MORPHLE ROBS A BANK - Morphle and friends | Cartoons for Kids | Mila and Morphle TV

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[Music] thank you i would never be able to dance this well without my dear magic pet sound bird oh thank you with soundbird's magic power it can sound like anything it wants yes including music i am so happy to have him [Music] not in my city look that's police officer freeze run i'll have to write you a ticket oh remember that time you went with police officer freeze morphle it was so funny that's not police officer friezeyorn i am a magic pet it's so cute stein that sounds just like me yeah let's steal it jordan what i i'm sure you can't just steal me what do you want to do with this time first we take care of officer freeze i have just a plan officer freeze don't turn around it's me the mayor what why can't i there is no time the mountain giant is committing heinous crimes oh no what did he do um um he is moving rocks uh without a permit oh no that's a crime if i ever heard one i'll get you mountain giant you got him good stein yeah with soundbird in the bandit mobile we can use its powers ourselves and now it's time for the second part of our plan [Music] playing is hard work all that's daddy if we can have some ice cream [Music] ice cream [Music] i have some ice cream i'm behind you but don't look let's play a game or if i like the game great okay close your eyes and follow my voice keep going straight now turn right a bit keep going huh where is he going and stop okay we're almost at the ice cream but to get the ice cream yeah i need you to morph into a wrecking ball [Music] now smash the door of the bank morphle [Music] no i'm not just smash the door of the bank more for no relief smash the doors morphle no don't smash the door of the bank morphle oh more fool use your wrecking ball to smash the button on the bandit mobile [Music] thank you morphle [Music] we've lost let's flee jorn okay stein that wasn't me [Music] hello police officer freeze [Music] what are you doing here so early i couldn't wait to pick you up let's go to jail [Music] [Music] out if morph will help a policeman then a policeman free milan [Music] why do i get this isn't even a real ticket hmm i really wouldn't want to stay here for a long time more for happy policemen more [Music] shoes sure i say get out of my front yard what are you doing here morphle wha what are you doing you're very mean to birdies [Music] you can't just take people to jail mortal oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] that was pretty funny [Music] oh man [Music] much literally [Music] oh that's great oh where have all my tires gone [Music] what a ticket for littering [Music] [Music] i can't be on the grass in the park why i ordered you well i'll be a monkey's uncle kids these days that's great just great [Music] that was great and you'll always remember to stay out of jail [Music] no i was never in jail police officer freeze gave me a tour of the station but morpho wanna free mila the moof will take phantom push the chair what oh no you can't just take people to jail morphle [Music] i had a great time with our little redfin [Music] oh no not my beautiful hat [Music] mr mayor what happened oh leela it's terrible i was just walking around in our beautiful city thinking mayoral faults when someone drove by and stole my hat don't worry mr mayor we're on the job morphle morph into a search dog [Applause] [Music] hold it right there i saw who took the hat it was you morpher all right what's going on here there you are you see give me back my doggy are you saying morphle stole from you morphle would never do that yes he would i just bought a birthday cake when morphle drove by and grabbed it from my hands are you all sure it was more full yes well well morphle a criminal not in my city i'm going to have to take you to the police station morphle no no please he didn't do anything looks like they're gone you can come out now yawn they all think mortals know their stuff oh this must be our best plan yet yeah let's do some more more for no creamy now don't worry morphle i will prove you're innocent no give me back my apples [Music] so the bandits took all this stuff i can't believe it morphle took all my apples don't worry sir we've already caught morphle but it happened just now outstanding police work if i say so myself morphle didn't do it it was the bandits i saw them with my own eyes now now mila you can't go around blaming everything on the bandits bye bye now oh [Music] morphle i know who did it the bandits stole everything but no one wants to believe me [Music] but i can't do it without you morphle muffle no catch ruffle a jail i have an idea can you still hear me marco rufus hmm give me back my tools marvel sounds like trouble go down morpho [Music] don't worry joe we're on it what another more food [Music] faster we almost have them she's too fast she's going to catch us we'll see about that [Music] slow down mortal not so fast now are you turn around quickly again [Applause] we've done it more full [Music] quiet yawn how did you get out of jail morphle trying to hide all your stolen loot i see that's not more full those are the bandits hey wait a minute this isn't more full that's what i've been telling you all along all right already you've caught uh-oh i might have made a slight mistake i'm very sorry i doubted you morphle of course you're not a criminal and in light of your outstanding police work i'll make you honorary police officers [Music] it was fun pretending to be more full right stein it sure was morph into a plane yawn no you morph into a car stein [Laughter] you're being very thorough police officer freeze i have to be two police commissioners will drop by to see if i'm doing a good job as a police officer everything has to be perfect well then we won't keep you good luck bye-bye thanks guys why are you not wearing your official cleaning app no cleaning hat cleaning hat sorry you must be the commissioners welcome your good police officer has to know all the laws yes i i believe i do sir we'll see about that [Music] oh a red light why aren't you singing singing a police officer at the red light should be singing look at me as a happy policeman [Applause] too late another law i didn't know [Music] no eating while on duty [Music] so many tickets i'm afraid we're going to have to take you to jail why would they arrest him more into a race car [Music] hey melinda marvel what happened to you as it turns out i don't know half the loss i'm not fit to be a police that officer be right we need to get to the bottom of this morphle [Music] [Music] no hats in the park [Music] move into a bush [Music] no picnics with a blanket or near a tree or with a basket [Music] with peter freeze gone we can do anything yarn yeah stein bandits so they made up all those strange laws two can play at that game [Music] oops sorry you will be sorry once i find uh where is it let me see no not that one ah here it is when a person bumps into the police commissioners the police commissioners should keep walking uh okay come on john [Music] they have to leave their bag of loot at the door of the police station and go inside they now have to take off their fake mustaches and call out we're the bandits uh wait this doesn't make any sense it does to me you're under arrest [Music] more full it's easter let's go look for eggs [Music] do [Music] no ever anywhere over there morphle don't get any closer mila that's a crocodile egg [Music] yikes i'm sorry morphle i don't know where else to look for eggs ah kenneth just the guy i need i've arrested a bunny for littering it was dropping eggs all over the city but frankly i don't know what to feed it well some carrots ought to do the trick let's check it out more full [Music] it's the easter bunny [Music] officer freeze you've arrested the easter bunny you have to let him go i can't do that mila this bunny is the biggest litterer in the world he's leaving his garbage everywhere around the city and that's a crime but hey bunny give it back you want us to hide these easter eggs for you because you can't do it [Music] you can count on us morph into a helicopter morphle [Music] huh more eggs [Music] hold it right there mila i'm very disappointed in the two of you you are throwing your garbage everywhere and you know littering is a crime well we're not littering these are easter eggs they won't be left around because kids all across the city will collect them open it [Music] these uh are pretty nice actually can i have another one only if you find it first [Music] i'm sorry i arrested you easter bunny i didn't realize you were leaving magical eggs for everybody oh yeah being a ninja is awesome [Music] that hurts don't worry troy only a real ninja can punch through a plank [Music] wow that's great morphle my ninja manual says a real ninja can not only punch through a plank but they can also climb really well ninja marker can climb [Music] and ninjas can jump really far and quick that's awesome also a ninja can hide himself everywhere hey [Music] wow where did he go i don't know [Music] there you are you are really good at hiding as well now you only need to chop fruit in the air [Music] now you're a real ninja woo hoo real ninja the bandits no today we are the ninja man ninja masters yeah how can morphe be a real ninja if he doesn't know the super secret ninja moves wow what's the super secret ninja move i wanna learn what if i wanna be best ninja okay then uh listen carefully you first have to go to the school but no one can see you go there [Music] then you have to find a yellow flower put it on your head and dance around with it now that morphle is learning the super secret ninja move we can kidnap mila wow no why are you doing this to lay a trap for your ninja friend of course oh to test out the super secret ninja move good idea more full health more fools [Music] ninja [Music] [Applause] [Music] more foolstein [Music] you're here i like to make the trap yawn [Music] he's actually doing it stein oh no it's a bee right [Music] there you are the bandits did all of this for you yeah thank you bandage [Music] your teeth are perfect condition i make sure to brush his teeth twice a day are we ready to go to the next magic pen we certainly are morph into an ambulance morphle [Music] magic pet dental team to the rescue [Music] are you ready to get your teeth checked little guy no problems here you're all good [Music] now only the magic pets in the magic pet store are left right yes then we'll have done all the checkups [Music] looks good who's next [Music] all right let's see hmm oh dear you have a cavity don't worry it's not so bad i can fix it with this [Music] hey wait up big guy oh no he's all scared we need to stop him before he gets hurt more full morph into a horse [Music] stop then this is no scary [Music] put that thing away oops sorry [Music] morph into a dragon [Music] stop running it's really not that bad [Music] oh boy how are we going to stop him hmm we need something that can swim really fast and it's strong enough to stop his boat more full morph into a crocodile [Music] i'm sorry i scared you big guy but it's very important that we treat that cavity it might not hurt now but it will in the future if you don't do anything about it [Music] okay more full you can let go now more full muffle juice oh dear let me see it seems you have a cavity too morphle oh but you're not afraid of the dentist right let's go back to my clinic good as new and because you both have been so brave a little present [Music] morphing to a race car ready set [Music] [Music] more fools [Music] [Music] oh not in my city [Music] morphle you cannot drive that fast in my city next time you'll get a ticket sorry that goes for you too whoa we really need to fly slower sorry mr policemen [Music] [Music] we're out of the city [Music] wow so fast [Music] the wheels are stuck in the sand oh no [Applause] morph into a monster truck [Music] wow [Music] [Music] look out [Music] are you okay yeah thank you mr alien but why did you follow us i saw you race and wanted to invite you to the space race [Music] three two one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Moonbug Kids Play and Learn
Views: 3,301,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Videos for kids, kids video, morphle, my magic pet morphle, superhero, animals, magic, cartoon, scary animals, super hero videos for kids, cartoons for children, morphle TV, bath time, kids tv, toy, animation, learning, toddler, Mila and morphle, colors, my magic pet, mila and morphle, bandits, super hero, preschool, monster, jail, children, fun videos for kids, educational videos for children
Id: Zjd6NRkRiZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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