More Than Made It // Pastor Jimmy Rollins

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[Applause] today today today you are in for one of the biggest streets in the entire world because i have we have one of our dearest friends on the planet and one of the best preachers you will ever have the opportunity to hear with us today he and his amazing wife started the church years ago and god has blessed i-5 city in such phenomenal ways some of you will remember when pastor jimmy rollins was with us the first time and it was absolutely phenomenal he was actually supposed to be with us last march and then this little thing called covid happened and everything got shut down and we he was actually going to be there that weekend we had to say hey you can't come because you know where everything's closed we're going to be yeah closing the building but not closing the church uh so i could not wait for him to get back here and share and pour into shoreline city so whether you're in chicago or you're in guatemala or you are in kenya or you are in colorado or you're in california or you are in dallas texas i want you to open up your heart wide as pastor jimmy rollins comes to share the word of god with us today come on up here amazing leader and friend what's up shoreline city how y'all doing come on whether you're worshiping with us online or in the room can we just stand and give jesus some praise in this place for keeping us and loving us and being faithful in the midst of a global pandemic is there anybody who would give a witness by your hand that says i'm thankful for jesus and if it had not been for god who is on my side over the last nine months i don't know where i'd be come on one time let's give jesus some praise in this place come on whether you're at your kitchen in your living room in the car keep your hands on the steering wheel but it's good to give jesus his due amen let's go let's go i'm so honored i'm humbled i'm i'm excited i'm amped man i feel like you know being in a room is just amazing and whether you're in this room or or the room i love technology i love the fact that we can still do church and what this pandemic has has taught us is we don't just go to the church we are the church come on somebody and church doesn't start when service starts it starts when service is over because i am the tangible hands and feet of jesus christ in my city amen and and i'm just pumped and before we get going and i just have to give honor to two of the most amazing life-giving people on the entire planet and pastors what we do is you know we only give honor and we go but i just literally this morning i i prayed and i said god what would you want me to speak over uh earl and onika and the church and and honestly i i felt the word refined and the holy spirit was just saying that you've been refined and you know you can be special but being refined is is is is is taking out any impurities and and your heart is right and your motivations are right and and the lord just just just begin to say just to that for the entire church whether you're online or here in the room like your church is special it's it's refined and i'm also a car lover and and uh and so i love to go on in on the internet and look at cars that i can't afford and and there's and there's the regular model and then there's a model called an sv model a lot and it looks just like the regular model but the sv model is is literally the special version and it looks the same but it has horsepower that the other ones don't have and i just want to prophesy over the both of you that you have horsepower that no one else has and it may shoreline may look like another church but the anointing that is on this place it takes special gasoline and it takes special come on somebody and so one more time whether you're online or in the room can we give it up for the refinement that you and your family have come on somebody come on shola we can do better than that let's put our hands together and celebrate our pastors and irene and i are so honored to be your friends and honestly i love preaching at your church but i love even more just being at your table and talking and doing life and i'm just i'm just uh i'm blown away and uh i'm gonna preach because i got 32 minutes come on somebody um but i just want to quickly i'm also honored that i'm allowed that i'm honored that i'm humbled that god chose me to lead our family and and i absolutely love i've been married 21 years come on somatic amen to my smoking hot wife and and my kids are okay sometimes but if you have a picture of my family if you can put that up there that's us right i have outputted my coverage i get it uh and uh that's me and irene and and then kayla's in the middle she's 20 and maya is 15 there uh and she said i didn't leave nothing on the table in that picture that's what she said i gave all i gave up to all of y'all on that and then my son uh jayden just got a full ride scholarship for soccer and so i don't have to pay for college it's amazing y'all like soccer yeah soccer don't stereotype me and uh and so i'm so pumped to preach this message and and uh in in a room and and whether you're online or in this room i'm believing that the anointing can just be anywhere and and it can go through fiber optics and all that good stuff and so turn your bibles with me to acts 27 and you all have been reading through and are reading through and i'm not sure if you got into chapter 27 yet but it's coming and i'm telling you now we're going to it's going to be able to meet it when when you get there and then also romans 8 and this is also paul and i'm going to read this passage of scripture it says but take courage and this is kind of the the ending of of of what you would call a catastrophe and i'm going to work through this but i don't have enough time to read the whole passage of scripture but this is like the one i want to focus on but take courage none of you will lose your lives even though the ship will go down for last night an angel of god to whom i belong to and whom i serve stood beside me the presence of god will stand beside you in the midst of a sea nothing season and he said don't be afraid paul for you will surely stay in trial before caesar in other words you're going to accomplish the thing that i sent you to do regardless of the mess that you're in right now what's more god and his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you in other words guess what if you with me on this journey you're gonna be saved also that's what i love about the anointing it's just not for me sometimes i gotta connect myself with people when i can't pray for myself who have a connection with god and as long as god is speaking to them i'm gonna make it too that's why i love the anointing that is on this house come on somebody [Applause] i'm not supposed to preach that i have in my notes here calm down so take courage for i believe god and it will be just as he said but we will be shipwrecked on an island romans 8 30 uh 8 37 and 38 and i love this because this is kind of the the meat to this passage of scripture that says no in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for i am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future or any powers nor height nor depth nor anything in all creation nothing will be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus i want to preach to you over the next 28 minutes and 30 seconds from the topic more than made it come on look at the person next to you and says more than made it we just didn't get through this god did something in us that we must acknowledge and we must take come on somebody some good stuff through the bad stuff that we went through i'm not gonna go through all this trial and all this mess and everything that happened in 2020 and step into 21 2021 and just say we made it no you have more than maybe you got more than you thought you had come on somebody you knew how to take a licking and keep on picking you have more [Applause] than made it years ago when i was a teenager there was this area that was in proximity to our house called the sand pits and the sand pits was land that was under developed and so the government wanted to develop this the local government wanted to develop this land to you know spur the economy and and so they put up a fence that says danger and so i was a pastor's kid still am so when it says keep out it means enter and so me and my cousin thought it'd be a good idea to jump the fence and so we climbed the fence and and a chain-link fence and we got to the other side and before where this place the sand pits was it was some woods and so we we had to tread through and and find our way to get to the sand pits and it was uncharted territory no one had ever been there before and so we got to the sandpits and we started to explore and we started to look around and and we started to just have a good time and then all of a sudden we heard something that i still remember today roof roof and they had different pitches so i knew it was more than one and we found out that there were doverman pinchers on the other side of that fence and so i don't know about you but back then you know i was the biggest and the slowest and looked like a good meal so i ran first and there's running and then there's something called hall tailing like running is great but hotel is like it's when you kick in another level of running based off of your fear and so we turned around and we started running and my cousin is fast and all the while left first he went way ahead of me and we were getting cut and we were dodging and we were bleeding and when we got to the fence those dogs are right on us and i don't know how this happened but something offense that we had to climb a six-foot fence the adrenaline made me jump the fence without even touching it come on somebody i believe i can fly i mean it was like it was it was crazy that's a true story the adrenaline and i remember us the dog still barking we're being on the other side of the fence and my cousin looked at me and said we made it and as i was preparing for this message and as we were going through 2020 and as the clock was about to turn into 20 21 i remember looking on the other side of 2021 at my family saying we made it can i just encourage you that you made it can i just encourage you that your marriage made it it might not be in the condition that you thought it would be come on your relationship with your children might not be up but you made it you are still living you are still breathing you are still talking you are still in your right mind somebody needs to give god praise that we made it but as we were on the other side of that fence i realized that we more than made it [Music] i got through some stuff that i didn't know i had the ability to get through i just want you for a second to think back of 2020 and think about how god's presence was with you i know you just it's so amazing to get on the other side and to hold a trophy and to be on the trophy stand but can i encourage you that the trophy tells a bigger story about the trial i know you're in your purpose but sometimes you got to look back at the pain sometimes you got to look at the scar and say look what the lord has done i'm telling you right now i didn't make it through 2020 2020 made me i'm better than i've ever been i'm stronger than i've ever been i've got a praise come on somebody that circumstance can't take away from me my marriage is tougher than it's ever been i come on somebody i learned how to be a homeschool teacher in 2020. you mean to tell me i'm just gonna say i made it i learned how to praise god without a church service and without a band and without a worship team i'm more than mayor you mean to tell me i'm just going to get to the other side of this i ran faster than i've ever run before i got an anointing that i didn't know i had before i learned how to intercede come on somebody with nobody else around me my relationship with god got to another level that i never thought it could be i know right now like some people say well my marriage you know but you're still together you have more than made it paul says i'm more than a conqueror i just didn't get on the other side of this but height no death nothing can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus 2020 was not a catastrophe 2020 was a classroom 2020 didn't happen to me 2020 happened for me 2020 wasn't about winning the test 2020 was about finishing the test 2020 was not a sentence 2020 was a season i didn't make it through 2020 2020 made me some of y'all like he's excited because when you have been through some stuff and you get to the other side of it don't you dare minimize that you got cut and didn't bleed out don't you dare minimize that you have avoided some things that other people ran into on the other side of your pain on the other side of your fear on the other side of your doubt as a purpose and a destiny and 2020 taught me some things that i had no idea i even needed to learn but it was not a catastrophe it was a classroom i learned how to be a lawyer in 2020 because i had to litigate my emotions in 2020. i became a professor in 2020. i don't have come on i'm not having a doctorate but i became a teacher to my children and i became an i.t specialist in 2020 come on i had to upgrade internet and find out how to have connectivity when everybody else i had to figure out some stuff i became a counselor in 2020 because there were some sleepless nights that i was going through that i had to talk to myself and say self remember you had if god did it before he'll do it again same god right now same god back ben come on some of y'all became a barber and a stylist and you couldn't get to the barber shop you became a nail technician in 2020. come on somebody you had to give yourself a pedicure in 20 20. some of y'all became a chef you had to cook because you ran out of orders of noodles and you had to figure out some stuff can i just encourage you that when you get to the other side of a trial it's not just to say what does god have in store sometimes you have to look back and say look what the lord has done i have more that made it here in acts 27 we found that paul he has been imprisoned by the roman government and he's on his way to stand trial and storms arise some things that he's never confronted before he's in a place that's dangerous paul was a roman citizen so he had to he was allowed to stand trial back in front of caesar which that's the scripture when god says you will stand trial in other words you're going to get to the place that i said you're going to get to no matter the storm that's confronting you right now and paul warns the people ahead of time that there's going to be a storm and in this storm the st this storm in the story the storm is so bad that the people are losing faith they're losing hope let me pause that hope song that y'all was doing i wanted to rap i just at the end i just wanted to spit some bars i just i can't but y'all were amazing back okay digressed they were caught in a storm but they were on a mission from god and so what i found out about this passive scripture as i read it in the midst of going through all of that is there some things that 20 20 taught you that i don't want you to forget and when i look at this passage of scripture the first thing that i get from this passage of scripture of paul in this journey being shipwrecked the apostle paul the man of god paul he learned some things through this and the first thing he learned is this and i want to encourage you that 2020 gave you some lessons that you need to remember because those lessons are gonna take you through seasons come on that might be more than 2020 ever was the first thing he learned is this paul would say i found friends that feed me come on i know we were socially distanced and i know we were isolated and i know we were by ourselves but some of you found some people who know how to take a licking and keep on ticking some of you found some people that will pray for you despite their own mess check it out in acts 27 3 the next day when we visited the dock of sudan julius was very kind to paul and let him go ashore to visit with friends that could provide for his needs what this guy is in prison now if you talk and maybe you know the story of paul and silas when they were at the inner prison well this prison on the boat was below the bow right and so he was in a dark place in prison locked up on transport and got the opportunity to go visit some friends now i will tell you when you locked up it's hard to find people who will be with you and see nothing seasons but paul gets the opportunity the bible is specific to says friends that provide for his needs not friends who were needy but friends who provided for their needs now i'm an old school 80s and 90 rapper but i remember they saw friends how many of us have them i have come to find out that i need people in inner prison seasons i have come to find out that there is nothing like having an earl and onika who will call you and pray for you and be with you and don't care about watch this that will promote you beyond their own promotion [Applause] i'm talking about see nothing seasoned friends god will take you to places where you're gonna need some people to feed you and i know that it's so easy to say i don't do people i don't trust people we're in this canceled culture but i have found out that be careful not to cancel people because you could be canceling your purpose and your assignment confess your sins to gods that you may be forgiven confess your sins to one another so you may be healed we got too many believers walking around forgiven and not healed because they don't do people i need people i need a silas who will be with me in prison and pray and sing hymns come on and not blaming me for why we're there you're gonna need some see nothing seasoned friends that know come on how to how to know accountable friends that know what you're capable of but also what you're created for he found some friends characteristics of provision friends friends who will pray with you when their own situation is jacked up characteristics of provision friends friends who know how to listen to you without trying to fix you characteristics of provision friends friends who fret who who will refresh you not frustrate you characteristics of provision friends friends who are loyal beyond when ain't nobody else loyal i had to say that baltimore style friends who will cover you but not cover it up [Applause] [Music] friends who will cover you when i it up it's amazing to me that the bible mentions julius one of the captors could it be one of your enemies right now actually one of the friends who will help you get to your future but it's stuck behind grief and unforgiveness and this is a prophetic word guys this is i'm sorry not years ago when i was a kid i was playing wiffle ball with my old wiffle ball talking about the yellow back with the hard end you bought in the grocery store got the ball on the top and the ball went down the gutter and in our community these gutters were really heavy so everyone the game got paused and everyone came over and and and and we're going to get this ball so we it took everything all of us to lift the gutter up and so we lift this cast iron gutter up and at that moment i slit and when i slipped i fell into the gutter where i was still sitting on the road in my legs and all of a sudden everybody dropped the grate so i had this it had to be three or four hundred pound great on me and three people ran and only one person stayed past why did the one person stay because they were committed to me beyond their own fear and they began to help me lift and it was crazy that two people what took four or five people to raise two people were able to lift i'm telling you i'm looking for some friends for you in this next season watch this now don't get too excited you'll get excited right here watch this that will double your joy and ease your pain not double your pain and ease your joy he found friends that could provide for him number two in the midst of a see nothing seasoned paul would say i found that his presence is with me i found that friends would feed me but i also found that his presence is with me acts 27 23 and 24 says for last night now this is in the midst of a storm this is in the midst of of of not you know uh knowing how it's gonna go i don't know about you but there's been seasons in my life where i feel like i'm between a prayer and a promise i'm between two seasons i don't know how it's gonna work out but check it out for last night the angel of god to whom i belong and whom i serve stood beside me and he said don't be afraid paul for you will surely stay in trial before caesar what's more god and his goodness has granted safety to everyone who was sailing with you it's amazing to me in 2020 i found that when the presence of discouragement when the presence of disappointment when the presence of fear and uncertainty that i had the kind of relationship with god that he stood right beside me what i discovered pastor erlinik is that peace is not the absence of pain but it's the presence it's the presence of the one who was in the boat with you the whole time it is not the absence of pain it is the presence of the person of jesus christ man who's standing i i'm awful friends standing with me i'm sure shadrach meshach and abednego in the fire they were like man y'all homies are with me it's great to have a squad it's great to have some homies but i'm looking for that fourth man i need the presence of god i have come to discover that nothing is like a moment in god's presence i i've come to discover that my connectivity with jesus with my savior through worship in 2020 i learned how to worship with no band i learned watch this now in 2020 here's what happens right i want you to write this down worship change from lyrics to lifestyle who i found out that i am a worshiper that worship is not a song that i sing it's a it's a melody inside of my heart that connects me with my creator and keeps me in proximity and what it what it does is it it provides for me when i lose my job but i still got to stand it with me when i'm going through marriage god's standing with me can i just encourage you his word says that he will never leave you nor forsake you can i encourage you all who are watching online right now that you're not here in the building but guess what the presence that's here in the building is right next to you on the couch because god is with me he stood beside me he's with me i i said god give me a way to illustrate this and my son played soccer and we went to a soccer game and and you all may know pastor chris durst so he's a good friend of mine he was at our church to preach and i said hey we're going to go to the soccer game and he had his crew with him and and and so we went to the soccer game and and my son's team was playing a team that was older so my son is 18 and they were playing a u-21 team and the u-21 team was bullying them the whole time and pushing them around and and i was getting a little upset on unpassed thoroughly i don't know how to say it i don't even know how to say it i was outside of my calling for a little bit come on any of y'all that you know sometimes in the right situation i can pull you out y'all sign up for security at the church you need security people and so we're in the stands and the team's talking trash and and they and they were playing dirty jaden's the best player on his team because he's like his daddy and just and and so they were trying to take him out and they were kicking them and and all of a sudden he got fed up and this big boy with tattoos who had benefits and health benefits and probably kids at home he was standing over jaden and jaden just swung on him and then i knew at that moment the bc jimmy was gonna have to come out and they started tussling and fighting and jaden got kicked out of the game and the crowd was going crazy and i went to the guys who was talking trash to jaden in the crowd and i was like y'all got one more time uh-huh i had new york with me come on somebody and jaden left and i had to go and i got asked to leave also and so we we both left and and i said jaden that boy was huge that boy had tattoos what made you swing on him and he said my father was in the stands can i encourage you shoreline city i want you to stay in the fight when the enemy comes in like a flood the bible says that god will raise up a standard against him why are you going to get through because your daddy is in the stands and he will never leave you nor forsake you his presence stood right beside me your daddy is in the stands gonna help you get through the emotional issues that you're faced with your daddy is in the stands looking at your marriage and you're saying i don't know if i can take anymore your daddy says yes you can cause i'm right here and i'm gonna fight for you matter of fact you don't even have to fight this battle because the spirit is inside of you and when you can't pray for yourself the bible says that the holy spirit will intercede that means he'll intervene and stand between you and your mess somebody needs to give god praise that he stood beside you in 2020. i'm gonna ask the van to come up a little early because i outpunted my coverage so imma skip to the last point i found that friends that feed me paul found that his presence is with me the last thing he found is that nothing can stop me nothing can stop me nor height nor death come on somebody no principalities nor powers nor present nor future nothing in all creation is able to separate me from the one who's standing with me nothing can stop me i i want to encourage you with this this last thought and y'all can play whatever you want to play you can start now i might sing i might prophesy i feel i'm home this is family [Applause] but it says here the soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners to make sure they didn't swim ashore but the commanding officer wanted to spare paul so he didn't let them carry out their plan then he ordered all those who could swim to jump overboard and make for lane then the others held onto the planks or debris from the broken ship so everyone escaped safely to the shore my god pastor what are you trying to tell me what i'm trying to tell you is the thing that the enemy is trying to use to take you out is actually the thing that god is going to use to take you in [Applause] [Music] oh my god you mean to tell me that the mess that i went through that god can use that to get me to the place that he's predestined me to be the plank is still a part of the ship nothing else showed up years ago y'all remember hurricane katrina and i heard the story and i it just came to me just now and and it was so bad and y'all remember the floods and and it rocked the entire city it rocked an entire place and and people the the whole country wasn't prepared for it and and all of these people are sending resources and and they're rescuing people and and people are using their boats and and going to get people and i saw this one story that the flood waters had gotten so bad that the graveyards the caskets came to the surface and there was a family that the rescuers could not reach and so they thought that it was over but what happened was is they saw these caskets and these caskets are airtight and so they floated to the top and this family jumped on the caskets in other words what was dead actually god used to carry them to safety so can i encourage you that when you think it is over god will come on somebody with the enemy thought for bad god is gonna turn around for your good whether you're at home whether you're here in the room i dare you to jump on your feet and say nothing can stop me i have more then made it i just didn't get through it but i'm better than i thought i'd ever be i'm stronger than i thought i'd ever be i'm smarter than i thought i'd ever be i'm wiser than i thought i'd ever be i know guys 2020 was hard but i'm letting you know on the other side of 2020 is not a new year it's a new you look what the lord can i just ask you to just get a little selfish a little profit real quick just say look look at yourself look what the lord has i'm still standing i'm still in my right mind god is with me my praise is stronger than it's ever been my worship is more powerful than it's ever been oh my god look at my children god kept us his banner over me as a love come on can everybody begin to praise god in this season you just didn't make it shoreline city you more than made it can we give god a better praise than that come on whether you're watching online let the enemy know you thought you had me but guess what i had you and you were under my feet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your heart filled with faith your heart filled with faith i'm doing all i can to hold back tears because like all of us we've carried so many different weights and struggles and pressures and pains and problems and scars and marks but the grace of god has carried us i'd ask you to do me a favor just bow your head just for a moment this word we heard today was straight from god's heart to your heart to my heart whether you're at home right now or you're in an overflow lobby or in this room i i want you to think about your own personal relationship with god have you surrendered your heart and your life to jesus christ have you made them first have you made them number one if you have not this is your moment of salvation this is your moment of a brand new beginning this is your moment to say jesus i want to surrender my heart and my life to you maybe maybe at one point in time you're following jesus but maybe in 2020 you just drifted you've gone your own way and you don't want to go your own way anymore you want to go his way you want to get back on track you want to be a follower of jesus you want to surrender your heart and your life to serving him so no matter where you are in the world right now this is your moment to respond to the grace of god and say god i want you to have my heart and my life on the count of three i literally want you to do something simple but something incredibly bold i literally want you to throw your hand in the air and say yes that's me i want to give my heart and my life to christ ready one two three just throw your hand in the air you're saying yes that's me i want to get my heart i want to give my life to christ i got friends all in this room i know i got friends all at home they're raising their hands right now saying i don't want to go my own way i want to go his way i'm going to ask every person to do me a favor every person put your hand over your heart if you would not mind and i want you to repeat this prayer out loud after me say dear jesus i ask you to forgive me of all my sins i admit i've made mistakes and today i give you my heart i give you my life give me the power to live for you in jesus name amen can we clap our hands at every location romney and christine's house neighborhood gatherings nashville chicago all over hey listen your next step for those who raise your hand to give your heart and your life to christ whether online or in person is growth track that's your next step we want you not just to pray a prayer and go back to living your life how you've always lived it we want you praying this prayer then jumping on a journey to help you understand what it means to be a passionate follower of jesus christ you don't have to be perfect uh but my friends we're gonna have to put one foot in front of the other we want to do this together we want to do it as a family so growth track uh will happen on sundays at 11 45 and then on wednesdays as well we're working on an on-demand growth track too for those who don't uh sign up or aren't watching right now but we'll watch it two o'clock in the morning just want to make sure we're throwing the door wide open so every individual no matter where they are in the world can have a passionate relationship with jesus christ i also want to remind us of the wonderful honor we have to give so remember as a church family our posture is one of gratitude and generosity that's what we have that's what we do so let's make sure we keep putting god first in our giving and if you've never done that i dare you take that step it'll do wonders for your walk with god
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 4,983
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Keywords: shorelinecity, jimmyrollins, morethanmadeit
Id: NHhZsaVQtXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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