Morphle and Orphle's Waterfight +MORE Super Morphle and Mila Cartoons @Action_Pack_Netflix

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hi i'm mila and my magic pet marble can morph into anything i want [Music] hey kids be careful of others when you're playing sorry officer freeze hey let's have a water fight as long as we're careful let's go [Music] three two one start [Music] morphle morph into an elephant [Music] hey careful [Music] [Music] stop it all of you look at the mess you've made [Music] uh-oh you're going to put everything back and i don't want to see any more morphing on my beach yes officer freeze [Music] [Music] not on my beach pirates [Music] oh now i'm all wet again [Music] oh no we can't stop the pirates without morphles and awful powers i take it back you can morph again to stop the pirates yeah let's go [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] i'll get you with the water cannon more full and doorful morph into an elephant and fire truck again [Music] you did it morphle and dorflow [Music] you're never going to catch me [Music] also play [Music] that wasn't fair but do you want to play with us you can't use any tricks though yeah awful play all right i'll be it ready [Music] i've almost got you hey that's not fair i said no trick so you can't morph either never catch up [Music] i know but if we team up i'm sure we can tag him morph into a race car as well [Music] we're coming to get you orfel [Music] look more [Music] you're it [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] use your propellers to blow away the clouds morph into a submarine waffle [Music] [Music] now morph into a speed boat [Music] oh [Music] mila morphle over here oh it's danny you've been playing all afternoon so i thought you might like a refreshment ice cream thanks daddy [Music] first we're going to have a break here have an ice cream oh or full [Music] ah you're making me dizzy [Music] what's wrong well one of the kangaroos attacked me that's what's wrong [Music] who wants an apple [Applause] [Music] one for you one for you [Music] hey that's not nice [Applause] [Music] what's wrong zookeeper kenneth i think i saw a green morpho he sprayed watered my face when i was feeding the elephants that sure sounds like awful we'll find him hey elephants do you know which way ortho went [Music] thank you let's go marvel [Music] foreign [Music] hey there little guy what are you doing over here [Music] are you okay builder lawrence yes yes i'm fine just don't let him get away with it [Music] okay orful should be here somewhere [Music] that was awful quick after him that awful is too good at hiding from us i don't know what to do more fool yeah we've now got to hmm that gives me an idea morphle if we hide he will get bored and come looking for us oh [Music] hmm [Music] gotcha you didn't think we would give up that easily did you how about we try to play hide and seek without scaring anybody okay you better hide because here we come [Music] hey [Music] those kids are so loud is that awful do you want to help me play some pranks on mila and morphle yeah [Music] now awful [Music] huh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh it's awful [Music] me [Music] oh no [Music] it's awful again [Music] hmm i think i know what's going on listen marple i have an idea look awful you can jump on top of their sand castle [Music] [Music] oh no i know mr vanderbooth helps you to prank us but how would you like to help us prank him for once [Music] hi mr vanderbilt hi mila i'm sorry for being so loud mr van der boos we will never do so again [Music] oh that's all right i guess i can go back to watering my yard [Music] that's strange now i'm all wet [Music] what is going on [Music] where did you come from [Music] no stop growing now my backyard looks like a jungle [Music] a tiger it really is a jungle [Music] who's ready for a fun little story me me me [Music] once upon a time there was a brave night named mila mila the night reporting for duty she wasn't alone she brought her magic armor with her together we are unstoppable morphle the king of this land asked mila and morphle to meet him in the woods i can't wait to see why the king wants to meet us maybe the castle is under attack by a dragon or the evil knight has stolen his horse other story too [Music] hop on it norfolk the more the merrier [Music] right let's go see the king [Music] welcome good night so what's the problem bandits giants oh no problem unless you call these cupcakes a problem i baked them myself a cupcake not yet little one first we play with this ball a ball i didn't become a knight to play with a ball i protect cupcakes [Music] [Applause] no what are you doing awful oh interesting fear not king daddy we will save you how with this sword it turns everything it touches into a chicken [Music] let's throw some boosters into the mix [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh right are you okay king daddy well apart from being a chicken i'm fine but i miss my sweet-smelling cupcakes how will we get them back maybe if we had a super nose we could smell them from miles away noses for sale big ones small ones long ones noses with ones noses without warts do you have a nose that can smell cupcakes ah you want a pig's nose little piggy says what what that was weird never mind that can you smell my delicious cupcakes oh yes this way [Music] [Applause] found you [Music] well this is not really how i imagined this story would go but don't you think this was way more exciting than playing with the ball well i guess you're right and i have a little surprise for you in the real world cupcakes [Music] [Music] okay oops [Music] [Applause] huh [Applause] [Music] bowing [Music] [Applause] [Music] now paint wash [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] double offer no hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] only if you play together [Music] okay [Music] yeah have a score [Music] [Music] remember we have to deliver this package fast and safe first [Music] wonderful my new set of pins here you can have one too oh thank you also no awful you didn't deliver my package hmm do you maybe have something we can deliver together with orful let me see i have these books that need to be delivered to your uncle wilfred but he's on an island far away that's okay we'll do it yeah [Music] be careful not to let the books get wet will do [Music] it's not a race oracle [Music] more into a speedboat morphle [Music] be careful orphal we can't let the books get wet watch out for that huge wave warp into a helicopter [Music] what's this now [Music] we have two packages for you uncle wilfred yippee books uh but this one's all wet i can't read it now or full i told you to not let the books get wet [Music] it's okay little man look i have a very fragile package for you to deliver to the bookstore you can protect mila and morphle while they deliver it would you like that awful yeah are you ready you're full [Music] see you uncle wilbert oh no a storm is coming oh no the package [Music] you can deliver this one [Music] let me see wow these are very pretty shells and i think you've earned this one [Music] love is in the air in the city well for most of its citizens [Music] ah good job morpho [Music] you like offer you but you only cause trouble [Music] here you go happy valentine's day oh thank you [Music] oh no mila and morph will help it's awful oh oh no more full morph into a bath [Music] drop her now no i didn't mean now now are you all right m'lady oh yes thank you [Applause] hey where did orpha go [Music] why no one's like a [Music] [Music] morph into a monkey [Music] here let me get that for you [Music] morph into a triceratops [Music] [Applause] [Music] awful what's going on you're so angry nobody's like awful [Music] or full if you want people to like you you have to be nice to them first [Music] nice yeah nice like this here you go morphle happy valentine's day thank you [Music] oh awful is that for me thank you very much oh that's really kind of you you you like a offer now yes definitely [Music] thank you awful yeah everybody's like oh well at least he's happy now and look he got everyone into the valentine mood i take it back love is in the air for all of its citizens [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you for helping me decorate the garden meland morphle [Music] now we only need the birthday cake can you pick up the cake for me please morphle morph into a race car look more full there is the bakery [Applause] hi milan morphle you must be here for daddy's birthday cake [Applause] what flavors do you want the cake to be chocolate mmm and strawberries come on in [Music] the cake is beautiful [Music] wow [Music] it's awful i will take a cake [Music] oh no [Music] more morph into a horse [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh a birthday cake [Music] oh no morph into a robot [Music] ah [Music] i think we lost or full oh no morph into a motorcycle [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's awful again [Music] not in my city slow down [Music] hmm we lost him more full [Music] autocad oh [Music] we're sorry daddy [Music] oh thank you orpha do you promise not to steal anything again awful [Music] that's really cool happy shrimp [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] mila and morphle look at the mess you made oops sorry daddy and who is going to clean this up we will right morphle come morphle it's our mess [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sky [Applause] [Music] that was fun wow that was fast you've already cleaned up the mess you have definitely earned these ice creams yay [Music] ice cream or full why are you carrying around the house alpha play now offering ice cream [Music] no where the heck am i or full you can't just go play around with other people's stuff you have to bring it back and until you do no ice cream but we can help you or full more full morph into a robot as well [Applause] [Music] could you show us the usual location of your house yes of course it's that way okay let's go [Music] did you do all this awful it was him all right looks like we have some work to do okay let's get busy [Music] daddy we're back [Music] what happened here daddy well i was doing some gardening and one thing led to another but let's have some ice cream but daddy don't you need to clean up your mess before you can have ice cream yeah i guess so [Music]
Channel: Action Pack
Views: 4,302,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for kids, kartun anak-anak dalam bahasa Inggris, dessins animés pour les enfants en anglais, Morphle and Orphle Superheroes, Morphle on Vacation, Morphle's Day At The Farm, The Amazing Waterslide, Storm Bandits, morphle best friend, best friend morphle pet, best friend morphle animation, mila cartoon, mila morphle, dibujos en ingles, super friend morphle, mila and morphle, orphle, super hero, kids videos, The Big Birthday Cake Chase with Orphle, Bday cartoon
Id: 0zyQAERwNS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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