Art & Morning coffee LIVE🦈⭐

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so as usual i have a really big lag in this i'm just gonna wait until i see the screen working and i'm not sure if the music is too loud i need to kind of hear my own thoughts there's a lot in front of the audio thingy second i know it sounds like i'm all over the place and there's a huge hassle going on here but trust me this is by far the most prepared stream that i've had in some time because i just set up the whole work room for the last few days into a completely new setup and hopefully it will help me make these streams a bit easier as there's less actual stuff to set up i don't know i'm just gonna try to see what this turns into i thought it'd be a thing it's like i guess um do another one of these that i can paint on this and then i can see it on the screen it's kind of feels like using one of those old background tablets i feel it's like doing a car design i've been looking at all of these car design 3d models recently and i really want to make one but right now i think i have this first time that i'm having this experience that i'm thinking of doing something new and i recognize that the first thought that comes into my mind is that this is going to be easy i'm going to be able to do this quite quickly with a high level of skill i mean like this sounds insane i'm just going to be honest on how my thought process goes like whenever i'm thinking of a new style i go to the whole don kruger uh dicks and valleys of the skill perception that in the beginning i think i'm going to pick up the new style quite quickly and you can see this when i started doing the more graphic style i think i did a painting called innocent mountain and i thought that i had kind of like had that style nailed down in the very beginning but you can probably see that the latest pieces that i have done in that graphic style like for example my last live stream like it's just a completely different skill level and i just didn't see how bad i was at that at the time [Applause] but there's good and bad things about that dude i think the bad thing is that like once you kind of like hit that valley of dawn kroger uh skill perception you think that you're never going to be able to climb this mountain but at the same time having this sort of like arrogance that like i can do anything i just need to start and i will be good at everything that i start doing that kind of ignorance i think it makes me try new things i think otherwise i would be too scared to try if i already knew how much of her time it is to get to a skill level that i am happy with [Music] hey everyone hey stacy fatima thanks for tuning in to this live stream [Music] one thing that i didn't prepare which i thought would be a good idea that instead of answering in the comments all of those questions that are in the live chat that i miss while i'm painting because i can't keep an eye on the live and think about the painting especially when i have a little clue of what it is that i'm doing um that's one of those things what about you i completely lost my entry level [Music] love the way that this drawing is already looking it's like a kindergarten drawing the reason why i'm doing all of these ovals is that i just want to get the baby reception happening here after that i can just focus on the fun stuff in the painting but i think the 3d is important to get right first [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it's gonna arrange the screens a bit so that it doesn't get blocked by the view okay uh simon king is asking what are you painting today it's one of these like biter shark creatures that i saw this is also in animal crossing one of the species that is represented there i think it's a shark anybody knows what type of shark this is hopefully i can do it just this but you can recognize it please in the chat [Music] hmm somebody woke up 6am for this yeah i woke up at 5am for this and it's now almost 12 um here and i thought that this is going to be my morning coffee but was the setup took so long that now it's daytime and it's so light that i had to shut the window yeah i can now do this this desk is now electric so i threw my old one away [Music] uh so slick albert is saying i've been watching your videos for a long time thank you i don't know if that means that you've seen one video because a lot of them are quite long as i've been told i've been thinking that maybe i should make my next video a bit shorter for those who prefer shorter videos but shorter videos are almost as long to make because there's a lot of editing that goes into it like for example in the last video i cut out a lot of like the sketching stuff that isn't like progressing the painting like for example when there is a blur idea or just technical stuff that i'm fiddling with it's not really informative or interesting to watch and i don't think like it's even good like for educational value because some of those things are just things that i try that i end up scrapping completely there's a lot of footage for every single one of my videos and it's a real orange hog i've been thinking that if i have uh patreon someday i might just like start saving the videos in that phase where everything is just like would you do like one neat package before i start editing all the like the loose ends out of it and just have [Music] a uncut version that is um not as fast or sped up probably not real time because nobody would have time to watch like eight hours of painting but even if it's like three times the speed then it's still really long but easier to understand what is happening i don't know if people would be interested in that [Music] i'm going to set this as multiply and just reduce the opacity and now i'm just gonna see if this palette that i made beforehand is usable by the way if anybody is wondering what brass this is it's a bear fur i just thought that it would be fun to make a mess with these sort of like streaky lines actually the canvas size is insanely small so i want to increase that [Music] that's 21 layers i think that's pretty [Music] good [Music] i don't recommend painting on white pretty much ever unless uh it's part of the style but i think definitely it should be a conscious choice not just something that happens by default quite often with students it happens by default that they just have a white canvas and then they start painting and when they are six hours into it the white has been kind of like baked into the colors and everything looks kind of milky [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is saying some people might take the time to watch eight hours of your painting i think that might be a small number of people [Music] i don't know i am thinking of maybe starting the patreon after the other work stuff done [Music] last week i was working on this movie production company project [Music] and it pretty much took most of my week it's fun stuff but like it prevents me from doing like any online content and i can't show the end results anywhere [Music] i've definitely been thinking about that when i considered the prices of the commissions because it's not just the time it takes to make the painting but it's also taking away from this lifetime investment that i have into youtube that if i'm not making any content my youtube channel is not growing and i have to think that money should make up for that and a lot of time people aren't willing to pay that much for a commission they don't really a lot of people don't understand the other financial commitments like when you make yourself a person that is available to do um paintings for money there's just so much other things that they don't think goes into being able to be in that position where you can paint a painting for someone else it's just the whole other expenses surrounding that sort of like life they are pretty drastic it's different when you do commissions as just like a side hobby or side hustle i can't really afford to have that approach my dog needs fancy toys and they are expensive the crew be saying lately i feel pretty bad painting can't seem to do anything worth it it's kind of depressing but yeah it's all weird bad and ugly [Music] first of all i'm sorry that you feel that way but don't you even enjoy the process of painting because i don't know you don't even enjoy the process of painting then [Music] then i'm sure that it might feel like it's not worth it sometimes i just like to put paint on a canvas and play with different colors even if it's not like representational art even if it's just abstract blobs i love that i don't know if anybody saw that on my instagram stories i made that mess of colors with one of the process that i love using for that stuff and it didn't turn into any kind of painting i was just putting down colors and doing that just to feel relaxed i wasn't expecting it to become something impressive i think it when you have expectations then you really set up yourself for failure really now that might sound harsh and it it's easier to say this it's much harder to kind of like change your behavior based on this [Music] i think if i started a live stream and the painting was just complete disaster i think i would feel pretty bad about that but i would still paint again if i paint just for myself i don't feel like a painting is ever a failure a painting is just not finished yet [Music] whenever people link me [Music] on instagram for example when they do some paintings and then they watch this channel and then they talk about the difficulties that they have with the painting i always feel like we we just did the live stream that they are referencing or i just posted the video that they are referencing so that means that they can't have painted this one painting for more than one or two days so i think that's like way too early to feel frustrated with anything it's just you're not done and when you view it the painting that way you kind of like stop being mad at it for not being something that you want it to be and let the work happen because often it takes a lot more time i think what is this weird blue hue here where does that come from is it this one no [Music] it's super saturated really distracting i'm going to go into that range of saturation yet at this pace so i'm going to hunt down that brush stroke somewhere here [Music] [Music] have you thought about taking this to twitch no i don't have any audios on twitch so i would probably like have to start from zero there ah commissions are not worth it unless you charge at least 30 to 40 per hour i mean add zeroes to that like [Music] i mean i've been having these discussions i'm hiring an accountant and it looks like it's uh well over 200 euros every single month every year every month [Music] so with 30 euro an hour you wouldn't even be able to probably pay for the accountant with the full fee let alone buy food while waiting for another commission for health care or pension [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i can't pronounce this name uh balund pal is saying i'm glad you started this i hope this becomes a series isn't it already a series don't i have already tens of live streams on this channel like consent [Music] um alex is saying i mean as an absolute minimum with zero overhead costs people with on fire fiber i assume that means the website literally work for five euros an hour or less sometimes the way that i think about that is just i'm i'm not going to compete with fiverr if you want to buy a painting that is that cheap i there's nothing that i can do to stop you from going to fiverr and hiring a zebra artist the only thing that i have that they don't have is that i have my own paintings people on fire fiber they aren't me i'm not there you can't buy my product from that place [Music] and that's the same thought process that i went to when i changed the print shop from society6 because society6 doesn't pay the artists pretty much anything so i just thought that like just because this is a big and popular shop doesn't mean that i have to be on here so i change to imprint which gives the artists much better cut the cost of a single print might be bigger but there's still a lot of work that goes into uploading a print and making sure that the colors work in print so i think that's work that should be paid for it's not something that i do for fun or for free otherwise all of my prints would automatically be available as a print if it was that easy then of course i would put everything as a print if it didn't require that much work to make prints available so i just thought that like if you want to buy my print then this is the shop where you can do that otherwise maybe it's just not worth the value of the money for a person who thinks that it's too expensive and that's fine too not everybody is going to be your client because they are looking for different things [Music] [Music] thank god i put this on a separate layer kind of hard stop there for a while [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna try to be quick in this live stream because you know who has been sleeping during the preparation so he will require some attention some point and i'm the only one who is home so i will need to take care of her when she wakes up she's currently enjoying her new [Music] [Music] bed how do you feel about signed limited count prints to increase value versus on demand decrease the amount of work you have to put into it [Music] well prints make me so little money anyway even with the better cut from this other service that it's not really a major source of income for me my main motivation for like making those prints in the first place is that when somebody asks for it then i go and make the print edit and then i let them know that i have made that painting available in my print shop so it's mostly just for individuals that those prints happen talking about it like a business would seem i don't know misleading [Music] i need to just block in something for this negative space to know where this painting is going because there's no point in adding details and stuff if i don't have any general concept of what this whole thing is kind of like that it's mushy [Music] underwater [Music] so [Music] face the size of this stream window a bit because there are um three statistics that i need to keep an eye on apparently i was just watching this streaming uh tutorial recently and one of the things that they were stressing constantly and this was a information mostly aimed towards like gaming live streams but one thing that they kept saying is that like you need to monitor the health of your stream constantly over and over again they said this in the tutorial and i was like how do i actually paint something and while we're on that topic how do people actually play the games that they're playing on for example on twitch if they constantly also monitor the health of their stream [Music] also if the connection breaks it's not like there's anything that i can do about it maybe call my internet provider which is elisa and enjoy their incredibly crappy customer service i mean what's the point of that monitoring i think this is in the category of the serenity prayer that like have the wisdom to not worry about the things that you can't do anything about rathalos hd i like the name i'm a huge monster hunter fan if nobody knows uh i'm gonna go dang it hang it here because just yesterday i saw this article on that there has been a huge leak on capcom headquarters and their release schedule has apparently been leaked and two years from now i think it was scheduled from 2024. there was this like one bullet point for powerstone uh remake and powerstone is my favorite fighting game it's like almost one of my favorite action games of all times and i spent like minutes screaming i'm so excited for that you have no idea even if it's like 2024 even then it seems like incredibly close to me because i've been waiting that game for like over 10 years [Music] so back to the comment rather said what do you think about studying art at a college university do you think it's beneficial or are there some defined divine cons to it well money obviously since i live in finland education here is mostly free the art school that i went to was a private art school i'm gonna try to stay in the frame so still it was quite cheap so when i graduated it wasn't like i was like thousands in debt but i know that in the us it's a different story and i would probably advise against like incredibly expensive art schools but i do think that education is important but i've lived in so many places when i was younger especially because we were moving because of my parents all over the world so i've had tons of different kinds of art teachers and it was only like a handful of them the ones that were in my art school that i felt like actually taught me everything that i know today but it might have also been a combination of them being so skillful but at the same time me being ready and humble enough to learn and to listen and take on board what they had to say personally i wouldn't pay a ton of money for an education when i don't know what the art teachers are like and if i respect them or not because you have to respect your art teachers because if you don't respect them you won't like listen to them i learn what they have to give you and as you know i sometimes do art courses for this one school that is in finland i do think that it's important to also have that like rebellious space and that whole attitude that for example a big part of my course is composition it's not so much like based on technique because they will find their own techniques anyway it's not that important when it comes to art about composition and design so when we go through this checklist of composition and design rules the thing about them is that like all of them work both ways like a hard rule can be an absolute rule in composition but at the same time the same composition rule can work completely by breaking that one rule if you have understanding of the other ones so very early on other students will kind of like rebel against the rules because they want to break them and they want to be creative and i think at the same time you have to appreciate the fact that they want to be sort of like rebellious creative people because it's those people that will definitely find their own style quite quickly and they understand where they are in the greater scheme of like art thank you atticus finally got the live stream and while i'm painting no less thank you it's nice that somebody else is painting kind of like excuse me less stress about turning this into something so it's on you to make at least one of these paintings good [Music] particulars [Music] [Music] so [Music] always work for you now with the pandemic vasileos god is asking um strangely busy i don't know how i managed to do all of this while having a full-time job before now that i'm doing this stuff full-time like for example last week in the middle of like all of those emails i'm commissioners and i still didn't manage to make even a single youtube video i just thought that like wow how is it possible that i am doing so much work and yet i still feel like i don't have enough done but this pc is the answer i definitely think that i could be better with time management it's something that i need to look into and that's one of the reasons why i'm looking into hiring this accountant even though it's like insane insane investment probably like the most expensive thing on this channel but just having less stress about all the legal stuff with money i think might be worth it if i just find the right company in his bureaucracy is like incredibly difficult when it comes to all of this like just finding out about the rules if i can even have a patreon account at all that took me weeks literally weeks to contact the other authorities and get some paperwork that explains what rules that i need to be aware of and how i need to follow them and even then the documents were like i need a lawyer to understand what this means being finished [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so one friend of mine wants to go to finland and study art in the university there well that's an economical option i think definitely we do have like a ton of people that come in here just to study [Music] one of my friends is [Music] for several studying here in finland and i've heard that even then the costs are like decent like like okay the rules aren't the same as for finnish citizens obviously because we pay for that with the taxes but still it's not like life endingly [Music] art [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's also this like um just planning things that i would need to think about if i ever do a patreon because like i said there's already so much that i'm doing that i would have to provide then content for one more platform especially if there's money tied to it on the people that are following me so i will have to be like very careful that it's like scalable to the point where i can keep doing that so that i just don't add up so much work on my own plate that i will like burn out and just quit all of this though i'm trying to grow all of these things that i'm doing quite slowly deliberately because it's not like one year or a few months thing i want to build it to last so one idea that i've had is that like sometimes i do this like silly process for myself that are fun to use or mess around with that it would be weird to sell them as a separate attack because they are kind of like what's the right word to do with this unique so maybe that would be like one thing for patreon to have this sort of like brush of the month that i use the paint and then i could like provide that for other people as well and with the color palettes and stuff just to have like something fun to try out without it being so serious like a price back on gumroad i feel like there's a different little standards that i've never feel comfortable putting those items there but they're still fun to use so i don't know this kind of waste to put that much effort into something that only i use and then there's no reason not to share it [Music] and i think that's something that i could do every month and maybe like do like some sort of art challenge around that maybe have some sort of like light art lectures in live streams [Music] but process really aren't that important they're just under use i don't want to sound like [Music] brushes are something that you need you don't you can just use the ones that are already pre in procreate whenever i'm talking about process i need to be like very careful because often a lot of like new painters think that like now i need to get this tool to be able to paint it's like no it's the least of your worries literally [Music] same for all of these people that constantly asked me to do all kinds of like reviews on different painting applications and i've looked into it like for example i have created cloud license so i get to paint with that adobe painting software and i know that people were angry about it because creative cloud license is so expensive that one reason why having a youtube channel is expensive but the painting app itself like it's not terrible and same for all of this like what is the infinity painter or something or ibus paint they're not bad programs so [Music] making a review would feel weird because it's really not that important the one thing that or the few things that you need is you need to have layers blend modes and maybe the ability to customize your own process that's it that's all and all of those applications have those things so after that it's just a matter of like which ui feels more comfortable to you for me i like using procreate just because it's so minimal i can just focus on painting and forget about all the other technical stuff i like using photoshop like for example if you saw the thumbnail of this thing before you click this video all of my thumbnails are now done in photoshop and that's the best application to use for that i don't use photoshop for painting anymore even though i used photoshop for painting for years and years [Music] [Music] [Music] i think doing all of these software reviews i think it would give the impression that it's somehow important or painting or learning art and it's not the same way that some people think that this is appropriate channel where most of the things that i talk about is composition and art and creativity or image building as a whole seeing the forest from the trees in this regard i think is important [Music] [Music] there's this sort of like pinkish [Music] you to the edge of the fins [Music] first paint it and then adjust it to find the right hue very subtle [Music] and i guess the back side of the pins is more translucent so it's more of the [Music] color [Music] hi niko do you ever get arm strain or coffee shakes i mean like i don't know what do you mean about coffee shakes i just have this like small cup or three hey phoebe tv now has this french icon in the chat so you're easier to spot [Music] i guess the biggest arm stream problems don't come from the ipad itself like especially this live stream painting i think it's much more enjoyable than painting for a youtube video because i get to hold the pad to the edge of the table and at an angle so i don't have to kind of like be hunched over the table but to paint in the position so that it's possible for me to have like clear footage of what i'm painting and that my face isn't reflected in the glass of the ipad that's not an ergonomic position i only do that for you guys and sometimes i miss it just like curling up with the ipad on the couch because i love painting like that i think it's super ergonomic in comparison to any of the options especially that like massive cintiq that is on the floor i wouldn't recommend it but one big ergonomic problem that there is a huge risk with this electric table the electric table is good and bad for ergonomics the good thing about the electric tables is that i can sometimes stand up and do some work while standing up like writing emails and doing all of the logistics stuff or if i'm doing like photoshopping like for example in the previous piece there is a small portion where i'm editing a 3d renderer before i import it into procreate and i did all of that in on photoshop and i didn't even like bring out my tablet for it i just use the mouse for it because it was just a color adjustments so it's just windows and menus but when you raise the table into standing position and then back into sitting position it's really important that you get the angle like exactly right i still haven't done a marker but in my previous workplace where i worked with a standing table i had this like marker with a sharpie next to a wall so that i could always raise the table to the same height because few times when i have gotten the height wrong if there's just like an instant terrible shoulder pain and that's why i recommend paying attention to the table height if you get a standing desk it's like really important because the downside is so so painful [Music] i just have like some random squiggles here maybe i don't have to take myself so [Music] seriously who doesn't like some squiggles you can secure my pop across this entire area and this is the dot layer i'm going to try to keep this separate there are more dots in this polka dot shark i don't know what the species is yet phoebe has a range icon because you have the ultimate power of like kicking people out use it wisely nico have you ever been asked to do furry art no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh he is asking would you like to do a traditional art live stream i would love to see you create something with oil paints oils would take way too much time so that would probably have to be gouache and but even that is quite time intensive so i'm not gonna say no because there's definitely a way to do it and the reason why i haven't been using quartz that much is because it wasn't possible to paint in the train but now that i'm working from home and i do have the time sometimes if i just schedule time for it it's not impossible and i think it's something that i would enjoy but i would have to like do some maybe some youtube videos where i'm painting with wash first just to kind of like game out what kind of project can i complete in a live stream session because for example recently i was thinking that maybe i should do a pixel art live stream then i did that pixel art piece of the bear in the phone booth and it took so long time i was just so glad that i didn't start that as a live stream because i wouldn't have gotten anywhere during that live stream i still think that there's probably a way to do a live stream of me making pixel art but it would have to be like a better defined area like for example like one specific area of a illustration that i'm working on because otherwise it would just not be fun for you guys to watch me basically go nowhere with the same painting or illustration in one sitting or pixel art piece i feel weird calling pixel art piece of painting it's not also i feel weird when people call something like this a drawing it's definitely in my own personal opinion i think this is not a drawing this is a drawing bad one but still a drawing but the drawing part is going to be deleted [Music] where are my dots here it's looking like a sparkly sparkly shark whale or a wrong layer i should lock that [Music] i still think that the whole piece needs a bit more hue variation i don't know what that would be i'm gonna do this like one quick test here are some random brush strokes and then i'm gonna go to hue and saturation and then just slide through different options i really like that thing but i think that could work i don't know what those strokes are maybe this i don't have time to make a whole school of fish maybe this could be a school office i've used pastels somebody saying that pastels would shoot me perfectly but the thing that i don't like about pastors is that they have this sort of like milky quality to their colors almost all colors have a bit of white in them [Music] but that might be my assumption from years back when was the last time that i used pastels maybe they have evolved since products in those sort of things happen all the time so to take some of the 3dness in this fish i'm going to get this back layer to see what i'm doing i'm going to invert it and now i'm going to the move tool and then take the uniform and then just step above the layer slightly and this moves the layer by one pixel okay i'm gonna keep it there and then move it back to invert so that was the original view of the layer and then alpha lock it and then some use some of this background rays [Music] and blur it in and then i'm going to use curves to kind of like go over the sunlight okay now i have these two things together i'm going to blend them with motion blur so the purpose of this is not to paint two dozen realistic fish to paint an impression of that look [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay uh checking the time one hour okay i think i'm doing okay for time i need to keep up the pace i guess i'll work on this monstrosity of green let me check out some of these colors that i have in the palette the idea with this palette that i created is that with the other direction i have a progression towards warm colors and to the other direction i have progression towards four hues how to use them [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] but the dots get thinner near the theme because i just need to transform some of these a little bit with the illusion of perspective so we'll do that right now with a warp [Music] [Music] that's better and there are some dots near the end too [Music] i think there are two of these pins underneath i think i should make another one here messy silhouette planning [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] the shark looks so happy it's hard enough to smile when making this [Music] [Music] i have no idea about the green beads but their role in the bigger scheme of things is i just don't want to make sure that the top half of the shark doesn't get lost here the thing is quite back here i want to make that more visible and use overlay but only part of the shark for this also i'm going to desaturate this whole overlay layer because overlay always amps up the saturation so i recommend that you're careful with that blend mode it's also one of the reasons why i like to paint with like very low saturation in the beginning because that just gives me more boom later on in the process if you start out with like very high saturation colors you're kind of painting yourself into a corner and it's kind of much harder to do any basic editing in the middle of painting when you run into difficulties [Music] [Music] saying for this i'm taking away some of the saturation setting it as a clipping mask and then kind of carving out some of those lighter areas of the shark because it has like two basic main hues on the shark skin [Music] so [Music] so [Music] have i been in an art school and yes i have been and the main art school that i think had the most help for me was this alpha art art school that doesn't exist in its current in its same form anymore but that was an art school for oil painting my so oh [Music] oh now phoebe is saying them i wish i could paint at a mickey level speed i spent two hours on a painting tonight and it's only half done well i can say that i have painted one painting now for two days and it's so unfinished that it was one of the reasons why i decided to do a live stream in the first place because i just don't want to rush it and especially because i feel like i need to make content for youtube i just want to give that painting more time to breathe and it's a new technique that i'm trying with um vr sculpt or scalp it's more of a model i made it in gravity sketch and then i am painting it in procreate but it's taking more time than i thought i'm not fast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cream is saying have you ever watched blue planet 2 series the underwater scenes in 4k are amazing this composition of yours today reminds me of some of them by mind-blowing kelp scenes yeah i love painting kelp i don't know if i have seen it sometimes i have these like netflix underwater moving art things playing on the tv find them very relaxing also when i'm trying to focus on working and if i'm working in the living room by painting on the couch i think having that playing it's a good way to kind of like block tv from any other activity so and get more work done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] sorry i made it so small i just needed to see if the visual impact works or doing something so crazy uh it's crazy but i'm gonna go with it no what's happening [Music] uh somebody's saying uh fine art and is saying we all have our pace of working remember that it's not a speed contest this is true also i think watching youtube videos gives us like a very false idea of like what actually goes into making a painting [Applause] just enjoy the road toward finished piece i think that's vice words from fine art and i think it's important not to expect it to be fast if you expect it to be fast you're kind of like already at the end result what happens after the painting what do other people think about it when it's done and so on and then you're kind of missing out the process also i can hear the queen is waking up [Music] he's staring at me from the other room [Music] please take your time as long as you're done in five seconds i need attention and play time and all kinds of stuff let's practice when i was in this art school that i mentioned earlier uh back when it was uh functioning like full-time school for um art students now they have just like courses for um daytime for people that are also working at the same time um which is great too i highly recommend it if you can afford it um what was i saying yeah my big problem in the art school was that i was always rebelling against the art teachers by just declaring over and over again like i can't do it because i'm a slow painter i just kept saying that over and over again it's such carb it's i mean i think this is like the one thing that has proven to me beyond any doubt is that the stuff that you say to yourself about yourself really molds your way of thinking and who you are because you have this perception of like your own identity and your actions are going to [Music] make things that like get you closer to that perceived identity that you have so if i keep saying over and over again that i'm a slow painter i'm a slow painter and then yes all of my paintings were done extremely slowly and i took tons of time making them but when i just stopped repeating that like incredibly negative assumption about myself then suddenly i was a super fast painter it was barely an inconvenience at all i was just blasting through different paintings and i was so surprised at it that then i make this weird challenge that i'm gonna do 200 paintings in one year and it would have just been crazy in the years when i was super slow and put like five paintings in a year done that i there's no way that that past mikko would have been able to paint that fast but now that i have different beliefs about myself i have different results i know that if this might sound like super hippy but that was so concrete of a change and you can see it in the numbers if you look some of like my super old art galleries like for example my old deviant art stuff that i don't have anymore but if you just look at the spacing of different posted artworks they were so few and far between and of course i think the same goes for many other things in life as well and i think i have learned this mostly from running because i do self-talk during running all the time especially when i'm on a long distance run i have this mantra that i repeat sometimes accidentally out loud if i'm very tired and it's been like a 20 kilometer run i might say out loud but like i can do this or i just need to run or that i don't feel tired or that i say out loud that i love running heels i do say that and then somebody is like passing me by and hearing what i'm saying and it's embarrassing for three seconds but i do it because it really does have an effect on how i do and i do that same when i'm painting there was a few years ago this commission that had a very drastic u-turn where the deadline was on the next day and the specs of the painting completely changed i mean the client was apologetic that they said that like i'm sorry we mis informed you about the specs of this painting we're going to need to have it in a completely different aspect ratio and then in the new aspect ratio i had like 3 present of the entire painting done and of course the composition was completely useless after those changes so they said that like we understand that you're almost done with this painting and if you don't feel like ripping it apart for this deadline and we will still pay you for the work that you have completed for us thus far and i felt at that moment i was like on that sort of edge that i can just decide one or the other and that is what i will do so i decided that this is something that i will be able to do i will be able to finish this painting in one day in a completely different aspect ratio and i said i'm gonna do it don't worry about it it's fine and then i locked myself into library for the entire day and then come out until the painting was done and i painted it on my phone by the way strange uh deviantart pb is saying deviantart isn't the most ideal website to be on anymore i definitely agree a lot of artists left because of the content culture it has yeah to me i think that most people left but the reason why it wasn't fun to be there anymore is just that they didn't update it in a way that is like uh expected on mobile phones they weren't able to take the old ui of the website and transform it into something that people would be able to use on their phones because that's how people view that content these days and i think that more than anything else make people leave because why be on deviantart when instagram is so much more fun to use [Music] but i can see that what do you mean about the culture too that was definitely an issue too i feel like that's a part of every art community like for example art station sometimes i go there and i see it comment that content that is promoted and the comments that there are on people's paintings i'm like no i don't need to expose myself to this it will offer me zero benefits in work life at all [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] cyn is saying is that scene or soon i miss old deviant art i wish there i wish there are some new deviant art sites other than having to deal with social media as twitter and i hate twitter there was something great about the old deviant art that i haven't seen since there was a this feeling of community i think and i haven't seen that elsewhere since i guess on instagram i do have one friend that i have made through instagram and this one now one of my best friends and we talk almost daily about all of the art that we make [Music] but i wouldn't say that that's as a whole represents what instagram is promoting your art has always been about social media even before social media existed it's just twitter and these other websites or services that exist now they make the process so much faster it almost feels like some of the art is kind of like [Music] single use only which i don't appreciate even my boyfriend said one of my paintings that i was about to post on twitter but isn't that an old painting like yes technically i painted this three years ago but the value hasn't gone anywhere just hearing that from him kind of like put it into perspective how people view online content now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh fine art and is actually not anne she's on me sorry for pronouncing your name in english please finish so many of the names that are in the chat whether they're finnish or not finnish i mean so many of the names are just horrify me when it comes to pronunciation because i don't know if it's an acronym or a number and then i still think it's important to at least try to read the name so that people know who i'm talking about which comment and i have noticed that when i watch these live streams after they are done [Music] so often i have these comments that i'm just reading at the chat and if i don't say out loud who the comment is from it just seems like i'm saying a random sentence out of nowhere for no reason [Music] yeah so one thing that i was trying to say in the beginning but i then i lost my train of thought and it was that in the last live stream that i said that i'm going to answer the questions that i didn't in the chat box below and i think it's better that i read the comments after the live stream is done and instead of replying in the comments those questions maybe i should just like write them down and have them on a piece of paper if there are like valuable questions that are relevant and then bring those topics up in my next live stream because there's no way that i can keep track of what everybody else is saying and sometimes there are really good questions or interesting thoughts that people say that go by in the stream [Music] i don't know if i'm ever going to be so fast at painting but i can keep off track of the chat perfectly while painting oh my god i just love painting this part i don't know if you can see it in the end results but like just all of these brush strokes here so satisfying [Music] and it looks like the kelp is on fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm not gonna try and pronounce the greek name again that was horrifying like all the greek names are very difficult i have this uh friend that used to live in finland but now he's in cyprus his name is petros and his name kind of is easy for finnish people to say but all of his relatives are just some gibberish to me i'm just having him in finland he had interesting conversations we're both very creative people but we didn't almost agree on anything at all so we had these intense arguments that i miss [Music] also he's a performance artist so i saw a lot of like unique things and experiences because his profession one of his performances was him screaming in a bar into a microphone for i think three hours while he was naked so that's that's art but when i do it they tell me to get out of the bar and stop bothering the customers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um joshulis is saying is this piece a commission of some sort or just for fun or something else this is just for fun i saw this picture of this like whale shark thing and i thought that this is something that i want to paint so here we are [Music] maybe i should have like a deeper reason behind it i guess the deeper reason if we want to get all super philosophical about it is that once we can only at least on this sort of superficial level appreciate the beauty of nature and maybe that maybe we can like respect it a little bit more that's my hope [Music] [Music] uh jk is asking how do you stay so productive or reference how many hours do you paint painting is a huge part of my work but it's not all of it like for example last week there was just tons and tons of emails that are kind of surrounding the work like for example all of this funny stuff and logistics that takes a lot of time so i would say that that almost takes as much time as the painting itself but last week it was pretty much whenever i was not writing emails i was working on this movie project so i wake up around five and then take the queen out for a walk and then i start painting and on some days i stopped painting around eight or ten last week was this photo i tried to keep up with the actual the project because they had already hired these 3d artists i had hired the 3d artists for the project before there was concept art to make 3d models out of the concept art that i hadn't done yet so this is burning building fire type of a rush to get the designs done [Music] and today i was supposed to have like a phone conference with the accountant of the upcoming deal because it's so much money to invest into an accountant that want to understand how the system works and what's required of me if i need to hire somebody else who is doing more of the work okay now i'm confident that i can take out the line art i don't need it anymore just having the line art it's so easy to kind of like get distracted by it because uh there are certain visual decisions that you don't need to make while you have line art but when you take it out you realize that you have still more painting to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's saying will you be reviewing art studio pro in the future um i talked about art software reviews earlier in this live stream basically i think the applications are pretty much about the same and they are quite inexpensive at this point uh maybe the only piece of information that people need to know about the current ipad art apps is that don't think that photoshop is the same as photoshop on the pc it's not an option for digital painting currently if you want to go that route i would recommend that what is the photoshop version of procreate again i forgot it's fresco yeah so if you want to pay a lot of money then use fresco but it's not better software because it's more expensive but other than that all of these other applications okay they have the same features click paint studio is fine i love doing line art in click paint studio but it has a monthly subscription [Music] hey [Music] [Music] too overboard with blending here but it's just some areas of the shark where the direction of the brush stroke matters a bit more on other parts so i want to make sure that those are painted as well as i can [Music] hey [Music] is saying have you heard about artificial intelligence creating paintings drawings and illustrations even human faces yes and the results are pretty amazing even especially i think the environments they look more believable and of course we now have all these fake twitter accounts that are just computer generated pictures of people that don't actually exist you won't be able to tell the difference between real and artificial intelligence created image anymore i think they provide interesting possibilities for the future of concept art where certain level of realism is useful like for example i had this character design that i did for an augmented reality company game and the character design they like the design they like the clothes and the pose and all the facial features but they just said that can you make an option where there's an older version of this character and then i just found this application i mean face tuning app on the app store that makes faces look older and then i use that app on the face part of that painting and it was like done in three seconds and then i sent that right away and they were like perfect we will use both of these but there's no reason why that would be any better if i had painted it because it wasn't marketing materials i think the most common uh thing that people get wrong about concept art is that concept art is not marketing materials when people kind of get into concept art and they want to learn concept art they have this impression that they are going to do paintings that they have seen online about the games but they like playing and that's usually not the case because the stuff that they are allowed to see online it's usually marketing materials and what concept art sometimes is that you can like for example have a post-it note that you just like draw something on your shark with the sharpie and that's the new enemy design because you need it five seconds ago and that's concept art not always sometimes you have two weeks to do one whole better design but sometimes you just need to have like super quick results right away because it's what is it used in concept art is the idea or a thing the ideas are useful but the pictures they are they are useless they are not going to be used in the game they are not assets it's just like concepts that is being made so that's why it's important to kind of like practice your imagination when you start painting and that's why for example my concept art course it's not based on tutorials at all it's not about what i paint or how i paint it's about how to generate unique ideas and to present interesting questions because the questions are way more important than explaining something to the viewers especially when selling a concept you have to do this inception thing that you have to make it their idea whether that's the producer or a publisher of the game they have to look at your art and then have their own idea based on your painting and then when they think that it's their idea you're much like more likely to sell a peace to them and let it be it's a part of that creative process [Music] i once had this like situation in a like a meeting we were talking about weapon designs and then i just was selling this idea of a weapon type and then one of the game designers spoke up and he literally said that yeah i have a better idea it's like that but ten times better let's make it bigger and more brighter and then everybody was like yeah let's do that i was like okay i'm i'm getting my way and my idea is being sold here i just need to like shut up about it but sometimes oh crazy how that goes [Music] [Music] okay saying where can we access your course though we've never seen you market it that's because it's not accessible from anywhere else except the school the game school for those students and it's finnish i mean the course is in english but it's for game students that are in finland it's not even something that i can market but i've been thinking no i've actually been doing my own art course i don't know how or where it's going to be published yet but i want to make an art course that is accessible to anybody no matter where they are located [Music] and my idea is to like take that stuff that is in the course [Music] and it's about how to make an image basically [Music] and it doesn't have anything to do with software i don't know if people are interested in it but i've been doing it for so many years that i at least it has good results so but this morning i saw this um one online platform approached me that they are interested in me doing a course for that platform and i think i might have a video conference with them i guess like the awkward question that i want to ask them is that what can you do for me that i can do on my own without your involvement in all of this [Music] so [Music] it's just a lot of fiddling around with the colors to find something that works [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] um something is saying i wanted to tell you that i'm watching your videos for a long time some of the techniques you use may not work for me that's fine but the things you say and the way you explain those enable me to find my ways yeah i wouldn't recommend that anybody like copy the way that i paint i don't think that's useful [Music] but it's pretty much all of my videos focus on some of the visual problem solving aspects and i think that's universal for everybody and for all pictures no matter what the style is i wouldn't want people to watch my videos and start painting like i do i don't think that would be beneficial for anybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] any tips how to practice your imagination i literally just made a video on that so i recommend watching that and this is an exercise that is mentioned in the video that you can do for the rest of your life and when you do practice paintings i highly recommend always having reference i right now have reference of this this species or shark or whale on my screen that i can't say like show for copyright purposes because it's a set of different images they can buy different underwater photographers but i reference the details of this thing so i always recommend when you're drawing new things always have preference but at the same time don't make it so boring that your imagination isn't engaged like for example if you're doing anatomy paintings or black drawing exercises try to have like a finished piece of artwork every time for different things because it will just make it more fun to do those exercises and i know a lot of people have this attitude that like now i'm going to practice really hard and i'm going to figure out this one area of painting and i'm going to get good at it but it's going to take so long to get there that just having basic you need grit but just grit won't get you there so having art that has a purpose that you feel like it's worth doing that's why i think it's important to engage your imagination every time and it's one of those things that like without practice your imagination it won't grow you can't just have this attitude that like i'm just going to pay attention to the technical aspects of art and get the technical stuff right and then i'm going to later incorporate like my own imagination and own thoughts into what i do until then i'm just going to do reference practice and it's just going to be duplications of like reference images that i see or the type of art that i want to make you are practicing those technical skills and that is important but i think it's arrogant to think that like once you get those technical skills that you have will somehow just jump into this different level of being able to listen to your imagination when you have spent zero hours practicing that skill and it's a skill that you can practice at the same time while doing those technical practice studies so i wouldn't skip it at all i think it's quite important i'm gonna just turn this around to make sure that all the line rhythm is working [Music] [Music] uh sweat pacquiao is saying from your bracelet i'm only using blueberry and bare fur i'm too scared to use others would be great if we can learn them properly from the creator this is the reason why i have pretty much for every painting i have picked a different and use that one also for these live streams if i created one video for all the different features of the different process that would take 12 hours i don't think anybody would have time for that i usually mention the brass pretty early on in the beginning so if there's a specific process that you want to learn about i recommend just like looking at the first few minutes and seeing if that's the brush that you want the information for [Music] but again i don't think that the prices are that important they're not [Music] so this is not all of what i was supposed to be doing i just completely got slight crank at the signing faces so [Music] also i've sometimes been thinking that maybe i shouldn't like give two specific advice on this channel because like then it always has this counter reaction like i said about those students that have the opposite reaction that they need to rebel against somebody and especially when we're not in a situation that i can actually see the end results and take some actual responsibility of how that process goes um i don't know it's just something that i've been thinking about it's a bit different because this is not like a classroom environment and when i talk about my own technique i think it's important to make the distinction that i am painting for myself i'm not telling anybody else how to paint on this channel i'm just going through my own process that's why a lot of my pending videos are named processes and i think it's important to make the distinction between process process and tutorial i'm not a big fan of tutorials because i don't think it's beneficial for any of you to repeat the steps that i do in my painting and repeat the same painting i don't think that's beneficial for any of you and if i make this channel into that format i think i would be taking away something very valuable from all of you it might be really good self-promotion for me and for this channel to make that type of a change but i think it's more important that i enable people to connect with their own creativity and use whatever app they are using or technique that they are using and have those sort of like image making skills on their in their own style i think that's way more important [Music] [Music] so now i selected the shark from the upper layer and i made this mask for it and now i am removing this as a clipping mask and putting it above everything and this allows me to kind of like delete these bright yellows over the silhouette of the shark to kind of like blend it into this lighting this is one of those effects that i just love doing in all of my paintings a very subtle effect but you can see it in the way the blue hues of the dark whale shift and it just gives it a bit more of that perspective [Music] i i really don't want anybody to think that i'm going after like the tutorial channels on youtube but i just think that it's a completely different format the one question that i would like all of you to ask yourself is that like when you go into an art class the art teacher doesn't talk about their own heart or show people how they paint or ask them to repeat their own paintings and there's a reason why that is and that is based on like years of experience of like teaching different classes of students and seeing how to develop them as individuals and the way that they require like certain knowledge on like how images are made not how that art teacher is making images or how to make the same paintings that the art teacher is making so there's a difference between process and tutorial there was this there is this like really good design channel the future that is about graphic design but in one of their videos one of the lecturers said that like copy the process uh don't copy the end results and by process i mean the design process not the actual like physical steps of like use these tricks and this process to get to the end result but like for example whenever you hear for example me talking about a visual problem-solving thing like for example how to make the silhouette of this shark be visible even though it's on a sort of like busy background that is the type of like design process or problem solving that is useful for any style that you do or any painting that you do and it's those like small moments where you see that like there's something that is not working in this painting and i just can't put my finger on it like when you can put your finger on it and when you can go through this checklist that like does the silhouette read for example when you have that item in your checklist that you go through in a very sort of like mathematical objective way it's not about some painting being like magically good or bad but it's based on this sort of like checklist of composition elements and then you i can have actual control over what you are doing when you can verbalize to yourself that like i went through my checklist and this part is not working and i'm going to fix it i don't know how i'm going to fix it but i at least know what the problem is so i think that's one of those examples where you can copy the process and the design process not the end results but make a shark go do one but just make it your own like for example i'm using these like pink sparkly things that are definitely not part of the original shark anatomy or using this sort of like flaming yellow kelp in the background maybe make a rusted orange background and different view of sea must have something else that is telling what this painting is to you and have your own perspective on it if you can't make a completely different image if it's like more emotionally safe to do something along the same lines as a different painting then of course i can't go out and say that like definitely don't do those paintings if it's the only painting that you would make then make that painting definitely but if you can make it in some small way your own maybe that can be the small baby step to making sure that like you're practicing your imagination at the same time because if you just practice the techniques you are kind of wasting time that could be used more beneficially kind of multitask those two different ways of learning at the same time i hope that makes sense and i hope that that doesn't sound rude and really i want you to understand that these are the sort of like really difficult choices that actually cost me views they cost me click through rate and there's another way to run a youtube channel that i'm sure that would be easier for me to market but i'm doing this because like the reason why i feel so passionate about all of this this whole channel and the reason why i started doing art teaching and those courses in the first place is because i honestly felt like art isn't being thought in the way that i would have felt would have helped me more in my career as a concept artist and it also includes that other stuff like how to kind of like manage your brain through all of that because you can't just dump a bunch of technical skills into an artist and then go out into a world and then realize that you're going to have like a complete mental breakdown because of all the mental strain this profession is going to put on you and if you have like absolutely no tools on how to approach those then of course you're going to have like panic attacks or have depression because of it and all the toxic ways that we are taught about how an artist is supposed to be and what that life can be like i i just felt like there's something that i can do actually do and have some small positive change in the lives of my students that's why i started it and that's why i started this channel i didn't have any views for years in the beginning but i felt like the course was important enough [Music] [Music] but there are tutorials on some technical stuff like for example i want to have um that is like one example about i've done especially when i started uh i work on like much smaller projects in the beginning where i was pretty much making a lot of the visual assets not just concept art i mean like actual assets and that included me designing ui and i have done so many ui designs and with every ui design i have done a vector illustration of a cog i mean a gear with those like tooth around the circle i have done that incredibly technical and difficult vector i mean it might look simple but this really specific way to make it in a way that it's symmetrical and all the tooth teeth of the gear are evenly spaced out in a circle so i don't do a lot of vector art so every time i had to do that it was always this like massive wrestle and the way that i got through that one thing was that i just looked a lot of tutorials and i think that there are certain techniques and tricks that are actually useful when you need them so often like for example i was thinking that maybe i should do this like actual tutorial of how i use the tools in like photoshop or procreate or pretty much in any application to make stars in all of my paintings because that's one of those things that like if you don't know that process you can do it in a different way that will just take you hours longer than that way and it's one of those things that like once you know it you just know it that's not an art lesson it's just a technique and it just takes away some of that stress when it comes to painting so i think that there is like use for those but i it's important to me how it's presented because that's not art it's not art to know how to paint clouds or how to paint stars or water or reflections it's technique and it's fun to be very clear on those two things [Music] oh what is that mail [Music] does the shark have eyes yes but that's a quick good question because i realized that i went so crazy with the dots the eyes getting kind of lost in there but i think it might also be the evolutionary reason fi for why that is i don't think this shark has uh very sharp teeth in there somebody please look at wikipedia for information on this but i think it this might even be uh not a meat eating shark wave thing i don't think it's a predator so it might be um camouflage creation to keep the eyes protected this is the second time i'm painting something that i have no idea i should do this whole uh study process of like what i'm painting i mean i should know species i'm gonna select this layer and then apply it to this glow and that is the same almost exact effect that if i had this layer exactly being masked in here but i can't have it as a clipping mask there and still have the same sort of like glow effect on the shark so now i'm gonna go back to the chart and then go to the clipping mask and then paint it with white but i don't get this like weird splotches with stark okay uh darwin andrea lot is saying how long did it take you to get used to drawing painting on an ipad uh it didn't that's the reason why i bought an ipad it took me a really long time to make the jump from painting with a cintiq to an ipad because i always thought that like it's a lesser device but then i walked into a local store store where they had ipads and an apple pencil and a procreate open and i used a pencil tool i remember it was the pencil and a black color and i did one stroke with it and there was no lag and i could instantly feel how it responded to the angle and the pressure and i was like okay this is so much better than my insanely expensive cintiq there's no reason why i'm ever going to use a clunky wacom in my life ever again so that's how i switch then i've never switched back now if i have to do some painting on photoshop i always feel like it's less fun because i have to battle with the hardware but it's just like natural i think the biggest learning stuff is just like learning to paint in the first place i think you don't have to like fight with that technology i think that's a huge [Music] plus is there anything on this layer no no take a look at what i can still do i need to quit soon because we need to go out on a walk time to be outdoors [Music] so uh sim is saying uh i must say that the queer channel made me enjoy painting in some way i'm more of a person that likes to draw rather than paint painting was often stressful and unenjoyable for me for a long time i think painting is so fun that i think it's worth the effort it might have kind of like um really long learning curve in the beginning but it's definitely worth it if i just think about my life i think painting is one of those things that definitely has given me most like joy and happiness [Music] [Music] overall [Music] [Music] and the huge benefit with an ipad and pro create fine art on is saying and the huge benefit with ipad and procreate is that you can take it with you and work for example on train or on a road trip like i do yeah i love painting in a train i just a few weeks ago i got this train to get to basa and back in the same day and i just painted on the train and it was one of those quiet uh rain rides where there wasn't anybody else in the same car as me so i didn't even need to wear a face mask because it was empty so that was super fun coffee and painting and the seats in that train are pointing towards the window so you can look outside on your paint i can't think of anything more enjoyable than that [Music] and thank you adicos i always feel like i'm saying your favorite uh atticus is saying another amazing piece thank you for everything you do it's like super awkward reading a comment when it's positive thing about my painting it's just i don't know [Music] i take a compliment like a punch into this [Music] i'm gonna continue your videos are preferred press air in the wet chart is 20 20. yeah [Music] usually i i'm kind of like bored of people hating on a year but like i think now it's justified 2020 has been rough rough [Music] not big is saying i've been going through a seriously depressive face and i was afraid today was going to be another awful day but this stream immediately made me feel more positive oh [Music] don't enough of that like somebody says something done uh darwin andre and a lot is saying what art books do you recommend for starters johannes eat them colors in art it's a short book read it love it memorize it maybe again hate it for being so mathematical colors aren't something like that is only intuitive and magic it's just like science and how they work [Music] so [Music] [Music] i think the good thing about this year is that i've had a more pressing reason to work on my youtube channel and my own art i don't know if all of this what i'm trying to do here is going to work if i'll be able to keep doing youtube videos or having this channel because of like money issues so this is really expensive for me to do but the one thing that i'm grateful for in this year is that like at least i'm trying at least i'm here and at least i'm giving it my best shot to see if this works because if i had just looked for another job right away i would have like wanted to impress the workplace and work really hard on being part of the team and so on and i wouldn't have been able to just be here and meet you all wonderful people and make these paintings that mean so much to me and i honestly think that i would have at least had this feeling that like maybe it could have worked i would have regretted not crying so i'm i'm not going to regret crying [Music] and already the stuff that i've been able to do with this channel and the people i've been able to reach i'm already grateful for that and that wouldn't have happened otherwise if 2020 wasn't so damn crappy i love this saying that like when something the most horrible thing happens to you and i'm not gonna say that like losing myself is the most horrible thing it might be like one of the uh more fun aspects of this year but whenever something bad happens to you try to think that how this has happened for you and what this enables you to do now instead of like this victim mentality why does my life have to be so hard and so on so i i guess i'm already at that place where i can feel like at least i get to do this i love this more maybe there should be like this dramatic shadow in the top corner of the image i kind of love that i'm gonna keep it it a little bit more and then i'm gonna have some like in-between hues with this other layer make the yellow like cream this is a good shark [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's ready saying i see the eye now i think i went a bit too overboard with it at some point then i tore it down with that clipping mask [Music] [Music] okay this is my list of like composition mistakes that i'm going to fix before i publish this piece on [Music] instagram so i will fix those that's like a layer that i made for composition errors i'm going to have to start does anybody want to see dv i'm gonna pick her up quickly just a second [Music] so okay we're gonna go out and have a small walk i wanna thank all of you for uh being part of this live stream uh i will see you guys in the next video uh it's gonna be a different technique it's a new technique that i haven't um tried before on this channel but it has something that i have done before and i just thought that it's important that i try new things because that will ensure that i will also keep learning new things as well so i'm gonna take the queen out and i will see you guys later bye
Channel: angrymikko
Views: 7,885
Rating: 4.9638009 out of 5
Keywords: Procreate, Live paint, Live painting, Digital art tips, Digital art, Digital painting, Tutorial, Art tips, Livestream, Art stream, Art tuber, Ipad, Ipad art, Art app
Id: _yj9fVbZmBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 10sec (10330 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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