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[Music] [Music] my voice [Music] i cried out loud my voice [Music] good evening everybody hope you guys are all doing well tonight we're going to be in revelation chapter 5 covering the first five verses so we're still up into the throne room of heaven so let's go ahead and get started with a word of prayer and some worship all right father we thank you so much for this evening we pray that you would continue to fill this place with your kids with your people and people that's uh that need to know you lord that this would be a place where where god is exalted where jesus is glorified and where your word is taught faithfully lord we just are so grateful that we have a body of believers in a place that we can come and we know that uh your word of god uh will be taught faithfully lord so would you continue to do just a great work in your church here we pray for easter as the flyers and the invitations go out lord we pray for uh all the hands that are that are a part of making these things happen would you just bless them and anoint them and and give us all that we need lord so we can serve you well so lord we thank you for this evening we pray for just an awesome time of worship and glorifying you it's in your name we pray amen amen let's all stand let's spend some time worshiping the lord together [Music] i'm so glad you're in my life thank you i'm so glad you came to save us save us you came from heaven to earth to show the rain from the earth to the grave from the grave to the sky lord we left [Music] we stand and lift up our hands for the joy of the lord is our strength we bow down and worship him now how great how awesome is he together we see [Music] is [Music] earth is filled with his glory it's rising it's rising up [Music] rising up [Music] together we see [Music] holy is the [Music] with his lord holy is the lord [Music] [Music] is god with this glory you came from heaven to earth from the earth [Music] lord we lift your name on [Music] lord we lift your name on you may be seated [Music] holy holy god almighty [Music] is [Music] god [Music] merciful [Music] is [Music] is [Music] holy is your name [Music] is [Music] belongs to you oh wisdom is yours [Music] oh wisdom is [Music] you've done is just [Music] is [Music] god are you holy holy kind are you [Music] the splendor of the [Music] that kings the earth rejoices [Music] darkness tries to high troubles had his voice troubles at his [Music] sing with voice how great and always see how great how great [Music] which he stands and time is in his hands [Music] the lion and the lamb and how great how great is our god and oh see how great how great [Music] you are worthy of all praise my hearts will sing how great is our the god you're the name above all names you are worthy of all praise my [Music] how great is [Music] [Music] is [Music] how great he is how great is our god sing with me how great is our god and oh see how great how great is [Music] i praise you lord [Music] is [Music] see [Music] worthy is the lamb who was slain holy holy is [Music] is with all creation i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will [Music] flashes of lightning rolls of thunder [Music] blessing and honor strength [Music] he's [Music] i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will [Music] of your name your name is power [Music] jesus [Music] who wasn't is to come [Music] with all creation i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will know you holy holy holy he's the lord god almighty who was to come with all creation i sing raised to the king of kings you are my everything and i will [Music] [Music] annoy [Music] of your name amen that was cool watching you guys worship the king of kings it's really cool but yeah if you if you're paying attention to what we're going to be studying tonight and all the songs that we're going to see in revelation 5 like what you're doing is what we'll be doing it's pretty awesome so i'm looking well you don't have to clap after everything i say alright so easter is coming upon us not this sunday but the sunday after we're going to be having it all on our normal sunday morning services 8 9 45 and 11 30. we're also going to be having our good friday services here at 1pm and 6 p.m so please make plans to be here and praise our king and celebrate the risen savior i do encourage you to grab some flyers pass them out and pray for people to come as you invite them as well we're also going to be heading out this saturday to go and hand out invites around the neighborhood uh so please join us at 9 a.m over here in the parking lot and then we'll go out in little teams and just hand out flyers to whom every whomever we can and just pray that the lord would move upon the hearts even if it's just a simple piece of paper that brings them here so that's what we're hoping to do lastly i want to remind you that next week is communion so it should be a really great week as we uh not only have good friday and easter but we also got just a time of reflecting back on the cross celebrating communion next wednesday night as we do every last wednesday of the month so with that said let's go ahead and stand for this last song do you feel the world is broken do you feel the shadows [Music] do you wish that you could [Music] creation groaning is the glory of the lord to be the light within our midst [Music] is [Music] is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll the light of judah who conquereth [Music] honor and is is he worthy of his all right ladies [Music] is [Music] anyone worthy is anyone home is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll the line of judah [Music] every nation in tongues he has made us a kingdom and praise to god to reign with a son is he worthy is he worthy [Music] is he worthy is he worthy [Music] [Applause] he is [Music] he is [Music] i praise you lord oh father we thank you for meeting us here tonight we pray that your holy spirit would just run across this room and everywhere father that your word is taught that you would move among us in such a mighty way as we continue now in this act of worship and just glorification from our hearts to you father for you are due all the honor and all the praise father we can't take credit for any of it father it all belongs to you and we thank you for the ransom father sending your son jesus to die in our behalf that ultimate plan father a relentless pursuit of salvation for all of mankind that none would be lost father so we pray tonight that as your word is open that you would speak to our hearts let us have ears to hear tonight father we praise your holy name bless our time together now on bless pastor jack as he comes to teach us see in your great holy name and all god's people said amen amen amen all right take a minute and say hello to someone nearby maybe introduce yourself to someone you don't know the piano you're the only one that uses the damage the more of the mirror the lord would be lord be willing maybe next week a year we'll be able to have our easter back out at the stadium but this year we're going to be squeezed in here let's open our bibles tonight to revelation chapter 5 verse 1. as we continue our in-depth look at this final book of the bible where everything that jesus promised to us is fulfilled where we get to see the lord in all of his glory where the lord of lords and the king of kings reigns supreme in chapter 1 the lord had given to john the outline for what he planned to share with him he said to him in verse 19 i want you to write down the things which you have seen which really amount to the first chapter the vision of our lord glorified then i want you to write down those things that are and certainly chapter two and three are the church age which we which we completed a couple of weeks ago and then write down the things which will come after these things after the church age it is the third and the longest section of the book it is the one that preoccupies most of our time so last week as we began chapter three we are chapter four we wanted to look at this insight that god gives us into heaven we're gonna spend tonight and next week as well as well as last week looking at gab being gathered around the throne of god it is john's second vision all of the visions of john are introduced as and then i looked and saw so you can separate them quite easily that way but chapter 4 verse 1 began with the words after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and i heard a voice like a trumpet saying to me come here i'm going to show you what's coming next it is certainly the the invitation of the lord to the church the church age ends in chapter 4 verse 1 the the rapture takes place john is taken in the spirit to heaven itself where he has shown the the throne of god in fact the word throne is mentioned 14 times just in chapter four alone so it really is the focus of the the chapter the the words meta tauto after these things the the trumpet sounding the church rising removed from the earth brought into god's presence worshiping and getting to understand what heaven is going to be like a little bit we won't see the church mentioned again in chapter until chapter 22 because the church is taken out and it is only in chapter 22 where jesus will say as he really signs off the book you know that he's the one who calls the church to invite the world to come and and to taste and to see that the lord is good so we studied in chapter four and five or we are studying in chapter four and five the glory of god's presence for the church before the judgment of god begins to fall upon an unbelieving world and that runs from chapter six through chapter 18. so we looked a little bit at the throne of god last week learned that the church was represented by the 24 lesser thrones the elders sitting on the lesser thrones we got to see the the lord in his fullness and his power we we looked at the sea of glass before the throne and what that meant we looked at the four living creatures that represented the the cherubim and the seraphim went into depth if you weren't here please go listen i can't sum it up every week i will never get done so keep up we ended last week chapter 4 by talking about the call to worship and as the as the living creatures began to worship god the church the represented by these 24 elders fell on their faces and worshiped and as jason said we've been practicing a lot of that and couldn't couldn't hurt us to practice some more in chapter four it is the father on the throne that is in view and his glory in chapter five it is jesus who will step forward to fill the stage every eye will be drawn to him every every life every every person in the room will fall down and worship him we're only only going to look at the first five verses of the text tonight which means you're gonna have to come back next week to see jesus come forward however i think there are some things that we have to be able to understand if we if we go through the book and we go through these verses and we we understand what is being said so i hope that you'll stick with it hopefully that the notes have been helpful to you are they confusing to you or helpful so they're helpful because they're the notes that i teach from so that doesn't mean you stay home and just read them on your own but i hope that at least you won't have to be scribbling a lot of verses as we go so let's start in chapter five tonight where we read these words and i saw in the right hand of him john said who sat upon the throne a scroll it was written inside and on the back and it was sealed with seven seals john now has his attention drawn from the from the throne itself and the glory of the lord to what was in his right hand it was odd to john it was written on on the on the back as well as on the front he noticed the seven seals by the way a typical roman contract or will in those days would have looked the same it was always sealed with seven seals it is in the right hand of the father if you've read through the bible you know that the right hand signifies always the hand of control or power or authority this is the the lives and the destiny of every man including those who lived upon the earth then it is the future of the world that is in the hands of the father you know the old song he's got the whole world in his hand is biblically correct so you can sing along with that one and it is written on both sides which would suggest that the judgment that the lord is going to bring forward is lengthy it is lengthy in the sense that we're going to go from chapter 6 through chapter 18. this is the original copy it's one of a kind the number seven as we've talked to you now several times is the the biblical number of completeness or fullness when it is used in that kind of a setting according to roman law in john's day a will had to or a testament had to be signed with seven or sealed with seven uh seals they are usually attached and it seems like these are as well in such a way that you can open part of the scroll unroll some of it and then run into the next seal so that you can see the tabs but they're they're they're ones that kind of slow down the the opening because they're rolled across the top so it does appear like maybe that's the way this was written as well so that each section would have to be open to be accessed and to be revealed excuse me we saw in verse 2 or we see in verse 2 that john then saw a very strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice there in heaven who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals don't know who the strong angel is we're always guessing gabriel because there's really only two angels one who gives announcements on who seems to fight michael the archangel does a lot of fighting gabriel does a lot of announcing uh his name gabriel means god is strength or god is my strength it had been angel gabriel who delivered to daniel much of the future future news that we're going to be looking at and corroborating from the book of daniel so i guess that's a good guess i don't know it is interesting to me that in heaven he lays down the gauntlet to everyone both to to man to angels to thrones to dominions to powers and just says who in all of creation is worthy to now step up open the scroll take the title deed if you will bring forth the judgment who's in a position to make those declarations over man and to declare the will of god who's qualified and from what we can gather in verse three no one in heaven or in the earth or under the earth was he open it was able to open the scroll or to even so much as look at it many men over history's time frame have been willing and wanting to rule the world alexander the great was frustrated we had no one left to beat up he was in his thirties nebuchadnezzar certainly thought he could pull it off and for a while he did so did genghis khan and mussolini and hitler and others but the question is not who is willing the question is who's worthy the word axios is a word that in in greek means to have merit or to have weight or value or to fit or to measure up who who's fit to do this and john writes no one was able none found worthy no one in heaven no one upon the earth the reference to under the earth would certainly be a reference to hades the place where the the the dead were kept prior to christ and then the unredeemed dead are still being held luke chapter 16 you can look up the scriptures abraham wasn't worthy isaac wasn't worthy neither was noah or moses or joshua or david or peter or paul or john no one yelled out here i am i got this out of all of the billions of possible candidates no one was able no one was worthy not even to look at it and john in his response in verse 4 began to weep and not a little bit he wept much because no one was found worthy to open to read the scroll or to look at it why would john weep and the answer is complicated not really complicated but it is the reason we're not rushing ahead through the rest of the verses tonight because i think you should have at least a a comfortable level of what is the significance of this scroll the bible clearly teaches that the glorious saving work of jesus is what every man needs no doubt this scroll and i think you can easily substantiate in the bible is the the title deed to the earth the authority over its people and its declaration of god's power and his authority to impose his will upon a world that has fallen and to bring judgment which is exactly what the scroll is going to hold the judgment of those who wouldn't turn to him as the creator everything belongs to god no argument there after creation god entrusted the stewardship of the earth to his creation you can read early on in the book of genesis that the lord said let us make man in our own image and according to our likeness let him have dominion over the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle over all of the things of the earth everything that creeps on it and god made man in his own image and he created them male and female if you read that it shortens all of those other titles and god bless them and he says to man and to to to eve be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue it have dominion over the birds and the fish and the and every living thing that moves upon the earth god handed to adam and eve dominion over his creation the bond to him he had every right to give it to them and entrusted to them and he did while man walked with god that dominion at least in what we are given to us in the scriptures was a blessing adam was able to tend to the garden it's a word that means to work but not to labor he enjoyed whatever it is that he was doing it was it was a great place to be in fellowship with god and even the lord in the cool of the day walked out he remembered to have fellowship with his creation life was good life was easy there was a time when adam and eve listening to the you know ways of the lord found great joy don't know how long that lasted can't even begin to tell you there's books out there that'll tell you but i don't know if they're accurate or not but at some point along the way it was satan the you know the that chief angel that had been thrown out of heaven to the earth prior to man's creation that approached eve with advice and and lure and his basic his suggestions were if if you don't know everything good for an evil then god has kept from you something that you should want if you want to be like god eat and you won't be you know a created being you'll be the creator and she bought it and took it to adam he threw in as well and sinning against the will of god they submitted themselves to the suggestion of the devil in so doing man relinquished the dominion that he had been given by god to the enemy and this world now becomes the place where satan dwells and rules he becomes the prince of the power of the heir the god of this world that that subjugates man living in sin man finds himself now sold out the earth becomes corrupt weeds begin to grow tending the garden is no longer an option toil now is the way that god explains man having to work the land childbirth is painful man is alienated from god and he is dead in his sins he has no foreseeable future no hope you just begin to read these words and he died and he died and he died for a long time you'd live to be 700 800 years but living in sin that couldn't have been all that glorious and then after the flood you know slowly the the length of years became 120 or so by the time you get to a thousand bc with david he said in one of the psalms that you know 70 years was about your lot in life and if you got to be 80 it's because you you lived a life that was healthy or strong or you were blessed by the lord but you're not getting the 300 anymore and death rules the world and there's a kingdom of darkness and a prince of darkness and man had willingly changed kingdoms he walked out of god's kingdom into the kingdom of the enemy he did it by choice and we all suffered for it from man's perspective man began to devise ways that he could get back into god's good graces call it religion right religion is a man-made approach to god it is a way to to compensate for our failures to try to appease god who is greater than we are to argue for our own best interest to present to the lord our best foot forward and hope he bites it and he won't because the wages of sin is death yeah but i'm a good person well you might be but the wages of sin is death i'm always nice to everyone we're sure you are and the wages of sin is death well i'm trying my best i'm sure you are and then you're going to die the wicked die the good die judgment false god's perspective was that he honored man's choice in the day you eat of the the fruit you'll certainly die now he died spiritually first physically thereafter but his relationship with god was cut off in his righteousness god would have to judge man and his sin because god is holy he can't sweep this under the run he said well they meant well they're trying that wouldn't make god holy that would make god a compromiser but god is holy he's righteous the wages of sin is death there's no way out if he's a holy god man is going to pay and suffer and the consequences of his changing kingdom you know produces sorrow and and suffering and and death and sickness and just read after genesis chapter 3 10 chapters forward literally everything that you hate about sin you'll find in the lives of the people characterized there because they lived for hundreds of years light became darkness life left the life became death every sin kind of in reality had a double kind of action it was a rebellion or a disobedience and against god but and so doing it it has a it has this corresponding obedience to the world or to the flesh or to the devil you do what your flesh wants you do what the devil wants you do what the world requires paul said it this way in romans chapter six he said don't you know that to whom you present yourself as a slave to obey that's whose slave you are whom you obey whether it is sin that leads to life or whether it's obedience to god which will lead to righteousness the good news is god loved his creation could have written us off at that point could have put his big foot right on the earth and wrecked it could have said i'm going to try this some other way but despite our disobedience god had a plan he knew we'd fall and he made us anyway if we looked and we oh yeah i'm not sure we even start down that road jesus would come to redeem man in the earth from this curse of sin that had been brought about by man's unwillingness to serve god and his willingness to follow the invitation of the devil it is in john chapter 1 chapter 10 verse 1 that jesus said i am the only door back into the sheepfold you try to get in here any other way you're a thief and a murderer and a robber like i said men have been trying for ever in their religion to get right with god they'll try to sell it to you this is this is the way and it's always some kind of a performance issue that you accomplish and like i said you know you hope god grades on the curve and you if you can find 50 of people that are worse than you are you feel better about you well if i'm going to hell there's a lot of people going before that's great and then you'll be in hell what a great argument you got it's not a good argument the world is that we live in is dominated by satan in his evil ways when jesus was tempted in in luke chapter 4 and taken as he began his public ministry out and driven by the spirit into the wilderness to be confronted by the devil for for nearly six weeks there was a time where the devil took him up to a high mountain and he showed him all of the kingdoms of the world in a moment's time and he said to him all of this authority i will give to you all of the glory for it it has been delivered to me i will give it to you if you'll just bow down and worship me now jesus didn't argue with the devil and say that doesn't belong to you you have no authority to offer that to me that that's not yours to give because it was god gave it to his creation his creation handed it over to satan by their obedience became slaves to sin and his offer to jesus was there's a shortcut worship me everything i have will belong to you now there's a lot of people that are willing to take that deal with the devil you know everything i want i just got to do it your way but jesus said you get behind me satan it is written you shall worship the only the lord your god him only shall you serve because the way of salvation had to be through his death for our sins his his suffering for our disobedience it was the only way in because a righteous god has to pay the debt he can't just forgive you he has to provide a way of forgiveness because he's holy and he's declared that the wages of sin was death and that we've all sinned so jesus came to redeem man in god's way by going to the cross to pay the price that the righteousness of god demanded for sinfulness and either you go to jesus and he pays for your sin or you stand before god one day and you pay for it and that's when hell waits which wasn't created to hold you by the way it was created according to the bible for the devil and his angels because god has sent his son to redeem man satan's time and opportunity is long gone at the cross that victory would be won and so jesus rebukes satan's temptation and says no you can see satan's diminue dominion by the way running through the bible from cover to cover in the book of daniel in chapter 12 the lord said to daniel as he began to pray or actually as he had been praying and the angel was sent to him don't be afraid damn daniel from the first day that your heart was set to understand what was going on and to humble yourself before god your prayers were heard i've come because of your words but the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me these last 21 days and now behold my michael one of the chief princes has come to help me so that i can be left alone there with the prince of persia and he set me free to come answer your prayers and he describes this warfare in the spirit that prevented daniel for three year weeks getting an answer to his prayers but he said the lord heard them the first day i was sent but there's a warfare for the souls of men and he's portrayed as the as the prince of the of the kingdom of persia and the angel came to defeat the enemy he is identified that way in ezekiel chapter 28 he's identified with the king of tyre though there is a physical king there's a wicked spirit behind his rule because this is a this is a world that satan dominates and god saves man from and one day jesus comes to take it back in speaking of his work in in the work he came to do jesus in matthew 13 told me well he told lots of parables there but he said in in one of them in verse 44 of matthew 13 that the kingdom of heaven was like a treasure that was hidden in the field and when a man finds it for the joy that he finds it he goes sells everything that he has so that he can buy the field and jesus goes on to explain that the field is the world but in the world which he has come to purchase there is a treasure the treasure is you the church the believer the saints those who would honor him in faith though jesus has come to provide salvation for all men not all men will choose to receive the lord they would rather stave to stay i should say under the power of the enemy want to live their life in the world in their flesh in the ways of the world they're not willing to be delivered yet jesus provides life for anybody who would come he bought the field for the treasure therein jesus purchased the entire field with his blood he refers to these treasures to you and i in the book of malachi in very endearing terms malachi writes in chapter 3 of the last book of your old testament then those who feared the lord spoke often one to another and the lord listened in he heard them a book of remembrance was written before him of those who who fear the lord who meditate on his name he said of them they'll they shall be mine and on that day that i make up my jewels i will spare them as someone who would spare his own son who serves him he called you his jewels the reason for his coming was you and the lord listened in as we began to drop his name i think that happens to us if you hear someone talking about you you hear that from five blocks away does that mean what are you doing [Music] paul said to the ephesians something very interesting he said i'm praying for you that your eyes of your understanding might be enlightened that you might know it is the hope of his calling and that you might understand what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints not your inheritance in him but his inheritance in you because he came for the treasure for the joy set before him he endured the cross despised the shame sat down at the right hand of the father he did that for you you're a joy to him because you now fulfill everything that god intended when he created you to begin with god's love for all men founds jesus at the cross dying for the sins of the world at the end of his earthly ministry he said to the disciples on his way to the cross i will not speaking much i will not speak longer with you or much longer with you for the prince of this world or the ruler of the of this world he's coming he has nothing in me in other words the battle is on he's come to redeem but the fight continues and the prince of this of this world continues to be as paul called him in in second corinthians the god of this world he's the god of this world today most people live under the dominance of the god of this world paul said to the second corinthian in the second corinthian letter if our gospel is hidden it is hidden from those who are perishing whose minds the god of this world has blinded you who do not believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of christ the image of god should shine upon them we don't preach ourselves we preach christ jesus the lord ourselves as bond serves for bond servants for jesus sake for it is the god it is god who commands light to be shining out of darkness he has shined in our hearts to give us the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ there's a battle but this world has been paid for and so has every life and every sin by the death of god's son who was sent to accomplish what his creation reflected and then man in his sin turned away from through jesus tonight if you are not a christian and you're listening online or you're in here or over next door you can be delivered right now from satan's lives your life can be freed from the dominance of sin you'll still have to battle with it but without jesus you don't have any power to say no you've been bought with a price you free from the dominion of the devil you can be free from the judgment that will come and and ultimately everyone is going to face that if you go on alone without jesus you have no hope you have christ you have eternal hope and great promise here's what paul said to the ephesians you he has made alive who were dead in your trespasses and in your sins in which you once walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air which is the spirit who now is at work and the sons of disobedience among whom you also all once conducted yourself in the lust of your flesh seeking to fulfill the desires of your flesh and of your mind you are by nature the children of wrath just as others were paul says until you come to the lord you are dead men walking it's also in the bible meandering without direction without purpose no progress made always i remember i forget who it was that said here's the best definition of meandering women meander in shopping malls men walk through i think that's usually the case you know i go get something i want it i'm gone in five minutes socks i know where they are let's get him let's go and then the ladies well let's look in here let's look at me the end well we're dead men walking the word walking here is the word for meandering you once walked according to the course of this world and by the way the word course in in ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 is the word for weather vein it literally means wherever the wind is blowing that's where you're headed right you don't have really any outward uh controlling interest you don't have any bigger picture you're part of the system you know hey let's all get on the board whatever is going on in the world you got to be right there with it you know i remember oh many years ago the cabbage patch doll people were paying eight thousand dollars for a cabbage patch doll now the next year it sounded quite ridiculous go wherever the wind blows man or you can be a believer just walk with god be led of his spirit know exactly where you're headed but before you were saved that was you you were following the the weather vein the thing that sits on top of the barn and and blows you know it's very descriptive a life without jesus is driven by the enemy the prince of the power of the air the spirit that's at work and the children of disobedience he writes just like you were until you came to know the lord in fact verse four of second of ephesians two says but god who is rich in his mercy because of the great love with which he loved us when we were dead in our trespasses he made us alive with christ by grace you've been saved so satan does indeed direct this world and those in it don't think for a minute you're going to change that you're not without jesus you're just like a leaf blown by the wind souls turned by evil winds here and there but jesus came to save we read in chapter 2 of hebrews but he has not put the world to come of which we speak in subjection to the angels but one testified in a certain place when he said what is man that you're mindful him the son of man that you would care for him you've made him a little lower than the angels but you've crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the work of your hands you have put all things in subjection under his feet but in that you have put all things in subjection under him he has nothing left he there's nothing left that is not put under him but not yet do we see all things put under him god gave us dominion but sin has wrecked that jesus is going to come and take back what rightfully belongs to him he purchased the world who did he purchase it from from his own righteousness because he made the rules he set the standards he applies it to us and to himself so wherever the world is going they're driven by the prince of the power of the air satan's work and the lives of those who want surrender to jesus and he directs this world i mean you know it's foolish to see the devil behind every tree oh it's a devil thing but look the big picture is this is a fallen world and without jesus in our lives we're going to be much like a a wind that just blows us what is jesus doing now he hasn't put everything under his feet yet but they all belong to him so what is he doing he's waiting for what salvation for the early reign for the latter reigned you know how would it have gone if he had been here 10 years earlier how many of you might not have made it or 20 years ago or i was sure 1981 was going to be hit and then 85 was going to be it for sure i just know it's going to be it eventually and i hope it's the days that we live in so the holy spirit gets placed as a deposit in the hearts of those who believe in the lord as a down payment as an engagement ring an arab it's called in greek so that you're marked as belonging to the lord he's marked you and when the time comes he takes you and all of us together with him act that's chapter four verse one and we begin to worship and sing songs only we can sing but then in heaven comes this scroll and before chapter six when the judgment of god is poured out the issue that needs to be settled is who can pour out his judgment who can who can declare that this belongs to him who earned this who bought this who does this belong to i said well he made everything that belongs to him yeah and he gave it to man a man gave it away and now we're all suffering because of the god that we you know kneeled to and and we've tried to get into the into the sheepfold a hundred different ways by religious practices when there's only one way to get in which is why there's only one that can take the scroll one day soon that work will be complete and god will blow the trumpet and call you home and he'll remove his own from a earth that demands and needs to be judged and when the judgment is over he'll return to rule and terrain what belongs to him and then he'll destroy what has been tainted and he'll bring in a new earth and a new heaven the rule will last a thousand years satan today and you should know it is living on borrowed time and he's a trespasser doesn't belong here doesn't belong to him he knows his days or numbers he's doing all that he can he's a serpent authority he's taking only what man gives him resist the devil we read it'll flee from you greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world the battle is real for a long time king saul stayed on the throne even though he's been rejected by god told of his future and david has been anointed to be the king and we he has to wait years on end though he's been chosen well much like saul satan is still trying to run things but jesus is lord and jesus is coming and he'll remove this guy quickly and jesus waited faithfully and has waited faithfully until the the last one comes in just as david waited upon the lord he had opportunities to try to take out saul and what did he say he said you know god's anointed god let god take him out there's many in the world today still choosing not to be redeemed by the blood of the lamb willing to follow the enemy whose future and his fate is sure but but here the claim to the world if you will and the judgment that god declares upon an unbelieving world is written on a scroll sealed by seven seals that fully reflect the judgment of god and the only one qualified to make the judgment is jesus right he made he he made us and then he redeemed us he made us now he purchased us in the old testament there are plenty of specific laws that directly speak to that whole relationship you know if you purchased a slay a slave at least under the old testament economy you could only keep a slave for seven for six years in the seventh year you would have to give him a choice of either staying willfully for the rest of his life or leaving your care now the relationship between slave and and landowner was was different than it might be in your mind some of them were happy being in a place of care they had children there and wives and and they would choose to willfully become slaves for life they would become bond slaves duloy he would be given a gold earring to put into his ear so everyone would look him and say he's a slave by choice that's what you and i become right we were a slave to the devil by sin you become a slave to jesus by choice you know somebody said to me man you bunch of people are just brainwashed and so i usually just used to say at least i know who's washing my brain so a bond slave would then be a servant by choice just like you and i when israel was given the land by the lord they were given to specific tribes and the lord instructed each tribe to keep the land within the tribe if it had to be sold for any reason the sale was always contingent upon a revision clause that would allow the family over a period of time to buy the thing back so that if they were indebted they would have plenty of time to restore what god had given if not the land would eventually and permanently be transferred to the buyer without recourse the time for the earth to be redeemed has nearly arrived as well in the law of the land sale jesus is man's kinsmen redeemer he's the one closest to us he's fully god and yet he is fully man he's our near relative in his flesh he was able to pay the necessary price to deliver us from hell by his death he came to redeem us he's the redeemer he came to purchase us and because he died and rose the father said to the son that he would give to his son everything that existed psalm chapter 2 verse 8 ask of me i'll give you the nations for your inheritance the ends of the earth for your possession why did he give that to him because of his faithfulness because of his faithfulness hebrews chapter 1 verse 2 says god has spoken to us in these last days by his son whom he has appointed as heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds he made us he owns us he he bought us he has a right to claim us we're kind of glad that he will in heaven when we sit around the throne and the judgment's about to go forward it is the cry of heaven who brings the judgment forth who's able who's worthy there's only one and it isn't me or you it's the lord who bought us for nearly 6 000 years man has been a slave to sin and jesus has come to be and to offer re redemption freedom liberty to all yet we're going to have to choose to follow him we have to have the gold hearing we don't want this world we want to be a slave here we want to serve the lord be his servant and whatever you choose it's an eternal consequence so as the angel cries out who is worthy john begins to weep because he realizes at least in the in the pause that takes place in heaven he can't think of anybody that's worthy who is going to help us who is in a position to do that and if there's no one to redeem the earth then the influence and the rulership of the enemy is going to go on unopposed for all of eternity and john had seen enough you know he had seen enough of that in his 90 or 95 years of life he was on an island because of his faith and the thought of of not having a redeemer convulsed him there's no hope for man i don't doubt that the the pause between the cry of the angel and the answer from the church to the others and to john in particular to look at jesus was designed to to draw attention to the unique position that jesus holds as the redeemer that he's the only one that can deliver man from for all of eternity so we read in verse 5 but one of the elders remember the elders represent those 24 elders represent the church this church says to john stop weak stop weeping or don't weep behold in other words check this out look at this unusual site the line of the tribe of judah the root of david has prevailed to open the scrolls and to loose its seven seals hey man quit making such a scene look at this and the silence and the suspense in heaven is broken as jesus comes forward verse six which we're not going to do tonight but i'll get you back here this week this way to take the scroll from the father's hand it's going to be epic isn't it and don't cry along with john just wait for jesus to get up you see john we read ahead the line of the tribe of judah when jacob spoke to his children from his death bed there in genesis chapter 49 he he prophesied over them and their futures and you you can find that the the prophecies over these tribes bear out over the next hundreds of years as they go forward it was really a word from the lord through jacob for these for these sons but when he got to judah this is what he said judah you are he whom your brothers shall praise your hand shall be on the back of your enemies neck your father's children shall bow down before you judah is like a lion's welp from the prey my son you have gone up he bows down and he lies down as a lion and as a lion who shall rouse him the scepter will not depart from judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh comes and to him shall be the obedience of the people a prophecy that that the the rulership in judah's hand will not depart until the savior the messiah the shiloh comes the rabbis in jesus day were were weeping when the romans took over authority from israel they said oh it's not fulfilled this promise of god through jacob to judah has not fulfilled we don't have a messiah what they didn't know was born in bethlehem was a savior the lion of the tribe of judah the king of the jungle and the the lion of the tribe of judah will take care of the one that's posing like a lion right what is peter says be careful be vigilant remember your adversary of the devil he walks around like a roaring lion well wait till he meets the real roaring lie because this little fake dude is going to be taken care of pretty well and he's the root of david or root means offspring or offshoot if you will according to the flesh jesus is the only jew alive today that can trace his genealogical records back to david no one else can he's god and he is man it is what the jews have missed and that jesus sought to show them if you have your bible with you just for a minute if you can flip over to chapter 22 of matthew just want to point out just one example that i think kind of highlights the heart of the lord towards towards his people and wanting to have them know who he is matthew chapter 22 verse 41 is a really good example in about five verses or so maybe six verses um of what the lord's desire was in in coming to save verse 41 matthew 22 says this while the pharisees were gathered together jesus asked them and said what do you think about the meshiach the christ whose son is he and they said well he is the son of david two questions what do you think about the messiah whose son is he the first is of course the key question the answer to which will determine your eternal destiny who is the messiah who is the savior jesus is not asking their personal opinion as much as he's asking their professional opinion after all according to luke chapter 20 these men were all sadducees they were of the sec that didn't believe in the afterlife or even in angels but they were the students of the bible which is very interesting they taught the law but didn't believe in god and so he challenged them to answer the question from their skill level from their professional insights the second question they they that he asked they answered half right he was indeed the son of david according to the flesh he was the son of david but he was so much more when nathan the prophet came to david to make a promise to him about what god had in store for him it we're told in second samuel chapter 7 that the lord said to david when your days are fulfilled and you go to rest with your fathers in other words when you die i'm going to set up your seed after you it's going to come from your body i'm going to establish his kingdom he'll build a house for my name he'll extend and i'll establish his throne out of his kingdom forever i'll be his father he'll be my son if he commits iniquity i'd chasten him with the rods of men and with the blows of me and so there's that crossover david will have children descendants but one is coming that would be the savior through the flesh they were right david would come or jesus or the messiah would come through through the lineage of david in jeremiah jeremiah in speaking the lord speaking through jeremiah says behold the days are coming saith the lord i will raise up to david a branch of righteousness a king who will reign and prosper and execute judgments and execute righteousness to paul all the earth so the prophets testify whose son is he they said the son of david and then jesus jesus said verse 43 here how then does david in the spirit call him lord because he said the lord said to my lord sit at my right hand until i make your enemies your footstool jesus now challenges these students and teachers in hopes of bringing them to faith by the word of god which they said that they knew and jesus turns them in his thoughts to david's psalms psalm 110. which by the way is the most quoted psalm in the new testament you can look it up you'll find this showing up more than any other psalm which is interesting maybe that's never occurred to you but it is it occurred to me a couple of different times in teaching jesus assert does a couple of things he affirms that david is the author of psalm 110 that he wrote it by the spirit there are most bible i'd say most there are many bible scholars today that refute that david wrote this at all but my bible says he wrote it and jesus said he wrote it so go ahead and dispute guys i'm going to go with jesus see how that works out david lived in a very patriarchal society where the father was the absolute ruler of his home one thing that ruler would never have done is call his son lord or master if you will and jesus presents that dilemma to these students of the bible if the messiah is simply the son of david what is david doing calling him lord now if you've been with us or have been studying your bible you know in the old testament when the word lord is in all capitals l-o-r-d um then it is a representation you can look at verse 44 here it's a direct quote it is the word signifying jehovah or yahweh depending on how you believe it should be pronounced it means the becoming one but when it is a capital l with a small ord it is a translation of the word adonai which is literally the word for master the one that i would bow my knee to so the 64 thousand dollar question in verse 45 from jesus to these men who did not believe in the lord and in his love to reach out to them so that their faith could turn to him what was questioning them not to make them look foolish or to hurt them but to help them and the only con conclusion that you can make when he says well how can david then call him adonai if he's just his son and nothing more in the hopes that they would then trust him as the lord it was such a revelation to peter that he would use this same truth and the same verse in his first sermon in acts chapter 2. he would go out of his way to use this as an illustration in preaching the gospel to the thousands who had gathered paul would be so moved by it that he would use it in romans chapter 9 verse 5 to make the argument that there's only one messiah in his name is christ and that if you've missed him then there's no hope it is the very truth that that that jesus now presents to these men but i should say to you it was the very truth that had been driving their hatred for some time if you look at john chapter 10 and jesus's discussion with the jews in fact it starts with the words and then the jews took stones up again to stone him again to stone him and jesus said i've shown you many good works for my father for which of those are you stoning me or threatening to and the jews said to jesus for any good work we were not stoning you we're stoning you for blasphemy because you being a man now claim to be god they understood but that gives them every right to the to the to the scroll doesn't it and to man into man's life and to the earth in every inning unfortunately verse 46 here ends with the words and no one was able to answer him a word nor from that day on did anyone dare ask him any more questions unfortunately the logic of jesus and the argument in his love draw brought silence rather than repentance if you go back through these confrontations and the whole chapter i guess is is filled with them where the lord is is being confronted by uh the religious leaders in in all kinds of ways you read in verse let's see verse 15. then the pharisees went out and they planned how they might entangle him in his talk rather than than cheering the answer that he had given uh they wanted to see if they could use his words against him if you go to verse 22 same chapter when they heard these things they marveled and they went away they left him they went away they didn't repent they just walked away verse 33 and when the multitude heard this they were astonished at his teaching but they didn't repent and in verse 46 they just decided they should just stop asking questions it wasn't that they didn't have answers they just didn't have the answers they wanted so going back to our verse there in revelation chapter five the church the elders say to john don't weep behold look the child the line of the tribe of judah who is the root of david he has prevailed it means he has conquered he has overcome he's the one who has defeated sin bought the whole the whole field purchased us with a great price he's the only one he's the only one he's prevailed so that he can open the scroll and loose the seven seals he is worthy to declare god's judgment deliverance for the save judgments for the lost it is exactly what we the church have been singing at the top of our lungs if we still have lungs i don't know and we'll sing it in verse nine notice in verse nine you are worthy to take the scroll to open the seals because you are slain and you have redeemed us to god by your blood out of every tribe tongue people and nation and made us kings and priests our god and we shall reign upon the earth you're the one he's purchased the field and paid the price for the treasure now it's interesting to me and we'll look at it more next week but notice that that the elder says look at the lamb of the tribe of judah and verse 6 says john turned around and he saw a lamb as though i had been slain look at the lamb and he look at the lion he sees the lamb jesus in heaven will still mirror the marks of his sacrifice in fact the only evidence of earth and its sin will be on the body of jesus christ his scars will remain for eternity it'll be a reminder to all of us of the evidence of his love and the fight the fact that he completely paid the price for our sins well next week we'll get to the glorious conclusion we'll see the lord step up and take the throne and take the scroll and and take the center stage and notice when that is finished the worship and the acknowledgement of who he is in his worth we then get to chapter 6 verse 1 where the judgment of god begins to be poured out as the first seal is removed and then we will i think we're actually going to just take the first seal no i think we'll take the first four seals probably on that week the four horsemen of the apocalypse if you will and then you know we're in for 12 chapters of judgment man it's going to be hard but but hopefully it'll remind us that we're not going to be here and we should share with other people so they don't have to be here either you wouldn't want to wish this on your worst enemy and just to be clear jesus is the only one that's going to be able to get people out of this he's our only hope so how close are we to chapter four verse one i don't know we could all practice jumping up to see come quickly lord father how thankful we are tonight for your word to us and the fact that we have a savior a lord that's the one who has given his life purchased the entire field so that we the treasure they're in you valued us so much that you were willing to go this far to give this much so that we could be with you for eternity that we are your inheritance the glory of your inheritance in the saints that for the joy set before you you went through all of this because you kept your eyes on us as the reward as the prize as the as as the crown that he gathered we're just blown away god and as we have communion next week just to be reminded of that so it's amazing that you would go to these links to be sure that we're one day with you throwing our crowns at your feet and singing worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb thank you lord for saving us may we take that good news to everyone that will listen knowing that god a sinner turned to jesus becomes a life that honors you for which you've come and why you died and why you rose and living in this dark world that is going to get no better you have sent us out as sheep among the wolves as lambs among the wolves and yet you promise to be with us and that your word will powerfully save and it's touched our lives now may others be touched through our life and if tonight you're listening here or next door online look know this god's greatest desire is to give you life but because he is righteous it's not going to be you know him sweeping your sins under the rug or or you know getting a deal where you know he'll look the other way this time god is holy besides a god of love he's also a righteous god and when he declares that death comes through sin someone has to pay he won't change the rules for our fall but he'll offer himself as the solution that's why it's such an affront to to trample underfoot the blood of the lamb because you can't save yourself you can't do it alone you won't make it there but faith in christ you'll be given a gift as god honors his sons as you exalt his name you get eternal life but what at what price the broken body of our savior he is indeed worthy to be praised and if tonight you'll call upon his name he'll save you and if you're here tonight we're over in the overflow room come and pray with one of the pastors if you're online follow the links in the description box and let let the lord just meet you there through his word because he's a he's a great god who who doesn't want to lose you to sin he he didn't come to condemn the world we're told he said he came so that the world through him could be saved we're already condemned sin has done that we need a savior so he's come to be your deliverer not your executioner call on his name tonight find life shall we stand [Music] is anyone worthy is anyone hold is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll the light of judah will conquer [Applause] [Music] every nation and time [Music] is he worthy is he worthy of a blessing in honor and glory is he worthy is he worthy is he worthy [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise you god bless you lord hallelujah [Music] amen father go before us this week allow us to tell someone about you and use us we pray in jesus name amen god bless you guys have a good week
Channel: morningstarcc
Views: 545
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3nvdc1zkA-Q
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Length: 92min 54sec (5574 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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