The Vehicle Bandits | +More Episodes | My Magic Pet Morphle | All Episodes | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] hold it right there [Music] hi there firetruck dump those losers and come with us hey we need our truck to get to a fire better start running then yes we are now the vehicle badges and with this life ray it's easier than ever oh no we've got to stop them into a race car wait we need to put out a fire now more into a fire truck [Music] to the farm no more trips for you you sunday driver why you you roughing it time to clean yourself up [Music] i don't know what happened i was flipping burgers and all of a sudden a fire broke [Music] let's go after those bandits [Music] mila marvel those bandits have stolen my ambulance and i need to bring this lady to the hospital more into an ambulance morphle [Music] ah a quiet day in my city no traffic violations anywhere huh cars without drivers oh not in my city wait what bye bye [Music] now let's get those bandits [Music] stop it right there [Music] wow it's like you read my mind let's get those baddies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh no you don't vehicles stop them flying over them vehicles join forces and become a mega robot [Music] oh boy [Music] no stop it [Music] no [Music] all those sweet rides there's only one ride left for you and that's a ride to jail marble morph into an excavator [Music] the yearly water balloon beach castle competition is about to start kids against parents start building your sandcastles now the castles are done now get out your water balloons [Music] our castle is great we are going to win yeah they're just little kids [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] that was amazing [Music] the kids win this award [Music] congratulations kids you won fair and square let's play in the castle some more can i hold the award now marvel [Music] look pirate phil it's a treasure so so we are pirates pirate phil and what do pirates love that's right treasures but they have a giant sand castle pirate maurice [Music] yes but we have a water balloon cannon [Music] wow [Music] let's get them guys [Music] oh no we ran out of water balloons we need to find more water balloons dig a hole for me to sneak out [Music] oh if you keep fixing the castle i'll go get the water balloons [Music] daddy we need more water balloons the pirates won our award [Music] we don't have any more water balloons but we can fill up these with water yeah or this [Music] so [Music] do [Music] the treasure is almost ours huh [Music] pirate phil fire the water cannon [Music] oh no they stole my sticky mobile [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mine [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello mechanic joe what has happened i was just driving this truck when all of a sudden it stopped moving marvel morph into a bulldozer [Music] wow even more full can't move the truck we glued it with the world's stickiest clue that we stole from professor rasheed oh the mud i mean the wrecking bandits we are no longer the wrecking bandits we are now the glue bandits [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now that we have the world's stickiest glue we can glue the mud machine back together and use it as a glue machine to cover the whole city and glue [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] not in my city stop it right there bandits [Music] tumbling test tools it seems that you have been glued stuck as well this is an antidote it stops the world's stickiest glue from working [Music] yay there is more back in my laboratory but i have no way to get it to everywhere in the city [Music] oh i know morphle can morph into a fire truck and spray the antidote on everything that's glued stuck [Music] it seems we're all set let's dissolve this sticky situation [Music] oh [Music] look over there it's the glue bandit [Music] oh no ah it seems that the glue machine is held together with the world's stickiest clue it will fall apart if the antidote touches it [Music] thank you morphle mila and professor rasheed now i'll take these bandits to the police station [Music] oh milan morphle i'm so glad you wanted to help me today it's no problem we really like to paint that's great now these are the four cars we need to paint [Music] and here is all the paint we're going to need okay can you get the green car over here sure more full morph into a tow truck [Music] [Music] great the customer wanted this car to be blue so we're going to paint it for it [Music] wow you are really good at painting morphle okay next up is the yellow car we need to paint it purple [Music] me neither mechanic joe must have gotten it wrong [Music] where is the car morphing no yellow car yes morphle there is a yellow car there you do know what color yellow is don't you of course we do okay okay you must have missed it oh well if that's what you want [Applause] [Music] stop it mila and morphle what are you doing we are painting your yellow car purple yeah come on i'll show you where the yellow car is at well i'll be there really is no yellow car the car that needs to be painted purple is this one i'm sorry you two i was sure that car was yellow oh well let's paint it purple [Music] that looks great now i've made you some lemonade [Music] did you hear that oh look at the color now it's yellow am i going [Music] crazy oh that explains it all chroma can change the color of anything he touches right chroma uh-huh [Music] so i'm not going mad oh no the customers will be here any minute quickly tell the other two cars back here [Music] chroma can you help us paint the cars the right color great okay this yellow car needs to be purple [Applause] [Music] this orange car needs to be green can you do that as well [Music] oh no the customers are almost here [Music] [Applause] and this card needs to be yellow [Music] wow it's beautiful phew you three really saved the day thank you morph into a toy car [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no a flat tire mila and marvel i need your help there's a major crime going on in the city park and without my police car i can't get there fast enough oh no of course we'll help mr policeman morphle morph into a police car [Music] to the park marvel i wonder what the major crime is morphle maybe it's the glue bandits [Music] over there morphle i need a chopper morph into a police helicopter [Music] not in my city that sign says keep off the grass i'll have to write you a ticket was that the big crime you need to stop mr policeman yep it was uh oh no morphle go over there [Music] lady aren't you a bit too old to be committing crimes you did not clean up your doggy's poop in my city i'll have to write you a ticket lady [Music] these don't seem like very important crimes marvel phew it's a good thing we're here today there's a lot of major crime going on oh no this is serious follow him morphle [Music] stop it right there ice cream man look at your ice cream it's melting well uh yeah but i cannot stand for this not in my city i will have to write you a ticket ice cream oh no marvel look [Music] mr policeman look there's a crime going on ah i see [Music] marvel why didn't you stop there was crime right there [Music] take a left here look at how that car is parked look marvel they are going over the bridge [Music] oh no the bridge is opening add rockets to the car morphle you have to stop if you don't we will [Applause] fly cars aren't supposed to fly in my city we have to get in front of the bandits so we can stop them [Music] [Applause] [Music] we cut you glue bandits we are no longer the glue bandits we are now the chain of office badgers now i see why you went after the bandits morphle we caught them in the act of littering in my city i will have to write you a ticket for that it's the mayor the chain of office bandits will strike again [Music] ah mr policeman thank you so much for finding my chain your chain that means it was you who was littering in my city mr mayor what i will have to write you a ticket [Music] somebody stole the wheels of my tow truck mortal morph into a tow truck too [Music] [Music] oh thanks milan morphle oh look all the wheels have been stolen oh no [Music] hmm look the wheel bandits [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no no no the fire [Music] so [Music] oh look the wheels are gone now how are we going to get to the hospital hey mila and marvel [Music] thank you [Music] not in my city [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm wow [Music] get them meal and waffle [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] ah he's bringing us to the garage [Music] morphle morph into a big truck [Music] we need to bring all these machines to the new building site [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the new building site marvel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not in my city here we are the new building site hey there's a truck here already yep that's the only truck we didn't have to bring it came by itself it's a robot dump truck that we got from professor tsong i remember you [Music] builder lawrence all your machines fell from your truck and it's causing mayhem in my city [Music] ah you are right the truck is empty what do we do now [Applause] marvel and the robot dump truck could go find all the machines yes that's a great idea purple morph into a dump truck too [Music] let's play a game whoever brings back the most machines wins [Music] okay marvel let's find some machines [Music] the robot dump truck found his first machine but we'll get the next one [Music] look morphle those people are stuck in the cement mortal morph into a jackhammer [Music] [Music] wow [Music] you're not big enough morphle morph into a bigger dump truck [Music] look morphle the robot dump truck also found two vehicles whoever finds the next vehicle [Music] wins there it is the wrecking ball oh no the muddy bandits got a hold of it stop it muddy bandits that's troy's house we are no longer the muddy bandits we are now the wrecking bandits and we are about to wreck this house no that's our house marvel morph into a robot [Music] the wrecking bandits will strike again [Music] we will help you rebuild your house we should stop the game and work together [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Mila and Morphle
Views: 20,777,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 123s, in jail, ABCs, police car, kids cartoons, trucks for kids, cars for kids, superhero stories, superhero adventure, vehicles for kids, my magic pet Morphle, morphing videos, cops and robbers, preschool animation, cartoon kids videos, magic adventures, cartoon animals for kids, car chase, pet unicorn, dragon videos, dinosaur videos, trains for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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