Teacher Favorites Swap with The Lettered Classroom

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hi everyone welcome back Tina here today I am doing a collaboration with Bridget from the letter classroom and I am SuperDuper excited virgin I about a month of those are getting this idea in the works and we decided we wanted to do a really unique collaboration and we decided to do a shopping collaboration we set a limit of $100 for each other to spend on each other's classroom and we focused on like teacher necessities so Bridget sent me a box of all the things that she thinks are essential necessities for being a teacher and then I did the same thing for her and I'm really excited to dive into this box if you are not familiar with Bridget from Blair classroom I will be sure to link her channel in the description box below bridget is amazing she has a wonderful YouTube channel and I know I watch every one of her videos because I always learned something from them and she and I we've we've kind of been doing this the same amount of time we started our channels literally like within a month of each other several years ago so I'm really excited to get into this box though and I hope we're just excited to get things I sent her and without any further ado I am going to cut this bad boy open so she gave me a note telling me to open it from the bottom so she packaged it wrong which is fine because guess what when I sent her her box I had this beautiful handwritten note I'm pretty stationary and I packaged up the box and I took it to the post office and mailed it and forgot to include this letter in there so I just type it up on email and send it to her but some lips getting with the Bob see what's in here and I have absolutely no clue within here we we didn't talk at all about what you're sending the other person so we will find all the stuff out together she packaged it really well all right oh and it's very very colorful okay and here we go so I'm ever even order to start just we'll start with the letter Tina so thank you and mature dear Tina I hope you enjoy all the teaching goodies in this box I build the sauces items that I love and use throughout the school year I hope that you will be able to use these in your classroom for the 2017-2018 school year all the best wishes love Bridget aka the lettered classroom all right and we open up the first item here Oh everything's wrapped very cute this says always nice to have these on hand alright I'm not gonna try to unknot all these little nuts I'm going to cheat all right we have a box of thank you cards from Heidi Swapp and she is right I always have thank-you cards in my classrooms because you just sometimes you give a thank you card to the students because they just something really sweet for you I said thank you cards homes of parents because again they've done something that was really kind or generous and I just wanted me sure that I acknowledge them and sometimes you even need to send one of these to your coworkers so Heidi Swapp thank you cards and the envelopes are really cute too next and easy lesson to plan for small groups independent or a station oh yeah we have transparent spinners actually these are really nice I have some of these I might have really cheesy and dirty and so I will love having some replacements that are clean so these are great because you can make your own game boards and just set this right on top and let the kids play off I love these and I actually really didn't need these all right because it makes a teachers day so much better do what we got here Bridget is a really good rapper there we go okay this is actually quite a spherical mine and bridges videos are going up on the exact same day so I don't feel guilty saying I got her pack a package of these two honestly these are my favorites all smelly markers mr. sketch scented I'll give you a quick little zoomin of all the sense in the original package of 12 markers teaching without mr. set mr. sketch scented markers would suck it would just suck these make anchor charts so much more fun great minds think alike the best planning device whoo I love the plan I'm all about planning an organization alright and these are pilot FriXion ball slim pens 10 color set these are really cool I've never seen these before I wonder if these are these I have the frictions markers and they are erasable I'm wondering because this will fit to have an erasable tap on them as well okay you see let's take one of these start with the red all right it's a okay so the wait no that's not right what am i doing around here oh okay so it's on the side to get it started and I'm going to write on bridges envelope here oh these are nice because they are the three millimeters super slim tips I am all about scientists here we have the word hello and oh they are erasable whoa okay I think bridge just sent me my new favorite ink pens all these are awesome okay so you just push it down to get it out push it down again pick it up and it came in all these beautiful jewel tone colors I will use these tons these are amazing okay new favorite ink pens use oh this one seems to be a twofer oh this is great I don't have these she sent me a packet Bananagrams I am going back into first grade this year and I have been wanting to get some of these I have a bunch of alphabet titles and Scrabble letters but I have never had a bad of the original banana gram oh I'm so excited to get these okay I mean okay this is just like first grade teacher insanity here it really is I'm so happy I'm even go online and see if I can buy another one of these so Bananagrams the anagram game that drives you bananas because once you have you yes they can play Bananagrams but you can do so many things with those letter tiles as well so word study ABC centers spelling practice yay okay and this is a storage arrangement beatbox and I'm guessing the beatbox since this was connected to the banana gram I am assuming that one is restoring the other and I don't know how to put these in here but I have all kinds of other letter tiles that definitely need to be stored in a better fashion so oh you guys know me and organization and storage there's there's no such thing as too much storage it just doesn't exist okay so this is for all your word working necessities okay moving on we have a little in here you can never have too many of these all right and this is alphabet tile and this is exactly what I need I think Bridget knew she knows I'm going back in the first grade so I can I just box just has a real early elementary first early elementary vibe going onto the box and I absolutely love it and I kind of did the same thing for her she's in fourth grade but this year she's teaching all subjects not just reading and writing so I kind of had that thought in mind to which I was putting her box together all right games are a great way to review any skills in any subject just a little sip oh wow so this is it's like a Jenga but it has spaces on it seems to me let's see here early explore an advanced skillful game of structure and balance wooden blocks made specifically for tiny hands to staff with precision okay imagination and creativity social skills fine motor skills physical skills problem-solving and self-discovery this is really awesome I'll have to see if there are other directions inside it looks like then you can use it as just a Jenga game but I'm also seeing like faces and animals so I'm wondering if you want to try to make it like a a memory type thing or matching - pulling - at the same time it seems this has a lot of variations you could do on it just kind of thinking off the top of my head here but this is really cool I've never seen this I'll have to look into that one okay to help you command the room look I don't think she sent me a switch I just kidding I would never sighs do you gotta shine whoo wind chime oh oh is oh this is better than wind chime this is perfect I have a really cute Belle it was one of those for you just like you tap it dings you know orders up well my Belle broke this year and I don't even think Bridgette new web l broke this year but so I was actually in need of something this is perfect oh my god I love this and there's little hammer just doors right here besides all this is so cute sorry I keep striving oh okay use this for meetings to do those and your student records bonus it's so pretty do you guys know me I am all about the pretty and the girly and the cute so be here oh wow it's a double note pack these are gorgeous these actually look like something you would get from the rifle Paper Company I don't think these are those but those are really expensive but they're gorgeous it could easily already well these are really good quality I love these I don't know where she got these terms but the cover it's not as hard to explain it's a paper cover but it feels much more thicker it almost sounds like a canvas feel to it and then there's gold accents on them you might get the light to reflect off of it these are absolutely gorgeous I will definitely use those for notes and planning out things I like to especially even like for YouTube I like to script out a lot of my videos so okay no school year is complete without a staff of beautiful paper oh I never have enough of these this is called this is a recollection dreamy cardstock and here are the colors in the package a beautiful set of cardstock which is awesome always need these and ICS we are down to the very last item in this box and I'm making a horrible mess Peck repair and this says stars a year talking about reading pictures inferring and writing a story to the pictures with with this great read whoo okay I am not familiar with this one okay she sent me so this the mysteries of harris verdict by chris van osburgh and crisp and alfred is one of my favorites everyone knows he wrote Jumanji and The Polar Express please also does a lot of other ones two of my other favorites one is called the stranger and what is called the wreck of the zephyr so I think it's the wreck of the Zephyr I think that's what's up but oh I love Chris and all Bertie he's such an amazing imagination and his illustrations are just gorgeous Archy Smith's Boy Wonder the tiny voice asks is he the one and looks like little lights are floating in bed unity sleeves I have never read this book I'm excited under the rug two weeks passed and it happened again okay now we have an intruder under the rug a strange day in July he threw with all his might but the third stone came skipping back I was throwing you skipping rock but the third one came back and I will stop right there I don't know if I'm allowed to read a whole book on YouTube this week so I'm not sure about that so it's really great okay with that that is everything that Bridget got into the spot for $100 so we got the book by Chris not offered the card stock dreamy collection my time I got hit up one more time I love that okay I'll bet we got these really awesome Jenga game sorting box for alphabet tile Bananagrams and alphabet tiles the two gorgeous notebooks a path of mr. sketch smelly markers thank-you cards the friction three note three-point millimeter ballpoint pen and the transparent spinners and Wow Bridget girl you hit it out of the park this is amazing and as a returning back to first grade there's not one thing in this box that will not be used in my classroom this is just out of this world so be sure to check out Bridget's channel and watch the other video in this I will link it down in description box below and I hope you enjoyed this unboxing I hope you enjoyed the collaboration I would love to hear your comments do you use any of these products if you do if you use in a different kind of a way I'd love you to share it with me if you have any questions be sure to ask them down below and with that I'm done because a lot of stuff here be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it if you want to see more from me in the future click that subscribe button and go to Bridget's channel I'll talk to you guys later
Channel: A Happily Ever After Blog
Views: 15,094
Rating: 4.9430895 out of 5
Keywords: Classroom Necessities, Teacher Necessities, Classroom Favorites, Teacher Favorites, Favorite Teacher Items, The Lettered Classroom, Tina Bietler, A Cozy Classroom, Teacher Tag, Teacher Favorites Swap
Id: lWYJbCnS5C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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