Morphle and Orphle Suit Race - Morphle vs Orphle | Funny Cartoon Videos For Kids

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[Music] hey mila look at me i can't see you daddy look up [Music] that's so cool [Music] alpha one two two [Music] silly daddy let me go orphan our father isn't this great no it isn't oh i have an idea let's have a race that would be fun okay the first one to reach the mountain top wins ready set go [Music] ah stop it wow they're so fast they're racing to the mountaintop i've got an award for that let's go [Music] ah you cut him off [Music] oh that's pretty clever [Music] well done morphle i've never felt so strong [Music] i think i know a shortcut go that way morphle [Music] we've lost it morphle yeah [Music] what do something awful [Music] that was great [Music] [Applause] there's the mountain true [Music] i'll win this race for you morphle no no you won't [Music] who one i think it's a tie a tie uh-oh don't worry mila a good award guy always has two awards with him [Music] that was great morphle um i guess that was pretty fun hey mila and morphle the two of you have got a call [Applause] oh who is it it is the ice cream man i have found a new yummy flavor of ice cream but i'm on the other side of the world and there's only a little bit left oh no don't worry mr ice cream man welcome to you [Music] it's awful if he gets to the ice cream man first he will eat all the ice cream [Music] was that another morphle [Applause] [Music] oh no my car how will i catch criminals without my police car we need to help police officer freeze get his car back more full [Music] ah thank you mila and [Music] i don't think orful knows what's fastest on the water but i do more into a speed boat [Music] bye [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] thanks morphle [Applause] [Music] we're at the jungle now morph into a monkey [Music] a race car isn't fast in the jungle or full [Music] oh [Music] we need to help that monkey [Music] [Music] marvel oh no it's so awful [Music] sounds like orphel got there first [Music] you ate all over my ice cream oh no we're too late morphle don't worry i only acted like he ate all the ice cream so he would go away there is more than enough ice cream for you you mister a monkey and even for me thank you mr ice cream man [Music] [Applause] i can't wait to see this year's christmas tree for the christmas party christmas party [Music] ah awful christmas tree [Music] [Applause] someone already put up a christmas tree you can take this one back to the forest lawrence we don't need it ah [Music] wonderful the presents and food are already here now i just need to decorate the tree let's see tree [Music] what is [Music] are you doing awful what happened here mr mayor the christmas tree disappeared and that awful took everything else morphle and i will bring it all back thank you but please hurry the party is starting soon more full morph into a dog then you can smell where the food's at [Music] do you want to come with us anime [Music] [Music] awesome anime can you use your magic powers to bring them to life [Music] now they can run back to the party themselves wow [Music] let's go find the present [Music] a present and another one there you are [Music] now we only need to find a christmas tree i do hope mila and morph will bring a tree we can't have a party without a christmas tree tree it's awful [Music] there's no time to decorate the tree unless it can run back itself anime we can decorate while it runs let's go [Music] they didn't make it the party is ruined look wow [Music] marvelous you saved the christmas party merry christmas [Music] oh you're making me dizzy [Music] what's wrong well one of the kangaroos attacked me that's what's wrong [Music] who wants an apple [Applause] [Music] one for you one for you [Music] hey that's not nice [Applause] [Music] what's wrong zookeeper kenneth i think i saw a green morpher he sprayed watered my face when i was feeding the elephants that sure sounds like awful we'll find him hey elephants do you know which way ortho went [Music] thank you let's go marvel [Music] foreign [Music] hey there little guy what are you doing over here [Music] are you okay builder lawrence yes yes i'm fine just don't let him get away with it [Music] okay awful should be here somewhere [Music] huh that was awful quick after him that orphan is too good at hiding from us i don't know what to do more fool yeah hmm that gives me an idea morphle if we hide he will get bored and come looking for us oh [Music] hmm [Music] gotcha you didn't think we would give up that easily did you how about we try to play hide and seek without scaring anybody okay you better hide because here we come [Music] the zoo is lots of fun but i'll need a quick break why don't you two go play with the ball for a bit [Music] i'm rested let's continue okay daddy [Music] well what are you doing running around the zoo [Music] animals come back the city isn't safe what's wrong zookeeper kenneth four of the animals ran into the city playing with a ball don't worry we'll make sure the animals come back more full morph into a race car [Music] oh oh i didn't know there was a parade stop it animals they think it's a game but i bet they'll stop if we can take the ball from them almost [Music] [Music] oh what's going on yeah sorry mr vanderbilt mila and morphle i should have known [Music] [Music] this is our chance morph into a rocket [Music] yeah good job morphle you need to stop playing animals you can't just play everywhere but you can play with the ball in a place that's safe oh there you are have you stopped the animals we couldn't stop them from playing with the ball but we did keep them safe [Music] that's great thank you mila and morphle [Music] whoa careful morphle telefox has the magic pet flu so you'll need to keep your distance for a while [Music] won't you get sick daddy only magic pets can get the magic pet flu telefox and i will stay inside to make sure other magic pets can't get the flu now clay don't worry we can still have fun inside right telefox [Music] look i wonder how that happened [Music] i think chroma has the magic pet blue as well don't get too close marvel [Music] mr painter hi chroma i think you have the magic pen blue chroma so that's what it is chroma started sneezing right after a big bubble popped in front of her [Music] you should stay inside until you get better so you won't make any other magic pet sick we can still have fun at home think of all the paintings we can make look a big bubble let's see where it came from [Music] builder lawrence you should take a neemi home it has the magic pet flu oh no it must have gotten sick from one of those bubbles in the air let's go back home and get you better anime let's find out where those bubbles came from [Music] look marvel it's boba [Music] boba you need to go home and stay inside i don't think boba wants to go inside let's go after it more full [Music] do you feel good enough to chase after boba [Music] almost [Music] we have finally caught you you need to get inside boba when you're outside in sick you are making lots of other magic pets sick as well including more fool and we can still have lots of fun at home right morphle whoa [Music] see boba playing inside can be fun as well [Music] hey kids if you wash up you can go play wash up but daddy our hands aren't even that dirty there's always dirt you can't see and it's very important to keep clean hey why don't you sing the wishy-washy washing song that way washing your hands will be way more fun [Music] here in the kitchen everyone knows there's a wishy-washy washing strong and this is how it goes you use water and soap you rub your hands close rinse and repeat until everyone knows and that's how the wishy-washy washing song go [Music] they looked clean before but now they're sparkling all right now that we're done washing up we can go play let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey bandits you're making everything dirty are you going to clean that up clean it up why should we yeah why should we we were just having fun when everything around us is dirty it's really hard to stay clean yourself staying clean is for goody two shoes like you we're bad guys so we don't have to clean up [Music] oh those bandits let's go get ourselves clean again morphle [Music] here in the bathroom everyone knows there's a wishy-washy washing song and this is how it goes you use water and soap you rub your hands closed rinse and repeat until everyone knows and that's how the wishy-washy song goes [Laughter] oh [Music] not in my city look it's officer free let's go morphle stop it bandits i'm taking you to jail to jail we didn't do anything we're innocent yeah you have no proof that we were the ones who made this mess but i do your dirty handprints are all over the city our uh uh our fingerprints oh no but first you'll have to clean up all this mess we can help with that yeah we told you how important it is to stay clean [Music] you rub your hands closed rinse and repeat until everyone knows and that's how the wishy-washy washing song goes [Music] where are you going [Music] ah so this is what you were after you smelled the other dog yes little girl this is the yearly dog agility course your pet can join too oh let's compete more fools [Music] ah come on sammy you can win this race hey builder lawrence what's wrong my little sammy doesn't want to do this race anymore because the big dogs are being mean to her poor sammy [Music] good job barky [Music] don't be scared mortal isn't mean look [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm that's it morphle let's play with sammy so she doesn't think you are scary anymore [Music] hey guys that was our ball can we have it back is it well finders keepers if you really want to have it back then why don't you try taking it [Music] into a t-rex [Music] are all doggies ready five we are late more full but there's still a chance sammy can win three [Music] two one [Music] go [Music] good job barky oh no [Music] give them a dose of their own medicine morphle [Music] hooray you did it [Music] the award goes to this little one who beat the biggest of participants [Music] let's read a fairy tale more full yeah fairy tale okay once upon a time mila and morphle were walking through a forest and inside that forest they saw a house made of candy wow they were really hungry and wanted to eat the house oh no what is happening [Music] but i don't want to be so big let's go look for a cure to make me small again [Music] a dragon hi mila and morphle what are you doing i got turned into a giant and now we're looking for a cure to make me small again that's awesome troy the dragon will help you the dragon helps them this is a very silly fairy tale you know i hear they can cure anything in that castle over there great let's go there oh no you don't i'm a pirate yard and there's a bounty on giant oh no i'll protect you giant mila wow [Music] [Music] oh no my cannon i need to flee oh no you don't we stopped you pirate april oh no what that was way too easy what your fairy tale needs is an evil wizard only by defeating me can meela become small again oh no it's the evil wizard you can never defeat me we'll see about that i'll send it right back to you ouch that hurts i'll stop him and you can't fly if your balloon is leaking [Music] i'll create a portal so you won't even get close [Music] oh no how can we stop the evil wizard um would anyone like a cookie [Music] why thank you oh i have an idea the evil wizard can't say what he does to stop us with his mouth full but what mila the giant grabs the evil wizard so he can't escape i'll shoot him with my cannon yeah and i'll use my fire ruffle [Music] okay what fairy tales shall we do next oh no [Music] let's play hide and seek okay mila and more fool you are going to hide and i will try to find you one two [Music] quick mortal morph into a car and hide between the other cars [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] what a creative [Music] [Applause] very idea i think you were really smart too yeah uh i have to get going bye bye now it's your turn to seek more fools [Music] m [Music] you can think of something [Music] there you are we need your help but where's mila the bandits are robbing the grocery store they're getting away with all the groceries [Music] [Laughter] yeah we did it again stein murphy don't know what to do i think it should be something strong and big what about a dinosaur [Music] what [Music] oh no that was too big uh what about a mouse [Music] now we also have more food yeah this is our lucky day stein i don't really know morphle i don't think i'm good at this either hmm you know marvel i think you should believe in yourself and you will know what to morph into [Music] robots oh no [Music] you did it morphle thank you for saving my groceries morphle why don't you take this cake with you as a gift [Music] what a great smell more full how did you get that cake well for sure not myself well more fool i'm so proud of you look at this that's great joy [Music] oh i can't get out yeah but how marvel morph into a helicopter that way you won't get stuck in the bushes [Music] thank you morphle oh we've got to go more full our class is going on a trip today i'll tell you all about it when we get back okay [Music] can you help me out okay i was working on fixing this hole in the road when our painter just drove into it i was just driving and all of a sudden my steering wheel was gone and i drove straight into this hole and now i can't get out anymore [Music] uh morphle [Music] the control wheel of my plane isn't here either where could it have gone perform whoa [Music] marvel marvel [Music] oh no it's the bandits we're not just the bandits we're the steering wheelbags oh no without my steering wheel i can't steer and we'll hit a tree for sure i don't want to get stuck in plants again [Music] [Music] the bandits still are steering wheel we need your help yeah that's not working anymore [Music] you helped me again morphle yeah did you help other people as well more fool [Music] that's all right morphle they are very sweet lions [Music] and you found my plane's control wheel great [Music] okay it was a bit chilly up there but i've never seen the city from up there i've got so much inspiration for my next painting [Applause] oh i'm really tired morphle can you help me get up to our bed morphle [Music] thank you morpho [Music] [Music] look marvel all those things have lost their color wow into a magic paintbrush [Music] more full grass isn't blue it's green [Music] great marvel [Music] [Music] watch what you're doing my light was green no my light was green white [Music] those objects have no color just like me [Music] so you're the one who has been stealing all the color from the city you shouldn't do that a world without color isn't fun at all [Music] that is funny let's paint some more animals in funny colors [Music] there you are chroma i was looking for you there are lots of problems in the city because you took away all the colors [Music] morphe can help chroma paint everything back to its original colors again hi there somehow our fire truck lost its color [Music] a fire truck is always red just like you thank you so much waffle and croba hi cloud monster [Music] points [Music] well it seems you were right please go ahead wow you've solved all the problems in the city already morphle and chroma make a great team together chroma really likes coloring it sure does hmm i have an idea chroma do you want a human companion that loves color [Music] amazing you are the perfect magic pet for a painter like me [Music] morph into a toy car [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no a flat tire mila and morphle i need your help there's a major crime going on in the city park and without my police car i can't get there fast enough oh no of course we'll help mr policeman morphle morph into a police car [Music] i wonder what the major crime is morphle maybe it's the glue bandits [Music] over there morphle i need a chopper morph into a police helicopter [Music] not in my city that sign says keep off the grass i'll have to write you a ticket was that the big crime you need to stop mr policeman yep it was a oh no more full go over there [Music] lady aren't you a bit too old to be committing crimes you did not clean up your doggy's poop in my city i'll have to write you a ticket lady [Music] these don't seem like very important crimes marvel phew it's a good thing we're here today there's a lot of major crime going on oh no this is serious follow him morphle [Music] stop it right there ice cream man look at your ice cream it's melting well uh yeah but i cannot stand for this not in my city i will have to write you a ticket ice cream oh no marvel look [Music] mr policeman look there's a crime going on [Music] ah i see [Music] marvel why didn't you stop there was crime right there [Music] take a left here look at how that car is parked look marvel they are going over the bridge [Music] oh no the bridge is opening purple add rockets to the car morphle you have to stop if you don't we will [Applause] fly cars aren't supposed to fly in my city marvel we have to get in front of the bandits so we can stop them [Music] [Applause] [Music] we caught you glue bandits we are no longer the glue bandits we are now the chain of office badness now i see why you went after the bandits morphle we caught them in the act of littering right in my city i will have to write you a ticket for that it's the mayor the chain of office bandits will strike again [Music] ah mr policeman thank you so much for finding my chain your chain that means it was you who was littering in my city mr mayor what i will have to write you a ticket [Music] you're it daddy [Music] hey phoebe i'm going to catch you [Music] we're playing tag you'll never catch me come on morphle we can catch her [Music] where are they [Music] mila more fool come out come out wherever you are [Music] hmm where could they be [Music] [Music] into a giant superbike [Music] [Applause] [Music] dad you're it this is fun [Music] i got you huh hmm i think they are in the bedroom [Music] you're it [Music] hmm [Music] it's more full [Music] hocus pocus pumpkin cloud [Music] they're hiding under the bed [Music] [Music] catch me if you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] mm-hmm [Music] dad [Music] ah that was fun tag you're it you can't catch me you can't catch me [Music] hello daddy way back hi milan moreful you're so dirty what did you do well first we saw a lady who asked us to help her find the hat she had lost i lost my hat can you help me find it more full morphed into a search dog and looked everywhere for the hat [Music] ruffle yeah the lady was really happy when morphle found it and then we saw mechanic joe morphle i need your help my tow truck broke down [Music] and into a triceratops [Music] and a robot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you morpho couldn't you have towed the car oh uh yeah but but building orange then builder lawrence asked us to help him i left my drill on top of the building [Music] [Music] the building site was really muddy [Music] thank you mortal [Music] you did great morphle but now you really need to take a bath yes [Music] marvel come back [Music] come on morphle it's just a bath more for no luck [Music] i where is he now [Music] there you are come on morphle it's just a bath gotcha [Music] i'll help daddy [Music] well at least morphle is in the bath as well hmm what now you like it [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] but how did my room turn into a jungle all of a sudden let's check on daddy downstairs [Music] steady thank you for the nice pictures you can move along now [Applause] [Music] morph into a lion and [Music] well that was something special thank you for saving me i can't wait to develop all these amazing pictures hey give that back [Music] hey everyone what do you think of the new garden i've created with papa jungle marvelous [Music] it looks beautiful daddy but papa jungle's magic has turned the whole house into a jungle huh monkeys hmm maybe you went a bit too far he's on the roof into a big monkey [Music] papa jungle you need to stop this jungle is getting way too dangerous [Music] let's keep it small this time pop a jungle [Music] lovely oh a butterfly [Music]
Channel: Morphle vs Orphle - Kids Cartoons
Views: 4,369,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, wheels on the bus, Morphle, kids songs, Cars for kids, vehicles for kids, Compilation, Children, kids tv, kids video, Animals, Dinosaurs, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, mila, mila and morphle, animals for kids, morphle, morphle tv, orphle, Morphle vs Orphle, monster trucks, morphle and orphle suits, race, costumes, dress up, activities, outdoors, running, imagination, creativity, create, imagine, learn how to, win, lose, good sportsmanship, kids videos for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 23sec (4283 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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