The Druski2Funny Interview

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[Music] no jumper coolers podcast in the world and today we got one of the current funniest people on the Internet the one only drew ski in the day are you doing man I'm good I'm good I'm very excited to have you in here it's very very once in a while occasionally we get to have somebody on the show who is just like presently making me laugh my ass off on such a regular basis and I feel like you know especially over the last couple months I've just been kind of constantly having that conversation with people about your videos you know and I'm going back I realize you've been doing it for a few years now but it's it's kind of crazy like how this stuff has been taking off and how quickly a lot of your stuff has gone viral but I mean I feel like a [ __ ] like you said I've been doing it for some years now so it's like I actually I love that this [ __ ] is not going like a super mass like jump up cuz there's a lot of [ __ ] that get up like that maybe like that one thing that you do you know I'm saying like oh he says this at the end of every video so when everybody comes up to you like oh let me get a video you saying this I'm gay it's like a super quick like jump up get a million followers or a couple million flowers and boom it's over you know I'm sexy that's smart because I wasn't thinking of it like that but that is very true that a lot of times I'll have people will they'll have one killer joke and that joke becomes too big and then they can never really live up to that and everything is kind of just nipping at the heels of trying to be that one then it's like I just hate that knowing things I've seen it happen so many times I'll go to like the club and you'll see that guy that blew up off of that one thing and everybody's like oh recording recording recording then he's done doing that one thing then people just walking away like oh yeah that's the guy that does the one thing right there yeah okay [ __ ] that guy it's like for a quick 10-second video right if you haven't been on line long enough or have you ever been like really paying attention long enough you for a lot of jokes or a lot of catchphrases and a lot of times people be going absolutely nuts for something for a week and then it's like you couldn't sell a t-shirt that said that thing on it yeah a week away and it's over the next up yeah and I just been building that thing up in this that's how I'd rather one because I see a lot of people I mean it's been people ahead of me that I look up to this whole time and I and it's I have no problem with catching them at a slow pace and I'm saying cuz I'm just building building buildings and hopefully when people look back it's like damn he did that he did that he did that you know I'm saying so I'm just building this whole let me guess from my perspective the stuff that is really gone crazy and taken off was basically just you doing rapper stuff that accurate or what's the biggest stuff not really the biggest [ __ ] I mean I don't know I've countless [ __ ] so I would even just say the rabbit said that's more recent ok I think that's when I you had hit me up when around the time but that's more recent surge of some [ __ ] I've just been doing I seen catching traction but I mean I've done all types of stuff I've done like redneck stuff I've done frat boy stuff I've done [ __ ] you name it I didn't did it see the frat boy stuff is super funny to me because like myself as a white person I have not spent a lot of time around frat people so I don't really like know what they're up to but as I started watch your stuff I was like man this is a dude who actually like you clearly have been around type of people because you have a lot of observations about the stuff that they're doing it yeah so I'm and from watching a little bit of your interviews and stuff I guess we might as well take it back to the beer so where are you from I'm from Gwinnett in Georgia Austin County and Georgia's Gwinnett County from the north side stupido side alright so uh but ya know I'm from Gwinnett so I'm from a place where it's a lot of it's a suburb so it's a lot of black people it's a lot of white people it's a lot of every every culture everywhere so pretty much I grew up in that area where I'm seeing so many different things like we have a side of Atlanta where I grew up in and it's just I seen a lot of black people that were in the streets and I've seen a lot of white people that were like super suburban and I'm around them and then some of them went off to college some other kids that didn't go off to college are in the streets and stuff you know I'm saying so I grew up around a lot of different like cultures all in one and I feel like I don't know if I had a bit to that but I just I picked up a lot of like comedy from sin mmm every single little thing from those sides you're not I mean right no I I figured that out pretty early cuz I was like you know there's a lot of stuff with like he definitely has white fur exact like you were capable of looking at [ __ ] from both sides because a lot of times rappers will be doing stuff that is objectively just so weird and so funny and there's never really anybody that like points it out as being funny but then that's what I thought was funny about you is that you seem like you authentically like get the culture but you also are able to look at it from the outside and kind of observe how funny some of these things that people start doing are yeah nah but IIIi love I don't know cuz some people when I was growing up I used to act like yeah like I around my black friends I'd be like yeah man I'm from I used to like be like cuz I was born in Maryland so I still I'd be like yeah man I'm from Baltimore yeah I had this like up north accent like just trying to be like super cool like yeah I'm not from we are from I literally only spent like a [ __ ] year there when I was one so but now I just wanted to I don't know I just being around some my black friends I wanted to be in that like culture where I'm like yeah like I don't but when I'm around my white friends I'm more like dude I'm like from the same like [ __ ] place with you guys super [ __ ] cool but it's just like I don't know I just after a while just understood like alright this is this is where I'm from it from a like a suburbia place where it's like a million different cultures so that's really a lot of that stuff has come about with me though right now I totally get that cuz I mean especially you're growing about Atlanta and you have friends from different sides of the world and stuff and then you kind of have like there's like this allure that's like tail that's being told through rap music where you think like oh maybe I want to be on some tough [ __ ] maybe I want to walk around and like really nah but don't get it twisted it is a tough side of where I'm from though definitely it's a street in certain areas in on the note side where I'm from that is like that right so I don't get missed a true like oh it's like super like nah I don't know that's kind of the question is like do you want to really like carry that as part of your identity or do you want to try to like kind of go beyond it and it's like that that's kind of like a crucial decision when you're making as like a young person without from an area where you could sort of choose to go one way or another right yeah and I mean around that time I just was well around like high school that's when I was trying to find out my I didn't right so that's when I'm like Who am I really you know what I'm saying so just after years it's just like don't different stuff and like failing that [ __ ] and like doing bad [ __ ] and then not doing bad she trying to do some good [ __ ] and then just knowing who I am I really didn't know I was even a [ __ ] comedian mmm so I wanted to go to school for [ __ ] a damn sportscaster oh really I thought I did I can see you doing that I just I just wanted to be I like the UH I like the UM the thought of being on TV right that's what I thought I wanted to do so see that's interesting that's like your brain was like oh I want to be an entertainer but you didn't really like fully perceive all the different types of entertaining you could be so you landed on sportscaster but then in reality once like once you started seemed right yeah I made steps towards it like I went to my first college which was like a kind of like a Community College I wouldn't say it's Community College it's like a college in the same County Grant County I went to GGC and the classes was kind of hard not too hard I cheated my way out of there got to a bigger University you know I'm saying I got there I'm like alright I'm gonna do this ESPN thing like I thought it was so cool yeah I'm gonna be on TV one day I'm just Dookie SPN so I tried to go there and do a [ __ ] sportscaster so I signed up like a class for that and I tried to do it as like an extra I don't even what do you call that extracurricular thing that you do on the side or now dude [ __ ] nah but it's it's it's really a thing I forgot what it's called people out there that's in college I know what I'm talking about yeah but it was extra thing I was doing and I wanted it was like a setup like this where we had like mics and everything and I would get on there and I literally would accidentally cut so like jig sakes of money [ __ ] they seemed like dudes like no no no they can't do they can't do it I'm like oh this is like a sports it so I just kept constantly and then they came up to me after like yo you're so funny like you really just need to do like I feel like you should do entertainment radio they just asked me like you should do like comedy radio or some I was like not really but I still didn't know like I still was making people laugh and chefs stood and fully know like alright that's my calling to do like comedy you know I'm saying right and so I just kept [ __ ] off and I dropped out of all those classes there and I just said [ __ ] that [ __ ] that's right so when you were in high school and stuff that you weren't really looking at the medians of the world as people that you were looking up to did I actually did and I would I just didn't know what it's like it was in me but I didn't know what it was though I literally would watch like Kevin Hart Mike Epps sedges and Cedric the Entertainer and I just didn't know why I looked at them like it was like a big deal like I used to look at them and be like you know I'm so inspired by them or I'll be like so inspired by like a big actor or like rapper or something I was like I don't know why it's like I want to be like them but then I didn't know what the comment was though you could totally be like looking at Chris Rock or Kevin Hart or whoever and and be a big fan but then not make the connection in your head like oh I could go and perform at a local comedy club and that would be me [ __ ] step one toward literally heading where that thing in my mind thinking like literally nothing am i but I always I always like my mom when I was younger she would always cut on the camera and let me like entertain you know I'm saying like she would let me be myself but I didn't know this whole time this is all like going into like my story you know I'm saying but I'm not even paying attention to it I'm like five six and like she'll cut on the camera and I have a video on my Instagram as well and it's like I just started like talking [ __ ] like I'm just talking some [ __ ] and she'll just let me go on for hours just recording me recording recording me a scene even though she was doing [ __ ] she's letting me be a kid you know right so when I look back at those videos it's like damn this is what I'm supposed to be doing like this really makes sense now you know I'm so see that is crazy because I feel like there's a lot of kids out there who end up spending years and years and years like trying to do one thing without really like listening to their brain and figuring out like what they're supposed to be doing with themselves that's crazy so when you look back at some of that stuff you like [ __ ] I actually enjoyed those fuck-ups like getting in trouble in high school and going to college dropping out Sam [ __ ] that I I enjoyed those fuck-ups it's like damn right it's it just all leads you to where you're supposed to be going cuz it's teaching you a lot along yeah hell yeah so you during high school like what were your major identities that you sort of try it on because I know you had the scammer period of time you did some digging man no I did I did that wasn't in high school that was after I dropped out of college but that's like regular [ __ ] in Atlanta this gamma is like working at the [ __ ] store that's like regular that's a job right but not that was after college but in high school what are you saying like what's my ID yeah like what kind of kid were you because you seemed like you were sort of torn between different ways no I was actually a [ __ ] off in high school I got little II was like I was a full-on comedian high school but I didn't know I was following what other kids said I was literally failing out of high school but I'm following what other kids are like doing I got wanted to go to college like everybody's like yo we're going to college after senior year so I'm like oh [ __ ] that's what the [ __ ] I need to be doing for everybody else it's kind of trying to do I've seen some other kids dropping out and [ __ ] like going to like alternative schools but I've seen most of the kids like the girls that I liked and [ __ ] they'd be like yeah we're gonna go into this college I'm going this because I'm like [ __ ] that's what I need to be doing right had none of the grace to do that [ __ ] though mmm none of them like I literally was going there play all day get kicked out of one class sit outside in the hallway [ __ ] off with somebody else go to the next period go to lunch [ __ ] off you know I'm saying just being funny goofy not the bad kid that's like getting into fights trying to do [ __ ] I was like a class clown in high school too and what I think about it now is it's like the difference between a girl that's just going around being a ho versus a girl who like becomes a stripper it starts the only fans and actually tries to start making money off it yeah I was funny doing this [ __ ] for just doing it for no reason you're not getting anything out of it yeah but I was getting suspended for just were like yeah no definitely but like the you know I feel like if you if you have that realization of like oh this is Who I am and I could actually work towards this as a career that could be very useful but I wouldn't even think about that I literally would do stupid [ __ ] like we I just just something that I'm thinking on top of my head right now we would go to class late is [ __ ] and me and my boy I had a I had a homeboy and we literally walked down the hall we're latest hit the class and you know how the classrooms used to have that little rectangular little smaller window I literally had a water bottle on my hand I started spraying the water bottle down the the lens of the of the the window and he starts like taking his shirt off act like it's a strip club and I'm beating her this is just stupid stuff that just goofy [ __ ] like we weren't even doing [ __ ] now it's [ __ ] up but [ __ ] like that almost got us like paneled and they try to like I told a teacher her her boobs look like cow udders and I literally didn't tell her but I'm saying it out loud and in the class and they're dying but I get gassed it up that they were dying laughing and I'm sorry cuz I kind of whispered it but they're dying and like I guess she heard that just because it's and they tried to get me for like sexual some oh yeah it was some extra [ __ ] like I tried to do a whole bunch with it but like just I was just doing goofy sort of handle there's a thing that happens in high school now in front of a whole panel yeah they try to it's like yo it's sick they try to get like police involved and other types of [ __ ] it's just yeah I I hate it I hated it for but I wanted to be the kid that went off to college cuz I seen them doing I was just like oh they're [ __ ] doing this was supposed to be done right but I wasn't getting the grades to do it so so then but somehow you made your way into college yeah nah my mom I went home and I was just like yo [ __ ] this [ __ ] cuz I finally like graduated like I took hella like online classes and I met a lady that uh that [ __ ] let me take two years of Spanish in like a day oh wow she was just like yeah we live in the United States there's no point in Owens [ __ ] Spanish and I was like woah woah so you found a scammer along the way yeah along the way and now she's like she ended up being racist he's on worldstar as a whole bunch of bull she got this lady who helped yeah yeah it's a shame the same lady yes he's like that cuz she uh she went in front of a whole bunch of people on worldstar that same school that I graduated not that same school but the same school she had like a little home school [ __ ] you could go there during the summer you can take some extra credit courses or whatever so I went there she's like yes so I believe we live in the United States if you want to use your Spanish you can get to use your Spanish through me and she gave me like a sheet that was [ __ ] it said hola como esta and there's just three little things like if you just bubble in the letter what does this mean hi what does this mean whatever how're you doing right and I did that I turned into her skin me two years of Spanish anyway right fast forward three years later this lady is on worldstar and she has like a home school like wasting their out of church and she's like it was like a whole bunch of like black people that were at her graduate that's a white lady she's a chubby white lady and she's like look at all the people talking and leaving all the black people we're like they're like what the [ __ ] and if somebody was recording so it went like super viral everybody got up in like laughs and was like yelling at her it was craziness but that's the same lady that helped me graduate high school Wow ya know she's got one good [ __ ] I've got a high school through like doing that took Helen X Greg lit so my mom was looking out there yeah my mom was looking out so yes I got into college and then I took all those like um you know those 1101 classes okay we got to find out where you're at mmm you might not know but no I was about 25 25 okay okay so then you you you get into college what like what what college do you go to and what was this is like showing up there like ah same as high school was like a whole bunch of kids it was it was like the same type of people from the same area I'm from at a college now okay like everybody from Gwinnett or like the cab and like some of those other areas in Atlanta they were coming to like GGC to go to school oh it's like a new school and it's like you could get in super easy there's like a more amped up version of high school pretty yeah high school again yeah just [ __ ] like that and then I was like I gotta get a battery I wanted to experience the real [ __ ] college experience cuz I hear everybody like oh I go to a big University where I'd be partying way bigger than that that's [ __ ] College you're at so I cheated my way there I was just copying a whole like a little it was so easy to cheat there it was crazy but I'd seed my way out of there and I got to like a bigger college and come to find out I didn't [ __ ] like that at all right well it's funny cuz I cheated so much and I just go in college when I think about it like I never would have graduated if it was not achieved but yeah nobody talks about it publicly but everybody [ __ ] does it right that it's sick yeah you know that's kind of crazy that's the original hustle they're like if people really need to know about what were your main ways of cheating cuz now if I needed a cheat I could just write it in the test who's not mad about that some yes wait you could just write and the teachers not gonna be looking at the details you know you had no no but I'm saying if I was in school now I could just write it all in here I've heard people talk about online nah I just really used to try to like they in college they'll try to give you like a yellow sheet a pink sheet the yellow sheet pink sheet so the person next he doesn't have the same exact test that's smart so I would yeah they were smart but they're not for that [ __ ] long I would literally copy that test next to me and go and turn that test in the same pink power that her pink powers in so I'll just turn that [ __ ] and over on that side so pink go over here yellow goes over here right I'll go turn my yellow test in over here but I have all the pink answers so I just was doing [ __ ] like that and I just got a bad at that school and tried to go to the next one the next one that [ __ ] was hard as [ __ ] it was hard but was it more of a party atmosphere yeah more of a party atmosphere but harder classes like that [ __ ] I got into like the classes I was in at that community [ __ ] college like 10 15 people in the class it's like high school again right I get to a real college it's like [ __ ] 400 people sitting in a lecture nobody's listening but somehow people are like writing notes and [ __ ] and it's too much at that point I'm like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] this ain't me right here it is saying it that's so funny because I had the exact same experience where my first year out of high school I went to a community college got straight A's and then use that to get into UMass the University of Massachusetts a million times harder I'm having to actually study my ass all day to get I'm telling you russy's you were telling I passed I don't think I passed any classes that first semester in the really I told my mom I was like yo I'm out of there so you dropped out because you wanted to pursue the carmody sure you just dropped out yeah cuz it was crazy cuz I literally I was doing the radio [ __ ] that first semester I wouldn't really pass on my classes like that but I was doing the radio [ __ ] so I'm like yo if anything I'm trying to stick in this [ __ ] to just do like try to get on this ESP and get on TV [ __ ] and I just it when I was going there they're like dude you're [ __ ] hilarious like yo you need to be doing something like they would constantly tell me to hell just new some boys out over that did the radio [ __ ] and they would constantly tell me I wouldn't think of too much of it but then I started literally I would go to my room every night and like look at videos of like Steve Harvey and like motivational [ __ ] of like comedians not really started seeing like yo this might be like my calling and life like that's when we really like dinged in my head like go I think this is what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to be doing this is definitely because it didn't feel right being all the way out there in the middle of nowhere it didn't feel right right [ __ ] no that's it was just like Illinois and it's one thing to be funny it's another thing to decide that being funny is yours your thing that's sort of try to base your your value in the world go forward on yeah because a lot of people don't get that yeah some people that think that their calling is being funny and it's really just like no dude you just kind of goofy you you make us laugh no I know dudes who they're they base their entire life around being a comedian and they've been trying for 10 years 20 years and they still got the same number of followers that they had 10 years ago and I mean I feel for him because they really want that so bad but it's so low that is the whole world is telling you it's not gonna happen if you have no fan base up to 10 years then that's kind of all we need to know I know somebody that's of 10 years trying to do it easily yeah no fan base I swear to God like still has a thousand followers on Twitter after all these years and he's still like goes to open mic nights and stuff and it's kind of weird cuz I dunno that's a different that's a different type of comedian now I'm literally working on my I'm a rookie in stand-up right now I'm working on my stem during this whole Kovach pandemic all this I've been working on my stand-up really cuz that's a whole nother Lane that's like you're saying like he might have a thousand I know some funny [ __ ] I really sat and some stand-up in Atlanta the kid had like 700 800 followers on Instagram because after the show i farm let go your funniest [ __ ] you got to be big like I just didn't know about you six seven hundred followers it was the closer that night yeah he's like 30-something he's like one of the older cats he was 30 in his late 30s had them crying but he tried to do skits on social media oh my god [ __ ] horrible isn't that bizarre how does like some dick two totally different things like two totally different days and I've had people on here who are like really really popping on vine or whatever and then they started funny or they're weird in real life or they start trying to do stand-up and it's like you know years of hard work before they really like literally I've been working on my stand-up doing this pendant cuz that's a whole nother ballgame like it's seriously something else so what's different in terms of your thought process when you sit down to write stand-up versus when you this is way different cuz when you're doing a skit it could just be an idea you build on it but and stand upright in that [ __ ] you really a lot comes into it cuz you you could have a written out joke but if you don't say it the right way or say that certain word the right way oh it's not funny no more right I could say I would yeah man I was supposed to go to the store I could say I would I polled ahead and that's a huge difference then not saying I have to say it in a street way but it's just certain words it's stand-up is way different man yeah some words just have that funny fact yeah and and somebody could say a joke and it don't be funny I could say it and I could literally hit you with it like literally have everybody crying laughing yeah it's just about how you do it so it's way different than social media yeah I've been watching this channel lately that just sort of like breaks down people stand up and we'll go into detail about like why it sucks or why it's good and they'll just hone in on little weird things the comedians are probably the comedian running that pace you know I started just some hater yeah but he picks out so much [ __ ] just point out how like why is he keep making this face after every joke eat aren't start thinking man and it's [ __ ] weird why does he do that every single time and [ __ ] it's a different ball game but I feel like it's only certain people that have made that transition and it been successful with it so - people like DC young fly and some of those that made it off of social medias like yo salute brokers it's not easy he's one yeah funny though and it's like go it's a lot of people that I thought were funny not naming no names of course by his Lobby but I thought were funny and then you meet them in real life and they're like super [ __ ] weird and you like go there's not even funny in real life he just had some punchlines I'm like a video you know do you see neon fires the guy that oh yeah you're around him and it's just oozing out of him all the time like he just can't help but just saying some hilarious [ __ ] [ __ ] is funny yes it is funny yeah were you ever influenced by Boomkat all bunk oh yeah holy [ __ ] on your show he did he showed up I don't know if he's drunk or on xan's or whatever and he like I was we were doing it live so it wasn't like this where if he had walked in right now maybe I'd be like you know I'd stand up and walk him out whatever I was live so I couldn't really do anything sets down sat down to the stupidest interview ever and then on the way out he smashed his forehead on the wall yeah it's sad though he said I never thought bum gang was coming I knew from John I was like this is just like goofy silly video see but if he had sort of lean you're right like he's never really seen my comedian but he had leaned into like the idea of just him being a guy who was stealing [ __ ] on Instagram was really funny to people but then he never was able to really no no after that I wouldn't even say I wouldn't even say was well and I it was kind of funny it was goofy but I feel like it was so entertaining to see some crazy [ __ ] like that's real yeah we're like holy [ __ ] and he's recording it and doing it you know this is [ __ ] nuts like yo I followed him and I was like yo I don't know how to do this not like him in prison right now like he's done a hell of [ __ ] and I didn't know all he had all those cases like it's crazy a thing about though like once you start to get to a certain level of popularity a lot of the [ __ ] that works when you're like unknown doesn't work anymore like stealing [ __ ] or whatever like if you were to start doing that you're already too big and even boom he got to the point we have millions of followers and it just it read different people just like hated on it too much and he just couldn't really keep it going in the same way I don't know man it was sad to see him drop on your show like that like we laughed but it was just so so sad it's like damn bruh you'll see people cry even artists this is art if I didn't crash out like that he'd be like damn what the [ __ ] happen and be like drugs and Hollywood took his soul some crazy [ __ ] yeah I haven't been around rappers who are on that level in a long time but definitely sometimes you'll meet a rapper and realize like oh this this dude is so [ __ ] up off lean or whatever that he's like barely even here focused on [ __ ] no more he's like whatever I'm just high that's crazy sad but you were never a lean guy or anything you go through that phase no none of the drugs hell no no [ __ ] like you don't want drinking right Yeah right I'll drink one I don't do a lot of drinking but I drink on occasion like if we're going to like a party or some it has to be like an event right and I feel like I'll drink them but I'm not a big drinker or I don't do no drugs so I'm living off of drinking and laid off a life so it was college like a big introduction so a drinking culture because a lot of these frat jokes and stuff it feels like that's a big part of it well kinda but not really I think [ __ ] everybody was drinking in high school yeah yeah I mean [ __ ] was drinking before they're even 18 right so it's like yeah nah I wouldn't even say oh no alcoholic [ __ ] I'll just say like on some like everybody was drinking literally at every party in high school like tenth grade like 15 16 years old right and it's like yo now that we looked back with like you know we were young it's [ __ ] I know I jank a little bit when I was like 16 but then like I kind of just realized like oh I don't want to [ __ ] with this and yeah I didn't actually end up really drinking that much and so I was like 22 23 30 there's so many [ __ ] I was drinking back then yeah it's like what the [ __ ] were we thinking yeah I avoided when I look back at it's so much [ __ ] that happened to a lot of people I knew around that time of like everyone I know is getting duis and [ __ ] like 18 19 because of that it's crazy man yeah okay but so then what do you remember like the first time you tried to actually start putting skits on Instagram was it awkward at all at first or did it just go smooth uh the first time I was kind of forced to do it cuz my homeboy just recorded me and I was just like talking [ __ ] at a gas station they just started recording me it's like no because at that point they had been telling me to do it I'm like yeah man I'm getting to it I'm getting to I'm funnier than that guy I'm funnier than that guy I would just talk [ __ ] like hey you could say you're playing those people but until you do it you're not [ __ ] like right for you to say so so he just one of my home waves my close homeboys he just forced me and he just recorded me it was like yo just posted just posted and I posted it and like everybody like locally that knew me they're like thank God like yo please keep doing this is so funny yeah but me doing that like that video was like some [ __ ] like it was literally some [ __ ] wasn't even me tapping into like my creative side like I was just me like just talking [ __ ] right and I was just like yo if I could do this this is gonna be easy yeah because it's like kill this a lot of times you know you would just be chilling with your friends and it'll be the funniest conversations or like you'll be basically end up joking around basically playing a character like just saying the most ridiculous [ __ ] but then to take that like energy that you get from just having a funny ass conversation your friends and somehow turn that into something that you can put on Instagram that actually makes sense but I feel like when you're young and you don't like have a name for yourself already it's kind of easy to do that because you don't have that much that many eyeballs are not you when you get up there as a dog they try to cancel people out for the simplest [ __ ] you can't say [ __ ] that's Instagram won't take it down yes really takes it down yes what would have you ran into trouble with haha man it's a couple different videos like I even at first like I was saying um white boys just said of frat boys okay like I was like white white white people always or I'll say white dudes always right and they would just take that video down really but we can say [ __ ] right and it don't get taken to hell just be a little weird [ __ ] that's it when I was saying I guess because I don't know if they felt as if I was like mocking them I don't know but I just I just was saying cuz this is real life I mean that's what the [ __ ] comedy is right right and I just was I would say like white people are do this or something like I'd never I didn't introduce the frat guys sit until my videos kept getting taken down for putting right guys or white people see that's funny because those same videos why people were laughing at it though right they're like yo this is you're killing it like Ulysses literally it like they was dying like yo this is but it's I guess it was somebody reporting but in a lot of those videos that I was dying laughing at there were about frat boys but I'm also the kind of thing in like I don't really know frat boys like this they just said white people be like I probably would have been like way more into it cuz that's more Universal more relatable yeah but they not let me do that quick that's crazy because I guess that they probably just in a position where like if that same video would have been taken down like they don't want like redneck comedians make a video about like oh this is what black people do yeah then so that I think they really look into some of that stuff and try to make sure cuz I even had but you gotta understand I had a slave video of me acting like a slate took that [ __ ] down wow I was like what the [ __ ] my answers but it wasn't even a joke towards lazy was just like I forgot using that was the setting for your jokes yeah we were on a whole like farm plantation I used to cut grass with one of my my white boyfriends and he used to always like will be out there just like joking and [ __ ] just like I was like go this was like a real slave house that we're cuttin right now right and we made a joke and he was like behind the camera he didn't show his face or none but he was acting like the slave owned or whatever and I was like the slave but I it was my idea I wanted to do it you know saying so I just told him what to say he didn't he didn't want to do it another that so um yeah posted it nobody it was good up for like a good like [ __ ] month or two then he got taken down and showed me like why I was thinking I was like what the [ __ ] he's crazy it feels like sometimes the social networks are just like cutting off comedy no mic my co-host who does the podcast with me little house phone he tweeted something with the n-word with a hard-on yeah boom no no more Twitter oh yeah he's gone for it oh yeah Oh forever for just saying it like he's a black dude he said it as a joke in the context I forget exactly what he said but his Twitter you can't he can't even make a new one he's like IP banned from his phone and everything no this is real doe is real is real but we living in times where we can't really joke about certain stuff so hmm but I feel like damn Chapelle was able to get away with so much [ __ ] on TV wow I love you ever doing it oh yeah not [ __ ] no yeah it sucks it's just like he was pushing the bar like a [ __ ] at all yeah but yeah anything that pushes the limits now is basically skewed or viewed out of context being the exact thing like I hate seeing all these old TV shows getting taken now because they have bi-face episodes when the episodes were making their the episodes are acknowledging the black faces bad black facial didn't happen if you're making a white character look like an idiot yeah by doing that that's the whole point right it's enforcing the idea that this is a bad thing I just feel like now that with all this stuff going on of course this stuff is gonna be like that and I and it kind of takes away from some of the comedic stuff because it's a lot of good racist jokes not honor but I'm just saying it's not it's not about our people not saying our people but I just feel like it just takes away from a lot of the comedy now and it sucks because it's like [ __ ] everybody's [ __ ] sensitive and now like you can't even save dog you can't say anything and it sucks I want to see you be able to roast a trump supporter and a biker at everybody in between like it's like yeah no but we have free range and you can really push the envelope but it's about how you go about it you just have to be you just got to be smart with what you do man yeah you can't cancel yourself out cuz now they trying to cancel [ __ ] everybody so he's got to be smart but you got to know you have to know what's going on in the world I feel like but it comes from both sides too though because it's like if you're not getting your [ __ ] taken down by Instagram or Facebook or whatever then it could be just people coming for you and saying we got to get rid of you have not experienced when I've had No thank God thank God nah they ain't got me yet nah but I've seen them go with some people like David trying to and and it'd be [ __ ] hatin ass like little kids and [ __ ] it don't even be no real pages you'll go to their [ __ ] page they got like some cartoon on it or some [ __ ] and be like yo you you're really just getting this rally going this hate going this one person trying to cancel them I feel like that's probably what gets a lot of those videos taken down though is that you know if you have 10 people that are offended by you making fun of white people then that's all it's gonna take them they reported as hate speech then the the robot has to take a look at it they see the word white people and they're like alright cool we'll get rid of it that shit's over yeah but I mean we live in a new generation now this this social media this [ __ ] is new we're only seeing the beginning of this this is like when the [ __ ] TV came out this is all we do now you see you're lucky though because if you had been making jokes on the internet 10 years ago there's a very very good chance that a lot of those jokes would not seem nearly as funny now or like you know making jokes like though all these youtubers are getting cancelled shits just because they were around on the internet when the standards were very different different times and this his internet [ __ ] is way different than TV and it's like it's only growing mmm so we're only seeing like the whole six nine [ __ ] all that [ __ ] is like what the [ __ ] we've never seen no [ __ ] like that it's like a real rapper that's like you never thought about getting a rainbow wig and doing a six nine never I think so many people do it it was just so [ __ ] played out that's wack that's real it was funny though like I seem like a couple it was like alright yeah it was kind of funny but it was like alright yeah people dragged that [ __ ] certain things happen and you can just tell that there's gonna be five million versions of it ASAP but when we're all laughing at the video right but the jokes of like it's a lot well I'm gonna quote the wire and Duke dudes version even though I thought it was really funny but he's you know you know I got waffle I threw it on the house Wow we all thought this it was so fast friend right now but I was telling my girl right after we are laughing at a few of them I you watch that she is gonna seem so [ __ ] lame in a week so everybody better get this in now because that [ __ ] is gonna seem so stupid and we have and I just seen a couple of on my minute [ __ ] is so dumb I literally just described what I was talking about so perfectly and that's one of those things or it's like oh [ __ ] yeah we're about to drag this [ __ ] out but yeah certain job I try to stay away from that like when I see like a lot of like people even D me like yo please do this do this do do a joke on this [ __ ] I'll be like it's like a million [ __ ] people that just did that well and maybe I like I'll read it and I'll just be like nah it's not me I like to be so original it's like do you he'll know anyone's [ __ ] up now is it on tick tock the they have the sounds and you can share the sounds or you know somebody else's sound and that basically like encourages everybody to make the same exact [ __ ] joke it's not even considered biting you're just like doing your version yes I mean but I don't tick tock is different tick I'm just now learning tics I got I like to even do my own thing on tick tock but the whole tick tock thing is like bran [ __ ] new that's like the new vine now right so it's like I don't even [ __ ] know what the kids are doing good a hundred thousand almost like two hundred thousand I've got like 150 thousand on tick tock but I'm literally doing my own thing it's not all like the dancing [ __ ] the kids are doing and all that but it do be funny like watching that kids love this [ __ ] though like they this is like the new that's like a new toy like that's not even it was like you don't even have to buy it it's literally is like a dancing app yeah literally but I mean it's so funny it's some funny people on there but I don't feel like it's real comedy on there like it's like goofy [ __ ] you know no I my girl was saying she's like you know like cuz I was telling about the dance show my guys definitely like one thing I ain't dancing and she was like so you want to make a dance video once you have your daughter if she wants to make a dance video my alright yeah alright my daughter I'll do it it was like for now yeah it's different bright it's like we're just learning all these new things it's crazy it's crazy to try to keep up with it though mmm because there's so much new [ __ ] that's just like yeah I'm saying you got to stay on it cuz people will be on something like you said and be like yo [ __ ] that sure I will love a god tick tock today I'll be like yo he that's funny he keeps doing this little goofy thing but I go [ __ ] that guy next week but then you look through his page and there's so many people on tic toc they'll have like a couple million views on one video and then everything that that causes them to make 500 other videos yes and it's also lame but they'll get held they'll get millions of kids to phone them from that sometimes but it's like I feel like it's quick fans like when you're not building like an empire of your work like you're really not spending too much time and you're just like doing the same thing I feel like those fans are so quick to be like go [ __ ] that [ __ ] we're tired of it definitely so are you already thinking of what you're gonna be doing with like the overall brand name that you're building because it's like obviously you could take your talents and go on a million different directions yeah that you have the name are you do TV comedy you could do I want to do all of them try and do it [ __ ] everything I want to do TV I want to do stand-up I want to do TV shows on new movies so it's like I want to get on Netflix you know yes endless [ __ ] but I'm working I'm trying to I ain't even gonna lie I've been trying to get in the door with Netflix I've been working on my stand-up anywhere I know that I haven't mastered yet right it's like I have to get that cuz I can't be the guy that's like oh yeah I'm an Instagram comedian or I'm the Twitter comedian you know that's so like because I've seen people walk around and like claim yourself like like I hate that right they're like oh I don't you like the Instagram guy I literally want to be like [ __ ] no like you could come to one of my shows like I do stand-up I do but I haven't mastered that yet like I'm that's why after all this is over I have to get in that door where it's like now I have to branch out I can't be sitting and doing the same thing or be that one person that did that one thing you know because I've seen so many people do that and it's and it just inspires me to like go [ __ ] that I can't be that a lot of people they don't figure it out till too late but that it's like your fanbase can love you but your fanbase also is gonna want to see you grow yes and sometimes that could be you growing doing the same thing like I feel like doing podcast like I probably do podcast for another kind of see some growth I'm addicted to groceries like yo if I don't see that I need it bug down I can't sit there and be like yeah I'm cool with this this is it right here right never I don't know yeah cuz it's just a dude people are gonna want to see you like tried to do the TV thing try to do anything cetera you know that day that's gonna ultimately like endear you dear the more to you in the long run oh thanks it's true definitely so when did you start having like like meeting celebrities and shakers I feel like a lot of times your videos now are sort of more honed in on like well some of the videos that we talk about the most are basically like making fun of the weird [ __ ] that rappers do yeah no no you know it's crazy about that it's just because I've been around them a lot so whatever I'm saying it's like I have to attack that but I've been around I mean I've been around any time I've seen anything a lot of my comedy will come from like real like [ __ ] you know I'm saying so I like to hit on like that real [ __ ] where it's like you know you've seen that before or like it's just gonna hit different but not the reason why I've been coming at that cuz I've been on LA for like the past two months during this pandemic it's like you know I'm meeting all these celebrities that are like fans of me or I'm becoming friends with them and it's like yeah when I'm chilling around them I noticed little things and I'll just like go I have to do a video on this how you're in front of the Instagram like how rappers become it's live and you got like the link up on your heart roll the blood sucking on the blood and socket is they always be juggling match like why are you holding it like a [ __ ] big news hold they're linked up like a baby one protagonist [ __ ] more than anything I have for me like it's crazy too but I noticed a little [ __ ] like that like I'll be around let me let go you ever put that [ __ ] Cup down yet like yo you're literally cradling like a baby but it's just a little [ __ ] like this like wow but then you start to realize when you actually are drinking lean that it's like all that if there's like $150 $200 with a [ __ ] in that Cup and anybody could just take a sip or anybody could knock it over oh yeah oh yeah oh they take that seriously [ __ ] like even a little drop you're looking at like how about you like yo you don't have to dog I guess this is so expensive like yeah we're not wasted [ __ ] of that one time they were shooting a music video behind my old store and there was like a white kid who was rapping and the lien man came through with like six pints or some [ __ ] puts them all over the car and [ __ ] and then while dude is rapping the white kid knocks over one of the pints and steps on it and crushes the old thing there's a whole pint spread out all over the ground some of the dudes there watching this happen want to lick it off the ground it was like they had just seen a newborn die one of the I think you saw setting bro it's I think that's like the worst addiction I've seen some people like to have been around like really crashing behind like glean like that's like a bad addiction like every you can really go to Atlanta right now you're gonna see dudes I look pregnant skinny a [ __ ] chest [ __ ] flat as [ __ ] yeah got a gut like a pregnant [ __ ] yeah you can spot a mile away their body just goes Lena's kit sabra's so many but not that that [ __ ] is a real thing though I see people quit lean and everything on their body stays the same but the gut just goes down so much yeah crazy yeah I don't know what it is about that don't I don't know where the lane just [ __ ] Storn in your stomach I don't know this is mad sugar and just I don't know it comes with the sodas it's like yeah hello sugar well that's actually the thing too is if you like the amount of soda that a lien had drinks alone would be insanely bad for them and then you throw in the lien on top of it and that's just you know it's just new [ __ ] called [ __ ] whippets oh yeah that's a new thing because people crash your life your best character is when you're basically playing like a member of why so like you're somebody within the young thug universe not specifically but like in that general area and yeah the whippets kind of took over the wise little plan oh and our witness took over [ __ ] anywhere out here in Hollywood I see [ __ ] heavy so you see it all the time all the time oh okay like you literally Oh be at a party all yours you know what the [ __ ] was that mm-hmm it sounds like I don't even know what the [ __ ] that is it's like a little bullet yeah you just see I mean you'll hear it drive it like B it's a nitrous oxide and it's just like it's crazy because I used to go to like you know festivals and England and [ __ ] out there literally random supernormal but now all of a sudden it's like a rapper thing like a rapper my whole life talk about brain over now yes first it was like [ __ ] your lungs and like your kidneys and I was like ever we need some other place on the by to [ __ ] up to make it cool you never gave a trying their weapon hell no I had a roommate that crashed out behind that [ __ ] burger that's how I know about it mmm had a roommate at the first squad that did you see okay literally had to get the ambulance to come get him out his room Wow passed out and in his room a whole bunch of like metal bullets around him right it was just all whippets he was in there the whole night yeah it's crazy because actually if you do it it feels good but it feels good for like a minute yeah hell yeah and then you want to do it again so it's like if you don't have the thing in your brain that's like oh I'm not you shouldn't do this a million times yeah and you'll just do it a million times it's really really bad you've seen the video of gonna live yeah what the [ __ ] is I don't even know man that's test [ __ ] I don't know well we haven't I don't feel like people have done long enough to know what the bad [ __ ] is in this particular world yeah but well that's actually kind of thing about it though is like people don't you gotta watch the whole steve-o documentaries if you want to see what it's doing with us he was so bad off it yes he's doing more thought he was doing coke go come on but I think he was doing everything else while he was doing was doing [ __ ] in his ass and all in his ass yeah he was putting like pills in his ass with me I don't know people get not steve-o was on some Freak [ __ ] I seen girls putting ice to see in their ass before yeah nah but this is bad though I feel like any time you got to put anything in your ass yeah you going too far you know one time I was out doing boxing for like ten years ago was out doing Hualien where's excess Zola no right but I was so [ __ ] up just out at bars and stuff I ended up talking some army dude who told me like I shoot up every single drug that I do he's like if I'm gonna do ecstasy I [ __ ] melt it down put it in the syringe and shoot that [ __ ] up and it hits you way harder so you're like yo I got a truck I never tried it but it sounds like that's what's going like yes I'll shoot up everything I [ __ ] do now what every time I'm smuggling I just boil it down throw-tisserie hey what was the feeling like when you first saw Drake we're in your hood all sent them or nuts nuts literally I was just like yo but now I feel like now's I would I really didn't even trip about it cuz when I became friends with him it was just literally like a genuine like friendship like I wouldn't it weren't even on the fan [ __ ] did he just hit you up on him or something yeah what was the first time [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I think he hit me about Instagram but I I noticed that he liked my [ __ ] a long time ago right I had like no followers like I had probably less than a hundred thousand right he'd liked my [ __ ] it was a way back and I was like what the [ __ ] mmm like people like this are literally watching what following me nothing he just liked it may I see him like a couple more stuff and he damned me one day is like oh like this Mike my favorite page like you're literally the funniest dude on there and I was just like yo what the [ __ ] that's crazy yeah but it was after that we just had like multiple different conversations he's a cool guy down to earth and now he's just like I want some friendship so when he wore that I wouldn't even like really like oh [ __ ] it was just like damn that means he genuinely like [ __ ] with me like he it wasn't even all know like you know I'm saying you should post this I literally asked him like yo are you cool with me posted in the video because he just scented me to show me like yo I got your package right but I scream record and I was like out of respect would you trip if I posted it was like not you're good you're good right yes that's crazy it cool got real real real real cool dude you met thuggin on them yeah what's thug like yo maybe you should join my crew because you kind of act like nah now I'm cool with decide to Jack I'm cool with her but now it's just really me and him had a conversation just through my boy Ben though but not nothing like we were just literally at the chi'lan but I wouldn't say like oh yeah I know right and I've been around well you're still having like done impression of a rapper that took it far enough that they got upset about it hasn't got that ah I used to I used to impersonate CEOP and little baby I saw nice to think that they would get mad at that and for some reason I thought little baby didn't like it I don't know if he did or didn't but like now he comes around he's like yo your funniest [ __ ] like [ __ ] like that so maybe he wasn't mad room but I thought he was because a lot of people would be like yo that's really how it is like you're making a joke of some real [ __ ] right now you're making a joke of some real [ __ ] I was like nah [ __ ] out of here they know his jokes yeah really like no I don't think he knows that jokes like even might not generally like that you do that yeah some people they just like aren't gonna be able to take jokes about themselves which is unfortunate because that's like once you if you get as famous as a little baby then you're just gonna have to be able to accept that [ __ ] but I mean at the same time it's like you got all these millions of dollars you travel in the world like oh no it shouldn't be too hard to get over but now I haven't really pissed nobody off and then cuz you got to understand I see it's funny bugs if you can't laugh at you like come on man it's jokes like it's not I've never had that beefing thing look like going on where it's like yo we gonna [ __ ] him up when we see him I still waiting on that what do you what do people say when they come up to you in real life don't like what it's like the most common thing that you hear are in the mall or something I'm I'm actually glad I don't have that one thing because I will [ __ ] kill me like yo this is gonna do ask me to do that one thing I don't have that yet thank God I don't cuz I hate that but I don't know they'll just be like they'll be like go drew ski or do their just yell my name maybe like yo your funniest [ __ ] like that's the most common thing I get like you know you're literally like you're gonna be one of the biggest comedians like you I see you going to different places that a lot of these like they'll say [ __ ] like that but I've never gotten the you'll do that one thing or do it they might bring up like a random video like the frat guys [ __ ] right but it's never like that's that one thing that he does your mom say you ever got people trying to like film skits with you like in public can you do that dude do that [ __ ] we do a party um I meet Justin combs Odell in the autumn this past weekend and dude obviously the [ __ ] security didn't do their job we have security security didn't do any job dude can't demand the party and he was just like he said yo like I'm upcoming rapper Brian I feel like um if you could just do a skit for me real quick I just record right now start pulling on this one I say what the [ __ ] he's like yeah I told you whatever you don't matter I got money you saying I don't got money what the [ __ ] did I never say you gonna have money it's just like yo I'm not gonna do a skit for you for promotion and you're just gonna put on the flashlight it's not recording like what the [ __ ] yeah so instantly do a [ __ ] security suck dick they literally let anybody through we told them only let somebody in that knows somebody that God knew [ __ ] nobody there's no way but everybody's geniuses at figuring out what they could say to this kid you ever been like stuck there at the line like trying to get in and just listen and your stories of you don't care oh my god yeah girls are saying anything oh god girls are literally saying any and everything to get in that [ __ ] just dreaming out the names of the people that they know but it's like a party promoter it's not even like anyone important it's just like the security is just so I want to do this lion and saying he [ __ ] knows everybody in that [ __ ] but doesn't know nobody right because I was naming off real names me a long time ago realistically really well not naming off random names but I was just saying you know whatever I could to try to get in to get in the game try to hand the security got 20 bucks this look at you yeah what's your thing why are you trying to getting trying to go and these like expensive ass clothes try me try to network your chili get your numbers oh my [ __ ] you guys sit here and [ __ ] bagging me in the club like literally a dude comes up to me this is like a Monday like Lily's bagging me like yo it's like yo bro I seen you tell them some girls I said I got hoes I got like 10 holes it like to don't need you to help me get girls yeah he's like yo take my number down but I got a whole bunch of hos buddies do be sure to pull you're gonna bag me in this club tell me you got girls like you're literally gonna bag me you're bagging me that's what you do your bag like his way of trying to appeal to you is telling you that he can yes I could get me you could get me some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it would be one if he's like I can give you some money like it doing right maybe you can get my phone number yeah but even that's like I'm good on that you're good on the money officers we are anything you have to add - dude you have to get my number in that club and I don't [ __ ] know you've been just weird you back it up just back no but that's a world thing like a lot of celebrities they get back they get back as it's like in certain situations some news like oh you're too good and then shoot up okay now it's two dudes need etiquette lessons you know it's weird math facts how long have you felt famous for though nah uh I probably say like a year look that's humbly flexing you know yeah nah there you go this past year no this past year like becoming friends like not just having like celebrities that just hit me up like now becoming friends with some people that I used to look up to is actually being like wow hmm and not just like being around like on some cloud see like oh yeah I'm with them or nothing just literally genuinely like Mike goes like kick it or might go paintballing just as like just having different celebrity friends is like damn now it's like alright I'm in the club yeah you you've to be accepted it's like a different type of drug it's like damn that's what I wanted so now I'm starting to get it it's like whoa this is this is like he's actually happening now just to be in the category yes sometimes you just want to be accepted in this is just like alright not not like oh no cloud chaser [ __ ] or nothing cuz I'm not even like they're like literally just being around so many people just be like wow just even have a conversation with some people damn your HR rep yeah loop it yeah ah to go pretty good a lot of people I'll be posting all those snippets on - no oh okay imma start rapping so I was actually thinking about that's grating every [ __ ] another video [ __ ] I missed all the music you folks feel like I missed the music not I'm not an idol posted that often but I way I post a little snippets little snippet it's right there I haven't dropped anything officially dogger I just like to see what people would think because I feel like with boom gang that sort of changed everything it was like once once you sort of went from being just like a thief on Instagram so you're really trying to tell you use a wrapper yeah people start holding you do a different standard officer you know I feel like boom gang could have popped in the rap game but mmm I don't feel like he was being consistent with her yeah I don't know what happened there on some crazy [ __ ] like on some Waka Flocka [ __ ] he could've did some [ __ ] yeah a good song a block boy I remember at one point yeah yeah yeah I think I think he really put it on some crazy like raging like at festivals I feel like boom gain could have really took it to a different direction see as soon as you mentioned festivals it starts to remind me that your career has probably been well you said you're working on the comedy [ __ ] yeah definitely kind of slowed [ __ ] up at a time when it was probably moving really really yes not yeah nah but this time is really helping me grow - yeah like during this whole pandemic all this has been I've been shooting up cuz I mean people are doing nothing but on their phones right mmm so I took advantage you don't ever plan on just being like now I'm not making this again videos anymore for a while cuz like a lot of times people want to quit and want to like just pull the plug on it right even if I do get onto like TV or when I do and I'm gonna say well if I do but when I do get on like the TV Netflix movies and [ __ ] I feel like I'm still gonna do like skits just to entertain my core fans you know I'm saying I can't stop doing that but it's all about growth though like you said so you don't see DC on fly doing the [ __ ] roast and [ __ ] on Instagram the one mm-hmm but you know you never know like people people sometimes it feels like you graduated past certain things you gotta sort of like not even leave it for the younger generation sometimes is just about people want to see [ __ ] different like they they don't want to see that same [ __ ] no more like all right I'm tired of that I'm good on it but you got a note oh it's only a certain people that know some people will juice [ __ ] out some people won't do enough of that one thing maybe like yo you could have really turned it up right there but now you stop doing that but you got to know it's all god man anyway that's taking this it's all guys so that's crazy so alright I mean what else you you're just working on the comedy [ __ ] but you don't know exactly like when it's gonna come out there anything else particularly you could tell us about stuff that's coming ah [ __ ] I'm working on a Netflix Netflix movie I don't even know if I could speak on this like oh [ __ ] I said that nah but I'm working on a Netflix movie and a TV series and really but I mean right now during all this covert [ __ ] is like all being [ __ ] up because nobody could go into like the office and [ __ ] so it's all been like through Zune calls you know right so but is in the works and we're definitely doing that and so well hey [ __ ] Khurana we are here between us nobody can see that's [ __ ] we don't I'm not shaking people's hands when I see people that I actually like and some people literally think you're being an [ __ ] like when you do this [ __ ] right there was like a week there where it felt like if you were to refuse a handshake to an Asian person that it would have been really awkward what because like at first the coronavirus thing was like a very like specifically a Chinese because I was at the casino and I felt like a [ __ ] dick is like a shill at Asian people who play poker and [ __ ] and they're trying to like DAP me up at the poker table and I was like no you some Asians you [ __ ] made it in Asians no yeah I I think I've had a couple Asian fans I need more dough but you probably have a lot of black fans and a lot of white friend I wouldn't I wouldn't this certain that's what I'm saying certain [ __ ] you just can't you know I'm saying I don't think you should do a trans character it's too hot you can't do it now you could do a gay character though again yeah oh but I get what you're saying about that yeah they just don't want any jokes you know yeah some people yeah it's comedy bro I've seen a [ __ ] long his yard who did that um the gates here leader I forget [ __ ] who's the black dude [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ah damn y'all know I'm talking about he did the cheerleader whoo damn what's his name you know him he did that he did the cheerleader that was the gay in prison they were it was a union you've never seen long as y'all know I'm straight what the [ __ ] it's not a gay movie he has a football prison movie nah wait like Nelly and all the ones in it but is this comedian I'm so mad at camping in his name damn bad but he played a cheerleader on there and it was like a group of them and yes Sam Tracy Oh Tracy Morgan yes 20 is [ __ ] right like literally I would do that role like that it was the funniest [ __ ] ever swear to God I know Elijah though there are two homophobia that they won't realize like that bro is comedy like that [ __ ] that character he did in that movie I need you to go watch it it's funny as [ __ ] a Maratha he was a cheerleader and the dudes from the team that were like not act like act like oh yeah we against that [ __ ] like we too hard one of the I think it was the quarterback to do that the Mexican guy that wanted to be the quarterback he was actually sleep he like nah man like oh I don't be [ __ ] with her man she she just offended me she a cheerleader she said anything like that's not what you said the funniest roll the funniest yeah no that's it it's funny I'm putting it on the list yeah man I think you might be the first person I could ever come in here fully chrome heart stood out oh your car come on yeah that's new to me I don't really know about chrome yeah I got work on that side of the drip yeah man I'm just leveling up now I'm just like no man I'm out here come on drew ski and I got the drip drip ski yeah big drip yeah Bruce days you bet thank you for coming thank you quick cover on about a spread right there husky no jumper coolest podcast in the world definitely check us on YouTube SoundCloud iTunes it was dope getting to know you man I'm a big big fan of the work everybody follow him thank you thank you big fan of you man thank you thanks for watching my interview go catch me at risky to funny on Instagram Twitter risky TV on YouTube and tick-tock
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 916,281
Rating: 4.9196343 out of 5
Keywords: Druski, druski, druski2funny, druski tv, druski2funny reaction, druski2funny frat, druski2funny 4lifers, druski2funny interview, druski2funny frat guy, drake interview, drake interview 2020, druski interview, ig comedian
Id: ZAttF0AVjjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 24sec (3684 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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