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hello let's start over turn look hello it looks like I'm a tree at command my head hello hi guys welcome back so in today's video I'm doing the long-awaited classroom tour oh I hear it's do I think I hear angels singing I can't tell you how long it has taken me to get to this point to feel like I'm actually able to show you guys what I've been working on all summer I'm really excited about it is everything 100% done no and I have a little song for you you ready stop collaborate and listen I'm back with my classroom edition okay forget it better in my mind earlier so if you are new to this channel I just want to say hi hello I'll introduce myself I'm Elizabeth I'm a kindergarten teacher in California um to say I'm feeling a little silly too because just please forgive me um you know not everything is 100% done but we still have two weeks until we start school I said in other videos that we are moving in a couple weeks actually like two weeks so I really really really am trying to get my house ready to go and move to another house so I really front-loaded a lot of my classroom work so we start orientation in two days because today's Saturday I know a little bit of afraid for being in here on a Saturday but I just figured it'd be really quiet on a Saturday Saturday morning so I thought it would be a really good day to film this video for you guys so I'm going to work really hard to explain everything really well in the video but if I forget to say something or if I forget to name something or give credit to somebody or I'm going to link them down in the description so please we please click on the links in the description if you want something okay because um there's about probably fifty percent or so of this stuff in the classroom is stuff that I created when you see like the paper you know laminated stuff on the walls or things that we're using the processes but there's about 50% of it that is from other people's teachers pay teacher's store so I will make sure to link everything down below also I'm going to talk a lot about stuff I've got off of Amazon and others websites and stuff so I'll try to link all of that down well there's nearly a billion links down below and I'm going to try to name whatever I say so say for example I say red fire extinguisher I'm going to put red fire extinguisher with the link so that you guys know exactly like what what the product is and where I got alright are you guys ready let's do this okay so I'm going to start by the front door so I did this black vinyl I spent I think 18 or 19 dollars on this I went to a local vinyl cutting store in the area and they I just sent them the picture like the image the JPEG and then they cut it out for me and backed it with transfer tape then over here I got to use magnetic pockets at Lakeshore Learning they are really really strong though they house this is actually a roster for just the class and this is a safety drills roster you can find this product in my store and then I keep my safety drills my visuals over here so I'm I can at any time just grab this and go over the safety drills of the students so this is my store I'll link that down below this thing fist bump it's our words there will be a velcro piece of velcro and a word that I put here and when the kids leave they just dysfunctional just system this is also linked in my store I think I have this for a dollar in my store so one of the things that I was most excited about changing up this year were these um these magnetic knife strips I got these from Ikea you can see how I got these in where I got everything at my IKEA haul Mikey a haul video I'll link that down below too ma'am we have a lot of links and then I love this because you can literally just clip things on to display super easy we were using like these frames with Velcro and then they would fall down or they weren't big enough we had you know bigger projects and stuff so I just printed out this cute are we're coming soon and then I got the clips from the dollar store so this book IKEA bookshelf I actually got off of Craigslist for $30 which is about half the price that I would buy it new and it is basically brand-new and it was already assembled so I was totally worth the $30 off of Craigslist I feel like I was stealing it to be totally honest this is a wish list that I got from Cara Carol I'll link this down below this is actually in her mm it might even be Indiana jump store but I think they collaborated on this so basically um it's like a wish list for um parents when they come in and then you can just you just type out like I just put eight and a half by 11 laminating pouches and then you can just set it up like that and I haven't set all of them up because they'll probably just fall down but this is going to be for me too like a meet the teacher type of thing and then I just have these I'm going to fill these with pencils pens just kind of like supplies I'm actually going to use the top of this for parent handouts and things so that this is the first thing that parents see when they walk in there will be some resources here for parents and they can just quick grab them in the bins down here are my books so I just have them there's like a list here of what's in each one and then all of the books are organized by month and so I just keep them in there and this is you know this is only used one every month and so I just switch them out and I keep all of these monthly books right there underneath that read sign and that white container so we'll get over there in just a second so moving on this is an old closet that we converted into a puppet stage and these seats unlogged enough going in the closet able okay so these C's have puppets inside of them I just made these these are super like obviously not professionally done but I just cut a piece of wood actually they cut it for me at Home Depot this is an old tablecloth and then we had like this old foam mattress my master teacher gave me and so the kids can just use these a seat and then store the puppets in the stage and I need to put childproof things on those just just in case you're wondering I Regina so I also got these colors Kerry Carroll has like a decor bundle and so these came in her decor bundle and so they're right under that but there's enough space between the cubbies and then that I feel like I'm hoping they stay on the wall you know that might be something I need to move I'm not sure that's kind of new this year all right so then with cubbies we have these custom made and I mean I say custom is a guy in our school is super handy and he Drew's made use so what we have this kids do is we label very clearly which copy we want each item to glance about so you can guide there's their backpack and then they put their own lunchbox on top that just helps them know exactly where everything goes it's really clear expectations these labels are just to target target labels so I got a bunch of these and I honestly wish I were to grab some more because right now not for the cubby thing but for something else and then inside here I just put a tart there this is also a target pocket and I just flip the kids names in inside the backpack one so that it's really easily legible and it's very easily seen so the backpacks are the pink ones are for girls and green ones are for boys so I'm I just kind of rotate like girl boy girl boy alrighty ready set go I used a clock for the go and this bulletin board obviously isn't done yet and the things that are supposed to be in the upper right hand corner are not there because they keep filling up so I need to probably grab my hot glue gun and get busy so I'm going to display all of the kids and goals for the year on here I have a race car themed tape that I'm going to basically tape across the entire thing and then whether it's we're learning our Bible memory words or spelling tests or anything like that the kids are going to have a little ray scarf and they will move down the race car tapes as they complete the tasks all right so this area is where we keep all of the like manipulatives there's some toys in here a lot of counters that kind of thing and what I've done this year is I've numbered each bin and then numbered each cubby so that they know that number one goes in the number one cubby number two goes in the number two cubbies so they are not only color coordinated but the number is matching two so I will link this if you want this down below all right I got these guys at UM Target tarjay and I'm going to use these for when we do color when we do color groups so I'm the pink group teal group green group blue group I really wish I would have been able to get like a red line but they only have this color that's okay though and then I'm going to actually fill these probably with beans instead of money and then when they fill this up then they get a reward I got this Apple at IKEA a couple years ago and I actually gifted this to my master teacher so she's and Chico teaches with me in this classroom and and then I just added a couple little pieces these bins were from Target and I'll probably end up putting pencils in these and then I got this at Target as well and I like this Apple because it actually lights up so like for nap time and stuff we can light that up if we want to here I keep all of these little erasers and have a little bit of an obsession with fully researched of these are great for counting these are also great for bingo setters and you can do lots of things with these this is where I keep all of the extra magnets that I have because while we have the magnetic strips on the walls we also have magnetic cords in the classroom so I keep those there and then I keep timers and we use these guys do you guys use these so we use use to space words so I'm when the kids are writing sometimes some of the kids have a hard time writing so we have them use these - how space the words so that's where those go and of course got a whole school time right probably menus out this year but I kept it just in case the next thing I'm going to show you is this area alright so I'm going to start from the top those are border boxes and I actually have an extra one that's totally empty but I keep all of my borders and everything in there that's so that it just stays straight we don't have to ever worry about curling our borders or anything and then they're really easy to find and they're kind of an oblong you know weird shape but this shelf was perfect for storing them so I just stuck them up there then I have all of the monthly bins and in these bins I keep all of the hands-on activities so if we are going over something that is during circle time and the kids need a visual this is where all of the stuff go so like for example when we're talking about dental health in October I have a large toothbrush that I can just quickly grab and talk about then in each of these bins are a lot of other just teacher resources things that I will use throughout the year so I've got um you know some math thing some buttons some things just that I'm going to be like some counters tile there's lots of just like a lot of this has to do with math and ela some stuff that I can just quickly grab like coins and things like that so I use these packets from Walmart and I love these because they're actually pretty durable and they can hold surprisingly a lot and so I bought a ton of those for just organization in general and so I store a lot of those in there and then they haven't been for all of the flashcards that you this been kind of empty I'm kind of waiting because I'm not sure what I'm going to doing that yet these are great for when the kids are reading to themselves so that they can hear their little phones and so I just pop those in there so use three binders right here are things that we have used over the years it's kind of like Pinterest replacement so a lot of ideas and things are in here so we keep those because there are really really good ideas in there some examples from like magazines and things like that here's more manipulative here's em this is supposed to be on their dice and snap cubes have these math units you guys I'm going to take a second here and just show you if you are homeschooling mom dad whatever or you are first second third fourth any any kind of teacher honestly would benefit from these these are so awesome this is their guiding Kinder's math unit and I can't tell you what a lifesaver this is they go through every single day what you say like verbatim like they say like okay half students pile their shoes in the center as a carpet hold up two shoes that match and say a big word for word what you're supposed to tell them and then they have things like literacy connection they have vocabulary they have a whole group Explorer student application regroup and share videos and anchor charts and feel like when you click on the PDF version of this this is going to be a link to another video two videos actually and then the student application they give you the example of what the page looks like and then there's the page so the students are going to do this page for this unit and when they are doing I think their independent work but anyways these are awesome I can I'm so excite it and then what I do is because they're spiral-bound I just wherever I leave off I just leave the book like that and I just put it back back on the shelf and then I know exactly where I left off super easy and these are awesome mustika not gush enough about this so I'm gonna link is down below ship then I've got some of these dollars store dry erase pockets I said I bought them out because they only had this many had ten and so I just I just snagged them had this little clock from Target that I grabbed will be used not this year for sure down here I have all of my monthly bins for the actual curriculum and handouts and printables and crafts and everything everything else goes inside here they are not 100% like I liked them however I will just kind of give you a sneak peek just pull this one out I'll show you all right so I have math la science social studies and Bible and so and then in each folder I just put like what we're learning about and print it and you know cut it and make sure that it's ready to go and then we do these letters every this month so this month we are introducing these letters of the alphabet and so I that's how I support that and then when I like to need to make copies and stuff I just put whatever is newest in the front and then that way I can just look and quickly add a glance paper clips you know it's paper clip together so I can just grab it and go I do also do home projects in here I do all of the stuff that we are working on this month in these bins super easy and they're going to be a lot fuller than they are right now you guys I have a feeling like this can be a really long video I'm really sorry I'm going to try to show my face in here just to mix it up a little bit but this bin down here is the bin that I keep all of this special event day stuff in so like Grandparents Day goes in there and so I will basically like like her so my goodness is sliding flood so I will put all of our printables and crafts and like for example Christmas when it kind of to have all the ornament examples in there not committing so I don't put all of these activities and crafts and everything in the monthly bins for special holidays I put all of the social holiday type of stuff in that bin just because that's just how my brain works I don't know alright so moving on I'm going to have to flip you around sorry guys this is like my teacher area we don't have desks at our school and so this is kind of where everything goes it's not full we're not like I said this is this is one area that I'm still kind of working on this is a teacher toolbox and this is a mini teacher toolbox that I got actually from Amazon but the pictures that you see are from Teachers Pay Teachers I will link that down below and then I just keep all of my stuff in here this bin just I'm sure this is like a I don't even know what we would call it like a prep bin so on the top I keep scissors highlighters simple times and then inside I'm going to put all of the stuff that I need to cut and laminate and everything so that I can just grab this like if I'm at a soccer game or basketball game or whatever and I could be working on this while I'm watching you guys know the struggles real and then in here this is just like miscellaneous stuff all right not super organized and then down here like oh and then these things I got from Target and they're cute and they're going to be super easy we do these are great this is basically just a grade book and then this is like a lesson planning thing and I'm definitely going to use these for assignments that I just need to quickly write down like names like for example when we're doing Bible verses or when they're doing spelling tests or something I should do quickly I'm not in online or our internet is not working for that day and I need to just record you know the names and then it grades really quick this is going to be something good to have on hand it just as a quick reference and I got these at the dollar I'm sorry I got these at Target for $3 each then we have the little TV area oh I mention those all right and then hanging on the cabinet here I have these attention getters and sit down chants and line up chance these are from Cara Carol they are amazing there's so many to choose from I'm really excited to use these this year and then over here I got walkie-talkies DVD player of course the essentials and then that kind of wraps up this area hi we utilize a clip chart in the classroom so the way that we do it is everybody starts on a star which means that you've had no changes all day you do soaring points you get soaring points and treasure chests at the end of the day and then 20 of these in a row you get a happy office visit and if a student has a warning or anything like that they get clipped down but once you're on green you can't go back up to a star there are times if a student you know is displaying really good behavior after they did not display good behavior that we will bump them back up they can kind of bump back up but they can never get back up to a star if they've already been down if they've been bumped down they can go back up to a green but a star is like no changes all day and the reason we do that is because when we send the kids home instan no okay well they did have one card change today and for some parents that's you know that's a big deal this is actually something that the teacher that I work with me so this is not in my store but there are tons and tons of things just like this on teachers to teachers if you are looking for this and so we just get clips and we put the student's name and their little picture on it then we just clip it along the sides here if the entire class earns a superstar then what we do is and this is not 100% done but you can you can totally get the idea there are several choices until we put a piece we're going to a little piece of velcro here and they can work towards a party and we have like five or six different parties I just keep them down here so this is actually a product in my store this is great for anything you can use this for your personal life for your kids if you want to motivate them to do something and this is editable so you can type in what the award would be so if they get a superstar day then one star gets added to the board and then once they get all five they get to have a movie party or whatever you've decided and that they can have stuff or you know sometimes you can let the class to choose or vote on what they want to earn next so we have that going on this year then we've got the calendar area and this area is not done I still need to add a bunch of stuff to this area I need to add birthdays up here and down here I need to add a bunch of stuff however and you can see here that I've got class jobs done so this is a product from Kara Carol and these are just velcroed to the wall so that I can actually change the jobs out and she has so many jobs included in her pack that literally I just started there's so many choices I'll just show you down here this is all of her dance homes are so many so we're going to start with these I think there's 8 3 6 8 just yeah 8 jobs we're going to start with these 8 jobs and then you just velcro the students names right on top of each job and I'm not sure if I'm going to change these out every week or if I'll change them out daily we'll see how it goes there's been times where I do it weekly there's been times that we've done it daily I'm not sure so we're going to see how that works out and then the calendar I actually got from learning in Wonderland I absolutely loved it she did such a wonderful job at sizing everything it really really is awesome and let me just kind of show you how it works so she actually recommended these sticky clips I had never heard of the kinks before but they're just like a wax base and you just clip the number on like that and so the students can do this so easily and then that way you're not using velcro and then these are reusable so that was like teacher find of the year right there so I'll link those down below so that you can snag them if you want and then the same thing applies here so you get like she provided cards so she provided cards for each day so she has she has lots of choices these are just the ones that I chose and then this calendar is not from her it's from lakeshore learning and then I just laminated it however she does have a calendar in the pack that you could you could easily buy and then blow up it like staples and she has all of it I mean she did such a wonderful job so I recommend and then the calendar that is part of the packet as well so I recommend just clicking on the link below checking it out if you want so I've got shapes and then we've got ordinal numbers and then we've got all of these numbers and I love these because they show everything that we talked about for numbers through the year this these are from Cara Carroll's um class room decor bundle I'll link that down below as well so this year I really tried to get creative with the storage space all I didn't even mention over guys I'm just all over the place so this year I really have to try to get creative with the storage space because this room is not huge it's big but it's not huge and so what I tried to do was do like dual purposes for things so I created these storage secrets and they're all over Pinterest you can check a tutorial out on interests I'm sure there's one out there I was intending to do one but then I didn't I didn't get around to it but there's a ton there's another lady on YouTube had a tutorial that's how I learned how to do it so if you're interested I would just YouTube or Google you know DIY secrets they're very easy to do and the storage that it provides is wonderful so I made I think 17 I made seventeen secrets and so that seventeen bins that I can use for storage and so on they are all over the classroom this thing is a whiteboard this is a back of the cubby and this was actually remember how I said these were customized and the guy who did these had this whiteboard and he said why don't I just like repurpose it and so this year I just basically plopped it out and then we're going to use this forward work and stuff so the students are going to and they can use these for seats we pull these out and then they can have teacher time with me so I'm pretty excited about using that this year I also got this little mini pocket chart from Amazon it's double-sided and this is great for word work and then over here we have our like our tablet tower so inside to keep all of our tablets we are a one to one school so every single student has their own tablet and then I have an in going and outgoing mail box here and and right now it's full of stuff that I need to do they need to either recreate or recreate so that's kind of my to-do pile so then for our carpet area we have sit spots and so we have two different types of sit spots we have circle fit spots and star sits left the circle fit slots are for our nap time and yes we do still do nap time and get about a 30-minute nap time in a day and so the circle fit spots are for students heads so they are supposed to put their head on the sit spot and so they will lay here but then the stars are for circle time or teacher time and so I'll say you know everybody find a star cover your star and if you haven't heard of suit spot they basically are just velcro pieces these are basically just little velcro like cutouts that you velcro to the carpet they don't damage the carpet and they come up really easily and they are from my understanding I've seen several people say that you can wash these in the dishwasher but these are great for classroom management I love love love these I'm excited to use these this year the next area is this table area and it's actually part of reading rainbows so I'm going to explain how I run my centers I have a video linked below that goes into detail about how I run my centers but I'll just kind of briefly go over it just so you guys understand but this is DeeDee Will's Writing Center and this one is I think August September so this is like the one that we're starting off the school year with and I shouldn't gush and up about it I am so in love basically what the kids do is they take like for example if they want to write a story there's several different pages for the write a story page so they can do that several times and then I have a couple of things here and then these cards act as like vocabulary cards so then they can choose you know they just take their card off and they put it down here and then they can use that as they create their sentences so she has the rightest story they label it the write about it yep and I think she has she has a couple others like write a letter write a list there's a lot of other ones that you like and then she has I can cards that shows the students exactly what to do I can't tell you like how wonderful this station is for independent work so I will link this down below as well but if you're a homeschooling parent this is a lifesaver I'm serious it's awesome and it really helped like for the label it for example they would match the apple core to the core and they write that word mine so it really kind of helps them you know develop those independent skills wonderful wonderful resource I'll link that down below as well at the end of the table I keep my B bots and my extra files this is really full but this is like my writing station and then I have a write the room product that I actually that's right here these are wonderful so these cards you put around the room and then you give the student and the response sheet and I always write the word master in yellow because yellow does not copy when you copy it on the copying machine and so I'll link this products down below but I keep all of my extra copies and stuff in here then on this shelf is I keep coloring pages in that bin construction paper those are hot dots if you've never seen these these are awesome let me show you how these work the hot dogs come oozing by different types of hot dots there's a ton of it this one's the Edition one but they come with this little pen here and it's self checking so the students in say okay six plus five is twelve nope is it eleven good job good job so it self checks itself correct so I have several I'd math and ela down there and then that's part of a the reading rainbows Center that the students can choose from alright and then I've got some stamps and some stencils here and those are part of the Reading Rainbow so these are all centers all choices for the kids when they choose the reading rainbows so just storage down here alrighty so I'm in the Reading Rainbow area and I label each area I got these from Target and then I put my little reading rainbows there and so this area is an area that the kids come to during Center time and they can pick there's so many different choices in here let me show you here so these these books here are our monthly books so like September so these are all of our September books they are not allowed to use these unless they hasta tutor these are like the good books for the classroom and then these are books that they can use whenever they want during you know they don't have to ask permission for these because these are kind of like the junk books they could do whatever they want a lot of times with those deals they'll pretend to be a teacher and it's super cute because while they can't read there they'll sit and like read like I would to the students and to their fellow classmates so it's really really precious and then I've organized each of these bins and have labeled them so if they have a label on them that's part of this centers that they can choose from so if they do not have a label on them that means that that's just extra storage to like that one has a label so that means that that is going to be one of their choices for Center time it's really straightforward all right this is our word wall and this is found in the ultimate phonics bundle Indiana jumps store this is a product that I collaborated with her on but it's in her store and so this is the space-saving word wall so basically we just put each of the words on cards like this we also have an editable card that you can use and I like to use that for student names spelling words high frequency words things that we're going over in class we provide you with eight cards that you can use and I just put them on a little ring binder so each letter has eight different words that it comes with and then you can add your own because we add like a little customizable card so that's our word wall and a lot of times what I'll do is I actually take the words off of the Rings and then we pull the words every day for majare and then we say okay this is you know monkey what letter does monkey start with om very good okay let's go find our M on our work wall and we're going to add that to the ring so that's just one way and that it can be interactive and stuff all right now moving on so these are where we keep our interactive notebooks and so each interactive notebook has a cover on them and they do have the students needs I don't want to show you those I'll grab this one because a friend so each interactive notebook has a cover on them and I try to match the avatar to the student you can find these interactive notebook covers actually in my store I'll link those below as well but we do three different types of interactive notebooks we have a map in ela and then a Bible one and so those will be used throughout the year and this is just how we store them so the blue interactive notebooks go in the blue green go in the green yellow and yell pretty straight board I know so this is a magnetic wall and not a wall like a board and I got this from Ikea these are little sleeves that I just cut in half from the dollar store and you can just their like picture sleeves I can mark and Dorota you can put stuff in them I got these from the dollar store as well and we'll use these for word work because I have an entire bin of magnetic metas and things that are magnetic that can go on here and the kids can work with so we'll use that for like word work things like that pretty excited about using those in the classroom this year this is the new addition to the classroom this year that I personally am in love with every time a student comes into the classroom like literally the first thing that their eyes go to so this is a pink Playhouse and it's actually a bed on top the mattress is totally smothered in pillows that you can see is there I got this pencil pillow from Ikea and a couple other pillows I got actually at Michael's like the yellow ones right there for like three dollars when they had their clearance or summer clearance sale so I got pretty good prices there but this pink Playhouse is so sturdy it's totally it's made out of wood and it has this cute little Dutch door I will show you has a little walk here a little lock here and so the students can oh my goodness is that adorable so the students can serve food or whatever they want out of this Dutch door that's so precious and then I put these IKEA lights so in there so that it's not dark you guys I'm so excited about this I'm serious I think there's going to be so many memories made in this on this sky and then inside oh I should just show you inside inside this little kitchen fits perfectly this is something that we've had we've had for a long time and you can see I label each of the centers so that they know that these are all things you can play with during center time so there's cash register all this is like creative play I'm just fake food outfits hat registers baskets grocery stuff a little apron some mirror so they can check to see this thing I got from Target whose milk butter bread eggs so precious and then this thing actually got from Target as well as his fresh lemonade so this is going to be like it can be whatever they wanted to do it can be a grocery store I can do whatever they want it to be simple anyways and these lights are not battery-operated they are plug in so you can see a my carpentry skills there just drill a hole on the side of it and stapled it to the wall so anyways so that's that we've got our play-doh tub here this is all part of the pink Playhouse there's the bus the Apple and Reading Rainbow I'm just as they notice the Aries is you know first enter Sardar all right and then we've got our musical instruments and that's the time for that we've also got the latter that they can play with with your edna pink playhouse there's only one person allowed up here at a time and there will not be this many pillows there will only be a couple moving on now to tinker town so secret town is the area that is all hands on activities so we've got bricks over here they can build with the bricks got Legos automobiles Lincoln Logs marble run the one that is like the tower kind that you build up all of this is kind of Tinker esque this is a magnetic marble run that I the kids love love love I've taken all the marbles out but basically they build their own little marble run and they try to get it to go into this container this is something I got off of Amazon I will put this linked down below absolutely the best $15 I've ever spent on the kids absolutely love it whenever I've had a child in here whether it's my own or somebody else they absolutely love it so I'm pretty excited about that addition and then we've got this um this is like a little jungle the kids really like that too but this Lego table the teachers that I work with that we we actually work together in this classroom she snagged this at a Rochdale for like I think she said $8 and so it's got Legos on one and that on the other and so we just keep all of their smaller Legos in here and the kids I just know the kids we've got some kids who love love love Legos so pretty excited about that so this is tinker town I also forgot to mention that the two rugs that you see are from Ikea I loved this one because this almost looks like grass and so with the pink Playhouse and the grass I just figured it was kind of like decor wise it kind of made sense all right and then over here the teacher that I work with was my son's teacher a couple years ago I was her real mom I was her room mom and when it was Christmastime or teacher appreciation I can't remember we created basically a wish list off of Amazon sent it out to all the parents and then asked the parents to write notes inside the center of the books and so they do that they did that so this whole book bin is actually all of those books that over the years she's kind of collected and had a lot and she has notes in each of the books so that's a super precious so we kind of keep them over here so we'll pull from these but these are kind of like the books that we like to keep really really nice because they are more of a special memory for her they're all cabinets that we store stuff in this thing okay remember how I said over there those bins the colorful bins right here where my finger is that have all the hands-on stuff I will put all of the after I've gone over them with students I'll put those in these these are basically just like little book bags I'll link these down below and then basically the students if they want to play with these during our daily 5 they can pull one of these bring it to their desk and play with whatever's in here the game or the activity that's in there and so um this stand I got off of Amazon and these bags I got off of Amazon and this is something that we're trying new this year I'm not sure how if your work in the past we've done bins I'm not sure how durable these bags are I will I'll keep you guys posted I mean from what I can tell they're pretty durable however you know when you got kinder babies in here you never know how long something is going to last so we may not do this again next year we'll see we'll see how it goes I'll keep you guys posted like I said earlier we don't really have a desk in the classroom so this is kind of like the teacher areas I keep all the colored paper here and then this is the printer that I got from Costco and I'm part of the HP instant ink program if you have a heard of HP instant ink oh my oh my goodness you guys have to sign up for HP instant ink it's amazing basically the mail you ink the printer connects to the internet then tells HP instant ink when it is low and then they mail you ink and there's three different plans I'm on the ten dollar a month plan and then if you refer a friend you get they get a month free and you get a month free of ink so it's like awesome and then I just I just bought a printer for the classroom because I there are always those times when you actually you know you just new home or copier or oh I didn't have time to go to the resource room and copy stuff so I just bought a printer for that in this area I basically just display the special sounds that we're working on so I just got the blends displayed right now and then these are part of the ultimate phonics bundle I will put a link to that down below but there are every single basically every concept that a kindergarten first grade teacher would teach in the classroom we cover we show and so these cards are included for each concept so after we've gone through blends I'll change these out for you know whatever it is diagraphs chargaff's whatever and I'll display them here and I really like these because we've included pictures that just help the students you know like frog for old so it just helps the students have a visual and then these are the ABC bins so inside each one of these bins are items that start with that letter so our you know rabbit racecar that kind of thing the zebra that kind of thing so I just keep all of those items there and I got these bins from Ikea and these are not included in the ultimate phonics bundle I did make them to match the letters but I will link this down below if you're interested um okay so I got these ABCs are awesome so I got these ABC books these are so old-school so a piece from a thrift store and so each letter has pictures in words in it so like this is illiteracy and they kind of show you here like cat car care that anything so we'll use these I pull these out whenever we are covering a new letter all right in this area there's an easel painting easel that's going to go right here this is a drying rack and then these are just extras that I bought I wasn't sure if I was going to do a rice table this year and I'm not sure I might pull it out halfway through the year but these are just from the dollar store and I got these for the students to actually clean up the rice and so what I'll do typically is I'll get washi tape and I'll make a square on the floor with washi tape and then if the rice table is here the students know that they have to sweep all the rice into the square at the end of Center times that I can come and sweep it up so that it all gets cleaned out but that's if we do the rice table this rack is a drying rack that I got for Mikey I think for nine dollars I show this in my akia hall this is a the painting station and this will be taped to the easel when it's back it's being borrowed right now these are all the temps that we use for the paint and this is actually the table that means for the change as well so this is kind of the painting area and then these are our guidelines for painting I'll put this resource in linked below that's for my store ok and then I show this I show this in my Center video like how you stations and centers in the classroom so I said earlier we have tinkertown the pink Playhouse in Reading Rainbow and then each Center gets six choices so they have these six choices and then the students name Sage's velcro so students names directly on like that and then I should just change these out every day every week whatever whatever I decide and this resource is actually linked below and the resource that I have in my store includes these but if you don't have a team play house or tinkertown or Reading Rainbow I've included colors so there's like six or eight different colors for groups so they'd be like the orange group the red group the pink group and then the names and then I've also included group number so like your one group two group three in case you were wondering and this is for any type of classroom miss resource so it's linked below remember how I said we do naptime I got because we have laminate in the classroom I don't like the kids to sleep on the lamps in it they have sleeping bags that I don't like them to sleep on the laminate so I have two of these they are little expandable cot and I got this from Amazon I absolutely love these because it really helps to kiddos stay on the cot they know exactly where to stay and then we have two of these that we use for the laminate and so then the students can sleep on there and it really helps spread the kids out so that they're not bugging each other and then it folds up like literally I'm doing this one-handed so that folds up like that and then there's like a little bag but we just and we have a little storage cabinet that we put this in or we can just stick them into the puppet station so whichever but we love to use those I'll link that down below as well all right and then the next thing that I have are these ABC cards and these are in that ultimate phonics bundle but I just display these up here for the students to see okay real quick I got to do a shout out to the teacher that I work with she made these and and basically just took strips of fabric and just kind of tied in all of the colors of our classroom and then when I made this seat covers for the secret I just took the same fabric and just added a couple pieces so that it all ties in super easy I think she said she found this awesome Pinterest but you just basically tie a knot at the top and just lose a little bit coming out at the top so super easy very inexpensive great way to decorate your classroom I just want to talk about this tree here for a second because clearly it's not done but it will be done for meet the teacher and I will do like a little probably little video on it but this pole is in the classroom obviously husband C in the classroom and it's a carpeted pole you can see that or not so I just wrapped it in a plastic tablecloth that I got from Party City and then I take butcher paper and I make it a tree and so we start and it's not done but these are like the main four branches so then I take butcher paper to kind of wrap it and I'll fill it out and then we use this tree throughout the year and we display the kids artwork on it so we'll make a fall tree like with fall theme two leaves and stuff and then for the leaves I just use tissue paper and I just basically staple tissue paper like in a little coming out of all of the branches and then in the spring then we change out all the tissue paper and we do more spring themes colors and then we display like the butterflies and when we're going over the Frog life cycle we put the frogs on there and the caterpillars and all of that and so this tree really only gets done once a year but we change out the stuff that goes on it I hope that makes sense so these bags are awesome and these I got off of Amazon I'll link those below as well sorry if I'm saying that too much but I just want you to know that you can easily find the link to where I got these below so these bags have handles they're very durable they're huge I got these to hold all of the calendar stuff that we have in the classroom all the displays that we switch out like bulletin board stuff as well they're huge like they're huge bags and I was originally going to order like nine of them but I only ordered six because they are like $15 apiece you know it's an investment but then when I got them I realized that they're so big that I don't even have that much stuff so I'm glad I did order nine and six fit perfectly there so they're just kind of tucked behind in the corner there okay one last thing that we are using this year that I am personally very excited about is this wireless doorbell and it's plugged in the reason I like it there is several reasons why I like first of all it's wireless second of all it plugs into the wall so that you do not need to have batteries also don't need to be changing out batteries because we just don't have time for that and so what I love about this is this is going to go on a lanyard around my neck and then this is going to be used for transition times so like for example if I'm over in you know reading rainbows and I'm sitting on the carpet and I noticed that you know we're getting close to the time that we need to transition I'm working with some students I can easily push the button I love it and it's like 30 seconds long maybe not 30 seconds maybe more like 15 but that is loud enough for all of the students to hear and know that it is time to transition and so if I'm working with students I push the button I can be very easily just give them directions as well on the carpet and then all of the other students that they're at centers of stations whatever they're doing they know to transition to the next thing so I'm really excited about using this in the classroom like I said on the personal lanyard around my neck very easily push it and then transition that way you can be anywhere in the classroom of love love love it I will link this down below this is like $15 I think but I'm really excited about this one I think this is going to be great all righty guys so that's it that wraps it up for today I hope it was everything that you thought it was going to be I've tried to link everything that I talked about in the comments sorry in the description below but if I did forget something please feel free to comment and i'm just mentioned that i didn't do it and i'll try to link it below also if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up i've also went to all of my social media down below and i would love to connect with you on my social media my instagram my facebook that can sink so feel free to follow subscribe whatever you want to do i cannot tell you how thankful and grateful i am for your support it means the world to me and i think that's all I got to say today so I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: The Kinderhearted Classroom - Elizabeth
Views: 639,610
Rating: 4.8627992 out of 5
Keywords: Classroom Tour, Teacher Vlog, Teaching Vlog, Vlogging, Classroom, Teaching, Kindergarten Teacher, Classroom Haul, class tour, teacher tour, TPT, Teachers Pay Teachers, Classroom Management, Iteachtoo, Teacher Tag, Amazon for the classroom, Amazon
Id: sWuxmm7VkLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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