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this is the one who called the storm we stopped he is the one who left creation of the earth jesus is is is is in his righteousness in his righteousness [Music] i found was and your love would not leave me alone so let the words i speak and every breath i breathe [Music] to be a life laid down for heaven's sake in a world that's there's lost is the shadows the truth good morning how's everybody all right pastor jack and debbie are finishing up their vacation and also his teaching time there at the conference in hawaii so he will be back on wednesday and we'll continue going through the book of revelation we look forward to that in the meantime we're here and we're ready for first service are you guys all right praise the lord yeah sure let's pray lord we want to commit this service to you and we are so grateful lord that you are so faithful to us and so consistent lord we need never worry or doubt about your love and your desire for us to come together as brothers and sisters in christ to assemble together to lift up your name in praise to gather around your word so we pray that by your holy spirit you would be with us here this morning in jesus name amen amen good morning everybody would y'all stand with us let's worship the lord together [Music] [Music] foundation all around the only solid ground [Music] we trust forever in your name in the name of jesus we trust the name of jesus [Music] you are the only king forevermore [Music] a mash in all your wisdom in love it trusts this you will reign your healthy will bow [Music] we bring our expense nation our hope is anchored in your name in the name of jesus [Music] oh we trust the name of jesus [Music] [Music] almighty god we live you are the only king forevermore [Music] oh [Music] we live the name of jesus long age to aid you pray your kingdom has no end you are the only king forever almighty [Music] forevermore you are [Music] y'all can be seated if you like [Music] hope [Music] fills my the soul that you show brings refreshing like grain and peace lines my heart i've known nothing apart apart from your goodness god you are glorious you are holy [Music] worthy my soul cries out you are holy holy nations [Music] freeze my soul [Music] and now joy fills my life [Music] kindness [Music] [Music] is [Music] the sound of our planes the heavens will shake the earth will move at the sound of our praise the heavens will shade and the earth will move [Music] [Music] you are worthy [Music] [Music] you are worthy worthy my soul cries out you are holy holy the nations will shout [Music] amen all right for our reading this morning we are going to be looking at psalm 19. psalm 19. i will read the odd number verses have you respond and read along with zach the even verses let's go ahead and stand as we read psalm 19. the heavens declare the glory of god the firmament shows his handiwork day utter speech and night unto night reveals knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world in them he has set a tabernacle for the sun which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chambers and rejoices like a strong man to run its race its rising is from one end of heaven and its circuit to the other end and there is nothing hidden from its heat the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the lord is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the lord are true and righteous all together more to be desired are they than gold yea that much fine gold my bad sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them your servant is warned and in keeping them there is great reward who can understand his errors cleanse me from secret faults keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins let them not have dominion over me then i shall be blameless and i shall be innocent of great transgression let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight o lord my strength and my redeemer and lord that certainly is our prayer this morning as you search our hearts that you would find those places within our lives lord that you may want to take care of or even take from our lives may we be willing to be honest with you in every way and as we realize your greatness and just how awesome and majestic you are that even creation lord speaks of that in every way might we see your glory and your power through everything that you do and be willing lord to submit to all that you are in jesus name amen you can be seated and while you're sitting down if you want to go ahead and take out your bulletins i get to do double duty this morning isn't that fun we're going to be looking at a few of the announcements here we will be having communion this coming wednesday at seven o'clock so uh plan on joining us if you haven't already made wednesday part of your regular habit through the week i would encourage you guys to to come check it out spend some time with us pastor jack as i mentioned we'll be continuing his study through revelation and then we'll get to gather around the lord's table afterwards and spend some time really reflecting on and remembering what jesus has done in our lives always a great time to do that well we've had some great reports from our teams that have gone out for the neighborhood outreach and it's just been wonderful to hear of the people they've been able to pray with and share with they're going to be going out again this saturday august the 28th and meeting here in the church parking lot at 10 o'clock so if you are part of that team already or would like to join them anyone can do so then plan on being here at ten o'clock this saturday you'll get paired up with folks or as i've mentioned before it's a great opportunity to come out with the whole family and you and your kids can be a team and go out get assigned a certain street and literally go door-to-door and invite people to church and uh maybe the lord will open up some opportunities to share and pray with people as well well do you remember in the olden days when we used to have church picnics i know it's been a while but we're finally able to have one once again and that's going to be coming up saturday september the 11th so you want to mark your calendars and we're going to be back over at craig regional park um we'll be there from 10 o'clock in the morning to four in the afternoon all kinds of games activities and fun stuff for the entire family you do want to bring a picnic lunch and then just anticipate spending some great time getting to know folks i know it's been a good long while but it's just a wonderful time to have fellowship with each other so plan on on joining us our morningstar small group bible studies are gearing up they'll be getting to gather again beginning in september sunday the 12th this is just a great way to to get to know god better through his word but also a way to get to know some folks in the church you'll be in a group of about eight or ten folks and go through the semester if you will together so this 11 week study is going to be in the gospel of john and the men are going to be in room 16 beginning there on september 11th at 6 o'clock in the evening the ladies will be in the multi-purpose room and for you ladies a second opportunity if you can't make that sunday night will be wednesday mornings at 9 30 where there will be child care provided for you there's no need to register but you do want to pick up that study guide and have lesson one ready prior to that first meeting and then finally we have a mexico trip coming up it's going to be on september thursday september 16th through saturday the 18th be leaving here at around 5 30 in the evening on that thursday so as far as missing work you really don't have to miss friday if that's your regular work week plan on joining the team we're going to be going down to alungo mexico and one thing i do want to mention is that we do have an opportunity now to go into the prison and do an outreach there which we've done in the past but if you want to be part of that team you do want to get signed up early because we have to turn names in to the officials there so you want to sign up online and you can get a flyer or a a fact sheet in the back with all the details to it if you can't go there's a way for you still to be involved and that is pick up one of these flyers in the back it has on it all the items that we're going to be offering to the inmates in our prison outreach as far as a hygiene package that we put together for them so you can go out and get those items and then bring them back here to the church we'll store them all up and take them down with us so it's a great way for you guys to be involved as well let's go ahead and pray lord as we commit the rest of this service to you we are just so mindful of again the opportunities you have set before us but in every way lord god we ask that you would be with us as we take this moment in our service to worship you through our tithes and offerings lord not any less of an act of worship not any last of an active are submitting to you into your love that in all those things that you have blessed us with lord god may our hearts as they're overwhelmed with those blessings be willing in every way to give of our tithes and offerings so receive them now in jesus name amen i come god i come i return to the lord the one who's broken the one who's tore me apart strike down to bind me up you say you do it all in love that i might know you and you're suffering [Music] though you slay me yet i will praise you though you take from me i will bless your name though in me still i will worship or sing a song to the one who's all i need [Music] [Music] my hard flesh may fail the earth below give away with my eyes with my eyes i'll see the lord lifted high upon that day behold the lamb that was slain and i'll know that every tear was worth [Music] or sing a song to the one who's all [Music] let this cup pass from me now you're still more than i need or enough for me lord you're not oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] or sing [Music] [Music] [Applause] still i will worship [Music] let this cup pass from me now you're still more than i need you're enough [Music] for me oh you're not for me though you slay me yet i will praise you though you take from me i will bless your name though you and me still i will worship or sing a song to the one who's all i need y'all stand as we sing this last song together [Music] in christ alone my hope is found that he is [Music] firm through the fiercest [Music] my in the love of christ i stand [Music] in christ alone who took on flesh fullness of god in heaven gift of love and [Music] that righteousness as jesus died the wrath of god was satisfied for every sin on him was laid here in the death of christ i [Music] lived of jesus here in the blood of jesus [Music] up from the grave [Music] [Music] on me for i am his and he is mine a bot with the precious [Music] [Music] jesus here in the death of jesus here in the blood of jesus [Music] jesus cheering the love of [Music] depth of jesus hearing the blood of jesus cheering the power of jesus lord we're grateful that we stand in the blood and the death and the power and the life of christ we're not for you we would all be dead in our transgressions hopeless helpless condemned for eternity and yet here we stand today a body before god who died for us a god who is not understandable by human minds came down into flesh so that we could see him we could touch him he died a death that we deserve so that we would have the life that he intended us to have nothing that we ever do could ever earn that god we're grateful for the favor that we have in your sight because of your love we pray this morning your word would be a lamp onto our hearts you would reveal our sin to us we would see and be barehearted before you so that you would work so that we would leave changed people don't let this just be another sunday of in one ear out the other check on the box went to church or meet us engage with us challenge us look for you to speak in jesus name amen amen well good morning first service it's great seeing you all my wife and i have been going to first service now for i don't know a long time years and years so i i know a lot of you i know most of you but in case we have not met my name is rich rich kikuchi and i'm an elder here at star and i'm also well i've been the treasurer here forever like for over over 30 years and like pastor gerard mentioned pastor jack and debbie are still at the pastor's conference life's so tough sometimes in hawaii right yeah but they'll be back this week jack will be back for wednesday night and so whenever pastor jack plans to be out of town it's like all the pastors and some of us elders it's like we're on the bench at the high school basketball game and we're looking at the coach hoping that they'll call our name and we'll get into the game and so i'm coming off the bench today i've heard my name rich you're in so i'm excited i'm blessed to be sharing god's word with you this morning i've been a christian now for a long time since 1979 42 years and when i got saved i was so excited so on fire for god i'm still excited still on fire for god and maybe i'm a slow learner but it's been in just the last couple years that i feel like i've really been learning how to walk with god maybe it's the pandemic and you know looking around at the world and seeing how life is so fragile maybe realizing that life is so short and that soon i'll be with my lord standing in front of him one day maybe it's realizing that god has put me on this earth for a purpose that he has in my life that i finally got to the point after 42 years to say god i'm all in i'm all in whatever you want me to do wherever you want me to go whatever you want me to say i'm all in yes lord and as christians when we come to that point where we can say yes lord which is the title of my message this morning without trying to figure out things first we will see god do some amazing things miracles even i'm thinking that god has been speaking to some of you lately maybe to get involved more with ministry but you feel you know so uncertain about it maybe he's been speaking to you to move out in faith and reach out to that person that he's put on your heart maybe to reach out to that person to reach out that hand of forgiveness to them but you're not sure about it maybe he's been speaking to you about a completely different direction in your life maybe a new job maybe a new career but you're just not sure how that's going to work hey maybe you're here this morning because a family member or friend has invited you to church and has been inviting you to church and you finally said okay i'll go but deep in your heart you've been thinking that god has been speaking to you speaking to you to come to him maybe to come back to him there are all kinds of things that the lord speaks to each one of us about things he asks us to do in the stillness of our hearts and when the lord speaks to us it's easy to think well how is that going to work or uh lord did i hear you right but we're gonna see this morning that when we say yes lord to whatever it is god's called us to do it will be the best it'll be the best thing we ever did so please turn with me to the gospel of john chapter 2 this morning if you haven't done that already gospel of john chapter 2 and we're going to look and see in these first 12 verses this morning well there's some heavy hitters in these verses in this classic portion of scripture where jesus turns water into wine there's some heavy hitters here there's jesus our lord mary the mother of jesus jesus's brothers and his 12 disciples and they're all going to a wedding we're going to see and the thing is we're going to learn a lesson this morning not particularly from these heavy hitters but from the servants that were there at the wedding that day and we don't know too much about these servants we don't know their names we don't know their backgrounds we don't know who they were but i think that's intentional i'm thinking god is pointing out through his word that these servants that day they're just like you and me just regular people doing their best living their lives with their failings their pride their insecurities their family issues their doubts and their fears yet god did an amazing thing that day with these servants who said yes lord so let's take a look and let's pray before we start father we pray this morning that uh you be with us and i pray for each and every person here this morning that no matter where we are in our walk with you no matter what's going on in our lives that you would speak to us that you would encourage us that you would have us to remember those things that you would have us to know through john 2 1-12 we love you lord be with us this morning in jesus name amen we see here starting in verse 1 on the third day there was a wedding in cana of galilee and the mother of jesus was there now both jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding and when they ran out of wine the mother of jesus said to him they have no wine jesus said to her woman what does your concern have to do with me my hour has not yet come so this was the third day we are told here in verse 1 where jesus officially moved out in his public ministry back in the last half or so of chapter one john talked about the first two days of jesus ministry and now this was the third day jesus ministry had just begun and the world would never be the same and here john tells us that there was a wedding in cana of galilee and jesus and his disciples were told here in verse 2 were invited it's always nice being invited to a wedding isn't it i just got back from a wedding just a couple weeks ago up in montana and next week we're heading off next weekend to a wedding up in northern california uh weddings you know their time to celebrate with family and friends it's festive and and fun and the best part is there's always food well maybe that's not the best part but that's definitely one of my favorite parts and so here the wedding's going on in cana of galilee a little town just a few miles from where jesus grew up in nazareth you could probably picture it you know the people are dancing they're laughing they're eating the kids are running around the father of the bride is off to the side with this calculator trying to figure out how much this is all going to cost i can't believe how much these people are eating and jesus his brothers his disciples and mary his mother are all there and during the festivities we're told in verse 3 that they run out of wine and mary sees this looks over and says to jesus they have no wine and jesus doesn't say okay i'll go get some more or hey peter go check him back if there's some back there instead he says in verse 4 woman what does your concern have to do with me sounds a little cold coming from the son of god doesn't it the thing is mary might have been interested here in a little more than just the wine and jesus knew it hey he's the son of god he knows everything she just might have been looking for a way to restore her reputation think of it there were a lot of people at the wedding that day all their friends and and relatives from nazareth and the thing is these people knew about the story of mary becoming miraculously pregnant by the spirit of god and many of them at least some of them were still thinking uh-huh pregnant by the spirit of god huh sure and we can get a glimpse of at least what some of the people were thinking that day when we look at john 8 41 where it says and defending their own righteousness the pharisees smugly declared to jesus we were not born out of fornication so after all those years it was still out there mary had been listening to those kind of jabs for years and she knew what some of the people thought about her so here amongst all the people who were important to her she basically was saying to jesus show them who you really are show them your stuff you know maybe stand on the table and snap your fingers kind of like that time when you were a little kid and you turned that cup of water into chocolate milk remember that he might have practiced back then you never know show them you are the messiah mary was thinking but jesus responds here in verse 4 and basically says not yet not yet woman this word woman that jesus used it's a it's a greek word that has uh it's about respect not particularly warm so what jesus was doing here is he was kind of giving mary a a respectful rebuke it's it sounds kind of cold when you first read it but the thing is god had a plan and a perfect time for that jesus says my hour has not yet come which is a term that's used seven times in the gospel of john in john 17 1 jesus prayed as he was about to go to the cross father the hour is come glorify your son that your son might glorify you the hour was the time to show the whole world who he really was the messiah but it wasn't that time yet so even though it sounded cold jesus was actually saying woman mary mom i know it hasn't been easy for you but it's not time yet not yet how often i've heard those words in my own life you probably have too you know rich not yet i don't like those words i never like that when the lord says that to me i think we are all good at i know i am asking the lord for help to to smooth the road out that i'm on it's it's our way of saying they're out of wine mary's reputation would be restored big time she would be known for generations as the mother of the messiah but it was not time yet if you guys have been praying asking the lord for help lately and it seems like crickets or that the lord's been saying not yet let's remember mary here at the wedding that day god's got his eyes on you god has a plan and you'll see that plan unfold at just the right time so now after asking or having this short conversation with her son and it looks like she got the point really quick mary looks over to the servants who are working at the wedding that day and says to them here in verse 5. whatever he says to you do it seven words seven simple words but they could take a lifetime to learn whatever jesus says to you do it these were mary's last words noted in the bible the next time we see her she's at the foot of the cross watching her son give his life for the sins of the world and those seven words that she spoke to her servants that day are the seven most important words you or i could ever learn whatever jesus says to you do it like i said i've been a christian now for 42 years i've seen god do some amazing things over those years and i think i'm just now learning these seven words we're then told in verse six now there were some there there were some now there were set there six water pots of stone according to the manner of purification of the jews containing 20 or 30 gallons of peace jesus said to them fill the water pots with water and they filled them up to the brim and he said to them draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast and they took it you know even before i became a christian i had heard about this miracle about this guy jesus turning water into wine but i think that this miracle actually put more of the spotlight on these servants that day you see jesus gave them some specific commands and the way they responded is the way i'm to follow his commands and his direction in my own life mary says looking at these servants and now it's like the spotlights on these servants whatever he says to you do it then look what jesus says here to the servants in verse 1 he says very simply fill the water pots with water and then he says in verse 8 draw some out give it to the master of the feast and give it to the master of the feast and and the way these servants followed his instructions well i can learn from that i'm still learning we could all learn i don't know about you guys when i'm thinking you're probably probably like me that when god speaks to us you know through his word through through his still small voice or or with a door that is open for us that when he asks us to do something so often we just don't and why is that well because maybe it just doesn't make sense at the time there's too much risk the numbers just don't work out it'll take too much of my time and energy kind of like filling those pots with water these were 20 and 30 gallon water pots were told here in verse 6. these were big heavy stone pots yet look at how these servants responded to jesus's commands i want to be like them i need to be like them and there are three things that we can learn here when jesus gave them directions they did it obediently they did it wholeheartedly and they did it patiently first of all they were obedient you know they they didn't do this cost benefit analysis they they they didn't start making excuses they didn't say they were too busy they didn't start sitting around and reasoning with jesus when he asked him when he asked them to fill those stone pots with water they just did it the wine ran out at the wedding that day and jesus asked them to fill these six big water pots with water i know what i would have thought they're out of wine why do you want me to put water in these pots what does that have to do with wine overthinking things do you guys do that or is that just me are there any other overthinkers and okay i got one i got two no i got i got a few out there okay that's good i read this quote about uh overthinking that said overthinking leads to problems that didn't exist in the first place oh that's so true and i'm the king of overthinkers i'm getting better though i think i'm getting better you know there have been so many amazing inventions invented over the last few decades you know the iphone internet air conditioner and one of my favorites although one of my most challenging is the automatic garage door opener is that one of your favorites i remember as a kid it was always my job when we left the house you know i had to get out of the car and i'd i'd have to close i had to reach up for that rope and pull the garage door down and then when we came home i'd have to get out of the car and put the pull the garage door open so my dad couldn't pull in remember those days no it seems like just the other day and the thing is now with the automatic garage door opener it's so easy and you got bluetooth you know i just you just press that button the thing is it's so easy that so often i forget if i press that button i'll get into my car i'll maybe i'll be coming down to church or going to work and you know i'll get into my car that's that was in the garage and maybe the music's on or a podcast or maybe i'm talking on the phone i'll pull out i'll be driving down the street then i'll think did i close the garage door does anybody else do that anybody oh at least one that's good and i think yeah i did did i maybe i didn't did i and then i and so then what do i do i make the u-turn i make the u-turn before i get to the end of the block and i pull back up and so what do i see every time a closed garage door of course it's always closed but i'm overthinking but i'm getting better i think i'm getting better it all started with a dog though just so you so you know i don't know about you guys but in my neighborhood i have a lot of dog people and i'm a dog person we don't have a dog right now but i'm a dog person but there are so many people walking dogs uh in my neighborhood and i've got one neighbor actually a couple and they walk their dogs like early in the morning like really early like 4 30 in the morning early which is kind of like in the middle of the night right and so and so i'm not sure what the deal is with that but i remember about eight years ago in the middle of the night and i have i always keep my phone and my nightstand right by my bed and i get a text and you know when you get a text or a phone call in the middle of the night it's never a good thing right you always think it's an emergency or something really bad happened and i remember getting this text it was dark it was around 4 30 in the morning i get my phone i looked with one eye my neighbor was walking in front of my house hey your garage door is open i haven't recovered still still thinking about what if you know me did i did i close at overthinking and when god opens a door for me to be used by him i can easily so easily overthink things my mind runs through all these scenarios of well how and why and if and if this or if that i'm convinced that overthinking can get in the way of us simply walking by faith you know we'll be doing u-turns all of our lives and never getting everywhere never getting anywhere if you or i were one of those servants that day we probably would have said or at least we would have thought they're out of wine why do you want me to put water into these water pots but these servants they didn't question it they obediently did what jesus asked them to do and that's what he asks of me that's what he asks of you when he tells us to do something just do it yes lord secondly these servants were wholehearted they gave it their all they didn't do it half-heartedly see what it says in verse seven it says that they filled those water pots and not only that but they filled it to the brim they didn't just do a part way oh that's good you know uh they filled it to the brim kind of like when you uh get a glass of water and put it under the sink and you know to get a drink of water it goes all the way to the top where it's almost spilling that's to the brim well this life of ours is so short it goes by so quick that if we do anything we ought to give it our our all and especially if the lord has asked us to do something when we're following god's call in our lives we need to fill it to the brim and that's what these guys did yes lord and thirdly these servants did it patiently think about it six big water pots 20 to 30 gallons each that's a lot of water that's like up to 180 gallons of water that's a lot of time and they didn't use a hose back then you know hey you know turn the hose on you know they they took buckets down to the well and scooped it up and carried it over poured it out bending over that was a lot of work and jesus he didn't give them the plan ahead of time he didn't tell them that they were that he was going to turn this water into wine they didn't grow up like us hearing about this miracle about turning water into wine jesus said to fill those pots with water and they just did it yes lord i'm thinking god has been speaking to some of you i know he's been speaking to me so what are we going to do the next time he speaks to us in that still small voice what are we going to do the next time he opens that door for us let's be like these servants at the wedding that day who filled those pots with water and they did it obediently wholeheartedly and patiently they said yes lord now lastly we're told here in verse 9 and when the master of the feasts had tasted the water that was made wine and did not know where it came from but the servants who had drawn the water knew the master of the feast called the bridegroom and he said to him every man at the beginning sets out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk then the inferior you have kept the good wine until now this beginning of signs jesus did in cana of galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him after this he went down to capernaum he his mother his brothers and his disciples and they did not stay there many days now the cool thing is that at the time the time of this miracle happening only the servants really knew what had happened they saw it with their very eyes this first miracle of jesus that day no one else knew where the wine came from but he did but they did we're told in verse 9 that after the master of the feast which is the guy who's basically in charge of the wedding when he was given a glass of that wine that even he didn't know where it came from but the servants who had drawn the water knew it says there were no oohs and oz from the wedding crowd when the wine was being poured out there were no clapping there was no clapping and you know nods of the head for jesus when they were pouring out that wine the only one besides the servants who realized anything was the master of the feast and even he didn't know where the wine came from we're told in verse 10 uh that after tasting the wine that that he went up to the bridegroom and said you know most people set out the good wine at the beginning but you have brought out the good wine or literally the best wine after everybody has already had a few at the wedding that day jesus began his public ministry of miracles at the wedding that day amongst all these family and friends there were some who learned about the power of god and the blessings of saying yes lord it was the servants the servants who were just ordinary people like you and me who listened and obeyed who just did it when jesus told them what to do water turned into wine and it wasn't just wine we're told it was the best wine so what's the lesson what's the lesson for you and me like these servants when we obediently wholeheartedly patiently do what god tells us to do in whatever it is god is telling us to do it will wind up being the best the best thing we ever did so what has the lord been speaking to you about lately all he wants from us is to be like these servants and say yes lord and then watch him do a miracle let's pray father we uh thank you that you do have your eyes on us that you do have a plan for each and every one of us and i pray for everyone here this morning lord that you would assure our hearts open our open our eyes to the fact that you're you're here with our your eyes upon us and you've got a plan for our lives sometimes we uh are so unsure we don't know all the details and we're hesitant to move forward lord but you've got a plan for each and every one of us a good plan and we pray lord that you would uh really make that plan to come about in our lives as we look to you and say yes lord and this morning if god has been speaking to you you know about there's all kinds of things he could be asking you to do to move out in different ways and you have been thinking well how's that going to work i don't know about that really lord i pray this morning that you would uh remember john 2 1-12 that it would encourage us to move move in our faith and say yes lord i'm gonna be obedient wholeheartedly and patiently doing what you have called me to do and maybe this morning you've come to church and maybe this is the first time you've been to church maybe you've been hearing about this jesus but you don't know jesus personally christianity is all about a relationship with jesus christ and he wants to be your friend he wants to be the lord of your life jesus came not only to teach us about the kingdom of god to show us the way but he went to the cross willingly it was his plan from the very beginning to go to the cross to take our sins that all who would believe in him if we say yes lord would not perish but have everlasting life so i pray this morning if if you've never made that commitment to the lord or maybe you had made that commitment one day but you've walked away that you would come back to the lord he's there with open arms he's just looking for you to say yes lord let's stand as we sing this last song there is no one like you there is none besides you open up my eyes in a wonder and show me who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me and i will build my life upon your love it is a very [Music] and i will put my trust in you alone and i will not be shaken and holy there is no one like you there is none besides you open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me thank you so much [Music] god bless you all have a great week
Channel: morningstarcc
Views: 279
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: IlWu10RuPgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 48sec (4068 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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