The King Von Interview

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[Music] no jumper coolest podcast in the world and today I'm in here with the one and only King Vaughan how you doing man yo what's wrong guy it's crazy it's nice to have you in here I remember like six months a year ago there was just a weird moment where I just clicked on a random video and was like holy [ __ ] this dude got one of the most different flows I heard in a minute yeah and ever since then I was like man we got to get him in here as well yeah so it was just one of the crazy story ones you know I just hadn't really heard the flow at that time and I was just very taken aback I I'm sure you have that experience with people all that sounds like how do you explain that flow in particular that kind of helped you blow up gang oh no how to explain it's just that that's like my float it that's the floor I make when I don't got no because I made that song I rolled it without no beat I made the song on a bus my way to Chicago for Milan that [ __ ] on the bus so you didn't have a piece of paper you didn't have you write in your phone or whatever not yeah I was writing to my phone okay you sound sad but the beat ain't no beat on that [ __ ] getting that damn butt so you have any like ability to sort of tell like where that came from because it's such a different there's like a weird pause that you put in the middle of the bars like you say everything at the beginning in the end yeah oh no see I guess you know you make music off really of all the [ __ ] you like and sure I guess all the muses are used to listen you know I just started rapping when I made that shot just thought for real mmm oh it ain't like I it was a scientific thing and then it was just that's how it sound good to me yeah oh no it sounded good to me [ __ ] it's crazy because when we think about like Chicago rap and drill music and all that [ __ ] it's not a lot of storytelling raps in that [ __ ] but you're somebody who's always kind of gravitated towards that yeah cuz I own like go in and just get the rapping like off the dog I think about it like I really think about it from like especially I make the story sometimes like go in and do that now since I've been rapping so you know sometimes just go right in and just do it right here beat him do it but most of the time I'm here B not to go story in my [ __ ] and then I denied to the words and just make him rhyme but I already got what's been happening write a song yeah it's so interesting because I feel like a lot of times rappers they've almost like gotten away from storytelling [ __ ] because it feels too personal and especially because of the recording process now that everybody just goes in and punches in so it's like less of an ability to sort of craft a story but are you always somebody who sort of was just writing stuff down before you went to record it like yeah most of the time like I know we having a beers and [ __ ] like this jail shipment coming a lot so I wrote a lot of [ __ ] on Gia you just zoned out so that's the thing like that's like a Chico even though you have missing a thing that only you can do is work out right [ __ ] and think and plot so I'm gonna be using all my time I'm writing [ __ ] so now I still got like like 50 80 like she's a paper and ship songs on he seems there so you feel like you can actually get good right and done in that environment because I heard a lot of people say like I can't write in jail because the vibe is [ __ ] yeah what else you finna doing is be looking for anything creative right right people get on the phone on the phone now this thing's be on the phone but what every time times you can't come out to see ya you see I'm saying times you gotta go on to say you can't sleep would be nice you ain't sleeping me something right cuz you got [ __ ] going on anything that I got some going on in jail it'd be hard to sleep at night I you just gonna you got bills to pay you got people I didn't say yeah can you so I'm up like I gotta do some and I can get rich off this [ __ ] I'm getting rich so are you working out as a free man or you just work out when you locked up yes I work out free too oh yeah whenever I'm like like tools week we try to stop at some gyms and [ __ ] do you know hotels got chance now we get some little cardio and [ __ ] that's good I felt like a lot of like younger rappers can't really get into the mentality of working out because they own they feel good the party industry that's just slowly attaint down really petite rows but more folks lazier and used to working out but I'm used to being locked up and got a got a stay fit you know right did you spend way too much time throughout your life in there yeah you can't be just gotta work out which one somebody beat you up you don't want nobody being over stronger demon hmm so you just got it but what's your experience like in jail because at this point you're like famous is [ __ ] everybody in there knows exactly who you are who you're associated with is it's got to be a lot different than the first time you went in when you were mostly listening yeah yeah is this different necklace first time I'm in Atlanta you know my case right natural is this Alana run the barrel and the first tie my other case that I listed at Chicago so that motherfucker's Norma and jail young and [ __ ] when I at first and I'm doing beers put four I'm into with them or Ivan dear something one of they people what I did something one I want people so it's gotta stay on guard you got a fighter [ __ ] but nice you see my [ __ ] you think they looking at you stand but they really found out they on some mmm yeah you've on good man you're going crazy but before we used to be you see me feeling that you like that day on your ass or something she's gonna fight in Atlanta they mostly know you for the music where Chicago they I know you're a bunch of Street [ __ ] - right yes love no Lana cuz ain't you know nobody out that like what Chicago you know it's people yeah buddy family everybody you grew up around here so you don't [ __ ] up with outside people you see some people you know Rob folks you don't [ __ ] his [ __ ] I'll type on you did indeed some right that's a big theme in your music to is just [ __ ] other people's girls that moms all kinds of [ __ ] you can imagine a lot of people probably mad at you if I saw a [ __ ] in jail who [ __ ] my mom you got up you got a beat him you got a beat him there I don't even know if someone's section my mom I don't even know how I feel like my mom has always been out of that category she's like just much much you know Mom I rub it in a [ __ ] face alone like them - oh I'm a little boil straight steps on outside I'm rubbing he steps do you walk by them in the halls with rubbers odors he [ __ ] your lunch and a lock but so your your [ __ ] your your court [ __ ] like you were locked down on house arrest for like the majority of the past six eight months so this tour is like you havin but you only done a few tours that's all that's under you been able to leave um she I before the case before okay we just did to meet meal to a Turk what I was just was dirt were just bringing me on dog he sounds in right so night up so he had the first real to it then we did a lot on grand salon so when I got our last time play put us back in right see I'm saying so now I'm gonna talk about her but he I was on house arrest I'll before that and [ __ ] so how's the rest you know you and house work out right right so [ __ ] courts the up shooting I shot a lot of videos in a house I had to write yeah you got to stay folks you gotta keep going man as you can but that probably makes you want to book so many [ __ ] tours because of the fact that that's the one so yeah as long as you get that moving yes thank you you've impairing for because you know yeah nobody wanted to be in the house you know this money you got a cold place you I do this [ __ ] it's gotta get old man can you go in the backyard I like sitting on the porch and [ __ ] you can't get you yeah you can do that you can lose [ __ ] hey I let you go you can go to the arm whatever you need move macoco checking what's a doctor Sam you go loose you like that but there's just too much you can't go yeah definitely but isn't you and Dirk your your your probation or whatever is such that you're not supposed to be associating with other people who are part of the case so is it supposed to be around each other yeah so yeah we don't mean dirt we only see each other like at court if we got caught so even when you're on tour you can't really be around each other too much now we can't no yeah that's [ __ ] up is that strange like just to have the court basically just saying you can't be cool when you're because you know it's like I started out with him he started up with me and anything like yeah people have to notice to me [ __ ] he bringing me to his interviews and pulling up a chair here and let me say right that right like even though it's just like it was fate if he came no jump here you have a chair I have me what the [ __ ] going on right now this is my artist but all that stuff is out for right now which is unfortunate so they just say we caught the case and they remove me fair thing like in all my shows only was having shows cuz it dirt right I don't he pulling me on his [ __ ] he's gonna so I'm wanting more places with dirt I'm warning doing so now it was time they put the case you can't be around dirt no more you came who so now I was only in the studio with dirt I was on its own ass do they think oh no he's got to it [ __ ] is that it it's crazy because I was reading the article that just came out and I think billboard and they were like yeah we met King Vaughan last year because Dirk was coming through doing his promo run and you were just kicking it watching and observing and [ __ ] and they're like in now a year later he's here and he's the star of the show that's got to become a crazy feeling huh that's what I'm saying yeah I'm so quick hmm do you worm okay so you're from Oh block yeah like right right there straight yeah that's what's called city fourth kings or city for its I really saw sister right that little area Parkway Gardens complex yeah do you remember when Keith came out was that like a huge changing point for the for the neighborhood and for Chicago yeah yeah yes acog was the whole but really far us cuz you know he for my block so [ __ ] you know I should go but I was in jail oh okay so I was out for sweet we started rapping started more crazy we you know the [ __ ] been rotted us and [ __ ] but not everybody get to listen to a now I'm in jail they called me up he folks on the radio and [ __ ] now folks come on crazy you know he's taking off with this [ __ ] so I'm like that what the [ __ ] you don't know but I'm in jail I'm thinking about jail [ __ ] we still you know we still gangbanging this 2011 2012 right so I get out I see talk to him he on the radio and [ __ ] he tell me on the radio we he was on house arrest and I get out I was going up at like 8 months I'll get back locked up that [ __ ] that's a change that yeah they shake know you know ricci dirt oh [ __ ] I forgot oh yeah that was just like the the must been the craziest time for your area specifically and just to see like that was the first time I ever seen a younger Chicago rapper or really just a rapper in general come out and I'm remembered the thing that people said was that he blew up in the high schools before he blew up really anywhere else like it was in the streets in the high school so it didn't ya the YouTube videos were doing crazy but it was because of what was going on like in the streets which is the first times that for a dude like you like at that time were you even thinking about rapping or thinking about being a star no he or not we won that's what I'm saying you know what what the [ __ ] how he was long had to be he like 15 16 years ago we weren't thinking about the rapture hey or novel so he been hanging or like he did like since Travis what they could I call Travis Porter now Travis Porter them it was a group right ah he's be trying to be playing this music [ __ ] that's I first heard about though now he get the rapping he got Nate type of white boy swag the Lord surface City get the hollister did he get the rapper yet the Mohawk a shitty rap in this [ __ ] so he'd been thinking about it but um just want to be a I want to gangbang cuz that's what's going on right now we into initially I want to be with the older guys that's running around in the cars and the money and [ __ ] that's what was around he knows was worn off but he's what the rap though but we sure you were you plotting on rapping it even a little bit where you rap now good plan I just go to studio well Marcus we and you know we could we go to studio we go to Grandma house go to mama house then go to studio to nickname key and let Chinese name you can yeah yeah we got a key and Korea [ __ ] still see him all the time so you up so thin like I be at school in school stop going to school for a minute but I was I had to be like a junior at a time he had to be like a freshman or some or oh no what the [ __ ] rifle soon but he won't going to school cuz I'll get off the bus with my birthday he'd be waiting at fun mmm with the paper in is saying that matches rob his role as well I wrote this Ross Ross ANCA [ __ ] and we go to the studio I try to get some little you to some right so how long ago how many years ago did you actually start taking [ __ ] serious enough that you really wanted to they really thought you can do this and I just got out um when I saw I got back books also say that so so so been rapping since like I man intense bouts here you'll say to you for sure he's rapping see Emma I I was in jail I got out its will cut out book got out and 14 got that book I'm saying India I just got out of what 17 saw something uh-huh that's when I'm with Dirk and he doing all this [ __ ] and [ __ ] that's when I'm gonna rap about was is something that was going on in particular did you have like one song in particular they really seem like one [ __ ] going on that's why I rapping I'm saying like it was just a point like I'm gonna block and I got a study ax this [ __ ] for money I gotta keep that Center for money when I [ __ ] up or some say I be hobbies I have my [ __ ] we have my money to three bucks in our pocket think you'll be doing some [ __ ] got the love holes with the con [ __ ] be at our mom and I'm creeping [ __ ] you know but stay looking nice and [ __ ] I can pull the whole if you wanna [ __ ] but it's at a point if I [ __ ] up anything like get booked you know I ain't got no more money this is all the money I own in my pocket mmm and you know I'll get [ __ ] up I think I need 25 honey I got to the point I need to figure out what I'm gonna do so you know I steal drugs drugs is that ain't me that [ __ ] [ __ ] too strong like that own like people so it ain't work you can't just be communicating with like dozens or hundreds of junkies and I like like I'm used to being a tool people in being in jail and shooting at people people here shooting at me I don't want to kick it I don't wanna get set up on one oh by the play of me I like to shoot nobody with my drugs oh no so now I need something to do yeah so what was your prior relationship with Dirk felt like well how did you guys become cool and what how did you guys become so close you have to block he's just like how he is what we from we are real close like he's I'm saying so this is one the gas he just happened to be rapping he he figured out what he do what I'm gonna do everybody else as a whole I'm saying about how we don't know what we want to do what the time ain't know what I want to do hmm we [ __ ] we finna try to be the biggest drug dealers we finish each other well we finna rob whoever got some money we finna finesse what we gotta finesse we dig in streetwise hmm but he just wanted guys he rapping this [ __ ] work it's such like a it's crazy because that hustle of really being a rapper is like there's only so many dudes from your world that came out and took it to the next level like Sosa herbo Turkey Oh like you're right there there's a handful other people that we look at that like have really been able to transcend that but that's like basically becoming a god in Chicago in terms of the street [ __ ] right yeah good I said weird I said cuz look I said crazy Oh No Unitas ago yeah oh yeah you know I just wanna [ __ ] though good call just to a [ __ ] he's working dude Dirk have to put you on a lot of games to help you out with the rappin type thing do you have to you know give you advice in terms of how to actually make the music and stuff what was that process like main thing he said I cannot talk because first we started on we using his basin we made the first song me and my homies ooh you know he'd be the murder - so so boffo just be the murder now we have had Dirk career burn Alana you see I'm saying huh because you know he just made come on y'all gotta cheer for me he's something but it's born it's a lie huh we are nice part alpharetta so I'm just glad to see I don't know what the [ __ ] [ __ ] going on uh but we had to hurt he upstairs and [ __ ] we'd be downstairs in the studio on [ __ ] [ __ ] let's make a song so we make a song [ __ ] well nah nah I had a song fake I hate fake rope though he wrote the first verse in buco I knew the first words she called betta bodies now when he led there by little more felicitous a day [ __ ] what it well now few people a dropped my homies ooh he dropped a song and some more people got a saying they [ __ ] with it so now I'm like me I can do this [ __ ] real so I couldn't make out a song not similar dirt I'm like me with this [ __ ] sound like the gospel that's just sound decent sound good he-man I'm like man [ __ ] this [ __ ] for real he looked he said man look if you're gonna do this [ __ ] this only thing he told me no like we gonna do this [ __ ] you got to go all the way with ya do that [ __ ] really can't help as do it and [ __ ] he said you can't play what I'm gonna do so this is Dan you know I just some of the music here that's decent yeah this one better than that one over here you know mm-hmm and then we be in the studio he said like this I said you know that just lets you like you know you know you get to figure it out you get it catching onto that shock it to catching all that definitely yeah I mean it's actually insane to think that you got almost a million followers right now and then you really only been doing it for a pretty short period of time and that the songs that have gone crazy they're pretty much like YouTube smash hits it's not like they got on the radio it's not like they're being supported by all crazy parts of the industry none it's just straight up it's really like the way that we've seen all these other dudes blow up from Chicago is just making sure that's like super super Street and people just react to it on another level yeah that's it yeah been a lot of loss you're not definitely did you feel like you're like really being held back in your career right now because of the probation it should do you feel like that's no I didn't stop him nothing nothing we gotta move me something I can't move it's really just it just it's chained like it paved my route why I gotta go hmm cuz I'm used to being with me and my boy something but it's the case it just I can't it's out there right so but when we get back together after sauce and it's gonna be big like a thing going up like you see I'm said we should do every shoulder got and [ __ ] like that it's big I got a big fan of a nice yeah and say I should put together it's gonna be crazy when we get back together in [ __ ] so do you walk around with that in the back of your mind it's just always thinking about the the court situation and wearing it's on my leg so I got to you know I got aspirin and they ain't like in the back of a man's on my lead yeah it's vibrated I gotta charge it up well it's how my leg at the feeling to have you got to visit loose or some [ __ ] or my pants I can't get the panel because it that's me yeah but does it have like a big negative impact on your mind in terms of just having to always worry about that I always think about it is yeah I make the rest that I'm making ambassador [ __ ] right but it's gonna be what its gonna be hanging or crab but I shouldn't know yeah it's crazy because in the rapper oh we're so used to seeing like very bad things happen to people's lives and then the fans react in a positive way I'm sure you saw some of that where I met you me like you caught this case and then there's probably you probably got a shitload of followers the day you caught the case oh no oh no not my suit is my climb climb climb no no in the case frolicking then a look at [ __ ] background up and [ __ ] look at all the YouTube video you know it's the iPod type videos about a [ __ ] serious all right maybe I'll type of [ __ ] good it'd be good [ __ ] like this I said when I look at the comment you have some of the funny is you two comments I ever seen Davies because number one they they comment like you rap like they'll say like King Vaughn voice and then they'll comment and you can actually read the comment and hey babies [ __ ] out yeah being that stupidest don't like that sewage just because they they're so into it they're paying such close attention and they could actually write our bars that kind of sound like something you depressed good it ain't hot like this the type of [ __ ] I've made on the bus you see on there and it's wrong look at much it's going up but like here they should be able to if I made this on the bus when I want he wrapped me right there that's crazy okay but so in terms of like like having someone success with the crazy storytelling raps how does that make your opinion change of what you're gonna make going forward like do you feel like your fans just want a lot of that kind of content from you or do you feel like you have to go in other directions and have to make you know a club record or more of like a straight record like that doesn't necessarily have that that same pattern it's like make everything [ __ ] I'm gonna make everything like whatever be coming up type of flow of it I'm just gonna make so much different [ __ ] and so I'm trying to make all little bro to the point where just a no telling when I'm a job right yeah it's gonna be super fun makes a lot of Lud whatever I so what type of style you call crazy over my bouncy real style it's gonna be that type type of [ __ ] steel it's gonna be some other [ __ ] while I'm mixing slowest [ __ ] like the small guy with me and younger nation [ __ ] you something order order [ __ ] yo [ __ ] type [ __ ] I like the [ __ ] I just got me a little herb just some turned real should I make you just keep bouncing light don't want to keep doing outside of differences right do you feel a lot more comfortable making the the street records then the the sentimental records because I have noticed you going in some romantic directions yeah yeah it's the street you know it ain't ain't used to the auto-tuning [ __ ] get an hour let then you know you got to make your voice higher knowledge the sinking harder is different but that's the females like the female and I stay before voters here and speaking of females you are dating someone who had on the show before a friend of mine Asian doll oh yeah yeah how did that come about I was so interesting to me I'm in New York with dirt Meow's with dirt we was doing I guess you had to press one and [ __ ] I did with your super with an odd [ __ ] meat we was playing baseball making them and [ __ ] that's when I first saw I saw her that day and what was you know I said that's what she looking decent [ __ ] she looking good twice a night - and Shawn might have whooping [ __ ] then I had no Gillian all that [ __ ] no money back then so I'm like I see iris bigger as Gucci dress Gucci listen good yeah I was on set hotel up in the system so my homie BJ so thirsty tried to answer some time let him go shoot his shyness [ __ ] and then you know you know that sugar past our gear and you not so on again at the studio with dirt ideas some songs of [ __ ] to get that [ __ ] you know I should go I see on my one when I asked today it's a different day I get on my ass I'm Shawn flirting audience ooh then I see a one more time miss our New York though in different different occasions at Dirk release party you know him that's knows you know I was over open I was open I was touching on that [ __ ] right back how do you get through to a girl a girl she's so mean Dirk Instagram is [ __ ] DM don't like get my buddy on number and [ __ ] I guess y'all I see any wanna get so I mean me and get my [ __ ] buddy or number this he gained another [ __ ] called and [ __ ] I've been off they didn't flop it [ __ ] wouldn't [ __ ] was it different cuz I feel like you probably based on your music you know you got a lot of stories about just like me and random hose at the Stowe and [ __ ] you meet a girl like her who you you got a char more respect make it clear to wear that you're not just treating her like any old girl what was that like it's a little bit different in terms of like want to actually let him know like no I really yeah you know just jump right into you know [ __ ] just happen gang you know you just get to talking to [ __ ] off the lights off to looks up the connection of and then if it happens gonna happen work out everything gonna happening I'll come fall you know so it just happened I want planning on just whatever you just say it really no another that I was just I like you something talk to us see where I go all right and it was we cool nice it ain't you know I don't force [ __ ] and she just have I'm type just let something happen and it just happened in this I'm sure do you appreciate the fact that you've seen her like ripping other girls wigs off on and [ __ ] real question we're talking about the other day that was if you're with your girl and another girl pulls up and starts trying to [ __ ] her up you're gonna stop it right yeah we've been going out laughs we can't just let the girl I can't be Rama happy I'm gonna figure it out we're gonna figure it out well anything be ain't nobody touch her like that you grab the other girls wig off first all wanted even be touching along with the lead know what Crayola know that's a hard core thing huh mmm I can't be going to jail for no [ __ ] like that and then hey buddy watch Danae bond beating up holes whoo but I ain't gonna let nothing happen to my [ __ ] for so ain't nothin happen like that for sure I see when me like that I feel mad just shooting another girl just for saying something here here oh no that's awesome yeah what uh what made you decide you wanted to do the video with her in it like that was a beautiful thing I remind me a future and blac Chyna in that one video video yeah rich sex remember that [ __ ] go watch future of I China in that video I'm sure your love is a lot more real than whatever they had going on but yeah I had I saw was the question about just uh dude I'm done the video with her that was very I you know I see they're gonna be mad if I got another girl I'm gonna let them and you know I'm a house the rest of my deities I'm saying so we in the house we got all day anyway I tell how much this video I need you to pretty girl and [ __ ] she what video I'm gonna come on yeah she did yeah yeah yeah in the first video we shot arms one of us [ __ ] so she called gressil I guess you could change the song called grassland [ __ ] yeah this is min ago his first talking to mmm do you notice a lot of like cultural differences because she's a Texas girl and you're Chicago boy that's like two completely different worlds yeah yes she country they cut you down yes he cuts you yeah that's my long you know she never but I really care about you know oh she busts out any slang that you're like [ __ ] are you talking about hi my heart she called the soda pop she pees outside the city David's outside [ __ ] is deficit another question I wanted to ask you is just what was what's the LeBron James inspiration that you had going into this this new tape and everything what is it about LeBron James Lee stands out to you yes you know look I'm not on the bra I first be going crazy and [ __ ] song might as well I put the farm with a brown posed to be a you know folks you know and it just it was really just a name and she just didn't sound catching me I just like this [ __ ] so I my favorite best about that so so mmm Vanja what about when Kobe pasture that affect you emotionally that's it yeah Oh David said ain't no lie yeah he doesn't see anyone gonna Instagram what sort of minutes there yeah that was a I think he got the rain in Atlanta we did it though yeah yeah over you know how to [ __ ] Kobe died yeah this is see like post posted I like people like you that's all I can know just on some completely random [ __ ] nothing ain't no lesson you can learn from it that's why I hate not creating happen out of no and I soon as you wake up and I'm while I woke up to it mmm I don't know who I woke up to I think a lot of people woke up to when I woke up to a cuz I was just watching some last night he was on was that the game what if it was it up what a [ __ ] oh I don't know but the next one I see that summer I he or not yeah my girl told me Kobe died and I said I'm like you can't just read everything you seen on Twitter to me but you got confirm it before you say that and then she's like no for real yeah yeah I had to see it first [ __ ] even man that's crazy um in terms of just sort of like making your block famous how much of a important thing is that to you because I feel like nowadays it's like you you just like emphasize like it must be really cool to be from certain blocks of Chicago because you're making him so famous right now it ain't really about being I it really ain't about me famous at all right that's what we've been famous for Swedish what he's like like not probably a good friend but we've been famous for a minute yeah so it ain't I'm really trying to get all my homey some money I need everybody to be countable one year by the beer to take care a people nearby to be so it ain't bad you've been famous that fame she don't mean nothin to nobody I arrived me some lot of people what if they make it money like what if you famous ain't no money coming about it what you [ __ ] no way but how much does it matter to you that the kids from your neighborhood are proud of what you're accomplishing what you're putting out there because I'm sure that there's just like your music is speaks so much about your exact area that it's like they have to probably be proud of where they're from yeah he is little kids let me so yeah they had some aquatic or blockage to the kids they look they lovin against [ __ ] I mean a lot dog yeah you know they do the right thing man go up to the right thing she don't get in trouble don't get caught get the [ __ ] on some good don't get in trouble don't get caught um they're both good pieces of advice um a lot of people do all kinds of bad [ __ ] their whole life and they just don't get caught yeah you trying to be one of them nothing nothing so I know that you kind of say that like a lot of the stories you tell are hypothetical and stuff but do you ever get you know is there any level of like worried that you might actually be like talking so much [ __ ] about sixty-third that like one of the kids from that neighborhood is just gonna just go crazy and just decide that like you know king Vaughn's his enemy and you got to do something about it right now you can't ya know man I'm trying to see what you're going like do something like well it make a song go to the authorities to put in perspective it's like we drop all these bombs on you know Afghanistan is [ __ ] and then eventually they grow up and they're mad as [ __ ] so they joined terrorist organizations and then they come over here and blow our [ __ ] up I not they've been mad yeah buddy like I've been into people and people been not liking me so it's like you know it's the same [ __ ] I just got a move moving just gotta [ __ ] be ready don't get ready you better pray it up whatever it is what it is Matt and Davis clap but I ain't going like that for sure I ain't going on daesil it's just one [ __ ] thing it's like you've actually turned your option to a mean because all those comments are like Oh 6030 63rd and it's like none of them know where the [ __ ] this is a door who's there or whatever but there's they're like in on the joke and it's kind of that's a different thing yeah they just got to be cool sit back it's about me this is the night he's down there you're not trying to like music oh yeah I'll just sit back and take this they do this for me I don't think y'all yeah like just the fans they love me see they [ __ ] with a [ __ ] they gonna walk [ __ ] rocking ain't gonna rock I'll rock welcome yeah ain't gonna City 13 oh [ __ ] so what so again like you say a lot of the stories are hypothetical but in this this one took it to the oh you actually mentioned that a specific rapper from Chicago call the girls six times while you were hanging out with it right it is round he sounds nice it just be clumped me you know sit ain't not sit just right that's just sound right it's not right on so I'll put that [ __ ] like how you you know I think it's tricky like this is hypothetical to say I think you had to rewind it like 10 seconds and I just [ __ ] come in my hair and in our own second I just put the [ __ ] down right it just came up like it ramped and it sounded what that's his Hardee's did you hear his response though I'm from 63rd FBG Doug just put that out like a week ago I think I went to it but I couldn't you know you try to listen to some of you and I mean just in case you didn't notice he does have one line who says how you taught your gun when your pants tight as hell that's out of concern we yes but yeah like I told them I got how stressed out I was you kidding I mean he kind of like does like a parody of your raps in it where he just started saying I had this [ __ ] from Minnesota and he just sort of like smacking up a slob come on mom but his accusation there's basically that like anybody can make up any song and rap that song that story and is gonna sound hard right music and I'm doing [ __ ] to get money and [ __ ] like like in real life people know real life fears and people know what happened in real life and what goes on in real life but in this music [ __ ] is just really about you know progressing and going up and just you know it's [ __ ] music man [ __ ] chisel nice one yeah mmm definitely just need some more honey tested to go up I need that [ __ ] you know you focus on that not that is what the music is like right the real-life [ __ ] ain't got none do the moves right I'm not slow I'm not gonna ain't right real life people are not [ __ ] that's it I mean that is the interesting thing is that it's like you know you're a smart guy you could think of some crazy [ __ ] that maybe didn't really happen or maybe it's a version of something that did happen and you could say it in the song you kind of know that your fan base at this point is big enough that a lot of them are just random ass white kids in Kansas and they're gonna be like damn he said he had a bazooka that sure like you can just say whatever is like there's a little bit of temptation to just make your [ __ ] wild as hell because you know that a lot of the fades don't necessarily know how to tell the difference yeah just know there's no truth to the music that the music which is it's me it's entertainment and it's hang y'all so I'm [ __ ] get paid and when a child becomes a mmm like the real [ __ ] yeah no child no whatever that [ __ ] gonna figure self out in real life he's young saying it's real the music yeah I'll just stick to the entertainment you know mm-hmm is your money get all [ __ ] up in your opinion because you're not able to travel the way that you want to do you feel like you would be a lot further along in the game right now right you know I can't do no oversea you know I should go no snow what to to crazy you know why you you know but it still I'm taking it out you know I'm working you know he's working out I'm figuring it out and I'm gonna do whatever I can do yeah have you really done any shows in Chicago or is it kind of [ __ ] up for a rapper who talks about the kind of [ __ ] you talk about Chicago and really like that on the only good thing I saw was the all-star weekend I was the best [ __ ] I saw in Chicago in a minute but like the shows and she like like club starting in Chicago like at will now some [ __ ] right they get cuz just cuz of the fighters and so much TV on so I did some shows and [ __ ] solution in Chicago but ain't gonna [ __ ] with Chicago light on the music style and it's too much going on yeah you got to get a friend near image if you want to be able to write what you phone know by any Street [ __ ] know how are they from you know you got history good ideas some [ __ ] up some [ __ ] up people know you from this and they ain't gonna forgive you for what and [ __ ] so mmm yeah what it is I can make everybody happy but you will go somewhere else and they allow you to Duff and [ __ ] hmm I feel you lover my father EE they do they go crazy I was just talking to somebody to is telling me that like all the the biggest Chicago rappers like they're like yo dark and her bow like in New York and if God's because there's some Russians like real street rap fans in that area that they just gravitate towards these dudes fact so tell me a little bit more about the tape is there any songs in particular you're super excited off of the album I took the photo that's my favorite song I made Devon I was in jail of the crazy story beat ya ain't a that after because I had no beat he's right so you're sort of just had an imaginary beating your head I'm gonna need a Ross on you to make something wrong real quick I'm gonna wrong boy I'm gonna be king um I need to make something like crazy store uh-huh so got a chop on his flexor [ __ ] got some top from the strip of it Yahoo just because a lot of people like minute sounds just like is is just like Kurt that's I had no beat what the [ __ ] yo I'm gonna do alright I wrote in jail it's good you got a girl cuz a lot of this story seem like they sort of start out with you just kicking with some random ass girl yeah that's how you know I do Street [ __ ] little bit bigger than out there you know life ain't [ __ ] without females I would shoot out the holes on a block and [ __ ] so there will be nothing to fight over everybody why you gettin fly I wanna be banished mmm all this [ __ ] for girls and [ __ ] that's a good point I'm liking over here he's out there that's why I have a say no yeah it's a white boy jewelry for sure yeah I had to get the throat side too when I was like think about it we do a thing for females mmm I don't even know about changed when I was 19 I probably got a change set of a neck tattoo hope she think is wrong I hope she think this cute oh she did make I like that's real [ __ ] up though that's a neat cool really there's a lot of dudes really most of the dudes in jail if you were to really trace back why they did what they did like yeah you traffic ten kilos of coke but you did it so you could get money so you could buy [ __ ] jeans and chains and I ain't never went to jail because I know theme but if you really trace it back yep I'd say that I bet we probably to it over just really almost every single one of those dudes if they had had a dick chopped off when they were born they probably wouldn't had any reason to commit a crime I hate the domestic people that be in that [ __ ] beat their girlfriend even got a car to stop Carla yeah that's a weird hobby we all know dudes like now you know baby it be some [ __ ] they be they female be the problem mm-hmm she she crazy she didn't did something to college close up hit him in the eye he done pushed her and she didn't call the people so now he and that [ __ ] time blossom his bond sent that all types it that's real didn't she come to quit let him get out when you were locked up was it like a big contest to see who could be running the phone huh like who who could just get on the phone whenever they wanted was that big wet it depends on where you were I've been in places what don't nobody get on the phone it's a deck of people and got nobody Lord maybe in jail so long that was the phone always open he sounds a bit in his pistol on decks what people just came in so everybody trying to get on the phone and get bond out and NASA line and you got to try to get you 10 20 minutes and we everybody fighting over that [ __ ] right is it depends on what you and what's going on yeah you see I'm saying if you want a chill deck one [ __ ] that longer ain't too many people [ __ ] with them cuz you know at the time people stop [ __ ] jail sort of phone bill but if you somewhere was a lot of people they got a lot of love and I love girlfriends and mmm yeah bye on the phone China Kali people all day yeah depends only you that you ever have to be somebody's eyes with the phone while I was still connected to the court because that's awesome I saw somebody do it I his mind he had the farm for the court so I wouldn't be trying to know [ __ ] about a crazy range of motion to just hammer him with that [ __ ] I thought I was anyway anybody wanna shout out anything we need to know about this project she let me shout out shout out for them on my nose I look at my family grandma my kids you know anything about the tapes here we're gonna drop on what video we finish our trust issues to me my boy youngin a shout-out folks know shout out all t of told ya yeah what else even a job at the choices up I drop 3 a.m. I [ __ ] with that song like I see it all took it to know that's my favorite song gonna be throwing all that SoundCloud iTunes YouTube all of that no jumper comp you want support like comment subscribe wow that's the first time I heard the [ __ ] ambulance out there yeah I hit that become hot plan yo appreciate y'all for watching no jumper this is what can't want for now oh this is crap comment light what's up
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 2,552,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: King Von, King Von interview, King Von No Jumper, King Von podcast, King Von Adam22, king von g herbo, king von took her to the o, king von durk court, king von durk case, king von lil durk interview, lil durk, lil durk king von, adam22 interview, adam22 podcast, adam22 podcast no jumper
Id: f68xstYJ1TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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