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you jesus you died for all precious of my soul my freedom is [Music] love [Music] jesus you died for all precious love unthinkable savior love my [Music] is [Music] in [Music] i am [Music] [Music] my soul [Music] jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus [Music] is [Music] i am yourself [Music] cathedral tops city blocks cobblestone and london shops the cliffs of birth for what it's worth [Music] sacred rocks and all the trees just believe you always be mountains always be the world to me after all i traveled me [Music] me hello what yeah it's there why'd you get all all quiet great i'm up here trying to get ready good evening good evening how's everybody how's everybody all right well it's good to be in church wednesday night let's go ahead and we'll pray pastor jack by the way is going to be in revelation chapter 9 tonight i think we're looking at the first 12 verses there so you can have your bibles ready but let's pray lord we are so excited to be here to be able to gather in this place and to have you lord as as the one thing that holds us together especially in the times that we're in as we look around what a blessing it is to have the stability of a relationship with you and that very thing that that binds us together as a church as the body of christ and in so doing lord it's our desire to take advantage of this time tonight and lift up our praises to you give you the honor and the glory that you are due and to get our hearts prepared for your word so may your hand of blessing and enabling be honest tonight as we learn more of your commandments for us and your will for us as individuals and as a church in jesus name amen amen let's all stand together and praise the lord [Music] nowhere else that i would rather be [Music] it doesn't make a difference where i am as long as i'm with you as long as i'm with you walk with me talk with me hold my head be my god be my closest friend [Music] giving you praise up in of [Music] i'd rather be right here than any other place resting in your arms i'm resting in your [Music] [Music] walk with me talk with me hold my hand be my god my closest friend now i'm lifting my hands up in the house [Music] never [Music] [Music] lifting my hands up in the house of god never gonna stop no never gonna stop no leaving you praise up in the house of god never gonna stop no never gonna stop no you may be seated [Music] there were walls between us by the cross you came and broke them down you broke them down there were chains around us by your grace we are no longer bound no longer bound you called me out of the grave you call me into the light you call my name and then my heart came alive your love is greater the love is stronger your love awakens [Music] is feel dark is shaking all the dead are coming back to life they're coming back to life here's a song awaken all creations singing we're alive cause you're alive you called me out of the crate you called me into the light you called my name and then my heart gave me [Music] is [Music] we shout it out we'll laugh the soul [Music] your love is stronger your love awakens awakens awakens me your love is greater your love is stronger your love awakens [Music] is [Music] me [Music] you unravel me with a melody you surround me with a song [Music] of deliberate from my enemies too long my fears are gone i'm no [Music] i am a child of god [Music] i am a child of god [Music] you have chosen me and love has scored my i've been born again into your family your blood flows through my [Music] i am a child of [Music] i am a child of god [Music] so i could walk right through it my face [Music] [Music] that i am a child so i could walk right through [Music] is that i am a child of god i am a child of god [Music] [Music] [Music] all things have passed [Music] your constant grace remains the golden [Music] in life [Music] all that you've done we will pour out our love this will be our anthem song jesus we love you jesus we love you [Music] the orphans now have a warmth that [Music] [Music] peace [Music] and for all that you've done we will pour out our love this will be our anthem song [Music] jesus we love you [Music] jesus we [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus we love you oh [Music] jesus we love you oh how we love you are the one heart to do amen well we have a few announcements for you tonight this saturday the neighborhood outreach is going to be gathering up the team is going to go out so if you want to be part of that this saturday they're going to meet at 10 a.m in the church parking lot and you can uh meet up with the team there they're going to be going to our immediate neighborhood and going door to door to invite people to church so you can come if you're nervous about it don't worry we're going to pair you up with someone else or another idea would be to come with the entire family and then you and your kids can have an assignment to an area and be able to go out and invite people to church so that is this saturday at 10 o'clock meet in the church parking lot as well the new believers class is going to begin their next six week series and that's coming up this sunday may the 23rd they'll be over in room four so that's going to begin at one o'clock and go till 2 30. so if you want to get a good foundation your faith if you've been new to the faith or if you've been walking with the lord for a while join the new believer's class also the children's choir for our vacation bible school is beginning their practices that's going to be also this sunday may 23rd they're going to meet at one o'clock in the afternoon right here in the fellowship hall so if you have a little one that's between three years old and sixth grade and you'd like them to be part of the children's choir for the vbs for vacation bible school have them come to that practice you can pick up uh lyric sheets and the cds to practice with over in room three and then finally our junior high ministry is having a gap event they're calling it the fiesta gap that's going to be this sunday at uh 2 o'clock they'll go from 2 to 4 30 and they'll be meeting in room 16 and a chance for the kids to get together the junior highers to get together have some fellowship together some fun and gather around god's word and if you have a sixth grader that's heading into junior high they're also welcome to come so let's go ahead and stand for this last song you hold the reins on the sun [Music] you cover the mountains the valleys feel alone with the breath your mighty wings treasures of wisdom and things to be known are hidden inside your [Music] you asked me to be your friend [Music] you are my first you are my last [Music] you are my future [Music] constellations are swimming inside the breath [Music] [Music] the treasures of wisdom and things to be known are hidden inside your head in this fortunate turn of offense you ask me to be your friend [Music] you are my last [Music] and you you [Music] you are my future [Music] you are the beginning in the end you are the [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you are my future [Music] [Music] you are my last [Music] you you are my first you are my last you are my future [Music] my we're just here to praise you we're here to thank you for what you've done for us lord you've gone before us and you know what we've been through lord and and you've taken care of us all the way through we can trust in you we can count on you lord so just uh help us understand your word may we hear what you want to tell us lord um we leave today just learning something new of how to be more like you lord we pray all these things in your name [Applause] amen [Applause] all right take a minute and say hello to someone you haven't met find them you'll find them they're here [Applause] everybody [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] well here we are keep praying for the building they're supposed to be down here any day now by this summer by the end of summer we'll be all finished it's been an amazing journey i hope you're satisfied man all right let's open our bibles tonight to revelation chapter nine we're just going to plug along studying this book and i i can't really go over every chapter for you every week or will never get finished but suffice it to say that when you get to chapter 4 the church is in heaven the rest of the book is about you not being here until you come back with jesus so why then do we have to study it well for one thing i think the prophecies of the old testament are fulfilled so clearly that your confidence in god's word should grow second of all it should behoove us to take it seriously and realize there's going to be a generation which could very well be ours that faces what we are reading and it's horrible so it should motivate us to go tell somebody about jesus and how they can escape these things like we're going to escape them but by like i said chapter 4 and 5 you find yourself in heaven and then in chapter 6 the great tribulation begins it's the 70th week of daniel it is jacob's trouble it is god turning from the church at large which has now been rescued to israel as a nation and he will take them through these last seven years through through them he will reach the world he will rule from jerusalem he will send out jewish witnesses it's all about israel's usefulness to god in many ways and all of their promises to them will be fulfilled in these next seven years it is our firm belief that verse 1 and 2 of chapter 6 are the only things that happen in the first three and a half years it is the uh introduction of the antichrist but not as who he truly is but who he looks to be maybe the messiah you know the one who's going to solve problems and bring peace to the mideast and just problem solver and it isn't really until the half the tribulation is done at the halfway mark that he comes to a temple that's been rebuilt ready to be used and demand still be worshipped and says that he's god and at some point after that says unless you take my mark you can't buy or sell you'll die and satan's heart is is revealed and so is this charade from this fella and then beginning in verse 3 of chapter 6 the second seal and you remember that these seals were on a scroll that jesus took from his father's hand it is the title deed to the earth he is the only one that can open it bring judgment to it claim it as his own but starting in verse 3 of chapter 6 it all goes forward from there into the second half of the great tribulation beginning with seals 2 3 and 4 and chapter 6 which talk about the results of or the consequences of the war that follows when people begin to rebel against this man of sin war breaks out famine follows disease and death when you get to the fifth seal the lord stops the the suffering to say to us through his word look at here's already the martyrs coming out of the great tribulation and now they are found under the altar of the lord crying out for justice how long before you have vendish and then they're told to wait that there's going to be many more that follow them into glory the sixth seal is it brings forth these very cosmic disturbances in the earth a great earthquake worldwide that shakes everyone a sun that is blackened and a moon that looks like blood appears in the skies stars begin to smite the earth and fall from the from the heavens it leaves man according to the end of chapter six in great terror many want to hide from him who sits on the throne they say his the day of his great wrath has come they know who they're dealing with and yet they don't repent in chapter seven it is a a kind of a pause in the the judgments all of the six there are three sets of seven judgments but the seventh one always begins leads us to the next if you will so before the seventh seal is opened the lord shows us 144 000 jewish witnesses that he seals to be his witnesses not only to israel but to the world as well through them we will meet them again in chapter 14 and find out that out of the 144 000 we don't lose one they are kept by the lord there's no defects nobody's turning to run and hide nobody's snatched from the lord's hand if you will they all arrive safe and secure with fruit abounding about them that the bible says is without number so they were very successful at the end of chapter seven we are once again given a view by the lord of the fruit that came through and you can read it there in chapter seven if you were with us um and these pauses are are significant because it's like the lord puts the brakes on to say look what god is doing in the midst of judgment there's still mercy and i think it's a big lesson in the book that god is still merciful even when you know we deserve to to to receive the the backhand you know so to speak from god's hand um as far as the seals and then the trumpets and then the ball judgments the seals last a long time because the first ones open at the beginning of the of the seven years it lasts at least half of that a little bit more the uh trumpet judgments seem to go a little bit long but not as long as the seals and then the bold judgments are really quick we might say that they happen in a matter of days or weeks as opposed to months or years so those are the three that you kind of have to remember in those orders and a lot of it will kind of put come together if you will for you when you get to chapter eight we then run into the first of the seven trumpet judgments and as the seventh seal is open these seven angels are given seven trumpets they stand before the lord and they sound them we looked at the first four of them last time through chapter eight they are called the one third judgments because as these uh trumpets are blown by these angels in heaven something happens in the earth and a fourth sorry a third part of something dies in this case it has to do with those things that support life upon the earth the first one takes out the trees a third of them and the grasses which grow back but yet at a time when the judgment comes the second trumpet takes out the sea and as a third of it turns to blood the third one takes out a third of the fresh water supply and then the fourth trumpet again the the heavens are darkened in the sun and the moon and the stars lose a third of their ability to illuminate or give light so keep in your mind as you read these things god's judgment is is just it is more than deserved it is it is tempered with his mercy throughout but at some point we have to answer to the lord for the decisions we make and and certainly um this is the the last book of the bible this is where it goes and from here we we end up with a new heaven and a new earth we did mention to you last week and i'm going to mention it to you again tonight that there's a tremendous tendency on the part of bible teachers to quantify what john is trying to explain with a first century mentality he just uses the metaphors and the similes a lot the words as and like we've tried to convince you and if we haven't i'll try again that a lot of the judgments that we read here don't need to be explained in a natural sense because the bottom line is god said this is going to happen and it will and if you don't believe it just go back to egypt because some of these are exactly what you find in egypt on a far larger scale not localized but worldwide and if you go to if you go to exodus um you won't find those same scholars saying well this is probably one of these things because it wasn't then and so it certainly doesn't have to be now but i just lay that out for you because if you're if you're studying revelation on your own you're going to get a lot of opinions and i hope that you'll just stick with what you're given and kind of leave it at that verse 8 ends with an angel saying woe woe woe there are still three judgments to come three angels that still have to blow the trumpets tonight we are going to take the fifth trumpet it only is 12 verses we'll take the the sixth one next week and then when we get through these six trumpets we will have chapter 10 11 12 13 and 14. five chapters of pause where we don't move forward we look around and god so look over here and see what's going on over there and here i'd like to show you what's happening here so if you're making outlines of your for yourself it makes it easy to remember there's five chapters of after the sixth trumpet that there's a pause before the seventh and after all of these times where the six happens before the seventh the lord stops and usually makes reports of things that are good and and and the fruit that follows them so the the fifth angel will sound the trumpet tonight in heaven a corresponding action will take a place upon the earth and i wanna i i only slowed down tonight because i think there are some things in here that are worth explaining and have you think about um i realize that this isn't the book to study is is hard because you got to put on your thinking cap and kind of think it through and i hope i can help you do that tonight but but it is certainly worth the effort but over all of this stuff you're not here you're not here praise the lord you're not here you're going to be in heaven singing jesus praises like we did tonight we're practicing all right verse 1 chapter 9 the fifth trumpet the demonic activity that comes upon the earth we read these words then the fir the fifth angel sounded and i saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth to him was given the keys to the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace so that the sun and the air was darkened because of the smoke from the pit now john has seen a lot of things falling from the skies already you can go back to chapter 6 verse 13 at the opening of the the sixth seal and and john said he saw stars falling out of the skies kind of like untimely figs that fell off a tree uh you you can read last week in chapter eight verse let's see verse 5 verse 7 verse 8 verse 10 again of things falling from the sky like a burning star like a great mountain on fire like blood you know the lightning just the judgments of god crashing to the earth as as god you know responds to the trumpets if you will and pours out his wrath i want you to knows first of all that this is this star is a person not a thing and you can read that in verse one to him was given the keys to the bottom of the spit and verse two he was able to open up this bottomless pit the word stars oftentimes in the scriptures refers to angels both fallen and and the non-fallen variety if you will when when job was meeting with the lord and the lord kind of confronted job and you know put him in his place towards the end of chapter 37 38 40 41 right through there the lord said to job where were you when the morning stars sang together and the sons of god shouted for joy and it's that word for for angels but this one is those who god had created who were there on the day of creation and where man was not um later on in chapter 12 verse 4 of this book we will read let me read it to you in fact verse 4 where it says his tale drew a third of the stars out of heaven and they were thrown to the earth and the dragon stood by the woman who was ready to give birth to devour her child as soon as it was born and we gather from revelation chapter 12 that when satan's fall took place that we don't know how many angels god created there were millions we can guess for sure but a third of them went bad joined the rebellion joined the revolt the word fallen here is in the perfect tense which just in greek means something that happened in the past but that has ongoing consequences in the present it means they're still falling they're still defiant they're still fallen angels if you will and john here gives us a report or a view it seems of satan falling from heaven in the old testament god gives us plenty of insights into satan's fall this chief angel the the head worship leader the one who was given more privilege than anyone else he didn't deserve it it was given to him and if you read isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through i think verse 17 also ezekiel chapter 28 starting in verse 11 you will learn about satan's gifts or lucifer's gifts if you will his his position as a worship leader his his ability to sing like nobody else's business um and that he had great ambition at some point along the way before man was created in heaven the angels were given a choice like man is given a choice don't know how it was led to that but he began to say to himself in that place of serving i want to be like the most high god i want to sit on the seats of the north i want people to bow down to me i want to be in charge and that doesn't work with god and this created being is is dismissed if you will and he is thrown out of heaven like we said chapter 12 verse 4 says a third of the angel joined him in his rebellion they made their choice that day and lucifer has his name changed to him any other names to satan to deceiver to liar after the fall jesus in speaking about this fallen angel in john chapter 8 verse 44 called him a liar he said he was the father of all lives that he was a murderer from the beginning he called him in john 14 verse 30 the the prince of this world paul called him in second corinthians 4 the god of this age paul said to timothy in the last days you will find these seducing spirits and doctrines of devils paul wrote to the ephesians in chapter six and said here's the kind of warfare that we fight not against flesh and blood but against satan and all of his little cohorts and then gives to us uh you know the kind of armaments that god has provided for us as christians to fight against the rulers of dark places and in the heavenlies and all in high places and so we have an enemy and notice that this enemy now is seen just at the time of the the fifth uh trumpet sound as a star falling from heaven to the earth whether john has shown his initial fall back back in eight you know isaiah 14 he has certainly he sees it here and and he comments on it because he is remember told in chapter 1 verse 19 write down what you see the things that are coming when jesus was responding to the disciples as they were giving a report to him of uh the 70 had gone out two by two and the lord said how's it going and they came back with joy they said oh man we like this ministry even the demons are subject to us because of your name and jesus said oh well i've saw satan falling like lightning from heaven i've given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions over all of the deadly power of the enemy nothing shall by any means hurt you nevertheless don't rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you rejoice rather in this your name has been written in heaven and so they were fascinated by the power over the enemy jesus said oh no i've taken care of the enemy you should be happy you're coming with me right that should be your great joy and so jesus now you know gives to us or to gives to john i should say the this beautiful picture of of of the enemy and what his intentions are and uh jesus is coming certainly spelled doom for the enemy you know if he thought for one minute he was going to get away with fooling man when jesus came on the scene whatever that whatever that misconception was clearly i think cleared up in john chapter 12 the lord said the the judgment of this world has come the ruler of this world is going to be cast out if i'm lifted up i'll draw all men to myself and then he said in john 16 you can talk about judgment to people because the the prince of this world the ruler of this world has been judged so he was put out of commission right in your life and mine if you are under the enemies you know rule or or influence you can change gods you can go to jesus and find the living god and then read the rest of the book because the living god wins out and this fallen angel will not here in revolution revolution revelation as well we see the fulfillment of all of these things that satan is now heading for his final judgment we know from job first chapter revelation chapter 12 is when when we get there that satan after even after his fall still had to give periodic reports of his behavior to the lord and for that matter gain permission from him before he did anything destructive although he would have liked to do that constantly he has to report to the lord he has access to the throne he's the accuser of the brethren you know he'll say to the lord have you seen that pastor jack what an idiot he is to which i'm sure the lord replied oh yeah and he belongs to me and i'm covered right he knows about us but we're covered so um the enemy has access to this day to the throne of god more so than anything else to realize that he is under uh his power and he's on a very short leash and he's only going to be allowed to do what god allows him to do and now when you get to revelation chapter 9 his days are numbered and his access to god biblically is about to hit its final days in fact as we continue and get to chapter 12 verse 7 he will be thrown out of heaven and the door will be locked that'll be his last access that'll be his last you know accusation it'll be the accuser of the brethren will have no more access whatsoever but but that's not now for now we read he he falls as a star from heaven we we've learned that in several places not sure which one john gets to see or if it's just this one but he is given a key to the bottomless pit now before we look at the pit for a minute and i want to walk you through that a little bit notice the key is given to satan because it just fits in with everything that you should understand satan as wicked as is has to answer to the lord and if god allows it then satan works for god in a very odd way right the lord has his will done and when he says no he says no i want to i want to lay my hand on job's body no you will not do that you can lay your hand on his family or you can lay his hand on his wealth but you can't take his life there's always this controlling interest that the lord exercises and he's limited in in his authority you remember back back in chapter six verse two when the antichrist come out looking trying to look like jesus that we read a crown was given to him who gave it to him the lord did he gave him the permission to to to play this end game because the the judgment of god was about to fall upon the earth if you go back to chapter 1 verse 18 you might remember that you will read there who holds the key to death and and hell and you'll read that it's jesus he has the key so with this fifth trumpet satan has given a key okay to have access to some of his most demonic demons is there a demonic demon i think there must be some of the worst if you will of the worst for a time here satan is allowed to be limited in scope of his activity and he will gather hordes of his equals so to speak together and they will they will do to men what they would have liked to do at every step along the way had they just been given a chance if nothing else read these verses and understand what satan's desire would be if he was taken off the leash this is what he would like to do to you he's no friend of yours he's no friend of the world he's no friend of god or god's ways he needs to be locked up and put away and one day soon he will be good riddance i say but never lose sight of the fact of who is on the throne and if he's the lord of your life jesus says then greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world but if he's not in your life hey you've got a terrible god you're serving who is not for you who could care less about you and the sooner you learn of his evil plans maybe the sooner you'll turn to jesus and give him your life but for now satan is being allowed by god during this time to make war with the saints and to prevail chapter 13 verse 7 says exactly that he's been allowed to make war with the saints and prevail that's where a lot of these these uh saints are coming from and gathered in heaven he seems to be winning he's not going to win but for a time he is given this authority so he gets a key he goes to open the bottomless pit the word is abuso or abyss the deep if you will a well without a bottom it is used seven times in the book of revelation and we're given some insight into this place i kind of want to walk you through that so your your mind is kind of caught up elsewhere in the scriptures for example in luke 16 we are told by jesus of a place where the dead were taken prior to his death and it was known as hades in greek or sheol shale in hebrew it is translated in lots of ways hell and death and whatever but we learned there in luke 16 with uh the rich man that there were two compartments in shield or in hades and they were separated by a gulf between them so you couldn't cross from one to the next and we learned as you read in luke 16 and there you know it's not a parable because all the parables are they are introduced with the word parable there's this isn't a parable jesus is talking plain english so to speak or plain greek if you like um or plain aramaic but he's he's speaking plainly and he tells us about this place that there are two sides on the one side the souls of those who had died in sin in rebellion are kept on the other side is a place called abraham's bosom where the rich man went you remember that story and that you know the the fella that went on the bad side cried out you know father abraham could i just can you bring me some water put it on my lip or can i go back and warn them about this place i don't want anybody else to come to this place of torment and you remember that he was told they look even if someone raised from the dead they're not going to believe it you're going to have to just you know you're here now this is your plight in life this is your plight for eternity and so there is this separation between these two compartments from what we can understand the the side of judgment still is there awaiting judgment the side of people who had died without the lord still gathered there however in the bible from all of the references to that place the only people we see there are men and women not angels so these aren't fallen angels that are gathered they're the the souls of those who have rebelled against christ you remember certainly um that in these two compartments that we are told in matthew i think it's chapter i want to say chapter 12 where jesus said to the boys now as jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of that great fish so will the son of man be three days and nights in the heart of the earth in the center of the earth when jesus died we know that one of the places he went was to shield or to hades we read in in ephesians chapter 4 verse 8 he that ascended jesus he first descended and he led captivity captive and he brought gifts to men so one of the things that jesus did during those three days was he went and he preached to the spirits in prison declared his victory gathered them together and says come with me i've died for your sins heaven's door is open and he brought this first fruits to heaven right they were taken by the lord into glory the other side is left where it is and today they are still awaiting the judgment of god we read in psalm 68 you have ascended on high you have led captivity captive you have received gifts among men even from the rebellious that the lord god may dwell there paul wrote in romans chapter 10 who will descend into the abyss that is to bring christ up from the dead now there is another place mentioned in the bible a place where god has chained some of the fallen angels and we suspect that that's who these are being let out and they are particularly wicked they are not allowed to roam the earth like the other fallen angels they have you know they have no freedom whatsoever and so the lord has chosen to lock them up if you will they as loyal as every fallen angel along with satan will one day be cast into the into gehenna the lake of fire the second death but but this place is is linked with haiti somehow it has a relationship with that place that the the souls of men that had died the one side is empty now abraham's buddhism the other side is still waiting judgment but if you go to that romans 10 passage verse 7 you will read who will descend into the abyss and it is the same word to bring christ up from the dead and paul seems to associate them two together there is a horrible place from what we can gather from the scriptures certainly the penitentiary for fallen evil angelic spirits so vile that they are chained up without freedom peter when he mentions them in ii peter says this god did not spare the angels who sinned but he cast them to hell and then he delivered them into chains of darkness reserved for judgment in jude chapter 6 we read and the angels who did not keep their proper domain but left their own abode he has reserved in everlasting change under darkness for the judgment of that great day and we suspect that these angels were those who went and cohabited with men back in genesis chapter six and they left their first estate and they they entered into these very you know offensive relationship that created a a race of giants you will read in genesis chapter 6 that the sons of god remember sons of god is an angelic comet saw that the daughters of men were beautiful they took wives from all that they chose the lord said my spirit will not always try with man he is indeed flesh his day will be 120 years and after the after the flood men's average age began to quickly fall from six and seven in 800 years down to by the time we get to to david in the book of psalms about 70 or 80 years but but it almost immediately went to 120. and then we read this in genesis chapter 6 there were giants in the land in those days and afterwards when the sons of men went into the daughters of men and bore children to them they were mighty men of old men of renown these giants this race of the netherlands these giants so there was a couple references to these wicked angels who who went away from that place that they should have stayed in their angelic state if you will even though they had fallen and cohabited and created this race which led besides the wickedness of men to the to the flood as well it is out of this same pit this abyss that we will find satan coming out in chapter 11 verse 7. as as we read there uh there there the beast will ascend out of the bottomless pit and make war with those the saints and overcome them and kill these two witnesses we will read about them this place again in chapter 17 i think verse 8 where we will read the beast that you saw was and is not and will ascend out of the bottomless pits and go to perdition but those who dwell on the earth will marvel whose names are not written in the face of the book of life from the foundation of the earth when they see the beast that was and is not and yet he still is so um lots of mentions to this place and it does seem like what we're gonna see coming out of this place are the worst of the worst those that god has chained up have not allowed them to to travel if you will it'll be the same place that by the way that the devil will be chained for a thousand years when you and i get to rule and reign with christ upon the earth in revelation chapter 20 i think it's the first three verses you'll read and i saw an angel come down from heaven he had the key of the bottomless pit pit a great chain in his hand he grabbed hold of the dragon the serpent of old who was the devil and satan and bound him for a thousand years and cast him into this bottomless pit and set a seal on him so that he should no longer deceive the nations until this thousand years had passed and then if you've read ahead satan is released for a little while and there's still people on the earth who are going to side with him until their own obviously destruction but you know there's all sin will never make you smart so um and then he will be thrown into gehenna the the the permanent place of hiding peter mentions this place this abyss this place of just holding angels and he uses the word tartarus it is only used by peter it is only used in one place but you find it in the writings of homer when he wrote the iliad and he talked about a place that was lower than hades and he called it tartarus and peter uses that word to describe it so our presumption is only because that's all we have from the scriptures of where that place might be it might very well be attached to uh she-hull if you will um and noting knowing those things i think it does cash some light on like passages like luke chapter eight you remember when jesus uh was dealing with those uh you know that man's possessed by the devil and and he said well what is your name and he said we are legion right there's a lot of us living here in the man at the tombs and uh and they begged him the demons did jesus please don't send us into the bottomless pit the abuso the abyss so there's lots to look at so you can kind of get your head on straight with all of that stuff but again the the abuso is mentioned so here in our current study satan is now given a key to a shaft that leads to this pit the lock is opened he's given it god is allowing it imagine opening the doors of any maximum security prisoner wait we do that now and letting out the most heinous criminals for foreshadowing uh and this is the worst of the foul demon spirits that come forth now to do their wickedness to join their master they're free they haven't ever been free they are they are bloodthirsty and ready to destroy because that's how satan is towards us their desire like i said should as you read it should be a reflection of their character right satan can look like the angel of light he can look like the savior on the white horse but he is now unmasked and one thing we learn i think from the book of revelation is the true nature of the devil as god takes his mask off and we find that he'll do whatever he can i i i would say to you this is as close to hell on earth as we get this is hell on earth right for a while unfortunately the lord you know has the control of what takes place but we're told in verse i completely confuse you okay good we're told in verse two that this when the door was open that smoke came out like a great furnace and again just to point out to you a hundred times the word like and as are metaphors john you know to him it just looked like it there was a big fire and a smoke stack and this was so thick that it it affected the atmosphere it blocked out the sun if you will the same term by the way is used uh in genesis when abraham looks over the plains of sodom and gomorrah there in genesis chapter 19 and he said the the place was filled with smoke it looked like the smoke of a furnace and he just it was the same description that john now gives seeing these wicked demons come forth uh in luke chapter 16 verse 24 where i talk to you about you know the fella crying out father abraham have mercy on us send lazarus over here and give us something to drink i'm in torment in this flame it is a description of this holding place a busso but we suspect that it is the same then for where the angels are being kept verse 3 says then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth and to them was given power as scorpions of the earth have power we know these weren't just locusts because we just read they were demons dwelling in the bottomless pit yet to john their appearance was much like locusts they were squirming they were numbered in the millions they were given scary power they could bite like scorpions to sting to harm to to hurt and innumerable numbers and the ability to inflict pain it's a horrible picture isn't it it creeps me out i don't like it locusts are extremely destructive i don't know if you've seen you can go to youtube and watch some of the the infestations in africa this year have been phenomenal you can't drive down the street but your whole car window is covered in in five to eight seconds thousands upon tens of thousands of these these voracious eaters they travel in millions of insatiable appetites they decimate you know vegetation they just leave their roots behind and nothing else the worst uh locus infestation that the world has ever seen was in 1952 in iran and in iraq and then it went to jordan and saudi arabia they destroyed in three months 100 000 square miles of visitation phenomenal you can go find those pictures if you like but god is using these locusts for judgments obviously um in deuteronomy in a couple of places the lord in warning the children of israel when you go into the land serve me or the consequences will be and one of the things he mentions twice is that their locust will consume your land and your trees and your seeds and your fields and you won't have anything to eat so consistent with god's work is this description of these locusts that come now to lay waste it is also if you remember well the eighth plague in egypt right the eighth plague that finally got pharaoh for a moment to say okay you can leave but leave your kids behind and then you know he kind of hemmed and han the lord said i'm tired of this guy and and the lord kind of lean on him you can read the first 20 verses of exodus chapter 10 i believe again that was very local although it said that covered the whole earth but i think if you read the context of it the whole earth was the egypt proper this is these are this is going to be worldwide and it's going to last a lot longer and people are going to be bitten and hurting and vulnerable verse 4 they were commanded these and again i'm sorry if i'm repeating myself god is in charge here so they were commanded by the lord our god not to harm the grass or any green thing which is exactly what the locusts normally go after or any tree but only those men who did not have a seal of god upon their foreheads and they were not given authority again the lord's in charge they were not given authority to kill man but only to torment him for five months and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man we know that the hundred and forty four thousand were sealed with the name of the lord's uh chapter seven like real locusts their terror lasts five months if you do any research of mount locust their their lifespan of the locus is from may to september so it runs that course if you will five months unlike locusts these demons are able to torment man with a pain like a scorpion bite but again notice what it says commanded not given authority told what not to do and what to do i mean they go after food no you just go after man man in rebellion and they were not allowed to kill anyone but they were allowed to inflict a lot of pain but i just want you to notice as you read through this you know you can get kind of freaked out by what you read but but learn the lesson god's in charge here right he's always in charge so um verse three given power verse five don't kill i'm sure five months was given to allow repentance because god is so so patient but imagine living upon the earth and now these demons are flying around they look like little locusts but man they're extremely painful and dangerous you know that you carry hemotoxins which you know at least scorpions do which cause milder or even severe edema and pain the other there are the care neurotoxins which you know that now you got paralysis and heart arrhythmia and you could have death but you're not going to die here and the torment lens for continues for five months you're constantly exposed you want to die you can't you wish you were dead and there's no way you're dying and even the devil and his wicked partners are flying the maximum hurt they are just allowed to go that far no further verse 6 says in those days those five months men will seek death not find it they will desire to die but death will flee from them it's an interesting it's an interesting description maybe think about it for just a minute but do you see character satan's character here you know he'd like to kill you the lord said you can't kill him i'm gonna hurt him as much as i can i'm gonna lean on him and make it as miserable as as possible no way to describe the suffering no way to to get more pain but death is not available it's interesting to me and i went to school i was going to be a doctor that death is is in medical science it's it's pretty difficult for medical science to explain death i mean in some terms they can do it fairly easily we can artificially keep people alive for a long time we can breathe for them we can feed them you know the medical community over the years has has has turned to monitor brain wave activity as a function of life no brain wave no person they've died and and when that disappears that determination their determination is this person is dead what they can't tell you is when that happened and why still a mystery right it's out of their hands there's no more they're not here anymore you can keep them alive for for a long time but if there's no brain wave activity the determination is they've dead they're dead now as christians we know that we are spirits living in a body and have a we have a soul that is able to have consciousness to express itself right god in his love often allows death to our our lives so he can deliver us from bodies that are worn out or diseased or injured or suffering and and he may very well just deliver you but the only person that can release a spirit from the body is god right he's the only one that could do it jesus did he said you know into your hands i could bit my spirit i'm out of here this is it we're done you can't do that you can you can you can try to take your own life but again god is the one who decides when your spirit will be welcomed into his presence or at least appear before him so during this five months god will not allow people to die which is interesting racked with pain the funeral homes will be abandoned the clinics and the hospitals will be overflowing but no one will be gluing out everybody will be moving in nowhere to turn for deliverance which seems to me why don't you just turn to jesus now who wants to go forward to this hey just think in the fifth trumpet we get to fight demons all right so here's john's description because remember verse 1 19 write down the things that are coming here after write it down what you see the shape of the lucas verse 7 was like there's that comparative word horses that are prepared for battle on their heads crowns of something like gold their faces were like the faces of men their hair was like a woman's hair their teeth like a lion's teeth they had breastplates that looked like breastplates of iron the sound of their wings was like the sounds of chariots with many horses running into battle they had tails that were like a scorpion there were stings in their tails their power was to hurt men for five months and they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in hebrew is abaddon in greek it is apollyon and then he says one woe is past there's two more coming after these things so john with his first century language now seeks to illustrate what he sees by using his typical and and familiar as or likes it should convince us that his description which she tries to make with great clarity is probably fairly close to what you read here right you would think that anybody for any century if they have a comparative place to make the comparison they can say to you this is what it looked like to me so that was the best that he could come up with and so i i i tend to want to stay away from the guessing i can play guess the guess what this is with you as long as you like i can even tell you that the top 10 guesses you know that my books have told me over the years that's what it is and i tend to just want to go well the lord just said this is what they're going to look like and leave it alone i don't think i need a natural explanation for the supernatural work of god but what i do want to do is look at them and say what am i supposed to learn here because in their shape they were large they looked like horses ready for battle they were they were equipped with weapons or armor they were straining at the leash they were pawing at the ground these demons were restless and they were armed and they were eager to go out on their mission of terror or torture this is how satan feel towards you tonight this is what he wants you to experience the hurt from his hand the prophet joel in chapter 2 of of his book speaking of those last days when the trumpet will sound in the holy mountain and the land will tremble the day of the lord is coming in his hand a day of darkness and gloominess of of clouds and thick darkness he he goes on in the middle and he said their appearances will be like horses they will run fast like the steeds with sounds of chariots over the mountaintops they will leap like the noise of a flaming fire there devour the stubble like a strong people in military array before them the people will writhe in pain as color drains from their faces they run away like mighty men sounds pretty much like he's explaining this fifth seal right or i mean this fifth trumpet that seal and again prophecy you know hundreds of years before and today supported by what we read here on their head a crown like it of gold invincible you know crowns would say you're winning the battle you're not to be defeated i've got the crown and for five months nothing and no one will be able to stay their hand their face looked like a man their hair looked like a woman their feet their teeth look like like a lion you know that doesn't sound appetizing their bite might not kill you but the infections from their teeth will cause a wound that will rarely heal properly their breast breastplates look like they were of iron which would suggest they're kind of they're bulletproof right for the time that god gives them to you know they are heartless they are merciless they they are without constraint and if that isn't bad enough they have wings please don't give them wings i can maybe outrun one but no i can't fly so the idea is the enemy is overwhelming at this point right the world is getting a taste of the god that they want to serve this is the god that i want this is the one i'm chasing after this is the one i want to worship at this is the life i want to live their tales were like a scorpion and verse 10 kind of repeats what verse 5 says right it's almost like john is repeating himself because he can't believe what he's seeing it's really just repeated twice verse 11 tells us that they had a king over them which is interesting because regular locusts don't have anyone that they follow proverbs chapter 30 verse 27 it says the locust has no king they advance in ranks somehow they are wired to just kind of go together nobody leads locusts except these locusts and this locust or these lacus locusts have as a king the angel the one that we saw from verse one of the bottomless pit he's the one that they're following um god you know abaddon and and and napoleon they both mean the destroying one so the names are different in the different languages the the meaning is the same the question becomes how many of these are flying around we know a third of the created angels fell according to chapter 12. in luke chapter 8 with the demoniac that was delivered there at gadara jesus asked the demon what his name was and he said legion when they begged not to be cast into the abyss they suggested maybe they could go into the slime which is interesting because the jews shouldn't be raising pigs right it's kind of an unclean meat if you will and so the lord i think kind of two burgs one stone right so he says go into the swine and and off of the mountain ran this herd of swine and fell off the cliff and there by the way it's still the only cliff into the sea of galilee if you go to israel with us this time we'll show that where you show you where you can actually jump there if you want no you shouldn't probably do that but a legion of soldiers is six thousand and they just had word legions and it was a plural so um we'll look at a next week when we get to the the sixth trumpet and we get to these angels that are buried in the euphrates and a couple real bad ones that are locked up by themselves i'll give you something to think about in terms of numbers but his name means destroyer the destroyer is leading this group today he's an angel of light in the book of revelation he is unmasked his facade is over and we'll get to see what he'd like to do if given half the chance and i guess i would like to leave that lesson with you he's bent on destroying you no matter what it takes he's not your friend and you should remember that the next time you're tempted to sin or defy the lord you're better just going the lord's my friend if he says stay away from there don't say that don't do that don't get involved with that you should consider that great advice from your friend from your father satan goes yeah but i got a little thing something oh yeah okay i know what you got for me and it is never gonna be good so the choice is certainly ours jesus said there in john chapter 10 the thief doesn't come except to steal to kill and to destroy i've come to you could have life and that much more abundantly that's the big that's the big choice isn't it that's why you're in church on a wednesday night aren't you here because of that i mean why else would you come the consequences are eternal your identity is decided as you decide about jesus but there is another god who's no god at all he's usurped his authority he's stepped over the line he doesn't belong where he's at and god's going to deal with him soon enough next week we'll take the rest of chapter 9 and then we will have a break a break not from studying but a break from moving the the um chronology forward and when we get to chapter 15 which is the introduction to the final bull judgment and chapter 16 where it begins to be poured out i just want you to know that chapter 15 16 17 to 18 happen in in weeks we'll it'll take longer for us to read them for them than for them to take place okay so you've moved a long way through the great tribulation even where we're at tonight you've finished quite a bit of those seven years already are you keeping up you're doing okay i know i'm wearing you out i'm sorry i just want you to know it well or at least know it weller thank you very much and if you don't know jesus man don't wait because you're gambling and this is a this is a gamble you don't want to lose god loves you he has a life for you all you have to do is accept him into your life confess your sins he'll he'll give you eternal life he'll put your name in the book of life he'll put his mark upon your life he'll he'll put a spirit within you so that he can easily recognize you it'll be a down payment an error bond an engagement ring according to the bible and then when he comes you'll you'll leave with us you'll get out of here while the good is good right so we got to be ready and we got to be waiting maybe he'll come before we finish this book that would be great then we could see the four day version i think all right so hey you want to give your life to christ the pastors will be up here afterwards we'd love to pray with you it's simple enough god is available if you are willing lord we thank you tonight for your word to us how good it is to to be your people to serve you to to get insight into what is coming and certainly the world can't continue on in the way that it is going we see and we we grieve we we weep we see the the injustice and the hatred and the and this and the and the sinfulness and the selfishness and the destruction that sin brings and we're so thankful that lord this isn't our home you've delivered us from this place but we realize as we look around that the preparations are being made for this last time israel in the land the push towards a a one-world government and a one-world currency and lord just the whole world is running without knowing where they're running to destruction and we're getting closer and closer to hearing that trumpet that will call us home may we get busy lord these these last days and and share with those we love who you are may we may we risk the hurt the misunderstanding the rejection whatever whatever comes our way as a result may it be worth us worth it to us to just warn people of who you are and what you've come to do move our hearts lord for your people and for the world that you have made and the the the the word that you tell us that you don't rejoice in the death of the wicked you don't want anyone to perish tonight if you're if you're ready to give it your jesus your life come up and pray would you and let the lord in let him save you tonight if you're in the overflow room next door you know pray there there'll be a pastor there for you if you're online tonight wherever you are around the world and we're we're seeing thousands and thousands of people a week watching we're so thankful that god is speaking to you but but there's a a link there in the description box you can click especially if you're on youtube it'll take you to our website and there'll be there'll be a little link that says did you pray with pastor jack to receive the lord tonight if you click there you can go and and it'll have all the information that we would give you if you're here so you can take your bible and start to stand upon god's promise but don't wait because if the lord comes tonight you'll be left behind and it's really the only part of this whole chronology that doesn't have a time stamp but when that happens all of these things will fall into place so lord may you come quickly we pray as we wait for you and may you use us in these last days in jesus name shall we stand together you are the getting in [Music] there [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] you are my you are my future [Music] you are my last [Music] you are [Music] you who are you are my last you are my future father we're so thankful you've taken care of the past and you've opened up our future be with us lord this week may we be moved by what we read to tell others what you've done in jesus name amen god bless you guys have a great week [Music] so i
Channel: morningstarcc
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Id: ziqHa_J0aao
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Length: 93min 30sec (5610 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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