First Grade Morning Meeting

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of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all days saturday folks what day is it friday what are we [Music] to doing happy friday [Music] is all right let's see what our story is about today in our big book sarah was no different than me and she loved being the center of attention however sometimes we all make bad decisions in an effort to be like today was just awful mary is having a birthday party after school and she didn't invite me this distressing thought was all sarah could think about as she dragged herself off from school she went straight to her room and cried herself to sleep after supper while her mother was washing the dishes sarah got out her mother's jewelry box and lost herself in all the many different kinds of jewelry she found off to itself was a gold and velvet bomb which sarah knew had to be special inside sarah found the most beautiful ring she had ever seen it was gold with a large pink stone in the center surrounded by a little pink stone boy would the girls at school be impressed if she could wear such a ring to school serath the next morning sarah tucked her mother's ring into her pocket and headed to school as soon as her house was outside sarah placed the ring on her finger she could just visualize her friends talking about the rain all day why she would be queen for a day what sarah didn't realize was that if someone was impressed by only outward appearances and not for herself then they were probably not worth knowing sure enough the girls who were impressed by the ring quickly showed signs of jealousy and started to make fun of sarah while her friends didn't let the ring affect their attitude for her at all by lunchtime sarah realized that taking the ring was a big mistake and understood that one's true value came from what's on the inside not on the outside sarah quickly forgot about the ring and joined some friends where he gave him hopscotch on the playground as soon as the bell sounded and it was time to return to class sarah sat down took out her pencil and notebook looking then realized her mother's room was not on her finger she felt numb all over and could scarcely breathe was she in a pickle now after school sarah spent two hours looking for another three it had to be on the playground footwear she finally realized it was helpless and gave up mr carter her science teacher was leaving school when he saw sarah as they walked down the steps he noticed how sad sarah looked sarah did not like mr carter she thought he was mean hard and unfair as a teacher these feelings came mainly because sarah just didn't like science and her grades reflected that attitude sarah finally explained to mr carter what had happened what shall i do sarah my mother will be so angry with me mr carter softly explained that there was only one thing to do just be honest don't lie and be sorry for what you've done that sounds easy but you don't know my mother sarah replied however sarah did take mr carter's advice so when she got home she poured her heart out a moment are you angry sarah asked i'm really hurt and upset for mother replied that ring was the only treasure my mother left me when she died your grandmother said one day i would know the true value of the ring now i will never know what she meant sarah's tears poured down her cheeks as her mother continued trust is something that is lost in an instant and may take months for years to earn back i hope you have learned not to take something that is not yours sarah nodded and was glad for mother hugged her i love you more than any old ring she added and i'm so proud that you were honest with me but you will have to be punished for taking the ring without my permission the punishment would be easy the worst part was thinking that her mother might not ever love her again she learned that a mother's love is unconditional her mother would always love her and take care of her even though she had made a wrong choice her mother would be there to help guide her early next morning mr carter drove up to sarah's house jumped out of his car and ran toward the house shouting i found it i found the ring the family quickly gathered around him they all shared his joy mr carter had been up most of the night looking for the ring with the metal detector and here he is looking with a metal detector why is such a valuable ring not locked up in the state i don't understand what you mean mr carter it's only a gemstone ring my mother liked me when she died sarah's gonna look like only a gemstone mr carter shouted my dear these pink stones are pink diamonds which are the rarest of all diamonds and worth a small fortune now they all knew the value of the ring in dollars but sarah's honesty and her mother's forgiveness were what much more valuable and could not be measured as dollars they had a treasure which could only be found when love is placed first in diamonds second oh that's a good story isn't it this morning okay next friday you're not gonna be here aren't we no no so we're gonna read our story lumbrix free ride on thursday close your eyes dear heavenly father we thank you for this day and all the many blessings you've given us lord i thank you for each one that's here today lord please just be with us as we go throughout this day that we can be kind to our friends lord help us to be that person that if somebody's having a bad day or their heart is sad that we can give them a smile or a kind word lord we continue to pray for our first responders and our military we ask that you just keep them well and safe we thank you for the sacrifice they've made to help care for us and keep our country safe lord we pray for all those who are in leadership roles from the president all the way down to ms stone who leads our school we ask that you would just be with them lord we do pray for those who are sick or ill at this time we pray and ask that you put your healing hand upon them lord view this as we go home for the weekend please keep us well and safe and bring us back safely together on monday for these things we ask in your holy precious name and everybody said everybody
Channel: St. John's Day School
Views: 3,779
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: 06BtEacm1r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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