Morray on "Quicksand" Getting 50 Million Views, Industry Plant Accusations, Jail Stories & More

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no jumper coolest podcasts in the world and today we have one of the hottest up-and-coming artists on the scene marae how you feeling hey i'm feeling blessed and feeling good how you feeling baby great man i i'm a big fan of the music and as soon as i started to see you on camera and [ __ ] i was like wow this guy's a [ __ ] rail light i like it hey i appreciate it hey i'm just trying to be different smile more than even me what it is where does that positivity come from though it feels like so many people in the rap [ __ ] are kind of like consumed with the tough guy image and everything you seem like you have a bit more of a jolly vibe going i ain't confronted you like everybody can be tough it's easy to shoot a gun it's easy to get a gun it's easy to beat a gangster but it's easy to smile i feel like that's that's hard now to be like yo i'm [ __ ] happy nah [ __ ] like i grew up in church so i got hella love for everybody to begin with so i love myself too so i stay happy that way i always smile because when you leave with respect you get it back definitely so do you think the church should have a huge impact on you and was it musical as well as just sort of social and cultural i think like with the church it'll help you deal with the good and the bad because it's it's super it's probably like super nice and sweet but it's also brutally honest and i think when when you are 16 15 and you sing in the choir somebody tell you hey ain't your danger damn song you it's easy to be acclimated in the real world because that's how everybody does everybody think they have an opinion i can give you an opinion it's crazy because you think in a perfect world that you would have schools pushing kids to get into music but was that your memory of being in school or is like i know a lot of schools probably have almost no budget for like music class and [ __ ] no in school i was i wanted to play sports and mess with the girls so like i wasn't really focused on music too much until like i got a little older and started realizing i got locked up i couldn't go to school so i had to find something else to do but while i was in school just like girls and sports i just want to play football right real rap right for sure when did the so when did your football dreams start to fade away like i i was like 16 i got arrested uh i ended up going to a place called glenn mills and i came out i came out of it i had my god i got my ged and i was like y'all trying to go to school and i forgot if you get a damn ged you can't go get a high school diploma oh you can't even get one i didn't know like and i was the stuff that i was doing in my city they kind of like banned me from my district of schools so i would have to like move like super far couldn't afford that so i just said [ __ ] it what else why they bang you from all the schools in general when i first moved to the city like i got i got kicked out of the school and they put me like in the trailers in the back of the school okay and then i got kicked out of those and they created a school for other kids like me and then like i got kids out of that school right so it's like [ __ ] ain't no more chances for you we didn't get you all the goddamn chances it sounds like you you kind of had like two lives where you had like the the clean cut version in your life where you're playing football and like going to school and [ __ ] and then you're also like simultaneously just finding ways to get in trouble and [ __ ] i was a follower like no no kids you like bro i was one of the biggest followers i just want to be down i just want to be cool i just want to be that [ __ ] so i i i got myself in situations where i probably knew i shouldn't have been into but [ __ ] it they doing it showing right i do that [ __ ] and it took me to like really be [ __ ] up and be like oh i got nothing left but me to realize like let me just shut the [ __ ] up and slow down that's crazy because like there's so many kids who are followers but they just will probably never realize or never be able to verbalize that because that's like pretty much what happens as soon as you start going to school is that you just sort of keep getting introduced to all these new uh ideas of like what you're supposed to be like and then it becomes very hard i think for a kid who is unique to really like like you have to be so strong-willed to not give in to the crowd yeah and i wasn't like and i understand that now like looking back on who i was i was definitely just trying to be accepted i didn't really give a [ __ ] about perception unless it was accepted right and now i'm i understand i'm 28 so i'm like if you don't accept him by now [ __ ] you like i'm i want to be cool i want to be nice i want to be a good dude i got kids so like we all compete gangsters that's that that's the easiest [ __ ] to do like it's easy to sit across somebody and steal them or slap them or rob a [ __ ] but is it really easy to turn the other cheek right it's easy like you know what bro that was it is what it is you feel me it's easy to get a million views saying [ __ ] somebody's dead homies oh okay because that's that's that's the nature that's the narrative nowadays [ __ ] your homies gang bang kill [ __ ] shoot [ __ ] but like i said that's the easiest [ __ ] you could do it's not hard to be a thug but it's really hard to be a good person yeah then i think that [ __ ] is like no matter what kind of music you make whether whether you make that kind of music or not you still could be a [ __ ] good person [ __ ] like the [ __ ] you you make songs for [ __ ] who really still doing the [ __ ] you used to do right like you give them motivation but [ __ ] as your own person beat [ __ ] you still could be nice and be gangsta why not definitely what so what was the arrest for that you actually got locked up there uh i was in school like in uh funny story i was i had just got arrested for some [ __ ] that we did a long time ago and i was actually already on probation at the time i was in school writing my girl a little love letter like no kissy like uh she went to regular high school so i was getting ready to walk it up to her and do some nice [ __ ] like i just wanted to you know [ __ ] school was great man make sure you're right notes too fast i was like hell yeah i was like yeah you know i love you go on a date yes no it was chilling my girl be so happy if i wrote her a note i hope she didn't see this so like one of my teachers no kizzy um we was in a school and we have intervention specialists like they were able to like grab you slam you and you know what i mean like really scared straight [ __ ] facts it was really hands-on like like you damn they'd be scrapping in there so like i guess one of one of the teachers was upset because i had free time like i always did my work fast and i was then after that [ __ ] so i was like [ __ ] because i wanna get in trouble let me just do this for my girl or whatever he kept throwing it away i'm gonna yo bro i got permission already bullard so i could do it so like stop like stop throwing my [ __ ] away cause you're gonna piss me off right and everybody knew who i was like just chill out bro like i'm trying to have a good day like let me have a good day i i go through a lot of [ __ ] every day let me have a good [ __ ] day right he didn't understand so when he grabbed it last time i grabbed him by a shirt and a headbutter and then we just started we started mixing and i would not want to get headbutted by you no it's hard you got a strong looking neck here that [ __ ] is crazy bro that [ __ ] is crazy but i i look it it's been through some things through some things so like i i i would say though i do regret doing that because he was a good dude it just i was in a different space and i felt like he was like pressuring me to when i probably was like you know what [ __ ] i just tell when i see her i could have told her in person i've made a lot of teachers lives hell and i can look at that now and say wow that must be such a [ __ ] hard job the hardest jack [ __ ] and you got to deal with all these kids who all got their own issues what's going on you know what they've been dealing with at home and [ __ ] oh my god this this i don't know what camera it is but if any person that taught me in school listen hey i'm sorry i [ __ ] up i wish you nothing but the best in success if you write me i will apologize to you like verbatim again i don't care just sorry you could organize that for sure wait so okay that happens and how long you get locked up for uh i was in there for like i want to say 18 months or close to 18 months and then after that i got i was like yo like this is why like i got tired of seeing [ __ ] next to me every five minutes like get away from me where the girl is that this is weird so that's how it affected you as you were like i never want to come back here yeah like i i didn't some people go there and they get a persona like oh that [ __ ] is hard like i'm a gangster now like some people love it actually like i got it's a it's a grown man telling you when to sleep when they eat i want to shave want to [ __ ] that's whack like stop telling me what the [ __ ] to do when i can be free be a good person and still have a good life and then i'm lit like bro you ke you keep the [ __ ] like a lot of [ __ ] don't even be like that like bro we can just scrap right like if you if you think about a lot of [ __ ] like i kill you if we face the face like bro let's scrap it's gonna be different i'll kill your ass now let's scrap me ah blow yo let's scrap right why you keep avoiding the fight part but did you end up fighting a lot while you're like because my person like i always been like it's weird when you grow up being bullied then you become the bully and then you're trying to change because then like certain situations you'll be confused of who you want to be so i got to a lot of fights because of my own actions right but also because [ __ ] think i'm a nice guy they're going to try you bro and you kind of like like prison is a place where you know in the real world ruling by fear and making everybody afraid of you and just trying to have this power over people and [ __ ] like the way that you kind of have to move in prison is just like not a great idea in in in the real world if you're shook knight then it's not like that is a good thing in prison you kind of have to be sugar night yeah i mean i never been to prison right so like to the [ __ ] i've been in prison y'all doing y'all some real [ __ ] like that [ __ ] is crazy but like whether it's prison whether it's jail whether it's anything you've ever been in you got to find out who you are and it's hard to find out when who you are i'm amongst a bunch of fake [ __ ] who also create narratives so it's like damn we all creating a character who the [ __ ] is this person really when we buy ourselves like we're cool now we're talking over dinner in the next five minutes somebody got some money now i'm stabbed the [ __ ] up because i don't know your narrative bro i don't know who you are because you're pretending i'm pretending we're all [ __ ] pretending to be safe so you were locked up in fayetteville no pennsylvania okay oh they moved you all the way over there no cat no actually uh i went to school from pa from 12 years old until 18 years old oh okay from 2018 i was in uh lebanon pennsylvania okay and so culturally like was it that's what [ __ ] me up it was just i wasn't confused like that [ __ ] like the city so fast and i give so much respect to like people from the country that move to the city because it's a big difference from like the niceties and the the normal conversations like i mean granted you know down south has this [ __ ] too but like it's easy to talk that's why i'm so easy to talk to people because like i'm from the south but from the city it's like there's a whole bunch of stairs and like i'm [ __ ] with your whole life it's a lot that i didn't know how to deal with when you have that many people crammed into one space i feel like they don't end up being as friendly to each other because there's so much competition for everything whether it's a job or a hustle or a girl etc when it's more spread out and people have a little bit more room because you're right when you're down south this is completely different completely different but like i definitely understood that like me me living there for six years and understanding like yo i know why they're like that because it's it's it's hard to build friendships um and hard to build trust with people that will change on you in a second but in the city it's it's it's progressive to have different outlets and maybe switch up a little bit like oh nah cause right now i'm a but now you you can't switch up at all so it's like now what's the narrative like i can't beat it or not i got to be it's just a lot in the city to keep up with when you're from the shelf in the front i just i just love the country but i love city too but i'm just more home in the south for sure when you said that you had a thing that you had gotten caught up for that was from years prior was that the breaking into houses [ __ ] yeah that that's that's the uh yeah that's that's the stuff that i don't want to talk about but you know like that [ __ ] that i shouldn't have done that that i know better now for that i've had my consequences for that if i had to go back i would never do so but when you get out of prison or a jail that time did you just decide like i'm gonna completely change my life and was music already floating around in your head at that point not the first time like it didn't i didn't really like it getting locked up didn't bother me at first like at first i was like i'm going like for two weeks i came out i was like super different oh yeah what's up man and then all of a sudden i was like [ __ ] it like i'm back in the hood and then the teacher said what the teacher happened i got locked up again and then like now i'm like i'm about to be 18. [ __ ] just trying to shoot at me now this is weird i gotta be fire i get the [ __ ] out of this city this [ __ ] is not for me no more like this [ __ ] it's crazy did you notice people treating you differently after you did that 18 months like treating you like you're a real man now all of a sudden not even the case i think like when i got out i separated myself from everybody i used to chill it because i feel like i i came out the first time chill the same [ __ ] did the same [ __ ] came out again if i did the same thing i was going [ __ ] i don't want to be around a bunch of people with my appendage all day just talking in the shower and [ __ ] now i'm [ __ ] i'm taking the [ __ ] you sitting next to me having a full-blown conversation like i'm uncomfortable bro like it i don't like being uncomfortable you gotta wonder like i wonder about people who are comfortable in that environment just because me as a person is like when i think about what i want on a life it's like you know yeah like just freedom like being able to just do whatever you want and like to to even take a risk like to [ __ ] rob a bank or shoot up somebody's house or whatever just knowing that the likely result is that you're gonna lose all your freedom just be stuck in this [ __ ] box it's just like crazy i would do so much [ __ ] before before i put myself in line of that happening you know and the thing is some people don't have a choice this is true and that's why it's like you have to understand that sometimes like robbery say boom you worked all day you you worked all day eight hour shift you made your money you going home it's a dude that been looking all day how to feed his kids he don't know no other choice but you coming down his block what you got it ain't because he know who you are i ain't got no choice you there and i need it so like i definitely understand certain decisions but like it's once you make your mistake you gotta learn from it it's like you gonna come out and do the same [ __ ] you're gonna you're gonna do it again to go visit the same [ __ ] you just seen like it's a youtuber i think his name is uh dr mr carnival i don't think but he always said like never home just visited like it's funny as hell but then but it's a mindset that it's that most [ __ ] who go to prison and come out really just visit and when they come home like because they're going back and a lot of things understand that [ __ ] so like boy i'm already a gangster i've already been looked up twice already ain't got nothing going for me [ __ ] i'm keeping last now no [ __ ] you can still change your narrative work harder if you get locked up go to prison you're telling yourself that you're going to be at the mercy of everybody else because when you come home you got to work harder than you ever did before just to be normal and it sucks and they set it up so that you only need to [ __ ] up a little bit for them to send you back and you're you're dealing with people who clearly already have an issue with fitting in and following instruction there's probably a reason why they ended up in prison they're probably at least a little anti-social they're dealing with some [ __ ] so like i mean the idea that this is the best way to treat people who have like committed a crime is just it's crazy it makes it almost impossible for you to reassimilate it's so weird if somebody comes home bro give them a shot like no i'm not saying be oblivious to the major concerns but what i'm saying is like if you see a [ __ ] really trying to do something different why hold that man back right whether it ain't even by being black white don't anybody you see if somebody's trying to do better why would you hinder them yeah bro just let them succeed we pose the fall ain't nobody perfect if i fall you're telling me you're greater than god you're gonna tell me what the [ __ ] i can again do with my life that's weird lock me up okay i [ __ ] up when i come home it should be a clean slate [ __ ] i don't know what the [ __ ] going on all right wouldn't that be nice like like bro it's it could be a little more different bro i just feel like it's like who who owns water and electricity uh the government i guess but how uh why the [ __ ] i pay for it i don't understand none of that [ __ ] like so why the hell are we still making [ __ ] we don't understand it's right it's just out no it's weird to me i feel it but okay so when did you start really thinking about the music thing were you thinking about it all along the way or did you have anything that you really thought you were talented at that you might be able to make something on yourself doing music always been a part of my life whether i was just singing somebody else song right music always did something different for me but like i didn't understand what i can do in music and talk a little older but like the last time i did you know my little situation i was writing songs i was singing a lot mm-hmm and a lot of [ __ ] didn't take that well i think it was like oh you you must be soft could be saying i got to a lot of fights because i was singing a lot like don't think cause i sing when i got punching your [ __ ] but was everybody around you just doing straight gangster [ __ ] i mean everybody everybody around me was themselves but singing was just i'm locked up with [ __ ] so and i'm a singer you feel me i'm not rapping with y'all [ __ ] i'm singing they should appreciate that though i remember p and b rock sitting on this podcast and telling me about how that that song with kodak that i love that he was singing that in prison for years before he [ __ ] got out and was able to actually record it and became a hit yeah yeah and i think the fact that being a singer is always labeled you as like oh you you're softer because you sing and i want to change that narrative because bro i ain't never been shot for a [ __ ] or scared in my life but i'm still a good [ __ ] like i'm still happy bro but i ain't got to see him wave guns in your face no i'm not playing with you i got guns in my house [ __ ] from north carolina it's legal [ __ ] yeah i know right it's such a different decision to walk down the street with with two guns it's normal right so like but i still can smile and they go how you feeling today like two strangers bro right to strangers bro i just want to change the narrative bro that [ __ ] i feel it so so you you get out though and how do you actually start really pursuing the music thing i just stopped pursuing the music until i moved to norfolk back to north carolina at 18. um it took me a couple years to really get i met my wife at 21 and i was like yo i'm i'm happy now with her i'm stable now i got a car i got a house what got up someone stay let me try to follow my dream now but it was hard because when you're working like a job and getting 7.25 an hour like you can't really have a crazy career so it was like a bunch of years of me saving 40 to get an hour in studio time wow and like believe it or not like me and me and my wife we first got started we used to bump heads a lot about me going to studio because i was spending money that she made like no cap like i wasn't [ __ ] bro like it took me a while to become the man i am today like she took care of me and that's why i will always be solid with her cause at the end of the day what man gonna say that out loud like my my woman damn then rags me bro like no cap and just for that i'ma stay solid and i like that you said that because i feel the same exact way about my girl where i look at my life now and i'm like damn you loved me when i was nothing bro and that means a lot to me now bro i'm telling my bro no kissy i meant you know i tell you a funny story and it's weird when i met her um i had one to date her but she was like nah like let's be friends first and i was like i don't know my [ __ ] friends like she is she in the building yeah yes oh god i just want to make sure yeah yeah so yeah i was like not one of my friends but we ended up like talking again about getting back and talking whatever trying to get be together she wouldn't make me wait 90 days like and i go live to you that [ __ ] was annoying 90 day wait to do to to to have the regular [ __ ] okay now we kiss let me kiss on her little booty and [ __ ] and like rub her feet and [ __ ] but like no what the [ __ ] i'm from the hood i wanna [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] going on here like it was something different i never experienced right but the fact that she made me like wait for it i was like yo it it gotta be crazy because i'm any girl [ __ ] bacon over there that's just unfair that's like information warfare like you know what that's doing to my brain making me wait this long like and it made me keep coming back i was like what the [ __ ] about this girl and then she can cook i'm chubby that [ __ ] was crazy and if you could go three months of hanging out just the [ __ ] and then you dip out you're a real savage like you're a real killer i don't trust you you're a gangster i waited three months and we married now like real [ __ ] we've been together for seven years that's amazing seven years oh yeah so how old are you now 28. okay yeah that's [ __ ] awesome yes it's it's crazy that's that's that's my baby when did you guys start having kids um we had our first kid january 6th of 2017 but i have two kids from my previous relationship oh [ __ ] okay so you've been doing that yeah look at this yes yeah so at a certain point did you start to feel like wow i gotta make it doing something because this [ __ ] ain't gonna be cheap i always felt like that when i had my first kid and now i worked at construction so i had to walk to work like every like three hour walk to work and then three hours back after working eight hour shifts like i said [ __ ] gotta be something else other than this [ __ ] like my feet hurt my legs hurt like i'm sweating our i walked from bragg boulevard in fayetteville and phil crest to fort bragg wow and like to was that like from la brea to like beverly hills yeah on a regular highway i was walking in the middle of the medium to [ __ ] get to work like it was it was so annoying bro what was going through your head during those times like you just knew that you just had to keep grinding and that someday you were going to make something out of yourself you ever lose lose faith all the time it was it was a depressionist walk bro yeah like when when you got that much and i had no headphones on the music my phone's off so like it was like when you're walking for three hours you you have too much time to talk to yourself and it it put me in this a mode of like [ __ ] you really ain't [ __ ] right like i don't give a [ __ ] i wasn't even paying my bills on my checks i was going to the strip club i was buying weed i was having a 19 year old life like i i didn't know what to do and i had a son and it i'm it sucks it took me so [ __ ] long to get my [ __ ] together but i was [ __ ] up and that's all i got to think about was like [ __ ] you ain't gonna be [ __ ] just like everybody else you you be around so when does all this start to turn around for you i wanted my wife right like nope when i met her i got my first like good job at schmidt food it was i was getting paid like 15 bucks an hour and like to me from getting paid 725 to like 15 i said [ __ ] i'm rich right [ __ ] you could tell me like like we was by hello i was smoking good life was good my kids christmases was crazy it was just super dope and then like having something like that in your corner even though i kept [ __ ] up and i got fired a lot and smoking weed was a problem but i still wanted to do more and i just had to but that's so good to hear because that is the exact thing that when we have conversations about like how relationships should be is it's like two people who like these two people who are not really on [ __ ] should get together and try to make something out of themselves oh you know not a woman just demanding that a guy a rich guy is going to come and rescue her whatever i mean that [ __ ] is a fantasy like [ __ ] two people who are willing to actually support each other and build something is like the most beautiful thing that you can do and that's that's actually amazing to hear that work that's so good for you i love it bro like that that's my stinker thing thank you definitely okay but so when does the music start to actually kind of click okay uh last year no cap i went i wrote quicksand and that's when like everything started going crazy um i was writing plenty of songs i wrote something about [ __ ] songs about [ __ ] and cards and clothes and [ __ ] that i didn't have and were you on no success none at all nothing like okay like i had some [ __ ] on soundcloud but it wasn't doing crazy like [ __ ] no plays so my wife was like yo like maybe you should stop making the [ __ ] and start trying to be like everybody write something that you feel like you feel and i like my music i'm very sensitive about so i felt like she was trying to play me like don't tell me i ain't got no talent but that's not what she was doing she was like just do something different so i went in the bathroom smoked my last blunt close the door and i wrote big decisions first and i was like i like it but let me see what's happening with another song and then i wrote quicksand and it was just crazy right crazy and stylistically was quicksand kind of similar to a lot of the stuff you've been doing before because you have like a very nice like singing it's super difficult rapping flow on it most of my other songs which i was either strictly rapping or strictly singing quicksand is the first song when i like really combined them both it was like i could do both and see what happens and i think that's what the problem was it was either i wanted to be a rapper or i wanted to be a singer when i realized i could do both so why not [ __ ] do both yeah that child the child not the drizzy and every time i'm asking about where i got started from the album so far so going with with brand new and all those songs on it really made me believe singing and rapping is this [ __ ] yeah and that's my lifestyle i mean you have to thank drake for that because like looking back on it it it was very hard for a rapper to just sing and for it to be accepted as normal and then drake made it the fly of [ __ ] in the world and it has completely changed rap that's why when i sit here like i said to someone the other day like he's the most important rapper of our generation and they were like acting like i was bugging i'm like you are blind to how much music has changed because especially of my generation like yes like no i didn't grow up listening to i i got put on to the real hip hop later on in life because i wanted to search for it myself like if i heard rap it was like i was young like busta rhymes red man but like only because my dad would play that my mom played like gospel so i didn't hear a lot of tupac and biggies and until i got older so like drake is like the first artist that i heard that that really wasn't like i said i [ __ ] like yo i wanna listen to this everyday right and my favorite song is say what's real like it [ __ ] resonates with my life so much now like it's just crazy right it's [ __ ] crazy where did you end up shooting that video did you shoot it soon after you made it or was that did more stuff have to happen between that it took a little while i think i think it's like 30 days or like 60 days i had to find what i'd do i recorded a song the dude at my job i worked at a call center and he was like yo i shoot videos i was like no you don't like whatever we are shooting videos [ __ ] he was like nah i do every challenge in this book i was like we can just try something you see what happens i was like brian got a whole bunch of bread he was like [ __ ] i like the song but let's do it free really i was like you [ __ ] you got that video done for free for free wow that was an amazing video everybody in the video is my homies it was it was literally a free ass video like i called my home was like well i know him that [ __ ] pull up bit and he just pulled up like that he was just just like that and we start shooting it's it's crazy because like everybody in the video is mad chill rolling blunts and [ __ ] and you are like maximum high energy just swagging around that place that was it was tight that that's my i rest my energy bro like i like to dance have a good time and chill like my [ __ ] he was going crazy dude no shirt off he was like deadly okay right my [ __ ] it was lit and i think that's why i kept being turkey i was like well he turned up [ __ ] i'm turnt up let's [ __ ] we lit but do you feel more comfortable being this version of yourself now rather than like when you were broke and like really struggling i'm sure that kind of sap some of the energy out of you at times right nah nah oh i always i always make somebody laugh even when i felt like i had nothing to [ __ ] laugh about right because i in a way i kind of care about other people's feelings more than my own because i know what it is to be sad and i don't want nobody to feel like [ __ ] so like if i'm in the room with a bunch of [ __ ] who upset like i'm probably gonna start doing some weird [ __ ] like dancing you know [ __ ] all like saying that joke or like dragging on somebody else or like pull a picture like this [ __ ] ugly as hell just just to get just to get that right there like you're crazy and then okay maybe your date might be a little bit better because you did that [ __ ] you could definitely like open up a room if you start just being willing to be funny just talking about some random [ __ ] you know sometimes i feel like with the internet people have forgotten how to just be in a room with a bunch of random people and just start talking about [ __ ] no all it is now even kickbacks party is this is this oh my god it's the worst like start snatching haha we lit if i want to be on my phone i just like if if i'm at a party and i want to be on my phone i probably should not be at that party oh when you step into a party with your friends the phone you ain't probably worried about your phone unless you've got kids you got to check on them like oh you did good all right nah [ __ ] it hey you're not supposed to be sitting here worried about your instagram father was when you had a party with your homies and enjoy your life especially i think covet has kind of made me realize that is like the time you spend with other people is pretty valuable you should you should really make the most out of it and there's just certain times where like you know you can look at your phone literally all day if you're at dinner with your friends looking at your phone basically means you're a [ __ ] weirdo because that's just not like enjoy your time with other people yeah kind of a foreign concept these days it really is because if i'm there with my friends who the [ __ ] am i texting exactly i've chosen to be with these people they're here i thought yeah never mind wrong [ __ ] like just if you're looking at twitter instagram when you're around some of your friends you're basically saying that yes i'm with my friends but i would way rather be paying attention to kylie jenner facts honestly like unless you like scrolling and you like showing people like you could be on your phone but get them involved like yo this [ __ ] tick tock is fire for sure or whatever some people just introverts and they just they'd rather be on their phone and have a conversation definitely so okay that song what do you do with it like how does it you start work did you realize like well this song is way better than every other song i ever made nah um i thought it was just good so i put it out um i put it out like march mo called me like april it was like bro i heard your song i found you through your director and i was like who the [ __ ] are you talking about three emotional easy oh okay i wish shout out to three because you're a big fan of him as well i [ __ ] with the three bro like the gospel to wrap all that together is [ __ ] phenomenal bro rest in peace okay he facetimed me and i was like this [ __ ] got blonde hair quaff who the [ __ ] is boy he's shining got diamonds on him [ __ ] must be legit dude if a guy who looks like this likes my sorrow my mind he's it was like a two-hour conversation of figuring out what was going on and like i felt super comfortable and then like he [ __ ] sent me the contract with big six and we was he let me read over something to my lawyer like he ain't even like usually people trying to snake you they uh they try to like hide some [ __ ] he told me in the beginning like bro you're not about to get rich you ain't bout to be yeah i mean i'ma work my best you work your best we gonna do this [ __ ] together we a team and i was like that [ __ ] sound better than a [ __ ] trying to sell me a dream it was like a management company deal or like a label the others like he manages me as well and then like pick six is the label okay failure like so like it's all way through like i [ __ ] with boy like the fact that he picked me at a time where my phone was off i had no job we were in a different state like [ __ ] was really trying to figure out the next move and the move like plopped in my lap because of a song i put out that i think was gonna go nowhere but that is a very like fair thing to say if you were to say like you're not gonna get rich overnight but if if we work on this yeah i can help you get to that you gotta [ __ ] with that yeah like that you have no like he didn't he never showed me a dream he always told me reality and no cap everything he'd been saying and the way we were working been coming to fruition the way he was saying it because at the end of the day you got to be willing to to to believe in yourself but also believe that you know okay you lit like what you're saying right now you ain't wrong i'ma [ __ ] with it definitely oh yeah so how's your life change after that and how do you start you know what do they start doing for you and do you start like being in more serious studio studios you're recording a shitload more what's started happening after that i definitely kept recording um and the same studio i've been recording in uh until i met mo like once i met moe and realized there was different stuff because i really wanted to do it my way until i met him we started talking and everything was like i want to stay with the same same studios and the equipment wasn't what it was supposed to be so he was like you can definitely keep the same people bro but we got to get the equipment and at the time they couldn't do it you feel me so i had to go to a different studio and i realized that the c8200 is like the mic i'm probably using i never knew what the [ __ ] that was until until i found out in l.a really so the vocals on quicksand you're not totally happy with or did nobody do them at some point i redid them in la because i it sound better on a mic this mic is fire like even this mic right here like i love how this should sound it doesn't sound like that in different studios when you're in the closet or when you like in the styrofoam and the sheets and then the microphones like [Music] so but that video hadn't really gone viral yeah i think i had like 3 000 or a couple of thousand before he hit me up and i was [ __ ] how about that [ __ ] like i thought i thought i was a man i think like three four thousand views i thought [ __ ] uh-huh it's a little ass city i got three thousand i noticed my whole city everybody know me now definitely because you didn't know any successful rappers until this point no like no cap i never met anybody or talked to anybody and believe it or not i sent my video to a couple people when it first came out like a couple people and nobody back right so i don't know i don't know definitely yeah i mean north carolina is kind of a crazy scene right now in the sense that there's just a bunch of talent sort of bubbling up all over the place yeah like all over different cities especially am i studying fayetteville and there's some talent in raleigh greensboro it's it's a lot of talent everywhere like and the fact that you know me and jacob from the same city and then the baby from charlotte is is widening our horizons definitely i love it because just like every kid after you or after the baby or after j cole is just going to have a little bit more of a understanding that this vision is possible and like you know like it's hard if you're in a smaller city or town to like be able to look at la and think like oh i can do that yeah it's going to be hard for you to do that if you don't have other artists or or an industry or producers or managers around you like people in atlanta like it's almost like a bad thing that you're just gonna have some randomized gangster trying to be your manager after you're rapping for two months like no no cat you're 100 right like i i think if people think you're gonna make music and just just just get on you have to build relationships you got to network and it sucks to say you you got to know somebody if i've if i never met moshe lizzie you wouldn't be talking to me right now bro i'll probably still be building my [ __ ] slow as hell probably had like 20 000 views by now right 30 000 i don't know something like that but like the fact that i i have help and i love the fact that i have help right that's that's my dog because you get to be the artist facts i don't have to do anything besides rap write sing and enjoy that's why i'm always happy i do my part because they do their part there's there's no quarrels there's no riff raff like we have a clear understanding it's love and that's why i'm always just always happy bro cause i'm happy as [ __ ] my [ __ ] is lit bro no definitely so how does the song really start exploding and what was that like i think when it first hit 100 000 views in like october that that's when it went crazy like no cat my teams my homeboy gutter showed me the video was like yo you hit 100k and i'm like nah you bullshitting like i looked at it god damn that cried no no cap i did cry like like a big [ __ ] oh my mom i was like yo i can't believe god blessed me with 100k views and like now i'm looking i got 47 million like it'd be hard to fathom some people when they're like they get a bunch of views and they're like 18 they just don't really like understand how crazy that is but at that point you have been grinding you're almost 30 by that point it's like you really were probably thinking in the back of your head maybe i won't ever be [ __ ] no i knew that like at the time where i received the phone call i knew i wasn't going to be [ __ ] really i i was looking for a regular job because i was just a regular [ __ ] i was gonna do some regular [ __ ] never do anything great and that phone call shaved my life because now i know i can be as great as i want to be and that the fact that i don't have a limit on my creativity the fact that i don't have a limit on who i can be who my kids can become who my wife can be what businesses i can start my future is a blur and i love it because when you know what your future is it it may not go that way i love that i can pin a different part of my future every day yeah okay i did this show and then this one i built this relationship oh a new part of the picture oh i'm this guy and i just saved him oh this is part of the picture oh i made him smile i made her smile this part like now my life is coming together slowly but shortly and i love that [ __ ] wow that's amazing yeah so so how much has your life changed and like you know signing that that deal or whatever must have been dope but then to have one of the songs actually start exploding it's got to be like a different feeling of like oh okay like getting signed is one thing but that know that hundreds of thousands and millions of people are enjoying a song that you made that must have felt pretty wild the best feeling it is the people that listen to my music like i love going to the store now in my city because i always get stopped for pictures all we can stop for hugs somebody always that's my favorite part if you ever see me anywhere and you see moray morae is not a too cool rapper at all i would never tell you no for a pitcher because that's my job i live to please my boss yeah which is the fans you're my damn boss pitcher yes sir here come here come come here come here let me hug you make you smile a little bit i love that part of my job definitely no yeah that's amazing um but so has it been weird having all this happen during covet you can't do all the [ __ ] that you probably wanted to do in terms of shows and all that kind of stuff no because in the day i am doing exactly what i thought i never would i'm acceptable of everything slow fast it doesn't matter as long as it happens right i'm happy that i'm on the show with you and i just watched ot jennings has been your show a couple days ago like this is it's ridiculous that's crazy to me like to be doing stuff that i watched to to be on a vote for double xl when i watch that [ __ ] every [ __ ] year to to talk to rappers that i've listened to my whole life every the smallest thing to somebody writing on my inbox yo your song has did this for me i [ __ ] love that [ __ ] i love that [ __ ] so like it's i love that [ __ ] okay so on that note here comes a question that i guarantee is going to get an interesting reaction given that all that you've been through how does it sit when people try to say your industry plan i think it's we talk about academics of course uh he's one i saw another youtube video that's when i've seen it it's him right so i would say this he's doing his job right so my job is to prove him wrong the fact that you think i'm an industry i would love to meet him have a conversation explain why do you think i am right and i explain to him why i'm not it seemed like his explanation was mostly like a song could never do these kind of numbers on youtube or spotify as an artist's first song or write out the game which is probably you probably had stuff before that but you kind of clean up the youtube course i mean honestly it's baffling to me too so i definitely understand where he coming from oh [ __ ] this is weird yes sir but is it happening most definitely right it's reality bro like if you came to my house academics industry plant would be the last thing on your mind right i live in the same [ __ ] queen when i started this [ __ ] i think you guys would get along but i think it would too you drink honey i don't but i'm a smoker okay so i'm lit she's not gonna like that you might get one better than me actually we look we getting along now roll up oh um but yeah i mean that is a weird thing because now i mean there are a lot of artists who basically kind of are industry planted into the game but i mean as soon as i heard that song i was like well i mean i'm sure the label is helping him and stuff but this song is a banger like that song is is is gonna be a hit regardless i think once people found out about it but what is the label supposed to do the label is supposed to get you looks they're supposed to get you on playlist they're supposed to help promote your project or your videos whatever i mean it seems like sometimes people throw people in the industry playing box a little loosely it's it's i don't i never heard an industry plan until like somebody called me one i'm okay injury plan like what the [ __ ] is that if somebody's helping you to your goal that means you were planted okay so if someone's not helping me and i don't make it what does that mean so so you want me to you want me to not help myself just to make you feel better mm-hmm most eliza is dope as [ __ ] he found a young [ __ ] who ain't have [ __ ] and maybe who the [ __ ] i am today i don't care what nobody else got to say you can call me whatever you call me just call me genuine that's it i mean you got to call me nothing no just when everybody meet me my last day on earth i just want to be like yo moray a solid [ __ ] but it's pretty interesting that you had never even heard of that term so you didn't even anticipate that that was going to be the kind of smear that people would throw at you whereas someone like me who was like perpetually online my whole life i definitely like the first thing that comes out of my mind when i watch a video like that seems like it has a decent amount of views or whatever i it comes up very quickly in my head it's like who's behind this who's making this happen who's pulling these strings i definitely don't like no cat bro the reason why i don't energy playing is just weird to me because i sit in my house that i've been i've been living in for the last two years before that the house living in was [ __ ] the worst so for somebody to call me industry plant and i'm looking at holes in my window i'm looking at me living in the same situation that i've been living in for forever it bothers me only this much because your opinion will never make me or break me actually you got me a lot of attention academics so appreciate you my guy thank you so much for sending people to me to check if i was and build their own opinion i love that [ __ ] that's you did your job and your job low-key helped me thank you bro yeah i have no ill will i have no thank you bro we lit i think we need better terms than just industry plan or whatever because somebody being extremely talented like he even saw said in the clip i saw him he said i like his music i think he's very talented you know it's like but i mean that's what the label is supposed to do what's weird that the weird thing now is that we get to see it you know because back in the day it was the labels petitioning double xl to put you on the cover trying to get your video played on mtv but we were all blind to the process now it's like we kind of are up front row seats for artist development so people feel like they can kind of have viewpoints on all that [ __ ] you know and they can at the end of the day it's an opinion everybody is entitled to their own opinion you shouldn't be mad at someone because they felt a certain way about something that they've seen he's seen me have a video he's seen it hit a lot of views it's weird to him he got to be entry playing sums up with this guy but it's interesting because then now you've had all these crazy cosigns and [ __ ] and it's kind of easy once you throw that industry plan term out there people start to see everything as as evidence the industry plan thing like of course j cole must have got the the cash app for shouting this guy out but i mean you're from the same city as him it just makes sense we don't have any evidence of you guys being assigned to the same label or having anything in common really right besides being from the same place we're not scientists like i'm not i'm not dreamville right j cole's just like one of the coolest people you ever meet like if you if people talk to jay cole like he's he's a humble ass realistic dude he's not gonna give it to you no way besides the truth and the fact that he took his time on the right amazing when he never says anything about anything bro i thought somebody was pranking me bro ain't no [ __ ] way j cole he he from my city right [ __ ] that [ __ ] was fire as hell like bro what the [ __ ] like i wish i woulda [ __ ] before that i've heard of been signed and he probably been shaking me i've already been had music and been rich right like you it's weird that people think you knew these people man why have i been living in the same [ __ ] dealing with the same money you've already had these connections stop playing with me that's weird j cole probably wishes that he had noticed your talent earlier nah he got enough time what's on he lit this is true but j cole to me is like the definition of who i wanted i mean like he's there's a lot of difference between us but yeah a certain part of his personality is like what i want which is he's the like he came to my store one dude there's a manager not a [ __ ] security guard or whatever he's dressed in totally normal ass nike tech outfit whatever he's got sneakers on the most normal [ __ ] i ever seen and everyone everyone who saw him could not believe how regular he was moving around right you are you are like one of the most important rappers of this generation you are ridiculously rich and you're walking around here like it is all good that is nobody does that his energy bro he don't give off bad energy so why would he get bad energy like j cole is aura is like you're welcome right so you you give him the same respect like i [ __ ] a boy like no cap like i really [ __ ] i i [ __ ] with cole you're a cool [ __ ] definitely what about uh the baby coach sign as well too i guess that's what kind of had to happen right it was dope and [ __ ] like no he was on his live i guess and he played my mouse i just listened to goddamn curt with that [ __ ] that's amazing that that was a fun one for me because like i've listened to the baby since like a weather like uh he made some call called what but back in the day like i probably like twelve eight twenty twenty eighteen or seventeen okay super dope like i [ __ ] with the baby i listen to music a lot though no kissy right oh yeah he's super talented too and he's i mean those dudes both when you really like have you i mean i haven't spoken well i guess i'll speak to the baby from time to time but they're like the nicest most friendliest approachable i mean obviously the baby is gonna it's kind of tough being the baby right now there's a little bit too much energy at times but you know i think what the baby is is the [ __ ] that i say like pee kid cool [ __ ] but like don't don't try to [ __ ] you feel me like he gonna it seems like when you look at the baby he gonna treat you with respect until he feel like you being disrespectful now he don't get over disrespectful and that's a dope individual to me if i'm giving you respect you give me respect really i mean that's a guy who has seen the effects of having randomized negative energy from people in person like there's not like a guy who just [ __ ] left the house for the first time like he's been living this life like he [ __ ] knows exactly and and when you see him now and you see him with surrounded by this army of security and they're moving super fast between [ __ ] i mean he's just it's self-preservation at a certain point he's a lick waiting to happen and he knows like a million on his neck so hey would you walk around with a million on your neck by yourself hell no but not in the hood these [ __ ] different you need an army for sure okay last one though what about the jay-z playlist edition that must have been trippy no that was crazy um when when when you have somebody like jay-z who's a mogul who's a legend who's an og who don't gotta look at you at all like literally insignificant to him like you just heard how we just talked about j cole and the baby i mean jay-z is the the emperor above all everyone in hip-hop right that's what i'm saying like like he he's the og so for him to be like yo i play you on my playlist and no cap the number 27 i love it now that's like one of my favorite numbers because i'm 27 on his playlist so i'm like what the [ __ ] like the first thing uh the first thing i thought about was i want to be like oh oh no no i want to call that [ __ ] like what's that i wonder when the last time you did that i don't even know it's the rock is this still the rock rock nation it got i hope so it makes sense for sure no that's that's ridiculous right there um okay so but how uh how do you view where you're at in your career right now in terms of like you know it's very easy to have like one massive song and to sort of just not be able to reach that peak again i'm sure you're pretty focused on making sure that's definitely not the case so where do you view where you're at right now and how everything's going and [ __ ] i i really feel like i have a lot more learning to do and i'm excited for it i'm excited for the the new things i'm gonna learn with music and the new pitches the new tempos the new terms the new this i just want to learn as much as i can to be as good as i possibly can because i feel like now that i have made it after toronto so long now it's up to me to perfect it and work harder than i've ever done like i hope this mixtape that come out it it really helped people get to know exactly who i am more and and feel more closer to me so when i start dropping this album it's gonna be crazy right i can't wait to drop over to me that's dope though like you just feel like you've learned so much about music and about what kind of music you want to make that you know you've only been famous for the short period of time but you know there's a lot of work that you want to do behind the scenes in terms of just making your [ __ ] as good as possible yeah i mean honestly i really want to learn how to engineer myself like i've never tried it before like ever it looks like chinese rhythmic to me a lot of the ghosts young thug he'd be he'll have the mic right here and he'll be just like sitting there engineering his own [ __ ] like and then at the same time and then he'll like whisper like one bar and then go you know punch himself in and all that stuff so it's telling you to go it's kind of crazy like how many people do that yeah yeah yeah i wouldn't do that i wouldn't like no cat that's [ __ ] it's crazy yeah i yeah i was talking about simple as like pressure recording eq it but that sounds even better yeah i mean i'm sure at some point maybe get some help from somebody else but i guess he's so tapped into what he wants to be doing on beats so he just kind of handles himself i really look up to like now that i'm in the music i look up to like you know those thug and breezy and future and drizzy like the way how you can be in the game for so long and still be creating so much dope ass music their brains are [ __ ] immaculate like it's it's i don't listen music sounds good now i'm like oh this [ __ ] is a genius right like what made you think about this [ __ ] like it it's it's like a pretty flower when you listen to no new new music and it blossom and now you got other flowers popping out like how the [ __ ] did you even come up with this combination and the more into it you get like i feel like when i kind of came in the game mostly just interviewing underground rappers but then pretty quickly it just forced me to like really realize like how great a drake or a thug or a future is like the the level of progression that they've done like how good they continue to be once you really get used to working with a lot of smaller artists then you can really see like oh there's a reason why all these guys are considered the goats i promise you like no cat um see i was at a studio i walked in on a wedge and like to see him in person i was like oh this [ __ ] really tall as hell for what that [ __ ] crazy but like hearing the process like yo you still making this fire ass music like i still remember black and yellow right and now you got all this hot you still making hot [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] i gotta keep up this [ __ ] it's hard work it's just trippy too because he ended up basically having the heights of his career where like mega pop smashes and like his day-to-day style is basically you know he's a he's a chill laid-back rapper or whatever but he's like some of these songs like his hit [ __ ] monster pop hits it's ridiculous incredible bro incredible bro definitely so you stay out here now or oh no i said i live in february okay yeah i can't come here i know we're going to mixtape everything straight and line everything up you think you're moving at some point are you trying to hold down the energy see that's smart i i i think you know i think like living out different places is dope but there's nothing like home i want to walk outside my door smell that country dirty ass air stretch get my little back in the curb l.a well change your spirit my friend is a different vibe out here for sure and that and that's that hometown vibe of just having like you know like just just i mean it's just different like yeah the energy out here is the same energy that everybody's feeding off you know and it just it can get stale pretty easy it's it's palpable of like how the air never had a robert say palpable on the podcast before it's very thick in the air like it's very different like when you come to l.a like it feels like okay work that's business north carolina where i'm from when i get off the plane in favor it's like okay [ __ ] take my shoes off put my foot up or some [ __ ] barbecue and let's get crazy let's let's go grill and i i love that i can just be myself dude i can be like ratty shorts riding t-shirt go check out the trash yeah and i love that [ __ ] i love it i love that no yeah much respect man um okay anything that the fans should be looking forward to anything you want to have them uh ready for i'm definitely trying to drop this video for trenches very soon okay so i'm working on that horror um it's a song that's gonna be on my mixtape please look out for that too uh it's coming very soon i'm working hard for just be on the lookout maybe end of april early may definitely oh yeah oh big big fan man and uh you know shout out to everything you have going it's a very inspiring story and your your personality i think will guide you through whatever [ __ ] the industry gonna throw you at because you got that good ass personality and good energy and i think that that like the fans will gravitate towards it and the people just resonate with that [ __ ] man i appreciate that like thank you for even having me this [ __ ] was fun this [ __ ] interview was dope great questions where i felt like super chill my [ __ ] man all right my god that's kitty no john very clueless podcast on world check us on youtube soundcloud itunes like comment subscribe no if you want to support appreciate you many vibes
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 232,814
Rating: 4.9476256 out of 5
Keywords: morray, morray quicksand, morray quicksand reaction, morray quicksand genius, morray north, morray j cole, quicksand morray j cole, morray dababy, morray jay z, morray no jumper, morray adam22, adam22 no jumper interview, no jumper j cole, no jumper dababy, dababy no jumper interview
Id: A3irCVerPrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 39sec (3099 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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