ABC Bootcamp Circle Charts in Action

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everybody tend to the morning message and the writing chart please Milo's ready Carlos is ready George he's ready Nikolas smart turnaround Diego's ready Juan's ready all right anybody remember Steven and the morning message it said that we were starting what oh what kind of boot camp are you ready to go to ABC boot camp now we're gonna start ABC boot camp today we're gonna do it every day and we're gonna do ABC boot camp because do you want do you want to learn to be good readers who wants to be a reader let's find that again their hands in your lap let's try to raise our hands without making any noise if you want to be a reader raise your hand who wants to learn how to be a writer so you want to read and write alright so we're gonna go to ABC boot camp so we're going to ABC boot camp so you can learn your sounds and your letters because when you know your sounds and your letters guess what you can do read and so if you want to be readers and writers you have to learn your letters and their sounds are you ready you ready this is the sound what sound what sound listen listen say that darling tell me what time it is good Brandon Carlos Georgie ah Marc what sound what sound very good let me know what sound alright ah what sound ah Chris robots now all right now what's down how do we spell ah hey so the sound is app what sounds and how do we spell ah hey all right now are you ready right so we know our sound today is all right so I need your help 1 what shape this is it's a circle so we're going to make a circle map say that with me but I'm gonna need your help alright cuz you're a bootcamp so you gotta help me you ready I need you to tell me some words that start with this sound what was this sound and can anybody think of a word thank you to my friends for a crisscross applesauce with their hands in their lap named art Thank You anybody think of a word that starts with AK say apple what's down hey so Taniya said Apple everybody say Apple ok pretty bubbles in what is our sound say Apple what sounds what's down ah know what sound not Apple but ah what sound all right so there's Apple say ah so can we put it on a circle map all right what color is an apple all right let me draw my Apple what is that Apple what sound no thank you one what sound what sound what sound how do we spell add what letter hey so what do I need to write what I need you're right hey hey P P L e back ready what is this Darlene here we go thank you goodbye one so what what did we draw so what does that word Apple say Apple Apple what sound ah very good what's down ah good job kiss your brain all right I need crisscross applesauce I need your hands in your lap let me know is ready all right can you tell me another word that says caterpillar does that say act no oh there's one everybody say alligator what sound what sound we can grow an alligator don't make fun of my alligator what is that all right [Music] alligator Oh big job say that again holiday what sound all right already everyone's ready Thank You wine good morning Mike you made it Christopher's ready so what's our sound today and what sound right say alligator what's down know what sound how do you spell pass what's this letter hey so what am I gonna write [Applause] [Music] we're gonna wait till you're ready what's that sound ah what sound how do we spell ad hey thank you neither so what am i letter do I need to write a l l i G a t Oh our alligator you say alligator what sound what sound good job alright we think of another one Georgie keep thinking there's good grass say no Diego sauce Steven thank you let me help you if you get hurt what do you go right in everybody say ambulance what sound what sound ah what's down alright so going to put ambulance in our circle map yeah because it says what's down all right don't make better my ambulance ambulance thank you to my friends here thank you to my friends here at crisscross applesauce with their hands and their laughter bubbles in their mouth sitting up nice and tall ambulance what sound ah what sound say ambulance what sound and how do we spell out what letter hey oh good job Jen so what am I gonna write a a M be you L a and C II ambulance I didn't hear everybody let's try that again ambulance what sound what sound Christopher what's X Christopher what's out Brandon what's down all right let's if we come up with one more and I'm gonna help you what do you chop down a tree with O'Connor a saw does that say no keep thinking you're close okay let's try another one when you get on the iPad what do you get to play with yeah what are those games so what's that on an iPad code an app you like to play with apps all right let's see if it goes on a circle map say app what's down what sound does it go in a circle map so what are those called app what are they what sounded we hear what sound how do I spell app hey P P app are you guys can do better than that what sounds what sound and how do we spell act hey very good all right now you guys gonna help me listen who's ready to help Christopher's ready love Noah's ready Georgie's ready Marcus ready oh and he is ready as if you can remember all of our words you ready Apple what sound not what sound what sound what sound ah what sound for gains are left so what sound did we learn today what sound ah what sound tanea what sound tanea know what sound ah Nayla what's out Diego what's out what sound I love know what sound I you what sound everybody what sound nope ah what sound what sound how do we spell Pat what's our letter hey very good that's it that's your first name ABC bootcamp once now did you learn what sound good right now are you ready to make a hat yeah oh it's gonna be a different hat are you ready to make a hat no not gonna have a mustache on it today [Music]
Channel: Greg Smedley-Warren
Views: 50,433
Rating: 4.8270893 out of 5
Keywords: kindergartensmorgasboard, common, core, greg, smedley, kindergarten, first grade, teacherspayteachers
Id: cYJNxF1uIas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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