MORE MOSES! BLESSED GODHEAD RUN! | Repentance Mod Spotlights

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hello there everybody welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance mod spotlights we hop back in as moses today uh the new new reworked character from the epicat community mod you're able to create tears in this little ring send them out here's your seed k14m6 m9p we did a run as moses uh here recently it got a little weird right i mean it was a little bit of a strange run um hoping to have a run that that utilizes the actual moses part of the character um since we started getting weird with some re-rolls and stuff last episode um hoping to at least showcase this this character um in a way that makes more sense on this run um dude the the eternal d6 i mean it's a definitely interesting item right it's kind of hard for me to pass it up here um i i do think the bible is is good value right but do i really need it the answer is almost certainly no so uh let's i'm gonna give it the floor right i know i opened the secret room and then i ran away um i'm gonna give it the floor um to see if i'm going to need flight in any situations uh and then obviously if i don't we're going to eternal d6 um the bible try to get something out of it this is ripe for some crawl space action i mean this is a this is a lot of rocks dude just a lot of rocks a golden bomb on floor one uh in my opinion just means like bomb everything there's no reason not to just bomb everything um if you can find something of value it's also not a uh basement xl even though it kind of kind of looks like a chunker of a basement right now and we do not have to worry uh at all about that super secret room here good stuff okay so that's two secret rooms in uh i mean dude we could get a lot of money on this floor i'm in a min maxing mood right now so if you enjoy when i play a little bit more min maxie uh you may enjoy this episode today i'm gonna tell you right now i'm i'm kind of exhausted right now i've been moving all day and and i'm finally sitting down in front of my computer after uh like eight hours of of working in the new apartment um so i'm i'm a little tired but i'm also like a little you know that like rush you get where you're motivated because you've been like doing stuff all day um so you're stupid tired but you're also like i'm still ready to go like i'm i'm here i'm doing it that's kind of where i'm at right now um so i figured i'd get one recording done if it got a little bit um much after a while then it might be only one recording that i get done tonight but i wanted to i wanted to at least get an isaac here recorded so we could uh get a get another episode of moses out i keep on wanting to make a ten commandments moses reference um but i i will happily abstain as long as possible okay you're already toast um this was an insanely easy fight having golden bombs on the first floor um does make life a little easy i'm gonna not pick up the worst papers yet i'm gonna tell you dude there's a lot of men maxing we can do on this floor um especially [Music] if there's a self-sacrifice room somewhere and i'm not expecting there to be you suck um i'm not expecting there to be but oh god that's even weirder um i do think we're going to do this though so we're going to take this that now brings us closer to spun we're going to re-roll it it super sucks i'm going to be honest that like super sucks um i would have really liked bloody gust i think that would have been big value-add for this run um i mean we we can blow up you my friend kind of sucks nothing came out of you but that's okay uh we got a secret room right here i know we opened it from the other side that's okay uh soul of judas does not bother me what the hell am i doing dude i've taken more damage from stupid stuff than i have from legitimate stuff we're up to 12 cents we're gonna easily have 15 20 possibly even 30 cents at the end of this floor because we're gonna play that uh that blood bank a little bit because we we have we have a lot of health on this floor i know that it looks like i got you know one and a half hearts we got a lot of health on this floor so i'm i'm upset that we couldn't make that devil deal work i will also totally open this chest there's no reason not to get a bomb out of it we got no keys that's our only issue right now so let's go i'm gonna grab this heart and then let's start playing the blood bank i actually don't have a key to get into uh the downpour door right now which is interesting um we'll play this three times get a nickel out of it that's pretty good then let's go pop the poop here which will give us a bunch more health if we can get the blood bank dude the payout with blood bag that would be a huge benefit on this run because moses is he a little slow as well um oh actually you know what i got i'm gonna do you one better before we keep playing this i should pick up fanny pack because that's on sale in the shop we may be able to get some stuff uh out of this random pickup when you get hit uh let's buy this not really interested in compost you know the eternal d6 is one of those items that i just i like messing with um so i'm gonna rock that as long as possible but this theoretically could get us dude come on um this could theoretically get us uh some some keys that we could use to get out of here but i'm running out of hp on the floor and this guy is not really helping a whole heck of a lot i still want to have five cents to reroll the bible as well i don't even know what this guy can all pay out with um so i'm i'm doing this knowing full well that it might be just a total waste of my time um let's let's grab this heart do the rest of this i still have divorce papers that's correct um don't really want to pop it yet i don't want the bone heart is the problem or else we're going to lose that bone heart relatively quickly so let's there's the key that i'm looking for and then a heart back is even better and then you are now done so i'll give you five more cents my dude and if you want to give me something of value you give me something of value that's not a value okay and then i want to get a charge on our eternal d6 a little bit of a weird floor i'm gonna tell you um i'm not really sure that any of this went the way i wanted it to uh but you know what we we got i mean we got close to nothing out of this i don't even want porous dude we we will be too slow to make tourists work uh so unfortunately we're actually just done on the floor um i'm gonna bomb this i'm gonna almost die to it and then i'm gonna leave and this puts us in a little bit of a sketchy scenario for the next floor i mean we're gonna have a bonehearted protection so that that's good um but boy i i really kind of hate it i really kind of hate it we don't need mom's toenail let's go down let's go down it's like a seven minute first floor dude we haven't done one of those in a really really long time um but i'm i'm here for it i'm here for it come in here what do you got baby i'm gonna tell you dude i just don't think it's good enough friend finder i also just don't think is good enough i i'm sorry um when i have the eternal d6 i can afford to be a little bit pickier with what i'm doing um so i'm i'm not doing it how about that i'm not doing it i'll i'll wait and i'll get something much better um and we'll we'll be able to live happily with that soul heart for a key or on the flip side uh soul heart for if we can get flight somehow would rather play this guy right he definitely like higher value than the other thing uh what okay yeah i mean that is death certificate so i mean it's an interesting vibe i'll tell you that not not really entirely sure what we should be doing with death certificate on this run um i mean dude there's like a lot of things that we could do with that certificate right um [Music] first thing that i'm thinking about is like this run probably looks kind of sick with godhead you know i think godhead is is high value-add but then the other part of me is like rock bottom would be kind of sick too right like you always are pretty happy taking rock bottom uh gonna make the run interesting to say the least you know i think godhead is the smarter play i think rock bottom is the potentially wackier and you know likely really fun play or we could reroll that certificate which would be like a really strange move um probably like not high on the to-do list to do that health upgrade okay dude there's so many options right now there's so many options um what if i take the eternal d6 into the death certificate oh actually i will not be able to do that okay that's fair rerolled this dead sea scrolls just ain't it dude it just ain't it um it's not bad but it just ain't it i i don't think that that's the move i actually think that this yara rune so here if i pop this do i lose the boneheart i don't know you think i would know that um i don't know that leave that certificate for right now i this year rune is going to be used in the room with the blood bank and i i may just say screw it with this uh you son of a gun okay well guess what the boneheart means nothing to me now so now i can play the blood bank with no remorse um but we could use the year rune to get like a lot of money from that as well as extra soul hearts and hearts and things like that having two hearts in here as well uh this makes the decision easy okay so we pop you [Music] sure it doesn't it doesn't really change my plans in any way um because we're gonna do that then we're gonna come back down here we're gonna grab this then we're gonna i'm gonna do this again i'm gonna tell you i i still think this is your your highest value play here we're gonna do that never gonna do that and then we're gonna do that oh my god dude it just keeps going though oh my god i got an eternal penny okay now you probably yeah and i'm i'm content with this play then you're gonna come up here you're gonna snag this right then you're gonna come in here you're gonna go what do you got uh apparently i have the sewing machine mod on as well it's a great mod so we're happy to see it here um but this is not part of uh moses so that's fair um sharp key i mean dude is decent value right it's definitely decent value i think you take all this right um we're happy with all of it this is gonna be a ton of money also obviously even more money due to the uh eternal coins that are gonna be doing their thing in here um we will pick up all of them this is i'm not gonna say this is enough money for the run but like in all retrospect is probably enough money for the run um i'm not sure how i'm gonna spend 72 cents on the next couple floors and by 72 i actually mean like it's gonna be 80 plus right this is that's a lot of money man that's a lot of money okay come back here eternal d6 we're gonna pop on this most likely after the boss although i suppose we also have a devil deal still that we're gonna want to do so now you play this guy and then you probably now are gonna death certificate and i just i'm gonna tell you i'm going to make the play that i think is going to be the most fun for our run um and also the still like a fun thing okay um so bear with me maybe your uh idea of a good time will not be the same as my idea of a good time but i i'm making my decision you don't like it you can you can make your own decision sometime in the future dude there's so many good options i'm gonna tell you there's so many good options it makes it really painful because there are a lot of really really good options uh to choose from here that would make this run quite interesting um that said the decision that i'm going to make will be godhead um i am gonna take godhead i think it's the right play but there's a lot of other good good options here i don't know what birthright is moses does um it does do something but i can't imagine it's something that i actually i know what it is it allows you to push back tears with your shots which is interesting right that's very interesting tech zero is also like a really fascinating item here um i could take a membership card and hope for the best i could take damocles and get really weird there's a lot of great options man lacre is another that's like super weird um brimstone i don't even know what it would look like right but godhead seems like the right choice to me it just seems good or we could take like the latter dude that's an interesting play do you take the ladder for the chance of of interesting stuff dude there's so many options there's so many options what the hell man i like rock bottom is still it's just like an interesting and good decision it's just an interesting and good decision or i could take almond milk i could take almond milk um what the hell would that look like with this i don't know um we know what godhead would look like we don't know what almond milk would look like so uh now we do sure um look you're not gonna find many people to make that decision uh so now now we're rocking and we're rocking almond milk on this run we also have a little horn that's cool that's cool i'm with it um not not a horrible play i'm going to tell you until i die right here and then it's going to be a pretty piss-poor play um dude this is too many shots in the room this is way too many shots in the room man i'm gonna die this is fricked okay it's too much there's too much please die okay um that was a mess that was a mess come in here sure i mean we'll take it i have no issues with that um and then i'm actually gonna pop it again and then we're going to eternal d6 that and get nothing okay sure dude i mean look it's a weird run i'm i'm not i'm not denying that in the slightest have i made some questionable decisions like almost certainly right um who in their right mind would take uh freaking almond milk from death certificate the answer is me so suck it up um let's take sharp key i think that that for just five keys is worth it let's take this i don't have any familiars to upgrade unfortunately uh we'll take the card as high priestess who cares right who cares that's fine um this is your secret room imagine rock bottom sitting in here that would have been the greatest meme of all time um our shots make it quite difficult to to wrap our head around what the hell's going on here a health upgrade is chill you know you're still rocking devil deals on this run so you you do like having some extra extra heart action black candle i mean dude that's a good item we ain't complaining about black handle existing on this run at all um we still also have a blind item in here okay okay sure uh dude this is horrible i mean this is legitimately horrible i i hate it so yeah we go down why not right why not we go down we go down it's gonna be a long run ladies and gentlemen gonna be a long run our our hope is that little horn carries us a little bit um and maybe a health down is really bad uh but maybe little horn allows us to uh do a little bit of extra damage right um i mean we're kind of in this weird position where we just like run into the enemy and then they die but even even a full like barrage of these shots does absolutely nothing to enemies so is is not great right like there there's definitely some better stuff here to to do okay this this sucks look ladies and gentlemen i just want to tell you um don't even when you think you are doing something for a good meme um don't take almond milk from death certificate like unless you you have a really good like doctor's note that says um he allowed you to do this don't don't do it this is a this is a piss-poor idea really um what do you got fruity plum ain't it they're just ain't it um the d20 i'm gonna tell you probably also not it like uh like a poor little child and a gamer tag um it just ain't it so we do have a lot we can still do on this floor though um because i can slip into the mirror dimension and i can reroll the key piece a bunch if i want to um which is in my opinion that's pretty high value i'm pretty sure i got hit and spawned a troll bomb from uh thinking i didn't even know you could do that but that is interesting okay i'm a hit away from death as well which is not ideal in the slightest we're gonna pop high priestess this is going to probably be clogged if i had to take a gander and uh i don't mind fighting clog although it's going to be oh it's actually you i really don't mind you especially with this high priestess card that that makes you um really really easy so that's good i don't need hp i i really needed pageant boy way less than i needed hp i got 98 cents 99 what the hell am i gonna do with all this money this is a a big old waste to take pageant boy we could have re-rolled into something uh way more useful on this run but that's fine what do you got in here um sure we'll take this tear detonator is not it um porf is not it a death card is not it um we'll buy this and then we'll go reroll the item room and then we'll do the mere dimension dude there's not much else you can do what what item makes this run all of a sudden good i do bot fly is good but just give me okay we'll reroll that too but fly is good look i'm i'm not gonna tell you that botfly is not good it's a good item you should probably take it there but i'm uh i'm searching for bigger things this is a great death card room man i i don't want to fight with that anyway um why do i have oh this is a zazel's stump yeah so this is what brimstone looks like with this character um so it's actually i'm kind of happy we did not do that because it appears that there's not really a uh a value in having brimstone as this character mystery sack is good i mean it's fine right i think good is a little bit of a bold sentence to say it it's an item that does not hurt me to take which in a lot of ways can be considered good but it's not something i'm getting overly hyped up about okay good good fight i'm gonna go back i'm gonna re-roll that again we can always reroll we'll have i mean we got plenty more rooms to do more v-rolls you know what would i rather have mystery snack or not mystery sack i would rather have mystery sack but would i rather have a mystery sack than literally like pretty much any other item in the game the answer is yes which is why you you make that re-roll any day of the week um and i'm i'm okay with that so this is good i mean look we're learning the whole point of my mod spotlights right is to teach a little bit about the mod and like what you can expect oh this is bad dude about what you can expect from certain you know synergies and things like that um so i'm actually pretty pleased because i've now been able to show off brimstone on this run i've been able to show off soy milk on this run or almond milk i suppose in my eyes they're kind of the same thing what the hell man that was extremely close for comfort why did i take a tears up oh dude my brain is turned off today it is turned off today i'm gonna take a sip of water it is beautiful it is some beautiful water i'm gonna get out of here because i'm gonna die in here if i go much further i've spent 21 minutes on the first like three floors of the game um which is definitely that's a new one for me i could get hit again and then slip into that's fine slip into the uh slip into the thingy the boss trap room do we want to do that seems like honestly pretty low value for us um if there's a i mean i suppose if there's uh oh sure whatever dude let's do it if there's a syringe damage up then this will be worth it um but i honestly have a feeling we'll just die in here i think that this is one of those uh i mean you could celtic cross invincibility maybe once you get hit but i mean it's definitely going to be lord of the whatever and then uh the other guy it's not even worth it like a coat hanger does absolutely nothing for me right there there's no point in doing that so we will go down i am going to grab invincibility um or lost form i suppose i should say it's kind of the opposite of instability but a holy mantle charge for the first room i'm gonna grab that because our hp is definitely a little fricked right now um and then we're gonna head down there's like a zero percent chance we win this run but i'll take my odds um it it seems it seems funky enough to to work for me so bomb right here happy days 10 more cents i got 83 cents man i i gotta find something to do with this money um and it's just i'm dead okay so i'm gonna tell you that one did not work that one did not work you don't don't do what i did don't do what i did but we experienced good stuff um and for that i am i'm quite grateful um i i like the fact that we got to see what high rate of fire looks like as this character uh and that it was pretty fun so now if i get that certificate um i'll take godhead how does that sound probably a pretty low chance to get that certificate on this run um but if it happens it freaking happens it's the alexa experience baby you wouldn't expect uh me to do quite literally anything else so um i'm with it and there's gonna be some guy that came to the channel he's oh tyler this you didn't play optimally thank you thank you by the way um i i kind of thought that taking almond milk was the optimal play but here we are uh so it's good it's good hey i want to promote something real quick i'm probably going to promote this in the next couple of videos so i'm sorry if you are already tired of me talking about it um i have enabled youtube memberships on my youtube channel um and let me explain to you what this is in the simplest of terms um to put it quite bluntly it's a way for me to make a little extra money on youtube right now um i know that i've always said i don't really care about the money on youtube um it would be nice to have a little extra revenue um with just how things are in my life right now um so i enabled youtube memberships basically what these are is if you are used to the twitch subscriber model um over on twitch it's the same thing but on youtube um i'm not gonna be streaming on youtube at all um i'm a twitch partner right i'm still gonna be streaming on on twitch but what the youtube memberships are going to allow you to do um is you'll be able to use some of my emotes that i have over on twitch and then also you know in my discord uh you'll be able to use some of those in the comment section on my youtube videos i think you can also use them on other people's youtube videos sure why not it just get weird um i think you can use them on other people's as well but that that part i'm not as like a hundred percent sure on um it's also relatively cheap to do that part of this um i i can set my own prices which is like actually a really really nice thing to do because twitch um i i can't set the prices for subs it's just whatever twitch uh wants to do for them whereas on youtube i i can set the prices and i actually get a larger cut of the revenue than i do on twitch um which no comment twitch has done some pretty questionable things in the past couple of weeks so i'm i'm starting to uh appreciate the youtube side of things more which is something that i pretty much never thought i would ever say so um beside the point um but yeah it's 299 a month so three dollars a month uh to gain access to emotes you'll also have a little badge next to your name that says that you're a subscriber um or member however you want to think about it uh it's you know it's completely you can do it if you want to if you don't want to do it i'm not forcing you to do it nothing changes from you like if you don't want to pay any money on the channel um it does not impact your viewing experience in any way shape or form uh this is just for people that want to you know support me a little bit more financially and help contribute to me continuing to make content on youtube this is what it's there for i've had people ask me in the past you know how can i help support you uh financially and i say you know i only have ways to do that over on twitch yada yada and they're like i don't use twitch um so then they're stuck right um but yeah there's a 299 which gives you access to emotes there's a 499 which will give you access to the emotes but also give you access to um the private chat in my discord and if you don't know that i have a discord um it's linked in the description you can join my discord it's completely free to join it there's just there's a channel in there that is access twitch subs have access to it it's the same price for twitch subs as it would be for the youtube members um i don't want to discriminate against the people that have been following me on twitch for all this time um just because i decided to make a new thing over on youtube so it's the same price 4.99 to gain access to that and then there's two more tiers but i'm gonna be honest with you i mean this is literally me speaking from my heart those two tiers exist for anybody that literally just wants to do it um i i set up some perks such as like the tier threes will be able to uh gain access to um i'm gonna put their names in my video descriptions because that's a lot of money to be spending on me every month um and then so the tier two is 9.99 a month 10 the tier 3 is 24.99 this is the exact same again pricing model as twitch subs on twitch um i didn't want to make it much different i just wanted to give people the opportunity to do this over on the youtube side um so that's all i want to say about it um if that's something where you're like uh i'm in i want to help out and use emotes in the comments section there's a little join button next to my channel in the like when you look in near the description there's a little join button i'm not sure where it is on mobile i know a lot of you watch on mobile take this why not yeah that's a fun one um i don't know where it is on mobile um but i know that it's you you can do it on your computer um there's a little join button and then and then you click it and yeah you do it it's just that easy um you'll find it i promise um but yeah i don't want it to be like oh he's a sellout he just all he cares about is money um but i i figured it's you know maybe worth it to enable i know a lot of other creators have been enabling it recently uh just because to put it bluntly ad revenue is not exactly great right now um twitch revenue is even worse than the ad revenue so um it's it's a time where creators are kind of looking for other ways to get a little bit of a revenue income um so i'm not making you do anything if you don't want to uh spend any money the alexa experience does not change for you i will still miss tinted rocks and not know where lines go and understand as much as possible um but it's enabled now so if you're interested um in in that in any way you can uh you can do that and thanks in advance i'm gonna go down to the next floor uh there's nothing here for me in fact this this entire uh this entire run is a little bit bl right now but we're gonna turn it around we're gonna turn it around i also definitely lost the devil deal on that floor huh i did not realize that i did um but i i definitely did so that's okay that's okay we'll get one on this floor the problem is dude i kind of wanted to go angel deals on this run um to try to make the godhead thing like happen um even without death certificate which i would put it at about 100 chance that we don't see death certificate on this run i would say um but yeah that's okay what we we also do have the uh a little scary uh we also is it curse of the blind forever like is this just where we're at now is we're going to have curse of the blind for the rest of our damn life because that seems a little excessive i'm going to tell you but um i i'm also good to try to get some gupper items right you know that that would be halfway decent for us to uh get those let's do the curse room and then you can give me some some guppy items unfortunate really but that's okay that's okay we still got the bible the bible i know that like it makes sense just because of moses right but it really does not impact our run in any way shape or form um it's just kind of it exists on this run and if we can find something to do with it in the future cool but right now it exists as free flight for me at some point in time uh and then more importantly being able to kill mom quickly because this run right now it might take a little bit to kill mom um we need a tears up is what we need i think it's just this character is hard i think um this is it's not an easy way to fight your tears because most of your shots don't hit right we also just lost our devil deal because that guy ran into me um on the fortunate again still a 36 chance it's actually gonna probably be a little bit higher um once we get out of this room it'll it'll be 45 i think but let's just go for it nope it'll still be 36 okay so a low chance of a deal right especially if i then get hit right here which i did um one percent chance i'm gonna put it at a pretty low chance that we uh get a deal here if we do then it's a goddamn miracle okay yeah it makes it way harder to get the uh get the double deal i suppose we're now up to a 36 chance again so who's who's laughing now right who's freaking laughing now i'll i'll get you this time how about that you skirt out of the way sir honestly the the knockback drops maybe make this fight harder than it needs to be okay no you freaking but you know what man i'm gonna go for the weirdest play of all time kill me you you kill me i'd i'd rather have the 36 chance at a devil deal and then get it than one life and not getting the deal right so i'll spend the live you know nine nine lives they exist for a reason we we should use them right if i'm not using them then it's a waste to have taken nine lives uh okay kill me th this is i'm telling you this is like my brain is extraordinarily large with this um and you're going he's a freaking idiot because he's not going to get a deal here and have i ever mentioned this boss is like literally a righteous pain in their ass it's a horrible boss but besides the point beside the point again we're we're vibing we're chilling you you'd stay the hell away from me sir you stay the hell away from me i will not deal with your shenanigans okay great incredible bomb high value bomb play very high value bomb play okay it's looking okay is looking okay get rid of one of them get rid of two of them you didn't get the devil deal but you know what um you gave it a a good college try in the end i mean that's all that matters great give give it a good try and see what happens you lost a couple lives so be it right so be it we'll we'll end up spending even more lives on stupider stuff i'm sure uh so it's fine would i rather have a tinted rock or some money the answer is simple i'd rather have the tinted rock although the money would also be useful i will say you know if i find another bomb it might be worth it i forgot this was mere dimension floor okay um i mean we're definitely going to go into the mirror dimension because there's actually a lot of value on this floor two bombs plus we're gonna have more tinted rocks in the mirror dimension um so yeah there's gonna be three tinted rocks that we can still get so minimum three bombs to do that this empress card we'll use to get the boss um or at least make the boss a little bit easier i suppose there's not a guarantee that i beat the boss i could die here and then we would die um twice basically on the same floor i know that we were on like the floor after this one before but effectively the same i would say and that would be not a great look for me today he just ran his body right into the damn uh fire you love to see it sure as hell makes my life easier you stay the heck away from me if i die to these guys it's a brand new freaking low it's a brand new low bombs okay one bomb bombs are just all that means is uh you stay away uh all that bombs mean are tinted rocks we we love seeing bombs as many bombs as we can get in here the happier i am we we've been chilling breathing believing that that's our mantra right now breathing and believing let's fight can he do it without getting hit twice he most likely can because he has a very increased dps from before you stay the hell away from me you little psycho if you can survive that one the second one's not that bad okay one dead the other will be dead momentarily you're dead too what do you got stapler is a big damage up man that's a big damage up i know it looks like it was a damage down that's because we had uh the empress card active it's effectively still a pretty good damage up i am going to actually bomb this because that had potential to give me more bombs back uh instead it did jack all which i i have no comment about that sucks like a lot um and i can't even pay you so we we walk out of here with nothing i mean 16 cents what was in our shop was there bombs for sale in there because if we could do that that that's okay value i guess we didn't even go in here so yeah we do have some value in here uh let's do this it's not what you were looking for is now what you were looking for speed down and then i accidentally donated a penny so i can't buy the soul heart really good plays really good plays let's go down um in case you can tell yes i am broken thanks for asking been a long day it's been a long day okay flooded caves to electric boogaloo you do this you do this you do that you get smacked that way my dude honestly having knockout drops is is pretty good here i i actually kind of like the the knock back ability with it is kind of useful i just wish that it would actually proc more often than what it is and i would really like a devil deal here so let let's not get hit not being able to buy that soul hard on the last floor is going to haunt me and by not being able to i mean you know completely screwing it up is going to haunt me uh this is a room that is so much easier if you can fly so let's get that going you can die you can die you can die you almost died okay maybe flight is making me uh overthink this room a little bit hello sir goodbye sir hello sir goodbye sir see you later we can get in here yo that's pretty good dude that's really good actually you you may lose your devil deal but you know what it's not horrible value get getting uh a tears up for the cost of a devil deal i actually think is is pretty good value you know you you what are you getting from a double deal right probably a stat increase we got a stat increase this way instead ideally you though you still get both right but i'm not gonna pick my battles here goodbye sir you're annoying you're annoying you're annoying we're smacking them around a little bit though this is gonna hurt yep okay good fight good fight you get this you get another boneheart out of it even better even better you got an item room dude our our tier rate is actually like it's kind of spicy though like we we got a barrage of shots going on justice is good now you got two boneheart protection it kinda makes me not wanna do devil deals since it's gonna get rid of these beautiful bone hearts right but i feel like we're uh a little bit too late to do a guaranteed angel right if we decided to do the guaranteed angel it i'm not yeah i don't know i i don't think that's the right play i think you try to get a devil deal to give some kind of item that is um you know like very beneficial to your run like a mark a pact you know some kind of damage increaser this is horrible um i i just literally don't care about that we're i'm not even to pick it up if it wants to show up again just to spite me um then i want it to i genuinely want i want to see it again so i can look it in the eyes and tell it it's trash again okay not that the bible is that much better but i'd rather have the bible can you imagine if this was death certificate like can you imagine the total meme that that would have been if i came in here and death certificate was there that would have been so funny it's insane i would have taken almond milk again i'll be honest with you i i absolutely would have you may wonder like tyler how how can you go through isaac runs with such a a like masochistic approach right like do you just like dying in this video game uh and the answer is like kinda yeah right it's kind of yeah i literally said bloody gus would be great and then we got it um let's do it and then i'll take goat head as well the game like super lagged for a second did you see that what the heck okay very weird um so go ahead's good i mean there's no denying that this is really good i'm gonna keep these uh bone hearts for right now you know spirit of the night was intriguing but i figured the the flight i can give flight with the bible so i'm not gonna sweat that too much oh dude i'll take blood oath i actually think blood oath is pretty good here um because you have the bone hearts as legitimate protection from it so i i think that's not too bad let's just get out of here this is like a a four hour long run today video whatever you want to call it so i i don't need to sit here for the rest of my life playing isaac um let's let's go down let's go down gonna get a decent damage upgrade from blood oath um we we should like definitely think a little bit we should think a little bit about how we want to handle um bevel deals in the future because there there is a part of me that's like you know having a lot of red hearts is going to be a big key to this run you know big key to success on this run because we we walk out with a lot more uh a lot more blood oath damage which in turn is going to give us like a lot more benefit on this run um than probably a double deal would do so the devil deal has to be really good or we can skip it and try to get angel deals but that i mean that actually just won't work because i've already done that right so i also i'm gonna tell you dude i'm gonna take the left hand like i i actually think this is a pretty good i'm gonna pop flight in here because then his shots don't really affect me um i think the left hand is kind of good here we already have one guppy item you know you're looking for soul heart protection with blood oath you know this is a left-hand kind of run and if we can make some good stuff work with it then uh even better i i like this uh barrage of shots that we have right now this is what a a high rate of fire without having uh obviously also we have placenta too which which does obviously add a little bit uh he's cracked dude this was a great fight for me um placenta is is really high value when you have these bone hearts and blood oath going on we like that 100 percent chance of a double deal uh we go ahead we don't need to worry about not getting the deal must not sweat that um this is what whatever um this is plus a red heart container and i can place bombs with half hearts we we like it anyway i mean having the redheart container itself very very high value uh pardon me that was actually kind of impressive you got me we also i love dude by just having blood oath we take damage at the start of the floor and thus we get a tears up right um yeah options is good enough we we like options here we we also just healed a little bit even better trying to make sure we don't accidentally lose the bone heart um this bone heart is is really really dude look at the shots right now dude this is kind of nutty the amount of uh tears we got this is only six rate of fire now i say only like you know six rate of fire is still a lot but you know we can get more bloody gust will allow us to get even even higher with this so we we got some good damage output damage isn't really the problem on this one you know and the thing is as we get hp our damage scales with hp so we we really have a we've got a good little engine going on here we definitely did not need wishbone i'm not upset about the more options there's options it's options we got options whatever the hell it's called doing that i don't care about that okay so far kinda so good take the pill relax okay just keep her going do not get hit in here that would really put a damper on my day to lose boneheart to these sons of guns pop this pretty bad i'll fight i'm i'm not concerned about not taking damage in here i i will not take damage in here i took damage in here i'm i'm a dumbass i really am i really am this is not a good look for me it is not a good look this is where you would like to see some hp this is not hp krampus this is actually a great time for krampus uh lump of coal is insane value for us um i i probably would not take krampus head i would keep the bible luckily we don't have to make that decision okay i like lump of coal here a lot um does it synergize the way i want it to though which is the shots just get stronger the more i hold them i think the answer to that is no um okay let let's let's do the curse room just because we're we're still looking for guppy items right you know guppy would bring this run to an insane point i mean look we're happy with that too that's a plus 1.16 damage we're good with that we're good with that let's get out of here um i i don't think there's much else for me to see i mean we i'm dumb we we could do this room i do let's do this room right okay good good room good room and then we'll leave i'm i'm happy leaving uh we spent 23 minutes so far obviously we've also spent um like 25 minutes for the first run of the day but 50 minute video so far we vibing we vibing now you definitely do not want to get hit right and any opportunities for hp you take don't we have an hp uphill in the rotation or is that from the last run that i am forgetting i don't know i i honestly don't remember um because it would be sick if an hp up pill existed um and we had potential to get some pills to to do some of this for us guppy guppy not guppy but a lot of protection we're we're good with that i i think that this is uh to put it bluntly this is the most like moses run we can do right i think that the key to moses is a decently high rate of fire you know get a couple of good fun synergies and then just let it rip you know i would love to see one more good fun synergy on this run unicorn horn is not it unfortunately while while it could be useful for us i'm gonna roll the bible um insta kill mom here in a second would make me uh quite happy probably should have taken the giga pill especially because i think it was a luck up so that would have been a pretty sizable look up don't know what that card was probably was more useful than what i picked up especially if it allowed me to teleport out of this fight but i'm not gonna lose too much sleep over it i could do the beast fight today i i haven't done that in so long man what would make this run a little bit shorter if you're tired of listening to me um i dude i kind of want all that though i kind of want to play this too but you want to get weird is this what weird looks like because i i think this is definitely like a stupid idea that we could do this would have been a great time for health up health up okay so now we got a chance for an angel deal on this floor at least i think i guess i don't really know how that works in nature that's still something i don't fully understand is all the ins and outs of devil deal chances in in this game this room sucks i would love if this was the uh i'm just gonna bomb out of here i know that this is like you know easy room um i hate that room so we just say no to it about uh i think this is just pardon me i didn't have a bomb to spend i spent a bomb because i have half a heart okay uh do do this again because this is chance for a teleport curse of the tower sure that's fine um [Music] we would love to play that one more time but we don't have the hp to do so at the current moment in time do not spend the bomb either because you don't have one i came in here again you know what here's how we're gonna do it i'm absolutely furious i'm gonna tell you i'm absolutely furious that sucks a lot that sucks a lot um i'm mad i'm gonna go kill myself on the self-sacrifice room because again you got nine lives for a reason is to use them so i'm i'm more than happy to to get a little weird in here we'll do that opened up the secret room that's nice we'll do that now i got 30 coins i can spend inside of the uh shop tell me who who the loser is now huh tell me who it is that's right is me um take these shop contains what yeah we take this what what the hell is is tainted moon teleports you to the ultra secret room that's like pretty good value i would say um we like the ultra secret room range up double range up i love the golden pill here full health sure i'm excited full health uh telepills automatically got super weird in there we can keep popping it we got a health up out of it so in my eyes that's candy um buy this and then send me to the ultra secret room so we gain flight um i'm gonna tell you i i'm not like in love with it you know of all the items you could have gotten obviously you could have gotten godhead right could have gotten godhead and we're already back here that was a really really fast little uh ultra secret room okay um let's leave right let's leave there's no reason to stick around here um we'll fight the emperor we're gonna probably just like immediately you can do that um we're gonna like immediately pop that on the next floor uh i will take the negative we'll do the dark room it's a guppy item obviously a little unfortunate right with the guppy item because uh you lose out on a blood oath heart right here which which sucks a little bit okay that's gonna be horrible by the way like that that's gonna suck why we popped and i'm excited bill at some point that was part of our fun uh fun golden pill that we had very very fun we would prefer to not have to deal with that but alas here we are uh good fight you're dead marbles give me a good drinking and i'll drop the one i got uh i don't think any of these are good and then i'll come in here not a guppy item would bring us one step closer to bookworm but again we don't care uh we go down okay honestly uh best floor yet we loved it good good happy experience those troll bombs can can eat my butt man i i hate him i hate him i i think we're probably dead if if we're being realistic about the scenario at hand we are gonna get an extra soul heart here momentarily i suppose we also still have a life which is pretty good give me my soul heart i should have opened the red chest uh dude the belt is pretty good you know you got a little bit of a speed up but i i think the belt basically takes care of your speed for the rest of the run i feel like this is like the eighth time i fought this dude uh today in this episode it's the bloat okay yeah it's the bloat and we were you know tossing him around which was a little interesting if you can kill him quickly you kill him quickly okay happy days happy days grab this and leave and just stay the hell away from those troll bombs man because they're they're gonna every time you go in there they're gonna want you experimental pills shot speed up speed down pretty much like the worst pill of all time short of a damage down tears downhill luckily those don't really exist but i'm sure we could find a way to the to pop one just give me another golden pill i'll keep popping it there's no doubt about that in my mind hello sir we can't even do hush so don't don't give me steam sill or i'm gonna get a little upset with you my friend we we cannot make any use out of that even the money i can't really make use out of a normal secret room would have been a little bit more value i accidentally picked up the penny i definitely thought that i didn't moon what do we do with the moon i don't know we we pop it maybe next floor and a chance to get closer to uh a boss fight we are going to shield by the way that's important to keep in mind um as we opted for damage over uh going to the chest a difficult decision sometimes for sure free crawl space though okay what do you got i could mess around in a crawl space man okay it's useless fair enough how about we not mess around at all i'll just i'll just get back on my merry way half a dude i swear to god i am hitting the thing i want that one i definitely know i didn't but i'm i'm trying to get the soul hearts man okay hate this room hate those little guys a lot take this go in pop goodbye give me a guppy item guppy guppy guppy guppy no guppy no guppy and honestly no reason to take any of this it's just not good enough um goodbye we go down i'll pop the moon immediately in the hopes it can bring us um ever so slightly closer don't really want to deal with you my friend there is nothing he can provide me that i care about um also just died so that's fair uh we'll do it it's worth definitely worth don't go into the sea room because you don't need to fight that guy right don't don't pop uh freaking pills inside of a fight like i'm doing right now again it's the masochism part of me just just makes for an interesting experience love getting the paralysis pill and seeing what happens uh part of my my joy it's smoked we still can't stack that many shots like i'm pardon me i'm talking uh like you when you hold down to to get that's bad when you hold down to get the shots going you you can only get so many oh this room is horrible thank you uh beautiful curse of the tower something that i know most people would never ever say uh we are dude i mean we're a hit from death for sure we're in a really spicy scenario it is very easy for me to die i he ran right into me um dude look some strange runs today some very strange runs uh my brain is out of it anyway so i'm not surprised we lost we'll come back stronger next time that's been the moses character though very interesting character a fun way to shoot and i'm looking forward to see what they do next with him because i know it's still kind of a work in progress so there may be some more fun interactions and things coming thanks so much for watching as always liking the video much appreciate the next one have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 12,833
Rating: 4.646409 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, isaac, the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac gameplay, mod, the binding of isaac español, isaac cadaver, cadaver mod, isaac repentance, binding of isaac repentance, cadaver, isaac afterbirth plus, isaac mod, cadaver mod repentance, isaac eternal mod, moses mod, moses isaac mod, isaac moses character
Id: UtMbVxGPXx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 59sec (3779 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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