Scary Trucks - Mila and Morphle Halloween | Cartoons for Kids | My Magic Pet Morphle

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hi i'm mila and my magic pet marble can morph into anything i want [Music] morph into a tunnel for them [Music] thanks anime that was fun anime's powers to bring things to life never ceases to amaze me look it's you anemi only in the mirror world can mirror and mimi come out and play with anime i do not think that would be such a good idea mila the mirror world magic pet's powers are well different and sometimes they can cause trouble in our world i'm sure it will be fine come on out muffle on the race okay let's go more full morph into a race car yay [Music] where do you think you're going come back here oh my that's not good [Music] let's see if the mayor has finally replied to our complaints about the magic pets [Music] huh did i say complaints what i meant was [Applause] [Music] [Music] no wait i need to go to the hospital to care for my patients [Music] ah more for one wish [Music] uh oh we gotta stop a nini after the mortal [Music] let's say firefighter gervin long arms purple morphin umbrella [Music] [Music] more huh if real anime is in the mirror world then that must be mirror anime and he's out of control we need to get mirror and nene back where he belongs okay [Music] [Applause] grab him a name [Music] and i've got some tickets to write i still need to go to the hospital and i have a lady to save [Music] i don't have anything to do i screams for everyone [Music] whoo it sure is hot today that's a great idea morphle how about you get us some ice cream from the ice cream truck over there [Music] don't forget to buy me one okay daddy the ice cream man is leaving [Music] morph into an ice cream race car [Music] [Applause] huh where is he going [Applause] [Music] the bridge is opening [Music] that was fun [Music] hi kids would you like some ice cream yes please great i have a chocolate ice cream vanilla strawberry jalapeno a concrete raw onion mayonnaise and i'll have vanilla chocolate and the raw onion for daddy i'm sure he'll like that yeah really this is the first time i ever sold that flavor thank you so much now let's get back to daddy before his ice cream melts [Music] after them [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've lost him yawn oh oh no you didn't huh [Music] could really use some ice cream now we're back daddy great ice cream mountain oh no i really wanted that ice cream oh oh no we'll get another one real quick daddy hello back again another raw onion ice cream please wow this is the second raw onion ice cream i've sold back to daddy morphle quickly this is the best day of my life [Music] this is our ice cream now it is ours is that my ice cream sorry sir we didn't mean to give it back thank you mila and morphle the ice cream did not melt at all [Music] raw onion flavor oops we need to build a brand new house here but first we need to get rid of the old one marble morph into a wrecking ball okay morphle ready when you are [Music] okay robot dump truck clean up the mess [Music] with this amazing invention that we got from professor rashid building new buildings is easier than ever [Music] now we are the construction zapper magnets [Music] [Applause] [Music] after them [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wall [Music] she's [Music] let's zap ourselves some statues [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys are headed to the police station [Applause] [Music] are you ready to come trick or treat with us and mimi let's start with our neighbor vanderbooth [Music] yes trick or treat well if you want any treats for me you better show me your best trick [Music] that's it better luck next year ah well i'm sure the next house is a bit more friendly that was actually a pretty neat trick you are going to help me ruin halloween [Music] oh our candy [Music] what's the meaning of this [Music] scrap you you nothing give us back our candy aren't those the bats you brought to life and mimi don't worry we'll catch them so you can change them back more full morph into an airplane [Music] now pick up a nemi and get her close to the back [Music] wow you kids back here no i'm not going to let you blow out every lantern in town it's the pumpkin more full morph into a tiger and let's catch it [Music] [Applause] what a nice lantern this will look wonderful with the others only the skeleton is left now morph into a helicopter [Music] over there more full [Music] well done any me but i wonder why they were acting so mischievously because i told them to this was so much fun from now on i will try to ruin halloween every year that is so mean yeah well what are you going to do about it [Music] it's halloween halloween i'm dressed as a vampire do you know what you are going to be more full gosh i can almost see through you but aren't you afraid of ghosts yeah [Music] mortals afraid of ghosts let's show our costumes to the other magic pets [Music] [Applause] [Music] atmos stop it's just more full uh is everything okay it's a ghost come back it's just marvel ghosts aren't real [Applause] [Music] oh no don't worry morphle we'll find them and explain that you're not a real ghost ghosts aren't even real leave more full alone mr vanderbooth afraid of ghosts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no the city is haunted haunted yes listen don't follow us [Music] that wasn't me even the trees are haunted don't come here don't worry morphle that's not a real ghost no real nope i'll show you [Applause] don't follow us [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] there look more full don't come here scary ghost magic patch yeah [Music] hello magic pets what are you doing we're trying to keep the ghost away that isn't a real ghost it's more full [Applause] oh you scared us morphle [Music] but you three scared the whole city with your powers you were just like a real ghost are you thinking what i'm thinking for [Music] ghosts aren't real i am a real ghost what is happening [Music] [Music] we'll always catch you so you should just stop doing mean things [Music] if only we had our own morphle look stein [Music] hey awful i have an idea [Music] [Music] a monkey give me back my camera [Applause] [Music] isn't this great yeah [Music] what how did you get out of jail not in my city oh no it's officer freeze no problem awful morph into a dinosaur [Music] t-rex oh [Music] i did think you would be a bigger dinosaur though [Music] what is all of that oh no hmm you could have stacked the cars a bit better awful [Music] marvel morph into a helicopter [Music] thank you morphle the bandits and their monkey put the camera up there and ran away the bandits escaped with the monkey we need to go after them morphle [Music] oh those bandits used a crane to do this they had a crane as well that's so strange thanks morphle [Music] oh the bandits and they have awful with them stop it bandits oh it's mila and morphle but we have awful morph into something big [Music] couldn't we have some seats or something whoa you morphed so fast we nearly fell off be careful [Music] can't you go faster [Music] oh our space is way too small yeah give us more room awful [Applause] [Music] that's what you got for being mean all the time bandits [Music] do you want to come trick or treat with us phoebe i'm sorry guys but my mom never lets me trick or treat come on dear [Music] oh oh well too bad let's go morphle [Music] i'm sorry phoebe but you're a witch and you know what happens to witches when the sun sets on halloween all wishes become evil yeah right who even believes that old story bye bye and thank you wow look at all this candy too bad phoebe couldn't come with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow morphle that was a really great costume don't you think [Music] costume no those can't be costumes [Music] oh no [Music] we need to find out what's going on morphle morph into a giant spider and follow the candy [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no what happened here candy after that morphle [Music] [Music] phoebe are you okay i'm more than okay i haven't taken my sleeping potion and now halloween's night has made me evil and i can do anything i want scare them away candy monster [Music] that won't scare us into a giant scary skeleton [Music] maybe a zombie would scare it more full [Applause] oh i know what would scare a big pile of unhealthy candy more full morph into a giant frightening piece of broccoli [Music] [Applause] [Music] bat wings it's too healthy for my poor candy monster [Music] [Applause] [Music] time to get some sleep dear phoebe no no oh shoot [Music] hmm who could that be [Music] hey phoebe do you want to help us deliver this candy to the other children [Music] did you collect more candy than you could eat yourselves last night um [Music] well i think it's very nice that you want to share it with the rest of the children thank you mila [Music] [Applause] do [Music] i am a scary witch isn't halloween fun what are you going to dress up as more full [Music] now we can go trick or treating [Music] oh aren't you too scary [Music] here you go have fun thank you [Music] hey milan morphle i'm a real dinosaur wrong [Music] oh can you change into a bat as well but yeah vampires can change into a bat like this ah marvel is a real vampire combine morphle you're a really scary vampire morphle [Music] ah so scary i have a treat for you too [Music] you're a real vampire oh this is an award for the realest vampire haha realist vampire [Music] and we have so much candy already give it back give it back as real pirates we'll ponder everyone's treasure tonight how much candy have they got hmm a lot and a box of apple juice give them back their candy vampire want to drink yours [Music] thank you morphle the vampire [Music] this is the last house trick or treat i hope you two are the last ones today i hear there's a real vampire around and i don't want it to fly in morpho vampire run within [Music] [Applause] [Music] vampires can't stand garlic let's see how you like this [Music] candy no yummy i defeated you vampire this is not a real vampire it's more full marvel now like this candy oh that makes sense [Music] yummy now get off my land [Music] this is the magic pet graph it can change the way gravity works for all the things it zaps oh can you change my gravity graph great [Applause] [Music] oh that's great [Music] whoa it's great to look at things from a different perspective i've changed my mind about so many things right now [Music] we'll take this with the power of this magic pet we will be the gravity bandits we need to stop them morphle [Music] oh oh hello there spider we need to catch up with them more into a kangaroo mortal [Music] [Music] oh no we need to help him more full morph into a crane [Music] phew [Music] thank you we'll [Music] why is the bridge oh no the brakes stopped working into a spider so you can stop the bus with a well [Music] oh thank you morphle [Music] oh no help oh no it's sarah we need to bring her house down again morph into an airplane [Music] now tie those trees together over the house so it can't fall into the sky anymore phew thank you milan morphle oh no luke stein how about we change your gravity again now we need to fly up to them [Music] [Applause] oh we're sorry oh now can you get us down again graph can you change the gravity of everything else back again [Applause] [Music] please don't get any closer [Music] whew now that spider can't reach oh that was quite a day stein yeah it sure was yawn let's go to bed but stein yeah our bits are on the ground oh no [Music] trick or treat oh my oh now that's a costume have some candy youtube [Music] thank you wow you really scared her more full i found a shirt for scary [Music] hey there little guy what do you think of my scary friend what did you do little guy i feel scared the pumpkins and the award for the scariest pumpkin goes to this award is so scary [Music] it's not safe there are pumpkins everywhere [Music] well of course it's halloween my awards are trying to get me [Music] something is not right marvel let's explore [Music] i'm scared for my ice cream easy now don't hurt me oh no i'm scared of science it looks so scared [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] why are you scared of me but i am your friend morphle huh yeah friend and i need a friend to help me get out of the train [Music] thank you that was very brave you helped me even though you were scared [Music] i think i figured out why you use your powers on people you're scared of pumpkins i know they look scary but they're just decoration see [Music] oh [Music] oops [Music] [Applause] huh [Applause] [Music] bowing [Music] [Applause] [Music] no paint wash [Music] awful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Music] huh [Music] do [Music] school hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] only if we play together [Music] okay [Music] yeah our first school i'm the strongest superhero i can easily lift up this car awful let's help them out [Music] i'm a superhero too and i can fly help him but he only wants to play he won't bite okay get that thing out of here [Music] leave that woman alone mister whatever [Music] thank you very much superheroes who can i thank for this what are your names arm we can't tell you we are the masked superheroes and we have secret identities [Music] give back those awards but i never got any awards in high school yeah now i am officially the number one ballet dancer [Music] okay okay here are the awards back no no you can keep that one it says best at getting caught we are champion stein we are standing here with the people that saved all the cities awards we have one question for you who are you we can't tell you we are the masked superheroes and we have secrets i'm troy i'm april today is halloween morphle we need to find you the right scary look [Music] perfect [Music] what is going on why is everybody wearing weird outfits i love your costumes you two look exactly like real pirates you should compete in the halloween costume contest come on pirate phil [Music] and the winners are [Music] the guys in these incredible pirate costumes allow me to give you this award what give you are not giving us this award we are stealing this award oh no they're real pirates [Music] amazing [Music] come morphle let's go trick-or-treating [Music] trick or treat [Music] that sure is a scary costume don't you think marvel music [Music] we need to get back at them by stealing all of their candy but how that mortal creature isn't afraid of anything [Music] i don't think anyone is home [Music] the look on your face is priceless halloween is my favorite holiday because i love to scare children no real ghost no more fool don't worry ghosts don't exist [Music] so the only thing morphle is scared of are ghosts die [Music] come on phil let's go [Music] look marvel thanks to you we've collected lots of candy boo i'm a scary ghost [Music] come back [Music] your red blob can't protect you now all your candy belongs to us [Music] it's me don't be scared we need your help morphle the pirates took everyone's candy goes scary [Music] ghosts aren't real look there's no real nope you don't have to be afraid morphle hi there's no real [Music] oh no [Music] you did it you conquered your fears gosh no you [Music] [Applause] so he took all the candy we stole pirate phil marple didn't take your candy i didn't steal this candy pirate maurice i got it because some parents liked my pirate costume it's called trick-or-treating what give me some candy too pirate phil no pirate maurice i trick-or-treated for this myself get your own candy oh come on pirate phil just a wee bit of candy just one piece [Music] oh no you've beaten me mr action lisa action win again superhero huh i wish i was a real superhero huh okay mila superhero i don't have any superpowers silly morphle [Music] [Applause] superhero [Music] wow thank you morphle oh no come back bella milo the superhero will get bella back for you [Music] oh there she is don't worry bella it's just me and morphle [Music] oh you found her thank you so much mila the superhero stop it please [Music] thank you miller [Music] [Music] we still need to stop the ice cream truck more full [Music] oh you stopped my as a cream truck thank you so much mila the superhero [Applause] don't mention it sir that's what superheroes do [Applause] [Music] one more time yawn okay stein [Music] but we're stuck [Music] it is so happy [Music] thank you mila the superhero yeah superheroes help people but do you know what they do as well no what do they do they put bandits in jail [Music] time to decorate the house with these scary decorations morphle [Music] can you tie this rope to the roof more full [Music] so [Music] oh dear i've been so busy with my inventions i completely forgot it's almost halloween i'm far too late to still buy halloween decorations gone sold out sold out sold out wait a minute this looks promising real actual scary cursed egyptian bad guard sarcophagus can be delivered immediately now that's what i call quick service no wait come back [Music] thank you so much have a great evening that's it keep still [Music] professor rasheed do you need help mila marvel oh that would be wonderful can you catch it more full [Music] let's get it back to the lab there we go back where you belong [Music] hello huh is anyone there i can't find the light switch the mayor what are you doing here i don't know the last thing i remember is a large bat and a bright light oh dear i think the bad guard turned you into a bat that god yes well you see i ordered this actual cursed batgod sarcophagus online and uh i'm beginning to suspect it might actually be cursed then we need to find that bad god as soon as possible [Music] wow [Music] none of these bats is the batgod where could it be [Music] oh no [Music] more full go catch the bat god well i catch the professor [Music] don't forget the ruby [Music] don't you think it might be dangerous to give him back the ruby well there is a 30-day no questions asked refund but it needs to be complete [Music] you
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 2,219,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morphle, mila and morphle, my magic pet morphle, morfol, morfo, morf, morphle tv, superheroes, orphle, kids videos, cartoons, cartoons for kids, kids tv, kids, morphle vs orphle, halloween, bats, spooky, vehicles, cars, trucks, fun videos, halloween fun, ghosts, scary trucks, halloween trucks, mila and morphle halloween, morphle cartoon, cartoon
Id: lwwDzhN3ek8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 46sec (3826 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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