Morphle vs Robot ATTACK! + More Mila and Morphle Cartoons | Morphle vs Orphle - Kids Videos

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this is my latest invention what to do well it's a superhero just like you morphle [Music] i am here to serve the city look it's going into the city to help the people let's follow it neat are you coming more full yeah more calm [Music] danger detected wonderful detecting fire [Music] after it morphle [Music] extinguish fire [Music] [Applause] isn't this great robo hero is so helpful he sure is hmm muffle hero too [Music] oh no i'm going to fall [Music] danger detected [Music] thank you morphle you saved me let go of the boy robo hero needs to save him that's okay i'm already safe if you don't let the boy go you will be a threat to this city threat oh dear that's not good at all i need to shut robo hero down shut robo hero down you have become a threat to the [Applause] city [Music] eliminating threat danger detected you see that yes it looks like it was having difficulty with multiple problems at the same time hmm i think i know how we can defeat it all right if we all cause as much trouble as we can robohero will not know what to do and hopefully shut down someone help me i will save you [Music] help [Applause] i will save the boy with my new invention i'm going to cause so much trouble too dangerous help me help me help me no help me this invention is so dangerous too much can't decide break we did it too bad it didn't work out with robo hero but who needs him when we have more fur [Music] robo-freeze has four settings off lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict why not professor no problem let's see what robo-freeze can do you seem like good kids now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble i could use some help with my police work more full morph into a police car [Music] perfect [Music] be sure to leash your dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh why thank you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] be careful not to kick the ball into the flowers not in my city you get a ticket what but [Music] oh my ball oh no something's wrong robo freeze must have been turned to very strict look wow you get ticket for walking on grass i wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down [Music] [Music] ah go after it morphle [Music] do [Music] oh no there it is [Music] try again [Music] unacceptable this has to stop but how i have an idea we need robo-freeze to come to us more into a megaphone [Music] i'm about to step on the grass stop you're getting a ticket no more fool [Applause] [Music] phew you did it me landmark [Music] oh no maybe two peter freezes are too much there you go fellows as you ordered lots and lots of robots perfect i'm so glad you liked your previous ones but what do you need all of these for if i might ask nothing professor please just keep building more for us [Music] mila i want my toy car back toy car i don't have your toy car troy yes you do i saw you take it if you don't give it back i'm going to tell your dad milan now have a toy car fine have it your way troy wait there you are mila i was on my way to a very important meeting when you threw mud at me but i would never do that i have to go home and get changed but i'm not done with you young lady this is crazy morphle we need to find out what's going on morph into a helicopter [Music] morphle look that's not me i'm right here it must be a robot go after it morphle [Music] morph a magnet let's take it to jail officer freeze will know what to do [Music] officer freeze we've caught a robot causing mischief you mean like this one huh what how many are there professor we need more robots i'm working as fast as i can i'm sure the robots went this way [Music] [Music] milan [Music] huh go get us some ice cream okay we need to get that remote more full [Music] i have an idea follow me [Music] look it's more full more full more for purple grabbing where are you going little robot all robots catch the bandits no no [Music] of course you were behind it all it's really cramped up your stein scoot over robot no no no more folks catch them [Music] thanks for carrying all my books morphle morphle great i need your help swiper bug swiped my glasses and hid them in its pet house [Applause] [Music] i wish we could do everything morphle can do so he could take a break wait a minute mila that's a great idea this is glitter pug it can transform humans into magic pets for a whole day wow can you turn us into more full wow [Music] mila morph into a monkey now that we can morph ourselves you can take all the rest you need morphle [Music] i'll morph into a rocket [Music] now how do i fly do you see that stein if we steal glitter pug we could be bandit morphles more full morph i can morph myself mila morph into a race car [Music] this is so cool whoa whoa but not easy how do i stop i need to go faster we'll never catch the bandits like this let's morph into a robot daddy [Music] wow no more fool we've got this you are tired of doing everything alone remember must not have it if what you'll get [Music] you can't run any more bandits we don't have to glitter pug transform us too [Music] we're not more full stein no but your magic pets oh no run [Music] we saved glitter pub yeah now play together sounds good it's rocket time [Music] let's read a fairy tale more full yeah fairy tale okay once upon a time mila and morpho were walking through a forest and inside that forest they saw a house made of candy wow they were really hungry and wanted to eat the house oh no what is happening [Music] but i don't want to be so big let's go look for a cure to make me small again [Music] a dragon hi mila and morphle what are you doing i got turned into a giant and now we're looking for a cure to make me small again that's awesome troy the dragon will help you the dragon helps them this is a very silly fairy tale you know i hear they can cure anything in that castle over there great let's go there oh no you don't i'm a pirate yar and there's a bounty on giant oh no i'll protect you giant mila [Applause] wow [Music] oh no my cannon i need to flee oh no you don't we stopped you pirate april oh no what that was way too easy what your fairy tale needs is an evil wizard only by defeating me can mila become small again [Music] oh no it's the evil wizard you can never defeat me we'll see about that i'll send it right back to you ouch that hurts i'll stop him and you can't fly if your balloon is leaking oh wow [Music] i'll create a portal so you won't even get close [Music] oh no how can we stop the evil wizard um would anyone like a cookie [Music] why hmm you oh i have an idea the evil wizard can't say what he does to stop us with his mouth full but what mila the giant grabs the evil wizard so he can't escape i'll shoot him with my cannon yeah and i'll use my fire muffler [Music] i'm not a giant anymore okay what fairy tales shall we do next oh no [Music] they say there's a monster hiding in these woods first you will hear a growl then you will see all kinds of spooky shadows and then the monster will come out and get you [Laughter] oh april you're so good at telling spooky stories [Music] that story can't be true monsters aren't real uh it is true sarah told me so herself and how would sarah even oh quiet everyone did you hear that it's the monster no way it must be the wind or something hmm if you're so sure why don't you check it out fine i'm not scared [Music] the sounds came from this direction right there in the bushes won't you check it out oh okay [Music] oh that's not a monster it's a rabbit [Music] i knew that i just wanted to scare you guys sure but we still don't know where that scary noise came from did you see that shadow it could have been another rabbit right i don't think there are rabbits that big [Music] again why me you said it was just the wind right prove it the shadow went that way you can do it troy all right fine let's go [Music] well i don't see any monster me neither but now we still don't know where that scary sound came from just admit that monsters aren't real [Music] ah troy behind you there's no such thing as my monster it's real run away [Music] you're not or wait you mean orful's the monster so there is no real monster oh that awful that's so mean hmm let's see how he likes getting [Music] scared [Music] ah [Music] [Music] bye [Music] i know what will cheer you up [Music] my invention is done come and see i've invented a youth serum which i will demonstrate on my assistant [Music] oh that's so cute tumbling test tubes i don't know how to take care of a baby you have to take her to her daddy while i make an antidote oh good grief martha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hungry [Music] [Music] wait [Music] where are you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hi mila hey morphle boy am i glad to see you i had the strangest dream i dreamed that i was a baby isn't that [Music] silly [Music] you're so fast oh let's have a raise yeah first first one to the schoolyard wins ready set go [Music] marvel's the winner ah that was awesome can i join the race sure thing right orphal next let's race to the building site let's go [Music] you know you're gonna be much faster with a rocket booster phew you won orpol let's race to the hospital okay let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] robot legs [Music] mortal wins again let's race to the mountaintop let's go [Music] more full morph wings so we can fly duh we can fly over it awful morph a helicopter rotor [Music] [Music] look it's daddy let's do one last race to daddy yeah ready set go marple morph into a sleigh with boosters [Music] wow awful morphin uh just do what they do [Music] huh we've raced to you daddy who won um i'm pretty sure you finished at the same time wow now then let's race home in my car thank you morph it's finished with my latest invention you will be able to morph just like waffle cool [Music] now you can't catch me [Music] ah yeah great idea morphle let's play dinosaur [Music] i know which dinosaur i want to be the biggest of them all [Music] look at my giant tail [Music] oh no the invention broke now i can't back into myself yes you're right i have to go back to professor rasheed but i'm so big i can't get past those trees more [Music] oh no robot wow i'm so sorry professor rasheed i broke your invention and now i can't morph anymore that's all right i'll have it fixed in no time [Music] you can have this back professor rashid from now on i'll leave the morphing up to morphle [Music] wow you were both so good yay [Music] [Applause] oh no we have to get it back before someone gets hurt [Music] [Music] let's grab that ball morphle [Music] frog [Music] [Applause] oh he's smart more full morph into a fire truck [Music] now use your water beam to hit the ball uh-oh we might have hit it too hard [Applause] [Music] hey you just broke my crane [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] how am i going to get all this stuff up there now we will bring them up it's the least we can do more full morph back into a robot [Music] all done mila morph quickly come here meteorites are going to fall down on the city and we need you to save us don't worry we'll handle it let's go more full and awful [Music] punch them away morphle [Music] that one looks a little too big more full branch [Music] you need to work together it's not a competition [Music] well done everybody you saved the city oh by the way i think you dropped this [Music] i will teach you all about the forest animals [Music] no more zebras live on the savannah not in the forest [Music] shh do you hear that listen carefully this sounds like a rare colorful bird look there it is [Music] wow [Music] come be light boreful let's see what edible is over there [Music] wow that's a monkey impossible monkeys live in the jungle not in the forest i think [Music] oh fascinating this trail could be from a deer or maybe a wild boar hmm [Music] a lot of small edibles live in this pond like ducks fishes frogs no more dolphins live in the ocean just like whales jellyfish and sharks [Music] ah looks like you were wrong about the sharks uncle wilford wait what [Music] maybe i don't know anything about forest animals at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah so he pranked us yesterday with all those strange animals how about we prank him back [Music] or fool watch out there's a really scary dinosaur after me [Music] well who wants to try and find a deer [Music] there it is the most awesome roller coaster ever it has loops awesome turns and it goes really high the only problem is you gotta be this tall to ride it [Music] hmm i might know a certain professor who could help us with that this will change you into a grown-up but are you sure you want to do this mila absolutely well then here it goes mila is that you oh no i'm mila's aunt wow you look so similar anyways you're tall enough enjoy the ride how was it it was awesome and now that i'm grown up i can do anything i want grown up come more full [Music] who wants to ride the dolphin me me me i do i'm sorry miss but you are way too big to ride this dolphin [Music] [Music] let's pretend to be a teacher morphle [Music] i'm sorry miss but you're not allowed inside i'm mila's aunt ah i heard you in town nice to meet you but mila isn't here and i have to get back to class now goodbye [Music] being an adult is starting to become very boring this is a children's playground miss i'm going to have to find you oh i'm sorry but i cannot pay this i don't have any money then i suggest you get a job [Music] that's it i don't want to be a grown-up anymore are you sure you want to be a little kid again i've never been so sure in my life [Music] [Applause] mila mila have you heard what they're building another roller coaster this time it's gonna be even bigger that's nice don't you want to become big again to ride it no way being a grown-up was not as much fun as i thought i'm going to enjoy being a little kid for as long as i can tag you're right get back here [Music] isn't it great to deliver all these presents [Music] oh oh i might be getting sick [Music] huh what was that [Music] morph into a rocket [Music] great job [Music] [Music] helicopter [Music] thank you milan and marvel what happened santa my santa magic does some weird things when i'm sneezing and i think i'm getting sick i only need to deliver a couple more presents could you help me morphle morph into a sleigh great let's go oh this present needs to go into that chimney this one needs to go into that one [Music] thanks waffle [Music] rapture [Music] and you're done [Music] [Applause] thank you so much for all your help no problem you can sleep here tonight to get better santa thank you meland waffle oh this is very kind of you merry christmas santa merry christmas you didn't think i forgot about you did you merry christmas [Music] let's pull a prank on daddy oh yeah morphin too me [Music] great now put on these clothes you look exactly like me yeah okay let's prank daddy oh oh it's you mila i didn't see you come down the stairs that's because i'm still up here but ah then you must be more full yeah [Music] hi mila do you and morpho want to play [Music] [Applause] um [Music] great let's go troy didn't see it was more full hi mila what game shall we play mila you're always so good at thinking up fun games [Music] dad okay mila you're it what [Music] whoa [Music] wow now you only need to tag sarah but where is she um i'm in the tree i don't think i can get down anymore oh wait a second you're not mila you're more full oh thank you me morphle well well it seems more full isn't with you uh-oh it's dying isn't that morph without morphle we can tease you all we want oh yeah you're so small let me go you can't do anything where did that ball come from [Music] ouch what's happening let's get a waste time yeah [Music] it's me logan leave us alone you pranked them good marble [Music] i'm so bored without marvel let's find him [Music] look marvel all those things have lost their color wow into a magic paintbrush [Music] more full grass isn't blue it's green [Music] great marvel [Music] [Music] watch what you're doing my light was green no my light was green white [Music] those objects have no color just like me [Music] so you're the one who has been stealing all the color from the city you shouldn't do that a world without color isn't fun at all yeah that is funny let's paint some more animals in funny colors [Music] there you are chroma i was looking for you there are lots of problems in the city because you took away all the colors [Music] more full can help chroma paint everything back to its original colors again hi there somehow our fire truck lost its color more full and chroma can help you with that [Music] no more full a fire truck is always red just like you thank you so much waffle and croba hi cloud monster [Music] foreign [Music] it seems you were right please go ahead wow you've solved all the problems in the city already and chroma make a great team together chroma really likes coloring it sure does hmm i have an idea chrome do you want a human companion that loves [Music] color amazing you are the perfect magic pet for a painter like me [Music] wow where did all those magic pet toys come from all of a sudden let's clean them all up so we can solve this mystery yeah hmm but there's only two of us and so many toys [Applause] wow two more wolves together [Music] things become so much easier if you work together but how did we end up with all these toys and with two more phones because of doubler [Music] its magic power is that it can create copies of anything [Music] hmm who could that be good day sir we are actual real boy scouts [Music] and we sell cookies that looks great i think i would like some cookies mila morphin the bandits stole doubler oh we need to catch them but they're way too far what could we use to catch them not fast enough more full morph into a super fast police car [Music] there they are oh no run [Music] where have they gone i'm sure they went this way huh look morphle they're behind us now how did they get there we caught you now oh doubler isn't with them where did you take doubler doubler maybe he's with the instrument bandits or the feather bandits or maybe he's weird the morpho bandit [Music] more a new bandit mobile can use the power of any magic pen without us having to be their human companion and with doubler in there we can copy ourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] wheels we don't want to be the real bandits we will be we the more food bandits have stolen marvel great let's morph him into a bulldozer so it's easier to steal the wheels of cars no morph him into tweezers so it's easier to plug feathers you're silly you're silly no you are oh so many more morphle morph into a bulldozer morph into tweezers isn't doing anything of course not because we haven't put him in the bandit mobile yet don't do that if you take out doubler there will only be two of us again we escape muffle have a plan what do we move no more now i have a plan tricycle no not the fast enough [Music] finally now i need to get more full back hi morphle yes but there are so many bandits if they all work together there's nothing we can do then they should know what be together then it's only a fight really but i think we just might have a chance more for one more into a t-rex [Music] now work together to blow the feathers away [Music] oh no [Applause] [Music] doubler magnets we need more feathers no we need more wheels double the wheels that's a tough idea you're a dumb idea no we need wheels feathers [Applause] um so i guess now we free doubler bye other mortals no no no that is not what we should do yeah it is morphle morph into a big robot to catch them [Music] what oh no and then there were four morphles and four of the bandits and it was really exciting wow that sounds really scary but the bandits didn't work together and we did and that way we could save doubler and then there is only one more full again [Music] i'm glad you are the band at this stage when the others disappeared oh me too stein good night john good
Channel: Morphle vs Orphle - Kids Cartoons
Views: 485,342
Rating: 3.7911601 out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, wheels on the bus, Morphle, nursery rhymes, children songs, kids songs, Cars for kids, vehicles for kids, Compilation, Children, kids tv, kids video, Learning, Animals, Dinosaurs, lullaby, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, mila, mila and morphle, animals for kids, morphle, bedtime stories, lullabies, morphle tv, trucks cartoon, morphle nursery rhymes, orphle, Morphle vs Orphle, Peppa pig, robots, good vs evil, evil twin, red vs green, monster trucks
Id: yoXcN8BDvrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 21sec (4221 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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