Escape The Pizzeria - Roblox Obby

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well then let's get started today we're trapped inside a haunted pizzeria the pizzeria chef is a terrifying brutal person who likes to cook and eat his customers is he gonna eat us no way oh in order to avoid them let's escape right we're breaking out of this pizzeria let's find a way out of here as fast as we can whoa check it out it's just as evil as i heard a human skull creepy that means people have been cooked in here how terrible let's get out of here mikey yeah push this button sure whoa where'd you go huh what are you still doing up there mikey hold on okay whoa creepy i'm scared check it out it's a strange basement wait up i'm coming huh what's that are those human bones they must be all the leftover bones of the people who got eaten let's get out of here come on quickly oh that was close [Music] these jumps are pretty difficult close one way down if that chef catches us it could be our bones in the grinder next hang on bear traps traps don't touch them no matter what it would be really bad if one of us got caught true be careful there made it huh i want to get out of here wait it says we're being watched oh hey where'd the lights go what's going on careful jj hold on i see something mikey it's the chef run for your life i can't i got caught let's run away yeah we need to go somewhere the chef can't catch us let's move follow the pizza pizza the pizza arrows behind you go straight oh oh he's right behind me stop it please jump down this hole huh he got me you got caught i'll catch up to you in a minute okay i can wait i'm coming let's go just dive in one sec come on okay watch out for the chef he'll cook you and eat you if he catches you oh there you are made it thanks let's try not to get eaten sounds good let's go what's all this poisonous gas do you think they may be melting something in here mikey oh no i fell in let's go again no room for mistakes yeah jump together nice big leap done is there more to this yep there's still more now we have to cross these thin pipes [Music] be careful don't fall in make sure to take it slow on the pipe so you don't slip nice good job i'm here whoa let's climb up oops i fell it's okay shoot oh it's a bathroom gross the chef how is he on the other side of the mirror he isn't behind us that's weird how is it possible is he a ghost i don't see him anywhere come on creepy are those people oh whatever happens don't touch the webs i got caught oops are you stuck whoa yikes the chef attacked in spider form try not to touch the web this time there's no room for error this is tough he ate yeah he did oh wait hold up there's a person wrapped up creepy oh he caught me again oh check it out a person no kidding he's all wrapped up look a skeleton yay i don't want to end up like that guy i'm going ahead jj i'm coming too let's not get caught i'm stuck oh mikey not again that last part is pretty tricky we have to hurry don't get eaten just because i like pizza doesn't mean i want to be cooked into one same now mikey i made it this far but it looks like it's just a dead end huh really well that's a spiderweb right and we can't touch it so i'll try and jump in let's go ready jump huh oh it looks pretty safe down here what's that let's keep going what's this hurry gg uh oh mikey this looks bad why no look out you just got squished to death mikey i think these must be pressure plates they'll activate if we step on them so we have to watch out just don't step on them let's make it through sorry i stepped on one i might have to we both get punished so we both should be careful right if we make a mistake oh my bad that was me another one down come on jump here [Music] you got jumped wow this is tough we got this come on mikey there i made it almost there yes that was one cruel trap yeah what's this do you climb to the top let's just go for it all right [Music] this is a problem go where are you mikey i'm here i'm really high wow look at you go thanks close one hey mikey let's jump together sure sounds good oh we're close almost [Music] yes yes yes yes we're so high up i don't want to fall again what's this tunnel for i don't know huh whoa still not free hmm what's the deal with this pizzeria right i just want to get outside do pizzerias normally have secret factories hiding underneath them yeah for real plus they eat people here there must be a secret to all this think of all the kids who came for pizza and ended up taking huh a birthday party wait a sec uh-oh it says get to the vent hey look out oh no wait no he caught me find the vent mikey this way oops i went the wrong way oh there there's the vent oh man i was so close mikey the vent is over on the far right side okay let's go you go first i'm not gonna make it don't get caught he got me oh oh i made it in did i lose you mikey i got caught hold on i'll be waiting [Music] i needed it oh you made it in thanks for waiting now then more parkour huh it looks like the chef wrote you won't escape on the wall here really well we are escaping this part looks dangerous we're breaking out whoa look at those lasers whatever happens mikey don't touch them right there i made it wow good for you mikey i'm going in this is a bad idea huh look at all those skeletons creepy yikes scary yeah will this happen to us if we get caught i hope not this one has a weapon can i take it off him huh well i guess not that's too bad oh well we need to find a way out of this room are we in the fridge i can't find the exit because it's a fridge i'm getting cold i don't want to freeze to death it worked the crowbar opened the door wow nice i had to pry it open oh an elevator yes we're in all right mikey let's ride this elevator all the way to the top me too let's get out of this haunted pizzeria speaking of which is this pizzeria actually a pizza factory i think it's a secret what's this dark hang on the kitchen's just through here oh what chef be here he must be mikey hurry up okay wait for me this is dangerous oh what do you need perfect timing or something yeah dash as soon as it goes up like this sure whoa hey wait up again that didn't work good luck hang on you got this okay there nice yes and go now [Music] i totally made it you have to wait for the perfect moment okay i'm going through the first one nice now for the second one i made it oh good job sorry for the weight this is the kitchen wait how is this a kitchen what do they make seriously this is it oops i fell okay i'm definitely not falling in there it's better if you don't oh really i can't believe i fell at least i can start from here now where are you one sec here i am oh there you are this next part is well watch out it's moving [Music] wait a minute for those oh no the chef's victims no way they're dropping down the chutes yeah seriously let's go i gotta jump at the last second getting it close where are you i'm at the end oh that was quick nice yes there i made it through let's go i'm glad we made it we managed to get through that vicious kitchen now let's jump to this thing ready you first ready jump i'm coming too oh you're leaving uh hang on a sec is this about to drop me into the lava is this a joke gg it's fine it's stopped in time not a moment i fell in oh man mikey fell in oh but you respond i'm bad is going on then to hide the evidence of their cannibalism they throw all the leftovers down here like an incinerator that's how it works this chef is pure evil if you fall into the lava you'll be gone for good seriously gross one you're doing good nice i'm sorry to kill you great up the ladder let's climb now we have to cross over this tiny beam okay this way here's another ladder on what's this what's what this parkour looks like it's going to be really difficult it looks hard oh i fell in i get it what's the trick like this the railing maybe not maybe the other railing yeah that's it it worked oh that side this is a narrow platform oh climbing on the railing isn't easy it's not wait up i'm through i'll go on the railing first mikey there's an exit over here all we have to do is climb up this ladder wait for me almost there we can finally leave this terrifying pizzeria once we're out we'll be free yeah i'm never coming back let's tell the police yeah we can call it in we're so close [Music] pizzeria it's a triumph a massive triumph let's go home jj hang on mikey why does it say to run home it's dark again what huh how do you feel jj huh am i imagining do you hear that look what we're being followed who are we are we i can't see where are we supposed to go i think i'm running in circles just go straight oh no i think we're lost in this forest mikey look out i see the chef what are you serious oh i think we're safe he's buried in the ground he's up to his waist i don't think he can move anymore this is incredible we could jog right out of here oh there's a fence should we try and climb over it hold on there are some crates we can use to jump over it wait i'll be right there i don't really understand how the chef got stuck in the ground we're lucky yeah we are i made it let's escape yes we made it out wow that was pretty fun huh it was uh-oh this thing is anyway if you enjoyed oh i fell in love yeah yeah yeah if you enjoyed this video please like it and subscribe to our channel bye-bye bye-bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 35,230,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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