Double Daddy - My Magic Pet Morphle | Cartoons For Kids | Morphle's Magic Universe |

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[Music] [Laughter] I need a breather you can never keep up with mortal and me hahaha oh it's true I can't keep up with those kids anymore well one of me can't but I bet more of me good hi Daddy hey I've rested for a bit and now I feel a lot faster how about we have a little race to the town square [Music] into a race cars [Music] no one is faster than mournful silly daddy [Music] no you haven't I've been here for a while what how did you do that I feel a lot faster why don't we try again let's race to the highest tree next to the city but that's so far don't you want to race me anymore yeah okay let's go [Music] there's no way he can win this [Music] three you've lived great you were faster than I thought you'd be what's tell me mine let's do a race to the top of this tree [Music] real are we dreaming more full let's do one last race back home I'm getting a bit tired we need to win this mortal yeah ready set go into a rocket I'm sorry more 'full are you okay yeah well well what do we have here more foods too tired to stop a Stein I don't think so what do you think you're doing Oh what well what is going along give him of course we were only joking thank you daddy but there are so many of you I wanted to play a little prank on you and doubler helped me a bit by doubling me five times but I finally caught up with you you are so fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow that's amazing stop it you bandage faster you're faster [Music] looking good Kenneth it must be my lucky day instead of carrying this heavy crate I can just push it over the ice and deliver it in no time oh no no no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch everybody trade off the lose we need to help him orful morph into a bobsleigh [Music] clearly rabbis [Music] thanks Mila but please save the great there's something very valuable inside don't worry we're on it [Music] finally I've caught you bandits and now I'm gonna take you home yes that's what you get when you try to mess with the bandits [Music] [Music] darling somewhere banded [Music] please miss me guys hardly [Applause] thanks meal and more food quickly marvel let's save that crate [Music] you're right boy fool it's stopping [Music] oh look those must be the sweaters I ordered just sweaters I thought it was something valuable they're handmade and I designed them well uncle Mortimer you're always so fast well when we were younger I was the faster one oh yeah well how about we race right now and see who's faster daddy and uncle Mortimer you can have a ring and I'm gonna be the referee Warfel would you like to be my racecar that way we will win for sure [Music] did you hear that yarn they're about to have a race if we start now we'll be the winners for sure [Music] Wow Wow so fast but not as fast as me [Music] [Music] we have to do something style yeah but I have an idea [Music] let's see you get past this tree great I did sty morph into will I don't know look morph into something [Music] Wow oh that was a close one more 'fl Tuzla [Music] Wow [Music] all those time they are catching up to us we have to think of something fast [Music] Warfel look out [Music] be careful now cake well I guess a little game can't hurt right [Music] oops I forgot about the race morph into a race car again [Music] let's hurry more formal [Music] wait a minute are those the bandits that explains the bad things that happened along the way oh the plan didn't work Stine what do we do now I still have one trick up my sleeve take this [Music] me too [Music] oh not near my city [Applause] here they come [Applause] congratulations uncle Mortimer Thank You Mila well we didn't win well Stein at least we didn't finish last yeah here's your trophy uncle Mortimer Thank You Mila but the real winners are daddy and Warfel really why if it wasn't for the bandits you would have won I don't have a trophy for last place officer freeze I wasn't even in the race and still got my trophies right here Thank You Mortimer it was very nice of you to give us the trophy well don't get too attached to it next time I'll be the winner Mila and Morphin look at this mess I want you to clean up this room but daddy will take us hours don't worry Annie me wants to help you clean up and if you clean up your room you'll get ice cream if Annie me uses its powers the toys will come alive that way they can lock themselves back into our toy chest [Music] Mimi will you use your powers on our toys [Music] all right toys back into the chest I think the toys want to play some more and they're playing hide and seek and when we find the toys we can put them back in the chest to the toy chest [Music] [Music] hmm a meanie do you see a toy somewhere [Music] there you are Oh [Music] networks fun now you too can join your friends in the toy box all right where else can we look whew I could sure use some help with these boxes wait a minute where did Annie me go again Annie me where are you we only need to find one more toy do you to see any toys that was a really good hiding spot yes we did it more fool enemy we found all the toys and dye room is clean now our scream yeah let's tell daddy oh there you are Annie me daddy look at this mess um could you help me clean up this mess anemias great Thank You Santa [Music] we didn't get Christmas presents this year either No hello there my Christmas present was a new robot so I don't need this one anymore isn't Christmas great a robot and I know just what they do Santa we want you to bring us all the presents you can find I will bring you all the presents you can never catch me Santa I will take your presents [Music] give it back I take your presents why would Santa do this let's go after it morph into a brain beer stop [Music] Shandra [Music] the guy says dump I think I know what's going on he's back starting your we get presents for Christmas oh yeah I know are not your present standing oh it's me like oh no not yours [Music] let's give everyone back their present [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks nor fool a meal and waffle fries we brought you an extra present oh [Music] that's a great present thanks meal and more 'full look more full there are dinosaurs everywhere Oh Mila and powerful what do you think of our new dinosaur PAH dinosaur park yes professor Rasheed and I have transported these dinosaurs to our time because everybody likes dinosaurs am i right little buddy you bad isn't this dangerous nonsense these are harmless they don't eat people well that's good now this t-rex on the other hand this doesn't seem very safe don't worry this is the strongest cage in the world just don't touch this level it controls the door see ah the lever is stuck [Music] everybody rock quickly more fool more friend to a t-rex as well [Music] [Applause] back to the past Mila - of the dinosaurs have escaped into the city if you bring them here I can send them back to the past as well all right let's go more full morph into a helicopter [Music] [Music] please stop this is not a tree hmm it must be hungry I think we can lure it with a snack more into a robot pick up that tree Norville true [Music] only one more huh something is happening outside the park [Music] move over buddy oh he's strong but not as strong as you more fool more into a bulldozer [Music] hey you now scoop him up more fool [Music] Thank You Mila and more for without you we would have been in quite a pickle outstanding work it's what to do with the park it looks a little boring without dinosaurs well how about you organize a picnic hmm yes a picnic with Dinosaurs [Music] [Music] you were right Troy this is pretty funny I have to admit it's nice to have a break from work and have some fun on the beach I want to beat ya'll to ourselves yeah then we'd be the Beach bandits do you have your costume let's go [Music] I'd scream hmm I've got yummy ice cream oh can I have one too of course here you go hello this ice cream is really bad ah I need to watch my mouth maybe we shouldn't get ice cream more fault [Music] oh no it's man it's time I need to stop him I can't believe I'm a beach guard now you can stay on the beach why not oh because because there is a big wave about to hit the beach don't deal let's get away also you can't build sandcastles on bandit Beach [Music] yeah banded yarn has been working out but I need to stop him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now we only need to scare the last kids away quickly more cool into a shark as well [Music] yeah give me a shot what is wrong time [Music] [Applause] [Music] nah hey there have you seen the bandits these bandits you already caught them great this speech is now the Bandit Beach because it has a bandit beach jail [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Morphle’s Magic Universe - Kids Cartoon
Views: 6,315,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, wheels on the bus, bus videos for kids, morphle, my magic pet morphle, superhero, scary animals, super hero video for kids, super hero, kids, vehicle, vehicles for kids, compilation, children, toddler, preschool, animation, trucks, cartoon, vehicles, english, cute, cartoons for children, toy, kids tv, for kids, baby, kids video, learning, fun, learn, magic, hero, animals, dinosaurs, super, ice cream, monster jail, police car
Id: _oMbirTNXfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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