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[Music] [Music] shall be our sweetest song god is love god you're not going anywhere and i'm not going anywhere [Music] i'm just gonna stay right i'm just going away [Music] my let your love quiet [Music] anywhere [Music] my i oh is everything [Music] is everything that i is my oh oh oh jesus good morning third service folks let's have a word of prayer shall we get started father how thankful we are for all that you have been doing with us this morning and just just like the last two services lord our prayer is that we would hear from you that your word would touch our hearts that as we worship you would inhabit our praises as we we think about what's coming up down the road you give us a vision and a desire to serve that you continue to build the church as you see fit so lord we give you this morning and for those that are coming in now may you just meet them as they come and pour out your spirit upon them and may we hear what you have to say in jesus name amen amen good morning i don't know why i stuttered there would you all stand with us we start this first song [Applause] i wasn't lost [Applause] i had no righteousness of my own i had no right to draw near your throne [Music] you have raised me up so high above my station i'm a child of grace and grace [Music] [Music] you left your home to seek out the lost you knew the great and terrible cause the jesus your face was [Music] i worked my fingers down to the bone but nothing i did could ever do jesus [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] i am born again by grace and grace alone i was in darkness all of my life i never knew the day from the night spirits you made me see [Music] i swore i knew the way on my own head full of rocks apart made of stone [Music] spirits my [Music] called into a kingdom back cannot be shaken you won't be shaken having sinned by grace and [Music] grace by grace and the lord i will run the race my grace and grace and lord i will say my sin my grace and grace alone by grace [Music] [Music] y'all could be seated if you like [Music] all my life is in your head this whole world may hold me down it can never drown you out i'm not nearly [Music] i was made for something more you are god you're the [Music] i'm alive [Music] [Music] rising up i will rejoice foreign [Music] [Music] i was made for some [Music] breath of life [Music] you [Music] it's no longer i who live the christ who lives within me christ who lives within me from beginning to the end you deserve the glory you deserve the glory let's sing that together it's no longer it's no longer is [Music] [Music] [Music] even [Music] [Music] i'm alive in you i'm alive in you [Applause] [Music] amen well that better got you awake all right let's open our bibles this morning to psalm 32 for our scripture reading psalm 32 it's david's psalm about the joy of finding god's forgiveness i'll read the odd numbered verses you can join zach and read the even number ones let's stand together shall we and we'll read this psalm out loud psalm 30 2. blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is covered there is no deceit when i kept silence my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long for day and night your hand was heavy upon me and my ta vitality was turned into the drought of summer that one was ours is that you oh okay you take the rest of the oh even wait a minute go ahead and read verse 4 again though okay for day and night your hand was heavy upon me my vitality was turned into the drought of summer my turn there yeah okay good i acknowledge my sin to you my iniquity i have not hidden i said i will confess my transgressions to the lord and you forgave the iniquity of my sin for this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to you in a time when you may be found yes surely in a great flood of water sorry they shall not come near him you are my hiding place and you shall preserve me from trouble you shall surround me with songs of deliverance i will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go i will guide you with my eye so don't be like the horse or like the mule who has no understanding and must be harnessed with bid and bridal else they will not come near you many sorrows shall be to the wicked but he who trusts in the lord mercy shall surround him be glad in the lord and rejoice you righteous shout for joy all you that are upright in heart father like david in 1000 bc we serve the same god today a god who is merciful who will cover our sin has sent his son who will not impute to our account our iniquity you'll wash us and you'll make us new we recognize david's plight of hiding his sin with bathsheba for well over a year he describes himself in a couple of places has just fallen apart inside trying to get away with it but he he couldn't and it wasn't until he acknowledged his sin and he said i'm gonna confess it to the lord that then lord you have forgiven him and so lord we we thank you this morning that that you can be for us a hiding place and a preserver from trouble and you you can deliver us but we have to look to you be willing to follow your eyes as you seek to lead us with a look not with a bit in our mouth not the painful way but the kind way help us to hear you and so lord that we would end like david writes here with great joy in the lord's goodness shouting for joy because of his love in jesus name amen you read better than i did good job good morning go ahead and take out your bulletins we're just going to go over every other announcement see if we can keep that straight i'm just kidding i had to you know if you've been coming to morningstar for a while and maybe the lord's been prompting your heart to get involved in a ministry to get plugged into something our the ministry meetings that we have are great place for you to check those out and we have two of them happening today this afternoon that you can go to uh the chapel store is having its meeting at one o'clock in the multi-purpose room and so if that's a ministry that maybe you'd be interested in uh probably most of you don't know that most of our workforce in the chapel store are volunteers so it's a it's a great place to be able to minister to the church here as well as the community so that might be something you can go and check out if not the nursery is also having their ministry meeting today and that's at one o'clock over in room nine and again if you're into the little ones and would like to help out with that the neat thing about these ministry meetings you can go you can get information you're not obligated to anything and really can take that information and take it back to prayer and see what the lord might have you do as far as getting involved uh if you're not going to either of those two ministries you can join us for the missions prayer meeting at one o'clock over in room six where we'll spend some time praying for our both our foreign and domestic missionaries and uh when we pray i usually take notes and let our missionaries know what the things that we've been praying for for them and they're always so appreciative to not only know that we're praying but just to hear from home i've heard it say by one of our missionaries that but word from home is like hannah good manna from heaven when you put manna and heaven together anyway see it's catchy it's something's happening this morning manna from heaven that's what the word is like to them you know psalm 108 verse 2 says awake the loot and the harp i will awaken the dawn and on tuesday mornings we don't have a loot or a harp but we do have a guitar and we spent some time worshiping the lord together and spending some time in prayer that happens at 6 45 to 7 30. so we take 45 minutes on tuesday mornings in the multi-purpose room and spend some time in worship so if you haven't attended that yet you've got time in the mornings maybe before your work obligations come and join us and spend some time in praise and worship and then finally one thing that's just such a blessing about following jesus and being a christian is that jesus would never ask us to to go anywhere that he himself hadn't gone before us and that certainly is the case in baptism jesus allowed himself to be baptized by john the baptist so that all righteousness would be fulfilled but also to set that example for us that as christians as followers of christ we can walk in that obedience we're going to have our summer baptism on saturday september the 25th and we'd encourage you guys if you haven't been baptized to come out and do that walk in that obedience identify with jesus christ in that place as as his follower we're going to be there from 11 to 4 o'clock and have a potluck uh potluck potluck lunch at 12 o'clock so bring something to share with everybody our baptism then will be at 2 o'clock if you need more details you can get the flyer in the foyer or go to our website and it will tell you everything that you need to know but i encourage you guys if you haven't been baptized come out and for the rest of us let's uh let's attend and and cheer them on let's support them for this decision they're making in walking in obedience let's go ahead and pray lord we are so mindful of the fact that having been gathered here in your name and in this place that you have provided indeed it is a blessing to know that we have been called to be part of the body of christ to not only meet in this this physical place that you've provided for us but certainly we could be anywhere lord it has much more to do with uniting together as one body in one spirit lifting up one voice in worship and worshiping the one true god we desire to do that now lord through our tithes and offerings being mindful of the fact that in so in so doing we're not only part of the work here at morningstar but we really literally are ministering to one another through the giving of our our tithes and offerings as we are all part of the body of christ so receive those now as we give from our hearts in jesus name amen [Music] worthy of all the praise we could ever bring [Music] worthy of every breath we could [Music] [Music] jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one who could ever see [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you [Music] oh we live for you holy there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are and fill me with your heart and me me in your love to those around me [Music] worthy of all the praise we could ever bring [Music] [Applause] worthy of every breath we could ever [Music] jesus [Music] jesus the name above every other name jesus [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes in wonder show me who you are and fill me with your heart in your love to those around me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation and i will put my trust in you alone and i will not be shaken and i [Music] and i will [Music] [Music] there is no one like you there is no beside you open up my are and eyes me with your heart [Music] holy there is no one like you there is none besides you open up my eyes in wonder show me who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me [Music] holy holy [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] see [Music] is [Music] let's all stand [Music] message [Music] holy oh [Music] [Music] god [Music] thank you for being who you are thank you for never changing thank you for not pulling the wool over eyes making yourself out to be someone that you're not you are not like man and yet you came down to live like him so that we would be able to spend eternity with you would we not forget how great you are we not be distracted from how great you are circumstances change but you don't yes and that is the assurance that we have that is what we can attach our hope to we can know that there's never going to be a day where we wake up and you are different we thank you for that we pray that your word would exemplify that even more so holy spirit that you would come and dwell with us we would honor us with your presence honor us with understanding illuminate our path remind us how you feel towards us we ask you to do that in jesus name amen all right let's open our bibles this morning to isaiah chapter 6 verse 1. isaiah 6 verse 1. try to get this part right gerard isaiah was a prophet that god had sent to the southern kingdom of judah about 740 bc which also happened to be the year that king uzziah his name means god is my strength sometimes he's referred to in the bible as azariah like a nickname he had god is my help but that was the year that he died isaiah would continue from that death of the king for the next 52 years preaching god's word to the nation of judah and encouraging them before finally being beheaded by wicked king manasseh in 686 bc 18 years into his ministry the northern kingdom of israel fell to the assyrians they had been warned for 209 years of their dereliction they had turned away from the lord worshiped calves and and changed the rules for the priesthood changed the the feast days they were just in rebellion against god and god in his mercy waited that long warned them with lots of prophets finally they fell and it became a warning to the south of what could happen to them fortunately for the southern kingdom they had some really good kings and because of that they lasted until 606 when the lord allowed the babylonians to take his people out of jerusalem destroy the city and place them into captivity 700 miles away for 70 years but then he sent them back hoping they had learned the one lesson there is no god but our god there are no idols that you can worship here in chapter 6 isaiah tells the story of his calling to be a prophet the very times were trying there were few people that were walking with the lord and to add to the difficulty the godly leader a good king had just passed away if you've sat to try to read through the book of isaiah the first five chapters are really a general kind of introduction to his work and the things that god sent him to teach but here in chapter 6 in these 13 verses he looks back to say to us here's how the lord called me and it is to that that i'd like to just kind of address us this morning verse 1 says this in the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple king uzziah began as a king when he was only 16 years old he had a father amazing who had spent nearly 30 years leading the nation godly guy a messiah would rule for 52 years as i told you and then his son jonathan would would spend years ruling the nation had 100 years of really godly leadership though the people didn't do well they certainly had every opportunity to do well from the historical books in chapter 26 and 27 of second chronicles you will read about uzziah's accomplishments he he developed a standing army in judah for the first time some 310 000 people he developed a underground water system he had and invented several new weaponries for battle he spent a lot of time making great agricultural strides so that the people in their in their agricultural life were able to produce far more crops if you will he he gained significance with everyone because he held back the perennial enemies of israel the philistines who were on their their borders were always a threat but god had through uzziah kept the people kind of away they neutralized their power if you will and threat he had even taken the walls down from the major city of gath and exposed the philistine city to kind of a threat so by the time this guy is through everyone loves this guy the surrounding cities and countries pay tribute to him he's the folk hero whose name goes all the way down to egypt everyone depended upon him everyone felt tremendously safe because he was in charge no one worried king uzziah is with us and then he dies unfortunately for uzziah and it happens to a lot of godly people his power kind of went to his head at least towards the end of his life he went to the temple one time and wanted to offer sacrifice of of incense before the lord love the lord good guy everything he did you know the lord even says so but that was no place for him that was given to the priests to do and so the priests were angry and they said to josiah or uzziah that's not your job you shouldn't be doing that that's our job and because he is powerful you know he yells back i'll do what i want i'm the king and as he's yelling we read there in second chronicles 26 on the on on his forehead leprosy began to break out and it soon covered his entire body for the rest of his years there weren't too many left he and his son had to rule together but aside from that issue he was tremendously popular and everyone depended upon him and looked to him he was their hope and their trust and their confidence and then he died and when he died the hope of the nation died with him they saw him as the their future and now it looked bleak they saw him as the defender against their enemies and now he was gone and interestingly enough it is at that time in that situation with that vacuum that was left that we read in verse 1 that it was that year that isaiah who would be god's prophet saw the lord in a way that he had never seen him before everything we know about isaiah would suggest he knew the lord young very young but this was a turning point in his life where he got a vision for the lord that he really hadn't had before and out of a sense of urgency and concern and and confusion and fear he looked up and he began to low the lord as he had never known the lord before we're not told where isaiah had this vision but we know it was unforgettable and it was profound and it came from a heart of seeking the lord with a concern there was a great king that had left the earth but a greater king was still sitting upon the throne john will tell us in chapter 12 verse 41 that the glory that isaiah saw was none other than that of jesus by just placing those verses together you would say and conclude that isaiah though he wouldn't have known jesus was certainly convinced that god could save that god could deliver that god could come through he could be dependent upon and all of the worry that isaiah may have had he now looks up to the lord and finds rest it's an interesting story because sometimes god has to remove from your life every earthly confidence you have so that you can begin to trust in him and if you have an option left you're going to pick that one because all of it seems far easier than just having to look up and trust the lord but isaiah wants us to know that in that year with that loss and that disappointment and that fear and that turmoil it was in that year he looked up and saw the lord saw him high and lifted up and was convinced god would handle things and it changed isaiah's path and he became and would become a prophet of god for a half a century and would be able to do so without ever having to flinch at the difficulties he faced because he saw the lord high and lifted up we read in verse two that as he saw the lord's throne above it he saw the seraphim they all had or each one of them had six wings two that would cover his face to his feet with two he would fly and they would cry one to another holy holy holy is the lord the one who is the whole earth is filled with his glory and the posts of the door was shaken by the voice of him who cried out and the house was filled with smoke the throne that isaiah saw is very reminiscent of the one john saw in chapter four and five of revelation you see the word seraphim there in verse 2. the word serif means to burn the little i am addition if you will at the end is a way to make it plural so he saw quite a few of these angels if you will with that suffix giving the the plurality to it but they were very odd looking creatures we we determine when we compare this to revelation 4 and 5 with ezekiel chapter 1 and 10 that these were angels that god used in worship in kind of a higher order of angels i just want you to take notice of them so when you get to heaven you don't freak out you should look like you belong there um but as the outlook on earth was so bleak all of a sudden for isaiah and the people of israel his look up was glorious he saw the lord in charge he saw all of heaven worshiping him he he heard the angel say all of the earth is filled with his glory this hasn't escaped him and now isaiah finds himself looking at the glory of god and realizing that god's power and holiness could be counted upon did isaiah know the lord before this year yes he did but not like this and his view of the lord prepared him for what god had for him to do we were told in verse 5 that isaiah's immediate response to this vision was this woe is me i am undone because i am a man of unclean lips and i dwell in the midst of the people of unclean lips my eyes have seen the lord the king the lord of hosts it does appear that before this year this date isaiah felt pretty good about life whatever the lord was doing in his life he didn't come to this place where he saw himself in this kind of a light he had trusted in a king the life was good the politics were favorable everything seemed to be going in his direction and then the king dies and he looks up and for the first time in his life he sees the lord in a way that he should have seen him all along in his glory in his majesty and all of a sudden excuse me with that perspective isaiah doesn't feel so comfortable about himself self in fact you you will find i think in the scriptures when people come to know the lord for who he is there is always a falling down this overwhelming conviction of sin and almost always an immediate confession of their failure it almost drives you to go i did it guilty in seeing god isaiah saw himself differently woe is me i'm undone conviction of sin is always the first result of seeing god clearly the bible certainly bears that out when daniel was shown the lord and he had a great vision from the lord he will say in chapter 10 verse 8 when that vision went away he was left alone he said there's no strength in me and my vitality became frailty i i had no strength i didn't know what to do it just wiped me out completely for 38 chapters job argued with me i didn't argue with god but he struggled with god's treatment of him and his family tried to make some sense of it you know got pretty close to self-justification a couple of times but in any event um the lord began to ask him questions when he was all done with his struggles and every question had to do with hey where were you when i did this and where were you when i did that and the answer was pretty much okay you're god i'm not and job listened to that for a little bit a little while he realized he didn't know god the way he should have and he finally said in chapter 42 to the lord i've heard about you with the hearing of my ear but now i see with my eyes and i hate myself and i repent in sackcloth and acids are in dust and ashes when jesus came around the corner there in luke 5 and found his some of his disciples who had just gone home or just pulled in from a night of fishing and they they were miserable they had they're professionals but they caught nothing and jesus is all bright and perky in the morning hey you want to go fishing yeah no and peter kind of signaled to his buddies who were cleaning their nets and said i'll take them and i'll just take one net singular so they went out in the water and i'm sure peter was thinking i'm the fisherman you're the preacher stick with you i'll stick with what i do you know but it wasn't long before this net began to fill up with fish and so much so that the boat began to sink and peter realized who jesus was for the first time oh he believed in him before but he hadn't seen him like this and in this boat he gets on his knees and says lord depart for me i'm a sinful man he realized who he was by seeing who god was john and was 90 years old on patmos when he received that those visions are recorded as the book of revelation but in chapter 1 verse 17 when he sees the lord for the first time in his glory it's he read i fell down at his feet like i was dead and then had it not been for the right hand of the lord that laid his hand upon my shoulder said don't be afraid john i think john might have died isaiah here sees the lord clearly for maybe the first time and what happened to daniel and job and peter and john happens to him he's leveled but it changes his life if you find a proud and arrogant man you can know this about him he hasn't truly yet seen the lord jesus in speaking to the disciples in the sermon on the mount began with the words blessed are those who are poor in spirit theirs is the kingdom of heaven so you know you start with realizing you haven't got what it takes to stand before god it is that mourning over your sin that in the beatitudes then leads to being comforted and left meek and hungry for righteousness that will then result in peace and purify of heart and a desire to be a peacemaker but notice that in isaiah's calling like all callings it begins with a clear view of the lord that you've never seen and once you stand before him you get to see yourself maybe finally in the true light of his presence we certainly have a natural tendency to view our own lives through those proverbial rose clutter colored glasses we usually can get away with it by finding people we think we're superior to and so we'll look at them and go i'm better off than they are and we feel better about ourselves and we move along if i go into the bathroom at my house in the morning and don't turn on the light and don't put on my reading glasses i can convince myself that i'm still pretty good looking just don't turn on the light or else the horror will begin i guess it's the same way standing in god's presence you know you're fine until you see him and then it isn't so easy to stand the solution for seeing yourself with any kind of pride is to go stand next to jesus for a minute and then nothing looks very good except him isaiah had that experience when he was called to be a prophet i am a man of unclean lips out of his mouth because he saw the lord he began to confess things that maybe no one else knew my heart wasn't right the people i live amongst were all the same we don't belong here and his religion was no longer valid he needed he needed god's help david would would pray one place uh god said a watch over my mouth i don't want to sin you know your mouth is usually a good place to to learn about your heart james would say that as well so he confesses him his frustration with what he sees and his fear it's it's it's almost you know self-condemning but yet he finds himself in god's presence immediately and we read in verse 6 that one of the seraphim then flew down to him having in his hand a live coal that had been taken with tongs from the altar and he touched my mouth with it and he said behold this has touched your lips your iniquity is taken away your sin is purged one of the things about god's work in your life is that he will never bring you to despair about your own inability without also providing for you your help and support god won't have you looking at yourself and saying oh my gosh without also promising to promising to restore you confession invariably leads to cleansing when we repent god restores and there isn't a big time lapse here it's the immediate recognition of who i am before the lord and god's immediately responsive i can cleanse you i can make you new for those who will not confess their sins they will die in them but if you confess your sins god is is faithful and just to forgive you your sins to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and before you ever get to a place where you're going to be able to minister to others you're going to have to come to this place that isaiah did where god first ministers to you where you see him clearly you see yourself clearly and you realize your great dependency upon him if your life's going to matter at all paul said to the corinthians in chapter 11 the things i receive from the lord i'm also delivering to you because literally you can never give out what you have not received yourself which is why any ministry is not a place where you go to get your needs met ministry is a place you go when you are overflowing with the understanding of who god is and you're able to help others certainly the prophetic ministry of isaiah would flow for the next 52 years from this vision saw myself because i saw the lord i repent i see my lack of qualifications but god has restored me and now he makes me a vessel that he can use in fact the very next thing that happens in verse 8 is that he hears god's voice and the lord crying out whom shall i send and who will go for us and it is isaiah that is able to then say here i am send me and so the lord said then you go talk to this people notice the order my eyes were off the king who died i had no place to turn i looked to the lord i saw his glory and seeing his glory i saw that i was undone he in my despair cleansed me and responded to me restored me and now when he calls i hear his voice and i'm at his disposal look for the next 52 years isaiah's ministry was going to be to virtually a nation that didn't want to hear him the fruit was sparse the response were negligible but god wanted a faithful witness there were those who would listen and isaiah because of this vision could not be deterred from serving the lord because he saw who he was serving it kept him going unless you have that kind of understanding of the god that you serve you'll find a hundred reasons to stop serving people will let you down situations will be difficult god won't come through the way you think he does there'll be all kinds of reasons to cash the chips in but not if you see the lord like isaiah did and for the next 52 years he stuck with it just fine because of this day and because of this revelation of the lord of himself so his calling began at a time when there was tremendous distress but yet god showed himself and now he's ready to be used conviction leads to confession which leads to cleansing which leads to commissioning and it is always in that order now isaiah is ready to go the lord says here's what i want you to go tell my people but then as you read the rest of the chapter it is really words from the lord to say to isaiah it's not going to be a hopeful ministry in fact you're going to be talking to a people that just you know they're not at you but they don't listen and this is going to lead to their overthrow he would die 80 years before the babylonians would come and overthrow judah so this wasn't going to be successful he wasn't going to stop the flow in the wrong direction but god was going to have a faithful witness and and isaiah was going to remain faithful but here's what the lord said verse 9. say this to the people you're going to keep on hearing but not understanding and keep on seeing but not perceiving make the heart of this people dull and their ears heavy shut their eyes let's they see with their eyes and hear with their ears understand with their hearts and return them to be healed so isaiah said how long is that going to go on lord and he said until the cities are laid waste and without inhabitants till the houses are without a man and the land is utterly desolate the lord will have removed men far away and they're forsaken places are many in the midst of the land and yet a tenth will be in it and will return and be for consuming like a terabyte tree or an oak tree whose stump remains when it is cut down so this holy seed will be its stump or literally 10 of them will make it through but this is going to be one difficult ministry for you i think in many ways that's a pretty good word from the lord to us i mean the world is not exactly you know jumping in line to hear the gospel and it is seeming that there is a running away from like there was in europe you know europe is really post-christian in so many ways and we're going in that direction israel was certainly and judah was certainly in that position in the days of isaiah and yet god calls us because he wants some messengers to go out into the world and and share his love the world is dying there there will be people that will not listen you'll find yourself struggling from time to time he doesn't give you really any assurance of success except to say there's a field out there that is white for harvest so go work the fields because that's what the heart of god wants to do reach the lost how can we keep going with all of that rejection the answer is i saw the lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple and his glory fills the earth six times in the new testament verse nine and ten are quoted and they are always quoted in in two in two contexts one that if you continue to resist god's word eventually your heart grows harder and harder and you won't be able to hear him at all on the other hand it is quoted to say go into the highways and the byways you'll run into a lot of deaf ears but you'll also run into hearts that are ready to hear and will respond like you did and i have but this experience in isaiah's life prepared him and when he said lord send me the lord dead the question is well if nobody's listening why bother preaching and the answer is because god would desire that all men would be saved sometimes the lord has to take the king uzziah out of your life so that you can see him for who he is maybe you have someone in your life that has always had faith for you that was always able to help you when you're in in doubt a mom a dad a grandparent a maybe a child a husband or a wife someone that you could always return to and look to and somehow god has removed them from your life and now you're you're alone with him you feel like gosh this is hard no it's probably the best at least for your spiritual well-being because if you have the view of the lord as he is you'll see yourself as you don't really want to see you but you'll also see his grace and then you'll be ready to be able to say lord well if you're willing to use likes of me i'm willing to go and then god will use you beyond your wildest imaginations and and these lips that were unclean will now be clean and these lives which were separated from god can now be found in fellowship with him can you say to the lord this morning send me can't really say that until you see him for who he is because there's way too much outside the doors to turn you back unless you know that he's going before you father thank you this morning for your word to us i know that lord it is your desire certainly like isaiah to have us come to that understanding of who you are that we're not at this by ourselves that we the despair of the the politics and the culture that's gripped so many hearts certainly shouldn't grip ours because lord you're the lord of all the earth you sit on the throne nothing is going to interrupt or or keep you from what you want to do and isaiah was able to learn that in a time very similar to ours where there was lots of religion and not much faith and everyone doing their own thing and here's this young man called to go and preach but before he was ready he needed to see you for who you are understand him in your presence and enjoy the grace and the mercy that you extend to those who look to you here's the good news god can use you you might want to argue i don't have what it takes i don't know what to do that's all right if you know him and you rely upon his strength and you stand in his mercy there is nothing that will keep you from finding god's best and being fruitful in your life that's that's where every calling begins seeing him seeing ourselves seeing his provision and then he can send us that's what god wants to do with you even this morning shall we stand i could lay my head in sheol i could make my bed at the bottom of the darkness deep but there is not a place i could escape you oh your heart won't stop coming after me your heart won't stop coming after me oh your heart won't stop coming after coming after me oh your heart won't stop coming after me your heart won't stop coming after me oh your heart won't stop coming after coming after me yes lord lord we thank you for your great love may we see you clearly and see us so clearly standing in your grace and maybe like isaiah just being so moved that when you're ready to send us we're ready to go what else can we do for the one who has given us all go before us lord this week we pray may the world hear about you and turn to you we pray in jesus name amen god bless you guys have a wonderful week
Channel: morningstarcc
Views: 201
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3Uul0p0HGz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 39sec (3879 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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