Morning Meeting

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have three four five people already this dude everyday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning moustaches we always start our day with and morning meeting starts with and what's our greeting and what are we gonna say good morning and then we say why let's talk about your shirt please I like my hair crisscross applesauce I like how people are sitting on animals what if we don't know their name what do we say alright let's get ready remember loud remember we're working on speaking loud so everyone can hear us alright and who do we look at today we look at [Music] good morning Alexis [Music] violet stop fix your hands there you go I'll give you family yeah Kansas shake hands baby yes very good Naomi other hand yummy nobody can hear so we just going to have a lot louder will thank you for being loud very nice other hand sucker there you go who's really loud boys nobody can hear you good morning Kingston good morning mustaches where are your hands sir today is Friday we've made it through the whole week you guys have been awesome all week so I know we're gonna have another awesome day today so apparently yesterday Jordan we had a little bit of a problem with somebody saying some bad words remember that way back at the very beginning of kindergarten we make friendship salad and we said we were going to put what kind of words in our classroom so if we're saying if we're saying bad words that means rotten bananas and what did we say about rotten bananas fries Jordan so no more bad words got it because we don't want to be riding bananas remember we're only going to use what kind of words [Music] thank you thank you it doesn't matter who said what what matters is that we're not going to say those words okay because if we say those words then we become and what's our rule all right very good so we had our greeting we had some sharing time what's next what's the activity let's try that again what's our activity what do we do when you see your name all right how do the smartboard up really fast today so I hope everybody's ready let's try that again if I turn back to the carpet come to the smartboard there we go that was better thank you for doing that quietly remember we're going fast so everybody to your hands in your lap everybody sit up nice and tall look at this smart board here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] very good that was good nice and fast what is the next part of morning meeting so what about good readers looking and where your hands okay what about good readers point two and we point to the words what do we do and which way do we read thank you well let's try that again which way do we read alright and know you're gonna help me read it here we go [Music] Friday what is today 24 good now my turn my turn my turn today is litter for ABC boot camp for booty fun Friday we will eat a face so what Leonard today let's try that again what letter M what letter what's down very good all right so we're gonna write our case F in our lowercase F Kingston and Lewis here's your uppercase F down over over here's your lowercase F you're just gonna make a cross okay all right will Naomi yes everyone else you'd be criss-cross applesauce with your hands in your lap watching your friends write the letter F Alex Naomi G good manners good manners Jocelyn Jordan manners I also see lots of good bubbles this morning for people looking at the morning message really nice Tucker violet don't think they have to be that big buddy destiny ah good manners we'll survive Michele Louis you look great sitting on the carpet thank you hands down is why I'm sitting in my seat Alec got that beautiful bubble in Alexis Louis Louis go back around the carpet please Thank You Michelle good manners all right Kingston Thank You Lewis Lewis thank you buddy excellent job good one all right that's the in the morning meeting what's next [Music] feet on an animal our hands in a safe place looks like everybody's ready so we're gonna hear some beautiful singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] but y'all bounced great singing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dd4l [Music] g-good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right great job turns the smartboard let's get ready to do our letters Naomi yes you
Channel: Greg Smedley-Warren
Views: 20,772
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: kindergartensmorgasboard, common, core, greg, smedley
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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