Mila and Morphle - Official Channel | My Easter Egg Hunt With An Alien + More Kids Cartoons

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[Music] Happy Easter mr. mayor did you find any eggs yet I don't think anybody has yet here take a look at this note hmm what does this say this year Easter will be a lot more difficult I've hidden the eggs in hard places good luck signed the Easter Bunny that sounds interesting right mournful yes interesting we haven't been able to find any eggs how about mournful and I look for the eggs and bring them here that would be great Mila say my four boys into a hot-air balloon be careful now kids if I were the Easter Bunny where would I hide the egg now you've done it humans you had no right to litter our planet Wow easy mr. alien what's going on one of your earth pets came to our planet and started putting weird objects everywhere could you please show it to us mr. alien sure if you promise to clean it up will do Marvel morph until haunted [Music] there you see that weird furry creature just dropped them off here and left its the Easter egg easter eggs what's that when it's Easter the Easter Bunny hides eggs for all of us to find and inside the eggs I'm pregnant that sounds fun let's go find some our Easter Egg Easter egg is this an easter egg hey let go of my head we're sorry we haven't found any more Easter eggs in space maybe we can try earth again I will look around space some more see you in a bit huh I hope he's able to find some real Easter eggs and not just rocks again [Music] there you are did you find some eggs but I don't think we found enough for the whole town oh there you are it's the real easter egg have an Easter Egg for yourself - Thank You Mila but I've already found my favorite egg and it's right here here you go two small robots as ordered Percy what's that now oh nothing thank you bye bye have you brought everything yup perfect now let's see if it works look it's the bandits it's the bandits this is going to work brilliantly nevermind the ball we're going to play another game now come with me [Music] mortal you came looking for the ball - oh do you want to play another game oh ok do you want to go home um do you have any ideas now hmm get those ice creams very strange mortal you don't even want to learn no all you say is no no no daddy mournful is being weird al' Mila that's not a nice thing to say a mortal what's up do you want some ice cream no ice cream that can't be right I'm so sorry hey wait a minute more for you get the bottle oh look at him he's going to do it oh hey mournful do you want to play [Music] daddy over there oh no it's Milla's dad play it cool yarn hey Neela what are you doing yeah you know girl stuff more fool over here well okay then you do that excellent now [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure dinosaurs had really big eggs let's paint some dinosaur egg [Music] and it has the name hello Triceratops can we paint you're a [Music] [Music] your Easter egg is painted oh do you want to paint your egg as well [Music] let's start painting more full [Music] [Applause] [Music] look more full oh that's not a triceratops but a pterodactyl baby don't worry mortal and I will bring your baby back to you morph into a helicopter [Applause] [Music] look more fool oh sorry pterodactyl we switched the egg here's your baby [Music] here's your own baby back [Music] yeah let's take it back to its mother [Music] [Applause] and right on time look we are going back to our own time [Applause] [Music] there you are it seems the Easter Bunny left you a present are you ready to paint some more [Music] there it is the most awesome roller coaster ever [Music] awesome turns and it goes really hard the only problem is you gotta be this tall to ride it hmm I might know a certain professor who could help us with that this will change you into a grown-up but are you sure you want to do this Milla absolutely well then here it goes Milla is that you oh no I'm oh wow you look so similar anyways you're tall enough enjoy the ride [Music] how was it it was awesome and now that I'm grown up I can do anything I've learned growing up careful [Music] who wants to ride the dolphin thank you I'm sorry miss but you are way too big to ride this dolphin let's pretend to be a teacher marvel I'm sorry miss but you're not allowed inside I'm Mila Zonk ah I heard you in town nice to meet you but Mila isn't here and I have to get back to class now goodbye being an adult is starting to become very boring this is a children's playground miss I'm going to have to find you oh I'm sorry but I cannot pay this I don't have any money then I suggest you get a job [Music] I don't want to be a grown-up anymore are you sure you want to be a little kid again I've never been so sure in my life [Music] [Applause] Neela Neela have you heard Hey what they're building another rollercoaster this time it's gonna be even bigger that's nice don't you want to become big again to ride it no way being a grown-up was not as much fun as I thought I'm going to enjoy being the little kid for as long as I can [Music] I found a next time and we're about to find many more yuan [Music] okay fire up your never-ending supply of Easter eggs let's see what's inside hmm I guess not everything inside is special keep him coming yawn that's more like it [Music] let's see if we can find more in this city morph into a search dog more pool [Music] the garbage dome are you sure mournful a [Music] teapot I wonder if they were more [Music] what's going on here oh dear cats by [Music] more into a racecar more fool [Music] let's give him some surprises your [Music] that was disappointing how about this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] one into a rocket [Music] looking to a tiger [Music] [Applause] and it's hey stop it right there oops [Music] [Music] you're free and you're going to jail don't worry madam I'll have your car fixed in no time wait a second I left my tools at the garage I'm always so forgetful am i but don't worry I'll tell you they're good wait you forgot to tell me [Music] [Music] can i play with your mr. action action figure - mournful Lila more fool come take a look at this new magic pet Wow what does magic power daddy I'll show you Shelley Pete put everything on this counter into your shell [Music] oops no chili Pete that's more food but everything back again [Music] - that's hard work [Applause] I think Shelley Peters a great magic pet daddy huh but where did it go oh no I think jelly Pete took MorphOS mister action figure don't worry mortal we'll get it back morph into a search dog [Music] pay Mila and Marvel have you seen my electric screwdriver it was right here Oh Shelly peed must have taken it farmer Shelly beets trail more full [Music] [Music] who stole my hammer it sounds like Shelly kid has been here - ah Mila Norville I seem to have misplaced my wrench have you seen it we're on the case professor Racine [Music] mechanic job can you help me sure first I would need an electric screwdriver oh hello there ah an electric screwdriver just what I needed thank you now I need a wrench you have a wrench as well great now I only need a hammer you wouldn't happen to you have [Music] all done I wouldn't have been able to fix the bus without your help you are the best magic pet pad there you are Shelley peas and you'll have the mister action action figure did you take those other things from people without asking as well that's not good Shelley peed you should never take things from people without asking first [Music] great now let's give back everything else YouTube ah there is the wrench thank you now we can get your other leg fixed car robot wonder where that hammer is it couldn't have just walked away so you guys had my hammer kids these days always taking whatever they bought [Music] you're back [Music] thank you you know Shelly peed if you will be my magic pet from now on you can hold all my tools for me so I won't forget them anymore [Music] yes Shelly feed you can take that hammer I think you and Shelly people be a great team mechanic tell ya there's no better magic pet for a forgetful mechanic like myself come to think of it I feel like I forgot something else as well hmm what was it it's always the same in those mechanics we just leave you in the middle of nowhere and take all the time in the world [Music] let's go look for eggs [Music] don't get any closer Mila that's a crocodile in yes I'm sorry morville i don't know where else to look for eggs Kenneth just the guy I need I've arrested a bunny for littering you must dropping eggs all over the city but frankly I don't know what to feed it well some carriage ought to do the trick let's check it out more full let him go I can't do that Mila this bunny is the biggest litterer in the world he's leaving his garbage everywhere around the city and that's a crime you want us to hide these Easter eggs for you because you can't do it you can count on us morph into a helicopter mortal [Music] more eggs hold it right there Mila I'm very disappointed in the two of you you are throwing your garbage everywhere and you know littering is a crime littering these are Easter eggs they won't be left around because kids all across the city will collect them open these are pretty nice actually can I have another one I'm sorry I arrested you Easter Bunny I didn't realize you were leaving magical eggs for everybody [Music] [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look exactly alike its builders-- surprise him hi kids hi you look amazing [Music] [Music] you are a great unicorn morville huh you are great unicorn - come on guys let's go on an adventure bye bye kids [Music] oh wow [Music] let's go there I wonder what's inside [Applause] [Music] [Music] it must be the little dragon visa outside don't worry dragon [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I'll get it the balls stuck on the roof mournful let's help Julie get the ball back we need something with wings oh I can't reach the ball don't worry ah it's a dragon oh don't worry more full joy I just didn't see it with you let's go at the end to explain try joy are you here dragon come back barking what is going dragon another real dragon no dragon breathes fire in my city shoo shoo mournful is not a real dragon right mournful [Music] daddy have you seen more phul hi Mila I haven't I'm looking for our newest Magic pet ambi it's gone missing a piece magic powers that it can make any sound softer or stop it right there let's go your moves that recurs die yeah and with mortal guy know what he's going to get it [Music] [Music] this time and especially with oh we don't have to worry dragons can't know now we worry fly away [Music] your father [Music] what dragon isn't enough to catch us [Music] music waiting to trap the Pina [Music] you two are going to jail Mila happy I'm so glad you're okay I was wrong about dragons I shouldn't have shoot your way yeah I just found it hidden behind a tree I want one of those magic Easter eggs drew we would like an egg too maybe the Easter Bunny hid more eggs oh let's have a magic Easter a time we will gather to those digs we'll see about that mournful Morphin to a race car let's go back [Music] [Music] so not all the eggs have toys Indian oh [Music] you just wanted to give a hug [Applause] [Music] yeah I wonder what's in there I'm sure this is one of the last eggs I owe me something good what it's empty no spine there's confetti in there confetti I [Music] can't find any more eggs more full [Music] [Music] Wow we're so high another a a golden egg that is the last egg in the whole city please [Music] huh it has rings [Music] [Music] morkul get in front of these a [Music] [Applause] now v8 can't see where we are and we can change you caught the edge let's see what's inside that was fun [Music] do you want some chocolate as well thank you [Music] [Music] Oh No look filter Lawrence and mechanic joe are wrecking the city why would they do that [Music] not in my city zap in with the hypno rain your father lies yes sir [Music] stop Lawrence and Joe from wrecking the city more fools [Music] no more for help them make the city no more for turned evil I love it because of this hypno ray everybody will have to do what we said they had my ties more full but how can we stop them when Warfel doesn't do what you say okay here we go back to yours I'm sure it would work Stein mom there are two people here that want to tell you something if it isn't my good-for-nothing sons I don't have time for the two of you right now the president isn't going to blackmail himself tell her tell her your sons are the greatest fatties that I have ever seen in my city they are truly bad buddies what are you talking about my sons have never been real baddies and now they've even brought a cop to my house you two are even worse daddies and I thought we are great baddies yes tell us you are proud of us and why should we you are just a little girl without your red blob everybody [Music] why are these people following your orders did you hypnotize them people shouldn't do what you say because you forced him they should do what you say because they agree with you and for wrecking the city you two are going to jail my sons are getting arrested yes mom we get arrested all the time oh boys the two of you are being buddies after all did you hear that Stein yes I did yard yes I did [Music] the city looks perfect again but come on guys it's time for bed now should only do what people say if you agree with them ha ha ha that's true but little kids do what their daddies say daddies and mommies and schoolteachers and the police officer and grandmas and grandpas what are you doing I'm trying to get this flying lion to fly but it's too scared today its new human companion is coming to pick it up and he was promised a flying lion I've been trying all night I'm so tired I don't know what to Oh No daddy fell asleep we should help the lion to not be afraid of blood anymore [Music] [Music] hello is there anybody here I am looking for my flying lion oh I don't want to wake him up I'll just take the flying lion myself ah here it is we will show you that it's not scary to fly marvel morph into a hot air balloon [Music] I don't think it's working it's just making the lion more scared [Music] hmm I have a plan I think we should stop trying to teach you how to fly from now lion let's play a game instead let's play hot lava monster the game is that you can't touch the floor because that's the lava only the lava monster can touch the floor and he has to catch the other players morph into a lava monster morbol [Music] you got me on stage [Music] [Music] Wow it was only for a little bit and not very high like you we're flying so let's try it again [Music] time for some music [Music] [Applause] [Music] milla Morpha I need your help I can't find the noise monster [Music] not in my city [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every time the noise monster hears a loud noise it grows and if he becomes any bigger that building is on will collapse [Music] but how do we get them up there [Music] Wow that lion is amazing at flying [Music] we all have to be very quiet or else the noise monster will grow again don't worry I'll get everybody to be quiet everybody be quiet [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you alright hmm I know what will cheer you up [Music] my invention is done come and see I've invented a youth serum which I will demonstrate on my assistant [Music] oh I don't know how to take care of a baby you have to take her to her daddy while I make an antidote oh good grief [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey little boy am I glad to see you I had the strangest dream I dreamed that I was a baby [Music] Robo fries has four settings of lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict no problem let's see what Robo fries can do you seem like good kids now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble I could use some help with my police work mindful boyfriend to a police car [Music] perfect [Music] be sure to leisure dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh thank you be careful not to kick the ball into the flowers [Music] not in my city you get a ticket [Music] something's wrong Robo fries must have been turned to very strict you get ticket for walking on grass I wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down yeah [Music] [Music] oh go after eight more fall [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no there it is [Music] trying again more for [Music] unacceptable this has to stop we need Robo fries to come to us more into a megaphone stop you're getting a ticket [Music] [Applause] [Music] here you did it meal and more no maybe to Peter phrases are too much there's a crocodiles [Music] you get the award for let's water this beautiful garden the virus barkeep hmm wait a second this isn't a garden hose it's a [Music] we are now the scary animal bandits we steal scary animals and released it in the city but Stine I thought we were will mr. tiger Oh No we need to help them mortal mortal not for now can help ha scary the tiger is scary for me two more full it is very dangerous but you don't need to be afraid of the tiger because you look and morph into something big so the tiger is scared of you instead I know just what would scare a tiger look [Music] for stairs of course but you should still do it because if you do something a lot you won't be scared anymore [Applause] [Music] now let's scare all the other animals out of the CD [Music] [Music] [Applause] these scary animals are making sure everyone in the city stays inside so that we can execute our real plan yeah we are actually the fruit bandits an apple a day keeps the doctor away so if we eat all the fruit in the city we don't ever have to go to the doctor again oh and the doctor is really scary oh we need to stop them morph into a big crocodile [Music] big day too distracted by bandits you don't need to steal all that fruit I used to be scared of the doctor but I went anyway and now I'm not scared of the doctor at all because if you do something a lot you won't be scared anymore really hello there you are please follow me inside he is not scary at all this time yes thank you jolly fat more ice-cream more into a bulldozer so we can clear away all this ice cream [Music] for knocking off or for to fool the jolly fan is making so much ice cream huh I don't know what to do with it all yeah we should go out and find a human companion for the jolly fan [Music] Oh Kate Jolly fat show Geraldo what you can do so what do you say do you want to be the jolly fans human companion no no no no this is it too easy but you're wrong those gelatos is not just somebody crema Factory I am an artiste [Music] look there's a good firefighter Carbon is running out of water [Music] because ice cream [Music] Jonathan use your ice cream to put out the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe firefighter Griffin can be the Jensens new human companion that was amazing you're a real hero hero it will take me days to clean up this mess oh I think mister vendor booze is right [Music] hmm I'm sorry that we couldn't find a fit human companion for you but don't worry you will always have a place here at the magic pet store hello hello hi there I'm looking for a magic pet to cheer up the kids at the Children's Hospital [Music] more far more into a helicopter [Music] mr. mirror can you show us what's happening in the mirror world and I most certainly can milla eyeful no no no more fool put him back inside me that's awful in the mirror world everything is the opposite of what it's like in our world and since Morpha liz very friendly I am afraid that awful will want to do nothing but bad things we can't have worthwhile running around in the city creating the mess tell mournful let's play with chroma for a while [Music] hello marvel how are you today what are you doing [Music] more fall you can't just leave me here [Music] sounds like someone's looking for you more fool there you are more fool now get me back down from here [Music] thanks but I don't appreciate these kind of shenanigans it was you who put me on the roof in the first place but Morpho was inside with us the whole time no he put me on the roof and he was laughing about it like this oh no that sounds like awful mr. Meanor show us the mirror world please oh no orful has escaped oh dear we need to find him you guys [Music] [Applause] my car what are you doing more fool are you building something [Music] hey what's the deal here this isn't fun more full there you are this joke has lasted long enough put everything back please more for we must be getting close morph into a racecar put us back on the ground but if that's more fall who's that [Music] and who's the real Warfel we need to make sure Orville can't pretend to be normal anymore drama hey let's help Troy in April down first I hope we have seen the last of powerful [Applause] ah the jungle the best place for my favorite of hobbies wildlife photography [Music] not into belonging [Music] one sided kings of the jungle you shouldn't believe everything they say on TV Mila there are no buyers in the jungle Lions live in the savanna but I don't see any other animals here either ah there's one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] milla there you are I finally got a picture of an animal we can go home now can we stay for a bit longer more for the king of the jungle like right here ah Mila I told you lions are not from the jungle so they can't be the kings of the job [Music]
Channel: Morphle vs Orphle - Kids Cartoons
Views: 2,150,454
Rating: 3.657095 out of 5
Keywords: Cocomelon, abckidtv, videos for kids, kids videos, wheels on the bus, Morphle, nursery rhymes, children songs, kids songs, Cars for kids, vehicles for kids, Compilation, Children, Toy, kids tv, kids video, Learning, Animals, Dinosaurs, lullaby, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, mila, mila and morphle, animals for kids, morphle, bedtime stories, lullabies, morphle tv, lbb, little baby bum, songs for kids, music for kids, trucks cartoon, morphle nursery rhymes, easter, egg, hunt, bunny, alien
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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