay idea anyway it's something to keep you occupied so all the way back in march a morrowind mother by the name of gabba goolking made a morrowind mod by the name of 50 mickey d's and what this does it adds a bunch of really high level mickey d's in tomorrow and they're all above level 25 they're going to be a proper challenge so we're going to need to prepare to take them all out now the thing about this mod is that when it was created it was normal characters with mickey d voice lines and the mickey d name but it didn't have the face because this mod creator was a beginner but they did mention they hope to find somebody who knows a bit about modding that will add this head into the game so i contacted a brilliant morrowind mod creator by the name of vidi and we've added the mickey d head on to a morrowind character it's in the game gabagool king's mod is going to live on it's a collaboration between two morrowind mod creators and i'm happy to announce that the mod is now fully launched and you can download it in the description we're going to try and defeat the mickey d army so i'm going to stop the delay and talk and show [ __ ] and i'll see you in the game as always go to the polls i said go to the polls or ain't gonna [ __ ] do it so i figured what better way to start off this momentous video than with a pointy guinness a bit of a celebratory one i never thought a pint of guinness will make a bubbly morrowind sounds anyway it doesn't show what alchemical benefits it has the only known effect it has is a another clean toilet the day after they're gonna have to what does it do it drains your luck actually you know what that's pretty accurate because the luck of the irish is a pretty ironic phrase i tried to add a sneaky positive message into my video but it didn't fit the whole way my class says if you're reading this you're doing great i wasn't going to point it out but it doesn't look [ __ ] proper whatever so as always with this kind of video i'm taking my time to really tag my fans in the community i'm going to be taking this video as seriously as i do all my others anyway come on rambo we better get going but we have an army to battle yo i'm rambo i watch over this hideaway for ice i live here because she wants it that way but i know lover i earned my keep if you need to put any of those alchemy things away i can sort ingredients while i drank my guinness does that count well i guess that's more of a potion or a concoction it surely is an irish concoction i am well trained in various combat skills and tactics i even know a bit of hocus pocus cheers rocky ball rambo for that if you need an ear to chew on give me some liquor and i could try to be good company while i drank as well sorry about that i need you with me what's the problem i love how big crush that sounds i need you can't with me we're gonna need your help rambo against the army of mickey d's but i'm also a mickey dean myself so you know i don't know what that means existentially okay so this video is actually gonna start with a bit of a mod showcase because [ __ ] why not this is a morrowind mod i found that i think is years old at this point and it's a bit too small to cover for its own video so i chew it into this one because why not as [ __ ] as i can so we're gonna have a little bit of an explorer before we go out and get prepared so we have some nice jim bean barbecue sauce i didn't know jim beam did barbecue sauce all right i'll take that witch is that the liquor you want tremble i can mix up a hell potion i don't know you well enough to tell you anderson if you look like you should be in [ __ ] steel panzerbal that's nice there's like loads of alchemy ingredients in this place it's a great little hideaway you know i really love my lore friendly morrowind mods isn't that right rambo we've a nice fire pit we have like realistic couches i love morrowind mods like these okay well that's just gonna ruin the floorboards we're gonna have black mold soon isn't that great i can't wait to breathe that in and drastically lower my life expectancy so my plan for this video is we need to get prepared to kill the army of over level 25 mickey d's which is going to be absolutely tough we don't need to be here yes actually uh rambo do you want a bottle of imported canadian import fees to get this over to vernonville was [ __ ] astounding batlish douche why not i'll take some canadian for the trip do you want some jim beam blacklive alright is there a black label here here we go does it do anything does it make you stronger i don't feel like a drink right now you're not the real sylvester stallone you're no friend of mine alright so i want to show you one room before we head off into our preparation journey look i know this video is going to be a little bit all over the place but [ __ ] i don't care oh yeah there's a dog here too he's sleeping on the couch good old buster i'll talk to you soon buddy he's a good dog oh he's a salsa wolf we better get out of here they're not very friendly as always this mod too will be linked down below if you want to install it here's the master bedroom isn't that a big bear with no eyes it's one for a fella i have no eyes and i must scream i know the feeling buddy i know the feeling is that just a solstein wolf just stretched all over the ground that's what their textures just look like in the game this is one of my favorite house mods ever this is fantastic let's get a good all realistic one hours of sleep rambo rambo first blows where are you don't tell me i lost a [ __ ] already i think what i can do actually is i can call him back with the bike that's in here and we can get an amulet from him so that i can teleport him to me all the time yes i would like to recall him there you go here we go here take this ice enchanted this with a special telepathy spell so he's given us an ambulance and we can reuse the amulet if we lose rambo because i lost him in the house already i'll take a few more guinness for the journey why not lower my luck i'll need it oh yeah there's also a fully working player piano [Music] brailler friendly ah crossbones oh there's the skyrim logo isn't this that's a real loot sound they used to come with a built-in amplifier back in the day okay we've lost rambo again this mansion's too big i feel like home alone but it's morrowind that'd be a great video title i can hear his footsteps he's not very good at following so oh there he is terrier boys you found me good luck here we go the aquarium you have to see this this is a special one this is my absolute favorite room it's [ __ ] huge this place is gigantic come on rambi can i call you rambi is that a frog oh it's a crab it's like actual real crabs and not mud crabs oh they're so cute they're so detailed i love them anyway here's an orca there's a shark there's a real life morrowind orca his name's willy oh can i free him can i free willy freaking your willy is how you get put on this spot anyway here's a realistic shark he can't move i thought jerks die if they stay still or is that a myth it's probably a myth i don't know myth busted take dust anyway come on rambo we better get going buzz bye willy i'll talk to you soon willy i feel kind of bad because willie is trapped in this aquarium but he's named after free willy isn't there like three or four free willy films how many times has he been captured and let free all right so now we can stare properly on our journey come on randy i'm very [ __ ] gone all right whatever i'm not babing you the whole video room to the beyond so this room comes with a whole bunch of special teleporters so i guess what we want to do is travel to balmora i'm going to need some gold and we're actually going to need a bit of a bit of sujama is what we're going to need uh at the end of the day now i'm not going to try new to sue drama during the battle with the mickey army but i am going to need it for preparation i think there's fort frostmoth caldera balmora there's balmora so there's these little like soul gem crystals all around the place that you can use to travel around it's a cool house mod i definitely do recommend it it's pretty fun i'm listening i know you're listening no no one's listening to me okay so what we're gonna do is we're going to need some gold we're going to need some money i might actually get the sort of white wall while i'm here very powerful sword will need on our journey i need money to increase my lung blade skill and i'm going to need long blade skill to increase my hit chance and i'm going to need to increase my hit chance so we can kill a very special character a character that it's honestly been a while since i've killed in this game stick around for that stick around for that okay i'm going to quick save steal some gold you know you know i [ __ ] you know the run on the mill by now steal some gold oh [ __ ] off he's too quick steal oh he keeps catching me too quick you're too quick but [ __ ] me can i steal this there we go i can do that all right oh he's he's way too fast how is he so quick run god he's not supposed to be this fast it's because i'm using open morrowind i'm using open morrowind for this video instead of the regular engine pay gold okay i don't have a lot of time to go up and get the sword but look i'm gonna try god don't tell me i'm going to it's the beginning of the video i can't have trouble okay what if i'm just in this line of sight like this no see you can't see me [ __ ] sake how the [ __ ] are you catching me [ __ ] off right run run run run [Music] why are you mumbling 29 gold all right get out of the way get out of the way oh he's gonna [ __ ] see me why is my plan failing oh here we go here we go this is the closest i've gotten okay just get around and get around and get around them oh he's too quick walking too finished [ __ ] me why am i having trouble with this i can't get the sort of white wall you know what doesn't matter we have a chance to get a better weapon why did that fail did you see how fast he was running i've never had trouble with that before it's one of those [ __ ] days thanks morrowind thank it's going to be one of those days huh not in the [ __ ] mood now i mean mickey d isn't very slow uh speed of farsi you've seen videos of me do that before i don't know oh yeah he's dancing look at this isn't that great don't question why he's dancing he just is it might also because i installed like a dancing animation mod and it was an exe and i don't know how to uninstall it but i figured i'd keep it because it's funny you know as you do as you do as you do as you do iron tiger fresh usually there's some decent stuff in these crates like shock damage 1 to 25 points that's actually really good we're gonna be getting a lot of really good gold later on anyway but i just want a little bit of pocket change so we can get around the place we're gonna visit our good friend creeper and we're gonna have to visit our good friend revere he's my best friend in this game you know i never exploit revere for his uh daedric weapons or anything like this which i was kind of hoping to get the blade of white wall because we're visiting revere all right i'm going to need a few good drops here now at some point soon decent gear anything usually you can get like random draws of like sparks long swords and stuff like enchanted long swords and stuff but we're just getting soul gems and all that kind of also buckling this video is probably going to be a bit long so get prepared make some tea all that stuff and settle in it's going to be a classic mickey d jaunt into absolutely messing up and i can't wait anyway rambo is gone i can just teleport them to me when i want them around may your battle show only victory friend oh thank you i like how her voice dialogue is so nice but then she's like are you deaf no interruptions i can't think in her dialogue box what's the guinness worth 15. i don't want to sell the goodness canadians were the shit's on do you want canadian take some of this all right 200 gold i'm gonna wait 24 hours sell you some more stuff [Music] 135 gold fair enough fair enough fair enough you a jira don't shake your head at me i'm gonna sell you all my alchemy ingredients even the mock sorry to say 78 gold okay we should have enough now to get a little bit of defense yes get some armor get some decent weapons you the armor man how we do with armor man do i need medium armor as a skill i don't the one time i actually wanted to pick medium armor and i didn't it's 20 so what heavy hammer do you have my man i'll buy some iron stuff and then substitutes with a medium curious i think i have acts as a skill that's 500 gold fine i won't take the ball mold then all right fair that's all i can afford that's all i can get i have to cover up my mickey d head for now you barely any defense my axe skill is 45 oh yeah the mickey d head is implanted onto an org body so we have all the north benefits you know as a proper irishman proper celtic anyway hello revere hello my baby hello my honey you'll have to go down now cause it has no time for you revere is actually a bit strong if he catches you off guard like that this one is no more there we go now he went down easily i'm going to take his daedric weapons we could actually keep his daedric weapons but we're going to be getting a daedric weapon anyway in one of my plans we're going to see how that works nordic helmets is a lot better than the iron one i can tell you that much hairsheel hey we're getting some healing in all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to travel to our good friend creeper we're going to sell off the daedric weapons get some good gold we're also going to steal the orcish armor and sell that off too so we'll add some really good gold and to stir it to my genius plan it's gonna set into motion and you're gonna see and it's a special one so i'm kind of treading old ground with a lot of this preparation i think it's gonna work out i think it's gonna work out well i should have added stripes to cast i like that mod whatever maybe for next time we could have had a kissy companion along with rambo while rambo got lost hello he's flying in the air citizen aren't they he's dancing he's flying in the air it's just normal morrowind fight dance well too should be able to take this stuff by now he doesn't seem to care did i get a bounty oh i did it he could have bounty however he's not trying to stop me anyway hello creeper he's creeping good lad orcas should i equip the orcish no i'm gonna need a bunch of gold as you'll see later on i'm gonna need to wait 24 hours let's see how much gold can we get out of this i could like stand around and do a bunch of like alchemy exploits and stuff but that's going to take a lot of time and this video is going to be long enough as it is so i'm not going to worry about that for the moment 1700 3000 we should be over 10 000 gold which is pretty dope 125 195 290 gold i could sell this to the mudcrab merchant actually and i'll get a bunch more gold from it i'll have to go to sarando all right i'll visit the mud crab merchant because that might actually be a quicker way and we'll get a bit more gold from a little bit of a detour boss won't take too long won't take too long it'll be two seconds it'll be two seconds stop [ __ ] panting at me i'm going to equip this sword for now fiend katsana just have for a better defense travel we're gonna go back to balmora then we can go to the silstrider actually join the mages guild yes i would i'm gonna take all your stuff so i can sell that if i need a little bit extra gold later on i'm actually gonna visit the fighters guilds look the mickey d army is gonna be pretty tough to battle so we're gonna need as much gear as we can get everyone's just dancing yes so i want to join the fighters guild and i want to steal your free crap i'm gonna need to repair hammers thank you so before we go to saran i'm gonna sell off this extra stuff for a little bit more gold i just want enough gold as possible before we do this really tough battle later on ensemble intervention cure disease divine intervention i'll just sell those 125 gold you want some soul gems which stuff i think my fatigue was empty while i was burgering i'm a very good marwin player for people that don't know yes that affects prices isn't that great i love rpgs like this you know they're actually rpgs and 20 magicka not really else sellers you can have the book you can have the arrows all right decent a bit of gold okay we're just a little bit over 10k we can get 19 000 gold and i think that should be enough for what we want to do actually before we visit the mudcrab merchant i might as well just do my bears ring now so you my good man you should have bottomless ujama right okay you sold zujama now what i want to know is do you restock yes you do oh bottomless sue jammer remember when i used to go all the way out to the farthest hole in the wall to do this well you can just do it here you can do it here very easily all right so i'm going to drop the clothing for half drop the iron dagger okay yeah 45 zujama that should be enough to defeat the one person i want to do now i don't want to rely on sujama when we're fighting the enemy like i said but for this one character we need to kill it'll be handy it'll be handy i might need two loads of sujam actually i probably am gonna need it we're visiting creeper or visiting the mudcraft merchants we're visiting all the popular marvel characters today we're bringing them all in we're getting the crew back together also i'm going to be very slow because i'm full up on zoojama fun do i know yeah i have 200k subs i like big numbers big numbers makes me happy defines my worth even though i really shouldn't i'm running open morrowind with this and i have the view distance pretty cranked up and the game is running smoothly it looks beautiful i gotta love tomorrow and modding community folks not a single hitching gameplay i can see the tombs all the way over there and everything isn't it great now it's been a while since i visited the modcrat merchant so it should be over here right now i was very smart morrowind player and i took acrobatics as a minor skill so hopefully we should maybe get a good level up from that one or two that'd be kind of handy i kind of need the health and motorcraft version is around here right i didn't walk too far i used to other fish do i not have always used best attack on i don't what kind of morrowind player am i mud crab where are you around here rice you should be yeah he's over here all right is it a man or a woman we actually never find out i shouldn't have sold my scrolls vault semi intervention i really shouldn't have done that i move very slowly hi merchant how are we doing bud you better actually take my sword yes you will 9000 gold that'll do crap that'll do actually what we could do is make our way to malik mare so i've collected all this gold because we need to get our long blade skill up pretty high and there's a reason we're going to need our longblade skill to be pretty high it's because there's a particular character in this game that's really hard to hit if you have a low longblade skill so i want to get my lung blade skill up so we can actually hit this character that's why i have loads of gold to train it because we're still only level one i just created this fresh character and we started off in the modding house but we're pretty much level one all the basic skills so i need to bump up my long blade skill pretty quickly is the mod crab gonna catch up to me i'm just slightly faster than the mud crab that's great hello do i know you no why does everyone say that do i know you am i falling out of relevance probably that's what happens when you hit a high number people are like ah well he's not a small youtuber now he's not cool we'll forget supposing every time i pass this orc i remember there was an old youtube video may your battle show only victory friend thank you here's the crystal to transport uh isis room to the beyond insurance but i always remember there's a youtube video involving that orc i believe the video was called a regular day in morrowind and i think it came out all the way back in like 2006 2007 it was a really old youtube video and it was about going on an adventure with her and like a bonewalker that video was now long delicious it's long gone does anyone else recall that video i think was one of the most popular morrowind videos way back in the day malik mayor here we go i'm not the only one that remembers this sorry for the tangent the reason we're in malik mirror is because there is a long blade trainer that trains all the way up to level 100. altman stratton in the armager stronghold and i don't think we need to be paired with any guild in order to train with them amateur stronghold and malagmare okay i've said this before but malik mare is pretty much just schifferveck it's pretty small so we should be able to find the emergency stronghold there's the underworks i don't think during the underworks we're gonna have a small pop around also this particular character has a daedra claymore that's why i brought this tsujama that's why it's all fitting into place folks it's all fitting into place i really hope my plan works okay i need the amateur stronghold but i'm not sure exactly it might be in the underworks we're gonna find him we're gonna find him we're gonna find it together what about here what's here there's a smith amateur stronghold found us alright what do you want okay i'm hoping this fella is actually on their own not surrounded by anyone hmm where's the guy i'm looking for is the ultras or something what's her name i forget already almost drastic you're the man what is this regarding nord i need a particular set of skills training long blade here we go now i don't know how much money it's actually going to cost i'm going to use all the money i have and see how much long blade skill we can get and we should hopefully get a few levels from this with 18 000 gold let's see how many skills we can get from this okay this might take a minute this might take a little bit we're going through a gold kind of quick look i just need as much long blade skill as i can get even if we don't get it super high this is all just a benefit right this is all gonna help out if i can get it to around 60 i'll be happy i don't even think we're gonna get into 60 at this point we are burning through our gold quick and i level up if he likes me more do i get a bit of a discount on training maybe that's a feature i would hope so oh i forgot there's governing skill attributes and everything what does long blade govern again i forgot about that strength okay well we can level up right oh i need to actually rest level up can i use your bed is that legal are you gonna arrest me for clicking on this no what's my long blade skill 60 okay 60 should actually be okay 60 is actually not that bad all right so i level up twice to level three and actually get some buffs alms you've a really good weapon what i need to do is taunt alms to attack me and he's gonna start dancing isn't that great he's excited to stare dying i know i've just trained my lung blade a bunch but i'm actually gonna use my axe to kill him because that's all i have i couldn't get the sort of white wall but with the tsujama we should be able to hit him and take him down persuasion taunt okay taunting is actually successful we just need to keep taunting until he attacks us i might not even need to taunt him actually let me try let me try let me try sorry my plan is just the worst plan ever but look okay let's drink to about 25 fill in kill them in his did anyone else notice still have a bounty 40 give me that danger claymore this is mine he also has a bunch of like glass stuff which i guess i'll equip for now because it's some armor racing look it looks nice there we go i have a nice glass armor says i can drop the iron stuff it's not giving me much of an armor racing because i'm not really skilled in light armor but look every little helps now we have a danger claymore oh now we're in better form now we're doing a bit better hello don't look in there it's a bit dirty so i still have 25 sujamma quickly and i have a long blade skill 60 look it should still be beneficial so what we're going to need to do now well i'm going to level up twice and then we're going to make our way to mournhold we're going to fight ganor we're going to kill him i needed a high lung blade skill to take down ganor and we're going gonna do us oh we're gonna do this if you don't know genor's really powerful character in mournhold and he's really difficult to his because he has a very high lock status so that's why i needed my lung blade skill to be as high as possible to just get one hit into ganor with all our sujama so let me rest strength by five oh i'm mid maxin are you proud of me chat while my endurance can only go up by one so i'm not min maxin very well hi derek brotherhood bye now don't have too much room to take your armor i shouldn't need a lot of this but i'll take the expensive stuff in case i need to buy more stings oh dude the ebony derrick that's where the shit's on if they don't drop the ebony there before you kill them you get to take it and it's pretty good i should actually be putting up my agility i'm not getting any uh extra buffs to my skills here i'm leveling up very inefficiently can i get one more now okay we're level three health 72 doesn't really help us too much butcher look okay we're gonna travel to mornhold hopefully this works out then we're gonna go to the arena and try and take on the mickey d's i don't know how well we're gonna do but i guess we'll have rambo on us i don't know how powerful rambo is buzz i guess we'll see once we get to the arena full of mickey d's there's also mickey d's in the fighters guild i was in the fighters guild building i could have visited him oh whatever we'll get to the arena and we'll take him out in why walk when you can ride am i right when you can walk alright travel i should be able to take the boat down here straight to evan hart i'm sure right it's been a bit it's been a few minutes i think it's actually been like one or two months since i played morrowind on the channel which has actually been a while for me it's been abyss but the morrowind content is never gonna go away as long as i get ideas i guess other than that reason stopping me it's never going to stop folks i'm just hoping i've enough longblade skilled hiking or i don't have very high agility i should have probably taken that into account there is an alchemist in mournhold but i don't know if they have like fortify agility or anything as a skill okay we have to start the quest i forgot to talk to you oh yeah pay goal did you take much of my stuff okay you didn't take much all right speak freely friend i've been attacked by the dark brotherhood bring me to the mainland transport to mournhold all right perfect we can go i forgot i had a bounty on me but he didn't take much of my stolen stuff if i even had any on me if you kill someone and take their stuff it doesn't count as stolen it's yours now it's fair and square transport mournholds i've been marked by the tech brotherhood goodbye palace courtyard i didn't get to say hi to the argonian because i can just turn around how are you today not too bad not too bad now to go rain all right we're ignoring it's a rainy night where's my man hopefully we can actually take him on so gador is gonna want gold from us but uh sorry but i don't think so no i'm not giving you my gold no i'm not kidding and ganor doesn't like being told no gennor doesn't like being told no and he's gonna return in about 24 hours ish around and he's gonna appear with some really powerful gear and he's gonna be a challenge he's honestly one of the toughest npcs in the game besides really powerful lich that is really glitched in morrowind and or health buffs if you have a certain patch installed that's the other really tough npc in the game i'll guess i'll take a small visit to the potion shop i doubt you've any you've won flynn do you restock actually you don't really stock on flynn okay do you have any fortify exclusive fortify fatigue fortified health i'll take lightning shield swift swim light resistance there's restoration i don't need to restore oh yeah might need some restore health for the battle ahead i have plenty of gold so i'll take plenty of those for the arena battle plenty stocked up plenty stocked up hopefully so instead of spamming zujama during the arena fight we're going to spam restore health and fatigue like a proper morrowind player we're gonna change up the exploits here today folks now the great thing about morrowind is that you can play this game however you want you can do whatever exploits you want you can do no exploits if you want you can play the game very straight or you can just exploit the [ __ ] out of it and become a god very quickly that's the beauty of morrowind and i know i'm gonna get a bunch of comments of people telling me different exploits i could have done different ways i could have done things and it honestly shows how great morrowind's gameplay mechanics are that there's so many different ways to get to the same end goal to become really powerful and i'm gonna get a bunch of people telling me drawn strats and everything and that's great i have my own strats you of yours these are the ones i'm going to use you the ones that you use you know if we all did the same exploits if we all did the same things it wouldn't be a very interesting video if you knew exactly what i was going to do we're all just having fun playing video games that's all it is that's all it'll ever be i probably should have taken the boots of blinding speed i forgot about him ah well it's a bit late now we're too far into it the bears here yeah yeah take care take care stranger get out of the way tickle rain oh they're lovers did you know walter white's son is actually named after flynn from morrowind that's what he wanted to be named after you're very tall yes all right you're very small what do you want i know all right flynn flynn flynn cleveland come on okay plenty of flynn they actually want some of my tsujama tsujama weighs a [ __ ] son flynn is the way to go [ __ ] you jammer i can't afford the transaction [ __ ] all right that should maybe hopefully be enough 25. surely that's enough right i forget how much strength to boost anyway we have a small bit of sujama on backup in case i need it but it's going to lower my agility i just need to get one hit onto ganor he's super tough to hit because he is such a powerful lock enchantment which means it's hard for your hits to connect because he's so lucky he also has a slight lock ambulance that we're gonna guess which should be a bit of a benefit in the arena but it doesn't boost our luck to the insane degree that his luck status boosted to anyway it's just like 15 points or whatever so it's a bit of a boost it's something you know we're also going to get his ebony armor and that's going to be really great to have we're almost to the home straight folks we just have to take out ganor we are almost there all right general i don't have too much defense with my armor i only have [ __ ] glass stuff no where are you is it two days ignore do i have to leave wait 24 hours and come back nor you better spawn but i need to take you out there's gennor alright make a safe we could be here a bit trying this [Music] ah wish me luck lads the nazis wish me luck hi ganor how are you doing buzz this is too easy well well look who it is my dear friend mickey d we're the best of buds just my luck you should stumble in here indeed it seems my good fortune knows no bounds despite my mistreatment at your hands i found rich's been able to influence just about anyone i talk to and can you believe i've never lost a fight never even gotten a scratch somehow i don't think i'll have a problem continuing that streak and i owe ya oh [Music] okay okay okay 25 flynn all right come on just hit just a hit okay he's knocking me down him knocking me down that quick is a bad sign not very good not very good but we do have exclusive results which are very handy to have and he took me down very quickly isn't that grace come on just one hit on one hit on the fella one hiss you don't deserve to live yeah you're probably right now you're going he's going to keep knocking me down see this is the problem he's very hard to use now before a bunch of people there criticizing morrowind's combat because of this fight i just want you to keep in mind this is an endgame fight you're supposed to be a really strong character doing this fight and uh you take down ganor fairly easily if you're pretty overpowered i'm at the beginning of the game my stats are low it's gonna be hard to hit so keep that in mind it's not really fair to criticize morrowind's combat just for this place because i'm doing it at a very low level all right this is going to take a while i'm going to turn down the effects so i just don't hear that [ __ ] crunching sound that morrowind has all right it's going to take a few tries come on ganor come on [ __ ] sick what's my strength at 500 i actually don't think 500 is enough and puffing my lung blade to 60 was not enough it was not enough you should run now grace maybe i should okay i just need to keep trying keep trying we'll get there eventually we'll get there eventually one hit come on just one hit just one hit bastard hey [ __ ] come on come on come on keep trying we're gonna get him once hopefully i'll see you dead ah this is annoying this is annoying come on i thought we'd fare a little better like we're gonna test something watch this before he hits us don't [ __ ] knock me down i want to test something i'll just just run away from now just run back just from back just run back i want to show you this i want to show you something we're going to go in here right see all these guards you have sealed your fate i should be able to kill them oh whatever just [ __ ] hit him come on while you can please don't tell me this plan is gonna fail i've come all the way out here please don't tell me it's going to fail i really can't afford had this plan fail now you're going to get it [ __ ] come on this is a problem this is a huge problem surely i should be able to like hit the ordinators and stuff right so you can take them then kind of quick what i could do is take their armor because it is good armor racing i'm probably not gonna be able to run very quick the armor is also sacred to their order so i better not be caught wearing this i'm gonna have to use the tsujama i can swipe a few more hits now i'm kind of wasting my time because uh like my strength isn't very high so even if i hit him once i'm afraid it's not going to do too much damage he's just dancing okay i need to think about this oh ramble i can call rambo rambo should be some kind of help to get some kind of hits in maybe i don't know how powerful he is but we can try and spawn him in and what i can do now is just sell my glass stuff because this part is [ __ ] on buy a [ __ ] on more sujama because that really buffs her strength but it does [ __ ] up her agility or intelligence not agility one of them ruins agility oh was i wrong this whole time folks this video is a learning experience i think the people here have a lot of gold comparison with this guy is worried about women grace you're not frank mccourt 8000 gold all right only a thousand he doesn't like me very much that's 5000 gold still should be more than enough to get some good zoo jammer right i just need one hit i'm gonna work just one six thousand gold all right we all profit isn't that right but isn't that right just don't talk to ordinators with this armor or you'll be marked for life 9000 maxill all right we have 14 000 gold now i've never worn this armor set in morrowind actually it looks cool i like it a lot i need to buy more tsujama i just need to make sure that when i hit him it kills him it can't be like oh it only like hits him once and it does like a little bit of damage or puts his head down halfway because i just need to hit him once hit him direct and kill him we're going to hit him eventually we just need the stairs to line up you know maybe rambo 2 can take like the brunt of the damage i don't know how powerful he is but it should be some benefit right hopefully ah this is really taking a while and we're not even to the main event justice doesn't it just i just killed one of your guards i've only 40 bounty i just killed one of your guards in like an open area don't actually have too much space for such ammo i'm gonna need to drop some stuff you don't need too many repair hammers [Music] i could just drop the majority of them before the fight i need drugs alcohol anything give it to me baby drama uh-huh uh-huh give me tons more all the girls say and pursue fly for the morrowind guy how much is that 44 is that even enough 44 44 should surely be enough with the danger claymore and everything we're going to call rambo before we start to fight we're going to hit him this time we're in it for the long haul but we're going to hit him i'll judge your words fair as as you should you should judge everyone's words you should question the person where are you he's over here around okay there he's running straight towards me all right first thing i need is fatigue and the amulet contact rambo yes oh no i'm hearing voices in my head let's meet back at the hideaway stare where you where i'll meet you let's meet back at the hideaway okay he just went back to that hideaway place i thought the amla would recall him here okay well he just recall back to the hideout and i can go back fun i won't have his help all right whatever drink all your drugs strength is a thousand can i get over two thousand twenty two hundred strength here we go come on i know it's gonna take a few tries come on i'm probably gonna be here while constantly retrying this so i'm probably gonna cut a lot of this out but i'm just gonna keep persisting and backing away and trying to hit him also this jam is gonna wear off after a while so i really have to get that first hit in pretty quick but since i'm dying constantly um i can keep trying to get that one hidden like my agility is not damaged right it's pretty low can i hit you there is noise i can barely invade him surrender your life to me okay the telling thing can i kill an ordinator in one hit it'd be pretty telling if i could if i can't that's a bad sign you cannot escape the righteous okay i can i can kill him on one hit i'm pretty strong right york i should be able to take the i'm gonna warn one is you don't or even if i just get one hidden i can leave get some healing in and come back and hit him again come on get off get up get up the [ __ ] i thought buffing my longblade skill would really help me out to work to just get one hit in boss apparently not like i haven't hit him once is my agility that low what if i just as a test i just want to see if this works s h e i l i t agility 100 i'm also going to make a save called sheet save so i can revert back to my older say but i just want to make sure this works even with my agility at 100 i'm not hitting him that's kind of an issue [Music] my agility is at a hundred this isn't making sense it's really not making sense i don't get this even when it chill is he at a hundred i'm not hitting him this isn't making sense run while you can like my agility is still a hundred i'm still just testing this boss i'm going to load back my previous save and i'm just going to keep trying so as you can see my agility is still at 31 but i don't i don't understand why i'm not hitting him i don't get it i should be hitting him how long do i have to stay here doing this i don't even know if this is possible i just can't hit him i can hit the other characters but not him this is eroding my will at the moment we also can't bring rambo to the fight because he's just gonna get lost on the way no one can challenge me that's one my plans are kind of breaking down come on come on the [ __ ] i'm only gonna try this for like 15 more minutes and if it doesn't work out i'll have to do a plan b which i have a plan for i'm also loading i'm loading wrong save can i delete this one load my quick save that's the most recent one it really should have worked i don't don't [ __ ] whistle at me but [Music] like his chance to hit feels like it's zero i've been here a long time there's obviously some chance to hit him i've been here like 10 minutes just trying to lure him trying to hit him like my chances can't be zero right statistics do say i can hit the other characters but i'm just not getting any hits nothing's connecting even with my agility on 100 for some reason it's not connecting i don't know if it's an open morrowind thing because i know an open morrowind with specific weapons it takes a long [ __ ] time to hit some enemies because hitboxes are also janked up like hit the ordinators fine i could hit them okay look at this place isn't it great hit him see i can attack him why not gnur like his chance to hit isn't zero or the chance to hit him you know what i mean am i just hitting the wrong area of him i'm aiming for his body torso i guess but i was able to hit the other character fine it's nothing i'm doing wrong hitting him wise right my lung blade skill is 60. i've done this fight a few times and it's never taken this long [Music] i sincerely don't understand i really don't it doesn't add up i'm not gonna walk away from this i'm going to hit him okay this is going to take well i need some kind of buffs and advantages you don't have enough magic to cast [ __ ] all right give me some standard restore health i'm gonna need to think of ways to fortify my agility and fortify my lung blade because for the moments i'm kind of lost i could do some alchemy but my alchemy skill is very low i think what i'm gonna need to do is travel to balmora i'm going to need to do some alchemy i need to train alchemy buff it up a bunch and then create some fortified agility potions and come back to this oh this video is going to be a long one we're in for the long haul folks i didn't think this was going to be such an issue for the empire good for the empire what we can do is we can acquire the alchemy set in balmora i can hit other characters i should be able to hit an ore it doesn't make sense and i'm not bring me back to vernenville i need to steal the master alchemy set and i'm going to need to go to an alchemy trainer and buff off my alchemy enough that i can make some fortified agility potions all right i need to really buff my agility i have a slight amount of gold should be enough to get us somewhere i'm going to need to buy more sujama 2 on our way back or flynn i guess i can just buy a bunch more flynn but flynn costs a lot and sue gem is a lot more cheaper but it weighs more ah all right whatever just focus on one thing at a time this video knows just more about fighting gnordon anything caldera is where the alchemy set is dalmore mages guild caldera steal the alchemy set do i even need to train alchemy i'm gonna try something i'm gonna get the uh alchemy set first which you can just take it's up here and i'm probably just gonna buy a [ __ ] ton of the ingredients and just keep spamming potions so here's the set all right what's this potion poison resistance okay so i looked it up for restoragility and i need a rubrush slowed soap you've any roux brush or slow rubra shrew brush rubrush rubrush rubrush rubrush he don't sell the alchemy ingredients i need and about in balmora go ahead i'm listening rubrush slow soap rashmi's are our mock mock you don't have it there's an alchemist in all drone right i can visit that i guess unless there's an alchemist also here in the mages guild rubrush and slowed soap i need to buy these in bulk and really just keep spamming them if any alchemist here i did not think this was going to happen we should have been able to hacknor like we really should have been able to hit him and somehow we weren't able to i don't understand why i buffed my lung blade skill to avoid this rubrush slots up you saw slow soap rubrush i think fire salts too also um fortify agility but they're pretty expensive 600 gold each and you don't restock on slow top ectoplasm too i'll check them one more time ectoplasm would actually help you sell octopus [Music] you sell one and you don't restock that's a problem that's a problem the aldrum temple has a restocking supply of root brush okay the old rune temple do you want something no i don't need you i just want to keep buffing my agility even past 100 to just really get hidden on this [ __ ] affects your ability to dodge and hit targets we should be able to get pretty overpowered from this i'm also going to need someone with a restocking amount of ectoplasm slowed soap costs too much fire salts cost too much ultraman temple i need the alchemist grave dust ghoul hair shock not what i need you my man or woman you sell scrolls not what i need you better faction members [ __ ] off okay it's from someone else then also dan also then oh so where's that oh so dan also did i already encountered them also i could also go to sage mora in the apothecary maybe they're upstairs and i miss them please don't tell me i need to be a faction member then also quickly outlander i haven't much time okay rubrush on ectoplasm to restock if you restock an ectoplasm should be started [Music] we're started oh we should be okay now i'm going to need so much restorative potions so many but this should give us the advantage we need good old alchemy exploits okay i almost have 100 of each i have more than 100 of each well if i get to 100 ectoplasm then i'll make a bunch of potions my alchemy skill is very low by the way but with all these ingredients we should be able to make a few at least only a [ __ ] ton to gold actually what i think i can do is if i save and i sell her back all of this then i bears her from her i should be able to multiply these like a huge extent yes i can oh yes i can oh it should be started okay now this is gonna take a while to make all these potions but it should we're work potions okay we're getting there we're making them we're making them we're making them it should honestly be enough 400 clicks okay our alchemy is going up if i just stack all these alchemy potions we should be set the more alchemy skill goes up the better potions we make the more portions we make it's going to be a lot of clicking train health train health what it should be fortify alchemy or fortify agility we're getting our alchemy up i guess suppose oh here we go now we're making fortified agility but it's gonna drain my health too at the same time great what's the ingredient that's draining the health is it the rue brush because we can probably swap it out for a different alchemy ingredient okay so ectoplasm is fortifying agility you sell any inner ingredient that fortifies agility so fire salts rubrush slow soap those also work do you sell slow soap nope what happens if i drink all my drain health does it kill me or does it just drain my health enough to just get me down to one point oh this is just fortified agility oh okay we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there don't have a lot of gold i can just sell some of these potions back if i need to it's a lot of clicking my hand's gonna be very tired at the end of this this better be enough agility oh lord it better be enough i don't like that guy looking at me on the race is enough agility potions to get by ford valley agility 10 points for 20 seconds that's six of them nine points for twenty nine points for night yeah we should oh yeah [ __ ] we're started okay we have a ton now what i just need to do is we're gonna need to get more to jamma we're gonna make our way back do i even need to kill either no we're going to do it we're just going to do it then we're going to fight my clone army i forgot that was the main goal and not ganor oh man it's been a journey it has already been a journey oh it's a nice dawn day in aldrune looks very beautiful very picturesque morrowind still looks stunning do you go to vivec balmoral bring me close why why winning tonight the vic there we go we're almost back we're almost back already and we need to go to the bear first to stock up and then we can go straight to the courtyard and fight him again this has to work this time it should work there's no reason why it shouldn't his chance to hit isn't zero you know there's no reason why we shouldn't be hitting him as you can tell i feel really defeasive boss not defeated enough to stop it's going to take a lot more than that to erode my will there's the dead guard i took the [ __ ] hammer from it's cool armor set though i like it a lot take care stranger oh thank you he just said take care of me all right now i'm going to need some space so i'll drink the guinness why not thunderfall i don't need shirts i don't need i need all the space i can get i'll drop all the [ __ ] roof stuff that was a [ __ ] on i'll keep the drain health for now with so much agility anytime friend i'm right here okay berserk you my man how much is this 40. i don't know 40 is exactly enough i'm gonna drop the breastplates of the air mercedes and the helmet i'm not going to care too much about defense as long as i can just hit you know i get 10 okay should be able to get two more race yes all right that's 52 zujama that should be enough to kill him if you actually get to his end there's the mickey d heads remember that's what the video is about number number does walk in him i'm gonna miss you i'm alexia [ __ ] all right here's the uh plaza okay where's the courtyard here all right one last time go ahead one more round come on ganor i can take it ganor should appear from this side right where are you about there he is okay he's over there here's five fortify agility trick those six more my julie is now 131. it's close to 300 now [Music] agility is now 400. childish over a thousand this is probably overkill yeah i'm gonna leave it at that and i guess save more fortified agilities for the leaky device okay all our sugar [Music] all of it this has to work pray for me folks pray for me come here buddy [ __ ] you it's [ __ ] dead right you did it you prick give me your fortified luck give me that armor fortified luck can i fortify agility and i have healing potions [Music] [ __ ] you pal [ __ ] you let's go we have an arena to get to he's dancing he's dancing for my victory let's just get this over with take me to vernon phil goodbye amber raining 77. i've heard these biggies are kind of strong though we're going to try it first with no sugar i guess we'll just go straight there to vivek which we're pretty close to since we're in ebenhairs how do we get over here i'm over and cumbered all the sujama is worn off yeah i'm going to need to drop the shield it's very heavy all right let's keep going now i'm running very slowly just need to get to the arena then i can voice my army you know the the challenge that we came here for the one that's in the title and the thumbnail the one we talked about in the intro that's the actual real challenge of the video folks i have a bit of restore health and stuff don't know if it's going to be enough but look travel the deck i need the arena canton bring me into the arena great michael chenkerson just just bring me in actually here's a crystal oh rambo we're gonna get rambo then we can come back here to vec okay it's all gonna end off here it's all going to end off here let's get rambo and get out here go to vivek i'm gonna make sure he follows me all the way because i'm going to need him in this battle hopefully we can actually take on the mickey the army i'm hoping we can do that let me get a bit of rest in see my nice master bedroom i like the bed sheets here very nice here's the kitchen come on boss let's get out of here what's the problem i need you to come with me you better not let anyone touch me harass i touched you are you intimidated do you not like a manly touch i'm a man now we both became men today isn't that right rambo okay a teleportation room is downstairs let's play the piano once more for luck one more loose play let's get out of here bud bring one canadian why not fortify strengths canadians pretty op give me canadian let's go even off canadian back up room to the beyond are you there rambo there you airport come on i'll drew and i think vivek was here balmora caldera digging phil mises frostmoth ghostgate flowers where's vivek cool cool is very cool sages say that of course it's the [ __ ] one the last ones i see tell bernard the foreign quarter here we are jesus didn't take too long huh you do ramble you better be at my backboard might even be able to take like the boat services i don't know if you'll follow me if i do i guess we can test this arena come on randby there you are boys come on oh the vet looks great [ __ ] to traverse but it looks great come around rambo rambo first how would you get six films if you can't even walk up a bridge there you go do i enter the arena from the very top here's the way it works you might be able to get in from here there's a stairway up okay maybe i do need to go all the way up here's the army they should all be in here oh [ __ ] me since they're even saying basement losers and everything they're saying my line okay i need to get into the arena from here i'm going to jump down here first okay i can get in from the waist works i just need to go downstairs again because i need rambo to come in with me i don't think they're hostile at first so i could just go in and take them on one at a time but that's not very fun so i'm gonna attack a bunch and see how we fare here's the piss all right it should be it let's go around both hope you're prepared but hope you're prepared the italian stallion and the irish prick let's go how's it going losers how's it going how's it going how are you doing welcome to the vec me kitty i'm mickey d that's me anyway how's it going shut up rambo you're in the [ __ ] way but rambo first all right [Music] okay there's a bunch okay now i think of enough i growth oh god they're doing a lot of damage oh god rambo are you there buddy you're helping out i hope rambo is helping they're knocking me down not very good not very fun [Music] i'm a little jealous okay he's not came down okay okay referring okay for the moment we're doing all right they're knocking me down not very fun not very fun not very epic oh i just killed one of them is is rambo dead i think he was knocked down no he's still holding up you should have picked an easier opponent i know i'm picking you you're an easy opponent he's trying to [ __ ] he's throwing arrows at them did you just say did i say something i shouldn't have i think it is i have one fortify health don't have too much more health potions i need to really ration these okay still holding up okay still holding up okay come on take him out take out the mickey's take out the mickey's i can take out myself i could try stop calling me a facebook loser you didn't say anything this is already much easier than the canor fight anyway come on take him out there's so many [Music] [Music] yeah i'm going to attack i'm going to try this okay i'm gonna work from the outside hello it's me again hello to you again hello it's me okay i'll take him home take him out we're getting there we're getting there we're pretty strong when they gang open you like this it's not very fun it's a proper challenge i will bathe in your blood while you still knock me down and knock me down well hello it's me you hello to me i know it's me come on come on come on okay rambo's still alive i think i think that's the sound of him being knocked down though so not a very good sign oh come on only have two healing potions left a little bit and he takes it out come on can i rest i can wait waiting waiting's not very useful okay i got one healing ready to go back in rambo i think he can do us i think we're doing well oh really you're gonna die where you stand are you gonna attack go outside okay i thought i'm too much healing we need to go back in but i need to whittle down the last one [Music] don't think we have enough healing to get by i need to take out the ones that are attacking me at least and see if we can at least heal god they're talking so much it's just annoying can you even hear me over them [ __ ] me we knew this was tough i'm not pushing this oh i accidentally hit him i think i still have loads of fortified agility so drink up those you're growing okay julie's great i'm knocking him down quick agility very op okay jilly's going to help us out tons you should have picked it yeah it just knocks him down so easily rambo's holding up well i don't know if he's very powerful but he's still alive i guess you're crazy i know i'm fighting an army of myself can i rest i can waste an hour all right we're gonna tin the rest of the herd there's just a corpse of me everywhere i don't like seeing this it's little obsessing yes i'm attacking you this is too easy i'm just slaughtering the rest of them this is really therapeutic in a way it's a great way to get your anger out just attacking yourself in morrowind how does it feel down you go only a few more left you're growing wheels hello it's me again go down you go are you gonna attack me yes i'm attacked you should have picked an easier you're growing you will die where you stand almost there almost there almost have to hurt them i'll go oh god i'm migrating too much megaring too much this isn't good wiping out pretty easily though kind of i don't have too much healing left so it's a thing i don't think i have any healing left one last herd one last hurt come on let's do it only a small few left hello it's me again hello you're growing weak ah all right all right chelsea's last year come on come on still a few more dad around but something i shouldn't ramble's knocked down don't kill him he needs to stay alive he's useless but i kind of want him alive are you the last one know rambo i know we're almost done but we're almost done this is the biggest battle ever there's one left there's one left hello it's me again hello goodbye fool you're really a loser um oh really i took them all down jesus how many of them were there they were all so i level and we did okay unto her that we did all right i think i still have like one healing potion remaining cheers all of you for watching this strange 200k video there was ups and downs and highs and lows but we did it it's over it's done rambo we did it he is traumatized he's ptsd from all these dead bodies you think i should be the one with ptsd it's all me just plastered all over the floor dez what do you all have like more platters they have hunter's belts too grace of course they all have landmark platters of course they do cheers again all of you for watching there'll be plenty more great morrowind content in the future plenty more videos you know the crack plenty more elder scrolls plenty more weird mods weird mods forever because people keep making them and i'll talk to you on the next video cheers again you're a useless companion buddy are you the final battle the final battle is actually rambo see you he's really op healing okay he was actually pretty weak he was coming to get me honest i ramble his knife that's a good weapon i have two of them i've rambled quiver too and rambo rambo's bow wouldn't it just be called a rambo guesses what a great joke to end the video on because my channel is just one big joke
Channel: Micky D
Views: 175,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind micky d, morrowind mods, morrowind modding, morrowind in 2022, morrowind modding 2022, morrowind micky d mod, micky d mod, can i defeat an army of myself in morrowind, morrowind lets play, morrowind playthrough, lets play morrowind, best morrowind mods, morrowind challenge, morrowind gaenor, morrowind vivec, morrowind tips and tricks, morrowind alchemy exploit, morrrowind alchemy, morrowind exploits, morrowind best exploits, elder scrolls morrowind
Id: E_w75NzQku4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 29sec (3809 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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