Morphing into SUN GOD in MINECRAFT!

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this is big boy morocco he commands an army of these slightly crazy village peoples it called baracoa did i mention morocco also has the powers of a sun and today i'll be stealing his powers and morphing into him to vaporize the other dragon here's how it happened [Applause] welcome ladies and gentlemen today there's not a lot of time to explain we gotta move so my beautiful cal bessie sent me to this world in order to obtain the powers of a sun god by the way we just got a brand new shipment of bessie plushies available only at that use code bessie for 10 percent off we're gonna need to locate a barakoa village which is located somewhere in a savannah bioma that is where we will find big boy barraco and all of his little tiny barracuda crazy village people you'll see it a little bit why they're kind of a little bit insane huh but before we go there we need to make sure that we're prepared because these village people are probably going to attack me on site they have blow darts and they also just have giant bones that they can crack me over the head with so i need to make sure i have some poop items to fight back let's grab a little bit of wood we'll pop that wood in the crafting table we'll pop it in here and then we'll actually get a bigger crafting table and then we could poop that down we can pop these in here we can get the sticks turn the sticks into stocks and then turn it into a stock wooden pickaxe no way look at that there's a village this might be perfect ladies and gentlemen uh so there's actually two ways to get the barraco sun god powers you can either defeat him in battle or you can gain his trust and trade with him now in order to gain his trust you uh pretty much have to defeat one of his minions in battle and put on the mask that'll make him think that you are one of his disciple minion peoples then and only then will he allow you to trade with him the only issue is that sometimes the trade is a little bit expensive you guys will see what i'm talking about if you stick until the end of the video but before we get there we need to make sure that we are ready for a very very long travel this village is extremely rare to find uh we must make sure we carbo load uh put the carbs in there turn the plant version of carbs into the edible version of carbs perfect now we must go around and collect every yellow bed in sight there we go yellow bed morocco really likes yellow beds and i mean i don't blame them yellow beds are the best kind of beds we will collect our beds and breads and also while we're here we're gonna need to kill this giant beef buddy i don't know why i call him a beef buddy before i attack beefy boy let's go ahead and upgrade our very very bad wooden tools to very very powerful upgraded stone cobbler tools ew who put the white bat why did this village have white beds was it you did you do it get your butt over here you have a yellow hat on give me the yo huh oh okay big beef boys coming over this is not exactly how i wanted to do this oh hey beef boy actually what am i doing we might as well pop down the crafting table put in the stick and we'll upgrade to the stone sword now he goes and yes this is perfect okay we have four iron ingots you guys will see later why we needed this we'll grab our crafting table we will enact revenge on this guy who tattletailed on big beef boy collect the final yellow bed of the village and i think we are officially ready to start our journey to find morocco and his village full of crazy people baraka here we come buddy don't worry big brother is on the way yes would you look at that we actually found a savannah i say who put kangaroos in minecraft i specifically looked at the last update and nobody added kangaroos i think i maybe accidentally left another mod installed are these kangaroos friendly what's up buddy how you doing oh whoa whoa no kangaroos are not friendly kangaroo jack is trying to box me bro unfortunately i did not train for this so i'm gonna swim my way over here oh my gosh bro he's coming at me with a vengeance of uh thousands on gods we're booking it we're booking it hopefully no other kangaroos decide that they want to box me as well because i am not prepared at all wait hold on this actually worked thank you mr roo it led me straight to morocco and the barracoa villager okay wait a second now that we're here we need to be extra careful so you guys know how i mentioned earlier right there's two ways to go about gaining the power of a sun god we can either go in swinging we can go in with war and anger and aggression and we could try to defeat barack of the sun chief unfortunately limu the emu that does not sound like a good idea to me so what i'm thinking we can do is try to defeat one of his village people and then i can gain its mask now the masks actually have some crazy abilities but the best part is i will be in disguise i see the village people right now i'm hiding behind the butt of a mega elephant all right we're gonna slowly and steadily try to sneak up on the crazy village peoples so very sneaky okay i need to wait for one of them to break off because i don't know if i can fight them all at once we're going to be very very sneaky i could i could do this oh baby here we go okay here's the new play ladies and gentlemen we're going to keep running and we can we're going to just try to get them away from morocco morocco obviously knows that there's bad things happening in this village but if i can lure the village peoples far enough away we should be able to defeat at least one of them oh my gosh dude they just don't stop they just don't stop okay what i need to do is gain the high ground oh my gosh okay what if i build up bread bread bread bread bread it worked okay we're gonna go down to this one and we're just gonna fight yes yes they can't get me let's go what are they saying what you say about my grandma dude don't ever talk about my grandma again they say they have shields i can't hit them when they have their shield out that's okay at least i got that one and this is the last guy wait more and wait a second look at that we picked up a mask so there's a bunch of different types of masks that we can use they each give a different ability so this one gives us health boost but the coolest part is that now that i'm wearing the mask morocco will have no idea that i am actually backpro jack in disguise we made it back to the village wait a second oh i thought this dude was coming for me he's fighting for me yes he's telling you dude wait should i help him it's going crazy oh that's not good it actually it does not look like he's okay he dead he did he did okay so what we need to do is lure all these mobs back and then during the confusion we can try to go up to morocco and see if he's willing to give me the power of the sun god wait he's not attacking me wait he's fighting against the zombies look at it look at it i got the achievement undercover sneak into a barracoa village in disguise i literally look nothing like one of his village peoples but i will take it we have done it we've infiltrated the base don't worry barack oh i will defend you with my life his entire village is under attack like his baby zombies trying to attack the sun god wait a second i can actually trade with his peoples okay so this is where the iron ingots are going to be extremely effective and i can also wait a second i don't want to touch anything right but i want to steal his mask because later on i can turn the mass into minions let's see what i can find around wait okay we have a mask we also have a block of gold and they didn't even notice so wait a second i can turn this block into gold into gold ingots what the flip was that okay okay this dude may have actually figured out that i'm not an actual barakoa that's not a problem not a problem we'll just lure him slightly far from the village and then we will kill him morocco with his eye bec bro barracoa will you grant me the power of a god oh my gosh okay so this is the sun's blessing this is what will give me the power of a god which i can then use to beat minecraft and literally just vaporize anything so what we need is seven blocks of gold either that or i could try to steal it from him but he just summoned in a ton of minions so that's probably not my best idea but i don't know if you guys noticed he has blocks of gold right around tama so what i'm going to need to do is go ahead and craft an iron pick so i can mine it this is where the four iron ingots come in handy and let's see what else i can find so we have another mask we have another block of gold another block of gold another block of gold yes we found number five the last two that we need are directly on his throne we're gonna mine this one don't look at me we're going for it oh my god did i get it let's try to switch my mask i think it actually worked i switched disguises and there it is and now let's see if we can trade with morocco so we're gonna put the blocks of gold in there and trade for this we did it let's go now i have gained the power of a god well ladies and gentlemen we are now done i don't know if you guys can tell but he has his own mask called the soul visage and if we can get that we can actually command the barracoa let's test out i can use the power of the sun oh okay hold on ladies and gentlemen let's test out something in three two one yes yes yes it worked and the helmet fell okay all of his minions are going to come try to kill me we're gonna put on the soul massage and i am going to use it to create my own minions up so i can throw out the mask now and they will fight for me let's get another one i need to just turn around this is so overpowered we can go around the village too and collect every single mask and now what i can do is create an army of my own uh yes dude they follow me wherever i go and there's another clan over here let's take them out they're fighting for me this is amazing i think we're get him attack now we can use the powers of the sun and the barakoa to defeat the ender dragon let's grab a little bit of coal and also some iron so we can make a bucket we'll put our cobblestones in a circular formation to get a furnace put the coal put the iron ore and we will smelt our way to victory also revenge on the kangaroo i hope that was the same one that punched me in the jaw don't worry mr kangaroo you safe now that we have the iron we can make a bucket we'll grab two buckets of water why stop why get back your water bucket don't run oh we found a lava pool break the black break the black break the black break the black water water now we should be able to like the portal using the power of the sun uh let's see if it works yes it works into the nether we go as the sun god with my barakoa army i don't think i could use my other ability because that actually comes down directly from the sun but what i can do is use the ability of the sun god in order to vaporize things directly in front of me we found the fortress and i see a place hello bless you're most certainly dead oh more places this isn't fair at all yo what is happening right now what is happening right now what the flip is that i don't remember that all right well while they're dealing with absolute chaos and craziness i'm gonna go ahead and collect all the blaze rods that we need well i think seven blaze rods should do the trick we'll turn into the magical blaze powders and then we're getting the flip out of here so i don't get eaten alive by bugs let's see if the power of the sun works on little enderman uh i can't tell did he die see the problem with enderman is that i'm pretty sure they teleport whenever getting hit by a projectile why why wait a second it does work okay so looks like it hits it once and it does half of its health and then it teleports that should be enough let's put the enterprise in there we'll put the blaze powder in there and we'll get the magical eyes of the ender that would take us directly to the ender dragon to vaporize it i want at least one companion with me while i'm searching for this so we have momosita momosita lead us to victory why did it flip it broke that's okay we're gonna stay positive and optimistic so we don't scare him on more free top mo mo freaked how we found it we found it let's go momo frittata found the portal now we're gonna plop this this this this this this this this and that momo fritta let's do this i want to get my entire army out here to witness this all of the momositas yes my minions tell me something minions what do we do all right they're saying that you guys should definitely subscribe if you guys have not already it's vitally important or else they will kick you in the kidneys what wait some of them heal me if they can heal me this is going to be over very quickly let's try it ladies and gentlemen now's our chance oh we're just out of range the ender dragon's coming down now's my chance ladies and gentlemen yes it's working yes it actually works i don't know what this man's trying to do i think he's trying to hug me he's probably very very excited that the sun god defeated the ender enderdragon if you guys are too go ahead and hug the subscribe button
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 2,799,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft god, sun god, mowzies mobs, morph mod, minecraft morph mod, minecraft sun, morph minecraft mod, beckbrojack
Id: KKt9QRDa6lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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