The ADHD Hour with Matt Stephens

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all right everybody we're going live we decided to go a little early just be like it's literally just it's the adhd hour what the [ __ ] you're gonna do what are you gonna say we were just talking about baldi i told you my my hairline's running away from me right now it's it's just completely it's afraid of my face it's like i can get away just shave it and you know what's [ __ ] up is like my nose hair is actually at an all-time high like i got to trim that [ __ ] like twice a week yeah i got the little [ __ ] buzz thing yeah you got do you got the nose hair trimmer matt i don't i don't have a problem i'm just surprising because i'm italian like i figured that you know we would kind of have to have that but how are you though i guess not yet how old are you matt thirty-one oh [ __ ] wait yeah yeah you know the thing is i just wish the rest of my hair on my head would fall out like i was like i just wish i never shaved it more like first of all it's like gray and almost like it it literally makes me look like father time when it's like it's a little shaggy but uh if it just would fall out i would love to not have to shave it anymore that might be like my my beard grows in like barbed wire yeah yeah you're good that's great matt mattos i'm just i'm just glad that i could grow a full beard i mean i i won the genetic lottery with that one i i just think it's my god my mind's a little [ __ ] your caps mine's a little [ __ ] spotty man my um my brother when he so he lost his hair in his 20s fully natty so you can't blame the steroids i'm the steroid using brother and um so this guy like he was trying like for [ __ ] two years to like [ __ ] comb forward and like it was so [ __ ] bad and finally i had an intervention i literally sat him down and i'm like bro you you look [ __ ] terrible just shave he goes well you know my wife likes i'm like that's because she knows that other women are laughing at you and you can't cheat on her if your hair looks like that no one's no one's gonna sleep with you or she's just trying to be nice to you like because like i'm like dude you got a [ __ ] but he actually did he's been supporting the the crew cut for a while you know he does the the half around so it looks you can see the outline of his balding but he's not completely bald bald yeah i'm down with that looks cool i just embraced it man like i had to i mean i was working my life like when i played football i hated having hair under the helmet and in my 30s i shaved it for most because i get off of flights and if i didn't [ __ ] and i go on red eyes because i go on all these business trips have a meeting in the morning back when i used to give a [ __ ] about meetings and i come out and my hair would be like on one side that i slept on and then over here it's like [ __ ] crusty the clown so i'm like dude i gotta shave it so i just did a a one-around and i do that every week it was liberating but my wife my wife likes my hair so i'm like [ __ ] i gotta give her lisa my my life wife loves bald she likes baldwin she doesn't like facial hair so [ __ ] it i had a goatee i had a goatee when i met her and it was like not matter like on our first date you know and i knew i've known i had known her and been like wildly in love with her for like years so but uh on our first date she was like how long because i had a go teeth like 15 [ __ ] years right and she was like how long have you had that i was like long goddamn time and she was like i really don't date dogs with facial hair and i shave that [ __ ] the next day and anybody in the comments anybody in the comments want to say i'm [ __ ] whipped we've known each other almost [ __ ] 20 [ __ ] years now i love this woman we literally built businesses so we could spend every minute of every [ __ ] day together so [ __ ] off what would happen if allen said he did that on mail twitter mail twitter is the funniest thing he's got a bunch of guys who don't get [ __ ] telling people how to get [ __ ] and making money on it it's [ __ ] amazing and then you see like the pictures of these guys what is this i need to go here oh you gotta go to red pill twitter go to anti-circumcision twitter too it's a riot anti-circumcision twitter came at me really hard for a circumcision joke no pun intended they were gonna first get out but they're they're like like really anti-like if you're circumcised you're [ __ ] you're the devil like they they really like foreskin in that group that's what the hell yeah but male male twitter is something we need to explore as a team and we need to infiltrate because it's literally like these [ __ ] puny guys who talk about [ __ ] just mistreating women i'm like that's not alpha that's just being a dick man yeah yeah let me tell you something i would whoop somebody's ass if they [ __ ] talk to my mama including my dad and you know who told me to do that my dad yeah yeah i mean the only one who could talk [ __ ] about my wife is me i mean it's red pill twitter red pill twitter the ones that yes and you know i i i guess i kind of you know i guess maybe before my twitter days i was more into the red pill uh but but i went through like a a few relationships or at least flings where i tried some of the stuff that they talked about and i just realized like this is stupid you know it doesn't work like this is this is total manipulation and you know i don't want to do that you know that's not that's not alpha manipulation is not alpha and they talk about you know all this alpha crap uh in the whole red pill you know manosphere and which i'm i'm super surprised it's still around but a lot of people have kind of evolved out of that i think i think being alpha is you know certain we it's weird things like taking care of your kid and you know yeah you know um i don't know going down on your wife i think that's that's you know i i mean i liking it like i actually i think see the thing is like eating i'm sorry from this adhd but like you know for me for me oral sex is like a challenge it's like [ __ ] for me it's like you know like it's like getting a new pr on a squat for me it's like all right like i'm gonna try on this [ __ ] i actually searched the internet for like because when you're with someone for [ __ ] 20 plus years man like you've done every move so if you find a new move see this is this is another thing since we like him and i went like a year without talking dude i i'm sponsored by adam and eve no [ __ ] hashtag fitness you can get like 50 yes serious dude i'm telling you right now i don't know about any of that stuff yet look up 10 minute long for me yet look up door swing change your [ __ ] life all right oh yes check that one out yeah because it goes right up to the door like and it like look at it you're like i had no idea it's my sponsor yeah it's one of my sponsors i didn't know yeah i've um i've i've gone there before they're there i turned down all sorts of sponsors i took them out [ __ ] yes that sounds like a great sponsor are you going to send me [ __ ] they said yes yeah that is that is awesome like that is and i'll be real like a lot of times when you're like your kids if you have kids in the house like you don't have time for all that like you gotta you so i can't wait for the day when we can actually sit down and break out some [ __ ] some some extracurricular toys some you know that'd be fun but right now it's just like we're going straight up straight up like powerlifting we have no equipment we're going wrong rock just going i want to put i want to bring fitness back into it that is a fantastic sponsorship do they how do they spot so is it a commission thing or they send you a gift card for like gifts well they send me they'll send me any product i ask for they said like it's like the same thing like a sponsorship for a video anything like that so i normally make like around valentine's day or holidays and check that out i'll make videos for them yeah that is amazing yeah i mean it doesn't help too people should have a lot like i actually have shirts also and say [ __ ] it is the best cardio like i i i'm sure that'd say that too because it is like what the [ __ ] man like uh if if people like spend more time having sex and [ __ ] like spending time talking to their [ __ ] spouses their significant other or whatever they have i don't give a [ __ ] even multiple [ __ ] people don't give a [ __ ] but if they spend more time doing that [ __ ] and actually having relationships with people in a [ __ ] face-to-face environment we wouldn't be in nearly the [ __ ] trouble we're in you know i get the question i answer at least once a year is the nofap people the people who believe that not masturbating will make you make more gains and i'm like well i mean at the end of the day you're busting oh and who cares who would i would rather like i started lifting for two reasons to play football and to get [ __ ] the latter was more important to me why would i forsake that to make how much gains like and anyway all the good bodybuilders i've known are complete sex freaks like all the i'm not gonna name names but they're all completely just not not in the least bit um they're promiscuous as [ __ ] yeah so so i'm like dude like if the best bodybuilders in the world well they're on steroids i'm like i've seen a lot of natural guys get a lot of tail too man like you don't think those little [ __ ] boys from jim shark are getting a whole bunch of talent yeah especially a lot of them aren't very discriminated about [ __ ] either you know like you know i mean like but it's also i just don't like show me the data that makes it so i'm gonna [ __ ] get like here's the thing most these [ __ ] understand that you're not gonna push yourself that far past your natural potential anyway so not begging your girlfriend or wife for a month so you can make some extra gains you're just going to get to your natural potential faster that's it um bang your wife dude like i mean like what the [ __ ] wrong with you yeah is the dude benching next to you so important to impress that [ __ ] you're not going to bang your [ __ ] wife well there's weird stuff about games bring out the weirdest things and people like i remember back in remember lou louie marco days uh yeah there's louis marco there was a guy who uh he still has to be blocked louis marco is a unique guy um he was the first natty or not he was the first nation or not guy so he started that [ __ ] and um i i actually like louis but here's the thing there were guys back in i think it was like 2012. literally there was a big thing where people were drinking their own semen for gates no uh what's his name is doing that right now connor murphy i was like is this this dude is nuts like because i don't know i remember watching uh some of his youtube stuff like years ago and he has gone off the deep end yeah he found a crazy see i i don't i don't know i don't know if it's a [ __ ] i don't i don't know kenny said it's not kenny said he was like that in [ __ ] person so you know i mean like i mean like these people are [ __ ] you you've met all of these people right there like matt you haven't met most of these folks you've met all these people they're all wound bags like no offense to most most you guys are in my friends i'm friends with but we i'll include we are all [ __ ] crazy yeah like a little bit not drinking our own semen crazy no and that's it you're all crazy and we're saying that that's crazy that's really [ __ ] crazy i i think in his post he was drinking another man's scene he was he was not his own i think he drank his own too because that would be conceited i guess i don't know like uh i i hate i hate i hate the internet it's so but the like that's that's i also think that that's a huge problem with the fitness [ __ ] like i really do like i mean it's so like if you do this little thing it can help your gains like god what the [ __ ] you know just lift well he's also like just trying to stay relevant people will go to like just the lowest levels just to try to get more attention i mean it's i really think that's what he's doing is he's ran out of ideas i mean the media does it too like obviously cnn with their you know [ __ ] orange man bad um which obviously isn't a long-term thing but you know what from a business standpoint how [ __ ] brilliant they were about to literally go out of business i'm not even mad that's a good the ceo made the right move now they need a new ceo to help correct the ship now that there's no more orange man and you know after about a year when he's gone but you know who did it in our industry generation iron i used to do stuff with generation iron they were awesome i went to their studio i filmed some really good content really educational pieces and um now they're literally tmz and they're just clickbait garbage just absolute absolute trash and but they started out really great but to get those clicks because remember when you're doing google ads and all that [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] about your quality they care about did someone click do you have traffic what are your demos and that's what they're doing that's why people are like if people are looking at these [ __ ] things like sienna cnn's liberal well they pro yeah you know they probably are but honestly if there was money and targeting conservatives do you really think rupert murdoch gives a [ __ ] about conservatives no fox news does conservative [ __ ] because they're the opposition so they get money from the [ __ ] right nobody gives a [ __ ] there's all capitalism at play mm-hmm like the thing is people people are going to take advantage no matter what you know i i don't believe it for a second that like people didn't look at the most advantageous way for them like at all oh yeah another thing is that you know like i think well-regulated capitalism is of course the the best system um you know i think kind of what we have right now is uh it's regulated with a mix of crony capitalism of course but the thing is it's hard to regulate uh you know honesty like when um people are trying to trying to be honest because that's you know free speech and and so when they're when they're making up these lies uh or or pushing these these you know false narratives you know whatever they're doing you know coming how do you stop that like what do you do you know without stepping on the first amendment yeah you have to um you have to kind of let it play out and let there be opposing speech you know i think that's that's the key i think once you start censoring anything like hate speech i hate hate speech i don't like it i don't like the n word i don't like the k word i don't like any of the s word any of those words i don't like them but once you start calling things hate speech then you get a really blurred definition of what equals hate speech you know like and so that's where you have to you know the the first amendment is not based on people's feelings you know it's based on the fact that hey you you can say what the [ __ ] you want to say as long as you don't incite a riot you know and that's pretty much the first amendment so you know and there is a risk yeah okay it's illegal to punch somebody in the face but look if you call somebody let's say you come on saturday and there's a lot of really big fighters there to rumble in the borough and you call somebody the n word you're probably gonna get your ass kicked by a big group of people so the first amendment can kind of sort itself out because i mean there's certain things you won't say because of fear of human reaction so i don't think we should have hate speech is a dumb [ __ ] thing in my opinion it's coming from a guy who alan knows youtube in the internet dude i get called more racial anti-shit than anybody i don't give a [ __ ] if they if they think jews own hollywood we probably [ __ ] do if they think um they think i'm a [ __ ] or they want to talk about my grandfather being in auschwitz and they don't like me because of that that's their problem not mine you know you know you just got to learn that you know with freedom comes discomfort well i mean my thing my thing is this i'd rather know what the person's thinking like what's actually on their mind have them feel very comfortable saying whatever they think they feel like so that way i know what they actually [ __ ] think the problem with political correctness is that it's like institutionalized lying to each other yeah people don't actually say what they what they actually feel or think they say what they uh what they feel they're supposed to say and then the issue is that if they do have opposing views uh internally those who fester and possibly i mean you become even more negative because they feel like they can't say what they want to say and therefore like you don't mean like it's like this thing you don't change people's thought mind and like actual like heart basically without like by by silencing them like we are not going to uh politically correct our way out of our differences in society it's just not it's not even really possible we're not that type of species uh we we can't just ignore each other's differences and plates you know it's it's it's ridiculous to think so it's like something we created in 2020. you know what i mean because i thought [ __ ] was on the track to get a lot [ __ ] better you know i mean like people were having real conversations about race about equality about about all sorts of things and then now the problem is if it's shoved down people's face so much like the like tran the transgender topic when that gets when that gets to the point where like now you're almost erasing women where you're taking scholarships away from women and stuff like that now that now that now we're not having conversation you know what i mean because i'm sure that actual women if we're not consulted about that you know and why i say actual women i mean biologically born with it you know no so that's when like if we stop having discussions this is where like what for you as the parent of a teenage athlete who could who is now competing with scholar could be depending on the state she would go to because a lot of states are taking a stand could be competing with biological born males for scholarships it's like a races how many like this was just done how many women's scholarships would end up for men because here's the thing maybe most of you [ __ ] don't understand men will cheat men will [ __ ] cheat to [ __ ] win at sports they don't give a [ __ ] look at natural bodybuilding anything natural is the [ __ ] perfect example you got [ __ ] coming in juice to the gills passing their [ __ ] lie detector and beating the [ __ ] out of guys who aren't on drugs and if they're willing to go up and for a [ __ ] trophy that costs them money they're not making money if you actually have something tangible for money look at the olympics everybody's doping but they get away with it now they're not supposed to dope people will do whatever it takes to get that [ __ ] trophy imagine if that trophy was a four-year [ __ ] education i'll [ __ ] put a wig on and put some eyelashes on and [ __ ] shake my ass i'll give a [ __ ] like those [ __ ] those track athletes in connecticut they were [ __ ] more swole than [ __ ] mad over here [ __ ] coming out with mustaches and [ __ ] and [ __ ] wigs running the [ __ ] 40 yard dash from 2.8 and we're sitting here like oh well they're females i'm like that's a [ __ ] female i'm a [ __ ] doctor here's my thing because and i personally i don't think i don't care if if you inform me what you wouldn't want to be called i'm done that's cool with me i love it yeah i'm straight if you make me guess if you make me guess it's not obvious don't hold me accountable i clearly have adhd and i don't think that much ahead like i'm not gonna like all of a sudden unless i'm trying to observe super [ __ ] clothes i'm oftentimes in my whole little [ __ ] world so the i have no problem with it but i have no problem with somebody else doesn't want to either see that's what's called like understanding and freedom you know like like if i have friends they're just like nah that that was one that's you're born a guy you're a guy period you know okay like i i i don't necessarily i think i don't agree that to the point where i need to like not honor this person's wishes necessarily but if that's what this person i i he they he or she perfectly has a right to think that way actual freedom you know i i completely don't care what people like if you want i'll call you ma'am i'll call you sir i'll call you whatever the [ __ ] you want to be called but in sports there's certain things like for example before the fights on saturday we have people weighing in weight is a tangible thing you're either you're either 120 to 125 or you're [ __ ] not you you came in too big i identify as 300 pounds but but think about it though like gender is completely something that's it's [ __ ] there and it causes differences like the q angle and the hips like [ __ ] bone density like you know that was those two things those two things the q and the you pointed out i had never thought about it before hugh angle's my biggest [ __ ] reason yeah i mean i i never ever thought about poor do you want to explain that to people mark real quick i was really excited because my favorite podcaster tim cast who has no idea who i am but i love i listen he's all i listen to i [ __ ] love the guy i have a [ __ ] man crush on him and this [ __ ] goes in and he's disgusting he he brings up the q angle i'm like he's the first one i've heard actively bring it up so men's hips think about it like this they're straight up and straight down now you're looking at your knee when it's straight up straight down it's stable a woman's hips has a 17 degree difference than males on average which means that a woman's legs are going to pour out so think of it as a v um a v shape versus a two straight lines is this also the reason why that why they most women seem to go to sumo squad it could be and also the main reason it's there is because they pass babies through their birth canal they give birth so it's a natural design by god or evolution or whatever your belief system is um for women to be able to pass babies unfortunately it's also the reason that women soccer players have the highest occurrences of acl injuries because of the extreme valgus valgus is the inward um inward force of the knee it's when your knees cave in basically and so what happens is um because that extreme valgus it puts more pressure on the anterior cruciate ligament which causes more acl tears if you have a male on the field who's running faster is stronger has better reaction time and they're going up against a female who has a 17 degree ql different q angle difference you're going to have a huge um occurrence of women are going to be flying falling down and you're going to have such a high uptick in acl injuries which by the way are a lot a lot of the time career ending career and again meaning not career ending at that moment they will come back but when you're dealing with elite athletes every step matters madeleine tomlinson was the most dominant running back in the nfl san diego chargers okay he got turf toe and never came back from [ __ ] turf toe because the difference in elite athletes is literally one step that girl goes down with an acl she's not gonna come back as good she's gonna lose her edge she's gonna lose her chance of going pro you gotta look beyond the [ __ ] feelings okay what about females like how many years they fight for these title nines and all these rights and i'm sitting here with a daughter who's [ __ ] going she's not wrestling now it's three o'clock she has wrestling training and then at six o'clock she has full-on soccer practice she has two games this weekend on monday she starts all over again two practices a day weight trains and she's busting her ass to get that [ __ ] opportunity to go pro to go d1 and guess what i don't want some [ __ ] person with a dick who identifies as a female taking her spot i don't care if people hate me for it you can cancel me all you want people need to [ __ ] speak up dads need to [ __ ] speak up but they're such [ __ ] afraid of look i'm not afraid of losing my job because i'd have to fire myself i'm not cancelable i can't be [ __ ] canceled i'm gonna speak up against people taking away the [ __ ] rights of women that they've worked so hard they couldn't [ __ ] vote back this is the equivalent of taking away their opportunity to vote yeah and uh people that are in your position you know that really don't have anybody to uh i guess answer to you know because like if you work for a big corporation then you go online spouting off whatever even if yeah even if it's not you know even that bad it's still up to the corporation if they see that they don't agree with it or they don't want to uh you know be tied to that for any reason you know let you go and people are afraid of that understandably and so i think that's also kind of you know when we locked down the the biggest thing that hurt us was small businesses uh getting closed down they had to close their doors and a lot of people lost their businesses and where did it go it went to the corporations and so these corporations are getting massive and they're employing even more and more people and so when you get to a point where like and this is kind of what my uh i guess uh guess or theory was you know about with the the vaccines is when you get when you work for a big corporation and they require that oh you have to be vaccinated to work here well if there's nowhere else for you to go you know how are you going to make a living how are you going to you know you know and you know i think eventually it's very possible that we get to the point where you know that happens and so uh we're there we're there already yeah i mean i mean like me and mark see it all the [ __ ] time like we see people like we see people that are just trying to be good to other people get totally [ __ ] cancelled and [ __ ] like that it's horrible it's there yeah it's always happened to me um when i was working at honda you know i tweeted something that uh uh you know pissed off a bunch of feminists and did they were stalking my linkedin profile oh yeah i think it's crazy and all that i was i was watching the national championship game that year and and you know at first i was like oh this is not a big deal i was having fun with it and messing with them and doubling down like you like you want to do yeah and and then finally halfway through the the national championship game alabama and clemson i looked at my phone and looked at my linkedin profile and realized that people were looking at it i had a ton of views i got a notification and i was like oh damn oh no you know what if i lose my job over this and i had to delete the tweet and you know i didn't apologize or anything but it was just like damn but uh it's it is scary like thankfully i have something to fall back on but not not everybody does not everybody not everybody's a knowledgeable [ __ ] fitness trainer who knows what they're doing and can pick up and start their own business you know some people are specialized and some people are corporate people like some people are great managers of companies and they're not entrepreneurs like not everybody's an entrepreneur entrepreneurship is stupid it takes an idiot to go out and start a company you know because your success rate is very low and some people do really well like my brother my brother's very successful and he's you know he's he's worked his way up you know ownership and everything but like he works for someone else and he does better than 99 of entrepreneurs i know so some people are just really good at management and working that corporate game and i'm not well i am but i don't like it um i i like just being able to come on here as a 40 year old man to [ __ ] do rag and just say look dude it's like here's here's my opinion but the thing is i don't think my opinion is that far out there i think i'm the biggest feminist you'll ever see i'm also not a republican i also i believe in national healthcare like there's a lot of things about me that are not [ __ ] conservative yet what do you think national health care should be it's like what do you think we should do financial health care because i agree with you so here's my caveat on health care i think we shouldn't have health care um here's why we should have healthcare let me restate that is because we give foreign aid to other countries if we can afford 25 million dollars to pakistan for gender studies we can afford to give everybody basic health care now a basic health care is basically we almost [ __ ] have it if you go to the emergency room like you're good but you get certain allotments right like i think we'd all be it would behoove all of us to get a physical with some nutrition counseling every year i don't think anybody would disagree whatever happened i don't think anybody would disagree that that would help society if we had people and i think we need to also spend money on currently like for if you're a trainer like matt myself and you let's say you're exos or even acer napa what are not whatever they are i forgot alpha and [ __ ] nasm so you have to do cec's continuing education courses so you start requiring doctors to do let's say five hours a year of nutrition training and you start teaching them how to actually work with clients on instead of getting on let's say a glucophase or or some kind of a a mediation supplement or statins your first thing you do is you try to modify their life so you give them a little bit of psychological and nutritional training and i also i also believe that you know catastrophic health care should be there if my heart explodes i believe that hey you know maybe the government should kind of help me not get a 300 000 hospital bill because my heart exploded because we're paying a ton of taxes and you might say that's too much money the government just printed two trillion dollars on multiple accounts none of it was used for what it was intended sixteen hundred dollar checks at the at the peak that's that's ridiculous considering that we basically paid fifty two hundred dollars um to get twelve hundred back it was a ridiculous ratio all the money went to pork barrel spending it went to [ __ ] um [ __ ] items both for both parties mostly in pakistan yeah why are we giving money to each other why is israel getting money why the [ __ ] why is anybody getting money but people like i mean that's the thing like i don't even believe like i'm a big believer that until we can not borrow money we need to pull all of our troops everywhere around the world back home tell you what we can line our borders with them just like every other [ __ ] country does i'm not talking isolationism but it's a different world a lot of people like one of the one of the arguments for that is you know a lot some people are saying that like you know other countries like russia and china are investing in these other countries and everything and if we don't you know they're gonna take over whatever the global market or whatever it is but you know then again i think we put too much focus on that we need to put more focus of course on the home our home don't you dare say america first you'll get us all canceled yeah don't just put a [ __ ] stream that that brings me back to the whole capitalism thing you know capitalism in theory is is great the problem is that we're humans and you know in theory if we all do the right thing then it'll be a perfect system but we don't we make stupid decisions and and we have people that you know try to cheat the system and things like you were talking about earlier and so uh the whole regulation thing that's that's where it comes into but we're we're actually uh a corporatocracy and so the reason why we'll never have uh this this universal healthcare or you know unless they manipulate the system for whatever reason big pharma is powerful oh they lobby hell they lobby the hell out of congress they're evil why why do you think not one politician has said anything about vitamin d obesity zinc anything like that why do you think that h the hydrogen chloroquine was quelched and paul not said anything about it rand paul's the guy yeah yeah other other than him dude hydroxyl let's go vitamin d like vitamin d was and it could have you know staved off so much death so much injury and i'm going to say i'm not making a claim that's been i don't want to make the claim i'm not claiming this better than anything i'm saying that 85 of hospitalizations were vitamin d deficient you can draw your own conclusions i won't make any claims on that draw your own conclusion um we could have literally just been like hey guys it's like three cents a dose um go to target walmart go go support the big stores or you can support mark lobliner if you want but you don't have to let's just not die okay because nobody's good to anybody if you're dead right yeah just hey you know what all they do is say hey everybody just in case we see a lot of people with vitamin d deficiencies can you guys just go like get vitamin d from your local retailer it's only like 10 bucks for a month's supply can you do that okay cool and we would have saved so many lives with just one announcement from dr falci from donald trump from any of those guys trump didn't say anything fausty didn't say anything cdc didn't say anything the cdc did not make the vitamin d recommendation that's what i know and yet they're talking about redevere which has been shown to do absolutely nothing at a thousand dollars a dose be talked about like it's the [ __ ] miracle cure it just goes to show how corrupt everything is i mean well if you think about what we did like like look we'll go around the table and and list off the things we did to actually make people less healthy or spread the virus more i'll start we send hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of college kids on airplanes home after they've been crawling all over each other spring break to then stay with their parents and grandparents like you know think about that what else could we have done obviously nursing homes nursing rooms i mean there's oh closing gyms telling losing inside avoiding vitamin yeah telling people to stay inside what we increased the amount of suicides uh yo making kids wear masks my kids don't wear masks anymore we got a health exemption but um yeah masks on everything yet somehow keeping kids away from their schools and away from their friends yes social social distances i mean we've taken away personality we've taken away emotion we're gonna meanwhile we know we knew then and we know now the data the data is out now but we knew back then that six feet is just literally a [ __ ] number grabbed from the goddamn sky they don't have any data to back it up so one they didn't then they don't now that's when i said that like hey next healthcare professional here um uh that's stupid did y'all see that did y'all see the agenda 21 thing i've heard about it i haven't seen all it's so strange how you know they had whatever this i think was a conference and they went over you know uh certain scenarios and a lot of the what they went over is exactly you know what we experienced yeah it's it's really strange that it happened i don't know if it happened in i think it happened in 2019 and so it was like right right before it happened i'm not i'm not doubting for one second that there's a lot of possibilities for what happened i'm not going to be the guy who says that bill gates is you know taking over the world i just hate the fact that people listen to him like they say what are you so you're not a doctor i'm a hell i'm literally a health professional like i literally do health for a living and this guy is a computer guy yep yeah he's rich i mean well his his dad was a very high up executive in planned parenthood and his mom was a high executive in the banking industry and so there's a lot of stuff about him there's a lot of stuff about him that's super sketchy and and the speeches that he's given and also buying all this farmland i just i don't know what he's the largest farm owner in america yeah i don't i don't trust him i don't trust him at all no it's not it's not pretty at all i just i i don't want to be like a lot of times you have these conspiracies there's really valid explanations i just want to hear the explanations for this guy yeah i'm like i want to because there's been a lot of things i'm like yeah that might be it and then you have to smarter explain it to you okay i'm an idiot i shouldn't have thought that well it goes back to there's not everything not everything is a conspiracy no but but not everything is like you know what just uh you know not a conspiracy either you know there's there's a mix well i got called a conspiracy theorist all year for [ __ ] that is literally fact right now like like [ __ ] that they've admitted like i i have videos from last year like even before like over a year ago where i list off obesity is the number one predicator second in line with with morbid obesity it decides besides h we have to start looking at this i have videos telling people like the six feet thing i was like this we are watching elderly people obese people and high high-risk people just die because they somehow think that they're at the same risk that i am you know i mean like and they're standing six feet away from me as if that's gonna do any [ __ ] thing you know it's so goddamn stupid and i'm i literally was saying we are not even helping these people we are just watching them die slower that's all we're doing but you know what's even meant to do you know what's also strange is this this whole censorship thing there was a group on on facebook of people sharing the side effects that they have from the vaccinations and they they they uh deleted it what's really yeah why are they censoring why are they censoring things that's weird too yeah why are you pretty bad for sharing an experience you you combat uh lies with the truth so like why aren't you just sharing the truth you know they just want they just want us to take their word for it if i say anything about anything there's a fact check on there and the fact check is usually not even associated with what i'm saying or it's wrong i mean what's happening i mean it's not even the correct information i'm like the data is there like i am very data driven my life is data i can i can i can i have a study on my hard drive of everything you want to know about any stupid subject and these guys are like i i even i even pulled one up the other day i posted about of hcg increasing size of people with micro penis you know i have those studies for some reason i have not thought a lot of them how many of them are related to penis um well i mean i do test boosters man i have to look at i have to look at penis stuff well i don't look at penises whatever you need to tell yourself penis stuff we're doing this stuff i mainly what i what i like to look at is immunity and that's when we like al and i always joke around like nobody took coven more seriously than we did we both downsized we both like i stepped up my my vitamin game was on point i [ __ ] stepped it up i spent weeks researching viral replication and i shared as much info as possible before i got um you know before i got obviously shadow banned but you know i was telling people to take vitamin d that was the video that was the video i basically i literally i get why they shattered me they hate me i went off but i didn't even go i didn't even say coconut i went off of flu data like the flu data on vitamin d is concrete it's as good as it comes you know so your analytics are so crazy like your analytics take a dive the day after that video it was it was great it was crazy um but the video was basically i remember because we were live in the apartment i was standing in front of a little waterfall by our house and i was like by our apartment and i'm like guys just let's just vitamin d has been shown to help you know prevent bad stuff you'll still get the virus but it'll it'll it'll make it where it's not as bad or whatever i said and i had dad i actually took a study with me i printed it out and i read it and and there i am and and now my youtube channel gets like 10 views so it is i mean but it was worth it it was worth it because people message me and they're like hey you know you help me a lot and that's really all i could do if you know they say just one life and i actually mean it like okay i don't get as many views now but i'm good man i've had so many people message me like hey i've lost 40 pounds for this and then i got covered i probably would have been a lot worse if it wasn't for wasn't for losing losing the weight like that's the thing you got like if we actually gave a [ __ ] about people we would actually warn them about this [ __ ] like we would we we would not accept this ridiculous [ __ ] like you can be huge and healthy and [ __ ] like that we can't like somebody somebody asked someone ask a question i thought we should get to they actually say are there exceptions for the rule of obese unhealthy for example would nfl lineman be considered healthy no i would say not a [ __ ] chance by the way guys i have a hard stop right now i gotta go take my kids to boxing you guys can stay on let's do this again absolutely then i actually need to take care of some stuff we'll finish this question though me and you aftermarkets off and then we'll get up all right hey all right mark good to see you man see you guys there see you there later yes sir yeah but uh what were you saying no you were you were asking that question oh the somebody asked the question here it is i actually pull it up uh are there exceptions to the obese an unhealthy rule for an example an nfl lineman considered healthy i just any type of extreme training is not healthy people like uh i mean the the thing about an nfl lineman is you know for as big as they are you know they're they're athletic i mean yeah a lot of them are a little bit heavier like i have a good friend of mine who i work out with who used to play uh in the nfl as a lineman and he lost a bunch of weight after he stopped because he don't feel you don't feel right at that you know being that heavy um and so i i don't think that it'll take anything away from them like long term as long as they lose that excess weight uh but you know as as active as they are in the nfl i don't think it's going to affect them too too terribly much it's the it's the wear and tear on their joints they almost all get you know some sort of concussion syndrome too like it's just like my thing about extreme training because i i was much bigger than this too like i was the heavyweight lifting dude in the gym i went like almost 90 pounds more than this now at this stage but uh like it's just like when you when you work out that into like when the idea is you have to think about if how much insurance you have when you like step underneath the squat rack right you're obviously not like healthy healthy you're you're shooting for athleticism you know what i mean and i just think that like uh like like i'm perfect i'm still don't even consider myself like healthy healthy because i still like have like some unhealthy habits that i still i still do right but i'm as healthy as i'm probably gonna get and be happy with it like there's a trade-off like i love training athletically i don't think i can give it up just yet even though i'm almost 50. you know what i mean so i still do a lot of like high impact [ __ ] that's probably not the best idea for me but that's will keep me healthier than if i just like i'm bored as [ __ ] with my training so there's like a reward risk reward and i don't regret like lifting heavy weight when i was younger i i regret maybe some of the [ __ ] stupid-ass training and eating i did but i don't necessarily try to like regret trying to list heavy because it's part of who i am i just think like when people trade out like the average person is not me and you i always say that like the average person that watches youtube and stuff like that they're like people trying to live their life to try to just try to be as healthy as possible and like in the terms of is alignment healthy they're great athletes but a lot of times true athleticism comes with its own mark on health like a lot of like a lot of nba players don't live very long but you don't see too many 80 year old nba players just because the constant running pounding on their joints the running on their joints and most nba players being pretty immobile like like by the time they're in their like mid 60s well smaller smaller people tend to tend to live longer anyway absolutely yeah um i think some of the people that live the longest in the world are tiny yeah see uh like i i didn't even talk about in the video yesterday like even if a 300 pound person if you're very tall and you're 300 pounds you're still just not going to live as long as other people like it's just like our bodies aren't necessarily made to be that large you know for that extended period of time they're especially like you look like you have a very thick frame so you probably the bmi like bmi chart is not necessarily for you you know what i mean yeah yeah that's right and it's you know but i will say this once people get over like a 40 bmi it's not like there's not even there's no athleticism around that like even 35 there's no that's like 5 10 200 and like 280 pounds or something like that that's not that's not really you're not carrying that weight healthily you know what i mean right but it's a trade-off for a lot of athletes and stuff like that too like i mean [ __ ] people need to look at it this way like that's why i don't necessarily have a problem with like people like test holiday in them like they're making money off their obesity i i i'm not going to shame their game that's their [ __ ] that's your [ __ ] when they try to convince other people that there's nothing wrong with it that's pretty [ __ ] up because those other people can't live the life that they can live you know what i mean right right when you're rich and obese or rich and like beat up a little bit around like that your life is very different compared to somebody else you know yeah and that's why i think it's like that and the nfl stuff like not most dudes aren't even built to be over 200 pounds like they don't have the frame structure to be over 200 pounds healthily you know yeah like the average guy like when you get into like the ten percent of genetics like you me stuff like that we can possibly hold it and be healthier uh and then when you get like 300 pounds like who's [ __ ] healthy at 300 pounds like nobody's trying to convince that you know like i just think our society our society needs to kind of rewrite i think the like 600 pound life shows i think that's like skewed people's idea of big people too yeah no it has because that's the that's the you know one percent of the one percent extreme that's like you are you're in very serious need of like intervention type stuff but but hey man i do have an i've i have some clients i got to do and i don't have a weekend it's great having you on youtube mark said we could have you i actually asked you on a lot too mark said yeah and we'll get a hold of you about coming on with more guests and [ __ ] like that it's a fun time man i really appreciate your time and i look forward to meeting you next week yeah absolutely nice to meet you too alan i appreciate you having me on man where can everybody find you so on twitter my uh username is at matt underscore s underscore stevens stevens with a ph uh my website is instagram is the same username uh and join my newsletter that's the best way to keep up with me and get all the the best you know content that i put out yeah and what services do you provide you find what services are you providing coaching services training oh yeah so i've got a 60 day challenge coming up here in the next week and a half uh uh you know it's just uh you get to sample my program and we make as big of a change as we can within the first 60 days but i also do one-on-one coaching and i've got programs available as well you can find all of that on the link on my twitter alright man that's awesome thank you and thank you for joining you guys should check this stuff out very very knowledgeable awesome awesome dude pleasure meeting you man we'll talk soon all right you too alan have a good one
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 1,994
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: MlFclqxXSXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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